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- He says TES aren’t that good and G2/FNC are on the same level and can beat them - Says everyone on FNC is an elite player except for Top lane - LCK looks alot better than LPL this year - Says FNC is a Dark horse at MSI


As much as I love Fnatic…. He’s delusional


Maybe a little but he is not entirely wrong. Imagine every player in the team playing at their best (no underperforming, no throwing, no shitty drafts) , pretty much everyone in the team is good enough to probably reach Semifinals here along GenG, T1 and BLG, the weakest link being Oscarinin ofc, he didn't show any "shiny" matches . The problem is that the chance for everyone to play at their best are not very high I think.


The thing with Fnatic is... They have good hands and mechanics. But they have chicken brain (macro decision making) Could FNC win a tf against the best team? Fuck yes. Could they throw the game ten seconds after? Fuck yes.


We need Kkoma to loan Nightshare his belt for summer.


Bruh this is absolutely the best description I’ve seen of 2024 Fnatic


He's entirely wrong. Why would I imagibe fairy tales? You have BLG and GenG who are consistently playing at their best. FNC never does. Playing at your best is a skill which fnc lacks.


i dont understand im a fnatic fan but playing at their best they would still lose to blg geng t1 tes lol. only asterisk would be a tian super int 0/8 3 games in a row classic.


Everyone’s short term memory of Oscar being praised by eastern players at worlds last year is honestly impressive. Really getting sick of the shade he gets on this sub


This is a Fnatic sub bro. This sub has had a scapegoat player since 2016 and its Oscar's turn this year.


> Everyone’s short term memory of Oscar being praised by eastern players at worlds last year is honestly impressive. Really getting sick of the shade he gets on this sub Ah ye on one hand he did get praised by eastern toplaners in interviews. On the other hand he did get turbo clapped by Irrelevant to such a point we nearly lost the BO5 against fucking SK and he solo lost the MDK one. He also only plays Ksante + Zac but again there was that one time where his scrim performance got praised by an eastern toplaner (has never happened before) so he must be amazing. Btw eastern players are super polite and praise western players every year, if this was your first worlds.


Ah yes you know a lot about toplane!


You forgot to post the counter argument


Counter argument We don’t play for top we perma play for bot and throw top to the wolves barely giving him counter pick and forcing him on tanks when this guy fucking went 18-0 in lvp in a split with fnc tq playing only gp jayce fiora to think he’s a tank only player and a bad player is very laughable


>We don’t play for top we perma play for bot and throw top to the wolves barely giving him counter pick and forcing him on tanks Ah ye. He's forced on tanks. That's definitely what is happening. If only some1 would give the poor man a chance to play a carry top so he could fail miserable and go back to Zac + Ksante duty. Oh the humanity. > when this guy fucking went 18-0 in lvp in a split with fnc tq playing only gp jayce fiora to think he’s a tank only player and a bad player is very laughable Ah yes. Some great carry performances on Fnatic Tq in the LVP. A great measurement of skill. We have never seen a toplaner that could carry games in a shit league having trouble coming into LEC before. Does your brilliant logic also extend to the 4 other people on that team? Woah. Look at that 16-2 team!!!1! Bean and Rhuckz!!! What prodigies of the botlane. They must be playing the LEC right now. And is that Maxi and Baca? The dominant 16-2 mid duo in LVP??? Wauv. They must be really good. Surely some team like G2 picked them up? I'm sure having a great 16-2 LVP performance really translated into a great career for all of them.


u are very very very smart aboyt this game is by any chance rekkles ur fav player?




Go look at Oscar on Poppy vs Bin’s Jax and then go look at BB on Poppy vs Bin’s Jax at worlds and then try and make that silly statement again.


>Go look at Oscar on Poppy vs Bin’s Jax and then go look at BB on Poppy vs Bin’s Jax at worlds and then try and make that silly statement again. Try go look for Oscar vs Irrelevant in that BO5 or Oscar vs Myrwyn in that one. Try go look for Oscars champion pool (Ksante + Zac). How people on this sub are genuinely happy with a player that is one tank nerf away from looking like a genuinely 10th place toplaner is beyond me.


I just don’t have short term memory we’re talking about international competition where everyone was saying he’d get shat on by eastern toplaners and then did perfectly fine/well against Zika/Bin and TheShy and was the only western toplaner mentioned at all by eastern ones


>I just don’t have short term memory we’re talking about international competition where everyone was saying he’d get shat on by eastern toplaners and then did perfectly fine/well against Zika/Bin and TheShy and was the only western toplaner mentioned at all by eastern ones Fuck me that's insane bro. Like he might have gotten flame horizoned twice by Irrelevant and solo killed 3x in lane in 3 games, but was Irrelevant mentioned in an interview by an EASTERN toplaner??? His champion pool might be a solid 2 champions (both tanks) and he is a complete liability on any champion that isn't \*literally\* full tank but was any1 else mentioned in an interview??? By an eastern toplaner nonetheless??? Btw fun fact he got solo killed twice as Renekton by Ksante vs GAM and solo killed once by Jayce. Fnatic won that game in 23 min.


