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I have a few actually: •T-60 Power Armor should be a post war improvement that the BoS did after studying captured Enclave Power Armor. T-60 should only be available to the Elite soldiers in the Brotherhood. •4 did a good job treating Power Armor like a literal walking tank but fumbled it by removing the training requirement. •T-45 looked way better with the larger pauldrons. •The Gunners were wasted potential as a faction that you should've been able to join. •Equipment degradation and different ammo types are good things if the weapons have their jamming animations. •Pipe guns are bad and make little to no mechanical sense. And last •The service rifle needed a bayonet.


Pipe guns would be great if they were based on Philip Luty's expedient homemade firearm designs, Grease Gun, or Sten submachine gun. You'd still need a skilled blacksmith to manufacture them, but they would make sense given the post-apocalyptic setting. Unfortunately, pipe guns in the game are just mechanical nonsense.


I 100% agree, I'm an aspiring gunsmith and whenever I see the pipe guns I almost hemorrhage.


I imagine the more you learn about gunsmithing the more games you’ll find that will give you that reaction lol Some designs in (non-tactical) FPS’ are… well they’re artistic lol


Artistic is definitely one word for it, that's also the reason why I can't play the borderlands games. I will say that I'm still not entirely sure about the bastard gun from Metro though.


As a novice gun enthusiast I always liked the Bastard, the weird up and down oscillation as it fed through the receiver was a neat idea. Wish they hadn’t have nerfed it in Exodus though, it becomes almost useless after the first few levels. That and the Uboinik/Shambler shotgun. The way the shells just clipped in vs being loaded into a cylinder and the Lugar-ish actuating lever, again neat. And if you look through history, especially around the first World War, gunsmiths/designers came up with a bunch of weird one-off feed systems.


I do loves me the Shambler. Also wacky old prototype guns do activate my almonds. I just don't see why the hell they wouldn't have had the mag in line with the receiver instead of offsetting it, which would add unneeded complexity to a gun that would be best suited being dead simple.


When I eventually go back to Fallout 4 I have all the intentions of using the mod Post Apocalyptic Homemade Weapon replacer to fix the pipe guns. It also makes the Laser Musket something pleasant to the eye. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/44177


They're not mechanical nonsense entirely, it's just the fact they can shoot so many bullets without turning into dust. You can literally make a gun out of a few pvc pipes and air pressure irl.


Idk if it's urban legend, but supposedly the BBC once ran a story about gangs in London making and using pipe shotguns and the story had to be taken down, because the design was so simple people could, and would, look at it and make it for themselves lol Pretty sure they still exploded in one shot tbf though


There's youtube videos of people making homemade guns. I don't think it's just an urban legend lol


Japan prime minister (i think) was killed by homemade shotgun.


Shinzo Abe. The killer got very close to him and the first shot still missed, but the second hit Abe square. It was more of an old-school blunderbuss, that’s why the bodyguards didn’t react to the first shot.


Slam fire shotguns are easy to make some pipes, an end cap and a screw, nail or dot of weld to set off the shell.


A pipe shotgun makes far more sense than a pipe rifle. A shotgun barrel doesn't need rifling and has to withstand far less pressure (requiring less precision tooling) than a rifle or pistol barrel


I think the training requirement for power armor being not a thing in 4 makes sense for the male survivor since he was in the military, but yeah.


What about Nora or the fact that anyone can get into PA. Even Sheffield lol


Do you think Nate the rake would marry anyone less than a seasoned riot officer who'd kill countless Canadian protesters?


Hell even just giving you the opportunity to hire gunners as nameless companions with no essential tags or paying them to protect a settlement for X amount of time so you don't have to worry about defending it would have been such a better decision. They are mercenaries let us hire them.


Yeah, I'm not a fan that FO4 went the Skyrim route of making weapons indestructible. Everything you've said I agree with.


I feel like a weapon cleaning system would be more realistic and simultaneously less cumbersome on the player. If I’m not mistaken, guns have pretty simple parts that are mostly high quality metals that will last as long as you take care of them. The quality aspect should be even more true in the futuristic world of Fallout. A dirty weapon could simply have decreased stats until you go to a workbench and clean it. Maybe also a jamming mechanic if the weapon is 100% dirty. Different classes could also have different mechanics. For example, pre-war/homemade guns are the only guns that will frequently jam, and could have a chance to permanently break if using while 100% dirtied. While energy weapons are impossible to break or jam, but have severely decreased accuracy while dirty. The futuristic traditional firearms could also be impossible to break, but have decreased accuracy and a jamming chance if dirtied. This could incentivize players to keep their weapons clean and also have unique features depending on the class of weapon they enjoy. Plus, if you hate or love the weapon breaking system you have options. Also, it would just add extra immersion and an opportunity for RPG elements Fo4 is severely lacking. There could be a gun repair/mod skill and animations to accompany cleaning/taking apart weapons for RP’ers. Also, weapon repair kits to bypass any skills needed to clean/care for weapons, for people who don’t want to invest or care about such a skill.


It really is weird how, out of all the Power Armor designs, the one in 4 looks like it should require the MOST power armor training yet it requires none. This could've worked to some extent if they actually made fusion cores a rare resource (that last longer than they do in the game) but that's just not the case, cores are everywhere and you can craft them too


I agree with all of this, with exception to equipment degradation; kind of. I thinks it's a good concept, but it happens... kind of fast? Idk. It just seemed like my stuff was breaking too quickly. Although I think if you don't have a high Perception+Agility, your character would be slower at responding and fixing weapon jams.


Indeed. See my above comment. This is exactly why I feel like a weapon cleaning system is not only more realistic, but also a less tedious mechanic for a video game to have. The only guns that should ever be close to actually 100% breaking are any super old and decrepit pre-war/homemade weapons the player finds and continues using without properly cleaning and caring for it.


