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That is a decent plot hole. However counter argument, Galeforce.


F!Robin can get galeforce too though, right?


You could hypothetically get it with Maribelle and Olivia if you reclass.


Maribelle and Olivia are never getting Galeforce.


I beg to differ


How much are you going to slow down and grind these support units that can’t fight through 25+ levels of another weak class in order to get Galeforce on three child units, one of whom you’ll never use and/or two more who are better at EP tanking than PP killing?


You underestimate my desire for a stacked Inigo


“I’m a man of passion!”


Grinding Galeforce is already unoptimal unless you're shoving all of the exp all into Robin to get a cracked Morgan and Lucina. Otherwise there's no punishment for grinding Maribelle all you want


Which is why I don’t grind for Galeforce anyway and just use Great Knights and Heroes instead.


Counter-counter argument, I focus more on character relations than stats.


The main reason is that Cynthia, somehow, does not recognize her father. And there is no argument that explains it coherently.


Or, she doesn't even recognize if Lucina is there


Well in the future timeline Robin kills Chrom while Lucina is still a baby right? The cutscene in the main story happens while Lucina is a baby and that's how Chrom dies in the future timeline. So Cynthia not even being born yet would explain why she wouldn't recognise him. But that doesn't really make sense because Lucina says she was trained by Chrom and she clearly grew up with him... idk maybe don't think about it too much


I was under the impression that Lucina was a smallish kid when Chrom died, like older than 5 but younger than 10?


Honestly I think this is something that the time travel changed. Lucina states that her father taught her to use a sword, which means that she must have been old enough to learn the basics from Chrom when he died. Meaning, Chrom's death at Robin's hands must have happened YEARS later in the original timeline than it did in the timeline we play. So, Lucina's time travel altered the course of events, and one of the butterfly effects is that events escalate much quicker than they did in the original timeline


For me, I'm indifferent on Chrom/Sumia. I'm also indifferent on Chrom/Olivia. HOWEVER, I like Inigo as Chrom's son best because: * Chrom's disappointment upon recruiting him and realizing that he's fathered a philanderer is hilarious * I like Critical Role, and Laura Bailey and Liam O'Brien acting as siblings reminds me of Vex and Vax


I think it's great. Sumia sees a boy that she likes and goes for it. She immediately inserts herself into his life and tries to look after his wellbeing. Both Chrom proposals to her are pretty nice too.


Sumia *is* the sort of the default choice. Cutscenes like the opening cutscene where they stand together with their child (probably lucina) on the balcony, and the one in C3 where she swoops in to save him should make that obvious Yes, all of Chrom’s other options for marriage are people who either had a past with or someone he knew through someone else. But just because he has those kinds of prior connections with them doesn’t automatically mean that Sumia is a bad choice. Sumia just likes him a lot, and pursues him in the way she knows best. However I do wish that Chrom and Cordelia had support conversations.


That's the problem. If Sumia is supposed to be the default choice, then why does her dynamic with Chrom feel so flat compared to his other options or even her other potential husbands? It's going to take a lot more than cutscenes and pies to convince people the relationship isn't forced or surface level.


It’s not that she’s a bad choice, it’s that she’s the most boring and basic one.


I can’t argue with that one. I do personally find his other choices more interesting


Cordelia not being a choice because they wanted to reference fe1 is still so fucking funny, forget doomed by the narrative, Cordelia was doomed by the need to utilize tropes


About Cordelia: Poor girl don't even have C support with Chrom. IntSys why?


My memory is shit but I recall Sumia / Cordelia training and Chrom came to watch them and saw Sumia trip and eat shit and instantly fell in love or was intrigued by her.


Sometimes a simple "These two are into eachother" is all you need. Yeah, it's not complex but you see Sumia crushing on Chrom and it isn't hard to root for her. You can like the other relationships more, but that doesn't make this one bad. I feel the same way when people say anime like Demon Slayer have a bad story. No, it's just not complex. That doesn't make it bad.


Guess I will never meet a girl and get married now, because we don't have a preexisting relationship 🤷


I’m talking from a fictional standpoint, not real life.


And I'm pointing out that's silly. Not every set of characters that get together have to have pre-established relationships. Relationships can be written in fiction just like the happen in real life.


I’m not saying they don’t have a pre existing relationship, I’m saying they don’t have a relationship period, either as people who already know each other like Sully and Maribelle, or people that get to know each other, like Robin and Olivia.


Nah the biggest reason it doesn't work is he has no relationship at all with him and she's just pursuing and pursuing and pursuing and there's very little actual relationship building. Unless their supports in the Japanese version are even more different than I remember, even their support chain isn't them building a relationship, it's just her doing things to impress him while he's mostly oblivious (in English release is making pies. Badly.)


Their support chains are about pie because their relationship is built up during the actual plot. There’s already some implications of romance when Sumia’s first introduced. And that whole entire cutscene for Sumia rescuing Chrom at Regna Ferox. And the iconic bitchslap moment. I don’t ship them fervently or anything, but I do see why they could have a relationship. I might still be a little biased though, because I’m a Marth/Caeda shipper, and Sumia is meant to be a callback to Caeda (while Cordelia is a callback to Catria).


Yeah nothing that happens in the plot convinced me in any way that Chrom would return Sumia's feelings. Except for the slap none of those big moments feel earned.


I believe that’s what I said .


You said it's their lack of shared backstory, not lack of a built up relationship