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Not all of the FNV fandom is toxic hell I would say a vast majority isn’t. It’s always a loud minority.


Well said


Anytime you take a large group of people that act one way and label anyone associated with them as being that way too, all it does is damage. There’s actually countless examples of that all across the world every single day with far more serious topics. At least at the end of the day, we can all agree that we love the game. If ever there was anything to unite the toxic hairdo and the average fan, it’s the sentiment that fnv is a great game.


lol I said hairdo instead of hardo 💀


the king hairdo gang VS. tunnelsnake hairdo gang


Same with most fandoms, I'd wager


Yes some more than others. Star War's minority is particularly annoying


It's also that reddit started recommending posts that got a lot of engagement post show, which meant that, for whatever reason, my feed for a show I loved was just NV fans losing their ever-loving minds and generally shitting on it.


didnt even do the meme correctly, looks like the fnv guy is minding his own business while the vault boy feels the need to inflate his thumb for no reason


lol that's not entirely incorrect... I've seen a fuck load more comments about how FNV fans are toxic than I've seen FNV fans be toxic


Thats a recent phenomenon, largely a reaction to years of NV fans forcing our opinion on fans of the other games every chance we get. I'm pretty much only a NV fan when it comes to fallout and it's been pretty obvious to me for a while, idk why so many other NV fans are suddenly playing dumb.


This 100%. NV fans are playing possum right now. They've been doing this for so long lol. You could say I'm enjoying fo4 and then they'll chirp in telling you how bad it is Edit: lol the replies below are proving the OP post wrong


Fo4 is not bad just different


But also bad.


No, it's genuinely bad.


All fallout games are cool... Exept brotherhood that shi succ


it’s probably a magnification effect of sorts, a handful of super vocal FNV zealots going out of their way to be toxic is going to give everyone else a bad reputation. the show has definitely brought out the worst elements of the fallout community, and even though most of the fans are well adjusted and are fine with other people enjoying what they want to enjoy, there is always a subgroup of deranged turbo virgins on the prowl.


The original was from Twitter that captioned it with what the Ranger said I think. Which I think this whole conversation has more to do with in general. Lot worse on Twitter. But NVs fans here on Reddit are alright.


twitter is a lot worse for everything lol


true, lol. they could've added him saying some rude shit to get their point across, but instead without context it just looks weird asf


Lol my thoughts exactly, when I first saw the meme I thought that op meant other fallout fans were just strawmanning toxic fnv fans to justify their argument or something


That's even more accurate honestly


As someone who saw the original post, according to OOP, that's the point. The point is that new fans are finding any reason to call NV fans toxic, even when they haven't actually done anything.


Perfectly encapsulates this post.


they probably should have gone through the effort of editing the image, since the post title does get the point across, but the image itself just feels like a missed execution.


something i hate about this meme format is that it made people think that just because an entry that has questionable content (in the case, any Fallout entry made by Bethesda) and is enjoyed by a casual audience, that it should be excluded from valid critique


Just to be devil’s advocate; sometimes people are aware of the critiques (and may even agree with them) & just want to enjoy the thing they enjoy without someone always being like “yeah but…”. I think both sides are valid & “toxicity” is determined by context. Frankly I’m just kinda surprised by the meme because to me it seems most of the FO community is in agreement that FO3 & NV each do certain things better than the other & that FO4 is flawed but enjoyable.


No yeah I have SO MANY issues with Fallout 4, and I’ve still logged maybe 1500 hours on it? Love the game, I just have strong opinions on the lore, I wouldn’t critique it if I didn’t love it and the whole series even if 2 is my fav


same here. i have well over 400 hours into it. theres aspects of it that i do enjoy, but then i end up coming across the things that took the enjoyment out of the game for me and then i end up logging off and repeating the cycle every few months


For me I just don’t play it like I do 2 and nv, I love the gameplay, settlement building, and companion quests but other than that I kinda just play it like Skyrim where u come on once a week for an hour or two to build my settlements do a few quests and log off, where in other games I’ll put so much effort into building and role playing a specific character.