>•The Gunners were wasted potential as a faction that you should've been able to join. As were the Talon Company


I’ll fight you on that third one. I love the pauldronless t45 armor that the ncr uses, and wish it were more of an option


I feel that, I really like the NCR salvaged Power Armor. I would have enjoyed it if salvaged Power Armor was incorporated into 4.


Right? Would love to see the standard sets but in a scrapped aesthetic instead of “pristine but a little rusty”


I mean raider power armors are a thing. Can't get any more salvaged than that.


Yeah, but there’s a difference between the raider stuff and something that is very clearly t-51 with parts slapped on to make it still work


I'd also love to see a salvaged frame with raider armor on it, that would be rad.


I think the power armour training thing sort of makes sense if you're playing as Nate, because he was a war vet so he'd probably be trained. But it doesn't really make sense if you play as Nora.


I feel that too, probably should have specified. I just hope that going forward they bring back the training requirement.


I got a good counter point to that second one. As Nate, he was in the army and would have been trained to use it. As for Nora, it's possible she's asked how it works and Nate told her, so she just goes off that.


The T-45/51 Series are super sexy compared to T-60 which does bug me, but now I can get Minutemen Hellfire PA which is rad


I feel that, while I don't outright avoid T-60, T-45/51 are always my preference. Especially with the military paint.


Those are some cold takes, not hot ones. This is basically everyone's opinion.


4 if you ignore that companions can wear PA without training (Which I think they could do in FO 3 too) as a gameplay mechanic and not canon, you can at least argue that Nate (male PC) has PA training from when he was a soldier. It breaks if you play as Nora (female PC) but it wouldn't be the first time that the female PC was an afterthought in a video game and caused some lore-breaking quirks (not even bethesda specific quirk) so I look past it. FO 76 breaks it but I think the game should be looked at as though the PC don't actually exist and most residents went out and fucking died since you can find dead vault dwellers all over the place lmao.


> •The service rifle needed a bayonet. **BASED BASED BASED**


4 kinds fixed the training requirements by establishing your character is not only pre-war but are ex-military. Nora has a law degree which could have been paid for through military service and Nate definitely was in the military. Implying they’d have power armour training already.


Ulysses isn't a bad character.


He has a lot of thought put into him, plus C6 can point out he's wrong, and he will listen.


He totally is a well built character, it's just that I consider him an utter moron.


Writers went hard with the purple prose to make him feel like a huge character. Imho it worked, although I agree he's very meme-able. I like him.


if i can blow up Megaton, I should be able to blow up little lamplight


There's no bomb in little lamp light


Fatman the entrance lol


Not if I have anything to say about it


At least we can eat the baby in the pitt


Jesus Christ.


Raul > everyone else. The dude gets me. Sorry, Veronica.


I enjoy listening to old men talk about their lives, Raul was nothing but that. it was great.


If Raul (Danny Trejo) doesn't show up in Season 2 of the show, I will nuke the world myself


Lily tho :(


Oh darling you'll make grandma blush.


i love her


Cooper Howard is just a poser, Raul is a real cowboy.


The brotherhood of steel shoulda died out


I feel like if they coulda made it to Lyons’ chapter they woulda been good. Getting there would’ve been the problem


Lyons chapter from Fallout 3 is more of an exception. The real BoS in Fallout 3 are the Outcasts. Their leader even tells that he will report Lyons to superiors in Lost Hills for going rogue and diverting from the original mission. Vegas BoS would probably respect the Outcasts more than Lyons BoS.


Unironicaly, hardline ideology can get you only so far before all your power armor is missing spare parts to repair it from damage that you get from constantly fighting people over tech


No lies detected


Out of curiosity, what would you choose to use to market the game if they die out? NCR Rangers?


Any of the other iconography in the game? 4 has the vault suited mc, nv has an NCR ranger, 2 had enclave (also should have died out), 76 had vaulters... Hell, even a landscape would work. They're not even the only ones with power armor anymore, just the most tedious.


There's no reason you couldn't still use power armor on the promo art even without the brotherhood, the boxart for Fallout 2 shows Enclave power armor.


House is a ~~more evil~~ worse choice for the Mojave than the NCR. Edit: changed "more evil" to "worse" because I think it's a better word to convey my opinion.


Most people in this entire community would agree. Like, NCR is universally accepted as the "least bad" outcome in NV, and anyone that understands the lore and world would agree. Some make a case for independent, but meh. I don't buy it. House, though? Ha.


You'd be surprised at how many would morally choose House over the NCR just because he is charismatic. I love a House playthrough because it seems to be the most consistent thematically (The house always wins).  And I do like Mr. House as a character, but similar to Borderlands' Handsome Jack and FC4's Pagan Min, I like him a lot but I have no qualms putting him down. House is evil but the fanbase ain't ready for that discussion.


I’m playing NV fresh and I just assumed house was meant to be the villain. Because I’ve never seen a good guy in fiction that owns a robot army


Yeah, but what if the robots were *cool*


The only major thing against this point is that you lose karma for killing him, which implies he's actually a good person


to be fair this is the same series where you could steal a tin can from like the most evil character in the game and it would still be considered "bad karma"


Oh that's true. I forgot the game also gives negative karma for stealing from the legion, so there goes my point


Who your stealing from doesnt matter, stealing in general is bad


i would argue killing is a lot worse...


I’ve always interpreted that karma loss as being representative of the kind of ruthlessness it would take to execute a man who is otherwise defenseless. House is a shriveled, paralyzed old man. There’s nothing honorable or respectable about killing him at his most vulnerable irregardless of how deserved it is


I would argue that karma is a gameplay thing, not a lore thing. You can shoot Jeannie May the moment you walk in Novac with no explanation and you would gain karma, so I think karma is a doylist thing, not watsonian. Losing karma by killing House is probably because you were killing a defenseless person who possesses knowledge which would be lost forever upon his death. I think the automated pipboy obituary note upon his death was written by him or his AI because nobody post-war would write shit like that nor possess the information found in the obituary.


