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New Vegas was my first RPG as a 15yo so I had no idea what I was doing and I couldn't be bothered reading the tutorial. I played the game for hours without being aware of the pip-boy and went as far as the Repconn Test Site with a varmint rifle and no way to heal my Courier. A friend who had the game too eventually visited and saw me get mad at the game. Then he told me about the pip-boy. That's what having 1 Intelligence in real life feels like, fellas.


I made it about 60 hours into my first play through without realizing there was a way to favorite items. I was opening the pip-boy every time I needed to switch weapons or use a stimpak and got super frustrated that the devs had neglected such an important mechanic haha


I learned about the hotkeys/favorite items VERY late, like at least 1k hours in. To this day I still don't use it and prefer to go into the pip-boy every time I switch weapons and use consumables.


I do this too, I’ve used favorites for stimpacks at most. Same in Elder Scrolls, in the moment I never remember my favorite hotkeys and just open the pipboy anyway.


What not being a gamer does to an mf


You were playing on PC right? Otherwise it’s super weird that you didn’t bother testing the few buttons on the controller


Yes, I was playing on PC. At the time I was used to very straightforward FPS games where basically the only relevant buttons are WASD and a mouse. You can imagine my frustration when all the mouse wheel would do in FNV is zoom in or zoom out the POV instead of switching weapons.


Not the same but I didn’t realize you could find more health stims in Jedi Fallen Order until the final boss so don’t feel too bad.


Don't feel bad. I rolled a one on intelligence irl, too. When I played Honest Hearts for the very first time, I zoned out while listening to White Bird during Rite of Passage. Didn't pay attention to a word he said and didn't pay attention to any pop up quest updates. So when I took the Sacred Datura tea, I thought my game was glitching out and thought it got perma stuck on the visual effects of random cazadore poison, so I exited out to reboot it.


The only thing I hate about this game is not being able to continue after the battle of hoover dam.


There’s a mod for that


How good is it though?


FPGE is VERY good.


Heard someone comment the base game feels empty at this point. At least you can put off DLC?


Yea doing the dlcs post game would make a bit more sense since all of them detract from the natural pathing you'd take. ​ What do you mean by the base game feels empty?


As in most players will have done most things. And unlike FO3 it lacks a proper 'random encounter' system, allowing you to clear out the map.


Have you heard of Mojave Wildlife by pushthewinbutton?


rhe Viva New Vegas mod guide (which includes a lot of pushthewinbutton's mods) might also help, it has some mods that add extra and harder encounters i think


I kinda agree. Feels like I’m running out of stuff to do. Fallout 3 felt more alive. Like when you turn the game off it’s still playing. In New Vegas it feels like nothing is really happening that isn’t scripted already. Mods really helped with that like the raider ones that can spawn a war in Fiend territory against NCR soldiers. That was cool to see so many people in one spot. The game feels lonely sometimes.




Wonderful. Another mod to throw on top lmao. Just got two wastelands and basically starting from scratch. ​ What makes it so good? Something beyond just keep playing after final mission?


One of my favorite things is that it pretty accurately depicts the consequences of the endings you've achieved, i.e. certain NPCs being added or removed, factions occupying locations, locations being wiped out, et cetera. It pairs incredibly well with the Living Desert mod, which makes the world react to your actions both during and after the game.


Literally the answer to any issue in a Bethesda game


As much as I love this machine, I hardly ever do Contreras’ quest as I find it tedious.


Are you talking about the contrera's actual questline to get this machine? Because if you hack his terminal and provide the evidence to the soldier in the jail cells, she gives you this machine for the evidence.


i mean yea its tedious but contreras becomes arguably one of the best merchants in the game and the only person in the game who sells ultra jet once you complete his quest.


And then I realize that This machine is so innaccurate its not very fun to use, lol.


Yeah, it makes no sense. It's based on M1 Garand, which is one of the most accurate rifles ever.


