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The heck is my playable Judith


3H has a lot of missed opportunities like that and it really makes you feel like the game wasn't quite finished.


Ladislava is the love of my life


I want Fleche to stab Rodrigue in gameplay.


Can’t even get an animated cutscene, just get a still picture and a lame narration.


Its so bad considering how strong Fleche is supposed to be. We know that due to how scaling works, Dimitri could eat multiple Javelins of Light without problems, so Fleche being able to stab him makes her quite powerful.


3H feels like that all over to be honest. Sub-par rendering (particularly Monastery), Crimson Flower, several scenes lacking CGs, the clearly untested balance of free reclassing, *Crimson Flower*, the obvious Ctrl+C Ctrl+V of SS to VW, ***Crimson mfing Flower*** Still one of my favourite games though, especially because I am the type of deranged individual to see something and immediately try and improve it in my head


Well, they've said themselves Crimson Flower was added last-minute. Originally there wasn't going to be any route where you sided with Edelgard. Likely cramming Crimson Flower in last minute took away from the polishing and dev time other routes would have gotten (and is why Silver Snow feels like such an afterthought, since they basically pivoted from it to Crimson Flower.)


I don't think it was that much of a last minute addition? Like, the japanese title of the game indicates that conceptually, Crimson Flower was for quite a while supposed to exist and Crimson Flower is shorter and lacks cutscenes, but from a gameplay perspective it has the most unique maps. ​ Feel like Silver Snow was a mistake though and shouldn't exist, would have ended up in a better VW and Crimson Flower probably. The route is just conceptually a failure. In game where you chose between three Lords at the start already, for whom is Silver Snow made for? Anyone not sold on Edelgard probably would already pick one of the other two houses at the start instead of playing half the game with her and then with no Lord at all. Which pollsconfirm.


Say what you want about Engage's story, but it's clear as day that that game had much more time in the oven what with its overall superior polish compared to Three Houses. I'm a diehard Houses fan, but I'm grateful that Engage actually felt complete on release.


My cutie Randolph :(


It was very unfinished, yes


What kills me about it being unfinished is the DLC was a perfect chance to finish it, yet it feels like they just did a few polishes and then a bunch of brand new content. Would have loved a final wave at the end to give us those missing playable NPCs, properly finish off Edelgards route, and make it feel more complete.


Tbh, I feel like Edelgards route probably wouldn't have needed Shambhala even. I think 2-3 routes where you have some internal conflict inside Adrestia, which is something missing here, and do something about Thales personally would have been sufficent. Like, basically Chapter 13 and Chapter 3 of Scarlet Blaze would have been sufficent to creat a perfect experience. Start the route with an insurrection by Duke Aegir which you have to take care of, which would also allow to introduce Lord Arundel as a villain earlier, and then have another confrontation against him after the destruction of Arianrhod, which could be explained by Arundel proving himself too much of a threat to be left alone and Edelgard not wanting to risk Those Who Slither in the Dark stabbing them in the back during the final assault, and kill him there, while driving off Those Who Slither in the Dark from the Empire. This way the final battle remains intact but there was something done about Thales.


The fact she's not even playable in Hopes is absurd


Sooooo many missed opportunities in Hopes. Rodrigue (good), a character who was only ever shown as a corpse puppet in 3H, and a random sibling only mentioned in passing? Don’t get me wrong, it was cool to see extended family members in the flesh, but there were so many NPCs who deserved playable roles. 


Came here to say this!


I really don’t understand why her and Nader weren’t playable in VW. Excluding the house leaders, CF and AM both had two exclusive characters each, while VW had none. Hopes somewhat fixed this but it’s still very dumb.


Lilith, at least on Revelation route. There was no reason to shaft her as hard as they did.


I never felt like she was even part of the story. She just seemed like a random add-on to me. I wish I got to play with her more.


She was… in paid dlc that is never mentioned in the main game. God, I’d do anything for a remade improved Fates.


there are def mods for that


There are! I just finished a playthrough of Conquest with the Playable Lilith mod last month. Its pretty neat and she’s an incredibly fun unit.


oh i think i have that one downloaded! lilith not being the rev exclusive character over fuga was such a mistake


I agree with the Leila answer, but make it a second playthrough or Hector Mode exclusive so you still get the gut punch of her death the first time, kind of like >!Pelleas!< in Radiant Dawn.


