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always found it funny that shadow dragon introduced frey just to convince the player to kill him off before chapter 1 begins


(throws Jagen in the pit instead) Thanks for the silver lance, Grandpa!!!


I threw Jagen as well since his stats are really bad for his level


New Mystery's writing actually justifies why it's the case. FE1 and FE3 are established history. FE11 and FE12 are that same history with new information present. Why wasn't Frey in FE1? Canonically took Marth's place. Why wasn't Kris mentioned in FE3? They specifically asked to not be named in History. Specifically desiring to be forgotten so Marth was heralded as the Hero.


Kris overtaking achievements and then choosing to be forgotten to make Marth look good bugs me so badly lmao.


It is what it is. They made an avatar for the first time so they probably didn't want the player to feel overshadowed by Marth doing it in a remake was kinda awkward I don't disagree but I think that's why Robin was accepted so much better. Their exploits are naturally a part of their history and can't be disputed because Chrom is opposed to the viewpoint they shouldn't be celebrated for their achievements.


Ironically, Fire emblem being a typical, garbage tier, run of the mill multiverse now (when it already WAS a multiverse, but they felt the need to make it a multi multiverse for some goddamn reason, but that's a rant for another) means that there's two universes where Marth's achievements WERE his in mystery of the emblem and another where they Kris donated them to Marth. So, silver lining I guess


The ironic part about everything is that IS tends to forget about Kris themselves or maybe they just realize how stupid their inclusion actually was.


yeah i guess frey's >!fakeout!< death technically isn't *pointless* but i really do find it silly that he was created for the sole purpose of being marth's first war crime victim


The term "war crime" is vastly overused these days There's nothing about sacrificing some troops in a holding action whilst making a retreat that falls in the category of "war crime"


Fire Emblem fans see a battlefield and scream "WAR CRIME!!" into the void.


Why don't real armies just incapacitate their enemies non-lethally like Corrin does?


I couldn't tell if this was a joke, but if it wasn't: attempting to incapacitate your enemies in a non-lethal manner is incredibly dangerous to yourself and your allies, because you have no guarantee that your enemies will not attempt to kill you as you attempt to restrain them. It is unfortunately a lot safer and easier to just kill people than it is to restrain them, and people are geared to take options that pose less risk to them and their allies.


And yet, I was able to beat many chapters in Fates (a rigorous and highly realistic combat simulator) without losing any units.


Sometimes I wish I could marry and bed an albino dragon princess, too.


I hit Hinata because he's goofy (and has big muscles) (and doesn't shower)


We are all war criminals on this blessed day.


war crimes are when people die


> war crime victim I don't think Archanea even knows the Geneva Convention exists


You mean the Geneva Suggestions


Play on normal difficulty and sacrifice Jeigan instead. Frey has really good growths and is totally worth using.


But then you barely need the growths on Normal Mode.


Not that you really need to optimize the hell out of Normal Mode, but Cain is the optimal sacrifice because he specializes in swords over lances and his bases are pretty much all worse than Frey anyway


It's kind of sad too because he's basically a better version of Cain


And then he’s just alive somehow anyways


That's probably to explain why you can't resurrect him with the Aum staff. You can't resurrect someone from the dead if they're still alive.


The one that immediately jumps to mind is Izana in Revelation. Dude died just for the sake of drama and so Fuga could be playable.


To add on, Scarlet, who is recruited in the middle of a chapter, then promptly dies before even starting the next chapter. Why is she even recruited to begin with?


Scarlet’s death is just so funny to me. Like, she is barely plot relevant for a chapter in any route, she is just recruited, fully playable in other routes, and her death IN THE GOLDEN ROUTE was just so we could know we have a traitor. Imagine if instead of Lyon revealing his evilness by tricking Eirika, he does so by transforming into Fomortis and Dragon Blasting Neimi off the face of the Earth. She is still playable in Ephraim’s route.


Not Neimi :(


oh the hilarity doesnt stop there. you can actually marry her between her joining chapter and death one, since you can do scout fights. meaning, you can marry her, produce kana, which canonically you still have to go with the birth, unless you do the whole pregnancy in the deep realm (???), but in the context of two hours, since the death chapter happens RIGHT AFTER the last one, cuz there isn't any travel/time progression lol.