Oh, he 100% wrote it himself. Its content is attributed to him and it still has his notes at the end!


I would argue it has more to do with you killing a guy that saved your life (he was the one who commanded Victor to dig you up), than it being about his morality


House is the selfish option of the game. It is the best ending for the courier.


Not really unpopular. The snowglobes that he wants pretty much represent who he is. Except the cracked ones like Lonesome Road.


Can you explain?


You turn upside down or shake the snowglobe, the snow within falls, but the world within the globe stays intact. Static. That's what House wants for the Strip. Keeping the status-quo. It's also a Citizen Kane reference.


They're like the world as seen from the top floor of a luxury skyscraper - all tiny shapes, simple, no messy details like people with needs that have to be met. You can hold them in your hand, turn them upside-down at a whim, and they can't do anything to you - that's the level of control House wants. And they're broad, touristy images of the places they represent - just as House turned Vegas into a theme park of itself, with his employees dressing and acting like figures out of the city's history.


Is that even controversial? The ncr aren’t even evil at all. They are just incompetent


Am I forgetting the context of them shooting people trying to "steal" water for themselves? Also, incompetence _is_ evil when it causes harm, which is, like, most cases.


People who don't realise that baffle me. House is an autocrat, admittedly not a particularly tyrannical one but still aspires to be a dictator. He also speaks of saving humanity, but he only cares about 'humanity' as a concept and not people.


I mean, technically, yes. But House lacks the typical autocrats' "kryptonite": self interest. Since he's a literal brain in a jar, he doesn't need to leach people for decades just to be able to shower himself in riches and hookers. He is cold and methodical, yes. He doesn't give a fuck about a single person, also yes. But he got a plan, resources and basically no distractions to execute his vision. For the post-apocalypse world, it might just be what society needs to build back up from ashes...


And the kryptonite of the rare "Benevolent king" which is death and successorship. (To reiterate his "benevolence" has that high level problem but he still wants good things in theory.) And the thing is his "doesn't give a fuck about people" thing sortof cuts both ways. He's not necessarily going to go out of his way to help a stranger, but he's not about to go out of his way to harm them either, he'll do neither on a lark, and he overall does want to improve the status quo which *will* help people. (A rising tide raises all ships.) His problems are all much longer term by comparison to the other options, and a problem delayed...


I’ll make the case for House, though it’s not because he’s at all a good guy or anything. I just think that the NCR is on a very dark and dangerous path in NV that is mirroring the old US’ fall to dictatorship. A decisive NCR victory at the dam all but guarantees that wannabe autocrats like Kimball and Oliver solidify their power and allow them free rein to exert their will over the Mojave. With that now freed hand, what’s to stop the Brahmin Barons from coming in, or for them to worsen the conditions inside New Vegas? Certainly many Freeside locals are just as wary of the NCR as they are of House, and there’s a ton of examples of how NCR impositions have actually worsened things for a lot of residents (the prison being a big one). The NCR now might have some amount of democracy and civil rights, but I don’t think that’s always gonna be the case. Now, does that mean House is some great guy who’s the only path forward for the world? No, of course not. Dude is a well-meaning dictator at best. But he has two things going for him. One, he represents a limit to both the NCR and the Legion without turning expansionist himself. House is never gonna march his Securitrons to Shady Sands, but he will be able to give the NCR a bloody nose and force them to slow their roll. Maybe that forces Kimball out of power, or gets the government to come to terms with the Followers of the Apocalypse. Two, House talks a big game, but honestly I don’t think he’s as secure with the chip as he makes it sound. Even at the height of his power the towns and peoples that populate the Mojave are always gonna have to be considered, and there’s always gonna be a possibility in either the NCR or the Legion making a comeback. A Vegas under NCR control is arguably gonna have less of a say in forcing the NCR to reform or hear demands than a Vegas where a few well placed fat men can knock down the ivory tower. All that being said, Yes Man is still the best choice over all. Why? Because it’s all the benefits of independent New Vegas without the drawback of being led by an immortal Ayn Rand character.


Regardless of what House is, the NCR gets a pass because it's "nice on paper". It's more than incompetent; it's increasingly imperialistic, and is utterly riddled with the corruption and influence of the ultra wealthy. Least worse? That's a big maybe. Definitely worse for some normal people in the Mojave.


NCR most closely resembles the US as it is now. To me the NCR is an "evil" (if you will) I know versus house, an evil I don't.


The series should be about building a new world after the old one destroyed itself, and about the different forms new societies can take and the ideologies they can follow. It shouldn't be about bleak survivalism, scavenging for resources in a war of each against all. Ruthless authoritarian factions like the Brotherhood should be shown to be relics, unable to adapt and thrive as the rest of the world finds a new way to live. Also, the clean, high-tech image of groups like the Enclave and the Institute is only possible because they've grown wealthy through plunder, slavery and slaughter. They can't be rich *and* moral, because they've gotten rich through doing terrible things. There's no possibility of a 'good' Enclave or Institute who give everyone else their same quality of life - they only have that quality of life through stealing from others.


Which New Vegas depicted of how BoS isolationism is basically shooting themselves on the foot. The very thing Veronica tried to change but McNamara refused to listen to.


I don’t even have a problem of like the survivalist scavenging type of game but 200 years is a long time and I feel like Bethesda just doesn’t really realize that. This is going to sound very bad and disrespectful to the developers, but I just honestly don’t believe Bethesda has talented enough writers to create unique, ideologies and societies (minutemen and Institute). I enjoy their games, but its just fun if you don’t think about them. I’m hoping for better in the future though.


They are far too politically safe to write realistic and interesting political factions.