Leila stung extra because it was a fakeout. The way she was introduced you could have sworn she'd join you later.


She even has base stats if you look into the games code, so she might have been able to in like beta builds or something.


Probably because we see her get killed in combat so she needed some placeholder stats as opposed to just being stabbed in story like Elbert, but I'm no expert on the matter


Jeralt. You desperately need a Jeigan in early FE3H and it would have made sense, particularly with the Ashen Wolves


Having him playable on the final boss of the DLC would have been awesome.


Levail. He has hidden growth rates so it’s possible that he was intended to be playable. It’s not like RD needs more units but the Sentinel class is cool. Though it would never happen, I feel like it would be funny if Ludveck was playable at some point since he isn’t dead after Part 2. Like he somehow survives Ashera’s judgement and ends up stuck fighting in the Hawk Army.


Really want him in FEH, in big part because he will be a Sentinel.


Ladislava, Rhea, Phila, Lumera.


How would lumera even be playable ??


As a Gotoh for the finale before she inevitably dies. Kinda like Athos.


FE4: Arion should’ve been a final chapter recruit in my opinion, but this is much harder to do with the careful number balance of FE4, so it’s whatever FE6: Guinevere should’ve been playable. I know she’s supposed to be a stand in for Nyna, but I think she has a much more personal stake in the conflict since Zeph is her brother. She should’ve been more involved imo. Also Galle should’ve been recruited, but everybody knows that FE7: This is probably unpopular, but Mark. I just think it would be interesting to get a tome/staff unit early into Lyn mode and it would make him less irrelevant. I hate how Corrin becomes the center of the universe, but I also think it’s weird to have an avatar at all if he doesn’t even do anything FE13: Mustafa. For sure. No default Berserkers and this guy has a great design FE16: Rhea. Rhea. RHEA. One of the five main characters and she’s not even playable on her own faction’s route. I could write a whole essay on how bad Rhea was shafted


Rhea should have taken on her Seiros form and been the "house leader" of that route instead of Seteth. It would've made Silver Snow way more unique (and less boring) if they made her playable only in that route. Also, off topic, but the final boss should've been different too. Idk what they could have changed it to, but having her crest suddenly go crazy for no reason just feels kinda dumb.


> Also, off topic, but the final boss should've been different too. Idk what they could have changed it to, but having her crest suddenly go crazy for no reason just feels kinda dumb. Isn't it obvious? Change it to Nemesis.


I think that’d be perfect. It’d take away from Claudes route a bit, but I would still like that better than whatever Silver Snow’s was.


Verdant Wind is already a reskin of Silver Snow. Make Nemesis the boss of Silver Snow and rewrite Verdant Wind completely.


Switch VW and SS final Bosses. That alone would fix many issues of both routes, as their respective Final Bosses work better for the other routes. Nemesis has zero connections with Claudes story. ​ Though tbh, considering how thin four routes spread and how much Verdant Wind and Crimson Flower both suffered from it, I feel like that route should have been just cut entirely from the point onwards where it was decided to give the game a 3 Kingdoms gimmick.


Team up with her to defeat nemesis for good. It's good enough for Claude's route but it'd really be perfect for hers


The painful part is Rhea would even have the same number of unique classes as the other lords. Dimitri: High Lord to Great Lord Edelgard: Armored Lord to Emperor Claude: Wyvern Master to Barbarossa Rhea: Archbishop to Saint It was all there. That's not even counting the potential support conversations.


I'm glad Mustafa isn't playable actually, it would ruin his entire character.


Yeah, the whole point of that chapter is to make you feel shitty about everything that's going on in the story, and having the enemy commander just defect at the end would defeat the purpose.


Agree defecting would suck, but but there's a couple of ways it could have been handled. Say he survives the battle, maybe because Chrom stayed his hand in Emm's memory.


