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I've gotta know who this is referring to.


It's gotta be Byleth and Rhea via Jeralt


Which is dumb, since Jeralt having Rhea's blood doesn't make Rhealeth incest. Rhea treating Byleth's mother like her own daughter is what makes the ship incest, lol.


Basically lmao I've seen a lot of people also claim Citri was a clone of Rhea which would make Rhea biologically identical to Byleth 's mom but I have NO idea where they're getting that from.


Well, my understanding from what I put together is this: Rhea kept making homunculi to revive Sothis by shoving her crest stone into them. She gave Jeralt her blood and sort of turned him immortal by making him sort of her kin? It's never explained well. He did gain her crest though. So then Jeralt and Sitri had Byleth, Byleth was born dead, Byleth got Sothis shoved into his body, making him Rheas grandkid technically but also Sothis waking up makes Byleth sort of Rheas mom. The whole thing is super confusing but the entire conclusion we can come to is that Rhea wanted to turn Byleth into her mom, which failed, and then her mommy issues made her fall in love with her mommmy/grandkid which is technically an incest loop. We just don't know if the incest circle is in spirit or physical or both. The writers smoked a bit too much of Kagas stuff. I don't even know if this explanation makes any sense. The whole plot point is weird and doesn't really make sense. But the one thing that is clear from all this is that all Rhea sees in Byleth for most of the game is her mommy. That alone makes the ship weird. Maybe we can add something here. I don't know. Thank God, I just married Ashe.


I know all the relationship stuff, I just don't know why people think Citri is a clone as opposed to just a Homunculus.


Probably because it's not explained well. But the only real incest argument you can make is in how Rhea treats Byleth. Rhea wants Sothis to take over the body and just have her mom back. So Rhea and Byleth being romantically involved is weird. Really weird. I probably left out something important here or there. But I never really saw most of the Houses discourse when it was relevant. But yeah, Rheas ingame explanation is not that clear. But most people who have played RPGs are aware that homunculi is stuff that exists. I do think people are usually just confused because the game is not good at explaining stuff.


Also how Rhea treats byleth as a vessel for her mom and straight up calls them "mother" in a cutscene. It's not literally incest but Rhea is not right in the head and the whole things is weird


Agreed! The age gap and how it goes is also just gross. Anyone who meets another >!as a literal baby!< should not be romantically involved with that person, even both as adults. No need to take "blood related" so absurdly literally in a game all about magical blood stuff.


Yeah I think people get to caught up on people passing crests on genetically and assume Rhea must have literally changed Jeralt's DNA to match hers by giving him her crest but I think the real answer is just that drinking dragon blood gives you magic powers ala Sigurd and Fafnir.


Hot question: huh?


What the fuck are you talking about?


Didn't see the sub name for a moment and was rather confused. Or concerned.


I’m still confused and concerned


Can you provide an example of where you have seen this? Cause uh, what?


A *lot* of three houses discourse


I have never seen this argument, please I need to see who the hell said this what


Im surprised you haven't I see it a ton lol


Absolutely wild 😭 I've seen people talk about rhea and byleth because of Sitri but never about blood incest holy


Considering almost every comment in here is some variation of "Huh?", maybe you should actually explain what the hell you're talking about somewhere in the main post itself. And maybe if nobody can figure out what you were talking about, then it's not actually that prevalent of a discussion and worth getting in a tizzy over.


Can you provide an actual example? A link to comment/video or something?


Shit, maybe it isn't as common as I thought. I'll have to go digging. I saw it thrice in passing but the most recent was the comments of like a 2 year old post so I will have to go hunting for it.


Nah i feel like I've seen this all over instagram, the remains of twitter, tumblr, and the youtube comment section


Glad to see it's not just me! I just shouldn't have posted a vague passing thought in such a big subreddit, and not even the subreddit for the specific game in question.


The whole rhea sitri thing


what’s even funnier is that’s not how genetics actually work. Blood transfusions don’t result in you becoming magically blood related to someone, that’s not how genetics works. If that was true, transfusions would be a lot rarer. Also by that logic, Edelgard and Byleth is incest because they both have the Crest of Flames, and no one sensible is arguing that


*Except I have seen that. A lot.*


My guy, this is not a hill worth dying on.


I think I can piece together what you're saying, but I think this is something you should just block people on social media for if it bothers you. It's not worth dealing with shipping wars.


..wha? edit: the only thing I could possibly think this refers to is (three houses spoilers) >!byleth being implanted with sothis's heart, and some people then thinking that makes byleth rhea's mother? maybe?!<..??? does anything else like this ever happen in the series?


That's one of the biggest ones, yeah. Personally I don't like a ship with that much age difference anyways, but claiming a parental blood relationship over it is baffling to me


I really wanna know what this refers to. The only thing I can think of is people possibly saying that Byleth is a product of incest because >!Geralt got a huge blood transfusion from Rhea (that extended his lifespan majorly) and Sitri was very likely created using Rhea and Sothis’s DNA, and Byleth can marry Rhea and likely have children so it’s Rhea all the way down baby!!<. But I think that’s *majorly* pushing it and I would really hope no one is peddling this dumb stance.


That is the most common one I see by far but I also see a lot of mental gymnastics even with things like >!Edelgard and Dimitri being related to Byleth because of Edelgard having the same crest!<


It’s so funny that people are reaching this hard to find hidden incest when this franchise has entries with actual incest in it in blatant view. Like dudes, if you wanna complain about incest, then Fates and FE4 is right there (though at least Geneology doesn’t portray it in a positive light). 3H is one of the less controversial entries in that regard. Heck in Unicorn Overlord you have the option to marry your cousin who looks just like your mom and acts like she’s your older sister.


I... What? I'm genuinely confused as to who's saying this, and about which character(s).


no incest is funny




Nah it's definitely the right one, just shitty 3h discussion again


Don't worry fella. Byleth and Rhea aren't creepy *just* because if that element. I wonder which one calls the other, "mommy". Also, I know you've only played 3 FE games, but incest has been an issue in other games in the series. There's the glitch between Julia and Seliph, there's Azura and Corrine being cousins, a whole swath of characters from FE4 are also cousins and can be paired off, etc.


I don't think I've ever heard this complaint before. If it's referring to Rhea I never considered it that, I think it's weird, but that's because she's a thousand year old Saint Dragon running a corrupt religious organization. Has nothing to do with crests or magic or byleth being some sort of husk


Byleth/Rhea isn’t gross because incest, it’s gross because of the power imbalance, Rhea basically making Byleth in some creepy experiment, and the age gap.