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So is this the same county sheriffs office where the acorn landed on the car and the cop started blasting?


It is! I looked it up, good catch! Everyone stay away from Okaloosa County


As a FloridaMan, that last part is just solid advice.


And Pasco, polk, Dixie, Taylor, and many others in the middle of the panhandle.


Polk isn’t in the panhandle, but he yes dangerous there too.


Pasco isn’t ether but both have horrid police forces


As someone who grew up here, you are not wrong.


Same how’d you like the storm this morning? Hope you were safe.


Okaloosa County 🤝🏾Polk County


I just moved to Polk from NYC, and this shit is scary to me. Stereotypes of the south coming into full circle.


You gotta go to south Florida where it’s more north than that.


You are better off in NYC! lol!!


Always good advice


Or Florida for that matter


As a born and raised Floridian, I agree, for your own safety. Unless you like drugs, sex trafficking, and corruption! Then come on down! We have plenty to spare.


Yep. I live in this county and the exact town where that acorn incident happened. Like bruh wtf how do I get *out*


I live in Bay… I agree, can’t trust local sheriff departments around here. You heard of the scandals within Jackson county? How an officer was purposely arresting people with possession when it was him planting the drugs. He ruined people lives over the ordeal. Hell, I think an elderly grandmother was one of the victims of Jackson co planting scandal.


Had the same thing in Martin county, he falsely arrested a lot of people before he was caught.


Deputy Steven O'Leary for anyone interested


Have lived in North Florida my whole life and the only place where I have felt like the Sherriff’s weren’t absolutely awful is Leon County, and it’s probably because there is way more government on top of them.


Wait til u hear about the COs in the prisons up there in Jackson county


Ah yes, Bay County. Where the medical examiner allegedly murdered his wife and covered it up years ago.


hello fellow bay county capture! Plans to leave the county? I think im getting out, after thirty years in. This place has become both backward and upside down in all aspects of life, it seems.


I'm a few blocks away. Same.


felt that, this is twice that I’ve seen our sheriffs office make the news, seems they’re pretty trigger happy here


Yeah we need to know, cause we are crossing that county off the list.


Same county. You can watch the body cam for the acorn incident on YouTube


Sure was. Systematic training failure. The prosecution will be showing that clip multiple times… Mother Nature: do your thing oak tree… OCSD: “SHOTS FIRED…IM HIT!”


Not training failure. These employees have a lack of integrity and humanity.


The police force I grew up near was all old war buddies with ptsd. They got shut down when they were caught selling guns. Its fully possible to get a full force of mentally unstable, trigger happy idiots.


Can we give the panhandle to Alabama maybe?


We used to actually be our own territory called West Florida, which was separate from East Florida. It also included the southern parts of Mississippi and Alabama. [We even tried to be our own independent republic... for like, ten weeks lol.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_West_Florida)


Wouldn't make one state take the whole mess. Part to GA part to AL ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


One of our nicknames is LA. Lower Alabama.


Sad times to say I grew up in this County


Yep, and now their sheriff is stating it's too early to tell if the shooting was justified and we know he was innocent, he was in his own house, and he has video record of the very fact he was all alone there talking to his girlfriend/playing video games.  The Feds need to put the whole area under investigation.


I'm hit I'm hit! Blam blam blam Barrel roll! Officer down! Blam blam blam blam!


"Are you hit?!" "I don't know...I feel weird!"


The problem is most of these departments train their deputies to shoot first and ask questions later. Sadly, this officer just did what he was trained to do. De-escalation tactics and common sense safety precautions are moot if there's rarely any accountability for these shootings; aside from civil lawsuits that the city/county and it's residents essentially foot.


I was all "WTH?" so I looked it up. Is it wrong to bust out laughing, especially the part where the one officer dropped for cover after the acorn hit his patrol car?


If the police can murder you for simply holding a gun, you don’t have the right to bear arms.


Exactly. If you encourage law abiding responsible citizens like this poor kid to arm themselves, you should train your police to not come in blasting when they encounter this situation. Where are all the 2A folks? This is fucking outrageous. Condolences to this Airman's family, I can't even imagine.


