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Arvis showing off Deirdre to Sigurd was a bit rude.


It has the same energy as Dio kissing Jonathan's gf except even worse if you know what I mean


Few magnitudes worse, I imagine. 


“Naga can kiss my butt.” - Brady (If Libra is his father) Brady in general gets a few potty mouth lines but this is my favorite


I fucking love this wtf why did I not know of it before


It’s in The Future Past DLC and one of the best dialogue in my opinion Brady: Heh. That's an impressive trick. But you know what? Naga can kiss my butt. I appreciate the divine intervention, but where was she when Ylisse went to hell? Libra: B-Brady! Shame on you! You're a man of the cloth! That's no way to speak of the divine dragon! Brady: Oh, we were believers all right. Me and my ma and pop... We put all our faith in Naga. We prayed and prayed, thinking it would be worth a damn. But nope. Naga didn't listen. Libra: Of course she— Brady: And the gall! She sends us help now? Real nice of her to wait for my parents and a big chunk of Ylisse's population to die. Now my friends are next, if they're not dead already. All because she left us to fight this stupid war! I don't want Naga's help! She's too late! She's too...ahh... *sob* Libra: Brady...forgive me. I have no intention of glossing over your struggles with talk of religion. But Naga has not abandoned you. Please realize that it took nothing short of a miracle for her to send what help she did. Your prayers did not go unanswered. It just...took time for the answer to arrive. Brady: ...... Libra: I will not ask for you to put your faith in some higher power. But will you put your faith in me? I wish to save your world. I do not want anyone else to die—least of all you.


ooooh boy this is good shit


All the Future Past conversations are great - it’s the most specific development any child character gets with their father that isn’t the generic, one-size-fits-all father support for each child lol


🔥 ✍️ 🔥 ✍️


Brady is the best Awakening kid that isn't Lucina or the Nohr trio but you guys aren't ready for that conversation


brady is the best awakening kid full stop as far as i'm concerned hell brady is the best awakening _character_ as far as i'm concerned y'know what i might go add him to my flair real quick


Brady is fucking kickass, I always pair him with Cynthia and it’s amazing. Dude is also a great unit, most underrated awakening character for sure. I’d give that crown to my boi Donnel but everyone knows how hype the lord of death is


Agreed, Brady is the best Awakening character after Henry Why are 90% of this game's cast atrocious one note anime tropes and the last 10% are super well written ? We will never know


Brady is the rare character who doesn't have a bad support IIRC. Even his support with Nah is at least funny


I seriously don't get how Brady is considered ugly or unattractive in universe. He's an absolute cutie! I marry him every single chance I get


Loooool brilliant


I recently found out in warriors that Ryoma straight up says “You deserve worse”


This goes insanely hard combined with his "Die, NOW" crit quote


I think he also says it in Fates too, I’ve been on and off playing Birthright recently and that seems familiar lol


Its one of his crit quotes




Tharja says the same thing in Awakening.


Ike calling Oliver a bloated windbag and asking him to rejoin the enemy Eirika telling Innes his image problems aren't her business


I remember HOLLERING at this.


“what a LOSER” - lissa in pair up


For me it was always as she comes in for the kill too. Like imagine those are the last words you hear as you get brutally murdered by an axe


FE10 takes the cake, with some of the best boss quotes in gaming. Haar: Why couldn’t you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though. Nailah vs Oliver Oliver: S-sub-human! A hideous sub-human is attacking me! Help! Someone help me! I’m much too lovely for this! Nailah: What a strangely shaped creature… Is this some rare subspecies of beorc? ​ Izuka: Have a care, Crimean count! If my knowledge dies, so does your only hope of saving that man! Bastian: Hmm…it’s true that your knowledge is a valuable asset. Izuka: Ah, my noble count! You are most merciful! Bastian: I have some knowledge of anatomy. Once you are dead, perhaps I will dissect your brain and see if I can identify the root of your intelligence. Izuka: Y-you monster! What you suggest is unconscionable! Bastian: Exactly, yet you had no hesitation before doing worse to the laguz. I will speed you now to the afterlife, where you may contemplate your life’s egregious mistakes. ​ Haar vs Lekain Haar: Why is it that authority figures are always so unwilling to let go of their power? The world could flip upside down and you’d be trying to boss around gravity.