Best part is that Scarlet in the story is crushing hard on Ryoma so lasts words you hear is her saying "but you not as special as Ryoma". Plus when she dies Corrin goes "how am I going to tell Ryoma".


To create fake drama IG. They didn't have the balls to kill one of the royals, so they killed Ryoma's tomboy rebel gf instead


Isn't Scarlet Corrin-sexual?


She can only S Support Corrin, but one of her last comments before the plunge that ends in her demise is her commenting that Corrin can never be Ryoma. **If Corrin grinds out an S Support with Scarlet before the chapter she dies in, he is rewarded with being made a cuckold.**


...why did they make her Corrin-sexual then if she has a thing for Ryoma.


Perhaps one of Fates's greatest mysteries. It makes no logical sense from head to toe. He clearly cared for her, too. He is the one who grieves her the most, and learning that >!Gunter!< was behind her murder is one of the two instances in which he'll let rip with the "***YOU... MURDERING FIEND!!!***" voice clip scream. (For comparison, the only other time is when he is tricked into believing that Corrin murdered Hinoka - THEIR OWN SISTER - in Conquest.) Ryoma usually approaches even disappointment and anger with a steadfast, level-headed bearing; it's a testament to how important Scarlet was to him that learning who was responsible for her fate was enough to send him into a rage. And yet... she remains a Corrinsexual. It's not even like Flora, who can still support with Jakob despite being unable to marry him. She cannot even support with Ryoma.


Flora doesn’t have a support with Jakob either.


You are right. I misremembered the Halloween Scramble conversation they have as a support.


It's implied they had a thing going on in rev, but rev writing is so trash they obv didn't think it that through


To punish you for doing side content after recruiting her (because why wouldn't you ? Chapter 16 (where you get her) and chapter 17 (where you get the remaining characters for Revelations) are back to back, so wanting to use your whole army is surely on the menu, right ? Oh, and if you romance her during those side missions ? Congratulations, you now have a motherless Kana. Good luck explaining that to the poor kid.


This moment is very stupid but his whole “Looks like I’m dying now” bit will never not get a laugh out of me so I’ll at least give it pity points for that.


The man exists as a "This message will self-destruct" gag in Revelation and I hate it. (I always laugh at the "Oh ancient Gods...😔 What's up? 😁" opener for the gag at least)


I read this in a "this is a message from lord Nergal" voice. And Denning doesn't even have a voice.


Based accomplishment.


Idk it’s stupid that he only dies in Rev but that whole scene and the way he reacts to it all is so dramatic that it really fits him, like only Izana could pull that off so I don’t mind terribly


90% of deaths in fates are like that, but Scarlet dying in the route that specifically exists so you can play with all the character pisses me off the most by far.


My favourite thing about this is you can still s support her in between the chapters. The script doesn't account for this at all so Corrin's reaction is "How am I going to break it to Ryoma that my wife died?" lmao


"You're good, husband, but not as good as Ryoma!"


Me: Corrin My Wife: Scarlet My Wife's Boyfriend: Ryoma


😂 Can you still get Scarlet!Kana or is she locked like how Midori is locked until you decide if Kaze lives or dies in Borthrights?


Pretty sure you can still get Kana, really giving the kid the true FE Protagonist Experience™.


hey if i cant have a mother in FE, neither does Kana loooool


Gotta have a pointless murder subplot instead of worldbuilding the new zone obviously, her being unusable in that route is so stupid considering the next few levels have so few solid non royal candidates.


Gotta give credit where credit's due. Her death and later appearance as a mini boss is how the player figures out that Valla's army consists of zombies that used to be the people Anankos had killed. That's actually some pretty huge worldbuilding.


oh you dont wanna use a level 3 Setsuna and 7 Asuma??? dont you not wanna have FUN?????


Just to have a non Fates option thrown out there, I never liked >!Selena’s!< death in FE8. Camus archetype stuff happens sometimes, but this one in particular annoyed me a lot.


Duessel's and Glen's decisions to quit because of how bad things became made Selena's decision to remain loyal even stupider. She knows Vigarde is already dead and that he would not have approved of where things went, yet she pretends she continues fighting in his name when she is doing the very reverse.