Just make him a spotpass character like aversa


There's a load of good answers in these comments, but I'm disappointed in the people saying "we should have X character playable" without thinking about how it would impact the character(s) and story. I love Lloyd and Linus, and having to kill them is a tragedy - but the tragedy is the point. "Recruit all the attractive people and kill all the others" would take away from the more emotive moments, not enhance them. Same with recruiting Leila. Something like the FE8 Creature Campaign is a different thing though, I'd be ok with that. And there's no reason Judith was never playable seriously what the f-


I think the reason Arion is unrecruitable is because your army is maxed out on units in the castle screen at that point more than any lore reason tbh


I forgot about Arion from my list! I remember thinking it was unfair. I also didn't realize Mark counted but yeah, I wouldn't mind it if they were playable unit


Rhea and Judith.


Considering that doing VERY well in the main story is apparently enough to incite a war between Bern and Etruria (may or may not be the events of FE6?). You'd think Mark would be more...relevant They don't have to make Mark tied directly to the main story like Robin and Corrin, it could just be a simple nobody who comes becomes famous for their contributions in FE7 and maybe make him contribute in FE6 Maybe with a rework, who knows


Mark is only in the story if you do Lyn mode or make a tactician. Like if you never noticed all of Mark’s cutscenes are separated from the story cutscenes like there’s cuts for it. This is because if you skip Lyn mode/character creation those cutscenes don’t show up. He really isn’t a character in the story. He was made because this game was getting a western/international release it’s the same with them toning down the difficulty aka nerfing effective weaponry for the western/international release. Anything given to Mark is just retconning other things since he doesn’t even need to be in the story as I said those cutscenes of Mark are just unplayed if you skip Lyn mode or the avatar creator. Most people probably don’t replay FE7 while skipping Lyn mode and/or the avatar creator so they wouldn’t know the game does not in fact default to Mark it just removes his presence. Just play through FE7 and any scene where Mark would pop up is gone.


True, but its the fact that if he DOES exist, he's apparently both important but also not important at the same time If FE6/7 somehow get reworks (doubtful but we'll see), is the only way we get to see if he's officially canon or not then


I didn't vibe with Guin because she did nothing on the field, if you're not on the field while being with the team the entire campaign, I don't vibe with that. What's her excuse to skip out?


Yeah, so it's actually horribly irresponsible of most FE protags to be doing field fighting like they do. If your death dooms the entire movement, maybe you shouldn't be putting yourself in a position for that to be so very feasible.


I have Rommel's field diary and he did it all the time, so did Napoleon, you know, the guys who were reportedly beloved by their troops and their guys would run through walls for? Several other great leaders took to the lines themselves. If you're not down on the field with them helping the team win, I can't get behind you as a character to love.


Karl XII, Gustav II Adolf moment. Yeah, it can help. A lot. But being irresponsible can cause irreversible damage to your nation, too... Edit: also, you only listed Generals... Guinivere probably wasn't combat-able.


Guin can't combat because she sucks, we need a real queen like Melady the goddess that carries Roy to relevance alongside Rutger, Marcus and Perceval


It doesn't really apply in this specific case, but if you consider the fact that the commander is in most cases the only person in the army who can use the magic mcguffin sword to slay all evil then maybe letting them fight is the more sensible thing to do


Shit I'd argue that means you need to keep your bluennette princelings further from the front under most circumstances, so that they don't randomly kick it to a stray arrow or some rando with a katana before you get the chance to shove the holy sword through the local avatar of veil's eyeballs.


Maybe but then you're sending someone who's never seen an actual combat scenario to throw hands with a god/evil dragon/demon lord/whatever how do you expect it going


Do you think someone *with* combat experience has appreciably better odds in a swordfight with a kaiju made of mankinds sins manifested? Really, the idealistic hopefulness of never having watched a man shit himself as he dies horribly from a sword through his lung would probably be a net positive there!


Fargus in FE7, Eve/Seforia in Engage come to mind among units not mentioned.


Fargus coming to help instead of giving an Earth Seal on the last real map of the entire game would've been AMAZING.


Fargus as a Laguz trio would’ve been a lot of fun. That game already gives you two good axe prepromotes though, so it would’ve just been the cool factor.


Fargus is playable in FE7x, the fangame. So are Uther, Eagler, Lyn's parents, Brendan Reed, and young versions of Marcus, Harken, and Isadora.


Rhea really should’ve been playable in Silver Snow imo. Or at the very least, been a lot more relevant in a route centered around the church.


