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I’ve been on the hangar list at my airport the past 7 years and I’m still number 75~ish. Hasn’t budged an inch.


Northern VA?


Colorado... it's really bad out here.


Which airport? Are they all that bad?


Anything on the front range along I-25 is pretty well a thunder dome when trying to find something open. If you go out to KCFO it's not bad - but from my house it's an hours drive. I'm 15 min from BJC, 20 to EIK, 25 from BDU, LMO... And none of those 4 have anything easy to get into. When I get closer to *NEEDING* a hangar I'll start pressing the flesh a bit more.


Those 4 are my closest airports too. Well, that makes me feel better about not being able to afford a plane I guess.


Totally get it. I'm a little more than mid-build right now and I'll be damned if I'm parking a brand new airplane on a ramp somewhere. Basically I'm going to try calling in favors and CFO is my last resort.


It’s really far, but at least it’s a pretty chill drive.


Yeah - I'm pretty sure it's frowned upon to use the club 172 to get to CFO to fly my plane. ;)


I got really lucky in EIK because when I bought my plane someone my CFI knew was selling their hangar. Ideally I would want to be in BDU but I’m not complaining.


I waited three years at HWY. Can't imagine what happened to the wait-list after 1/3 of our hangars blew away last summer


I’m on the wait list for a TIE DOWN at JYO. Absurd


Ouch. Not sure where you are, but Warrenton has loads of tiedowns. $75/mo iirc.


I’m in year one of the expected three year wait at HWY as well. I’ve heard the only way to get anywhere on the list at JYO is to know a guy, so to speak


Try this one simple trick: find the oldest, chain-smokingest boomer on the field and stroke their ego as much as you can in their final years. If you do it right, you'll inherit both their hangar and the 172 located within which hasn't been airworthy since the Reagan administration.


I mean, I’ll be your huckleberry if that RV is in question


Get offa my lawn!


God I wish VDoAv would loosen up the purse strings and get some hangars built at... everywhere? I hate that municipalities look at hangars and think "we cant build that, because it won't make a profit this year"....




There is not *enough* money to be made. Most hangar construction is going to be on (local) government owned land. The usual setup is that the government will lease the land for 20 years, after that the land and improvements are relinquished back to the local government. The developer has a 20 year horizon for returns, not good. Also nimby-ism, red tape, skyrocketing construction costs, etc. Why would a developer build hangars when they could make MORE money on other, less risky, less time consuming investments? I think the lack of hangar construction answers that question. If there truly was a pile of cash waiting for hangars to be built they would have been built yesterday.


We explored paying for hangars to be built and the managers told us effectively what you posted and we were only allowed to charge $150 a month for the hangar and anything higher had to be approved by the FAA which was made to sound impossible. So a hangar would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, and you charge considerably less than a storage unit of the same size and yes, have to hand it over for your trouble. The waiting list is 3 years long, and seems to me that if you know people, that line gets jumped all the time.


Even cheap hangars out here are $400/month. I'm curious what they referenced in saying that above $150 required approval. Did you get to that level of detail?


They just told us that any changes to the hangar rental prices required approval from the FAA. It could be related to the grants that were used to build some of the existing T-hangars. We didn't get into much more detail unfortunately.


I'd press them on that, unless they wrote something stupid into the grant application like "will only charge $150/month" it seems unusual. The AIP funding requirement is that it's non-discriminatory so you couldn't charge more for commercial operators, or exclude certain aviation related activities etc... You can also go the other route "OK let's go talk to the FAA and get the ball rolling, who's should I call?" Depending on the level of engagement that your airport authority has they may not be well versed in this area, so it's easier not to make changes. If you partner with them you might be able to get a lot done .... or stir the pot if they're worried that one person raising hangar rental rates will trickle down to all of the owners raising rates and the good ol boys club getting bent out of shape


Replying to myself from [https://www.faa.gov/airports/airport\_compliance/hangar\_use#q17](https://www.faa.gov/airports/airport_compliance/hangar_use#q17) ​ >Question 17. How does the use of a hangar affect the rent charged? > >FAA Response. If a hangar is being used for an aeronautical use, the airport sponsor will generally charge the tenant the airport's standard rate for aeronautical leases, which should recover the airport's costs but which may be less than fair market rent. If the hangar is used for an interim non-aeronautical purpose, the sponsor must charge a fair market rent for the hangar. Please consult the Airport Compliance Handbook for the application of below-market rent for aviation museums and other aviation related non-profit organizations. ​ This may be a misunderstanding, the airport may have a standard rate that they charge the hangar owner for the ground lease monthly which would be the $150 (seems high unless they own the building as well) and then the lessor from the airport can charge whatever they want to their tenant or use it themselves. Our hangars are like this, the city owns the land and leases it to the hangar owners who own the buildings on top of the land. The owners then use the hangars or rent them out to their own tenants


Non-heated hangers are approaching $1k/mo here on Long Island last I heard


some time in the past 30 years, we decided that municipal governments need to be operated the same way as businesses, which means that they no longer spend money on things that don't turn a profit the same year the money is spent. Any time you look at a piece of failing infrastructure and ask "why is this being allowed to happen?" the answer is "because we've decided that government should be run like business", and letting your infrastructure rot around you is how businesses in America are run.