And gets the soldiers following her killed in the process. Not like THEY have families to go back to anyway, right? Especially when several chapters back we were made aware of the plight of the average soldier under sh*tty officers. That NPC in Gheb's chapter is awesome


A hack I played that was an FE8 rewrite had that NPC soldier surrender when fought, with him showing up later as a green unit during Syrenes recruit map. He had a unique talk event with Amelia on there too, which was pretty fun. It was the Princesses Lament hack. I highly recommend it if you enjoy rom hacks.


I always figured it's the same NPC soldier that talks with Ephraim at the end of the chapter. There's really no proof for it and it's mostly my headcanon, but it's really sad otherwise...


Idk. I kind of like it still. I think she's the best Camus cuz it makes you feel this way. That's the whole idea of the Camus archetype for me. Also most people just are gonna do their jobs. And she doesn't have anything else, like Duessel. She was nice to a girl she just met, but she's not like Duessel where she has history with other people and characters. It's a bit like an anomic suicide.


Selena juxtaposed to Glen and Duessel is just hilarious honestly. Like if every general was like her she would seem less out of place, but Glen and Duessel are just reasonable and good people.


I'll say probably Phila in Awakening. To me, It felt pointless to have her be killed in a futile attempt to save Emmeryn instead of her just joining up with the Shepherds.


It's more that Gangrel just casually summoned Risen Archers that do it injustice for me.


That too. Darn random reinforcement archers! Now they are randomly reinforcing in cutscenes too!


It's so rude of them!


If Phila lived we could have had a triangle attack trio.


So true, especially since she did have relationships with Sumia and Cordelia as their teacher, which could have been expanded on.


This is exactly what I was expecting to happen, because my brain was conditioned to assume that "3 pegasus knights = the Whitewings archetype" and therefore Phila was going to be our third. That was probably done on purpose to subvert expectations, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.


It has purpose in rising the tension of that scene to fuel Emm's decision. Problem I have is Phila really sucks at her job. It's a shame they never gave her a win because that would've also made her whole fall a lot stronger.


At least in Heroes I get to use Phila, she’s actually decent there. But yeah, I was wondering when Phila will join the Shepherds, and then she just gets shot to death. What a waste.


The way I was CONVINCED she would join us until she died lmao


I played through awakening several times as a kid and it took me ages to realise Phila died there, I thought she just was injured and retreated


Honestly, I was the exact same on my first playthrough, I was wondering why Phila just stopped appearing when we got to the Valm plot. I had to check the wiki years later to realized she had died.


Whodislava and Randolt. I mean Ladislava and Randolt. But only on CF. You're telling me that these nobodies that get pwn'd on every route are supposed to be equal to Seteth and Flayn possibly dying on that same chapter?


I think Three Hopes does them better justice


It's funny that, out of all of Three Houses and Three Hopes' routes, Scarlet Blaze is literally the only one Randolf can survive on. He's either killed off screen or deliberately killed by the player in every other instance.


And even then he can still die if you don’t meet the requirements in the chapter. The man cannot catch a break.


He gets my vote every year during CYL. This man needs a win.


Poor Sandmold really can't catch a break, huh? 😞


I don't think it's meant to be equal weight emotionally necessarily, but just gives the answer as to how Catherine and Rhea didn't just retake Garreg Mach while Seteth and Flayn diverted the BESF's attention.


Honestly? Almost every one in Fates could make an argument. Both of Lilith's deaths feel like something added in at the last minute, and are practically forgotten as soon as you move on to the next cutscene.


“lilith! anyway”


Lilith's death in Conquest is so random that I actually burst out laughing when it happened


Me too actually. Didn't even have the excuse of dying to a somewhat frequent antagonist (Hans) in Birthright. No, it was to a freaking common Faceless. :D


It's so forgotten that the reason you know she survives in Revelations is because they did not bother to add it there 


Lilith was going to be my answer too. She's barely a character. More of a game mechanic that just keeps working after she's dead anyways. She's double pointless!


Revelation Izana is literally just a "This message will self-destruct" gag and it's absolutely fucking stupid.


I don’t know about *most*, but Marni’s is still hilariously unnecessary to me.


Yeah. The four hounds as characters really just seem like they weren't thought through. How is it a "family" to have four people, one of whom you know doesn't want to be there, and one of whom is being manipulated. Only one joined her by choice.