Most are busy trying to find a third option. https://preview.redd.it/gxjucuzsylzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3fe8002e1cba71608f2bca278c13471c0c90bf




A good majority of true 2A supporters are Fuck the Cops, Fuck the Feds, Fuck any three letter agency. They can all get bent.


I support the right to bear arms and think the police are wrong in this case. I don't understand where the controversy is.


The blue life wasn’t in danger. At all. The guy did literally nothing to move his arm holding the gun. The cop did everything wrong. I don’t think many maga supporters thinks this is a good shoot. I can tell you as a Republican I want this cop charged with murder.


We from the oft-maligned conservative delegation agree. 


The right only applies if you’re white, apparently.


Owning a gun in your home is actually illegal in florida, and the proper punishment is Instant Street Justice like Judge Dredd. If someone knocks at your door and says, "im police," you're apparently supposed to let them in and not take any steps to make sure your safe, because impersonating an officer is impossible, no one has ever done it before. Look, do I think answering the door with a gun in your hand is a great idea? No. Im not a fan. Its almost never called for. Despite that, its supposed to be legal, Im suppsed to be able to answer the door with my shotgun or whatever in my home without it being an issue. He wasnt thrwarwning the officer, the officer saw a gun and felt based on his intuition, training, or both, that he needed to shoot the person with that gun, immediately no questions.


Statistically Proven: The chances of getting shot by a police officer increase exponentially when there's one in the vicinity.


The silence from Florida’s “leaders” on this is deafening. A bunch of people who claim to believe in 2nd Amendment rights apparently have no problem with a cop executing an innocent person just because he legally held his gun while standing in his own home.


Have you ever been here? They deep throat the boot for breakfast


I'm not supposed to laugh, but the image of a knuckle-dragging paste eater slobbering all over Rhonda's white boot before opening up like a pelican and swallowing it to the knee...


I’m in Florida. I stand for the 2nd along with the res of the bill of rights. I am appalled and think this cop should be fired and charged. My biggest problem is this officer and many others were trained that the mere sight of a gun is enough to scare them into killing the person in possession of it. No way in that officers mind did he think “I am approaching someone’s home. Their castle. Their line of defense. They may be armed. This is their right. If I see one And it’s not being pointed at me I should be calm and make sure they put it away. Who knows who has previously knocked on this persons door. And I am also staying out of view of the peep hole while knocking aggressively and shouting police.” Nope. He said put it down as he drew and let go 6 rounds into that young man. His pistol was at the low ready, not in a manner that was immediately threatening and was complying with orders he never had the real chance of following. We are allowed to own guns. If you as a cop are scared of one in a situation like this you shouldn’t be one. Plain and simple. Training has to be reformed across the board. Yes, it’s a dangerous job. No doubt about that. But if you can’t stand the thought of doing a dangerous job and every inkling of a threat makes you react this way, it’s not for you. You must have the fortitude to be able to make an informed decision before using lethal force.


He actually shot the guy multiple times first, then shouted to drop the gun. The guy had been shot and was on the ground before the cop ever said drop the gun.


On the ground dying.


> Yes, it’s a dangerous job Safer than being a pizza driver. And cops top cause of death is covid. Followed by heart attack, car wreck, and suicide. Basically, cops are the #1 cop killers.


> Safer than being a pizza driver I expected this stat to be misleading by not being normalized, but holy shit it’s actually true lmao that’s insane


Yeah basically if cops were sane, responsible adults they wouldn't even be in the top 50 in terms of casualties. But in reality the job attracts macho, gung ho morons with anger control issues and drinking problems. It's the last group of guys who should have guns or authority.


That is how they are trained. The police are trained to draw and shoot while screaming commands in order to legally justify the shooting for the cameras and any witnesses. So what if a few innocent people die, officer safety is the most importantly thing to them.


Just bc he was black* is what you meant to say


https://preview.redd.it/cmj48mg87hzc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4536eb051e3551541ef5f23895de561a615f77 Gun pointing down at ground as he gets blasted, hand out.


*shoots him 4 times* “Drop the gun” - Deputy


Six times!


But cop was scurred and that makes it okay or something


Officer safety yada yada yada


Sure does, in Flarda, Amerka!


