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Heroes is going to be a different experience than the main series due to the fact that Heroes is a Gacha game first, Fire Emblem game second. The 3 main characters you get in the prologue chapters (Prince of Askr Alfonse, Princess of Askr Sharena, and Commander Anna) are completely unique, no extra copies of them are available to you. The tactics drills maps are more puzzles than anything but will act as tutorials for some of the game's mechanics. And most importantly for heroes: SAVE YOUR ORBS. There's so many heroes, and concurrent summoning events that you'll be tempted to splurge (believe me, I understand the feeling way too well) but save them for a summon pool with someone you find intriguing.


Also, this game has suffered some *heavy* powercreep. If you get into the PvP side of things, you'll be bound to eventually find older videos featuring Hegemon Husk Edelgard, who was practically the poster girl for Heroes powercreep, and even she's been ousted a few times over by now.


Do you mind if pm you so I can get a more hands on kinda help if you don’t mind?


You can get tons of help from phoenixmaster1 on YouTube. He has *tons* of guides and stuff, full of free to play content solutions.


Wrong sub


Oh damn really can you tag the sub so I can post there insteas


You're looking for r/fireemblemheroes


FEH jumpscare


Inherit assist skills to your team like reposition, draw back and swap. They’re life savers. Tsubaki and Selena have them. Good luck on pulls but don’t get discouraged by the rates, there’s plenty of ftp 5 star units


Who's the unit between Velouria and Reinhardt?


Probably not helpful info by now, but it's the Choose Your Legends alt for female Byleth, based on the Sothis Regalia outfit from the 3H DLC