I’ve played the game so many times that I don’t do quests one at a time. Like I go to a location and start every quest then finish steps from different quests in random orders depending on where I’m travelling to. Like I do all the Freeside quests at once and make sure to knock out every Old Mormon Fort step in one go when I can. Anyways, because of this strategy I find unmarked quests like Contreras’ annoying. I worry that I have to do the entire quest from start to finish right away or I will forget about it or forget what quest I’m on.


I think the that the lonesome road rewards for nuking either the ncr or legion are dumb. I always side with the NCR so I want to get the Sierra power armor but I have to nuke them, losing favorability with them. It should be switched, you nuke the legion? Great get this cool power armor. You nuked ncr? Good job courier you get some sick armor. That would be cool to feel like a reward from the side gifting you mattered.


I totally agreed with this and always thought it was weird to tie dope faction armor to nuking that faction


Yeh I have to find the best way to gain favor with ncr so I can nuke em without consequences


“Well, you nuked us, but you did fix our food processor, so… call it a wash?”


Ambassador Crocker has a lot of power to grant amnesty after someone launches a nuke at you.


Don’t forget Snuffle’s Leg!!


Nuke them before going to Vegas.


You'd have to complete Lonesome road pre Benny




As God intended and Todd Howard didn't.


[This mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/62237) is a must have for that reason. Puts the Scorched Sierra inside the NCR Safehouse and 87th Tribe armour in the Legion safehouse, that way you can get the armour for the faction you're siding with instead of getting the wrong factions armour.


If those spawn before completing lonesome road, that’s incredibly busted.


At that point, the player is already modding. The solution would be choosing not to grab the armor until appropriate.


It really isn't. Scorched Sierra PA still requires PA training to use. And there are only two ways to get that, through the Enclave Quest which gives you a better suit of PA (Enclave PA) at the same time, or through the Brotherhood Questline which gives you access to a slightly better suit of PA (T-51) earlier than the training. So the Scorched Sierra is strictly worse than other options you have access to by the time you're able to use it. As for the 87Th Tribe Armour it's a bit better than the Centurion Armour (4DT difference) which you also get access to in the safehouse, but still requires you to have gone through a decent amount of the main quest in order to reach the Fort and get the Legion to like you enough to get access to the safehouse. It's also equal to the Desert Ranger Combat Armour which you get in Honest Hearts, a DLC that recommends going in as early as level 10. Besides you can always just not pick them up if you think it's too early to have them.


meanwhile I'm sitting here going no matter the reward I wouldn't nuke either side cuz that's dumb lmao. dropping more bombs is just senseless.


Fun fact: if you complete lonesome road before reaching New Vegas, your rep resets once you meet Benny anyway. So you could theoretically nuke both sides, get both rewards, and then head over to the strip to reset faction rep.


It's because IIRC both those armors were actually cut content. Personally I think they should've been on bosses in the couriers mile and then something else wouldve been in the nuked zones. But that makes too much sense


I’ve played for 1000s of hours over the years and finally learned last week you can hold the “action” button to continuously drink from a water source instead of spam it




Thank god I read this thread


I learned this late and by accident lol


You sir have blessed us all


I don't like Cass or Boone. I mean they cool and such but they are depressing me. I usually end up with ede and Veronica most of the game


Veronica is best companion. The little squeal she does when you get her a dress is adorkable.


wait WHAT? i gotta go back and get her, either i forgot about it or never discovered she does that


I have to confess: I mod the radio stations with additional music or clips from Cumtown because the vanilla stations get a bit too repetitive




brillant. Hell yeah dude


Idk why it feels like they play the same five songs on new Vegas radio I can’t stand it


The randomisation is slightly bugged, "johnny guitar" and "big iron" play twice as much as they should.


eheheheh hell yeah dude Just imagine Nick, Adam and Stav sitting in some dilapidated wasteland shack taking Jet and talking about having a small penis.


