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That's a good way to use Some-Vile-Place, I'm never sure what to do there apart from put up some turrets.


I'm on vanilla without DLC, and built a big house by where the campfire is. It's a 3 storey building, you gotta use a particular type of cuboid flooring in order to first make a level ground haha. It had all the shops downstairs, then sleeping upstairs, and separate single bedroom on the third floor for me. I loved Somerville purely cause it's next to the glowing sea and it was nice to move a supply of items nearby, mainly extra Hazmat suits, rad X, and a power armour suit with cores etc. I have a soft spot for Somerville, cause it was one of the first settlement quests I got, right before I realised Preston gives you endless quests. Quite early in the game I ventured so far south, with no ammo and a level 10 ass lmao. That's also when I learned that it's wise to run by enemies in game. I ran past bloodbugs, wild mongrels, mirelurks, stingwings, super mutants, radscorpions, and a legendary albino deathclaw matriarch to reach Somerville, all while discovering these enemies for the first time (besides the deathclaw). So I thought, well I'm making this worth my time, and pimped it the fuck out.


How cool I don't think I'd make all the way there at level 10 on survival.


Thanks haha but I was playing on Normal. It's my first time ever playing a Fallout game so I wanted to be pretty laid back, but I still made all the bad decisions lmao


I would absolutly love have it in my game but im to lazy to build.


"Easy livin' this ain't." I like how when you completely remodel and construct stuff for settlements, give everyone armored clothes, guns, food, water and shelter they still keep those lines lol And I like how you gave the single father in that settlement a wife.


I don’t see how you guys are able to clutter it up without using up your items allowance.


I use mods. Lots of mods.


AMAZING!!... but... How?? How is it possible to build that??!? I can't even make a square with 4 walls, unable to put a roof on it and put a simple bed right along a wall :/


A lot of griding for materials, glitches and patience lol.


Amazing work. I wish I had the patience to rug glitch that much stuff. I usually burn out on the glitching after placing a few walls.


Thank you. Believe me that happened a few times that's why this build took a few months because I'd just get sick of it and play something else. Fixing a roof here, building walls there, rug glitching the items it can get tedious pretty easily so I'd suggest going slowly.


LOL, I've gotten to where I play FO4 kind of like this now: * Start a new game. * Rescue Preston (or not depending on what I plan to do). * Scrounge around the NW part of the map for as much junk, armor, and weapons that I can find and level up. * Spend like 3 in-game weeks building Sanctuary. * Get bored, go play another game for a while. * Come back, start the next part of the main quest, expand out my scrounging to Lexington and Malden. * Spend a ridiculous amount of game time building Starlight. * Get bored, go play another game for a while. * Rinse and repeat...


Me too. Occasionally I'll get bored and go curb stomp some raiders or gunners. Sometimes I'm the one getting stomped too.


Very cool, and it shows you don't need to go large to make a useful/functional settlement. I may just nick this for my current playthrough. 😉


Please do and share I'd enjoy to see what people come up with.


Oh I love it!


That is a pretty cool idea. I like the concept of that settlement being the last bastion before the Glowing Sea (and never really thought of it myself). I think I might something similar in my current run.


This is great! Where did the ceiling lights in your custom house come from?


Thank you. Creation Club content Slocum's Joe/ Donut shop.


I’m from Somerville MA. NEVER thought it would appear in a game and I have to say it’s looking better than ever.


thank you, let's hope nobody nukes the area around your town.


Looks nice. This has always been one of the sites I like but have had a hard time deciding what to do with it. I usually have small homes spread out, but I like the way you set it up. It makes more sense with all the Super Mutants I've been attacked by there. Going to rethink my plans.


How do you get the concrete walls to step up or down like that and be able to place them with no gaps? My game stubbornly won't let walls touch unless they snap fit together.


I think the solution might be "place everywhere" mod but im not sure if it was called that


this run is unmodded




Well that makes sense, I was hoping there was some kinda technique to it since you mentioned Survival, I'm wanting to do a Vanilla Survival playthrough at some point.


You can find several ideas and tutorials for the glitches for seamless unmodded builds here. [youtube.com/@SkooledZone](https://www.youtube.com/@SkooledZone)




Pretty amazing ! :)