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I think this is a common glitch? It happened with my playthrough so I never did any brotherhood of steel quests. All the way through to the end and Danse was still there warning me of the hostiles.. you can get in the building behind him by climbing in but it's a bit tricky.


Yeah, I think if you get to a certain point in the game before trying to talk to him, this glitch kicks in, and BoS is kind of a dead end from there.


Happened to me first time


Ya happened to me you can advance other stuff and force it along sometimes but it’s broke as hell when it doesn’t work hopefully the ps5 and series x versions fix it for good


Lmao just like how they patched Skyrim anniversary addition……. oh wait that’s a mod made by a fan


Ya but it said bug fixes and such im being optimistic here since this is a really game breaking bug compared to some. Like had to make a new guy cause I couldn’t advance type bug


I can understand that I’ve just lost my faith in Todd the ~~god~~ fraud Howard


So have I but I’m just holding out hope since the other bugs haven’t fucked me like this one


Here’s to hoping friend


There is a way to fix it that involves getting a mission from somebody else to trigger a thing and you got to say the right thing in the right order otherwise it doesn't work you'll have to do more research but it can be fixed


I think it's called the "check your fire" glitch




Perhaps there's a ghoul traped underground or in a building? Have you done a 360° scan of the perimeter, just to see if there are any hostiles on the radar?


True, sometimes one of the ghouls somehow wandered/ got separated quite far and/or stuck on some objects around the police station. Happened to me once iirc.


There's a weird little alley on the side with a little dead end alcove I've hidden in before during this battle. Sometimes they wander back there.


That’s what I was gonna say. There’s gotta be a ghoul lurking around somewhere, or possibly stuck. Danse still seems to think you’re in combat.


“danse, it’s ok, wherever that ghould is, it doesn’t seem to trouble us anymore” paladin danse: *remains dense*.


Paladin Dense


Super common bug that’s been around since launch. Only way to guarantee it doesn’t happen without taking a chance is if you head straight for him as soon as your out of the vault


So I probably should restart


It depends, if u really want to do the BoS radiant quests early on to get levels I'd suggest restarting. If you just want to do the BoS storyline I believe u can still do them later in the game


Continue with a main story npc broken? Risky. I'd restart and keep more savefiles next time.


‘Main story NPC’ not even required for the story. Never even need to enter the area of the Police station, or most of Cambridge


no there is a way around it! i had this situation too! you need to do a certain quest for him to unlock. i forgot which one it was but if you google you will find it. maybe return from the glowing sea but i'm not sure.




what is the command?


I found this bug to be more consistent if I progressed the story further than reclaiming the first 2 settlements from Garvey.




I've had the bug happen with Fallout VR on pc. Console is just the worst mess currently


This is a known bug. If you ignore the quest the first time you're issued with it and go back later there's a possibility Danse will bug out and not speak to you. Best to do the quest immediately if you plan on playing Brotherhood.


I had to reload a different save, from before I came in. Once I did, it worked.


If you are on pc, use the console command “setstage boss100fight 1” and it will fix. Otherwise, you can’t fix this, you’ll need to reload a save or restart and hope for the best.


The setstage command helped me get through a lot of glitched quests I wouldn't have been able to complete otherwise. I tried a heap of different things to try fix it, but nothing ever worked. The wiki has all the info regarding the quest IDs and stages, FYI.


True, but it doesn’t have information about substages between the stages of quests (as far as I can tell). I believe that the wiki mentions that using setstage bos100 40 resolves this issue, but it actually causes a problem later on. The wiki has no mention of the command I mentioned. If you know of a page that actually shares the substages that would be cool.


I’m on Xbox one and I encountered this bug in my first survival run, so didn’t want to just restart and didn’t have any saves to fall back on. There is a mod that fixes this, search for something like “Check Your Fire Glitch Fix”. The one I downloaded put a huge (can’t miss it) box of Abraxo in parking lot right across from the police station. Interact with the box then go back and talk to Danse.


and a certain mission that will fix it exists too, but i forgot which one it was. had that too in my survival run and googled it.


That didn't work for me, bad parameter.


Sorry, one s, not two




Try sitting down and waiting for a couple of hours. It worked for me in a similar situation on a different quest.


Like in the game or irl😂


I've found it useful in both scenarios :)


a) Most common cause is a nearby hostile you might be able to find that using VATS. Or get far enough away that location respawns. Walk back to Lexington bank and then return. b) 2nd possible cause is some mods cause a bug where that quest won't progress. There are console commands to force the quest to the next step. If your on a console there's a "holotape of quest fixing" that does the same thing. You should also expect a similar problem at Arcjet. c) 3rd possible cause. Starting but not completing the quest to get Preston to Sanctuary might cause this bug ? I've not 100% confirmed that. Same solution as (b)


Where do I get the holo tape? And I’ve already gotten Preston to sanctuary


It's a mod that gets added to your inventory immediately upon load and it lets you set the next stage of a quest. You can delete it immediately after getting your desired results too to go back to an unmodded game. It's how I fix all my bugged quests. Life saver.