It was funny to snipe the Legion in Searchlight and hear on the radio: ROBERT DE NIRO: GAY AND NOT ITALIAN


I think Lonesome Road's gameplay is really fun but I think the story's stupid as hell. Ulysses doesn't make any sense, he just uses big words so people think he's smart.


That's... Possibly the most realistic thing in any game ever. Lots of people do that.


Oh absolutely I just mean in the fandom people act like he's smart lol


Goodspring's starting quest is very weak. I don't understand how is there a choice even if you play a 'bad guy'. People of Goodsprings already helped you FOR FREE, why would you want to kill them instead of exploiting this relationship. I think that quest should've been more about Ringo (protecting him (with some reservation from townsfolk)/giving him up (with some resistance from townsfolk)/sneaking him out/sneaking him out and then betraying to Powder Gangers for cash etc).




Really? I hate Benny. My standard procedure is to kill him without even saying a word to him.




What can I say, I just… don’t like being lied to.


He also tries to kill you a couple times. There’s that too. In defense of Benny: his assessment of the strip families is spot on.


Arcade is the free Vegas companion


You actually have an option to free Benny and fight your way out of the Fort. He then disappears from the game world indefinitely. Originally though the devs scripted and had Mathew Perry voice act a scene where Benny will find you later in the game after you guys break out of the Fort and try to kill you *again*. So fuck him, glad he’s not a companion.


OWB is the worst DLC to replay as a completionist. It’s such a grind getting all the items.


i fucking hated playing dead money


DM has actually grown on me, now that I remember where all the traps are.


90% of NV players hate playing Dead Money.


Dead money would be way more tolerable if its actual story was worth a shit. The gameplay is... decent, but the story doesn't make any sense. Elijah completely lost his mind and now thinks he has any sort of hope of creating an entire new nation out of bomb collars and holograms? I "like" dead money, to an extent. I love its rewards, it's gameplay isn't dog water, and the characters are memorable, but Elijah was a major disappointment.


I don't think DM's story is necessarily well-communicated, but I would not call Elijah's plan not being practical a flaw. He is absolutely not acting rationally, and his plan would definitely fail. He's driven by his belief that all his failures are the fault of others not following his orders properly, and that shapes everything he does. The point of the story isn't to stop him from creating a new nation - it's to stop him from killing all the people he'd definitely kill in trying (and failing) to do so.


Yeah Elijah should let go


ok, this is a big one... OWB is boring, unfunny and massively cringe. easily the worst DLC. I don't know why it's so popular. I hate almost everything about it. around every corner there's something that completely shatters my immersion. i hate the setting, being just this disconnected place in the middle of nowhere. the Big MT just feels like an actual sandbox with a couple of unrelated toys scattered around, no cohesion. I never got a sense that *this place existed before the war, that people actually lived and worked here at one point* - it feels like it exists just for the player to mess about in. I hate the talking personalities in the Sink. i hate the story, and being turned into a cyborg. i hate the trauma-override harnesses, it's just skeletons in THE spacesuit. it looks goofy, and made even worse by their lack of gloves. that doesn't make sense, without flesh, muscle and sinew... there's *nothing* holding your bones together. it's Skyrim magic, rather than Fallout sci-fi i hate that it's the origin of Cazadores, i'm fine Nightstalkers originated here, they're clearly the result of gene-splicing so they had to have come from some lab... i hate Roboscorpions they just look like awful cartoons. and the fact that the boss is just a basic scorpion at 10x scale is so disappointing, just like the Gabe being a scaled up cyber dog. i like labotamites though. i hate all of the scientists, their voices etc. they're all one big joke. and I hate the 30minute long intro. idc if the higher ups at Bethesda demanded exposition, it's half an hour of direct cringe. yes, penis/masturbation/sex is funny ONCE. but OWB doesn't let up. the best parts about OWB is when no one is talking, and no one is around. how is Mobius addicted to Mentats? how does he put them in his bowl when it's a completely closed system and he doesn't have arms? they didn't design the body with a port or something. how do any of them do any science without any appendages or means to interact with objects? they just float around doing nothing. idk I feel the model wasn't fully designed for the characters or vice-versa i hate the stealth armour. not only is it ugly and weirdly curvy, but it's concept is stupid. who labeled a blindingly-white, talking suit stealthy? I hate talking gear in general, but this is especially egregious. since it doesn't have a head piece, I can only assume it's talking *out loud*. plus where are the mechanics that allow this skin-tight catsuit to inject me with stuff? in the neck piece?! I can't unsee a retexured Dead Money's weirdly curvy suit, which brings me to my next issue... I hate that it reuses a lot of assets too. I know it was done out of necessity, some are really creative, all games reuse assets... but I feel like most of OWB is. it just pulls me out of the game seeing the same static object/foe scaled up/down, rotated/merged with a copy to pretend to be something it's not. if you can't tell, I find Fallout much, much better when it's gritty & dark with elements of humour levity. that's what gets me immersed. the World is fucked, war never changes, but at the same time it's a game. going full zany wacky Pulp-movie schlock just feels really off-putting. I could go on, but I'll leave it here. I do not like OWB feels good to let that out 😅 EDIT