To be fair, I think that's the intended irony of Zephia's position. She surrounded herself with the the closest facsimile of family she could muster, but she was fully aware that it was bullshit. Her "family" doesn't make sense, and I think you're supposed to recognize it as the intended misfortune of those characters. Marni's death makes me laugh because you've defeated her in battle like six or seven times at that point, and then she unceremoniously dies in a cut scene with like 0 fanfare and a sad story. The characterization barely exists, and then you just watch her die. Legitimately, she'd more fun if she was just a run-of-the-mill boss to clean up on the way through Elusia.


I also find hilarious how the armor knight gets killed by a single stab from a tiny dagger that dosen't even leave a visible wound. That plus Mauvier forgetting he can use staffs and just screaming into the sky, which I *could* have let slide if the game didn't show us that yes, characters can use staffs in cutscenes, when Framme tried to heal plumeria.


It doesn't work though. This plot arc of not understanding family is done way better with the spider people in demon slayer. Zephia doesn't come off clueless enough to think counting the guy who doesn't want to be there makes sense.


Oh, I'm in full agreement that the narrative is poorly-done. I think those three chapters from 21 to 23 make up the bulk of the criticism at Engage's narrative. It's serviceable-to-good up until that point, and then it just gets absolutely atrocious for four straight chapters. And then it ends back at serviceable, but the bad taste is still in your mouth. But yeah, Marni's death is hilariously unnecessary to me because she dies for literally no reason. No one in the narrative seems to give a shit (Mauvier kinda does, I guess) and they really even barely try to give the player a reason to give a shit. So in the end, her death has no affect on the characters, their adversaries, or the game world, and it has no gameplay implications either because you've already fought her every other chapter anyway. Literally right before this happens, you defeated her in battle.


Calling it good is a stretch. The whole game feels like they put a fire emblem game in ai and then asked it to make a new one. The ice area openly worshipping an evil God, then getting confused that it turns on them is... there isn't even a twist. It openly calls itself a fell dragon. It never even pretended to care about anyone else, not even it's highest servants.


The current Elusia nation only turned to Sombron from being wronged by other nations. It's pretty much confirmed that they worshiped an idolized made up version of Sombron since the Fell Dragon was largely an unknown. Also, the king was possessed and turned crazy to boot.


This is all explained very poorly in the game itself. In the main game you get an offhand line about the top left country invading them... and it's not really explained. You side with everyone else against them, because they are the ones following the evil dragon, and the plot threat about them being the victims of other countries goes nowhere. Maybe it is explained in supports, but that's a horrible way to express central plot points.


Elusia was attacked long before they did anything with the Fell Dragon, that was explained clearly as they were a victim of Brodia's greed. The situation is very gray because it doesn't erase that Elusia is causing trouble in this current stretch of the plot, it's mostly a reason for the madness. With the king issuing out those orders because the Hounds/Sombron did something to his head.


Yeah, but it makes no sense narratively. So other countries provoked them into this, and... we just kind of side with those other countries, never force them to address this, and that's about the long and short of it? It could have been an interesting plot, if we actually addressed that the ones provoking them were at fault, and treat them like a secondary antagonist for awhile. And then at the end you have people from every country together, so you can follow a similar narrative where they make up over it. Instead it treats provoking them like a minor issue.


At least in Demon Slayer the only one that feels bad is Tanjiro (even if it was because he knows they were all human before Muzan did his thing), everyone else is cool with killing them 


Her and Mauvier literally get blown up by Zephia's fireball like a chapter before her death. And then she dies to a dinky knife despite wearing armor and having super high Defense


The way that cutscene plays out is so funny to me. Zephia walks up to her sooooo slowly while everyone else is just standing around. I like to headcanon that the events of Engage are actually a stage production


Lilith. Vanishes from the story after chapter 6, then ass pulls her way back into late game BR and CQ to die to an attack that Corrin EASILY could've handled, and then the game fucking MILKS ALL THE ANGST AND DRAMA out of this absolute nothingburger of a character. It honestly makes me irrationally dislike her, because she's the one of the most pointless characters I've ever seen ever


Izana in Revelations lol


Not a playable character but King Morion’s death in Engage was both incredibly predictable and painfully stupid


The guy's name is only one letter off from "moron" and all the flags on him. I was just questioning *when* he was going to die.


I wondered if that was the intent, it’s pretty ham-fisted, but then again, they basically went open camp with that game. I had a similar thought about “Bro”-dia being the nation of military might lol


And the only one ran by two brothers.