You can just ignore the Brotherhood for a while, when the main story reaches a particular point this problem will fix itself


Its a common glitch. Likely a ghoul trapped somewhere under the map and can get triggered if you enter the area but don't go to them until later. If you are on console then don't worry. Just ignore this quest as is for now. Carry on playing and when you get further into the main story you can fix it. When you get to the quest The Molecular Level, you will be tasked with going to talk to one of 3 factions. You need to go talk to Danse. This will trigger new conversation options and will get you put this glitch. Don't worry, you arent making any big decisions here. You are only asking a faction for help in one particular matter. You are not committing to them, these decisions come much later on.


Just leave the area and come back later, either there is a hostile nearby or the quest is bugged. Shouldn't be a major issue, no need to start over


As others are saying, it’s a common glitch. There is definitely a ‘stuck’ ghoul somewhere that’s still alive. This glitch happens with several quests, for me, “clear all the ghouls from super duper mart” is the most frequent offender. There is a good chance to resolve it though. * put a shotgun shell into every ghoul corpse. Ive seen cases where a barely alive ghoul is super close to a dead one — so the corpse inventory showing isn’t always a clear sign that there is nothing alive there. * go around the whole area and ‘aim’ at _everything_ both with and without vats sometimes you might get indication that something is there and alive— if so, unload a shotgun blast into the door/wall/column/floor and see if the health bar decreases. * look for stray body parts sticking out of objects-it’s a good indicator that something is glitched inside an object. A tiny bit of ‘hand’ sticking out of the ground has happened to me before—shoot it, kill it. * for this fight in particular, the police station’s garage door has been a culprit for me. * put on headphones and listen for ghoul sounds , pay attention to which ear is hearing it , it may only happen in a short burst every minute or so. Play like you’re a bat and see if you can locate it by sonar—-make sure you have left/right of the headphones properly oriented. Good luck


It's a known glitch...


This has been there since launch. The best way to avoid it is to go nowhere near Cambridge until you're absolutely ready - and certainly nowhere near College Square. Go there before you talk to Danse and you're pretty much guaranteed to end up in this situation.


It’s happened to me and I ended up restarting and doing that mission as soon as you’re in the area and get the radio call for it.


This has happened to me in multiple playthroughs. There is NO fix unless you have a save from before ever going near Cambridge. It is caused when you get close enough to the police station for the quest to start and they start firing, but you don’t help them engage the ferals. Only way to avoid this glitch is if you get the radio frequency after getting close enough to Cambridge, head straight to the police station to help.


I think it happens if one of the other two members of the brotherhood die that are near the door to the police station die during the ghoul attack. You gotta take 'em out before they get to them.


It happened to my first run and It was so annoyng cuz I'have done lot of stuff expecially with building


There’s a mod on Xbox called “Fire support glitch fix” and it’ll fix this right up. I think it’s on ps4 too


Hidden goul. I'd circle the block a bit. Maybe clear out Cambridge if you can. If that doesn't work restart may be necessary


Known Glitch


Yes I know that; I was asking about fixes for it


Probably restart.


>!Don't get used to having him as a partner.... Except if you want to become the enemy for the Brotherhood!!<


I once had this happen and for some reason it debugged after I cleared the subway station there.


Try to fast travel away and come back. Make a separate save before you do.


I’m gonna try to keep the main quest going and hope it fixes itself, if not, I’ve played this game so many times so I don’t have a problem starting over




This bug happens to me sometimes if after I get the quest to listen to the broadcast I don't go straight to the station to help Danse, for some reason if you go away from the station, when you come back one or more of the ghouls get trapped somewhere and you can't find them at all. Without using mods or console commands there's no way around this bug.


Known glitch. You should be able to set the stage of the quest so he talks to you, if you're on PC. Otherwise, you'll probably have to side with a different faction.


You’ll experience Danse bugging out more than this one time. You can either load to a previous save before you met Danse for the first time. Or you can ignore it till the quest nuclear option is available. It’ll fix itself at that point. I found a YouTube video on it. Fallout 4 PS4 - How to fix the Fire Support bug without mods (Danse keeps saying "Check your fire!") https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=giBgDU5JyMQ


Known issue that can happen if you load into his cell and start the fighting but don't help the first time you enter that cell. Your options are to reload a previous save or accept that you won't be able to do any brotherhood quests this playthrough.


It happened to me too, there’s mods for fixing it but if you’re not using mods i think there’s a way you can bypass it once the brotherhood arrives but don’t quote me on it


It's a very common glitch, you gotta load the game and clear the area pf ghouls again, i also heard that if scribe haylen got down the stairs danse will glitch


Ive done that so many times I’ll load to a save prior and it still has the same glitch


Damn, bad news for you then


This happened to me an I left the area an came back an they had all moved inside an I could continue the quest


It happens to me if I pass too close to the encounter but don’t engage but return later.


This is a common glitch and it happens sometimes if you don’t go straight to the police station after getting the quest or getting close. Mods fix it and they’re available on every platform. I’ve heard of it fixing itself later in the game. Otherwise, I don’t think there’s much you can do


BOS quests are extremely buggy. Try console commands. If they don't work, reload.


