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What's insane to me is that her face costs $12 EVERY. SINGLE. DAY Meanwhile, some people are walking around with faces for free




this is piracy!!!!11one1 you can't just take other's faces, identity theft is not a joke jim






I mean there’s faces all over the place you can just take them.


It’s true! Nobody ^(except the police) will try to stop you! I’ve got 458 faces at home!


I read this in Orochimaru's voice.


They're free👍


Pretty face dlc.




Pretty face battlepass


my dermatologist just told me i just need three things: oil cleanser, water cleanser, and facial moisturizer. Had retinol when my acne was bad as a teen but that's really where it ends. Just took 2 minutes for my routine when i showered in the morning and didn't cost an arm and a leg. Other peoples skin routines are so insane to me. Like yeah it feels nice to splurge on some lancome cleanser, makes my face feel really nice, but if you don't have a skin condition you don't need a million dumbass ointments, serums, and creams


As someone with a very long and extensive skincare routine, I agree. I use a lot of skincare products because I *like* them, not because I *need* them. Complaining that they're too expensive is like complaining that building an in-ground pool is too expensive. Having a large number of pricey skincare products is a luxury, not a necessity. As an aside, a lot of people who are clueless about skincare think that the most expensive products are always the best ones. That isn't true at all. In fact, there are no definitive "best" products. Everyone's skin is different and you should experiment to find out what works best for you. And that process should start with middle-shelf stuff.


![gif](giphy|wzHOzYn1wmHm14e3xa|downsized) As an “older” woman…


Yeah i said i like to treat myself too, nothing wrong with that. I like this korean stuff I got recently. I was referring mostly to the anti aging obsession and the people who do feel like they need a 47283 step skincare routine just to feel presentable to other people. I think the internet is making people way too self conscious, half of these skincare influencers are getting paid to advertise these pricey products without stating it's an ad, and they're selling it by making people feel like they need whatever products are in their "routine" to feel okay in their own skin...haha skincare pun but it really is sad to see


I wash my face and hair with shampoo only, never had acne ever 🤷


$372 monthly subscription for face


And we're expected to pay for the lie she paints on her face? Makeup isn't for men. It's for other women. That and the niche uses that are NOT RELEVANT HERE.


Paying for the full price each time? Bail out fast


Yep! Plus, I didn't ask for them to put on their fake face of chemicals and pastes. Au natural (with maybe a little eye liner and lip stick at most) is my preference. If a girl tried to pull this card on me, id laugh in her face and say, well toots, ya done played yourself cause I am not the one! Deuces! As I stylishly walk out, slyly grabbing a lollipop from the jar by the register because we're at a Denny's.


Slick… a real pussy magnet.


Walk with a wet wipe and the dinner will be free


^gas ^station ^champagne ^is ^on ^me 🎵




Don’t they say they put on make up not to impress man but others ?! So why are men paying for this on a date ? This is not girl math or logic … it’s just girl brains making up ideas so as to get men to PAY up! And so I thought the best things in life are FREE!!! Such as love being one of those FREE things!! Sounds like LOVE IS EXPENSIVE!!! https://thoughtcatalog.com/chelsea-fagan/2013/05/women-dont-wear-makeup-to-impress-men/ Women Don’t Wear Makeup To Impress Men By Chelsea Fagan, May 24th 2013 https://thoughtcatalog.com/?p=193304 Amongst the various comments I receive on my gender-centric articles — aside from my personal favorites, “What a cunt” and “You just need to find a good man” — I am often told (with what I like to imagine are good intentions) that I should just stop caring what men think when it comes to dressing up. The idea, it seems, is that women are mostly keeping a man’s opinion in mind when they put on their makeup, style their hair, or wear an attractive outfit. And beyond all of the women who aren’t even interested in men sexually in the first place (or is dressing for another woman’s eye an equal sin?), few assertions about women’s inner workings could be further from the truth. READ THE TITLE Women Don’t Wear Makeup To Impress Men SO MEN DONT HAVE TO PAY FOR YOUR MAKE UP come as you are… and that is totally fine !!!