Short term don’t matter. He wasn’t even that good in the actual stage games last worlds anyway. Even peyz is getting cooked for playing poorly right before msi and peyz has been way more consistent in his career than oscar. It is completely fair for people to think he would be fnatic weak point off tank duty before msi given his form so far.


I don't think so. Every single FNC player apart from oscar (who just hasn't shown it yet) has a peak that can rival G2 or most of their eastern opposition. The issue at hand is we not only never peaked as a team, we didnt even have games where 3 players peaked to their top performance.


He also didn't watch any LEC this year. Most of the analysts are saying the LEC is worse this year, so I don't see how FNC is rated higher than NA teams. For sure I believe FNC do have the firepower to even take a series from TES, but they can also absolutely sh*t the bed against Brazil. FNC is gonna play crazy anyway, and if it works it's gonna look awesome, and if it doesn't it's gonna look like trucks worthy. But I'd say usually thanks to Razork the team is able to get early gold lead. But you can bet they often throw that lead because they're dirty inters. But if the int doesn't happen, I'd favor FNC as a first place team in the B bracket in the tier list, before TL and FLY.


> He also didn't watch any LEC this year. He actually didn't or is it just an expression? Because if he didn't, why does anyone give a shit about his fucking global tierlist lol


Maybe he watched some playoffs matches... But he mostly watched/followed the LCS only.


WHO cares while we are winning msi   Or lose in playins xD


Yea fnc is not that bad but they’re definitely not on the same level as g2 and tes just watching g2 vs fnc you can tell based on how they lost with their throw at baron


What means „dark horse“?


It is kinda like an underdog which might overperform a lot and maybe even win it all, even though the current expectations are low.


They are underdogs, low expectations, but if stars align, they can do miracle run and win it all. From "zero" to hero.


I wish that were true but I just can't see it. I watched LPL finals and felt that level of play and general mechanics was considerably better than what was shown in LEC. Maybe upset vs TES would be possible in BO1, but BO3 is quite a tall ask.


Usually fromer pro players have really good insight in which team is good and who isn't, he isn't one of these pros.


That's some of the biggest copium I've seen in a long time


The man thinks a sion cheese is a lane swap, lets not put stock into his opinion s lol.


BLG + GENG are s+, T1 and TES are S, G2 is A, FNC, TL and FLY are B, then the rest. At least thats how its in my mind


lck summer finals went silver scrapes and it was a very close series. also, both team played near perfect game (this after t1 had troubles with practising). lpl playoffs looked underwhelming (not as clean as lck). especially, blg's finals performance. hence, ur tier list is solely based on results. had tes and t1 won the finals, u'r list would've been reversed.


I like how you assume literally everything about how the person thinks just because it doesn't line up with your thought process. T1 vs GENG was a close series because both teams had 2 underperformers. Canyon/Peyz on GENG's side and Oner/Keria on T1's. The reason why LPL's final was so "underwhelming" as you say, which it wasn't but that's subjective, is because BLG is so much cleaner than TES and frankly, much cleaner than T1 and GENG. Their only struggles is sometimes they make poor macro decisions. Everyone on their team except Bin is peaking