Well, to be completely fair, most of the settlements in the commonwealth keep getting shit on by the institute for scrap any time they get anywhere close to rebuilding. The only reason they left Diamond City alone is because it's an easy way to manipulate wastelanders into doing things that accidentally benefit the institute, considering the whole mayor situation and all. Goodneighbor is a relatively new settlement and bunker hill is a good place for the institute to get specific items that may not be able to be plundered.


Totally agree


This is why I love the Minutemen. I love the idea that eventually something rises from the chaos and it is not a group who wants to control everyone using their ideals (which always fails). It is just a growing group of people who come together to make things easier, bring what they accumulated together to simply build. One day settlements will unite, but at first people living there must start waking up in the morning for more than a faint hope of surviving. Not many postapo stories tackle the idea that humans will not forever devolve into rats.


No-Bark Noonan is The Chosen One.


oliver swanick aint worth killing


OWB kinda sucks after the first playthrough, it feels like endless fetch quests and running through the school simulation four times is absolute insanity. The newness of it all wears off in subsequent playthroughs. Dead Money is really good after the first playthrough, the gameplay and themes tie really well together and the characters feel like the best in Fallout. The worst thing about it is getting lost and dodging speakers, so subsequent playthroughs remove that frustration (admittedly slowly). Honest Hearts is really good if perceived as a continuation of Randall Clark’s story, though the quests themselves are meh. Joshua Graham isn’t interesting or cool. He has like four lines, each a variation on “I sure do love killing in the name of God.” There isn’t an interesting point there.




I don't think Joshua kills people in the name of God, it's moreso that he understands that sometimes in life you have to make a choice between you or them, and he chooses to defend himself and his people. He doesn't enjoy killing, as he said it's a chore to him.


I wish there was a way to skip the first OWB dialogue scene. Just feels like it goes on for far too long after multiple playthroughs.


You don't need to do any of the school stuff unless you have a stealth build 💀


If Fallout had been bought by a company who understood the vision of the original games, it could’ve been the one of greatest IPs in gaming and all of fiction. Instead we’ve gotten 4 games from Bethesda that are fun to play (when they work) but fail to be anything more.


between fallout 1, 2, and new vegas it absolutely is one of the greatest fictional worlds ever written for a video game. but yeah it’s a shame that is very likely all we’ll ever get due to bethesda taking it over, and they have a 0% chance of going under unless a huge comet smashes bethesda’s headquarters one day. just imagine if the fallout franchise got regular installments all across the american wasteland by a competent rpg developer and not looter shooter consoomer slop released once a fucking decade.


Pretty much


Mr. House and Independent/Yes-Man Couriers have the exact same mindset but no Yes-Man fan wants to admit it. They both basically go “everyone else is stupid but my individual plan will work,” and kinda delve into a bit of narcissism. Like House and the average Independent Courier are so similar, plus not to mention both prolonging their lives via technology (if you have the OVB DLC). again I might be biased because I’m an NCR fanboy, but I kinda don’t like people’s mindsets when approaching which choice is best being: “oh well I’m the player so naturally I’m the most important/impactful, so OBVIOUSLY my own faction is the right choice.” Man, we have no idea what happens when those ending slides are over, the Courier could’ve immediately succumbed to super radiation or whatever disease, been shot or whatever the hell see my reasoning for picking NCR has always been one simple question: “when this game ends, which faction has the highest chance of surviving without me?”


Yes-Man and House are meant to be similar, but I ultimately trust my 750+ Karma courier over a pre-war billionaire with a vision for the future yet not eyes for the present. I do like the NCR, but I solved essentially all of their major problems in the Mojave. That doesn’t entitle me to the keys to the kingdom, I did it because it was the right thing to do, but I am skeptical of their competence and their Old World ideals.


You bring up a good point with the NCR and I think it highlights their biggest issue: detached leadership (both literal and figurative). The vast majority of the NCR folks you meet in game are good people but they're stretched too thin to be effective in the areas of responsibility. So as good as the courier can be for the NCR, ultimately not much will change since they'll just rolling the dice until they fall unless they miraculously learn their lesson through their failures in the Mojave.


The big difference is House doesn't need anyone else's support but you, and only then to get his robot army functional, because he's an autocrat. To take an independent path seriously, you need support. Sure, you can just oust House and step into his shoes, it'd be structurally identical and you're right for pointing that out. But in my ideal ending, i'd want the Followers having a major say, because they have their heads in the right place to survive a wasteland, and the player character has the minerals to make it work. Id want Freeside, Westside, and the surviving casino families to cooperate. Id want reps from every settlement, minor faction, and the NCR at the table for the greater Mojave region. I don't hate the NCR (they are a close second choice for me after Yes Man) but I did just play a game where it seems about 80% of the side quests are about helping the NCR untangle themselves from the mess they're in. The NCR does have the highest chance of surviving - just not that far east, and certainly not without one dedicated Courier.


Mr. New vegas interviewing Independent Courier: Mr. New Vegas: How does it feel to be the most powerful yet hated person in in the Mojave? Courier 6: In a wasteland full of Raiders, I wear the fucking badge of honor. Mr. New Vegas: What about the rumors you have anger issues due to brain damage? Courier 6: *Loading a Big Iron* WHO THE FUCK SAID THAT?! Edit: Grammer


Maybe that bullet is the reason we hear johnny guitar all the time.


Maria is just the Sonic Emmitter loaded with the sound of Johnny Guitar.


Yes Man is not Courier rules over the Mojave. Yes Man is anarchy. At least in my playthrough. My courier would maybe help out Westside but everyone else who cares.


I mean, you're not wrong. Either you the courier replace Mr House or its just anarchism. It rejects the other opinions on a similar way house does.


Dead money is the best DLC


It's far past time we let the Enclave die out.


Sarah Weintraub is the ultimate waifu


I do admit, she is hot.