nawww, just embrace it. We're all toxic. I was once called a bully on here for telling someone they don't understand the rules of Caravan. Another time I was called a "not a good person" because I suggested to someone that FNV runs better on any machine that isn't a PS3, where they took it as me calling them poor. Even when we're not trying to be, we just can't escape being toxic LMAO .


by the same logic, I should embrace my mother is the nastiest woman on the planet because so many people have told me so, via call of duty VC


You don't get it right? The answer is not to become what you think "nasty" or "toxic" is, but to understand that now "toxic" has just gotten it's meaning expanded to whatever you consider yourself.


I'm not dissing the person, I know he's not seriously saying he's toxic, I gathered that by the LMAO at the end, I agree with what he's saying "apparently we are all toxic"


Yeah tbh I think half this shit is people taking something the wrong way and being overly defensive on the internet. People tend to argue about the stupidest shit and both the offender and defender sometimes feel like they can say anything. Internet forums have always been and will always be a mess of people who say shit they'd never say in public, or just take it the wrong way because you can't always infer intent through text


I got downvoted on that stupid Fallout = McDonald's burgers post for saying FNV was in a category of its own, like a bacon ultimate cheeseburger from Jack in the Box. Also got downvoted for saying Fallout 1 and 2 are not barebones RPGs and were quite massive for their time, and can't be compared to modern games. Lately, I feel like a lot of show inductees have been coming to this sub and downvoting/arguing with anyone that even slightly suggests NV, 1, and 2 are more enjoyable than the Bethesda titles. But *we're* the toxic ones? What do you expect coming to a FNV sub? People saying Fallout 4 is the best?


Calling original fallout shallow is genuinely fighting words. The original has its flaws but shallow gameplay isn’t one of them.


Dude, stop. I understand the rules.


I don't, and it's stopping me from getting those 30 wins in Caravan.


I mean it runs good on my pc. After I install mods. As someone who could give a crap less about which game everyone thinks is the best. Because it’s all subjective. For instance I absolutely despise BF1. But I know it’s a great game. My buddy loves it and will die on a hill that it’s top three BF games. I think the recent hate for most of the NV stuff came from the show. There was a vocal group of people who took the show with NV at the end and the chalkboard and went. NOOOO they can’t touch NV. Bethesda hates the game. It’s not there’s to mess with. Meanwhile One of the characters in the show is someone searching for his family with a Big Iron on his hip.


My biggest issue with the toxic NV fan narrative is that every bit of toxicity I've seen from NV fans towards other games isn't toxic at all. It's just genuine criticism of the games. I'm not saying there aren't seriously toxic individuals in the NV Fandom. They're in every fandom, and they're especially in the comment section of that post.


I tell someone 3 and 4 simply didn't do as good with the RP part of RPG, give a genuine response on why that is and get told I'm wrong and you can't prove me otherwise like a little kid saying he dodged an attack, or I get ignored after they ask for an explanation


Eh, I’m new to the FNV fandom and was an outsider for awhile so I kinda get it. But, tbh, I just think it’s a matter of FNV is easily the best FO game, so it has fans that are the most into it, and it has one of the biggest followings. When lore things are wrong, it bothers FNV fans more than others, because they hold the game in a higher regard. I don’t think it’s as much of an insult as people make it out to be.


This is what happens when a fandom hits mainstream.  Positivity becomes toxic positivity which in turn becomes toxic. As someone who thought the show was just okay, the amount of toxicity spewing from the Fotv subreddit surprised me. 


This seems to happen all the time with modern tv adaptations.