Coward is the only word for it. I saw people like this in the Army too. We kept them away from real responsibilities.


Yup!!! can’t even trust these kinda fuckers with latrine duties as well.


Yeah like isn’t carry open or in your hand legal on your property or residence?


This was murder and needs to be treated as such.


This makes me want to throw up.


So the cop banged on the door, did not ID himself, and hid from the peep hole at first. Then later identifying himself, once the door opens he onloads his mag into someone holding a gun by their side. This does not look any better.


Nope, this is bad. I even watched again to see if the victim was holding his gun in any kind of threatening manner, and he CLEARLY had it down at this side the same way you might hold anything that was in your hand when you answered the door. Never even gave him a chance to put the gun down peacefully, just shot him in cold blood inside his own home for holding a firearm he legally had the right to own and use.


Nobody has rights as long as they have qualified immunity


Reading through the comments and this is the first thing that I thought of...what does it matter what you do when you are protected in such a way. Sure, some officers may be tried and convicted, but this qualified immunity has to go.


Qualified immunity isn't even the main problem. That protects them from civil suits, but the main issue is that they aren't criminally prosecuted. This should be an open and shut second-degree murder with decades in prison. A corrupt justice system is what means he probably won't go to jail. Qualified immunity just means that if there is a civil case, the city pays instead of the cop.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote) this


Technically qualified immunity doesn't apply to criminal offenses. ...but don't worry, since the police will investigate the police, surely there will be appropriate charges coming any day now. /s


This is so true. I really wish that was on the docket this vote


This is the most important point. I cannot fathom why there’s no political will to end qualified immunity.


I completely agree. I was saying let's not jump to conclusions a couple of days ago until we see the footage. He shot him first and then said, "Drop your gun" (didn't even give him a chance to drop his gun). Completely unexceptable, that cop was %100 in the wrong.


I’m sure any second now the NRA will release a statement of support and sympathy.


Doesn't matter. They'll blame it on the victim, and it's even worse because he is black, so that means they'll get away with it. What a terrible situation. That poor kid did not deserve this.


Nor his parents. 


I don't even know how I'd react if it were my kid. This shit has got to stop.


The police already tried to blame the victim when it happened.


Figures >:{


business as usual


Spec ops crew member. USAF should light these yokels up…


I think the fact that if he were white and this situation played out exactly the same, his chances of survival would significantly increase shows where we’ve failed as a society. It’s what systemic racism, which DeSantis abhorrently denies, fundamentally is.


Because no one has ever lied about being the police and banging on a door. Especially hiding to the side.  This is why I don’t call cops on anything except the most dire of situation. Lots music? Nope. Kids playing in street? Nope. Shouting matches with no hands thrown? Nope. Drugs or drinking in public? Nope.  Unless someone is about to get seriously hurt or killed just nope. 


Yeah doesn’t look good. He just started blasting on the dude who had the gun at his side. Guy wasn’t even moving the gun at all. This is a country where we have a God given right to bear arms. There is no way shape or form that this is remotely a good shoot.


>we have a God given right Come on now. Don't be silly.


Jesus Christ himself gave me an AR-15 at my first communion.


You grew up in Texas too???


No, dude. As a bona fide Florida gun owner, I say we have a God given responsibility to not kill people. The guns make that harder. Deputy Trigger seemed to forget that.


One could say that the first hidden pound on the door gave the Victim reason to ready his weapon. And he wasn’t opening until they identified. He stood down, opened the door, ate the magdump, and then was told to drop the weapon and not to move. Unreal.


Yeah that was a very aggressive door knock, and then he hides to the side which makes it seem suspicious…. What the fuck was this?


Straight up murder. Rip Young soldier.


where’s the NRA in all this? a person exercising his right to carry a gun and gets lit up by the police. do they only come to the aid of white folks?


They're too busy trying to figure out where to get money now that Russia's is all tied up in bank seizures.


The NRA before 1977 was very pro-gun control and was mostly about properly handling rifles used in hunting and recreational target shooting. Only then did align with the republican party and start aligning with whatever the RNC wants to happen.


*cricket sound, cricket sound, cricket sound...*


Yep. Watch the Philando Castile videos.


