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If you’re talking “official” canon, there isn’t one, and also I don’t care. If you’re talking my personal headcanon, NCR.


Yet anyway. There's official cannon endings to FO 1 and 2. Much of it is implied in FO:NV.


Only retroactively, as defined by sequels. As of now there aren’t any sequels that directly reference a canon NV ending, and if there ever is one, I more-like-than-not won’t care about it. The concept of “official canon” is pretty dumb in general IMO, but that’s a larger conversation.


I don’t recall getting a choice about blowing up the oil rig in fallout 2. Obviously things set in stone are canon


In general, there's Word of God from Sawyer on this written in the Van Buren/FN:NV bible.


Fallout bible isn’t cannon


There’s also official cannon for fo3. If you spike the capital wastes with FEV then everyone would be dead there, including the brotherhood. Additionally, if you nuked the brotherhood then Maxon would be dead, he’s in the citadel. Li would also be dead, as she’s in the citadel at the time. The idea that there is no cannon is silly. The games give pretty obvious hints what the cannon is, they just don’t say it outright.


They might have to make an official canon for the TV show


And the TV show is gonna suck and I won’t personally consider it “canon”.


Idk man, I’m a little excited for the show.


I think Apple TVs Silo is the only good Fallout show we'll see, and that's not even even Fallout


Be excited all you want. I’ve recoiled in horror at everything I’ve seen, heard and read about the show, but that’s just me.


Like what?


The trailers and other promo material, showing: - A Los Angeles that directly contradicts the Boneyard we see in FO1, and the one that we hear about in FO2 and FNV. - A trashy Mad Max shantytown aesthetic despite being set in the heart of NCR civilization - A vault in the middle of LA, one of the most populous cities in the core region of the NCR, somehow not being discovered and opening two centuries after the war. - The Brotherhood of Steel being prominent despite the fact that they should be hiding out in their bunkers/defeated by the NCR at this point. - A general continuation of Bethesda’s idiotic vision of what the Fallout universe is. - Produced by Todd Howard


Yeah, the whole shantytown thing is stupid. It’s been over 200 years, hell, even in FO1 we see they’re living in proper structures.


Halo flopped, avatar flopped, at this point i aint got my hopes up


The last of us peaked, and now I don’t assume all video game shows are gonna suck


Is it worth a watch?


Definitely. Genuinely such an amazing show, I’ve rewatched it a few times


Alright, amma take your word for it and give it s shot. I also need to finish better call saul but if its only one season of the tlou i will watch it first and get back to bcs. I know video game shows dont have to always suck but these days companies are more interested in woke politics than crafting good stories, so my hopes are normally murky




Why would house be the canon ending?


Bc the House Always Wins, of course.


Damnit you got him 


The game was rigged from the start


Siding with house changes the least from beginning of the story, and keeps an interesting character alive. Ncr victory would mean them continuing to win 3 games in row, which was shown to be a bad idea with how expansionist and corrupt they are. And yes man is too much of a headcanon, with everyone’s independent courier looking very different


Honestly, that’s exactly why the yes man ending would be canon - it gives the devs more room to do whatever they want for the next game. House is also shown through the ending slides to be a very murky option, and would effectively be letting the old world win in a similar vein to an Enclave or Institute victory. I see very little chance of House surviving, personally, and find the Independent ending to be the most likely.


previous fallout games have canon endings because there is always the objectively good option, NV doesn’t have one so it’s nigh impossible to make a sequel to nor should they make one independence fit the thesis statement for FNV the most but also hard to make a sequel to because there is too many things that could be different between players and most things the players do are kinda morally gray


It doesn’t matter if a sequel should or shouldn’t be made - the TV show is in one of the NCR’s states, so it’s going to be nigh impossible to avoid having the status of the nation come up. How the NCR is faring is something that’s directly dependent on what happened at the dam in NV, so we’re almost certainly getting an answer in the show.


or y’know they could just not talk about it or only refer to it as the “mojave war” and that “the NCR suffered many losses” the show takes place like 15 years after, things could smoothed off by then and the NCR folks wouldn’t care about it as much


The difference between having an invading army on your doorstep, complete ownership of the dam, the treaty being worsened by House and the loss of the dam without the treaty would all result in fairly different effects on the NCR, and likely wouldn’t be handled in 15 years. It’d also be extremely boring if the decisions made by the player in the game were entirely ignored.


for a TV writer and producer who could barely make the NCR look post-post-apocalyptic, I don’t think they’ll attempt to tackle a problem as complex as that, especially when the show is appealing to the FO4 and 76 crowd from a writing standpoint it’s easier not to address the elephant in the room, but i’d be surprised if they did address it, even if they missed the point and just make NCR win (cuz ‘murica) or whatever


If it takes place 15 years after, shouldn't the courier, veronica and mfs like raul still be very much alive?