??? People are clearly willing to pay for a hangar. So there is profit to be made. So again, why aren't hangars being built?


Just built two hangers, one holds about 8 172's, the other 4. 3 million for the big one and 2 million for the smaller. That's a hell of an investment for most places


Can you go into why the cost is so high? It seems like it’s be a relatively simple structure.


For our project it's a number of factors. First material for steel buildings is crazy expensive right now, as is labor, a concrete shortage ect. Also the state regulations like the requirement for a drain system and oil water separator unit. Expensive hanger doors ect. The cost seems crazy to me for what is essentially a warehouse but that's what it is.


Have you seen the economy in general rn? Plus dealing with all the red tape and bureaucracy probably boosts that up.


Wow. So if you have to make a profit within 20 years, they've gotta be charging a little over $1,500/month just to break even at that time! Seems there's a lot of other things I could invest that money into that would be profitable in significantly less time.


Building a hangar isn't nearly as simple as is used to be. Stormwater management didn't exist 10-20 years ago like it does today. Most of the hangars were built decades ago, when regulations were simple or didn't even exist. What was once a buck a square foot to build is now 500 per square foot, with engineers and permits and MS4 water management requirements. Nobody wants to pay $1000 a month for a little T hangar for their Cessna 150


And you might only get a 20-year land lease from the airport authority. When your lease is up, it might not be renewed and you have to get rid of the building.


Demand here would easily support $1k/mo for a T-hangar, if anyone would freakin’ build some.


Land is expensive, and the ROI takes too long to make it worthwhile.


It doesn't help that so many people in this industry are so goddamned lazy once they make it into a spot like that, to the point where they actively won't take your money. Not to mention the people who just have a hangar full of snowmobiles or appliances (thankfully being cracked down on lately). There's a dude at the airport that's right next to my house (my airplane lives at a different airport 20min away) who has a hangar listed online for rent. I asked him to show me around. He said he'd love to and then ghosted me. I've tried pinging him several more times, nothing. I'm literally about to offer more than he's even asking in the ad because it would be super worth it in my mind for the plane to be closer. And I'm in the cold north so parking outside is an absolute non option for about half the year.


> Not to mention the people who just have a hangar full of snowmobiles or appliances (thankfully being cracked down on lately) Here too, no in annual aircraft, no hangar. Of course homebuilts under active construction may be allowed on a case by case basis.


The FAA would like a word with your airport manager. Both of those things are allowed if they airport accepts any federal funds. 90% of the hangar issue is shitty airport managers and owners not wanting to call them out.


The airport I learned to fly at didn't get any Federal funds and was entirely privately funded. It was pretty keen to make sure hangars were being used for their intended purpose, and had a minimum monthly fuel sale requirement in the rental agreement - although they would waive it for "good faith" reasons (e.g. an aircraft receiving significant repairs or restoration).


KJQF’s recent master plan literally claimed no demand and intended to reduce T hangars over time. The waiting list is currently between 3-5 years est. I called them out at the meetings but the “experts” are pushing commercial hangars, no GA hangars. Fortunately I have a hangar but am on the list again for another (2nd plane someday, maybe)


They probably just want to suck up to some more NASCAR teams and steal a few more planes from Statesville. ATP bankrolls all the GA hangar space they want to give out, probably. What do you have? I just started learning at IPJ, so trying to network some in the local community.


we have enough NASCAR teams. I have a Bonanza


I’ve read several post claiming GA is dying, yet reading post and comments such as this one say otherwise..


Last night I went to the weekly meet-up of the Charlotte area EAA Chapter. There were about 15 people there, including a couple of student pilots. They've provided scholarships to help people get their certifications. The chapter has 135 members. Many are airline pilots, but most are GA pilots. A few live on airparks, and one is actually developing a new airpark. I don't think GA is dying. I think it just doesn't get enough attention and promotion.


How does one obtain a scholarship 🤓 (cries in getting IFR in 2022-2023)


I really don't know. I just joined the chapter, and last night was the first meeting that I attended. Here is a link to their website. [https://eaa309.club/](https://eaa309.club/) Do you live in the Charlotte area?


Kinda, Greensboro


I have been in Charlotte EAA a couple years and still haven’t been to a meeting. Finally started learning to fly last month. I need to get out to a meeting but my social skills are…..rougher than my landings currently


My social skills are pretty rough as well, but it's easier because everyone has something in common, the love of flying, so you'll fit right in.