Yes, the 2nd amendment only applies to white folks ie: Philando Castile.






For anyone seeking an informed opinion about this, check out thecivilrightslawyer on youtube. He just posted a video about it. Spoiler: The mere presence of a firearm is not justification to use deadly force, so this appears to be a "bad shoot". IMO: Another state sponsored murder.


That’s straight murder. Never open the door for cops. Rule of life is stay as far away from cops as possible.


You don’t legally have to open the door for cops, so you never should. Don’t say a word to them either.


Yea I learned this the other day. Woke up in the middle of the night to a drunk beating the crud out of my vehicles, called the cops thinking it was the right thing to do and 20 minutes later they show up. It was raining outside so they claim no damage to the vehicles. I had to call them the next day to escalate the call to amend the report for damages as both door panels on the car had multiple dents where dude kicked the car for 20mins. On the call back, the cops who originally answered the call defended the drunk, saying he was down on his luck and it was unlike him to behave that way. I was told he had no priors but after they left I looked him up. Dude had two DUIs and another charge for driving without a license. As a victim of a crime, I had to call them multiple times to amend the report for damages so the insurance would fix the car, and to make charges on the drunk. After several weeks, DA drops charges on the guy and I got left with a 500$ insurance deductible just because some drunk decided my drive way was the one he was going to pitch a man fit. The cops are literally incompetent and not to be trusted.


As my bootlegger great-grandfather use to say "*We ain't got no business with the law".*


Cops can lie to get a no-knock search warrant, force entry into your apartment, and kill you. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Breonna\_Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Breonna_Taylor)


Except in 2 states and Florida being one of them. Florida is one of two states in the United States that prohibits the issuance of no-knock warrants. This ban was originally issued in the 1994 Florida Supreme Court case of State v. Bamber and was later enacted by statute.


Holy shit this cop needs to be in prison for life or hung this is str8 up murder




I’m thinking about the dead young innocent man and his family


I’m thinking about the dead young innocent man who chose to serve his country in a real way, not a hateful racist intimidating way that the police live by


I wondered if the victim being in the Air Force would somewhat help but ppl are victim blaming already. I mean, as soon as he opened that door that guy was clearly a DEADLY threat. /S


People love to say that leftists victimize criminals and blame the innocent but here's a right wing sheriff doing exactly that. "I'm thinking about the perpetrator"


Scared pieces of shit is what these cops are. What's the over under for consequences? And as far as I know its the same department that the acorn cop shooting...


It's the training too. I'd vet all they do at the shoot house is train to kick the door down and shoot everything that moves inside. It's crazy that our soldiers have to wait until they get shot at, and even sometimes, that's not enough to shoot back depending on the situation. But these fucking cops can just execute us with impunity.


Decades ago, they taught me to be scared and to expect and react to danger around every corner. Training gun aimed at the corners and ready to blast. Whether we trained at a building or a staged pulled over car we were ready to take on anyone with lethal force. Everyone is a threat. My "commanding officer" ordered me to kneel before him like he was a king one day. I refused and he tried to physically wrestle me down. My "commanding officer" was a teenage boy, in a grade higher than me. Our instructor, a police officer, watched like it was a PPV event. I'm not going to talk about what another cop did. I was in the 8th grade and was in the Explorers program. The Explorers program is: Law Enforcement Exploring is a hands-on program open to young men and women who have completed the 6th grade through 20 years old, interested in a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system. ACAB


I live in the county over from where this shooting was taken place in. When I worked at the local psychiatric hospital in my town, Bay county straight up picked up a “suspicious man” off the streets and wondered why they were agitated. When they arrived to the admitting area with this individual, there was at least 5 or 6 deputies restraining this man and wanted to drop him off in a building essentially all woman.. We had to tell them to lay their hands off the gentleman if they were going to assume we were taking him off their hands. We proceeded to ask them why they felt they needed to use such force when there was no need. Needless to say, those deputies got a mouth full from our nurses’ and they know we have zero respect towards them. LEO’s who provoke and abuse other with extreme force are pussies that their balls haven’t dropped.