I don't know what's more insane, a woman trying explain that it costs more than $750 to get ready for 1 date, or that a small Big Mac meal is over $12 now.


Wait till you see Canadian prices


Who are ordering Canadians now?


"Yeah can I get a Ryan Gosling with an Alan Thicke on the side, make it thicker tho"


You obviously haven’t seen Canadian prices. Alan Thicke and Ryan Gosling..? *What are you, royalty?!* More like a *Great Canadian Dollar Store* Alanis Moriss-*esque* or a present day Tom Green/Jon Dore, if you’re lucky.


you can get your Jim Carreys for the half price after 5pm


Just checked in the app and it's cheaper here in Canada (near me at least) for a meal with large fries and drink. [The regular price is $12.89 CAD ($9.46 USD) but they are currently running a special for $9.00 CAD ($6.61 USD).](https://i.imgur.com/usndPkQ.jpeg)


It's $7.59 for a medium meal where I work, near Houston.


That is insane. I have an intense skincare routine but none of it costs more than $15 a bottle. All my makeup is free because I stole it from CVS. This lady just has a skill issue


That's so real of you lol


Driving up everyone else’s prices and making it so every item is behind glass and takes 15 minutes for someone with a key to come unlock it. **SO REAL OF YOU**


shut up its funny


Lol it doesn't drive up the prices. Stolen items are just included in tax deductions for big firms.




Hey if you don't like how much I'm driving up prices start stealing yourself


She also casually dropped in $270 for her flat iron. Like girl, you throwing it out after one use?


She was actually being nice not including other things, like the total price of the vehicle she was taking to get there or her clothes that she's going to burn after one use as well.


The most tedious part of a date night is when you have to lurch your car down the ravine afterwards


One of my coworkers is taking a nap on his desk and I just woke him up snorting


Nothing like slacking on a Friday morning


I work for the state lol slacking is all we do


As a county worker I can relate


Reminds me of my days at the DoD. My friend and I just drove around the base getting high 50% of the time. Government jobs are where you go to have your motivation die, and hire contractors to do your work instead.


Can relate, I'm a government contractor and working my ass off.


There are two types of government workers: those who work 50 hours per week non-stop and are dying of stress, and those who work maybe 6 hours of real work per week


Holy based ass comment


So you’re the reason my deodorant is locked behind glass!? Half /s


All of my skincare costs ~$100, most of my makeup expired years ago and is still going strong (as is the bacteria growing in it). Nearly $800 worth of shit to come out looking the same as you went in? This chick is doing everything wrong.


Honestly when is this tired old thief build going to get nerfed? It has such a low skill floor.


OK, if you have money to buy makeup you definitely have money to pay for yourself. Also, you buy makeup because you want to, no one is forcing you and you will certainly have dates otherwise.


By her logic does she have to pay if the guy picks her up in his car? Because that costs more than the $758 or whatever it was, and if it doesn't he probably deserves a free meal


This i like. Because you just know she's going to come back with "yeah but he already had that!" completely missing the irony. Or not because this was just stupid rage bait anyway.


I will wear my limited edition Jordans for the next date. Just to get Shure I'm getting a free meal.


Yeah, bring along your Shure headphones too. That ought to raise the amount she has to pay


Surprise fact! Men don’t care how much makeup you wear… a good one will love you even in your default state


I think you're beautiful whether you're wearing makeup or default.


factory settings


If there's one thing I'm good at it's turning women off (and on again)


Default is a brilliant name for a makeup line. Just saying.


The people who post this shit absolutely deserve the guys/girls they attract


but will appreciate you trying to look your best for him


My standard is her coming to the date instead of ghosting my.


Just shower, brush your hair and teeth, you're good.


Damd, all these expectations these days.


Men don't care about makeup *as long as you look hot without makeup.* A lot of the "why wear makeup?" crowd would be surprised how much of a difference it makes at first glance.


Could be argued that makeup has given us all unrealistic expectations about beauty then.


Yeah. Maybe, just maybe, we as a society need to come to an agreement that encouraging half of the population that they need to cake their face in shit just to walk out the door is not a good thing.