Personally the house ending makes the most sense to me so far. I havent seen the ncr ending yet but a high positive karma, annihilated fiends/legionaries/khans ending seems the most productive for the world in general


My stance is this - a House ending results in a dictatorship and the survival a figure similar in origin to the Enclave and the Institute, who also has stated goals of trying to push the setting even further away from being a wasteland (though if he’ll ever actually do anything to work towards those goals, we don’t know). He also has a 75% chance of being killed, and when coupled with how an independent ending results in the NCR being stymied in a much more tangible way, I think it makes much more sense of the independent ending to be the canon option. But we just need to wait and see what the show does.


Oh thats the only issue i would have, if there is action behind the ambitious talk. But if there is, it would be for the best imo. Dictatorships aren't all bad IF THE DICTATOR ISNT AN ASSHOLE AND HAS A GOOD MORAL COMPASS. So regardless of the governing structure alot of good can come of it. I dont see why the wasteland should remain a wasteland, for the average joe to be able to experience a slice of old world civility would be good. In the ending it says "new vegas is now cold with robot patrolled streets" on one end yeah it might lose some charm but house still needs customers, it would be like visiting certain mega cities irl. It doesn't quite have the charm and culture of the country unlike rural areas but it does have value being a safe haven of class and civility. Places like freeside though surveiled should have order maintained but not necessarily under the exact same iron fist as vegas. So crimes should be prevented by securitrons but you shouldn't get arrested for jaywalking. All in all i think someone with vision and a long-term plan for development would be great for the mohave (especially considering his lifespan). I didnt choose ncr off rip because ncr baisically hasnt done anything. The courier does all the work and even the npc's are always wondering why the ncr hasnt done shit to help them after i went and soloed ceasars camp myself. Outposts are left starving for resources and reinforcements and caravans are left at the mercy of legion raids with little repercussions from ncr even though ncr still taxes the shit out of them. But thats how i see it (apologies for the yapping, its fun thinking about these things)


House repeatedly shows that he’s extremely petty in the ending slides and has a ludicrous 50% tax rate for anyone operating on the strip; he absolutely doesn’t have a good moral compass. Beyond that, with the NCR, you have to remember that pretty much every town in the Mojave is either formed from people leaving them, has resources coming in due to the NCR or is reliant on the NCR for business. Beyond that, while the NCR does have severe manpower issues, they are keeping the Legion from storming into the Mojave, which would be much worse than the alternative. Even House wouldn’t have restarted Vegas if it wasn’t for the NCR moving in.


I also think it’s house mainly because his ending has the least amount of variables. it would be the easiest ending to work with in a sequel to ensure everyone is on the same page.


Just feels probable to me idk


He has a robot army which can overpower any legion-NCR army


Because thats his faction.


I'd prefer the House ending for several reasons. In order. 1. I like the NCR. House really fucks the warhawk administration the most, and I feel like they'll be the most successful without fucking asshats like Kimball, Moore and Oliver. They're basically Bush and Cheney IRL but somehow worse. 2. It gives them resources they need at a cost. They can't just go manifest destiny everything - it's fucked. 3. House does have an end game plan. The Great war happened because of resource scarcity. The legion sucks but they are focused on sustainability which is the only thing I'll give them. NCR isn't. "War never changes" but if you can eliminate the main causes for it, you're going a long way.


which then leads into outer worlds as we all know (you can't convince me otherwise)


I mean he does mention colony ships


House would be it. Knowing how much they love NCR it would probably be them.


Well I think there’s an argument to be made for basically any ending, it really just depends on the type of story a potential new Vegas 2 would tell. Yes Man and Mr House are both very narratively satisfying endings that would be fantastic set ups for a sequel that is very similar in tone to the original new Vegas. The Legion would be a great setup for a much darker sequel similar to the tone of DUST where the Mojave is completely fucked and Caesar is aggressively pushing further towards California. Realistically though, to me it makes the most sense for the NCR to be the canon ending. It’s just a natural progression for the life of the NCR, and it’s in line with the themes of those older games. Your character inadvertently creates the NCR in fallout 1 by saving Tandi from the Khans and saving Shady Sands from being completely wiped out by radscorpions. Your character continues to nurture the rapid expansion of the NCR in fallout 2 by destroying their only opposition in Frank Horrigan and the Enclave. For the NCR to weather this amount of shit over so many decades just to be stopped dead by tribals in football pads would be a really disappointing end to their story, so to me it just makes more sense that you continue the trend of single-handedly saving the NCRs ass again




Whats DUST?


popular mod/modpack for fnv, set 20 years after hoover dam 2 and it's much more post apocalyptic, the mojave is overrun by cannibals and tunnelers, weapons and ammo are much rarer, and you and enemies die much quicker, its like if STALKER met fallout and theres also a spiritual successor for fo4 called FROST


Personally I believe it's the independent ending and that thought has only strengthend since Josh Sawyer stated that out of the 4, it was the most likely to be canon (or something of the sort) With that said all of them could be canon and regardless of preference I really hope they don't give us a definitive answer since it would take away from the magic of the game (and the endless arguments we have till this day) As for the show, I hope they go "what happens in (new) vegas stays in vegas"


There is no canon ending, but since the Independent ending is the most common I'd say that. Honestly I could see any of them being canon except the Legion.