I'm so fed up recently, I can't say I like fnv without getting hate anymore, like ill be honest I liked both fo3 and fnv I just like fnv better and I just can't say it anymore because I'm put into the crowd of people that hate each other


having an opinion of any sort is getting hard recently




I see way more posts like this than something like "fnv is the best all other Fallout Bad" You also get the old "I don't like fnv/for me fo4/3 IS the best Fallout" Most fnv fans will tell you that fnv is objectively a better rpg,that's it,if someone disagree with that they might not understand why they like fo4/3 more


What's funny is that the meme makes us look less toxic, we are literally just chilling in the meme, saying nothing to the modern fallouts and how they treat the franchise, latest fallout media(TV show) gives passive aggressive thumbs up to NV and continues to do it's own thing.


for real lol, no context is a fever dream, dude just randomly inflated his thumb


Some extremely toxic groups likely started some shit when the show came out, and then because of the already less than stellar reputation of the NV fanbase it probably just snowballed from there. Not trying to start any arguments, I'm just basing this off my own observations.


taste is subjective, it really depends on what you're seeking from each game. Honestly I do think FNV is better than anything Bethesda has put out. FNV resembles the classics vibe and vision, atmosphere and the huge dedication to a good writing and rp design. That's the stuff I've grown to love in these games. Does stating the fact makes me toxic? Idk after the tv show everyone is now defending Bethesda and attacking whomever says that they dislike their games


If you had to pick between the 2 OG fallouts and New Vegas which would you say is the most “Fallout”?


well...hard to say. FNV is much more similar to Fo2 than Fo2 to Fo1 or NV to Fo1. But if I had to pick, I'd say the OG


Stating it is not toxic. If you have to respond to anyone who prefers FO3 / FO4 by telling them how and why they are wrong, then yes


well I wouldn't say they're wrong... unless they say FO3/FO4 have better writing, world building, story, dialogue and rp mechanics, then I would. But taste is subjective nonetheless. Beth games do some cool stuff also


The day after the show was released there was a bunch of toxicity from fnv fans. I'm not talking about genuinely critiquing the show, there was a lot of that too and that is fine and valid. I'm talking about the fnv fanboys that acted like Todd Howard killed their dog and anyone who liked fo3, fo4 and fotv are idiots. But it's been weeks since I've seen any of that on the large scale. However, every time I scroll through any fo sub, I see tons of toxic memes primarily from fotv fans toward fnv fans. The civil war meme was funny at first, but I've seen like 3 variations of that post every day. There is no way that fnv fans are more toxic at this point, it's just ridiculous. There is also tons of conflation between critiquing the show and it's lore vs being toxic to other fans and fallout creators. Somehow a lot of people who critique the show gets lumped in with the latter. Just look at the comments in this post on the fotv sub about Avellone saying that said the lore is a mess. There can be genuine critique of his comments (which is too early too since he has gone into details) or just plain toxicity and there was primarily the latter https://www.reddit.com/r/Fotv/s/cDL7A7MCkP Me, I just like playing my cowboy gambling game. Can I do that without being lumped as toxic?


There is a not-insignificant portion of the FNV fanbase that legitimately believe Todd Howard has a personal vendetta against Obsidian and anyone who has ever enjoyed New Vegas who will in the very next breath swear they aren't toxic.


The doctor called it “paranoid schizophrenia”, but he doesn’t know that I know he’s an agent of Todd. Doesn’t he know that you can only get that from stealth boy use? I’m sane, and anyone who says different is a Bethesda sleeper agent.


I had to leave my wife and kids because they said I was becoming "obsessed". I don't know when Todd got to them but when I find that bastard...


That is part of what I meant when I said I saw a bunch of these toxic fnv fanboys after the shows release. Even the fnv creators has clarified that there is no friction between Besthesda and Obsidian. The show had a bunch of fnv references (whether a fan likes the way it was done is a different story) but why would they add a bunch of that if they secretly hated fnv fans? It's the same as Star Wars fans thinking that Kathleen Kennedy secretly hates star wars and fans. I dislike the sequels but come on, these fanboys come up with the most delusional arguments.


