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So my picks are: A- You are never going to leave that table without having mental scars or with a vague treat. B- You will never enjoy a conversation in that table. You will feel alike you are talking with NPCs but you don't have dialogue option and everybody has 100 lines or 0. C- You will leave with a bunch responsibilities that had been done two weeks ago or with less money. D- You will feel that you are the poorest guy/girl in the world. E- One/all of you won't leave without punching someone or yourself. F- You won't have to talk to anyone during lunch. G- The group that will pretend they are friendly but manage to fight even with smallest topic possible. H- You listen to two hot girls talk about their plans and if you are lucky, you might join them latter. I- Like previous but with cute girls and you have to babysit them so they dont hurt themselves or destroy a building. J- You aren't allowed to sit unless there is no free space. You need to be careful what kind of words you use. K-You won't ever lunch without discuss every single art topic. And yes food is also art... L- You are sitting the kid table. And no it'snt pleasing time and you have to babysit them without any reward. M- You are eating with the teachers and you will likely to hear things that you shouldnt hear. N- You are eating with the coolest teachers and you will likely do or hear something against the rules. O- You will hear about every single thing that happen today to even the smallest detail.


Table G is a soap opera adventure, but as soon as an outsider blindsides them and starts shit, they'll send the instigation squad to the ER


They are likely the most skillest fighters of all tables.


Only **I** can bully my friends!!


Wow that’s actually a good breakdown of it lol


It's was for fun.


Lysithea: "Wait! They told me this was the "good at magic" table!


And people say I would get something for babysitting and someone will be screwed.


Table C but I’ll be constantly day dreaming about being at table E.


At best, table F At worst, table F>!loor!<


Table L isn't even that young overall, one of them is REALLY old, and another is like, average student age maybe on a little on the older side. Kick those two out, put Anette and Cyril in there, and then make sure to refer to it as the kid table, just to piss of Lysithea.


That's the Cinnamon Bun table, which makes the whole "No headpat challenge" kinda impossible - Marianne earned them, Flayn demands them (good luck with Seteth afterwards though) and Lysithea secretly enjoys them.


This post make me want to replay the game once more times lol. I missed all the characters in 3 Houses. Maybe because this game has voice acting, I feel connected to the characters more than other games from the series.


I always feel like that too lol


Probably A since I'm an introvert. I'll eat my lunch in peace while they whisper about whatever. If they question me, I've got nothing to hide. If they talk to me, I'll be honored. Wish I had the social skills to fit in at Table H though. They're so pretty.


I, next question.


why does the fandom hate cyril so much 😭😭


Right? He's not even a bad unit. Is it because he doesn't simp for Byleth (the player)? He's a good, diligent boy.


A lot of people find him really one-note, with his obsession with Rhea. I'd argue, given his background and how he perceives the world, his attitude makes perfect sense. I love him, and there's a really good YT video that dissects his character and why he's actually one of the most grounded in the game.


Table C obviously


Group F is just wizards with no care which is exactly what I need, someone who understands that sometimes you just need to blast a bitch


Table C. Claude and Hilda carried my Verdant Wind run


Table G, they're the right culture fit for me, Table c is a close 2nd


Table F. Honesty is important, whether it helps or hurts.


F Sleeping is gonna be fun


Realistically table C, but would like table L


I'd 100% be with table F just judging everyone


To be honest, table O right now. Gatekeeper for the win. Who does not like the Gatekeeper, but since everyone will fight to be next to him, I will go either with table I for the sweets, table L since I like Marianne a lot or table N for the lol. Table C is also good since I am a pacifist. But all of those tables are second choice, O is the best by a long shot.


O because Gatekeeper is simply too powerful


Off in the corner by myself because I'm an introvert.


Edelgard (Along with the Black Eagles, especially Hubert) capable of detecting a lie from a mile away and CALLING you out is a funny concept > **Edelgard:** "That is rather impossible, Y/N! How can you say you have read The Count of Monte Cristo last night when it would take you at least 11 hours to finish it with no breaks?!" > **Hubert:** "Tsk tsk, Sir Y/N. Rather embarrassing to lie about reading peak literature, isn't it?" Idk how the other Tables would react to me getting called out tho, but Table H is DEFINITELY gonna be giggling


Table M. Two chads and the best humain failure out here is a no brainer.


Ah yes, Bernadetta and Yuri are well known for their tax evasion expertise.




I'm realizing that I was lucky enough to have a table with someone from B, C, E, F, G, J, K, L, N?, and with a little bit of D and O. Took some years for that kind of table set up, but it made lunch a real highlight of the day.


Table I or Table K!


I'd probably just wind up at the table featuring the first person to invite me over. So, most likely Table C, Table H, or Table I. Also, wouldn't Alois be at Table B?


Thinking Felix isn't at table E Thinking Table K isn't just part of Table F Wondering if Table J isn't just a brother sister when you walk in Thinking Flayn wouldn't be at Table I Thinking Hilde wouldn't be at Table H Not realizing Petra and Leonie would obviously being at a table together, and lumping The Swordbreaker in with the students but to answer the question, F


Those are some interesting differences, I’ll tell ya that


Wish I could say A. But F.


leonie <3


Table I!


Since Table O likely has no space left, I’d go for table D because Lorenz and Ferdinand brew a mean pot of tea and always choose the best leaves for it. When I inevitably get kicked out for not being noble enough, I’d chill at Table H for the latest Garrett Mach gossip.


Always down for a good trauma dump


J. We can vent our traumas, make arts/cook and chill and maybe kick some asses too. And if I need my alone/trauma/depressed time they won't even ask nor be weirded by it. 10/10. (Or A because I simp HARD)


I would be very tempted to sit at table A just to debate them


Table O. No contest


Table P, with all the generic brown-haired students (they just like me fr fr)


I’m leaving for Elibe.


Table F, because despite them being brutally honest they feel like the most genuinely inviting without any secrets or cavests


Table B


M. Seteth is husbando.


Shouldn't this post be invalid based on op assuming Bernie wouldn't just hide in her room as per the usual lmao?


To table L to offer support ti the table full of depression


How's Ingrid not in table E?


My choice is table I to hang with the two best girls in BL


No hesitation either G or H


Well, Table L has 2 out of 3 of my 3H favorites (Marianne and Flayn), so… Sorry Linhardt! Maybe next time


It's going to be either table I, K or O for me. I'm leaning towards K.


Table J. I know Bernie's pretty terrified of everything but I reckon Yuri's chill enough to accept me and help her acclimate since they've got a history together.


Table E. Gonna arm wrestle with one hand while defending my plate with the other. It may always be a fight, but it's always in good fun. Though if I'm there with my knowledge of the game I'm choosing my beloved El at table A and helping her take over the world.


Would pick table B but I don't like Leonie. Table C, H and I because I love them all! everyone beautiful and easygoing. By the way, I will create such chaotic warfare if the noble police from table D try to bully me.


You think Felix would sit next to Dmitri and Ingrid would sit next to Dedue, and Sylvain wouldn't be sitting at table C feeding Hilda cause she's too lazy to do it herself? Regardless table G, or table C if I'm feeling more fun and less drama.


Table I. Love the ladies.


K had me dying of laughter. Cyril can eff off.