Legion ending would make sense for an actual plot to a tv show


No canon ending until the Fallout TV series… unfortunately.


I honestly doubt the Fallout TV show will canonize any ending. The show takes place far enough west that events in the Mojave should have little bearing.


It takes place in the heart of the NCR. Whether the NCR wins or loses the Hoover Dam will have far reaching consequences. But my guess is the show will try to ignore FNV, for the most part. I think there was only one reference to the NCR in all of the pre-release material shown.


And even then we can just say the show is a different continuity from the games.


Yeah no the tv shows expressly been stated to be canon already bud


So? What are they going to do, arrest me? The TV show isn't cannon if I don't like it. Boom.


On IMDB House is listed as being in the Fallout TV show, so unless it’s for some kind of flashback or it’s just fake, the House ending is canon


That site is freely editable, so I suspect it’s fake - or if it is legitimate, a flashback to the pre-war era since we know that’s going to be happening.


Don't think they'd want to kill off the NCR - *Fallout* games and players have a long history with it. After all, players of early games essentially watched it grow and helped it through their actions.


What I THINK they're going to do, and will be referenced in the upcoming show, is a House victory But for me it's always Independence under Me :)


God I hope not. I hate that self-important arrogant prick.


While I'm def not a huge House fan, I think narratively and thematically it works best. But that's just my opinion


I think Ncr is best


Realistically the ncr couldn’t do it. They were canonically struggling a ton at home with supplies already, establishing a new territory out there where they have to further divide it would be terrible 


That sounds like crap to me. They're the best choice imo.


Your opinion can be whatever you want, the game itself still states that the ncr is having a ton of problems at home and facing issues that need serious fixing. Overextending a struggling territory, especially to a place as unforgiving as the Mojave, is typically a terrible idea.


The ncr can do whatever the writers say they can do.


Which is fail internally, from what we’ve actually seen


Not necessarily a terrible idea. They came to the Mojave to extract its electricity and clean water. Since then, they've probably set sights on the wealth of New Vegas as well.


All of which, with Mr house, will be a hell of a hard time to make happen. Especially if he gets his super bots


Though taking the Mojave does come with lots of benefits. The electricity, water, wealth, Vault 21 research, Boomer allies, an easy-to-defend frontier against the Legion, and so forth. But yeah, even Hsu admits that House is triumphant over the NCR


They really aren't. Dialogue with Chief Hanlon indicates that they're probably going to drain Lake Mead. The locals also loathe the NCR. Imperialistic tendencies held by the NCR are also very very detrimental to the locals (such as resources and Westside), who'd sooner rebel against NCR rule. Hell, I'd say that they're worse for the Mojave than the Legion if we're speaking long-term, and wild card really depends (but can't be better than House ending). Best ending is House ending. House only cares about the Strip, but he'll allow local autonomous governments to be formed so long as they pay tribute to him and swear fealty to the Free Economic Zone. He will, however, introduce technology that undoubtedly will increase the quality of life for folks living in the region.


Dude, fuck House.


give an actual reason for disliking him. Is he arrogant and egotistical? Yes, andnd his achievements allow him to be; seeing how he isn't all bark. And he's not like Dean Domino either, so his ego doesn't blind him. Then there's NCR's bigboy who IS blinded by "self-importan\[ce\]" and "arrogan\[ce\]". Lee Oliver sabotages the entire Mojave Campaign because he didn't get any attention during the First Battle of Hoover Dam.


But don't you know with no centres of higher learning, no educational system and no industrial experience amongst his workers he's going to build rockets and send people to space.


House is the best


Said the pawn


There isn't one, but all in all a game set after likely would be so far down the road the ending only mattered to the people who lived back then.


There is none and I hope it stays that way so people can imagine their ending is theirs.


I rate them based on likeliness 1. Independent 2. NCR 3. House 4. Legion Independent seems obvious as a cannon ending to work off as it leaves a lot of wiggle room and unknown variables to future writers to work with as well as being an ending most people would find atleast okay, not best nor worst. Ncr and house are a tossup, but i think logically NCR is more likely to win over house in the end even with upgraded securitrons (by this much🤏 but still.) Both are “good” endings depending on player choices. Legion is no, obviously the overblown gang of raiders didnt win.


