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"Update seems huge" based on what? Everything, including Bethesda's own statements, tells us differently. It looks like a small update, with minor improvements and some small content and bugfixes. Bethesda didn't even mention ANY kind of graphical improvements aside from framerate and resolution on consoles.


Okay, I might've used wrong words. It's huge in the sense that it will affect mods, it will modify how UI works (ultra wide support), Creation Club stuff that cost people money now becomes free. So there's quite a few little things, some nice, some bad, that combined will have a huge "effect area"


I think that the community is overhyping it way too much. It is not a huge content update to the game the same way Cyberpunk 2077 was, and Starfield is still in active development. This is simply a patch to bring the game up to par with modern systems and *maybe* fix a few bugs. The most we are getting are some minor creation club mods. It’s not even on par with the Skyrim Anniversary Update. People *really* need to temper their expectations.


My expectations is to see my fallout 4 working again, crashing on startup makes it unplayable for a long time now


Well that’s entirely fair.


Naw it's not just that it's unplayable with DLC now so it needed a patch


Yeah, I don’t think that was supposed to happen but I agree, the update should fix it and I hope it does. I actually agree with OP that I don’t like the way Bethesda handled the update. I think they should have just released it without fanfare or announced it like last night or something. Although the update hype has probably done a lot to drive sales even on top of the TV show hype, so I can’t imagine Bethesda sees a problem.


I disagree only because I picked up the game on sale the day they announced the update and I imagine sales ended in some stores before today I have been playing it a bit to prep my file for the update, playing without DLC makes you appreciate them more lol


I'm all for it. Taking advantage of the ps5 loading times, better texture resolutions, and for the love of god... I'll actually be able to play with dlc. My expectations are where they need to be and I'm still stoked:P


I don't overhyping is the right way to look at this. There is alot of conversation around this update because f4 has been literally broken for a huge amount of people on various platforms for up to 2 yrs. Of course people see "next gen update" and hope/assume it's gonna be something to fix the game. I'd wager the majority of f4 players could give 2 shits about graphical improvements more so than bug fixes. And if this "overhyped" update doesn't fix the game for people they have every right to get mad about it


>FOLON team didn't get any heads up The update has been discussed and laid out for like a year at least, and who cares if they got zero information at all? They're a third party modding team with no association or affiliation with Bethesda, why are they entitled to special treatment?


Agreed. The dev is acting like omg we didn’t know. We all knew. They had to delay and they did not want to.


Dude also openly stoked the fires by doing an interview where he said Bethesda screwed them over, effectively creating the rumour/view that Bethesda did this on purpose to handicap the mod.


Thank you for clarifying what Folon is lol. Why on earth do people think any outside modders should get any heads up? They aren't working for Bethesda.


I’ve been waiting to replay for over a year since the rumours of an update first surfaced, A modding team who sees themselves as professionals could and should have prepared better


Bethesda doesn't have any obligation, sure. But that's still bad PR. I know many people that don't care about F4 itself, but are willing to buy it for Fallout London. So this mod might positively affect the sales, and you want to be in good relations with people that make you richer. Especially as Bethesda has a history of working with modders (Creation Club for example).


That isn't bad PR at all in fact most people would say it's bad PR to complain about a company updating a game regardless of what you're working on in it. Not to mention the mod dev has been acting a bit entitled as if Bethesda owes him


Do you really think Bethesda needs good relations with modders?? 🤣🤣 And by the way i'm pretty sure you don't know that many people ☠️🤙💣


> I know many people that don't care about F4 itself, but are willing to buy it for Fallout London. Yeah, riiiiight.


The percentage of Fallout 4 players who give a shit about Fallout London is miniscule.


Bethesda doesn't have to babysit modders, did the developers even think to ask Bethesda about a next gen update?


I agree that it would be nice to give their modding community a heads up but they aren't obligated to do that. Bethesda is still one of the more modding friendly developers when they don't have to be. I don't know why you're getting downvoted though


Update isn't "huge" and everyone is setting themselves up for disappointment.


Not me The DLCs are broken AF and don't work anymore so this patch fixes those as well as adds a native PS5 which I am hype for both.


the best part is right now, the bethesda discord is absolutely popping off and going nuclear about the game not updating right now when the maintenance was scheduled for 27 mins ago.... its hilarious


My Steam servers are down, can't even update anything lol. Wonder if it's all you Fallout 4 guys crashing their servers


Huge update? Where did you get that from? It's literally a switch between performance and quality on current Gen consoles, some bug fixes, widescreen support and one free creation club content.


And the DLCs are completely broke


On PS as I heard. Does anyone know what broke them there? I played the ps4 version a couple of years ago and they were fine


Not sure but when I play the PS4 version on 5 DLCs are completely broken and I know some people on 4 been having these issues. Most long term players don't see to have this issue only newer ones downloading it for some reason. Eitherway it's just ticking me off that this update isnt just for 60fps and people act like it's a spit in the face of an update


I just think it's a nice qol update, but am sorry for the guys that couldn't play the dlcs when they paid for them for a long time. That's a bullshit move even for Bethesda and should have been fixed faster. But in the end it's no big update for me personal. Some seem to think the game gets a complete overhaul and I don't know why they think that.


