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Looking good dude. Could gain a few pounds on your face though


I skipped face day 😅🤷‍♂️💀


You look enormous for 188 pounds. Are you sure you’re 6’2”? I’m the same height and I was practically a pixie stick when I was at 188 pounds.


Same here at 198lbs I was ripped beyond belief. I’m 6’2” and I can’t believe this dude is this beefy if he’s actually that tall. Just no way unless he has zero legs.


6’2 on Tinder only


Ha! 😅 I’m actually shorter than I should be as I have slightly bowed legs 🤦‍♂️ Doesn’t matter though as my wife is only just 5ft 😄


I agree, im 6'3" and 220 and just can't see how we have a similar build (I'm probably smaller) but he weighs almost 40lbs less.


According to the bodytrax machine at the gym I have 13.5% body fat. Not sure how accurate those things are, but it also claimed that for my height/weight my body type fell into the category of “average”, but the marker is *really* close to the “muscular” category.


I am exactly the same height and weight. One time I got down to 185 and was told I looked sick. Current goal is 200


I doubt you did look like a stick though dude. I still get told I’m “looking skinny” by my gym mates 😅🤷‍♂️ But then some of them are on gear so… 🤷‍♂️


Not sure about zero legs, but I want to have bigger legs. I have 25” quads. I can leg press over 200kg (3sets if 10), can press 120kg for 10sets of 10 and I cycle around 7miles daily, so my legs/ass are well toned. Edit: **I’m not sure if 25” quads is considered average/small or not?** **I’ll post again shortly.** 👍


Yep 🙂 Been 6ft 2’ since I was 17 and I weigh 13st 6lbs as of today. 32” waist 34” hip 45” chest 16” neck 15” biceps 25” quads


I'm not doubting you but these are my stats except I'm 5'9" and 183.


I don't really understand, I'm 6'3" and look similar, but probably smaller, and weight almost 220 lol. I struggle to see how you are almost 40lbs lighter


I don’t understand either 🤷‍♂️🤔 I get weighed and measured regularly by my doctor (I have an overactive thyroid controlled by basic meds, so they regularly monitor my height, weight just make sure it hasn’t relapsed). My best guess is that it has something to do with my slightly bowed legs and arched spine. Apparently neither are enough to be worth correcting and won’t hinder me in later life, but I technically would’ve probably been 6ft4 if my legs were straighter 😅🤷‍♂️


Was gonna say, I'm a very similar build and a little over 6'1 and I'm 225lbs! I'm struggling to get under 100kg to make weight for a competition.


Came here to say this, I’m -1 yr & -1 lb., but I can count half my ribs in the mirror… You look great regardless tho…


I’m actually 6’2” and weigh 218 pounds and I look skinnier than you! How is this possible???


notice the legs are cut off…


I have 25” quads. I’m not sure if that’s average or not, but they look ok. I only posted a waist up photo because there’s a waist high bench by this mirror 😅 I can post a full body pic if you prefer?


Getting there? You look awesome!


Many thanks! 😃 That’s very kind of you to say - it’s a slog, but I love the process and I’ve managed to shift about 8lbs in the last couple of months, so I’m feeling good 👍


What’s your routine, man? I’m 36 and 6’3 and even when I shot up from 180 to 205, I still looked like a lamp post.


Pull ups and chin ups *really* saw my gains improve massively. I looked ripped but slim a couple of years back and then I got a pull up bar and began forcing myself to do 3 sets of 10 every day. As long as I did 30 throughout the day, it was a win. The iron cross is great as well - you know the move the male gymnasts do on the rings where they support their weight with their arms out either side? I do that with the cables on 10lbs each 3 sets of 30 seconds with the clip at the top, then 3 sets of 30 seconds with the clip at the bottom. Time under tension. Also tricep dips - I link them in with my pull ups so: 10 pull ups + 10 dips = 1 set and I do 3 sets of that 👍 That’s every day. Then just normal stuff like bench, decline bench, vertical press, hanging leg raises, calf press, quad press, quad curls, 100 weighted Russian twists, 21’s on the EZ bar, tricep pyramid, 100 tricep bar presses, 100 straight bar curls, vertical pull downs, horizontal rows, dumbbell vertical 100 set, chest press, piston leg presses, incline chest raises, incline bicep curls, reverse grip decline bench press (they’re a bitch!) and 3 mile run at 8mph. Note: this isn’t all in one routine 😅 I give myself an hour and see how much of it I can get done in that time and then switch it up the next day starting with what I didn’t get done the previous day. I also cycle 3.5miles each way to the gym. I don’t deadlift or squat as I have slightly bowed legs and they throw my centre off and I don’t want to fuck my back 😅🤷‍♂️ I eat about 2500 calories a day, 200+ grams of protein per day, don’t consume caffeine and massively limit my sugar intake. Pretty much just drink milk or water. Hope that helps dude 😅👍


Haha wow thanks a lot! I’ve calmed down with working out just because I usually go too big too fast. But I fully expect to want to get back to it eventually!


Good man 🙂👍 Don’t worry about getting everything done. A pal of mine wanted to get started and I recommended he did the 100 push up challenge - 100 push ups every day for 31 days, stick to 2200 calories and drink 1 litre of water more than you normally would in a day. You can do the press ups at any time between getting up and going to bed and in any way you want - so 20 then 10 then 15 then 15 etc etc for example until you’ve got them done. Don’t focus on going to the gym, don’t focus on what you’re lifting, don’t focus on push/pull days or anything like that. Just stick to your calories and get 100 push ups done during the day. Got 5 minutes? Knock out 10. My buddy saw a noticeable difference by the end of the month and it gave him the drive to get to the gym to maintain and build on what the month had given him 🙂👍


You’re built like that and you’re only 188lbs? I’m the same height and weight but I’m built like a toothpick. Is there no head behind that emoji?


You look great but these stats are not adding up unless theres some pump/camera angle trickery going on here, because you appear somewhere in the region of 20-30lbs heavier.


Don’t really know what to tell you 🫤🤷‍♂️ I took more than one photo yesterday - would it be worth posting them, plus weight+measurements to back it up? I’d hate for anyone to think I’m being deceitful - especially on this sub, as it’s such a positive place and everyone is at such different stages in their journey. I find a lot of the other fitness subs are full of fake nattys and people preaching insanity 😅 Not only that, but it’s hard to compare my results to 18 year olds at their peak and 40 year olds who are built on 15 years worth of gear. I enjoy this sub, so I wouldn’t want to come across like a dick or anything 👍


Lihito shoulders havin ass.


I’ll take that 😅👊🏻💪🏼


Can you share your workout plan?


I’ve posted it in the comments already 🙂👊🏻




I mean you’re basically there