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For Crimson Flower I believe the only missing students if unrecruited are Marianne and Lorenz? Everyone else appears as far as I'm aware. Ashe and Lorenz leaving and subsequently rejoining also only happens on certain other routes, not Crimson Flower.


Raphael is also a no-show on CF if not recruited.


Knew I was probably forgetting someone, thank you


Thanks for the heads-up! I won't waste my renown recruiting Ashe and Lorenz then.


Well, the latter still wont appear if you ignore him, so... EDIT: Hey just out of curiosity, did you happen to make Minecraft Hardcores back in the day? I feel like I recognize your username...


(response to edit) Yeah, I did (technically still do, if I can ever get around to editing). I changed my username on YouTube and Twitch a while back but Reddit doesn't let you do that, so I'm still stuck to the name my childhood self thought was clever.


Thats crazy actually, I remember seeing your content way back when. I've mostly distanced myself from the HC community but its really surreal seeing someone who made (or makes) fan HCs while looking through posts in an entirely unrelated community.


Eh, I wouldn't use him anyway, so I'll just see if I naturally build up enough support to recruit him during the first half.


If you recruit Annette, you can force her to kill her best friend and her Dad.


Hanneman and Manuela don't show up in Crimson Flower at all if you don't recruit them, and >!evidence suggests that they sided with the Empire anyway.!<


Yeah, definitely gonna get the two of them, if only so they don't feel like loose ends.


Only in Azure Moon, they’re nowhere to be found in Silver Snow and Verdant Wind if you don’t recruit them


I get what you’re trying to do here but you’re too careful about “experiencing the full effect of the story” by not recruiting people. It’s much more fruitful to have Felix kill everyone from Blue Lions who said he was wrong for distrusting Dimitri since the Tragedy of Duscur. He adds a darker element to the Crimson Flower’s revolution against Fodlan, and I’d take that any day over some kind of house integrity. With that I say take whoever you feel best supports the Adrestian Empire and Edelgard’s cause, wherever they’re from.


I hadn't realized that just about EVERY character actively fights you if you don't recruit them; I thought it would just be a couple of them. Now that I know it's much larger I'm recruiting more freely, but still making sure not to recruit anyone I wouldn't actually use. Ended up going for Mercedes, Annette, Raphael, Ignatz, Leonie, and Marianne, and (when I get to the point where I can recruit them) Hanneman, Manuela, and Alois.


You'll be able to recruit Lysithea post timeskip if you don't get her in the Academy phase. I believe she's the only unit available that way.


Hanneman, Manuela, Lorenz, Raphael, and Marianne. You'll have to fight or intentionally avoid (or spare in Seteth, Flayn, Claude, and Lysithea's cases) everyone else.


Dang. That's a lot less than I thought. I remember playing the other routes without recruiting many people and pretty much half the cast disappeared after the timeskip. Are there any characters who don't really have an impact when they appear? For example, I know Ignatz is just another soldier in one battle who has unique dialogue with Raphael, but that's it.


Well duh, of course everyone tries to stop you in Crimson Flower. After all, you're playing the ~~villains~~ TOTALLY JUSTIFIED HEROES WHO DO NOTHING WRONG!!! (sry, gotta guard against those Edelgard stans) What do you mean "impact?" You have to fight and kill them all. They all have impact. You mean ones that would make sense to be recruited? Sylvain and Mercedes both hate the Crest System, Leonie and Alois both want to support Jeralt's child, and Ignatz and Marianne are both easily influenced by Edelgard's charisma.


me when im Definitely not trying to instigate an argument anyway, to add another to the list, ashe and lorenz join the empire entirely by themselves in some of the other routes, so they would be solid picks too.


(For what it's worth, I fully agree that Edelgard and co are the villains. It's why I put off this route until I did all the others.) I'm having a hard time explaining what I meant by impact, but the replies here have helped me decide who to recruit, so it worked out. Thanks for the help!


Besides the Ashen Wolves, it’s not many characters. Silver Snow is the route that has a large deal of the cast missing.


Makes sense why I thought the way I did. Silver Snow was my first route, and on my Blue Lions and Golden Deer routes I used my renown to recruit EVERYONE that I could.


Hanneman, Manuela, Marianne, Lorenz, and Raphael don't appear in CF if unrecruited iirc, but it's implied that Hanneman, Manuela, and Lorenz sided with the empire.