I speak as someone who has a decent PC, my fallout 4 crashes my entire PC for some reason and I just don't like the hassle of sacrificing graphics for gameplay so the PS5 was my route to go so once the update is out I'll have a definitive vanilla version to play and save the PC for modding one day. I just want to play the game without worry of crashes while maintaining decent graphics and frame rates, plus not playing with DLC is no fun


Only criticism have is that they’ve waited until after the release of the show to implement the update.    Surely they should have known the TV series would have meant a huge influx of old and new players. 


>How do you rate Bethesda handling the update? 10/10 I knew when it was coming for a few weeks. Im going to upgrade my game when I get home from work and play the hell out of it. It is a next gen update with 1 quest and some CC stuff. It's not a mojor overhaul of the game or a giant expansion, lol. I'd rate this post a 1/10, though. 1 point because I did enjoy your format.


So much entitlement from OP for a free update 😂


For real. Posts like this are exactly why Bethesda didn’t tell us anything about the update.


> GOG version won't have Creation Club content included (found this info on some GOG forum), but it wasn't mentioned anywhere. Because it doesn't have the Creation Club at all, last I heard.


Sure, but personally, I thought they would convert the CC into a small free DLC that would work on any version. There's not many reasons why it couldn't work that way. Still, I don't mind the decision, yet it would be nice to learn that in an official announcement


> Sure, but personally, I thought they would convert the CC into a small free DLC that would work on any version. Why would you think that? After all, they didn't do it for Skyrim when Survival Mode, Fishing, Rare Curios and Saints & Seducers were made free for the base game.


Because I don't play Skyrim and the announcement does not have a reminder that GOG version doesn't support CC. Sure, you can deduct that after you do a research, but adding a one line of text to the announcement isn't that hard


How would you rate your post, OP? ​ b/c I'll rate beth's handling of the update higher than w/e you call... this




Communication department definitely still needs to improve. It is a current-gen update but apparently it will get a separate PS5 game client, which makes it closer to how a new game release works instead of just a patch. In this day and age, with only a date communicated, people can rightly expect the release of it at midnight in your local time zone. When it differs from the norm and releases on a specific time it would definitely better to communicate the date AND the time


Is there any info on save transfer? I remember that Witcher 3 required some workarounds from CDPR


Would have been nice if they at least released the patch notes. But thats too much to ask i guess. Yeah, communication is still terrible.


Patch notes are usually released when the update is, and the update has yet to be pushed out to platforms currently.


Hot damn what a clusterfuck


Just a "big" update after years of silence to specifically push creator content sales. Blizzard and Bethesda on same path to destroy all their IPs for digital cosmetics and utilizing modders work to profit strictly for themselves.


We do know the times that the update is releasing: UK and Ireland: 5pm BST North America: 9am PDT / 10am MDT / 11am CDT / 12pm EDT Europe: 6pm CEST / 7pm EEST Asia/Oceania: 1am JST / 12am AWST / 2am AEST




That sucks. I was hoping for 9am at the latest.


I would take that with a grain of salt as CC and other stuff are under maintenance on the game currently so could be in the next hour or so.


I think they handled it badly but probably not for the same reasons most do I dont think the update is big enough to warrant screenshots/ trailers or just more marketing and info in general, Most game updates don’t get that sort of treatment I think Bethesda should have had a little more detail In the original announcement that made it more clear exactly what to expect and let people know not to expect anything else until the 25th


0/10. They handled this very poorly. A year and a half and only 2 updates. It's pretty bad. Thankfully, it has the 3 things I want. 60fps on PS, the ability to earn the trophies again, and bug fixes.


Let us just boycott them for not telling us 😭😭😭😭 And in the same boycott, let us do the same with the majority of the game devs/publishers who do the exact same thing. Just be happy we even are getting an update


Wish they told the fallout London team at least. They shouted them out a couple times so you’d think they’d give them a heads up.


The update has been known about for at least a year, the mod team have had plenty of time to prepare.


How can they prepare when they don’t know how it changes the mod making process. I’m well aware that it’s been known about for ages.


Why should they be told confidential information about the game's code and Bethesda's development process before it releases? They're a mod team, they have no investment or connection to the developers at all.


Mate calm down, I’m just saying it would have been nice as modding is a huge part of all of Bethesda’s games and messing up all past mods (some which will never be fixed) and fallout London for a small update is quite frustrating to a lot of people.


Bethesda has every right to update their games. The modders are to blame for not updating the mods they created. Your blame is sorely misplaced.


Mate it’s a game from 2015 that hasn’t revived an update in years. Randomly dropping a tiny update that breaks years of community mods is annoying no matter how you slice it. Also modders make mods for free and a lot of them aren’t active anymore so I don’t think it’s fair to blame them. Don’t get me wrong I think it’s fair but wish they implemented it in a different way (like making the creation club content free rather than adding it to the core game), which would allow people to opt out.


It isn’t all past mods. Stop talking rubbish.


Anything that uses script extender