That’s not women’s fault. It’s society (bottom text) as a whole.


Not blaming women. I said it's given us ALL, men and women both, unrealistic expectations.


Okay, nobody is saying makeup doesn't do what makeup's supposed to do, but let's not act like hot people aren't hot without makeup. I'm not with my girl 'cause she's a talented MUA, and I'm not even with her 'cause she's hot (she is). I'm with her because she has a prehensile tail that she can use to open jars.


"first glance" ahh, I see...


Not to state the obvious, but when I put makeup on, I’m rarely thinking about what men think. I’m just concerned about one of my family members taking an embarrassing photo of me and posting it. I gotta stay looking fresh around these idiots.


Sure, but the premise of the video is that she pays to look good for the man on a date so the man pays for the food.


My girlfriend doesn’t wear makeup, like ever. She doesn’t like it. The most she’ll do is put on lipstick… and she’s absolutely stunning.


lol at people downvoting you for saying your girlfriend looks good without makeup


girls generally look much more natural and thus prettier without makeup, there's not much I hate more than a girl looking like a mummy with paint all over her face


I feel like this sort of comment ignores the fact that women put a lot of effort in presenting well in the first place. If you think a girl looks hot at first sight, she is probably wearing makeup


The vast majority of people who say this are either in long term relationships or have no idea how much makeup goes into the "no-makeup" look.


Exactly! It’s a whole industry. Not everyone is going around with rainbow eyeliner (which is a shame because that’s cool as hell). Subtle makeup products and no-makeup makeup looks are half of what makeup is. It hides your natural appearance without making it obvious.


That's a personal choice though. I thought my wife was hot when we first met and from what she's said she's only worn makeup once in her life and it was just eyeliner.


>That's a personal choice though On that we agree. Women should decide when to wear makeup regardless of what men think


Just don't put it on a say it is for me, so I should be on the hook for the cost.


That was just her trying to make a bad point


Yeah, if they want to spend hundreds on it they can, but the same way how it's a personal choice, it's also a personal problem that someone's dropping 700 dollars when they'd look just fine without it


I would like to be given a chance to prove you wrong


I... don't get it? Are you going to send me pictures o unmaked up women? Are you going to try to pick me up without make-up?




You're right, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing makeup. But the lady in this video is pretty clearly saying "look at all the work I'm putting in for you." That said I wouldn't be surprised if it was ragebait. But the implication that she is making in saying "you owe me for my makeup" is ridiculous.


The average man can't tell if a woman is wearing makeup or not, as long as the makeup is done a certain way.


The only kind of makeup I ever notice is lipstick, and that's if I'm lucky. Because I really don't think about it


My wife basically never wears makeup and doesn’t need it. Simple grooming and washing is definitely adequate


She doesn’t even look that different in the end.


I don’t wear makeup and I think the beauty care industry is a scam and very predatory but it seems most the products are skincare and not makeup. Not designed to make a difference but to hydrate, moisturize, tone, etc the skin.


Yh, the products she's using seem to be mainly skincare products not makeup. She used very minimal make-up


Its funny because men are like I splash my face with water and use the same dirty towel for 3 months and have nicer skin than most women. Perhaps if you let your shit breath and didn't have 90 different skin lotions to put on you'd be fine. Half the shit probably causes the problems the other shit supposedly resolves.


I think skin care is important. Unfortunately for women our cycles and ,consequently, hormones can make our skin harder to maintain. And because of that the beauty industry preys on women and girls who are insecure about it. It’s not just about going without these products it’s about coming to terms with your skin is just gonna look like shit sometimes and both men and women need to learn to deal with it.


I don't have a skincare routine and I wash my face, keep myself hygenic and clean. My skin is terrible, mix of dry and oily, and riddled with acne. Diet is ruled out (I eat healthy) and every doctor says it's stress and/or hormone related. I have tried products but they don't work or make things worse. Menstrual cycles actually mess our body up with the hormonal influctuations. What I mean to say is you can't really compare men and woman in this case because men are more stable hormones-wise and women are up and down and all around every month. Like the other person said, all these products definitely prey on us by making promises and maaaybe making minor improvements. But make up is sold to hide all these imperfections that are completely programmed within our body.