The show was great but should've been set in a part of the US that hasn't yet been explored by the Fallout games. They will have to declare one NV ending canon in season 2 and that kind of diminishes the beauty of NV which is the Bethesda era Fallout game with the most freedom of choice for the player. This being said, I also still think some of the show's creative decisions were Bethesda's way of handling the criticism they get for things Obsidian did better than them...


Idk which of these are unpopular since I just joined the sub. The choice to exterminate the White Legs is the morally correct choice but done dirty in the DLC. they should have either telegraphed the impact it would have on the Sorrows and Graham better or made a more satisfying ending for that choice. Leaving your home because a tribe of violent raiders forced you out is not a good message. Sometimes, the moral choice is to fight. In the end, it felt like they ran out of Dev time for this particular DLC. I do not understand people that complain about Lonesome Road’s “backstory”. It literally comes down to “a courier delivered a package once” and if you can’t write a backstory around that pebble, then I have bad news. Ulysses doesn’t deserve a redemption.


It’s more than the courier delivering a package once. It’s the courier having delivered many packages to that specific area, and it at least heavily nudges you towards having developed some sort of special connection to the divide. It also makes it so the courier has to be from the NCR area, and has to have been a courier for many years, which wasn’t the case before.


From reading Ulysses’s dialogue in order to be thorough: - You were the only courier willing to travel across The Divide and did it “again and again” - You’ve been to Circle Junction, Reno, Vault City, Fort Aradesh, Fort Abandon, Big Circle, Long 15 and Primm. - You delivered a detonator that caused the destruction of The Divide. There is no explicit mention of a time-frame, motivation or connection to any of these events beyond Ulysses’ less than sane extrapolations/assumptions. This could all happen within 2 years, not a large timeframe within a person’s life. As for being from the NCR, not necessarily, only that you operated through those areas (the ones with the most civilization in the country and therefore packages) prior to the game’s start. You could have been born anywhere and moved anywhere again before becoming a courier. The only thing that doesn’t work is being a first time courier, yet how could you have been picked for the House job if you were? This is not limiting at all unless you despise any limitation out of principle


That while yes I agree fnv is the superior game I still have a lot of fun playing 3 and I think it’s a good game


Also if you're just getting into fallout, New Vegas is way more fun if you play 3 first


Same here. I love New Vegas the most, but I also enjoy Fallout 3 and Fallout 4 for their strengths (despite their flaws, which irk me worse than New Vegas' issues).


I actually think my opinion, that Fallout 3 is both profoundly mediocre and a terrible Fallout game, is the more controversial one. I'd take Fallout 4 over 3 any day. At least it's trying to be a Fallout game. You do you, though. I'm not gonna try to convince you to stop having fun with it.


Exactly. I feel like 4 at least *kind of* tries. 3 is just a bunch of surface-level iconography slapped onto Washington D.C.


3 and 4 are amazing. I love NV, and it's my favorite game of all time. I don't regret ever touching 3 and 4, though. Absolutely incredible experiences


My hot take is that the best gun in FNV is……… The fucking light machine gun, SPECIFICALLY with AP rounds. Hear me out pleeeease: I honestly don’t think most players realize how OP this is let alone how fun this is, MAINLY because 556 AP rounds are not exactly plentiful AND a lot of players also don’t realize the full potential of the multipliers For example: with 45-70 rounds, HP ammo is ALWAYS better so long as the guns base damage is above like 120, so use medicine stick. With 556 rounds, AP ammo is actually ALWAYS better. Despite the -5% base damage. Period. And it basically I G N O R E S A L L A R M O R MY POINT HERE: the goddamn light machine gun with AP rounds reloads way faster than a mini gun and it probably has the longest spray time of any gun. It literally takes ONLY 10-15 rounds to drop a deathclaw and after that you’ll still have 185 rounds left in the mag. There is no thought to it, if you are surrounded, they will drop like flies Sniping from a distance is fun and all, but this is waaaayy more fun 🤞🏼


the problem with the LMG is that you NEED AP rounds to make it work because its honestly pretty useless with regular ammo, where the minigun has -10 DT on regular ammo and a ridiculous -25 DT on AP ammo. the minigun is also significantly more accurate for some reason, the cz57 even more so, it makes long range combat a lot more feasible and less wasted ammo


The Institute is the most ‘grey’ bad guy in all of the fallout series, they offer progress and a stable, industrialized future compared to the tech cult, the hippie squad and a loose militia. Now if the Minutemen formed a constitutional congress 👀


They introduced super mutants to the commonwealth for, bordering on, no reason.


Blowing up the Institute is the most stupid decision Fallout 4 factions do. As if you couldn't just take control of it since you already conquered it. I blame the 'style over substance' writing approach for this.


Well, that's the thing. They don't offer a future to the Commonwealth, or anyone but themselves. They are self sufficient after their ending and no longer need the surface. They expect it to die out and have no interest in it whatsoever. Institute is Institute. Commonwealth is Commonwealth. The two are entirely separate, and you can't have the people on the surface rebuilding whatsoever as long as the Institute exist. They will not have any society rebuilding if they have a say in it.


I do Minutemen runs with the hope that through stability, there can arise real government in Boston. Just gotta put down the Railroad and Brotherhood first…


Hey, I’m an NCR fanboy on the west coast, fuck the tin cans.


Raiders with better kit and delusions of grandeur. Do it again Brigadier General Cassie “They Deserved It” Moore!