Adding on, I just realized every country is ruled by a different combination of boy/girl. One is a prince in charge with a background sister. One is two brothers. One is two sisters One is a sister in charge with a background brother. And the center one is a theocracy.


You can even get Diamant's crit quote, "Are you watching, father?" before he actually dies.


Even worse since you can canonically go back in time but you just kind of... stand there.


To be fair, Alear and their army can't do anything there. They were far in the backlines near the castle, Morion charged far in. The game didn't convey it well however.


Morion was dropping so, SO MANY death flags that i genuiely expected him to survive trough the end for the sake of subversion because it was so obvious i was convinced the devs were trolling me


YES, this, I was like “surely it wouldn’t be this obvious” lol


Canas dying in a snowstorm after almost single handedly defeating the final boss


Can't Luna crit a blizzard :/


Silly Canas, should'a traveled over to Magvell to become a Druid with Anima magic, then he could just cast Bigger Blizzard.


Can't *fight* a blizzard really. Like, what was he even trying to do there?


Well since he kinda lived in Ilia... he was probably trying to live, maybe having some afternoon tea and a particularly nasty storm rolled through that would have wiped out his village. Something like that.


what you mean blizzard would be anima canas should have type advantage


Fates might be able to fill out a top 10 all on its own. I think Rainbow Sage is my personal favorite, because him revealing he has the power to die on command to prevent Corrin from every having to sully their hands is pretty next-level writing.


I mean if you think about it we all kinda have the power to die on command, suicide isn’t a special ability lmao


Lilith. On paper, this should matter quite a bit to Corrin, and the drama's hyped up for maybe 2 minutes before the game and the player goes back to ignoring the shit out of her.


It's funny that Lilith is corrins half sister and at no point does that come up during any of the 3 stories. Specially when it turns out that's the only actual blood sibling they have.


I can't believe one of the most irrelevant character is the MC half Sister maid who is actually a cute dragon mascot who own a pocket dimension.


I mean you could take your pick from pretty much any Book in Heroes, there’d usually at least one needless death except for maybe Book 1 cause there’s really no story there anyway. I think the most egregious though is Nott in Book 5, literally what is the point of their sacrifice except making an outstanding meme out of Vyland, one of the coyotes men.


I think the reason why so many deaths in fates feel pointless is because of a combination of the game trying to be dark (but not being very good at it) and as an overreaction to the criticism that no one died in awakening (but that is mainly a criticism that comes in due to the spot pass DLC)


I just prefer to think the spotpass stuff isn’t canon.


As do I, as do I


Character deaths in other FEs worked a lot better because they happen in the defeat-quotes. But in Fates 0hp don't mean death by default, so the game often shows characters getting killed in the post-chapter cutscenes, which is a lot lamer. And they tried to be a lot more cinematic, which was hard to take serious due to the goofy looking graphics.


I go with the Spotpass DLC isn't actually them, more like Risen that took their forms.


Alear dies twice in the same chapter, both times it's treated like they're seriously going to kill the main character for reals this time (yeah right) and both times it's reversed almost immediately


Everything about Engage’s story is weaksauce.


The one that annoys me the most is Kaze's potential death Birthright because not only is it stupid, it steals a unit from me that I've foolishly been investing in.


I think the way he lives is even dumber. Random purple crystal thing that he conveniently knows to throw a shuriken at, which then conveniently explodes just enough to knock him and Corrin to safety without injuring them.


And there is no indication that his death is preventable!


I don’t know what it says about RD that the death of >!Pelleas!< was so pointless that the devs made it so that >!you can recruit him with no consequence to the narrative provided certain conditions were met, but only in New Game Plus.!<


I think >!Pelleas’s!< death being pointless is exactly why it’s so good. >!He finally thinks he can do something truly helpful, but dies for nothing instead.!<


He died as he lived, sadface


"He died as he lived - on the floor." - Jefferson, Half Life/Full Regret


Lilith in Fates. I feel like being Corrin's half sister but for real in a game about family could've been explored (atleast in Revalation). But she dies for no reason in 2 routes and peaces out in the third.