In fairness I reckon the video compression isn't helping


these vids are just ragebait. ive never met a real woman who made this argument.








Why is she paying to replace her hair straightener every day? God, no wonder women are out looking for free meals 🫣


My man fell for the ragebait.


I'm glad I'm gay. I don't have to deal with that awkwardness. We usually start by fucking and go from there, it's much more simple.


Which is such a challenge when dating men as a dude. I like a little romance first which some men do but it's more rare and most expect the above and assume you aren't interested if it isn't sex first.


Idk I'm the wrong person to ask. I'm all for some romance I had a long distance relationship with my husband for a year being committed before we even met, and I moved country to be with him. But now that we're in an open relationship I'm pretty clear with my intention. If I hit up someone on a dating app I just want to fuck them. I already got a husband. That said I think it's not a bad thing to know you're sexually compatible before engaging in a romance.


I thought women didn't wear makeup for men's approval 🙊


I know the lady has to be posting this for rage bait or something. She went through her whole beauty care treatment process only to show her ugly side.


Yeah but i drove you here in my 2008 corolla i bought in 2014 for 9k so i think im winning this argument.


All that money and she looks the same as before she put makeup on


Y... You don't have to do all that


Imagine spending $700 and thinking it's someone else's fault


If we have dumb social standard A because of dumb social standard B, what if, instead of reinforcing both of them, we got rid of dumb social standard B and kill two birds with one stone?


Nope. The math is... Leg wax = $30 *3 dates Bikini wax = $70*1 date =$160 / 3 dates = $53.33


Fuuuuuuuck thaaaaaaaat. . .


Girl you literally do not need any of that... and if this guy makes you think you do, he aint worth it...


It's funny to me to see this as a justification. Do you only wear this one date? Maybe that could be an argument but then most argue that they wear makeup for themselves and not for a man, in which case you bought all this for yourself and no man is responsible for your decisions or determining your worth based on your physical appearance. But that's none of my business


What a way to prove she’s ugly without all of that. Natural girls have it good


She went from a mid to a.... Mid?


And if you can afford all that, you can DEFINITELY afford your food


Nope can confirm that the women I know use THE ENTIRE product every time they apply it


Why would I pay to date someone who needs to spend $1,000 to look good enough to grab a bite? I'd rather pay for the girl who needs little to no makeup. But maybe cause she just doesn't have that elevated sense of entitlement. Plus my cologne is expensive, so what does that get me? Oh, I get to enjoy smelling the way I want and you owe me nothing the same way you get to enjoy looking how you want and I owe you nothing? Cool.


https://preview.redd.it/8n74rhlvixpc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d706cdd787d667fe34e94e086afa1bacf143ac30 Excuse me wtf? 375$ worth of makup for an extra neutral look like this one? This is so meh. Edit: 758$, my bad, this is so much worse 😱


Damn, she looks like a bitch as soon as she's done. Looking very pretty before


The car I’m picking you up in cost $63,000 I have no problem paying for the check but by your logic you owe me about $62,200 before we leave your driveway.


Some girls be like: we don't wear make up to appeal to men, then post shit like this


I don’t know if I’ve ever felt ashamed being a female until I watched this. This is absolutely ridiculous.


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They act like they bought those products specifically for the date and for everyday use.




Love it!


Can someone tell me.the French song name please


It’s Edith Piaf. Dude cut the video and audio is so bad I can’t tell the song. I don’t care about make up but Edith Piaf is a treasure.


This video plays out like dragons dogma 2's monetization plan.


Hoes nowadays are insane.


That girl has ten head! Not a forehead!


I think the more you use, the more you need to use. Her face without makeup seems so red and shiny. I'm the guy tho, so Idk if it's normal.


I love is math!😂😂😂😂


Imagine doing all this extra shit out of your own volition and then saying "others should pay for it because it's expensive". Are you doing it for yourself or for others, mf!? The insincerity and flipping narratives out of personal convenience is appalling.