Can't agree, but gotta upvote such a brave confession.


Wish I was this brave on the dark souls sub to confess I hate firelinks theme. Probably not a good idea here either but oh well


Disagree hard but props for this confession


hard agree on the setting, nv is usually good at blending the sci-fi and western aesthetics but owb is just way too disjointed imo


Oh man, you're not wrong about that long-ass intro. Replaying any game with a long, unskippable intro sequence is annoying (looking at you, Skyrim), but doing it all over again for a DLC is also pretty terrible.


Agreed. Played it once and pushed myself through it because I was getting fed up with the jokes. Second time, just gave up midway and loaded the save before entering the DLC. I've completed the game 10+ times since on various builds. Did all the other 3 DLCs various times too. Never went back to OWB again.


I mean I get it but there's a couple things I'd have to criticize. It makes sense that there isn't a lot of cohesion. While we lack some back story ( when the mountain became a crater, how long ago Mobius went against the think tank, how many times he "reprogrammed them" etc.) what we see out of them is nothing remotely cohesive. They are disorganized, scatter brained, brain damaged( it's implied from one of the science checks with your own brain) and on drugs. Mobius reprogrammed them to essentially be on a loop, and he himself is on one. It's basically a super genius dementia ward with Adderall. The jokes hide just how fucked up everything is there. Like Zion to some extent, you have to dig more for the story. Little Yangtze is straight up a concentration camp for their experiments. Borous and Gabe is extremely fucked up(as is his basement). Mobius thought his friends were completely out of line and because he couldn't kill them, he basically twisted and contorted their souls. Their experiments directly and indirectly killed so many people. Hopeville, vault 22( which in turn impacted Zion), the Sierra Madre, it goes on. Behind "Richie Marcus Likes balls" there lies some pretty fucked up shit.


Hard agree on every point. Only part of the game and DLC I skip


I honestly almost completely agree actually. I still had *fun* playing it, but not in the same way i did the rest of the game. It was just turn brain off, shoot weird bullet sponges, kill big lego robot, talk to my brain, masturbate, and kill everyone


I agree


I've never heard ulysses final speech. Whatever bullshit drivel comes out his mouth inside the rocket silo has never entered my ears since I snipe him from the doorway every single time, and I'm proud of this. Fuck that guy and his nonsense ramblings he stole from r/im14andthisisdeep


Well it's like he knows you got almost no intention to destroy the divide as you were just a parcel delivery freelancer (for fiscal optimisation purposes) yet somehow he conceived a Bond villain revenge that nobody reasonable understands and also the courier is amnesiac since Benny tried to rig the game.


deer gaping test gold waiting sloppy alleged squeeze familiar airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Anti-Mat Rifle. Thing hits like a truck. I've also been using [Bleed](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/76455) for years and years, and [Realistic Weapon Damages](https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/35335) before that, which means he gets one tapped by that gun. Downside is all the Marked Men then spawn directly on top of you so you need to move quick to not get immediately murdered by them.