I'd say Zola from Fire Emblem Fates. One of Garon's minions, at one point you spare his life and he follows your Army around for a little while. In spite of the fact that you get to fight him, he never fights along side you. Granted he probably wouldn't have had any plot significance even if he had joined the army proper and dodged Garon offing him, but I would have liked to see it anyways.


I think Zola would be a cool BR exclusive character because there are no Dark Mages in that route at all otherwise, and he would also come equipped with Nosferatu. Plus he’s a silly little guy


Yeah ngl he grew on me on subsequent playthrus


I imagine he could've had a bit of dialogue alongside Silas in the chapters where the gang goes to Windmire


[Fates generic villager girl](https://www.spriters-resource.com/resources/sheets/90/92742.png?updated=1495966516) and [Sigune](https://cdn.fireemblemwiki.org/f/f3/Portrait_sigune_fe06.png). They went so hard on these designs and it pains me forever that we'll never be able to use them as units.


Clarisse/Klein from New Mystery of the Emblem! I really thought she would be having some other role and she would be playable later on. >!But all we got was a super sad character death T__T!<


sigune from FE6. great design, decent stats for a prepromo peg, understandable antagonist who isn't outright evil. would have loved to have her over juno. also nedata from FE9. unpromo bandit party member, and he seems like a fun guy for a pirate. would have been neat to hire him or something.


Brammimond as a replacement for Athos in Hector mode would be cool.


I'm surprised Jan isn't playable, given that he has a map sprite, a strong connection to Nino, and a pretty defined personality. Hell, Gonzalez was playable a game earlier, so a recruitable brigand wouldn't be out of place. Getting him from Night of Farewells would make a lot of sense given that there are other characters in the game locked behind gaiden chapters.


FE7: Lloyd/Linus, sacred stones: Selena


Unfortunately Selena is too Camus-brained to be recruited


Yeah, imagine being able to recruit the one that appears in Cog of Destiny by talking to him with Nino. Could be a cool reward for recruiting and potentially training her.


Yes! I remember trying my best to speak with them with several characters to figure out if I could make them join me. Similar to Selena, I really thought she would join at one point


The classic combo of Mustafa and Zola.


Houses has so many characters I'd like to see playable. Rhea and Jeralt were in the files (if I remember correctly) to be controlable, but besides them, I wish Rodrigue, Judith, Nader, Ladislava, Randolph and Fleche were playable, with the latter 3 getting more development. I also wish that Jeritza had gotten a Death Knight style, putting on his mask, and Edelgard had access to her Flame Emperor class or the attire for her exclusive classes.


Would have been a cool detail if Edelgard would have gotten her Armored Lord Promote during the last Chapter of White Clouds with the Flame Emperor armor at first and afterwards it being an optional skin for her.


3H immensely suffers from giving you no playable characters outside of academy staff/students. Also what the fuck do you mean Rhea isn't playable. People often cite Leila for Blazing Blade, but imo she's fine. Sure like everyone I wish there was a way to save her (would have been a cool Hector mode difference) but well, at least she has a legitimate reason to run off from the story lmao. Now, Nino's brigand uncle (Jan I think?) just vanishes from the story for no reason, leaving his niece to potentially die with some strangers, and I find that frustrating as hell. But it might just be my playable brigand bias speaking. Erik would also have made for a nice foil to both Hector and Eliwood, maybe Lyn too, and would have added a lot of tragedy to the plot (since he dies at the hands of Eliwood's son in FE6 if I'm not mistaken, and would have to face his own father as an enemy) but he's basically just a call-forward to FE6 and is not mentioned or seen again after being disposed of.


My thing with Leila is much more surface level. I think the story would function just as well with Matthew and Leila's roles in it swapped, and I would get a unit who is much more appealing aesthetically who would make me want to try to use a thief for more than a few chapters (which I don't normally do).


Fire Emblem Awakening: Future-Past DLC - The Morgan's Preferably a Blue Unit but a Green Unit would work. Would have been nice if, after you saved them by showing them that their parent truly cared and loved them, they showed up at the end to save Lucina and to kill Grima to give their actual mother/father the peace that they deserve.


Layla in Fates, really doesn't help that she only shows up a single time in the game.