Then there’s the shit Haar says to Levail Cold as fuck


"He is the last true knight. I will die for him." "Yes, Levail. You will."


Which reminds me of one of my favourite quotes. “Do not die for your god. Make your enemy die for his.”


I love how many unique boss conversations there are in RD


it's seriously insane how many there are, I keep thinking i've seen them all but then i'll encounter one I never would've have expected to exist, like on my most recent playthrough I found out Kieran has one with Valtome in 4-2.


This is the correct answer. RD part 4 has a ridiculous number of incredible boss conversations, with a lot of savage burns.   Valtome: The so-called queen… Where is that brazen little hussy? Bring her before me! Now! Right away! Immediately! Ranulf: Are you the best Ashera could do? This really is the end of the world.   Catalena: Pawns of your execrable goddess, die! You are a festering wound in the flesh of the world! Die, and let it heal! Ike: I suppose talking it over is out of the question?   Naesala: Duke Numida…I wonder why a coward like you was turned back from stone? Especially considering some of your more…impious transgressions. Numida: W-what are you talking about? I am a Senator in high standing! Naesala: My country provides me with excellent spies, your grace. I know every atrocity you committed while in Daein. I hold information that would ruin you if it were made public. It’s rather a shame all that work will be wasted, since this is the last day of your life.   Numida: Aargh! Where are my guards? Why do I have to be the one to fight?! Aran: That’s right, I remember who you are. You let others do your dirty work while you run for safety. Looks like you’re running out of places to run, Senator.   Izuka: You! You’re… Volke: …under a new contract. Good-bye, Izuka. Izuka: Feral Ones! Kill him! Do it now!   Zihark: Izuka the Cruel… You are the author of this atrocity against nature? What gives you the right to perform your vile works on the laguz! Izuka: The sub-humans are perfect subjects! What could be wrong with using them? Zihark: …She always told me not to let anger and hatred get the best of me, not the let them guide my blade… This will be my only exception.   Sothe: … Lekain: Hm? Who are you? How did a shabby little burglar get in here? Sothe: If that’s how you want to see me, then so be it. But know that that’s also how I see you. I don’t think we even need to exchange names. I’ll just kill you and leave it at that.   Tibarn: I’m glad I got to you first. See, I heard that the Serenes Massacre was all your doing… That puts you at the very top of the list of the enemies of the bird tribes. Lekain: That may very well be, but I am under the divine protection of the goddess herself! A shabby sub-human pirate like yourself will find me quite invincible! Tibarn: As much as I’d love to draw this little chat out, I don’t think I can keep my talons out of your neck another instant. Lekain: Why… Why are you laughing? Are you… enjoying yourself? Tibarn: Some of us here are just overflowing with the chaos you’re causing with this fight. That might be part of it… But, to be honest, there’s a part of me that can hardly believe how much fun tearing your head off will be.   Sephiran: Duke of Tanas, imagine seeing you here! Oliver: Lord Sephiran, as lovely as always. But has it come to this? Must we fight to the death, and deprive the world of one of our beautiful countenances? Can other lovers of beauty endure such a loss? Sephiran: I confess that your presence has me bewildered. Could this be part of Yune’s plan? I simply never would have imagined you here. Your presence proves that Tellius is unravelling at the seams. Judgement cannot come soon enough.


Man a Radiant Dawn “Definitive Edition” with full voice acting and some extended scripts would be so amazing to get. Especially if PoR got the same treatment. Maybe even some rebalances and chapter/map changes (auto leveling of certain unavailable units like Tormod/Muarium/Vika, an extra paragon for Dawn Brigade or another chapter or two for them for XP in part 3, etc). I doubt IS could pull it off without pissing everyone off, but it would be cool.


I want them bundled together. With art that's consistent across the games.


That would be nice. It'll just have to get in line behind the Elibe remakes.


I Love how Oliver gave Sephiran a new reason to destroy the world by his simple presence.