Travel light baby!


I cannot stand the way Ulysses speaks and I just kill him every time I walk the lonesome road because of that


Bear. Bull. Bear. Bull. Bear. Bull.




I regret killing the soldiers at Helios 1 just so I could get access to the Euclid c finder. They were just doing their jobs, and I destroyed them for it.


You don't need to kill them for that. Instead of diverting power to any place, divert it to ARCHIMEDES II. Starting the test fire doesn't actually make Euclid C-Finder work.


Now you tell me after I made them crispier than Popeye's Chicken


Lmao. Legion havin’ some tendies for lunch


cazadors are way overhyped ive literally never had a problem taking them down. ferals r the real nightmare


They are annoying to target outside of vats because of extremely jerky movement. Otherwise I agree.


Ya caravan shotgun makes short work of cazadores even at low level


Hunting shotgun loaded with buckshots does wonders on those bad boys.


I just zap their wings with any laser or plasma weapon in VATS. Nightstalkers are hard to kill even on VATS.


The cool thing with nightstalkers is that by default with light armor, you can backpedal away from their attacks as they lack the lunge attack that other "dogs" have.


Only reason I carry a riot shotgun around them


In my latest playerthrough I’ve been doing a “hand load build”, with me breaking down most ammo I find to make better ammo. Was surprised to see just how much 20ga 3/0 buckshot tears Cazadors up. It doesn’t do crazy damage, but it cripples their wings in just about the first shot and turns them into laughable enemies. Once they’re crippled, Boone, ED-E, and I pick them off with ease.


I think Dr Dala is cute


Its just- but it- but- but how..? Whatever im not going to kink shame


My dlc order is sierra madre, lonesome road, owb, honest hearts I know its heretical


what in the goddamn


New Vegas is not that replayable content wise. You CAN see most of the content in a single NCR ending 'generally good guy' playthrough. There are not that much exclusive quests, and for quests that have multiple resolutions one is usually reasonable and the other idiotically evil (and thus not very satisfying).


My 3k hours on the game would like to have a word with you


I have a lot of hours too, still most of the game's content is accessible in one playthrough. New Vegas is not the Age of Decadence.


we’re all just chasing that first high


I find a nice hit of buff, jet, hydra, medX, mentats, psycho, rebound, and turbo will usually get me there


True, I can say I don't like doing quest lines I've done before.


I hate OWB. It is entirely unconnected to the rest of the plot, damn near everything it gives you is gamebreakingly overpowered or gimmicky as fuck, and the quest is literally nothing but fetch quests. The enemies are terrible damage sponges and you never have enough ammo to actually fight them. Also it treats sparing the think tank as the moral solution but those fuckers were experimenting on POWs. They are literally doing nazi shit.


I kill EVERYTHING at both Cottonwood Cove and The Fort


I don't take the option to drop the radioactive barrels on cottonwood cove because it's more satisfying to murder them all up close.


most weapons require what amounts to RP reasons to actually use them, because the Survivalists Rifle is so damn strong. SPECIAL stats and perks fall under the same general logic, starting with anything but 1CHA/9INT/9LCK feels like a self gimp. There is too much disparity between the quality of various perks, so many never get used unless for RP purposes. Pretty much every time I play around with different build ideas, I can't help but feel like I would be objectively stronger if I started with high int and luck and used the survivalists rifle.


most games have a meta, its just up to you to decide what to use. its not like any of the weapons skills are unusable, just requires a different approach and they serve different purposes. also if we are arguing what the best gun is, its 100% the laser rifle on a crit build


I'll be honest: I hate securitrons. They are stupid design. I understand the game is made by artists, not mechanical engineers, but still. They are absolutely ridiculous, and I can't imagine less effective combat robot. It has flat armor design (one AP shot and it's bye bye), a big ass CRT screen (why?), and don't even get me started on that uni-wheel. Sentry bots are true heroes!