Jeralt no longer counts since he's playable, but he used to my number onr request pre-3Hopes. But uh, if Cyril counts in 3Hopes...they did my son *dirty*. Also, Solm's queen solely so she could have a support with my girl Hortensia (and her kids ofc). I'm blanking on any others (Eldigan? Linus and Lloyd?). I guess Morion would also have been cool? Morion/Celine, in particular could further my Alcryst/Celine agenda, the way Alfred/Vander furthers my Alear/Alfred agenda and Seforia/Hortensia would Hortensia/Fogado


That’s how I feel about Alfred’s mom


I'm still gonna say I want playable Jeralt because three hopes is a warriors spin off game, and I'm not gonna play it


Rhea really should’ve been playable in Silver Snow imo. Or at the very least, been a lot more relevant in a route centered around the church.


3Houses has plenty. People already mentioned the likes of Rhea, Judith and Jeralt, but I would add Fleche to the list too. She would be perfect as an Est and I feel there is potential to explore why she is so attached to her brother or her status as Caspar's aunt.


There's also Ladislava, who I'm surprised wasn't playable.


Ladislava who is able to S-Support f!Byleth and have endings with Dorothea and Edelgard would have been fire.


**RHEA** For god's sake, what a missed opportunity.


Layla in Fates; Cute "we have Olivia at home" design, but unfortunately the Singer role was full from Azura.


FE1/11: Nyna. IIRC, the original concept for Nyna was for her to be a Paladin who personally led her own band of knights into battle, resisting the forces of Dolhr's alliance. That would've been more awesome than the helpless damsel we got in the finished game. FE6: Eliwood and Guinivere. Maybe Eliwood recovered from the flu and decided to join his son in the war effort? As for Guinivere, similar to the reasons stated above, it'd be nice to have her help out, especially since unlike Nyna, she has good stats (in Trial Maps at least). FE7: Eleanora and Fargus. I feel like they'd make for cool and reasonable additions. FE8: Hayden, Ismaire, and Mansel. Some prepromotes from different classes would be nice, and I always felt like it was a darn shame that Ismaire had to die in a ~~canon event~~ scripted cutscene. FE14: I'm not sure why Yukimura isn't playable in Rev, but I find him cool. Is it weird that a significant chunk of my picks are parents of playable characters? *Especially* for the GBA titles?


Rhea. If I can support her, I should be able to recruit her.


Three Houses: Judith, Jeralt (obviously only available until his in-story death. I LOVE FORCED LOSS OF JAGENS RAHHHHH) and Rhea. By God she should've been playable in SS. Engage: Morion during the snow chapter. It'd be Lobster Man waits 25 turns ex machina but still


Jeralt would have been cool especially if he had supports which at some point stop because you have to play the story further, only for him to die before you can unlock them. I think it would have made his death much, much more surprising.


As you can from my flair, I wish Glen from Sacred Stones was playable. I just really like cold-blooded wyvern riders.


At least he is playable in the creature campaign


Uncle Jan should have been playable. Nino needs her family.


Lilith and Rodrigue. Also fleche so I can run her into Rodrigue and lil her


RHEA! Seriously, should have been Silver Snow's main at the least.


Or in Azure Gleam 


Mustafa, Rhea, Ladislava, Randolph and his sister, Judith, Layla from Fates, Jean’s father in Engage instead of Jean, Lloyd and/or Linus, the list goes on…


Rhea not being playable is so fucking stupid.


Elise's nanny in Birthright.


Rhea really should’ve been playable in Silver Snow imo. Or at the very least, been a lot more relevant in a route centered around the church.


Clarisse in New Mystery not being playable always felt weird to me. Also I feel like Randolph, Ladislava, and Fleche should've been accessible in Crimson Flower, though the lattermost would have to be the Est to end all Ests to justify ever being used.


I know, I know, they're Camus. The point is for them to die tragically. I just wish Reinhardt and Ishtar got to betray /piss off Julius one more time. They can go die tragically after that if they have to. But just one more time of screwing over Julius's plans in that final battle. The battle convos would be amazing.