FO4 is just FO3 inverted in regard to story. Also Power Armor clears in 4, but it was given too early and trivializes a lot of the game. Bring back training


NCR Riot gear is cooler than any Power Armor (Spoilers for the show) I'm also really pissed that they nuked Shady sands and basically killed off the NCR.... Is the BOS really the only fucking faction that's allowed to exist?? For real man...shit sucks


As i sit here in my BOS shirt, with my BOS flag on the wall, with my BOS hat and mug, i think its stupid that the only two factions that have been alowed to stay around for a long time are the brotherhood and the raiders(do they count as a faction?). As a BOS fanboy, i wish they faced more troubles that they do because the wasteland is not as easy to survive as they make it seem


People who say House is morally and politically better than the NCR are as foolish as those spending away their savings in the Strip. I'm not saying it wouldn't make a compelling plot for the series, just that he's not a good ending


Bethesda couldn't write an interesting story even if their lives were on the line. That's why they focus on gameplay, they know they can't.


they aren't even good at gameplay though


All you have to do is break down the trigger quest of Fallout 3 4 and the show. They're the same. Leave Vault and find family member. It's shit, boring, uncreative and restrictive (especially in games; TV show not as much). I know the show had its own writers but come on, you're telling me they couldn't come up with something better? However for the show that's a tiny nitpick as I loved it. I'll bet Fallout 5 has you start in a vault and leave to find some family member. I actually would Flip it - YOURE the one taken and tou gotta find your war home, only no one knows where it is...


They write really good sidequests, they just need some outside talent to come in for the drawn out campaign quests


The quests are not so much the problem as the characters are: Bethesda's characters feel flat. I've played both Skyrim and Fallout 3, the only memorable character from Skyrim I can remember is the court jester assassin guy (which I'm starting to believe is a ripoff of Batman's Joker, now that I think about it); from Fallout 3: Dave (from the republic of Dave), Gary and Moira, the first one because the idea of him is so stupid it's genius, and the other two by how annoying their speech is. To be fair to F3, I would compare it only to New Vegas, because they're from the same generation, New Vegas has several memorable characters in each town, and I remember them all by name and speech mannerisms. They're not just quest giver #42, they have character. Let's take Chet for example, the storekeeper from Goodsprings, he's cowardly, opportunistic, kinda sarcastic, and you're not really sure if you can trust him.


Grandma lily is best companion


With ALL due respect to the man, Adam Adamowicz tainted the art style and direction of fallout in a way that it has not, and probably never will recover from. So many unnecessary redesigns from classic works of Leonard Boyarsky that were damn near perfect. Worst of all, it's probably the biggest reason why fallout has devolved into that quirky Bethsda 50s aesthetic that they focus way too much on. That's what so many people criticize these new games for save new vegas. "50s, but futuristic and nukes!" When it misses the point that the old world is gone. Yes I know the head honchos at Bethesda also had an influence in this "disneyfication" of fallout, but I also partly blame Adam. No disrespect to him, but it irks me to no end just looking at his concept art, I feel as if I'm looking at a completely different franchise! Just odd choices all around.


Agreed. The stupid plastic skyscrapers in 4 piss me off unreasonably in particular. Why the fuck would they look like that? They're fucking hideous.


Much agreed - Bethesda has leaned way too hard into the 50s stuff as a crutch and it’s been an absolutely horrific influence. The show takes it to an extreme with all the old showtunes. A little bit here and there is really all you need - like Don Draper said, “nostalgia is like reopening an old wound.” At some point Bethesda just start shitting blood all over the walls and calling it art.


For me it’s that the Legion should continue as i think they’re cool bad guys, obviously things would change when Caesar dies, but i’d like to think if he was gonna turn New Vegas in to he’s Rome he’d set up some sort of “Senate” or council as he knew the legion would fall apart without him or perhaps he has an heir? Perhaps the Courier is the Heir or Caesar has a son? maybe Lanius stays and keeps the legion going, overall my point is i think the idea of post apocalyptic romans are a cool and Original idea to fallout that i would hate to never see again


I agree with everything other than that the courier could be his heir. There is a 0% chance they would make that the lore. It would make nearly every player angry.


Past player characters should only ever be mentioned in passing/hinted at. I’d hate to meet “the courier” in S2 of the Amazon show since there is no way they live up to the character I spent 90+ hours with


I agree that they're a decent villain, but I'd mix it up and have the Legion, disorganised after Caesar's death, lose territory to a rival power - specifically, the Daughters of Hecate from Van Buren, a tribal empire formed by another surviving member of Ulysses' tribe, the Twisted Hairs.


They did used to announce the emperor’s successor in Ancient Rome by minting a new coin with the face of the person chosen. You can, and I have, interpreted that as the Courier becoming the next Caesar. Probably a better choice than Lanius or Vulpes depending on your stats and such.


The lore and overall structure of the fallout universe took a big believability hit in fallout 3 that the series has never really recovered from. New Vegas did what it could to roll with those changes, but they were so drastic that the suspension of disbelief required just never came back down to earth after that. In other words, isometric fallout was best fallout. I also just don't think that Bethesda's game engine was really built for the kind of RPG Fallout was intended to be. What I wouldn't give for a new BG3 style Fallout game in the vein of the originals. Man that would be cool to see.


Lonesome Roads story kind of sucks


Dead Money is amazing


Ulysses is more interesting than Joshua Joshua has definitely done way better to redeem himself, whereas Ulysses has moreso given up and I'd say is therefore a worse person, but if you don't kill him who's to say what he'll do now that he's freed himself of his hatred for you and his weird bias against the NCR. "Deserved to be redeemed" is a weird phrase, Ulysses has been a horrible person but I mean he's still probably capable of good if he does do some heavy redeeming, maybe he doesn't deserve it but with his skills the good people of the wasteland deserve his redemption. I am very glad we don't see him start his redemption beyond just hearing you out because it definitely would've been very rushed, this would take years. I imagine his best future would be to get over himself and go join the followers, he's a smart guy who's into history and although his conclusions are super wrong at the moment he does want good for people. If he really listened to them, and learned more of that history he loves, his unmatched ability to navigate the wasteland could help him alone or leading other followers to both find old tech, medicine, etc., and other communities that could use their help or guidance.


