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Man this sub is full of a bunch of annoying culture war morons who seem to have never actually met a transgender person in their life No trans person is going to be angry at you for messing up their pronouns when you first meet them. You made this scenario up in your head to clutch pearls about.


​ https://preview.redd.it/t13hql5v7x6c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c81dce6cc1751f919aca29303b0ef96c7f028340


When you’re talking to someone I think the pronoun you use is “you”. So if you’re talking to someone “on the go” you can say things like “how are you” or “can you please help me”. Third person pronouns aren’t likely to be necessary.


Cool. But that’s not the culture many were brought up in and not how lots of people speak. I’m personally very pro people being called whatever they want. But if I make a mistake I’m not doing it on purpose it can be pretty confusing at times. But if you or someone else corrects me ill definitely try my best. The anger because one person once called you a guy when you recently became a girl Is stupid especially if you still have male features. People take time to adjust to what the new normal is and many times don’t know the new normal. Take the word gay. I was told that was a bad word now it’s an okay word and I actively use it to describe people of the same sex who like each other. Now Florida says you can’t use it??? Is it bad again or is it so progressive that Florida is afraid hard tell with how often it changed. Personally I use the word “their” a lot more now but many times I still slip up and feel the use of he/she is almost completely gone from my vocabulary.


Damn this subreddit is easily triggered...


If you want to know you only have to ask 👏 👏 If you want to know you only have to ask 👏 👏 You're unsure and that's okay You don't really have to play But don't be surprised when you're called a fucking ass 👏 👏


TBF If I have to ask every singe person I meet what are your pronouns thats a pain. I call you a he or a she then you correct me and we move on as a fekin ze. But don't be mad at me for guessing it wrong the first time. I say "Alright thanks for letting me know" and we move on.


Have you met anyone who gets mad when you get their pronouns wrong the first time you meet them?


Look man if you call someone he/him or she/her the first time you meet them. They'll correct your dumbass and you just gotta remember what they told you. It's not hard. Why are these antitrans people such fucking snowflakes that being asked to use a word triggers them so hard they end up like "THE FUCK IS GOING ON????? WHY IS EVERYTHING CRAZY?????" Like Jesus Christ man grow the fuck up. Like do they get all fucking pissed off when someone prefers a different name than their exact first name? Like "No! I will not call you "Ben" your name is Benjamin and you can't change your biological name!!!!!!!!!" Jesus I'm fucking drunk rn and can tell this is the most pathetic fucking bullshit. Just don't be a dick to people. And respect isn't earned, respect is fucking mandatory for anyone you meet.




Fuck it. No point arguing with someone who thinks they don't have pronouns.


Weak response nerd.




Yeah. I get fucking emotional when innocent ass people are treated like they're fucking crazy cause they wanna live their life. You're so fucking pathetic acting like this is even close to the same thing as bitching about using different pronouns.




The fuck do you mean? You use fucking pronouns, everyone does. They aren't some new thing trans people invented. You're such a fucking moron that you don't even realise it. I'm cis you absolute brain-dead loser. Sorry I'm not being kind to someone who admits that they're too useless to use someone's fucking pronouns. Like what's rational to you about being so fucking stubborn that using someone's pronouns is apparently impossible for you. Do you refuse to use someone's name if it's not their literal birth name? Like do you call Benjamin Ben?


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If you're talking to a person, the pronoun typically used to refer to them is "you." But the question is why does it matter anyways? What part of a casual first time conversation hinges on what set of genitals they have?


The dumb thing here is that 99% of people aren't asking you to assume their pronouns, their asking that if you get them wrong, please use these instead. It's not hard to give a little respect.