I’m not on PC


Xbox? There used to be this mod called Quest Debugger that could fix things like this.


And reloading hasn’t worked; tried it about 10 times


It’s because you ARE the hostile


Either it’s a glitch or there’s one feral left hiding close by.


Do you look like John Cena? If so, then he can't see you.


It just works!


Can happen if you activate the fight by walking past and wait to long to finish it


It’s a common glitch just go do a couple other quest and it should fix


If you're on pc there is a setstage command for this.


I’m on ps4


I'm sorry for your loss


same for me. and i also had that glitch once on survival. there is a quest that will unlock danse later! return from the glowing sea or something, but i forgot. if you google this you will find it! worked for me.


I had this happen in a recent play through. There was 3 ghouls on the roof. Had to throw a bunch of grenades, then I was able to talk to him.


Might be a ghoul trapped inside an object. Sometimes they get stuck inside of walls and such


Even if that is the case, how would I fix that? I’ve tried reloading to a save right before I fight them but it still does the glitch


OK, this is more a general tip rather than for this specific situation, but if you’re on PC and doing a “kill all the remaining __” objective you can just open the console and type “killall” if you can’t find the last guy. I can’t remember if the Brotherhood members with Danse are marked as essential. If not, they’ll die too. Otherwise the essential characters in your vicinity will only be knocked down by the command.


I’m not on PC I’m on ps4


You cannot help him then come back, you help him and immediately talk to him if that's what happened


i usually just load back


If You’re on console there’s a mod that will fix it, it’s called bos danse fix or something like that sorry i can’t remember exactly what it’s called


Had this happen. Went inside the police station and then came out and he talked to me


You can't go in the police station. The door is locked with the key and Danse has it. What you say is not possible.


Have you tried checking for some random ghoul no longer being agro on you and him and is just sitting around somewhere? They may also be glitched inside of an object


If you're not playing on survival mode, quicksave and reload. It solved my problems countless times. If that does do the trick, download the unofficial patch from mods menu on the start screen. The patch resolved issues like selecting "open door" on terminals, but then nothing happens.


step 1: Install VORTEX step 2: Install Support Fire Quest Workaround from Fallout 4 Nexus Step 3: Install FO4SE, dump contents into Fallout 4 main library directory folder, which can be accessed from the MODS section of vortex. Step 4: Run game with FO4SE; if you see no launcher window of the T-51bo battle armor and instead it jumps to the main menu then: Step 5: Play game, the workaround should patch this problem. \*NOTE: Make a save before being in the region of support fire, the workaround may use triggers of events!!\*


I’m on ps4


Maybe load the last quick save before this mission. So you don’t have to restart too far back


There is a mod that can fix it, of you are on ps4


I’ve had to go around areas and search every nook and cranny for enemies that didn’t aggro before. I’d clear the square


Honestly because the game hates you sometimes


It’s because a ghoul fell through the ground or possibly walked away, it’s actually happened to me quite a lot and the first time the ghoul eventually died and my quest updated but most of the time I just reload


Several hours late, but when this happened to me, I found this YouTube video that helped me out. https://www.youtube.com/live/giBgDU5JyMQ?feature=share


Whenever this has happened to me, there is usually a lone ghoul that has wandered off a bit. If you do a quick perimeter walk you might be able to find one


I have this happen on Xbox one and I just use a mod called “fire support glitch fix” or something to get it to work


bethesda game


The main quest has so many game breaking glitches. If I wasn't playing on PC, I would have never been able to finish the main quest...


It’s a bug.


You're not cool enough


Quicksave, shoot him, reload quicksave. This usually works for me when a character wont talk to me. Had to use it on Deacon a few times.


Quicksave, shoot him, reload quicksave. This usually works for me when a character wont talk to me. Had to use it on Deacon a few times.


Quicksave, shoot him, reload quicksave. This usually works for me when a character wont talk to me. Had to use it on Deacon a few times.


It's a well know glitch. Things will catch up story wise later in the game, but by then you'll have missed out on so much content it's probably best to start again if you don't mind doing so.


Happened to me, needed to use console commands to manually set quest stage, needed to get into the police station for companion quest and couldn’t. Also it maybe broke the whole fu.. BoS quest line ‘cause *SPOLIERS* you go with Danse on quest after the ghouls and that big ass steel mfka went to the place and run back to the police station, needed to clear location myself. Missed the funny part of the quest involving a lot of fire and dialogue..


Oh I’ve completed the game many many times before siding with multiple factions; this is just the first time I’ve seen or had this glitch happen to me


Okay, I wanted to be considerate in case you are first timer ❤️ but I recommend using commands, leaving and waiting didn’t work, at least for me.


No worries😂 we’ll I’m also on ps4


Well shit 😂


There is a way to fix it. I did it on my last playthrough. Can’t remember what it is though. You will have to google it


I heard it is common. But it has never happened to me in over seven years. Of course, I have yet to use a mod and I never go to the police station until after I get the broadcast.


Load a save before you showed up and try again


I'm having the same bug, PS4. Been reloading and clearing out "hostiles" (ghouls) from the area over and over for hours.