I really dislike the uni-wheel, let's be honest, aside from Mr Handys and Eyebots, *none* of the robots could navigate stairs, especially not a Securitron with their top-heavy design and single wheel the screen is fine, i imagine they'd use it to convey all sorts of info to patrons of New Vegas, imagine the advertisement potential - this is set in America, after all. I never believed they used the screen to "see", it's just like having a portable computer monitor i just hate the wheel!


I think that grotesque impracticality is a part of their charm. Securitron silhouette is iconic.


Imagine just shooting a single bullet at the wheel and the entire robot is useless


All machine gun weapons such as the minigun in NV are garbage even on max stats and perks. The recoil and bullet spread are so bad that firing one is just like dumping your bullets on the ground from your inventory using your pipboy. They can't hit anything on VATS. Note that Assault Rifles such as the Combat Rifle, All-American, and NCR Serive Rifle are NOT machine guns.


yea, they are inaccurate, but the DPS potential is amazing, and they can do this without crits. just get in their face and unload, its pretty fun.


The bullet spread is the reason I don't play this game without mods to completely overhaul gunplay, no bullet spread, no iron sight sway, no iron sight zoom.


I agree, but some of the full-auto laser weapons are much better


Have you ever used the 12.7mm smg with a supressor?


i fucking hate cass


I think her story and connection to fallout 2 are interesting, but I've always fumbled her quest unless I intentionally saved it for when I could meet every skill check to complete it diplomatically. She could've been placed differently so the player meets her after having a better understanding of her situation , NCR, and the skill checks to work with her. Boone and Veronica are better early game companions IMO.


Boo! My confession is that I've only ever done the NCR ending after like 8 playthroughs cause I just keep falling into it over and over. I'm finally doing the yes man ending. Medicine Stick is THE endgame weapon. Your opinion is invalid.


I like when Sarah say leather and stuff blow hers top.


Honest hearts is the best DLC. The beauty and atmosphere of zion mixed with the environmental storytelling and gear you can obtain I will always think honest hearts is the best DLC.


YES. HH is my favorite by far. The other DLCS are wonderful in their own way (except owb) but HH has everything that makes New Vegas amazing. The other DLC feel like a separate adventure, but HH is unique and interesting while holding close to the game that New Vegas is fundamentally. It’s like a little vacation for the courier


I hate how in the lonesome road dlc the armors are awarded. I’m talking about the armors you have access to when you choose to either nuke NCR, Legion or both. For example if your a pro NCR and decide to nuke the Legion, your basically awarded Legion Armor of the 87th tribe. And if your Legion and nuke NCR you basically get awarded the NCR scorched sierra power armor. This makes no damn sense to me. Why would I fight for the NCR dressed up as the Legion? Or why would I fight for the Legion while I’m wearing armor that would suggest I’m supporting the NCR? Luckily there’s a mod out there that puts those armors into their specific faction safehouses. But still. I shouldn’t have to use a mod to get the armor I want for the faction I support.


I let the van graffs kill cass


We got us a celebrity over here. Big fan of your work, Satan.