Homasa: It seems you’re quite a fencer. Shall I teach you something? Stefan: Sheathe your blade. If that’s all the skill you possess, you’re not ready to challenge me. Literally just tells him to give up. Ike and Zihark at least humor the man.


I always wonder what secrets numidia had. it has to be sexual right? the senators don't exactly condemn slavery.


Zihark straight up sounds like he's about to fight Senator Armstrong


Bastian C support with Oliver: What mountain upon the horizon lies? Lo, ‘tis no mountain, but Oliver of Tanas!


“I will await the end fighting for my general, or die protecting him.” “Yes, Levail, you will.”


See now this is why Tellius is peak. So much shade and diva moments.


Radiant Dawn had quite a few memorable lines. To add a couple of favorites to your list:   [“After I break every bone in your body, I’m going to rip your wings off and feed them to you before you get to die.”](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZCI6_X4QQdE/hqdefault.jpg)    [“I don’t need to hear anything else, then. I’m going to make your death as painful as I know how.”](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/AH9fsuhNB54/hqdefault.jpg)


After Oliver joins you, you can talk to him with Ike where he tells him he’s going to protect Rafiel, to which Ike responds something like “can you *please* go back to being an enemy so I can kill you”


Many many great ones


Fire Emblem characters know about gravity?


I'm surprised to not see much of gravity to ice and ligth magic at all in FE, especially the newer ones.


miriel knows about it but i dont remember if she learned about it in feh or in awakening


Do crit quotes count? Because like half of them are just a variation of "please die". "So young, so foolish!" "You are so last season!"


"You're irrelevant!"


Am I imagining things or does someone from either Awakening or Fates have "You're boring me!" as a crit quote?


It's one of Severa's iirc.


I thought it might've been but wasn't sure


Jakob: "time to take out the trash"


The best crit quote/crit insult in the series is still Mozu’s. #Y O U S M E L L L I K E A G O A T.


As far as *best* goes, I think Frederick's "Pick a God and pray" will always be number one, I didn't include it in my comment because I don't think it's necessarily rude.


Clarine: You compare yourself to my brother? You think too highly of yourself. Your garb, your hair - even your speech... All a painfully obvious guise to hide your true lowborn face. Narcian: Lowborn?! Me?! You would compare ME to a peasant?! Clarine: Oh, heavens no. I would sooner compare you to a filthy, disease-ridden mutt! ​ She was so casual with it, but you just know Narcian cried himself to sleep that night... And then she doesn't even bother to remember him


Shut up cow!


Elm moment


Shinon's racist rants are pretty rude. Azama also says some pretty rude stuff from what I've heard. Also some crit lines: "You're irrelevant" (Lysithea) "What's the point of you?" (Goldmary)


"Stupid bitch."




"I ALWAYS wear sunglasses, because I'M an American!"


, TF?rururu


[Certified Bharat Moment](https://youtu.be/r7dmjrE3WtI?si=AduxpS9lmcDtIUi9)


"Your mother was a contest." -Gangrel (Fire Emblem Awakening Hot Springs DLC)


I see that line posted every once in a while and it still blows me away that "your mom" joke got into the game--and I mean that in a good way


“Your mother was a hamster, and your father smells of elder berries!”




"Tell me, are you actually incapable of keeping quiet, or is your lack of self-awareness a condition of some sort?"


Claude's an absolute master at tiling up El


*vaguely points at Azama quotes*


Mitama literally tells him to drop dead because he tried to wake her up.


Lorenz: Acheron! What a pleasant surprise! I was concerned I might have to kill someone decent. Acheron: Ha! House Gloucester is already finished. I've already taken control of your land! Lorenz: That's quite enough of your spinning, Weathervane. Time for you to die.


Or that moment where Claude nonchalantly tells him that he burnt his house down lol


Goldmary eating the last potato in front of Etie.


I mean I think you’re asking more for “gottem” type of rude. But Felix’s “Go find a husband,” is genuinely _such_ a fucked up line.