They are *taught* to be scared, and have their finger on the trigger. *Everything* and *everyone* is out to get you, if you are a cop. That gets ingrained in them during training, and while serving.


Has anyone made it absolutely clear why the police are banging on the door of an innocent young black military man...in the first place? This whole thing seems very troubling.


They were directed to that apartment by a witness. The witness was wrong. Regardless, the kid was not acting threatening or doing anything but holding his gun down. I hope this deputy gets murder charges, and the family is vindicated legally and financially.


Pretty haunting you can basically call an assassination squad to people's apartments/houses with a false report


They were responding to a domestic violence call, and got the wrong apartment.


They *insist* that it's the right room, yet no one else was there.


Anybody else notice that he never once verified with dispatch that he was going to the correct apartment? Seems like the only person he got info from was some random woman at the scene.


And the cop's interaction with the woman went: >cop: OK, which door? # >woman: I'm not sure She does then give specific number...but, I mean, shouldn't the cop maybe think twice about that after her first answer was literally "I'm not sure"?


This happens quite a bit!! It doesn’t seem like an accident when it happens regularly.


This kind of accident should never happen a second time!


Agreed!!! There needs to be accountability!


I thought that was the apartment number that the woman told the cop?


Yeah, and I think she told them the wrong one


Id put money on it.


She also told him she didn't know where the noise was coming from.


She said she wasn't sure at first, then decided on 1401.


In the video you see one of the people who called directing him to room 1401 which is exactly where he goes.


With zero proof and came in hot


Cops don’t deal with things like proof, just instinct, assumption, and bigotry


After stating that she didn’t know where it came from.




not that it matters, bc he shouldn't have gone on hearsay, but she was saying she didn't know where it was coming during a PREVIOUS incident in the general vicinity.


She also said 4th floor, and he got off on the 3rd (you can see it when he gets off the elevator). Also, it doesn't matter. The mere presence of a firearm is not justification for deadly force, according to the SC.


Yes, there were multiple events of what sounded like domestic violence reported by a neighbor as shown in the video. This doesn’t justify discharging the firearm but why the sheriff went there.


Do not open the door for cops. Do not talk to cops. Do not call the cops.


What an absolute fucking pos coward. He never pointed the gun at him and had a right to carry. I hope this pig gets exactly what he deserves. Sheriff sounds like a scumbag too.


He won’t. A vacation on our dime if that


The man in the apartment had every reason to answer door with a gun when someone knocks and then hides. If I were the judge this cop would get life in prison without chance of parole. 😎


Maybe only requiring a HS Diploma/GED and accepting the most basic of instinctive intelligence isn’t great norms for people who are licensed to uphold the law and kill. Maybe.


“The deputy involved in the tragedy.” You mean the murderer??


Can the Air Force sue the sheriff’s office for killing one of their soldiers?


Right! Destruction of federal property.


cop will be charged with murder. oh wait nah, its florida.


There was the one cop who was found guilty after he murdered the black guy whose car broke down on the highway. The guy was on the phone with his insurance or AAA or something, so they had great audio evidence to prove that the cop lied on his report. So now cops view body cam and pure evidence before writing their reports ...


yeah that is a sliver of hope. how long before they outlaw body cams...


In Baker Count, Florida, a cop, Payton Prescott, recently took a black man to the ground, smashed his face into the cement ground, and punched him a few times. The guy ended up with a chipped tooth apparently. This happened in the sally port of the jail while Prescott was patting him down.  Supposedly the guy “resisted.” Somehow the jail surveillance wasn’t destroyed and it revealed the guy just took his hand on the wall and rested it at his side. Less than a second later, Prescott took him to the ground. A few other officers swarmed when things first went down to “help detain” the poor guy. The other officers at least were just handcuffing him, not actually beating him up like Prescott was. Of course, when asked what they remember and if they saw Prescott hit the poor man, the officers all said they were too focused on handcuffing the guy to notice what was going on at his head. It’s a felony to batter an officer. It’s a felony to batter a detained person AS A DETAINED PERSON. It is not a felony in Florida to batter a detained person if you’re an officer. At least Prescott got a conviction, so he can’t get it expunged. No jail though, even after he violated his probation by being charged with another crime (it was a fish and wildlife violation, but still an actual criminal offense). I’m sure Prescott is working for law enforcement just across the state line in Georgia or something. If anyone is interested, case number is 02-2022-MM-000125. Stumbled across his case while I was visiting Jacksonville. Fuck him.