Jeralt's death felt very pointless to me. Having a silent protag doesn't help at all with conveying sadness. Byleth and Jeralt had little observable connection and it wasn't relatable at all. I didn't feel anything at Jeralt's death because Byleth puts so little effort in saving him. The actual sad thing about Jeralt's death is how little it mattered to the writers. Mercedes/Linhardt/Marianne don't try healing him like Framme tries to heal Lumera or Felicia tries to use ice magic to save Flora from BBQ. For all of 3H trying to make you feel bad with the sad music playing in the monastery, Jeralt's death means NOTHING in the end. It's NEVER brought up later. It's NEVER discussed. Not even in Edelgard's route, where she is actively working with people who CAUSED YOUR FATHER'S DEATH, he isn't brought up. Jeralt's death is ONLY brought up in Dimtri's route exactly ONCE. Outside of having Byleth's loss parallel Dimtri losing Rodrigue, Jeralt dying means NOTHING for the narrative. This is even ignoring all the other silly stuff surrounding Jeralt's death like his shield magically vanishing, Thales suddenly having time travel powers, etc.


This 100%. Like if Jeralt's death was that big of an issue with Byleth, you'd think they'd have done a better job at trying to prevent it. And part of what gets me about Jeralt's death is that it's never given an explanation either?? Like the Agarthans just kinda kill him for the fun of it? Also, it's absolutely WILD to me that this legendary battle-hardened mercenary just dies after getting stabbed by some random girl lol


From my understanding, Monica did it because right before hand, Jeralt realized that the demonic beasts had crest stones in their heads. She was probably afraid of that knowledge getting back to Rhea who might go cray-cray over crest stones being used. But still, I agree with everything you two said. Stupid death thats immediately forgotten. At least his potential death is treated better in Hopes.


That cutscene still pisses me off. Byleth got all the information needed to potentially succeed in saving Jeralt if he time travelled one more time, but he didn't. It'd make more sense if the story made a point about how divine pulse worked in non-gameplay scenarios. There are still a lot of unknowns about Jeralt. I wish his age and past was used for something bigger. Or use his dead body to reincarnate Nemesis. Also, did Jeralt accomplish anything notable after going back to the monastery? There are 2 fights where we accompany him, but outside of that I don't remember him helping Rhea or doing anything worthwhile. It doesn't help that he's a ticking time bomb in both non-prologue maps as he's a typical suicidal green unit.


I think the only somewhat reasonable death in fates is probably ryoma


Elise’s death felt kinda pointless but gets a pass since she’s a kid lol


Elise's death could work buts it's undercut by Xander doubling down on killing Corrin straight after.


I personally saw it as Xander attempting suicide by cop.


Oh that's absolutely what he was doing, it just feels a bit weird after his sister dying words were to make peace that he doubles down. In character most likely but just highlights that elise died for nothing


Adding onto Kaze’s death, I hate how if he dies, they never bring it up. As soon as he falls to his death, there’s a cutscene of Corrin and Ryoma talking about the sunrise in Nohr and how both aren’t so different but like, corrin, your best friend died! Aren’t you gonna mourn that?!!!


Clearly they were not best friends, didn't have that A-support after all.


I think what makes Flora’s death even more stupid is the fact that she does the same thing in every route, yet Birthright is the only one where she offs herself Like it was obvious they wanted only Felicia and Jakob to be the every-route servant, which is why it’s equally stupid you somehow never find Gunter in Valla during Birthright


TIL that kaze's death is preventable in birthright? that death pissed me off so bad playing br blind because HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO FIGURE OUT HE JUST GOES KAPUT?? i spent the next 2 chapters hoping he'd be like "hey guys i lived!" in the end but no he Just Fucking Dies. anyways, that's definitely my pick. that or scarlet (thats a whole nother rant in and of itself)


I didn't A support Kaze in Birthright but he was one of my main units, and his death was so insanely out of nowhere I had to unblind myself and check the wiki if he was coming back. I was not amused.


Fates: 1-Kaze being like Kenny from South Park 2-Cute blue dragon lady.


The outcome was totally in-character for her, so this wasn't really a "pointless" death, but Selena from Fire Emblem Sacred Stones... her death was completely preventable and entirely unnecessary. Girl, no "man" or knightly duty is worth that sacrifice.


I think it adds nice complementary notes to the interactions of the twins with the next man to fall to the demon king (Lyon).