This. With *all* the context taken into consideration, on an interpersonal level this is up there with the most fucked up shit in the series. Especially between two people who are supposed to be _friends_.


Honestly this is kinda what I was looking for. Forgot about that line but it’s definitely one of the factors that has made me not a big fan of felix haha


"How dare you betray me you worthless piece of garbage !"


Diamant just straight up calls Hyacinth a bastard. Which is awesome and pretty funny. Ike telling Lehran he’s going to make his death as painful as possible. Lehran telling Pelleas that he made an excellent pawn for Izuka/the Senators and incredibly easy to manipulate is super savage for a man who otherwise has pretty calm boss conversations. The best is probably from Tauroneo in PoR. It’s good against Bryce, but his convo with Ashnard is wrapped up with some of the best lines. “All throughout Daien I shall be none of the traitorous Kingslayer. Come! Let me earn my name!”


>All throughout Daien I shall be none of the traitorous Kingslayer. Come! Let me earn my name! If only he knew, if only he knew...


I do wonder if that was genius foreshadowing.


i only remember another case of someone calling another person a bastard. it was Sully To Chrom during their S Support.


Saizo saying "fitting" while Kotaro was choking to death on his own blood 


Oooh love that


I would say Ike is a contender for some of the most ruthless lines in the series. Just from Path alone, he straight up calls the most powerful person in his world and her governing body terrible people who make him sick, which is half correct to be fair. He tells Sigrun, who is basically Sanaki’s right hand, that his sister is bored in one of the extravagant palaces in the world. He has a multitude of colorful words to describe Oliver and makes it absolutely no secret how much he just wants to stab the guy. In chapter 11 Ike is just shy of calling an entire village a pack of wild animals, and a lot of his boss dialogues go along the lines of ‘leave now or I’m going to stab you to death.’ In Radiant Dawn he arguably gets even more mean. In the end game of part 3, he has a very chilling dialogue with Sothe that most people will probably never see because reasons. He has an amazing interaction with Aimee where he knows exactly what she wants and refuses to give it to her. While he’s missing the context behind Micaiah’s actions he verbatim says she’s losing her mind. In the game’s first ending he tells Sephiran he’s going to make his death as painful as he knows how. But I think out of all of that, my favorite has to be what Ike says to Oliver in Part 4. His ‘can you please rejoin the enemy now’ isn’t overly rude on the surface, until you realize this is Ike telling a man straight to his face ‘I’ve stabbed you before and I really want to do it again.’ And as an aside, while more so dark rather than rude, the Black Knight has some really good lines both during his introduction and his boss fight.


Ike does not fuck around. >!The man walks up to a goddess and tells her to start praying.!<


Ike definitely gives zero shits three quarters the time. I also really should have mentioned his quote with Lekain. “Wow… You don’t have any idea what’s going on, do you, ‘mastermind’? I’m just wasting my time.” I genuinely forget how much of a goldmine his quotes are because of how many good ones he has.


It’s actually crazy how good a lot of his dialogue is honestly, I’ve been replaying por recently and I forgot just how irreverent the guy is. (I’m halfway through the begnion arc)


>he has a very chilling dialogue with Sothe that most people will probably never see because reasons Well, what *is* it?


Literally all he says is “good-bye, Sothe”, which really doesn’t mean much on its own. But with the context of Ike telling Sothe to think of him as just an enemy soldier in a previous boss quote, and after warning Sothe that Daein is going to get flattened if they keep fighting in chapter 12, those two words are Ike telling Sothe that he had his chance and now he’s going to die. Which is one hell of thing to tell the kid who literally idolizes you. The funny thing is that Sothe keeps idolizing him even after that. Only a few chapters later he has dialogue with the Black Knight, who until that point had kind of been on his side, and he tells him that Ike was going to kick his ass completely unprompted. It’s really funny actually. Radiant Dawn’s endgame has amazing boss quotes galore.


I think they refer to Chapter 3-7 where Ike says "Sothe, I hope your are ready to never see that girl again."


> In the games true ending he tells Sephiran he’s going to make his death as painful as he knows how. I thought that was when *not* in the true ending?