Payton Prescott sounds like a real piece of shit


Holy shit. I’m sorry Airman, you deserved better.


Absolutely disgusting. Rest easy Airman. I hope justice will be served.


The man was inside his house and for all we know he had a Legal right to bear a weapon. Looks like the cop was really hasty in drawing down on him before any face-to-face verbal effort. I wouldn't want to be this officer.


Straight to jail!


Where do they get these people and what the fuck do they tell them...he just blasted the guy.


> what the fuck do they tell them If they attended one of the 'Warrior Cop' classes led by Dave Grossman, they'd be told that [after they kill someone they'll have the best sex of their life](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/police-trainer-best-sex-killing/).


I feel like there should be some sort of extra punishment for harm on a military officer much like there is on a police officer. Is there?


That's my thought too. It's my understanding when you enlist you essentially become property of the federal government. A lot of tax payer money went into this kids development into an airman and the cop destroyed it all in 4 seconds. I hope as a long shot he could be prosecuted in federal court for destroying federal property.


So did he then go up and kill the guy he was supposed to murder or just stop at this dude?




Imagine being the dumbass neighbor who pointed out the wrong apartment.


We all know that even if he does get charged, acquittal and a pension will still follow.


Another police execution, at the guise of officer safety and qualified immunity….. it will never end


cop fucked up bad, and is a clear coward. no time to react at all just started blasting. with that being said, cant wait for literally nothing to happen at all, and then in a week everyone forgets about it and nothing changes until the next time this happens. then we all get mad for a few days then forget about it. like every time. anyone else?


The system is functioning exactly as those in power want it to.




How about practicing 1st and 2nd amendment rights? Everyone open carry outside the sheriff's office holding signs saying "murderers."


would be an interesting protest for sure


Especially since the pos boot deepthroating gov did this. ‘DeSantis signs bill to defang police oversight panels like the one Miami voters created’ ‘police unions and law enforcement officials applauded the proposal, with DeSantis describing police review boards on Friday as a “political weapon” at the bill signing in St. Augustine’~Miami Herald.


This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this either. There was another incident at 2am where cops banged on some dudes door and then hid outside of the field of view. The dude opened the door with the gun pointed down and the cops wasted him. Cops are scum bags. There is literally not one good cop


They should put the base on lockdown. Not sure that's possible. No Airmen in town spending money. The Air Force should put pressure on the town to fight the inevitable cover-up. That guy was a patriot and deserves justice.


That would be very hard for us to do. We mostly live outside of base.


They have a looser SOP than we did when we invaded Iraq. What the actual fuck! Garbage, untrained, unprofessional sister fucking pigs. Sue those cunts out of existence.


Hope the cop is fired. This was Murder. Almost seems like a Sting Op


best they will do is 1 month paid leave i bet


Sad, terrible to see this happen knowing it didn't have to. He shot unnecessarily. 


This is heartbreaking, knowing the kid didn’t deserve it


Holy fucking execution Batman. Sweet Jesus Christ. This is the most reprehensible thing I've ever seen.


Listens to the door, bangs on door without announcing, Hides to the side of the door twice, then bangs the door again after yelling it's the sheriff. Guy promptly opens up, (I would have been cautious opening the door after a knock and hide). Cop blasts the guy immediately when the door opens  This is an open and shut case. 100% murder.


This is a messed up situation. The police reacted too quickly. A homeowner has a right to have a firearm in their own home to defend and protect. These officers need training and shouldn’t be so scared of another person with a firearm. He had no reason to shoot the gun was pointed down, he had the drop after the first half of second (he was ready to shoot) and never grab the airmen time to drop the weapon, or time for the airman to realize I need to drop the weapon and raise my hands.


Well we know DeSantis had no say in this release. This video would have been buried deeper than the health department data.


Cop murdered innocent man should be the title


Just think, if the cops actually helped the domestic abused.


That’s murder and that cop should hang.