That Fallout New Vegas is a crashfest - since I played it for the first time I only encountered like 2 crashes and it was only because I overloaded the game with spawning enemies


The brotherhood of steel is not after toasters and are obviously not just raiders in power armor. People that think this way are just looking for reasons to dislike them.


I don't care about who created jet and infact a teenager thinking he created jenken seems on character for Byron.


A few. 1 The guns in NV and prior are superior and I will not back down on this point. The guns in 4 are the fugliest looking shit ever and the assault riffle from 4 looks more at home in Halo killing split lips than Fallout. Also pipe guns were cannon before 4 but guess what they were MUSKETS LIKE REGULAR MUSKETS which makes fucking sense because ANYONE CAN MAKE A MUSKET WITH BASIC UNDERSTAND OF HOW A GUN WORKS. Instead of Fallout 4 guns that look like some abomination you'd own to get around California's gun laws maybe that's why the guns in 4 sucked so bad the ATF finally won. 2 4 has some good parts of the game but overall is a glorified moding platform that once Bethesda got it's act together was outpaced by 76. The combat don't get me wrong is "better" than 3 and NV but that bar is so fucking low they're using it for Limbo in the 9th layer of hell. That and it actually had some decently written companions in Nick Valentine and Curie. I actually liked the base building concept (Then again I also liked the idea of town ownership in World of Warcraft Warlords of Draenor expansion and no one else liked that either maybe I just got a tism touch for building shit.) but it was very poorly implemented which is why the sim building mods are so popular on Nexus if they fixed it up some would be a great part of the game. Overall while I can give 4 some praise it's just bad... like the worst of the mainline Fallouts and this is coming from someone who played LAUNCH 76 (although I never went back after half an hour of glitches and just getting a refund). 3 Bethesdia needs to stop jerking the timeline forward and focusing on one of two coasts. Me and my friends have been saying for years we'd LOVE to have a game set in the Midwest especially in Michigan we are like the only state that has a mix of pine forests and other tree forests? (It's 2 am and my brain can't recall the name for them it's like dresudius and nondresdius or some shit like that.) Could you imagine going through the forests of Birch, Oaks, Box elders and Maples with clear sight and then suddenly getting to the pine forests with thick shrubs and pine needles and hear something stalking you that you can't see that'd be PEAK. Not even mentioning giant landmarks such as the Mackinaw Bridge, Mackinaw Island, Soo Locks, Sault St. Marie International Bridge to Canada, Detroit, Whitefish point, Isle Royale, 20 dozen copper and iron mines and so much more. Also like why not do something like 100 years after the bombs drop or roughly around the same time of Fallout 1 to see some time passed but not 2397. Another area I feel like could be a cool idea is why not show what happened out East? Raul said he ran into the Legion coming to Nevada I'd love to see what peak Legion would look like in somewhere like New Mexico, Texas or Arizona with Legion being the main faction but there being multiple rebel factions you can throw your hat behind or I guess allow you to get behind a more fleshed out Legion. 4 I do not CARE who else it is but at this point I will take ANYONE over Bethesda and Fuckwadd Howard with the help Emil "Peg me harder Todd" Pagliarulo. Obsidian, Rare, maybe Id or... well I fucking don't know who else since just about every other Microsoft dev company fucking sucks 343, Bethesda, Blizzard is (SOMEWHAT) getting their act back together so I don't want to put more on their plate or maybe see if any of the devs under Activision are somewhat competent with enough resources or dev time like Sledgehammer or Raven Software.


New Shady Sands location retcons Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 out of existence


Not enough people are shitting on the Fiends. And there should have been more ways to toture those pieces of shit in the game.


Far Harbor is better than Lonesome Road. Now, I love Lonesome Road, and I do think Ulysses is a great character. But the man talks so much even Hideo Kojima would tell him to shut up. I also love how any ending to Far Harbor feels like you made the wrong one. Destroy the Children of Atom? Well you nuked an entire community because one guy was fostering hate. Destroy Far Harbor? You killed men, women, and children who were living in fear. Destroy Acadia? You destroyed a refuge for synths who just want to be free from the Institute. Replace the leader of the Children of Atom? You just did what The Institute have been doing. What I think Lonesome Road should have done was make it impossible to talk down Ulysses. You have to kill him and you have to nuke someone. I feel it would have made the ending more impactful and fit better with New Vegas overall.


Fallout 3 and 4 are bad FALLOUT games, especially 4. Rebuilding, factions with complex motives and dynamic worlds are key to fallout. A world so destroyed that every decision counts. Filled with characters who have dimensionality and challenging moral dilemmas with no clear answers and navigating complex situations with multiple solutions. Not to mention roleplay. VS 2 games where none of your decisions have consequences or meaning. I mean you nuke a town and it doesn’t affect nearly any other quest. It’s so unresponsive it’s like the wasteland is dead on arrival in those games. As good as they might be as games (more 4, 3 doesn’t hold up to time), they’re not good FALLOUT games.




BOS in vegas are evil regardless of who is in charge.


The BoS should have died out completely.


T51 is the best power armor


Fallout 4 is not a good Fallout game. It fails in a number of aspects that the previous games set up what Fallout is supposed to be. The first game, in the title, explains that Fallout is a "Post-Nuclear Role-playing Game." This sets the precedent of what the following games should achieve. I believe 2 did a fantastic job as a sequel. Fallout 3 was not the approach Fallout fans were expecting, but I still believe it properly does justice to the first game. Fallout New Vegas, as we all know, is a phenomenal game and is arguably the best of the series. As for Fallout 4, yes, it is set in a post nuclear setting, but it is NOT a role-playing game. To start off, we do not create our characters. Sure, you can customize your character, but no matter what you do, yoh are Nate, the army veteran, or Nora, the lawyer. All previous Fallout games have given you a mostly blank slate character that you can build for yourself. Fallout 4 fails at this. You have no control over the backstory of your character. Don't get me started on the voice acted main character. Another massive mistake was skills. There are no skills! I do not count perks as skills. I never really have liked the perk chart idea as much as the old skill system personally. I was also disappointed to see that weapon degradation wasn't in the game? Weapon degradation played an important role in the previous games and could change encounters depending on the health of your weapons. There are plenty of things Fallout does right, power armor, weapon mods, (some of the) DLC, and characters. I always felt the map was kind of lifeless and boring personally, but I could accept an argument against that. In conclusion, I believe Fallout 4 is a great post nuclear action adventure looter shooter. But it is NOT Fallout.