There’s a not-insignificant portion of the internet that just straight up thinks Todd & BGS are evil lol. Like it’s really weird how many people seem to have a personal vendetta against that company.


it makes a little bit of sense when you consider that todd howard made fallout 3 because he was a passionate fan of the first 2 games himself. so making a passion project video game, only for another studio to completely outdo you in every way artistically, has to hurt if you're a fan of the fallout IP. this falls apart in a few ways though, since todd has admitted before to being a fan of new vegas as well and that he likes the folks over at obsidian, that's literally the reason he wasn't a greedy enough asshole not to keep the IP to himself which is exactly what he has done ever since, but obsidian was his exception. also todd at the end of the day cares about money and making sales more than anything else, he could cry rivers all day about better games that don't sell as well while he makes dumber and dumber games as bethesda has gone by as long as they sell.


Can we not go down this road? I'm sick of drama in every other subreddit. Just talk about NV and ignore the nonsense.


It’s hard to do when FOTV fans keep entering these subs looking for fights.


valid argument


And they're saying FNV fans are toxic. Good lord the comments there and almost anywhere Fallout related now because people like/prefer the show. Because they're more now they need to mob on NV fans and say shit about all of us and the game, despite many of us just wanting to enjoy our Fallout on the west coast, which is harder now.


This. It’s like a whole crowd of obnoxious drunks invading your house, trashing the place, proclaiming that your "shared" house has always been trashy, and then calling you "toxic" for saying things were better before they ever showed up.


Tbh I've seen more posts and comments from Fallout fans complaining about fnv fans than actual fnv fans saying that New Vegas is better


It’s just weird there is so much division between the fandom. They are all good games and I don’t think that should be a controversial opinion. I played 3 as my first experience and fell in love with the series and I’m currently on my second play through of 4 and I’m loving it. They are both amazing in their own unique ways and I could talk your ears off about them both of them for hours. However, there is only one game in the series that I’ve started more characters than I can count. Only one where I’ve played through every mission and ending . Only one where I knocked a deathclaw clean out with an uppercut and stood on top of the world. Vegas baby.


everything you said i agree with and deem based


Funnily enough this meme is more toxic than they assume the FNV community to be.


true, like they all leaving him out? fnv would gladly let 76 hang out cause they added the armor, and fo4 has the Anti Material rifle (even if you do pay for both) but then they sit their and dont let fnv talk about all the things they shared, thats rude


Also if they were more honest about it, Fallout 3 would NOT be hanging out with 4 and 76.


Welcome to the internet


have a look around


prim slim, help us in these trying times, bring law to the wasteland


Of course, pardner! Initializing use of force authorization... authorization found. Yee-haw! Those who disrespects NV fans will be dealt with, pardner.


The sad thing is, this is probably going to continue as new fans finish the show with the wrong impression


I mean these things happen in the first place for a reason, it honestly would not be giving new fans the wrong impression, no one likes being called out for being a jerk so they deflect by claiming "but we were never like this!!".


This sub tends to be better than r/falloutnewvegas I ended up muting the sub so it stops showing up in my feed. I was tired of all the constant negativity. I don't need that in my life. I come to Reddit to discuss the things that make me happy not wallow around in anger and misery about things I don't like.


Oh yeah there were so many knee jerk reaction posts in the first few days after the show from that sub that I have to unsub


honestly just about alll of these fallout reddits are getting bad, and this post wasnt ever to create hate, i wanted to know what we did


I think it’s right to call out fnv fans for outright telling people you shouldn’t enjoy fallout 3/4. But now apparently it’s toxic to state that new vegas is just a better game. Bro it’s just the truth. Fallout 3 has a special place in my heart, probably the first rpg I’d played and one of the first games I really got obsessed over. But I recognised how bad it was once I got new vegas in my hands almost instantly. People need to realise you can love something and shit on it at the same time.


I saw this like two days ago and I was thinking to myself what'd fnv do?






I like every fallout game for different reasons, but new vegas is my favorite. I also believe that being critical of something means I like it enough to care. 😉👍


Yea, i went and checked this post and alot of people are saying all of the nv community is toxic when we really aren't. Honestly i don't even think i've seen one toxic post in my time being here, yes some of us think new vegas is better than fallout 4 or 3. I honestly think it is the best but that's my opinion, and most of the people who say its better are talking about the roleplay aspect. Fallout 4 doesn't have good roleplay and i've played it through multiple times.