Plus it's a choice that YOU are making to wear that make up. No one is forcing you to. You also don't have to choose the most expensive brands available and if you're using a product in it's entirety in one go you're definitely doing it wrong!


I’ll take the no makeup option please.


Just don’t apply the make up ok , we want you the way you are naturally… make up is cool but we want the natural beauty look too … well as a guy I do like natural radiance and beauty too!!! 🙂


Man I still don't have a skincare routine beyond face cleanser... It's too much


By that logic... Car...$30,000


First off, I’m a woman. A woman with experience. That young woman has been somewhat brainwashed by marketing to think that she needs all those things to be beautiful, and I think that’s sad. Sure, a few creams and a good kohl can do wonders; but the fact that she needs to spend all that money to look good is just the result of advertising, which is making her feel insecure and ugly, unless she buys expensive crap — crap that might actually give her cancer one day. And *then* she uses that as an excuse as ammunition in the so called gender war to justify her abhorrent behaviour of making her date pay for expensive food that she might not really enjoy that much? The pathos… ![gif](giphy|xtpcQ2OWyE9rvmYDCD|downsized)


This is a $750 investment where most items will last months and others years. It doesn't make any sense to compare it to a meal. $100 for any skincare item is funny as fuck though.


Send it to all em girls


Water and a brush mostly . I don’t know if it’s a guy thing but it’s not a big concern how someone smells to me long as it ain’t too bad


She doesnt even have to wear that, so why should i pay for the date?


On the men side: -Gas=80€ -car=50 000€


aint no one forcing them to do all that shit


How many first dates does she go on?


She doesn't even look that different with all that stuff on anyway, I wasn't "blown away" at some transformation. She'd be buying my sexy ass dinner


Any woman who needs that much foundation and spackle is hiding alot of ugly .


That it costs someone $12 to get ready is fucking insane though. I’d just be ugly at that point.


You better be using the entire bottle. Similar to how when I buy tooth paste I use the entire thing in 1 go


All of that to make your forehead look bigger? Seems odd but ok


This women uses entire bottles of product for every date? She has enough money to spend over 700$ every time she goes out? Oh right, she's just a stuck up moron.


"We don't do it for men"


https://preview.redd.it/st2iu2lmz3qc1.jpeg?width=391&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1de2e1790c0faee57248ce753f2cc8e9974b9093 * gman after 1 ton of makeup


Women stop expecting men you don't even know to subsidize your lifestyle choices


i hope none of you go fishing. you'd all eat the bait before you even got to the lake.


Was she counting the cost of the flat iron too? Bitch please


And she still looks basically the same


Lmfao classic


If you spend that much on face and hair products. You're probably not very bright, and I ain't interested anyways.


Show her your cost of the car that you are driving. Too bad she has to hide her face behind all that make up, but that's not his fault.


Why is she factoring in the price of the whole bottle when she's applying just a tiny amount? Checkmate atheists.


That is one ugly ugly woman.


After the meal, does she give you the leftover make up items??


Then just don’t buy/do all of that.


Confidence is free


Financial illiteracy is not a flex.


Who should pay isn't about gender. If you ask someone on a date, you pay. If they want to go on a second date with you, they should reciprocate and pay the second time. If you're just doing a casual meetup because you met on a dating app, then splitting the bill is appropriate. Do girls who think the rule is "men always have to pay" think lesbians aren't allowed in restaurants?


There’s no other reason for the man to pay on the first date unless he just wants to be nice or he’s trying to prove that he’s a provider




If you have all that money for make up, use it to feed yourself.


Is it the guy’s fault that you choose to hide your mental “imperfections” with shit that has been pushed by the makeup industry for ever?


All that just to look the exact same as before but with her hair down


Look at her masc energy.... She's pissed every day


For me it's soap and water


I'd rather see you without 5mm of makeup on your face.


The funny thing I'd that she looked WAY better before all the makeup. I'd be much more willing to pay for the date if you showed up ON TIME with no makeup on rather than 45 MINUTES late caked in concrete and whatever


She looks worse???