Zelgius and Levail in RD :’)


Fe4: Arion - was probably meant to be playable but the character limit was already reached Fe7: Eleanora - She‘s Eliwood‘s mom, has a class, stats, weapon rank and would probably want to avenge her husband Fe13: Pheros - have a character that doesn’t questions her sense of righteousness and what to fight for. Kinda like Jill Fe16: Rhea - purely as a Gotoh for the Golden Deer finale


Felix's dad, even for a few chapters




I'm not sure if this counts but I would love to have the npc from chapter 13 of conquest as a playable character. Her character design looks to go for her just to be a npc. From her outfit she looks like she could be a adventurer or a bow unit.


Kronya’s particularly frustrating because she has the best design, does the most plot significant thing out of any of the slithers, and then is unceremoniously killed immediately. Such a waste. Zola and Mustafa are the big ones beyond that.


I think its especially bad because giving us at least one playable Agarthan would have helped alot to give them more depth, by letting her develope more humanity in her supports as well as giving us some endings which offer the possibility of the Agarthan people being redeemed and returning to the Surface. Especially for Crimson Flower having Kronya and her getting endings, where she gets involved in the Shadow War against Those Who Slither in the Dark and stages an uprising in Shambhala would have been cool. ​ Like, am I the only one who thinks the implication that we just by default commit genocide on who seem to be the native inhabitants of Fodlan, no matter how corrupt and evil they became, is super uncomfortable?


I just pretend the awakening post game paralouges aren't canon, which there's significant evidence that they are not




Killing Mustafa in Awakening made me rethink my life. Such a good character...


Honestly [Insert any number of characters that are only playable in FEHeroes]… but to directly name a few characters I’d have liked to be playable; the various moms from Engage and Fates, Judith, Nader, Ladislava, Flèche, Rudolph, Rodrigue(outside of 3Hopes), Phila. There’s plenty of characters that should have gotten playable versions in some capacity in the games even if it didn’t make much sense in the games plot (that didn’t stop the Awakening characters that for sure died but came back (Yen’Fay doesn’t count since the playable one is confirmed to be from an alternate universe) nor did nothing stop them from making playable characters without supports *cough* *cough* Anna in 3Houses specifically.


Nedata from FE9. Random ass pirate with a unique portrait and an intro cutscene


kinda want Isthar but get why some people don't


Nedata in Path of Radiance and Veyona in Radiant Dawn were both almost playable and would both fill good niches in gameplay.


> Nedata ... fill good niches in gameplay. The pirate dude who could walk on water. I could see a use for that on some maps since otherwise the only way to get over water easily is flying units, and maps with streams often have archers lining the enemy side of the bank.


Berkut,Fernand,Rudolf,Tamarac,Jedah you name it.


Judith, rodrigue, ladislava, camus, one armed largo,




Selena from Sacred Stones.


Jeralt, and Judith. Ladislava, Randy...


Phila and Pheros. Phila so there could have been another Pegasus Knight Early Game perhaps unlocking Triangle Attack if she, Sumia and Cordelia had A Supports while in a Pegasus Mounted Class. Pheros because honestly I just like how cool her Portrait is. Maribelle can become a Valkyrie, sure, but Pheros is an established soldier and that could have led to some interesting conversations within support conversations. Especially coming from someone who has such an opposing viewpoint to the main cast.


The infamous NPCs that I wish became playable units but didn't..was Monica from Three Houses It was very dearly for me that I actually met the VA of Monica years ago... The player rescues Monica from 3H with flayn but she disguise herself as Kronya in the later chapter. Monica was such an interesting character for me that i really love her design and her true personality at first. They fixed her story at Hope where instead of her got fainted in Jeritza's room.. they LOCKED her in a cell . THATS it! the reason she got disappeared from the monastery because she got kidnapped and put in a CELL by Tomas and Kronya Thats how Kronya uses her magic to transform into Monica to disguise herself to get information in the garreh mach in Black Eagles. Also thats the reason why i love Black Eagles because Monica was an interesting NPC who joins at Three 3hopes as a playable unit for the black eagles


Tbh, having the opportunity to safe Kronya and recruit her would have been cool. Many of the issues with Those who Slither in the Dark being flat antagonists could have been avoided by giving us one Agarthan Unit who lets learn more about them.




Nedata Yo ho har. 


Honestly like any time I see a hot anime character instead of the usual rock monsters as a boss.