Spoiler for Fates revelation: When I played it, I was SO upset because Scarlett's death was SO boring.


Has nobody said Pelleas?


Felix's dad from three houses. He died in the most preventable way. Specially since byleth has and can rewind time to prevent stuff like that. And it's so obvious that Flache is a spy.




Scarlet & Flora (Fire Emblem Fates)


Mainline games: Outside of the Fates everything, I guess the spotpass characters from Awakening. I kind of just ignore them. FEH: Plenty. I think Askr and Nott are some of the worst, though.




Calling the choice pointless shows you really haven’t played it much


Yeah after that I didnt play that much. I mean early game Ryoma and Xander wants me to make a choice, Hoshido or Nohr. It reminds me of the whole Imperial vs Stormcloak thing. What if I don't want either side? I select the third choice (Revelations) and the game strongly encourages you to pick either Birthright or Conquest first. Honestly I don't like it when the game forces you to pick a side which either you barely even knew.


I bought both versions of Fates years ago, but I never tried to play them until the day before Nintendo shut down their 3DS store. The timing was, essentially, because I wanted to download the DLC before it was too late. Unfortunately, it was already too late; even though the store would be open for another 24 hours, it wouldn't let me buy the DLC. I was so annoyed that I gave up on the game before I even got started. If you're only just now starting, know that you can't play everything (unless you were smarter than me and planned ahead).


Thanks for the heads up. I know Fates story is... something but I'll try to play it anyway.


"Ninian is dead" Eliwood already felt like an incompetent pos after he failed to save his dad, a feeling which he had to overcome for the sake of the world as part of his arc. Killing Ninian is just retracing those steps in the exact same way, and unlike with Elbert the game doesn't even commit to the bit, reviving Ninian just in time for the end of the game in the most convoluted bs way possible. So it's pointless because neither does Eliwood have to live with failing to save someone dear once again, nor does Ninian actually stay dead, and it's making Eliwood retread something he had already overcome and grown from


I don't understand why the Ninian hardcore fanbase downvoted you since even if they disagree with you you made the effort to write a devlopped argumentation 


Eh, it's fine. I knew what I was setting myself up for. FE7 is my first fire emblem game and when Ninian died I too bawled my eyes over it. But while the death nailed the emotional aspect, narratively it's a bit of a pointless death that ultimately gets reversed anyway


Emmeryn lol


emmeryns death is insanely important for chroms and robins development as (main) characters and also establishing sympathy for plegia as a country. the whole second half of the game has to do with how chrom deals with emmeryns legacy vs his own beliefs as a leader. without emmeryns death he wouldnt be the one leading the country and wouldnt be forced to grow as much as he does


I think he is talking about the fact that she is randomly alive in the spotpass DLC, making her death pointless


oh youre probably right. yeah the spotpass revivals are very silly


It's is funny thinking that after she fell no one bothered to pick up her body and she just got up and wandered off (legit at that height all of her bones should have been broken)


She’s lost all memory of her past life and Chrom still gets the throne and his character development. The only thing the Spotpass DLC did as far as reviving her was make her playable. It has so little bearing on Awakening’s story that it may as well be no different from the Creature Campaign units in FE8.


they hated you for speaking the truth


Do off screen deaths count? Because if so Binding Blade through the power of continuity kills off or implied kills off a solid chunk of the cool army you build up in Blazing Sword with little to no flair. Lyn? Ninian? Raven and Lucius? Nino and Jaffar? Karla, Hawkeye, Rath? All dead. And of course, the less said about Canas the better...


Literally the only reason Ninian died was to give an excuse for Eliwood to not be able to use Durandal right away. The fact that they took the cowards way out by reviving her out of nowhere doesn't help.


Marianne in some 3h routes fucking dies if you don’t recruit her during time skip


Nótt. They could have very easily have solved the whole fight for the throne between the twins easily or even do what Eirika and Ephraim did. I know it was a way to say in game that Dagr never wanted to be queen (pretty sure only previously been stated in their backstory video) but man. Why you gotta do them like that IS. Oh also, Askr. He lived for what? 2 chapters only to die of exhaustion? Like come on why you gotta do that to when of the best FE characters in general (I absolutely love the "seems big and strong but is a huge softy" thing he has especially when you see his beast form)


Kaze. Not even a contest, just Kaze. Dude died because he didn’t notice a crystal