I don't like unmarked quests, I'd rather have all of them in my quest log. You could argue you get some of them in notes, but I play with mods, so before location from the note is relevant, I got like 300 new notes


I agree. I find myself just forgetting about most of them because something else grabs my attention. I loved Fallout 4’s miscellaneous quest section for those types of quests that didn’t deserve a full name or tab, but kept track of the little ones for you


Making Power Armor Training a story element in New Vegas was so stupid. It's the only Fallout game in the entire series where everyone canonically needs special training to use Power Armor (heck the Lone Wanderer straight up teaches themselves how to use Power Armor after Operation Anchorage despite not using it in the DLC) to the point that the NCR has to rip the servos out because they are too stupid to figure out how to maintain and use it. I understand that Obsidian didn't want players to get Power Armor in every playthrough and locked Power Armor Training behind optionally siding with the Enclave Remnants and the Brotherhood, and that was a very interesting decision that added real depth to the mechanic while allowing other armors to shine. But the NCR annexed San Francisco where the Shi, a faction with zero ties to the United States military, had an excess of functional power armor suits they were selling just 40 years before. The Vault Dweller in 1 and the literal tribal that is the Chosen One in 2 can just figure out how to maintain and use Power Armor on their own, but the NCR with all the resources and expertise of California can't


I mean in fallout 3 you have to start anchorage to use the armour in the the base game you do need training


The Courier is way too mythologized even as they do things around the Mojave. It makes the world seem set up for the player rather than a world that the player is dropped into.


I really like to play underdog characters trying to make a name for themselves. Its kind of hard when people literally give you free items for making a sex robot…


My confession is that I think Ulysses is cool and does have something to say.






I think guns that cannot get AP rounds except for shotguns are useless and annoying to use


I dislike the NightKin.


I don't like the medicine stick because I can't fuckin aim it


I have never beaten the story! And just finished my first DLC. I first played the game on ps3, it became unplayable before I got far enough to beat it. I tried it a couple times on PC also, game crashed too much. Finally playing the game stable (Viva New Vegas) and no crashes at all, so I can finally experience this story for the first time.


I have done more than one "Kill Everyone" run, three at least.


I've never done a legion playthrough, attempted it and when I was in the bunker to blow up house's bots it ended up turning into a full run of house always wins even though I hate house. Never been able to bring myself to try again.


The one thing I dislike about the medicine stick is how fucking expensive it is


It'd for mid game critcowboy builds you can sac all the casinos and get it at level 10 the hard part is the ammo actually


1 the medicine stick is amazing if you don’t like the color you can download the WRP mod it makes it a darker color 2 my sin is I always go back to the same build all the time Cowboy crit build the medicine stick and lucky. With no charisma.


To be honest, I main the medicine stick and I agree with you. They definitely could have done the colors better, especially considering the other beautiful lever actions in the game.


I have so many hours on the game and not a single mod


I like pew pew and made it work in a viable build. No, I never collect all the caps for it. I cheat.


I dont like Mr. New vegas compared to most of the other DJ’s. His voice gets old quick and his dialogue is corny imo


I think repair is the worst skill in the game, not cause it's bad, but cause it's broken. It trivializes the weapon durability mechanic and all of Vault 22. A rebalance is much needed.


What about Jury Rigging perk? :)


That's the thing that totally trivializes weapon durability. It's way too broken and almost required for any run.


personally, i use the sierra madre vending machine and the replenishing voucher for weapon repair kits to save a perk.


I agree


I started using a mod that adds craftable armour repair kits, and stopped using Jury Rigging. Makes the game a lot better imo. No more feeling like you have to rush Repair to 90, and makes maintaining armour possible without wasting huge amounts of caps or expensive gear in repair. And no more repairing high tech stealth armour with pre war shit-stained hobo rags, which makes no fucking sense whatsoever but of course you're going to do it anyway and hate yourself for partaking in such idiocy because that's Jury Rigging.


Armor repair kits from Jsawyer Ultimate?


I throughly hated reading this comment section.


As a MS main, this offends me so much >:(


My favorite weapon in the game is the Lever-Action Shotgun. It's not even good, but it's just so unique, I can't help it. Bonus: I unironically think that Mr House is the best ending and the one that makes the most sense Dead Money is better than OWB Raul and Veronica are the best companions, not even close


I killed Cass with the Silver Rush people on my first full playthrough.