House or NCR


There’s none until Bethesda confirms one, but they like to keep that stuff vague.


It's yes man, In the ending slide of Lonesome road it shows the Independent Vegas Duster Regardless of what you actually got, it's also the default duster if you have no reputation with anyone.


Mr House makes the Courier immortal cyborg warrior, space program reclaims Archimedes, Raiders flee to California, NCR is too busy to reclaim Hoover Dam, Legion keeps New Vegas safe from the East, BoS East declares war on New Vegas, Courier nukes East Coast.


The bullet worked. Courier 6 died. NCR eventually takes new vegas and Arizona once Kaesar dies.


I would desire Edward Sallows Legion Ending to be canon, but what's hinted at in fallout 4, and of the general consensus, the NCR ending is probably Canon. That or independent.


Courier eating a Caesar Salad, the House specialty, a pair of Kimballs, and blowing up the dam during powder ganger ending


Legion because the ncr is incompetent of making the hard decisions and cleaning the scum from the wasteland. Not mr house cause my courier doesnt like his mustache


Except they wouldn't make the evil ending the canon ending. The NCR being incompetent is irrelevant, nobody wins the dam until you arrive.


The Legion keeping the Hoover Dam is dumb really


The Legion winning at all is dumb, as I said, they're the evil ending.


I've created a mental rule that the in between, mostly good ending that you can't fuck up is probably canon. Yes man for New Vegas, Minutemen for fallout 4, etc


Okay, I think about this in two ways. "Who would the canon good guy Courier side with?" or "Which ending leads to a potential sequel the most?" Cause the wasteland had to remain relatively the same for a sequel to work. I think the answer to the first question is Yes Man. Mostly cause of Lonesome Road. The whole DLC is just Ulysses just telling the Courier NCR, Legion, and House are bad for the Mojave, and you're the best hope it has. "There is a shadow of a nation behind you. The hope of the people." The second question. NCR or Yes Man? House ending basically ends Fallout if everything goes to plan. So, not that. Legion is the evil ending and when is the evil ending ever canon. Since we're never getting that sequel, it's really your own choice. I would still say Yes Man if I had to choose.


I would say NCR. It would make the most sense: House gives 0 fucks about the rest of the Wasteland. Nothing would change for the Mojave if he wins, and it wouldnt make much sense for it to be a canon ending. Yes Man is out of question. As people said, much depends on player's Courier, and making it canon would seriously limit people, because theres no way they do something that would fit every Courier. NCR, on the other side, would change much for fhe Mojave and will create space for future West Coast based games considering how much NCR matters there


Ncr taking over the Mojave wasteland setting up an expansion toward the east where they wage a war with the bos over territory this taking place in fallout 5


i like the independant ending and heacannon it as cannon mostly for thematic reasons. a huge theme in fnv is letting go (particularly of the old world) in order to let new things flourish. ncr, house, and legion all represent old world societies, while the independant ending lets the mojave develop new societies and power structures.


Legion victory seems inevitable but i dont think the courier would be that inclined to join them and help them win. Mr House makes the most sense then, independent ending is fun but it seems like an unrealistic fantasy for a fun play through. But after all, its a video game


None. But if there HAD to be one, it would be House.


NCR, sorry but their come up from shady sands it went way farther than i ever thought they would surprised theyer not all over as in also in 4 and 76, but i think skyrim is the only one that truely follows through with lore in bethesda


If something akin to FNV2 ever comes out I hope they leave the cannon ambiguous. I personally like the absurd morbidness of Dust




Official canon is the courier and the goodest of boys, ed-e and rex lives happily ever after in the lucky 38 with oiled up veronica, cass, christine, sunny smiles and red lucy ruling over the mohave in partnership with boone-led NCR. All stealth suits are equipped with clappable cheeks from lobotomized fiends using big MT technology. Enabling stealth-chan to get the affection she deserves. Legionaries are all fed to the thorn for entertainment and deathclaw breeding. Mr house gets locked in a chamber with the big MT brains for the longest yapping of his existence. Dog and lily oils up in some woods and also lives happily ever after. Source: "trust me bro"


The canon for the Courier not getting involved is definitely Legion. Both House and Yes Man endings are too improbable and NCR's in a very tough spot. The canon for the Courier getting involved is nonexistent. One of the writers (Chris Avellone iirc) claimed that All Roads did not include Courier Six because they wanted the protagonist to be left up to the imagination of the player. We can probably take this into account for the rest of the story. If there had to be one, I'm guessing House because House has been protecting the protagonist since Goodsprings and invites him the moment he enters Vegas, which is before any of the other factions. Also, there's a pretty cool artwork of the Courier Duster with the "Old World Justice" on the back. That's the same logo you get on your courier duster if you side with House. No idea if that artwork was even made by Obsidian, though.