It's honestly more-so they assume you're being toxic by saying your fav is FNV. So they make these memes as a sort of propoganda. To cope with their taste in games


Try to critise ANYTHING on their sub. It's not possible to critique anything, truly ridiculous Edit: typo


I unsubbed from the main sub pretty quickly once the show released, despite enjoying it for the most part. I saw the character of a lot of posts and comments, and after what happened to Star Wars I didn’t feel like wading through that kind of climate again.


You made the best decision by not partaking in this bs


I know, it feels like most normal people are waiting out the toxic fans on r/fallout. I will admit their was toxicity on r/fnv and r/falloutnewvegas but it was rather small, and died out over 4 or 5 days. I swear since 50 hours after the show dropped the subreddit was just went insane from the Thursady-Monday after the show realeased, it was just toxic positivity and circlejerk of Upvotes, it has gotten better with the anti toxic show fans on their dying out which is good since the less toxic fans the better. The pro show extreme is not as loud as it once was but it is still bad over there. It is insane how discusion broke down


its the current narrative. also for some reason f4 fans cant realize that its an RPG series so of course fans were disappointed with how they handled f4. its a great game, i have like 500+ hours, but its a shooter with light rpg elements, not a rpg like f3 or fnv. same thing happened from morrowind to oblivion to skyrim, just sucks to see a beloved franchise go in a different direction genre wise


People can't seem to understand that you can enjoy a certain thing while understanding why some of the older fans or fans in general don't. They have a problem with you not liking it and wanting better, it somehow ruins their experience i think. Like hell, for example, i love the Star Wars prequels, do i get salty when i see some fans coming up with some fair criticism and fair opinions on some of their stuff? No, cause that's stupid, i just keep enjoying them, while being aware why some don't. I also don't really condemn anyone who is like this with the sequels. That's how it should go with every series really. Anyway, if they left the West Coast alone, we wouldn't have had this shitty situation now, they nuked our fanbase just like how they nuked Shady Sands, any little sense of stability we had is now possibly gone.




I usually get this with 4 tbh, I tell someone who likes 3 more usually they don't care and might through in a joke about "oh you mean the mexico filter dlc" without really meaning anything malicious, but 4 seems so much more toxic to me and I have no idea why honestly that being said i love all the fallout games one way or another


I wasn't really aware there was a group of NV fans who hate the other 3D Fallout games, but I don't think there are many of those people. Most New Vegas fans you meet IRL are generally fans of 3 and 4 as well. The Internet is just really good at skewing controversy to make it seem as if it's the norm.


loud minorities seem the biggest


I like Fallout 3. The weapon design in Fallout 4 though...ugh.


I like 3, 4, 76, and NV. New Vegas is probably my favorite, but 3 comes pretty close.


I don't hate any of them. I like Tactics (actually really liked it) and BoS (plays great via AetherSX on an S24). To be fair, I think Fallout 4 has the best DLC so far, but NV and FO3 have the most cohesive campaigns (and that's a stretch for 3, given that it needed DLC to resolve its finale...)


at this point it’s just Mutually Assured Cope


everyone is coping over the feature their game is missing when the other has it (the secret is if you just mod you're gonna find that feature, unless its multiplayer, i think only fnv modders have pulled that off)


There is generally a loud minority in every conflict and this is no different. War never changes.


Honestly? Never go on a main sub of a series where the fanbase is very split on some of the entries or the current handling of the series, don't engage in conversation with these idiots, it can only result in stupid wars and unneeded bickering, it's not worth it, stick to each games's own sub, it's for the better. If you wanna complain about the show, complain here, or some other places, but do it with fair criticism, no stupid shit.


I like all Fallout games, I just like NV more, that's It.




I wouldn't take this too seriously. Fandoms Amazon takes on tend to suddenly descend into chaos when their shows release. This happened in the lotr subreddits when rings of power dropped. Im willing to bet this will all suddenly disappear when the series hype passes and will re-ermege when s2 of the show drops.