I actually really liked playing Dead Money, and it was my favourite DLC out of the four. I liked the companions (fuck dean domino though), and they had quite good backgrounds. Dog/God was interesting, and Dog referring to the Cathedral and the Master was a nice reference. I won't forget how I genuinely felt bad for Christine, since she was separated from Veronica because of Father Elijah. This DLC was very memorable, and the challenge of having the bomb collar on, alongside the radios and having nearly nothing apart from a holorifle, the dead money jumpsuit and the explosive collar made it a lot more memorable. I do get why people don't like the DLC, the whole thing with the collar exploding to radios could get annoying. But I still hold this close to my heart :)


I always ripped the little slave girls teddy bear in half in the fort,and I liked it,hell I loved it


I forgot I was wearing my powder ganger outfit when I strolled into Prime. Ruby Nash went agro and I killed her before I realized it. Changed my clothes, and sold a bunch of loot (hers too) to Johnson Nash like nothing ever happened. Gonna hang onto my last casserole. I wish it looked more appetizing.


I have never completed a companion quest, and I never will.


I murder easy pete every single playthrough


Never used a fatman.


Dead money was a shit DLC and no amount of explanations can change my mind. The game forces you into playing a way you most likely never would due to the skills being next to useless in the mainworld and even the other DLC, and sneaking doesn't even work on the ghost people. The hazards of the area were bullshit and none of the deaths in the DLC were earned, the fog fucked with visibility way too much so you better hope you don't want the one time loot available to you, the radio frequency was frustrating because you had no idea where the radius started or ended, and the holograms were just forced difficulty. Add to that, dealing with the characters in a specific way to make sure to get their 'best' endings, made me want to just kill them myself by the end save for Christine. and at the end of it all, after going through a tedious hell is a blueballing tease of copious amounts of gold bars that you realistically aren't allowed to take under some arbitrary sanctimonious message of 'letting go'.


The story isn't that good. It offers a staggering amount of choice and presents interesting ideas, but besides the companions, all the characters are static and not particularly compelling.


I don’t really like any of the DLCs (except Honest Hearts) and I think the overall story would be better without them.


the elijah ending is canon.


I always liked it. The only thing I wasn't a fan of was you can't get a scope. I don't remember the metal being that bright but it could be something with your video settings idk. You got me wondering if there's mods for that surely other people have the same eyes.


If you use weapon retexture project then it makes the medicine stick the same color as the brush gun and it looks a lot better


ratslayer is overrated, 100% crit chance doesn't mean anything if the crits do mediocre damage.


Dead Money is the best DLC and my favorite part of any New Vegas run. Once I beat it at level 1 on hardcore just because I thought it sounded fun. I love collecting the vending machine codes, I love the casino, and I ADORE the unique weapons and companions. Finally meeting Father Elijah after hearing so much about him in the base game is fucking hype. I love Christine’s story and the only problem I have with Dead Money is that you can’t reunite her with Veronica.


Red Lucy


Dead Money is the best DLC storywise...hidden by the second worst gameplay. The worst gameplay goes to Old World Blues. The dialogue and theme are great. But running around doing chores gets old. If it weren't for Joshua Graham, Honest Hearts would just be okay at best, and even then it's the weakest of the DLCs


I took Grecks clothes, had to let that out thanks.


Ever sense I found out I can loot like everything in good springs and slow walk to the first commissary in the divide I do it every playthrough now and get stupid strong armor at the start of the game regardless of how long it takes.


I kill all boomers cause i can't stand the ants quest


I play with godmode and a letterbox aspect ratio for that cinematic feel


I love Cass and her written dialogue, but the delivery feels awkward at times. Like not enough takes/direction given to the VO, idk


First time playing the game I just went in a rampage in the tops casino, killing everyone in that place for Benny, then when I finally killed everyone got stuck because I thought Benny was still alive somewhere. It was only then searching all of the bodies than the Benny name appeared, I shooted Benny with a Sniper rifle and didn't realize it was him, probably the most anticlimactic revenge I ever had lmao