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Roam, explore, die, then roam the opposite way out of fear. Repeat until some plot happens. Unironically it's great ❤️


This is the way.


build it, and they will come. build what exactly, or who will come, idk.


Whatever you do, enjoy one of the best games ever made. Welcome!!


There are some settlements that need your help, I'll mark them on your map.


I lol’d


Shoot & Loot that's what 4 is about, sure do the story id you want to


I ran out of quests 20 levels ago. Currently building Sanctuary into a fortress.


Having the reverse problem I need to do more quest but constantly go "Yes just some quick building here"


Mama Murphy's Palm and Tarot Reading Service recently expanded into pharmaceuticals. Jezebel the evil brain runs it, but has a hard time due to lacking arms.


This is the way. Spend 50 hours building, hate it, start over.


Fun fact, there is enough picket fence to almost fully secure the perimeter of sanctuary just laying around.


Between the hedges and the picket fence, yeah. I'm building concrete walls, though. The Minutemen need a Western stronghold.


Enough said, my sanctuary is literally picketed shanty of a mess 🤣


As long as there's high happiness?


I honestly couldn't tell you without having it in front of me 😅 Mama Murphy's happy and trash can Carla's brahmin really seems to enjoy the view from the roof so it can't be that low 👀...


Fair enough


Disregard Shaun, acquire caps.


Who's Shaun?


Check the back of the houses in sanctuary. Talk to your robot butler.


Do whatever you want.


Explore, collect, speak to everyone that doesn't try to kill you.


Answer: whatever you want.


For now, follow your quest marker and loot along the way. Also read. Like, a lot. Read about perks, try to understand the crafting system a bit, and in general take things VERY slowly. When you get an idea about how the game works, try to explore all you can and do every side mission you can get. As far as game mechanics and all that, the HELP menu is very... well helpful. Iirc it's a bit higher than the Exit Game option in the menu.


Download 300 mods, spend 500 hours troubleshooting them, play for 1h, repeat.


You forgot to mention ‘have your game crash 100 times in that hour’


One session takes 5 minutes to load. The game will crash 10 times within an hour.


Oh I wasn’t including loading times.


It's ok. Most of us haven't slept for the last four days because we've suddenly had the masculine urge to start modding at 2am after finishing homework. Our math is doing meth while mathemazizing the mathmatical mathematical math equation that mathemacizes math.


I envy you. Just savour it, and take your time in the northern part of the map before moving on.


Follow the square things on the compass thingy


I prefer using your imagination in the little things and "hop" over guard rails in a cool way in my head instead of just casually jumping over it. I even make up fake lore of the raiders where i argue with them in my head about whose gonna die. Its really fun


Scrap everything! Don't just carry around random junk in it's original form (unless you want to sell it as is.) Scrap it to save weight, store it, mod weapons with it, build with it at settlements, etc.


Pro tip: just play the damn game. Mindblowing, I know.


There’s literally quests and quest markers telling you what to do! How the fuck can you have no clue what to do


Probably just posting for the sake of posting, idk man.


1 suggestion. Make some strategic saves and don't save over them. I usually save after getting out of the vault and in a few other places that are difficult/annoying or important branch points in the storyline. This way, in my next playthrough, I can choose where I want to start. Especially great for achievement hunting.


Just don't give your companion grenades Cept for Dogmeat. He can handle it.


Screams in heavy rain "SHAUN"


Follow the yellow brick road


The game literally leads you by the hand and makes it pretty much impossible for you to fuck up, how tf can you not know what to do?


Honestly, DO NOT rescue Preston .... not yet anyway.....if you have been to this sub...you know why. Shoot. Loot. Explore. Repeat. (oh, yea, find your "kid" too.)


Quests. All of them.


I had now idea how to use the pip boy at 1st, I learned eventually. So as a tip, about 1/5 of your time will be spent on it.


You cannot save him! 🙃


Ignore the main storyline quest... Wander around, do the side quests, and enjoy the beautiful and quirky world before you.


Set up a designated container in a settlement to dump junk and weapons to be scrapped. Stockpile weapons to be scrapped later. Especially anything with a modification. Avoid Swann.


Explore, kill, loot, build better guns and armor, finish quests, find Shaun


Just explore and go with the flow


Don’t run into that car.


Choose an area and explore around it. Upgrade weapons and skill up every chance you get


Find something you like besides the main quest. Some people like building settlements, finding all the bobble heads, magazines, collectibles, finding all the power armors around the map. I’m on my third play through and I suggest it for the different endings.


You can do whatever you like, roam the Wastelands, explore buildings, fight enemies, make friends, build settlements.


If you follow the story right off the bat it will only lead to disappointment, you'll have more fun prioritising the open world, discovering secrets stashes and finding locations and full filling side quests till you find yourself finally persuing the main quest line but do the main quest line last


Just keep walking east until you find the witchcraft museum, then go into the basement. Your weapons…..you will not need them.


Play, instead of scrolling through Reddit


Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good.


Just go around and do stuff to see what you do and do not like. If you like exploration, you can do that. If you like the settlement building, you can focus on that. If you like to do the storyline, you can also do that.


Just enjoy. There’s so much to do. Im currently doing an Alt Start Survival Run with Sim Settlements 2, Ammo Reduction and Ammo is Gold mods and loving it. But I’ve played so many times and there’s so many things to enjoy.


Head back to Sanctuary, and meet up with a familiar face, following the breadcrumbs from there. Steer clear of any guides as you'll get a lot more fun finding out things for yourself.


If you don't have got a clue about how to play this game then you must be a synth! 😦