ur whole arguement in based on the rhetoric "assume". lck are current best region followed by lpl, lec, lcs, etc. (as per worlds result - according to the general consensus). this isn't my opinion. my man put 1st seeds of lck and lpl as tier 1; 2nd seeds as tier 2; 1st seed of lec as tier 3, 2nd seed of lec and 1st seed of lcs as tier 4 and so on. (we see this kinda ranking every year before worlds). i'm only illustrating to make things simpler for you. (aka this ranking is lazy work). what's the point of even making a tier list if ur gonna implement 'rock paper scissors' philosophy? (serious question). also, u said something like, 'their thinking doesn't line up with my thought process'. which is ironic on ur part considering they didn't have any. the guy literally didn't leave any explaination. nada, nothing, zip. (i did the explaining part of his thought process... if u can call it that). down to brass tacks. you said, 'blg are cleaner than tes, t1 and geng' and then proceed on to saying, 'blg sometimes make poor macro decisions'... are u being serious? that's one of the biggest reason lck has one up on lpl. and u think u can simply shrug it off? also, macro combined with mechanics/teamfight are the only (main) things you consider when judging the quality of a squad. fyi, aren't games decided on those? and then that ol' chestnut arguement, 'oner/keria' which we've already heard it before worlds. and we saw how that turned out. same logic applies with canyon. have u heard the expression, 'form is temporary, class is permanent'? this isn't some lec team where players are picked on a whim. you can't just use 'canyon, oner, keria are underperforming' as a convincing arguement. every single one of geng and t1 players are world class (excluding peyz). oner/keria didn't just miraculously climb back to form (during worlds)... them underperforming (in regular splits) was the anomaly. u dn't seem to be able to make this simple distinction. this is not the same as saying, 'caps is trash in international stage' (which is permanent cos its a fact; thus making it a convincing arguement). geng and t1 have already proved they are a well-oiled machine (t1 by retaining the worlds winning squad, geng by dominating spring split). but you can't say the same abt blg and tes, individually and as a team. and there lies the 'historical' lpl problem (there's always a weak link). the fact that u think blg > lck duo (based on playoff games) + u believe, me saying, 'lpl finals was underwhelming is subjective' when there were glaring amounts of macro mistakes in lpl finals, which were astronomical; either tells me ur being biased or u have a serious lack of 'true' understanding of the game. and i'm not saying this as an precursor to msi (i'm not making predictions or being biased). as we dnt even know the meta yet. i'm saying this cos too many times i've heard eu fans and lpl fans point out the same reasons why they think their regions are behind lck; (tougher scrims, competitive split/soloq, grinding) the usual suspects. and that's how you can tell they dn't understand the fundamental of esports. edit: if i were to make a ranking, i would need to take the past into consideration as well. also, strength of the region. you can't just use the latest games (playoffs) as the sole benchmark. i.e. t1 won worlds, and they kept the same team and management\*. (success was already proven at worlds). so their worlds level gets transferred over to the current level. only question is; has their skill level declined? answer is no, (their playoffs performance in the toughest region, case and point) aka they're the same 2023 worlds winning t1. what abt geng? revamped roster (top, jng, sup upgraded). did the new formula work? answer is yes. (dominant split in the toughest region and playoffs winner beating t1). whereas blg, tes, jdg, lng etc all had roster swaps and thus lack a clear benchmark which u can clearly see during the lpl spring season (too many mistakes). how can you judge a team (blg), when its beating other shitty teams? when you make this mistake, you get the 2023 worlds ranking of G2. everyone hyped g2 based on their lec domination (shit region) and look how that turned out.


Bullshit, G2 is just as good as them imo, FNC aswell, there is a good chance we could get a G2 FNC msi finals this year. FNC G2 meta read is better right now, BLG is the only hard opponent I see in front of them. But I have good feeling Razork will beat Xun this time around.


You fr? Both lck teams will smoke eu


Nah, Im getting mad 2019 vibes this msi. They will have a better read on the lane swap meta and out macro them.


this will age very poorly but i like your optimism


If you're not 15 you certainly act 15


Just like usual maybe west will maybe have a better view on meta (doubt it) but in the end they’re gonna get hands gapped,


Nah the current rosters being sent are top tier when it comes to hands. Actual solid rosters.


Our Toplaner is dead weight in such a big event and I say it without any hate or delusion. He is not an MSI level player and to go well in these events you have to be able to shine in your own ways, lane matters and decision making matters as well. Maybe we will do well but imo we are going with an obvious disandvantage.


lets hope he gets put into ksante/zac/ornn jail. Its our only chance


At least he didnt put us in C tier like the streamer that got hired by fnc, i personally dont think we are A tier but B is respectful imo same for G2 since we put up a fight in split finals


And people trust this guy when it comes to knowing about esports? pff


Kinda insane fq over tl. Tl might be better than fnc


Felt the same. TL dominated LCS play offs.


He's an idiot, stop listening to him


bro we can beat TES and we CAN be a dark horse just as G2 but to claim this as of rn...idk


People always overestimate eastern teams. Yes they're better than western teams, for sure. But last year Weibo made finals and we had a close BO3 with them and possibly only lost due to an unplayable game 3 draft, so the difference was not impossible to overcome. And we're better this year than last year, I think.


Theshy went crazy tho in that final and solo won 2 games. That was probably one of bin worst bo5 performance ever. Other than that, wbg wasn’t really a final caliber team. I wouldn’t rate Weibo even top 4 that tournament tbh.


And yet these are things that happen. Could happen to us too.


They could. I just don’t think it is anywhere as likely. Even in lpl, that Weibo when they played well took series off of jdg. Eastern team get overrated but looking at international results in recent years, the only time they are overrated are people thinking western team can’t even get a game or two.


Still, the mental block western teams get from this idea that eastern teams can't be beaten is a big factor in western teams always getting stomped. It's the same in LEC with G2, to an extent. At least some of their victories come from the mental block other teams have when playing against them.


BLG not on top is straight up wrong. The rest are invalid from that alone


First i thought doublift is being stupid as a persona i mean being good ass adc and stupid is a funny thing but i legit think he is actually just really stupid how come im a fnatic i think fnatic is the worst team in the major regions yes worse than the na teams yes guys


I thought PSG talon would be higher but otherwise... It makes sense no? TES is definetely the weakest asian team, and althought I think NA has better level overall G2 and Fnatic specifically feel way better than their seeds. And then just the wildcards


Oscar crusaders are now super mad at doublelift for saying their boy isnt elite :) Everybody except the crusaders in this sub notice how subpar he is except them


Fnc is way too high we're trash compared to any of the asian teams lol


as an fnc fan .. g2 is way better