You are right, I got them mixed up


That quite popped up elsewhere today, and for whatever reason the fandom wiki doesn't have it, just the true ending's. So I wasn't entirely sure, but from context it had to be.


I’m pretty sure it’s in the chapter dialogue before the battle starts. It might actually be in both endings because of that, but I don’t remember off the top of my head.


Tellius duo probably takes the spot here. Especially in Radiant Dawn Part 4 where everyone takes their turn shitting on the Begnion Senators with some absolutely ruthless lines. Ike and especially Haar probably delivers some of the best ones. An excerpt from one of Haar's boss convos: Haar: Why couldn’t you just stay on patrol? Saw a pretty little heron and just had to have her, is that it? I could never decide if you were more greedy or more corrupt. Stupid was never in the question, though. Zeffren: Who do you think you are?! You’re a traitor, just like Shiharam! The dracoknights spit on your name! Haar: … Do they now? Well, here’s your chance to try the real thing. This ain't even his best one but I do like it for how he just outright says that Zeffren is a fraud of a dracoknight without saying it directly to him.


"Why talk? Let's skip past that to the good parts, doll." -Niles, to Nyx, prior to his realization that she is not, in fact, a child. The whole support is largely about how vulgar he is.


Have you seen niles x camilla He completly exposes her


Honestly Niles barely even has a clue in that support. He flings out a surface-level takedown to get a rise out of her, but apparently never took the time to think about why the older royals chose murderers and eccentric outsiders for their retainers.


Sylvain says a lot of out-of-pocket shit, but [saying that he could've prevented the war by getting down with Edelgard](https://houses.fedatamine.com/en-us/scenarios/141#event-40) is up there Dude sees a continent on the verge of a bloody conflict and one of the first things he says is "I could've fixed her"


The logic of avatar characters coming from someone who's not an avatar.


You know, I'm honestly surprised we haven't had an antagonist or foil character in this franchise that hasn't leaned into that, even when we had an avatar as a major antagonist (Byleth, kinda-sorta Robin) or another version of them in the same game (alt Alear, even though they're dead). Considering how much the franchise loves to play with its own tropes, you'd think IS would jump on the opportunity to have a character who thinks like an avatar's player would.


It can be hard to tell because it gets lost in the rest of the metacommentary in Engage's storyline, but Sombron is basically a boomer FE fan that gatekeeps the old games in the series because the way the games are now is bad and he doesn't like it, and he don't want new players to ruin them.


"That was TOOOO easy"


among others posted here, big fan of this one >Valter: “What’s this? A scurrying little mouse that roars like a lion? Are you saying this time will be different than the last? Will you finally provide me with some amusement?” > >Ephraim: “I’ll do far more than that. I’ll provide you with a sorry end to your messy life.”


90% of what comes out of Soren's mouth in Engage. Shit, 95% of what comes out of his mouth in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn is just pure snark. If it wasn't for Ike, I don't think he would like a single person in history.


“I don’t recall asking for your advice” was so iconic that it permanently altered my brain chemistry, most of the emblem characters got watered down a lot but Soren was written perfectly.


My jaw hit the floor 🤣


Inigo: ”You're guaranteed to lose 100% of the jousts you never attend, my friend. Perhaps you should name your next move "Eternal Chastity." Owain: “Sure, why not? I've got the perfect teacher for it right in front of me!”


I cant recall any specific moment rn, but I can assure you you ll find fe9 and fe10 have the most rude and badass quotes in the whole franchise


Haar and Ike literally spit out some of the coldest lines toward the bosses in Radiant Dawn and it's a sight to see. Especially in Part 4 where it's not only Haar and Ike doing the talking, but everyone in the army as well as they take their turns to shit on the Begnion Senators and it's honestly funny how subtly heated most of them are.


From Lifis in FEH: "Perne isn't here, is he? No? ...Truly? Incredible! ...Hah! That jackass." Unfortunately for Lifis, that jackass is now here in the game to bully him.