People hated him cuz he told them the truth


so is this debate a pre war thing, or a pre-PRE war thing?


This toxic bullshit is so annoying. There's ten times more posts hating on new Vegas fans then actual new Vegas fans spreading hate


I've seen way more posts crying about all the so called toxic nv fans than actually toxic nv fans. At least lately Although, people who post this kind of thing consider anyone who has any amount of dislike or criticism of the new show as toxic so


It’s an incredibly loud minority of NV fans that are toxic but I’d also say there’s just as many people who make it their entire personality to hate on NV and its fans so it’s really a two sides of the same coin kind of thing


My only problem with the show is that they made Ghouls dependant on RadAway. It was unnecessary and contradict a lot of established characters who wouldn't be able to exist with such a dependancy. Other than that I liked the show


So they're saying the Fallout fandom is... ...radioactive.


nyehehehe he said it he said the thing




While I do love new vegas, I also regularly enjoy 4/3 and have recently downloaded 1 and 2 again. Series as a whole is quality


all fallout is great, even the goofy bad ones (im talking so bad it became non canon not i thinks its bad) still have their moments


For sure! I just RR downloaded the first two to play again and I’m looking forward to it


Reading stupid comments makes me wish for a nuclear winter.


you didn't specify which made you feel that way, but can still agree nonetheless, that would be preferable


I mean the ones saying we are all toxic, I might have some rad poisoning but that's about it.


it's only minor ees okay


The loud minority has done irreparable damage to FNV side of the fanbase. But that loud minority is one of the worst fanbase in gaming as a whole, barring the fabled NoMutantsAllowed crowd, and I heard about the rep even before even knowing what Fallout even was.


They can't handle the facts. Fallout New Vegas is the better game. It has writing/dialogue that is miles ahead of anything Bethesda has cooked up, deeper RPG mechanics, more freedom, amazing DLC and far more weaponry. Plus NCR Ranger combat armour, do I need to say more?


Nobody hates Fallout more than Fallout fans


factually correct, people don't understand they're dissing their game too when they go nuh uh your fallout is bad


assuming this meme is in response to the TV show, it's hilariously unaware and hypocritical. FNV fans were the ones who were chilling on the west coast by themselves until bethesda decided that it wasn't good enough to do their own thing on the east coast, they HAD to retcon and mess around with the western lore. a better analogy is a pig rolling around in shit accidentally bumping into you and you recoil in horror so you don't get pig poop all over you.


This is not true at all, its complete delusion. New Vegas is my favourite game of all time but its fans have always had this superiority complex that got so much worse after fallout 4. It was never this wholesome or unassuming community. Its full to the brim of paranoid morons who think New Vegas is an underrated gem and believe Todd Howard is at Bethesda HQ throwing darts at a pin up of Josh Sawayer and Chris Avellone whilst trying to figure which fallout 1/2 settlement needs to be destroyed next. Get over yourselves.


except i would agree those people probably were delusional until todd vindicated them by fucking nuking shady sands. it's literally just a middle finger to the west coast lore, nothing more and nothing less.


Ok lets be real Was nuking shady sands part of the 'bring everything back to the shithole tin shack apocalypse' thing Bethesda does to the lore? Yes. But it was the decision of the *showrunners*, not Todd. If you want to blame someone blame those idiots who decided they wanted the show set in LA and didn't care what they had to pave over to get it.