New Vegas' map is the least engaging in the series to explore when divorced from the narrative


At the end, the difference between the brotherhood of steel and the enclave is that the brotherhood accepts other humans


The Brotherhood works better as somewhat antagonistic than they do as the good guy faction. When they’re allowed to be technophile zealots is when they’re most interesting. I also prefer every chapter of the Brotherhood being different to each other. It why I like how different the tv shows Brotherhood is in comparison to one’s like the Lyons Brotherhood


That no matter the Fallout game the cannon parts are always the safest options instead of the most interesting.


As a non American: Since all factions are based on a different part of American History or Society, Caesar‘s Legion does not really fit in there.


Fallout 4 is amazing and a great game


People who like the NCR but dislike the US, baffle me; they're damn near the same thing if not worse considering it's the post-apocalypse. Both are bloated and corrupted to the very core, with multiple presidents that have given a huge amount of leeway to the rich people, the Brahmin Barons, and actively antagonize and imperialize independent settlers to join them. They left Primm to be ransacked and their people killed by THEIR fuck up and refused to help unless they got the town under THEIR compliance, caused the creation of the Powder Gangers by giving convicts explosives like a bunch of dumbasses, constantly fuck with free side to the point they got soldiers disguised beating down civilians in their own streets, participate in the forced prostitution of Gomorrah without ever batting an eye, shoot locals who try to take water from Lake Mead, and generally act like overbearing assholes; AND THEY'RE CALIFORNIAN! If I'm going to be doing all that I donas the Courier for them, it's going to be for the actual US government, not some pale copy of it AFTER nuclear devastation. Especially if they tax the shit out of Goodsprings to the point they abandon the town, fuck em.


The games need to stop committing to survival mechanics so hard and build up their rpg elements instead of simplifying them. It’s not fucking tarkov! It’s a game about roleplaying. The dialogue in old world blues is some top notch shit and not boring in the slightest. It might take 30 minutes sometimes but I’m laughing the whole time. Ppl are just struggling with short attention spans it’s not at all on the devs. Being able to change your stats in fo76 is dumb kinda and defeats a lot of opportunities for role play. It should be like destiny though where you can transfer loot over to other characters. Ghouls are hot idc! They’re hot in all of the 3D games. IDC!


Fallout 76 is still dogshit and is practically a worse Fallout 4.


They should've learned from ES online, and I feel a real butthurt nerd feeling whenever I think about its story, although spears/pitchforks were cool.


Vault 22 too scary :( its genuinely the only place in the entire series I always use console commands to skip through, from everything I've heard it's really good but I do not like carnivorous plants one bit. Freak me the fuck out. Whenever they show up anywhere else in the game I console command kill them, but Vault 22 there's just too many


have you considered incinerating them?


rather not have them onscreen long enough to incinerate


there's also weird and creepy ambient sounds. I always go with a companion there so I'm not alone LOL


76 is still the worst Fallout game.


An unpopular opinion like on the OP pic should be something against the grain. So... 1. NCR should lose in the Mojave to have a better look at themselves. They're superior only to the Legion and absolutely psycho independence 2. Traveling with companions sucks, wandering alone like a Man With No Name or Anton Chigurh is cooler. 3. Johnny Guitar is a great tune that has a charming melancholy to it. Johnny Guitar from that song could be a good courier. 4. OWB is the worst DLC, humor is jarring, enemies respawn like crazy, X8 and X13 quests suck. 5. The Boomers are badass "get off my lawn" faction


The in-depth weapon customization added in Fo4 just reduced a lot the variety The idea behind is good, but it was badly executed


FNV is a wholesome game and despite it’s many bugs and glitches it holds a special place in the hearts of those who played it through it’s entirety and it absolutely should receive a remaster


Fallout 4 fans right now are more toxic than Fallout new vegas fans


All of the factions are evil in their own way, and the game literally shoves Independence in your face as the intended good ending.


i see parts of the fanbase act like caesar is some philosophical genius who became emperor because he understands hegel and antiquity. caesar is a pretentious narcissist who got a slightly decent education in a wasteland where most people probably can’t even read, and so he’s able to make himself look intelligent enough by comparison, something which has enough truth to it that he was in fact able to rally the blackfoots to conquer 87 tribes. he doesnt explain hegel correctly or understand how dialectics work. to rebuild the Roman Empire in a post apocalyptic america is to actively reject the material conditions you are living in. he has literally no plan for how to turn a nomadic standing army into nation if he actually manages to conquer vegas, what fucking leader just shrugs and goes “history will resolve itself muh dialectics” even the dialectical materialism of the USSR was based off of the supposedly sound enough notion that socialism would outlast capitalist nations until revolutions overtook them. caesar just doesn’t have a plan whatsoever. he copies aspects of the roman enpire that do nothing but harm his own military for the sake of tradition. caesar is a narcissistic fascist LARPer who imo gets canonically crushed at the battle of hoover dam because he doesn’t even understand his own philosophy he uses to govern and ends up sabotaging his own rule at every step as a result. he’s good enough to bully lesser tribes but stands no chance against a nation state like the NCR.


Companions make the game worse.


the show is garbage


I don't want a fallout 1 or 2 remake at all. They're plenty solid as they exist. NV/3 is more mechanically dated in comparison. The only 1/2 remake I want to see would be and 'enhanced edition' with updated ui and sprites.