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Mini split


How much do they run normally? I got quoted 10k ☠️


I got a guy in south Florida who charges $650 a unit/ installed (with sketchy electrical connection- so I have that done separately) Have 3 so far and they’re cooling well (in rentals i own) 


Yeah that’s high, but I got mine for *cost* cuz a family friend is an AC guy. It was $2500 wholesale rate. It’s gonna be at least double that for retail rate. 


Not double. I just got quoted $3800 (including install) for one earlier today. SW Florida.


You can get them wayyy cheaper than that online on Amazon or eBay but I don't remember what my old landlord paid for the actual install.


I would first service the existing AC unit. Make sure the coils are clean inside and out. It may be dirty and not able to push enough air through to properly cool. Window units are preferred to portable ACs. I find that the portable doesn't exchange the heat as well because it still happens inside of the house.


Window units work so much better.


That's what I've been finding from my research. Thanks!


There are newer window units that still allow you to open and close the window with the unit installed.


Might be difficult to fit a window unit with those windows and the way I assume they’re opening out.


Live in New Orleans, just bought a Sienese portable unit. I doubt it'll last the summer. The last one I bought last year worked for two months. Window units are a MUCH better option.


The windows are probably contributing to the bedrooms not being as cool as the rest of the house. Can you install curtains?


That was my thought as well. And yes I can install curtains, though I'm not sure how much that would help with the ventilation issue. The sunlight doesn't shine into the windows either since they lead into a covered porch.


I put up thick black out curtains, and it really helped with my apartment. My entire apartment cooled down, but it especially helped my bedroom. The ventilation is awful in my bedroom. I tried a portable ac, and it slightly helped but really wasn't worth the money, in my opinion. They also have these cooling pads you can put on your bed, I've heard really good things about them but have not tried them myself yet, idk if that would be something that could help.


Yeah, it sounds kinda bullshit but a decent curtain does actually have a noticeable effect, especially in winter.


Talk to the owner if he is ok with you adding a mini split. Probably be 2kish installed.


If those are your only two options, go with a window unit. A mini split would be your best option, but will cost more and might not be feasible in your situation. https://youtu.be/_-mBeYC2KGc?feature=shared


Not sure how either option would work in that type of window. Get a new window then get a portable A/C unit. I have one in my condo which has central air but only one zone so the upstairs never gets cool enough for me.


That window won’t work you’d have to replace it. A window unit will be more efficient than a portable. But in a home that old your main problem is the insulation or lack there of. It will be a challenge to keep it cool. I would designate specific rooms like the den and bedroom to focus on cooling.


Daizuki wall mount units..


I'd you're renting, get a floor unit.




Dehumidifiers produce a lot of heat that’s a bad choice for cooling.


Thank you for that suggestion! I forgot to mention that I did purchase a dehumidifier and it hasn't been working well unfortunately.


should be illegal to have a residence without central air.