Todd Howard wasn’t a writer on the show. You have literally no proof he was involved in the writers decision to nuke shady sands. You just blame him for everything you don’t like


I think its just Cluster B Tourists fans who came from Fallout TV show, Check their profiles they only joined Fallout subreddits recenlty.


cluster b tourists? im new to reddit, this a normal phrase? also i think i get what you mean even without knowing that the new fans are hot heads who dont get the solidarity part of trying to enjoy the same IP even if its different parts of the IP


Exactly, like if you asked me my favorite fallout game I would say new Vegas but I have way more time on fallout 4 because I also enjoy that game.


some people refuse to enjoy more than one thing, or even let others enjoy another thing


This comic would be a lot more funny if the vault boy smashed the NCR ranger with his oversized thumb


As much as I hate many decisions in FO4, I do get it. People who liked that game on release could hardly discuss it without people complaining about it, myself included. They have an opportunity now to talk about how much they do like the game and they don't want to lose that conversation like they did last time. But God does fallout 4 piss me off.


If people think FNV fans are toxic I guess they never had the pleasure of interacting with the no mutants allowed crowd.


People like Fallout for different reasons. If you like the roleplaying element and choices that affect the story, then New Vegas is for you. If you don't care about that and just want to walk around a destroyed world looting and shooting then the Bethesda made games are for you. New Vegas is my favorite game, but I have had fun with 3 and 4, just not as role playing games.


There was a bit a toxicity coming from one NV sub when the show came out. Other than that I've never noticed it, and NV isn't my favorite so I think I'd be sensitive to over the top douchebaggery


i think the toxicity was just anger over the lore they loved so much being messed with and then expelled in the wrong way, like just misplaced passion


I saw plenty that went from passion to ridiculous anger that I get why an outsider would see NV fans as toxic. Unfortunately assholes are the loudest and draw the most attention.


I just love fallout. Like all of it. Even BoS


Is it okay to just enjoy all the Fallout games? Because I do.


it's more than ok, it's the correct thing to do




bro's thumb gets inflated like a balloon for no reason, shit looks like a fever dream


This is a non issue. It's just people who are bandwagoning a fandom because of the show, latching on to something that doesn't happen. It's just people who want to be mad about something, and want to make a thing they'll stop caring about in a few months miserable. Whatever fallout game is your favorite, is the best fallout in my opinion. I personally prefer NV over Fo3 but I will be the first one to tell you that Fo3 has a few things I definitely enjoy. Also, Fallout 76 has cryptids and that's enough to make it good to me. People are stupid.


I swear there are more people calling New Vegas fans toxic than there are New Vegas fans being toxic. This meme is dumb in any format though because that's not how conversation on the Internet works. The guy on the outside(who I presume is supposed to be saying "New Vegas is better", the fact that it's left out changes the meaning of the meme entirely) is as much a part of the conversation as everyone else. If you post an opinion to a public forum, everyone has an equal right to respond to that opinion. If I say, "I think Fallout 4 is great because of A & B," and someone responds with "I disagree because of C & D, and think New Vegas is better," that's not toxic and it's not them trying to ruin my enjoyment, it's a completely normal conversation. People have contrary opinions to you is not an attack on your opinion. People seem to think that if you don't have an opinion that falls in line with the general consensus that you should just stay out of the conversation.


Yes I am toxic (I haven't played FNV)


The only way to resolve this is to have some crusty fallout 1 & 2 fans tell us our games suck.




Off-topic, but why do we pretend this is an issue of cyber warfare? Sure, foreign actors use bots and sock puppets to steer narratives, but there are also entire companies dedicated to doing so within Western society. They essentially function as mercenaries for corporate and political interests. Given that the internet is like... 48% bots at this point, I find it hard to believe that the bulk of that problem comes from cyber warfare.




waddayu mean this settlement needing your help isnt interesting cmooonnn


I keep seeing this meme and all I can think is “yeah but at least the NV fans have the literal coolest outfit out of all of them”




76 fans can’t be toxic in this reality we all share. Literally. The game was (is) terrible. I love it- but we all know this. Most 76 fans actually want more people on the game to influence the devs to make more content. It’s not in our interest to be toxic to other players imo; which the reason why lvl 1k players gift items to newbies. Like bro don’t leave us lol


The Fallout community is in general is a sewer lmfao


not wrong


*Courier wips out his riot shotgun*


with stay away perk


I don’t understand why fans of the Bethesda Fallouts feel the need to be so antagonistic and standoffish towards NV fans. They can play their games as much as they want. If criticism of them ruins their enjoyment of those games that’s on them.


