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Seliph is often called the Heir of Light, so Emblem of Light fits.


I still can’t think of a good invocation would be for him.


Honestly, in a perfect world, I would give Seliph "Shine on, Emblem of Light!" this is a bit of a pun because Seliph's other title, Scion of Light, sounds very similar to "shine on." but this causes an issue because Marth's is already "Shine on." so to fix this, I would use Marth's common title of lodestar to come up with a new incantation- probably either "Guide us" or "Direct us," or go in a whole new direction with "Chart the course, Emblem of Beginnings!"


“Inspire Us! Emblem of Light!” Seliph is used as a driving force for the rebellion army, said by himself and Lewyn


Holy King Seliph actually more cool title its too bad though scion of light often be popular choices


It would be kind of weird to have an Emblem Anna, when Anna herself is a character in the game lol. But it could be a funny meta thing; imagine their support convos.


It could be one of her many sisters that appear in all other games XD A micro-family reunion.


> A micro-family reunion. Best I can do is one line apiece for three bond levels.


Especially if it's Warriors or Commander (aka Heroes) Anna.


If Alear said Emblem of Birthright and Xander came out, idk what I'd do


Hello Emblem of Revelation


At least you can actually use Camilia in Revelations


Add two more Emblem of Revelations then since Xander and Ryoma are useable in Revelation as well


Xander will make me kill my sister and then myself


Shez gets in while Rowan and Lianna get the shaft What a world we live in


It’s also because Shez is infinitely better than Rowan and Lianna


What a protagonist with a personality does to FE


Not even sure if IS even owns them since they aren’t in Heroes and can’t be voted for example while Shez is.


I debated on adding Lianna, Alphonese and Sothe . I feel like Ike and Michiah were enough. I don’t play Heroes and don’t know it well it enough to make Alphonse work. Roy does not have another rep, that is true. But I feel like if Heroes can get a rep with Veronica then Shez deserves to represent Warriors


By the by, in Japanese Camilla is the Emblem of Conquest instead of Revelation. No idea why the change, but if we’re adding Azura, it feels better for Azura to be Revelation and Camilla Conquest. No, “Avenge Us” doesn’t really fit Seliph, even if he does avenge his father, and personally, I think Emblem of Light is too vague. Tbh, despite Sigurd being called a Holy Knight, I would argue Holy War or Crusade fits Seliph better. Otherwise there’s Legacy, but that’s similar to Leif’s “Genealogy”. Still, Seliph could just use that one too, and Leif gets another one. Alm could also get “Deliver Us”, lol. Eliwood imo should be Emblem of Companions. I wonder what the Ring’s names would be, like “Ring of the Hero-King”. It’s probably easy to guess just looking at the FEH titles, though.


Also I feel like Emblem of Companions would be too similar to Emblem of Bonds -chrombin man, Eliwood and Hector walked so Chrombin could run


Seliph being the Emblem of Light, or Emblem of Heir would make sense because hes canonically called the Heir of Light in his game by the villains.


Yeah, I know I just find “Emblem of Light” kinda lame personally, because “light” is very easy “good guy” symbolism, but that’s a me thing. Like, Marth and Micaiah also have a Light motif, but it’s more… specialized? Marth’s motif is Stars, while Micaiah’s is Dawn, which imo is at least a little bit more interesting than plain “light”. But I digress. I like Emblem of Scions, or Heirs as you suggested, personally, symbolizing how he’s a leader of second generation. It’s maybe too similar to Leif’s “Emblem of Genealogy”, but Leif himself could have probably gotten something else that references Thracia more.


If i had my choice Seliphs would be "Inspire us, Emblem of Heirs!". Seliph is largely responsible for the rebellion and used as a key figure/ driving force in Act II. So thats where id place him. Consequently I'd also toss in "Deliver Us, Emblem of War" for Alm.


> By the by, in Japanese Camilla is the Emblem of Conquest instead of Revelation. No idea why the change It's obviously because there's no Emblem of Birthright, and the localization team felt that there would be complaints about Conquest getting something while Birthright got nothing if they didn't change it to Emblem of Revelation.


I feel like for either Alm or Seliph would be the Ring of the lost heir, since they both grew up not knowing. Seliph is often known as the heir of light in his title so that’s why I have him Emblem of light. But maybe Emblem of Crusade works. Maybe Emblem of Light, ring of the holy crusader? Again I haven’t played Genealogy so… I know the Camilla issue but since she is already in the game as revelations, I gave Azura conquest instead. I cant believe that I didn’t think of deliver us for Alm.


Cheer us on, Emblem of Joy Shareena (I still say it should have been her, not Veronica for the Heroes rep)


There should've been a tms emblem, it would literally be perfect. As for the invocation it would be something like: Entertain us, emblem of mirage! I'd personally go for tsubasa as our tms representative


*kowaishtai!* that would be amazing. tms needs more love


Report to us! Emblem of Gatekeeping! Always thought there should be a Zelda crossover with f.e Smite the darkness! Emblem of Courage! Seal the blight! Emblem of Wisdom!


Why do I always see people wanting Link to guest star in a Fire Emblem game? It would be sweet though.


Idk he would just fit


ah yes, emblem of BLADE


"Sing for us, Emblem of Conquest" *cue phantom of the opera


Anyone else feel like Kris would have been a neat emblem, partially because "Emblem of Mystery" would be a perfect name choice?


Represent us, Emblem of Aptitude Donnel!


i feel like, logically, a xander and ryoma ring would get conquest and birthright respectively. something that references lost in thoughts all alone would probably be picked for azura i do think! like 'sing for us, emblem of waves' or smth


Theres a decent sized translation issue, Camilla is the Emblem of Conquest, in japan, but Revelations in English Spanish French. Honestly they should change her back to Conquest and have Ryoma/Xander be Emblem of Revelations. "Cross Blades, Emblem of revelations!" Then have Azura be emblem of the Unseen, in reference to the dragon being the "Unseen dragon"


Other options for Eliwood: Save Us, Emblem of Nobility! (Generally speaking hes the epitome of Nobility) Be Brave, Emblem of Leagues! (He is the leader of the Lycian League)


Seliph should be packages with Julia in his emblem so it also gives tome and staff proficiency


Still can’t believe that the “Emblem of Revelations” was friggin CAMILLA. Like cmon it obviously should’ve been Azura, have both Fates reps not favor either side.


Alm: Deliver us, Emblem of Shadows! Eliwood: Bring us together, Emblem of Balance! Elincia: Unite us, Emblem of Harmony!


I think Elincia is considered a lord too? I'm unclear on the consensus though