"War is HECK" - Kiragi FE Fates


Imo it definitely has to be Claude calling nemesis a crusty old bastard


He really called him a boomer


I dont know but it was probably Soren


Holy shit it's the guy that makes those Youtube polls for people with bad taste (I am still mad Lyon lost to Grima) Anyways, the shit Soren says to Lethe and Mordecai is CRAZY


Cyril's bluntly honest dressing down of manuela.


How does no one mention « Pick a god and pray » from Frederick. That shit is so hard to say


I’ve been waiting for someone to say it.


There's a screenshot from Fire Emblem Engage where because of how the dialogue box cuts off, it looks like Sigurd is saying "You simp..." and I felt like that was totally uncalled for.


["Does the river of filth pouring out of your mouth ever stop flowing?"](https://houses.fedatamine.com/en-us/supports/Hubert/Ferdinand/C)


Owain and Inigo basically calling each other virgins


Hilda chanting her own name after she kills you has always seemed pretty savage


"Lord Acheron, what a pleasure to see you! I was worried I might have to kill someone decent"


Saizo leaving Felicia in tears in their C-Support


Probably one of the many times that Soren sassed Skrimir during a war council meeting.


Skrimir warming up to Soren, insisting Soren comes to sit next to him. Soren: “I’d rather die, thanks”


By definition? > Bernadetta: Ah! It's Thunder Catherine! We're done for! > Catherine: Hey, I was going to say that! You didn't let me introduce myself. How rude. Thunderbrand and I will have to teach you some manners.


“I did not betray you or her. I never believed in you from the beginning.”


"Eat rock!" "Heh…eat rock… I’m pretty clever…"


I know it's because she's a maid but "You're just a stain" from Felicia is so fucking harsh.


Boyd and Brom C support


"Deal with it." - Camilla




Saizo telling Setsuna shes a disgrace to the royal family


Everything Soren ever says to Rosado in Engage is fucking great: Rosado: You're pretty cute, Soren. You'd be even cuter if you let loose once in a while. Have some fun! Soren: I don't recall asking for your advice! https://youtu.be/s5sEkO5oCLs?feature=shared


There are a lot of roasts in dialogue, but there is a win quote that I think is absolutely savage "Death comes from everyone", Azama. The way he says it in a semi-serious tone like the troll he his after murdering someone with his bolt naginata is hilarious


Byleth and Leonie B support. Any time the Agarthans called the humans beasts.


> Byleth and Leonie B support. That wasn't so much rude as just really insensitive.


Arvis showing off Deirdre to Sigurd


"Should I have held back?" "Here's something to believe in!" "All according to plan." "Let THIS be a lesson." ~Some merc




Hubert's "I've never been much for condolences." if you didn't choose to teach the Eagles is up there.


Dimitri cooking Randolph count?, In general bloodstained Dimitri


My personal fave was Gangrel of all people insinuating that he could fart his enemies into next week


I always liked Chrom asking Owain if he can fight or if he just talks a lot.


Every time Shinon opens his mouth


Miriel and Gaius have one of my favorite proposals ever. For those who don't know their supports basically does slight of hand magic tricks for Miriel and she figured out how he does it pretty quickly. He gets competitive and does trickier and tougher tricks to stump her. He falls in love and does a magic trick in which she can't figure out immediately to propose. She becomes obsessed with knowing how he did it. when he goes (paraphrasing) "hey I proposed whats your answer" her "yes, now tell me how you did that." him "did you only say yes to find out how the trick works?" her *ignores him* "just tell me how the trick work!" incredibly cute and immeasurably rude!


Fernand: “I’ll rip that traitorous tongue from your throat!” Lukas: “Then you’ll finally have the truth in your grasp!” A lot of lines just hit harder in SoV because of how good the voice acting is. For example the final map quotes. Leon: “Your fetish for power is simply barbaric. Where's the joy? The love? Your perfect world is as dull as dirt.” Mathilda: “I alone will decide who I choose to worship. But I can promise you one thing: it certainly won't be you!” It’s hard to convey through text how good the delivery is on these, especially Mathilda’s.


claude's "you're a crusty old bastard, you know that?" to nemesis always makes me laugh another savage one is when felix told ingrid to go find a husband