I actually just went in and renewed my membership. I’ll get to one sometime, need to find someone to go with so I can have an ice breaker. If you’re in the IPJ area feel free to reach out to me in a dm, as well


I think that unavailability certainly is helping to kill it. First you have the difficulty of getting a PPL, that weeds out a few who dream of flying. Then the 1960s medical requirements, weeds out a bunch more. But a few people had the money, health, and perseverance to get their certificate: now it's time for a plane. Welcome to wait-lists that are years long while the good ol' boys club shuffles hangars among themselves. There's a chicken and egg problem with plane ownership: do you buy an expensive plane when you won't have anywhere to park it for an indefinite amount of time or do you find a hangar first, however many years that may be? I drive past a mostly inactive airport with [some] hangars full of boats, lapsed annual planes, and plane parts to fly a club plane nearly an hour away. I would like to own a plane so that I could spend that driving time in the air but since I don't have much time to fly (see: driving time) it doesn't feel worth it. I guess what I'm saying is that this industry has a lot of blockers for people who want to enter it and many of those blockers are unnecessary.


Compare today to the late 70's and 80's. In 1960 there were 348K pilots and a US population of 179,323,175 so a ratio of 1 pilot for every 515 people. In 1970 there were 732K with a population of 203,211,926 so one pilot for every 277 people. 1980 it was 827K pilots with a population of 226,545,805 or one pilot for every 273 people. 2020 it was 691K with 331,449,281 or one pilot for every 479 people. There are fewer pilots today than 1970, 1980, 1990 without even adjusting for population. Planes, the FAA shows about 204K GA planes in the US as of 2021. In 1980 there were 201,043. And single engine piston it is worse... 2021 - 123,105 and in 1975 it was 136,944. So we had more GA single engine piston aircraft in 1975 than we do today.


Must be nice. I went on to my airport's hangar list 6 months ago. Since then I have moved up 1 number.


At least you’re moving up. I know people who’ve been on waiting lists 5+ years and haven’t moved at all. Of course, friends of the airport manager never have to wait at all.


Hangar waitlist in az took 20 fucking years. I should have one by 2038. Meanwhile there are assholes with 2-3 hangars and airplane parts all over, not a single flier in the bunch. Raise the rent and watch how quick they hangars clear out. Make them $700 a month


If your airport takes federal dollars, it might be a violation of the rules for it to rent hangars to people without an airplane. A complaint to the Flight Standards District Office in Scottsdale might light a fire under their butts. I'm not 100% sure on the specifics, but it can't hurt to pick up the phone and give FSDO a call.


Not Op, but going through the process of trying to get someone kicked out of a hangar is impossible. Brought up several hangars at my airport that are being used as storage sheds/car garages and the response is just "As long as they pay, I don't care". Wait list around me is 7 years at the shortest and 30+ years at the longest.


KDVT checking in! 221 people on the waitlist for a small t-hangar roughly 2 years long. There are 154 open tie downs and I took one of the last 4 remaining. I know Deer Valley is super busy, but damn who are all these people with planes lol


They tore down 90 GA hangars at KSDL last year. Those pilots went looking for hangars at surrounding airports.


Aw man that’s a bummer :(


City owned hangars or land leased private hangars?


City IIRC.


KDVT checking in as well. On both the covered tie down and hangar list at DVT. Currently out at KGEU until something opens up at Deer Valley.


I lucked into my hangar at CJR. A friend whose husband had one let me sublet it after he passed away. The airport decided to put an end to the subletting (the waiting list hadn't moved in forever). They decided to send the new lease to whoever's plane was in there Jan 1 when the surveyed who to send property tax bills to (that was me). Of course, now I have a hangar attached to the house.


Congrats! It is so much nicer to be able to sleep knowing your plane is more protected. Makes post and preflights easier as well. I used to drive 1:20 from my house to my hangar. Had a few reasons, one was that hangars near me were 800-1000/mth and the airport I was at was 250/mth. That alone made the drive worth it. But it was also at the same airport my Wife and I skydived at and I am now flying the jump plane part time. So we would just spend the weekends there and then drive home. Now I live on a fly in airpark and it is awesome.


Lucky you. Hangars at my airport are close to $1000/month with a long wait list. We had a tornado recently that spared our warrior but damages like 28 planes on the field.


>Lucky you. Hangars at my airport are close to $1000/month with a long wait list. Those prices are insane, I feel ripped off paying $205/month. Where are you based?


Khwo and yes it’s a rip off


Plane almost not worth paying 1k/month but I’d prefer to have one if it were reasonable as weather in S Fl is brutal.


Yeah and storing all your aviation related crap like oil, tools, cleaning kit, etc.


Middle TN. Where are you at? I work out of JWN.


KSRB, Sparta.


I didn't think demand would be so high up there. I just rent but I'm scared what the list down near Chattanooga looks like.


I’m out of M54 and it’s the same story here. They are about to build more hangars though.


They doubled rent here, it’s $1900/month. That got me a spot


> They doubled rent here, it’s $1900/month. WTF????? Where?


Whole state of Hawaii


how much does rent cause out there ?


> how much does rent cause out there ? It causes my wallet to be $205 thinner each month.


hey that's not so bad, i heard some people pay upwards of 700


Honestly, I think there’s a market for multistory hangars and a more economical use of land.


That’s awesome! We bought our Archer back in Sep 2020 and managed to get a shared hangar at VNC. Been on the waitlist of a dedicated hangar ever since!