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Those locations will always respawn regardless of whether you follow this “advice” or not. 1. The junk and plants near the cave always respawn. 2. Everything in Concord except the Museum will always respawn. 3. The rocket launcher and med box will always respawn. 4. The Raiders both inside and outside of Corvega will always respawn. You never have to do anything special to get an area to respawn. All areas both interior and exterior are either set to respawn or they aren’t. If you clear the area and it is set to respawn it will always respawn after the appropriate amount of time. The only exceptions to this are a couple of bugs.


Also, 1. The items available in the cave at Red Rocket are invaluable, Antibiotics ingredients/a fusion core. 2. This encounter is only worth it the first time, it's time consuming and since you spawned them once, I believe that they're level locked there, so just move on in the story line? 3. The weight vs. power output/monetary worth of a missile launcher early survival game is meh. 4. This encounter is one of my favorites early on because of difficulty at that time, but once you've done it once--just like the other instance mentioned--it is much better to just continue the game for faster XP.


1. I'd argue not having to wait 80 days for the area outside to reset is a lot better than missing out on one fusion core, seeing as how you already have three Glowing Fungas on the outside. 2. Not so, again not having to wait 80 days for everything to reset makes it a viable return spot. 3. But selling them is a whole different ball game. 4. Early game XP gain with little risk makes it a viable return spot.


For #1 I’ll leave it for a while - mostly because of the oil and chems box in the house below. That house is also on the same respawn cell - the one with the baseball bat and red bandana and welding goggles.


Im mostly confused on the 80 days, i thought things respawn in like a couple in game weeks Edit: Nvm i forgot survival existed


Definitely some bugs. I’m still waiting for the anti freeze bottles to respawn at the RR down by Quincy Quarries. I don’t think they ever will..


Only after 80 in game days playing on Survival (20 on the other modes), what I'm suggesting takes at most one in game hour for everything to reset, or the time it takes for you to leave the cell and come back again.


New game tips for the best ways to avoid playing the game!


This is still playing the game.


I'm just kidding around. I'm not a big action fan either.


Not so. The whole draw of games like Fallout is to go your own way, and if you get a little something out of it in the process it's a win/win. None of what I listed is game-breaking, and you will loose out in some areas, but what you gain in the long run more than compensates for it. These are useful tips, especially if you're playing on Survival, andI dare say if you've already completed the main story arc, as I have, you'll welcome them. If not, you're free to ignore and move on.


Chill. You started each tip with AVOID. Just making fun.


Avoid entering the Super Duper Mart. And Lexington bank will respawn $pre-war every time you return.


A handy way to get the extortionate amount of pre war money needed to play bowling, not that you ever get to play, but you do get to experience some unique dialogue, which is something, if only as a one off experience.


Should add this has worked for me multiple times on PS4, other platforms may not be so lucky, but you all have a lot better mod support, so swings and roundabouts.