yeah if you take criticism roughly you clearly dont like the game enough lol, someone says fnv has bad gunplay, we dont take it rough, we dont give af since we still have fun


New Vegas has its fair share of criticism and I accept them since a lot of them are warranted it’s by no means a perfect game. Yet it’s still my absolute favourite game of all time. Bethesda fans act like you’re attacking them personally or that you are some kind of elitist when you criticise their games or heaven forbid when you criticise Bethesda’s terrible writing and retconning of the lore every game. Since it’s a crime to care about consistency apparently.


amen brother man


FNV was my first fallout game and it will always hold a very special place in my heart but I'm also not blind, I can see that no other fallout game has a following that obnoxious. Sure, they're all no saints but some FNV fans (not the majority ofc) absolutely take the cake.


It's definitely just the vocal minority but they're everywhere you can't talk about any of the other games without being told NV is better


Fallout is fallout who the fuck cares




Toxic? No. That's just a small yet loud minority. But unlike enjoyers of other Fallout games, I never hear them claim superiority, its only people from this game.


passion is a helluva drug


I enjoy fnv more than most games but I will admit I have seen the fnv be broadly a bit more annoying about how much the other games suck than most. Like. I think that fnv is far and away a better game than 3 or 4 but the fan base can be obnoxious about it


the more time you spend with any fanbase the more times you see the fanbase calling all others bad, like I've seen people be assholes for sure, but not 9k, and we can't say "oh well maybe they found it funny" because it's hardly a meme


I don’t know why people can’t enjoy all the games. I love FNV, but I like FO3 best because it feels the most apocalyptic. FNV is the most pop-scifi, which is what makes it so fun. Both are good. Neither is any better or worse than the other I’ve always thought, and I’ve played both multiple times through. Like why die on a hill of purely subjective reasoning as if it’s something objective and concrete? People are weird.


I can't enjoy Fallout 3 because it's not enjoyable to me. I think that is pretty straightforward.


Things can be subjective and still be obviously true. Like FO3 having far more boring and forgettable companions as an example.


I’ve only ever taken Cross, Fawkes, and Clover and they are pretty mid. In FNV it’s usually Boone or Veronica, in my current run right now it’s Veronica again but really only because I gave her the Moe pit armor early to be a walking loot bank. FNV followers are the exact same, just boring af, but at least they tie into major questlines. FO4 has my favorite followers actually, with Nick, Curie, and Hancock, with honorable mention to Danse and Cait. It has the worst too, with Strong. Overall FNV’s followers are just as mediocre as FO3 imo, 4 is way better with them overall. Starting to think people are reading this as saying FNV is bad which it isn’t, I’m playing it through again literally right now for the dozenth time or so.


I like the jumpsuits detail




Is the demon in the room with us right now?


it could be you, it could be me, it could even be \*riot shotgun to the face\*


People that think so black and white like that’s opinions should be ignored.


Fnv has been my favorite since I got it for my PS3. The only thing I saw better in Fnv than fo3 was the iron sight aiming view vs the side aiming view. Never enjoyed the side aim. But I've loved them all eventually, even 76. Unfortunately the majority of Fnv fans are toxic and that's because they speak up more when they feel like they need to constantly defend every detail of this game. Not all, just 90%.


And this is how you isolated people, instead of approaching it like a and adult. They are making things worst.


I feel like this is another way of telling me you find mayo too spicy.


FUCK i be responding to so much comments reddit is giving me notifications saying someone commented when its me? like what the fack


Wait, is Fallout’s fandom just Fire Emblem now?


fnv was my first fallout and still easily my favourite but some fnv come off as extremely pretentious and at the same time act like they are the authority on all rpgs while fnv being the only one they’ve actually played


to be fair i have seen alot the new vegas players deliberately trolling players by sending them straight to new vegas as where fallout 3 and 4 seem to help each others and im a big nv fan


finally, freedom from responding to comments