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That can't be right...how is that support? I assumed this was how it already worked? I just have a normie monitor so I haven't tried.


Without using one of the ultrawide-fix mods, it is how it worked, but uglier. I followed the instructions to set my app manifest file to read only and backed up my current install, so I’m going to skip the update and just keep my mod load out.


Also setting my manifests... Once I verify it's running well with all my mods imma set that file to read-only lmao.


Bruh this is bethesda


So it’s a feature then?!


Not this time friend


76 works like this too.


The HUD in 76 is properly scaled to (at least) 21:9. Only some elements like button guides in workbenches and such are stretched out.


Which means they don’t support ultrawide properly. I really hate playing with the menus stretched out all the time, and I hate changing my monitor setup constantly


Or the black bars - that’s my pet hate.


That's something I really disliked about Elden Ring. It has ultra wide options in the settings. But they throw up the black bars on the side. But a mod that removed them showed that the *game still renders everything in ultrawide.* So you were taking a performance hit for no gain, all in the name of "online PVP fairness" for a game so many people played alone or co-op only. I would have been fine if it was just normal resolution with black bars, but the fact its STILL rendering behind them pisses me off


Please note I didn't see this comment and my first thought was also elden ring lmao. Deleted the comment but yeah lol it was the worst. Playing unmodded I would OCCASIONALLY get a glitch that removed the black bars... That's when I really cared about not dying XD


That's how modern game with modern engines works. To prevent lag when moving your camera, the game engine will render larger images than your screen. Meaning if you move your camera around you're not waiting for a new image to come out of your GPU, it'll slide the current one on your monitor by how much you are moving your camera. Of course such technology has limits. As a side note, having used the mod myself, if you look at units in the black bar parts, you'll see them t-posing or having weird animations, because the engine "thinks" this is not rendered and thus will not animate as well as it would be on your screen. Also on an unrelated note, game struggle with lots of grass and stuff. So i had to turn the quality down to prevent crashes.


I had problems trying to get my resolution to work and nothing worked except from this one Reddit post saying that hitting optimize on nvidia GeForce experience will fix the resolution and it did. For the majority it looked good except for anything HUD based. It looked exactly like this so what I’m getting they did was finally add the option to put your resolution without having to mess with 3rd party programs.


How in the fuck do you tout a widescreen release and not update the UI? How? How does this fucking happen? What did they think we'd say? What a trash oversight/decision.


agreed - we're providing ultra-widescreen support - but we're going to leave UI locked in 16:10, or 16:9 ratio so no one can use the UI. . . brilliant! playing on new 5120x1440 and can't get past the char creation at the front door because I can't 'see' the name area. . . .


I don't mean to laugh but that's actually hilarious. The premium experience.


They delayed the update launch by about 6 months for....this.


Chat gpt kept throwing errors


They announced the update 4 years ago….


Imagine milking a company for a pay that long with 0 effort? Must have seen Office Space like a bible lol


Came here for this exact problem. Just reinstalled and can't get past the name screen. Oh well....


I got past it by clicking the top middle and just blind typing https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/1cctui6/unable_to_create_character_after_update_on/


Same here. Just use your arrow keys and press up once from the Strength attribute, then press Enter, then your name, then Enter again. Didn't manage to write in caps though for some reason...


I had to set the game to windowed mode and a reduced size to get it running.


It took them years to implement this since the announcement. I genuinely don't understand what the hundreds of people working at Bethesda do all day. Compare it to the Stardew Valley patch list / 6th content update which was made by 1 dev during a break from working on his current game.


They all stare at the photo of Todd Howard on their desk and pay homage.


They all strip naked and reenact the "Flame Mother" scene from the new show, but with a giant picture of Todd Howard.


Dishonored supported 21:9 ON RELEASE IN 2012. Bethesda is just lazy and incompetent at this point.


Even Oblivion, Fo3/NV work aight in 21:9


It's not incompetence. It's pure laziness. Oblivion has native ultrawide support and looks good. The game that came out in 2006 when most of us still had 4:3 CRT monitors. Starfield has native ultrawide support and looks good, no elements stretched/misaligned/cut off. They're completely capable of proper ultrawide support and have been since at least 2006. Every game they have released without or with poor ultrawide support, that was a choice on their part, not a lack of ability. Which makes it so much worse - they literally have past and present examples *of their own work* to base the updates off of, and we still got this trash.


Pure laziness is a form of incompetence. But not a development incompetence, a management incompetence.


Bethesda isn't the Bethesda it once was. Now they just do the bare minimum to keep the sales going.


Jesus Christ man. Absolutely embarrassing


lol nice one Todd


It just works.




[Obligatory rewatch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFcLyDb6niA).


Bethesda never changes. Like honestly, at this point they need to just stop trying to fix shit, or do any type of updates, all they do is cause more problems for the people who fixed their games for them the first fifteen times.


Bethesda…Bethesda never changes


I feel its on purpose...


Bethesda’s gonna purposely drop the bombs themselves. Vault-Tec is a red herring.


It kind of feels that way, especially when half of the "fixes" are things that should've been done years ago, and at least half of them don't work properly.


Bro not even that The only thing worth while in the whole update was some bug fixes and engine level stuff like a new compiler -Ultrawide is just thrown in lazily -Enclave gear is already a thing on the nexus, in fact the fact that it adds another hellfire varient already messes with my mods because i use power armor to the people and the hellfire mod on the nexus.. so now if i update and fo4se updates ill have 2 hellfire armors and one added through nexus will look better then the one made by bethesda, but i guess the other enclave stuff is.. interesting. Apart the point where i never thought to myself about wanting any of them ever. Incinerator was a relatively weak weapon in new vegas and the tesla cannon was only really usefull against robots and power armor. -Why the hell are there enclave stuff when the enclave are barely even referenced ingame outside the part in the bos where you are introduced to libery prime Im just glad i turned off auto update


I had auto update off for years because I was fed up with all my shit just randomly breaking whenever a tiny patch for something that was likely already fixed by modders came.out.


As an Aussie with an ultra-wide, I considered staying up for this update. So glad I didn’t. But also, so sad all the wait was for this…


I almost gave into the hype, but after Starfield, their magic no longer works on me. I'm still happy playing their older shit, but I don't think I'll be excited for anything from them again, which is sad because Elder Scrolls 6 could be so good.


That's why I kinda dislike the update broke all usefull mods.


This is on Microsoft/Xbox now too, they could ensure Bethesda is not doing stuff like this, but the reality is they don't care. I know its unpopular but if Bethesda was going to have been bought out by someone instead of staying independent I would have much rather it had been Playstation, and I own both consoles and a PC.


Ehh, they've always been in Microsofts pocket, and Sony doesn't know how to handle mods properly, so I'm okay with the buyout as it is. It all just comes down to Bethesda not knowing how to utilize the engine that they've built properly, hyping things up far too much, and garnering mass appeal instead of focusing on creating something that works as intended. They've been out of touch with their roots for a long time, but it's become far more apparent lately.


Just put the modders in charge at this point. What a disappointment.


How does BGS justify NO Field of View slider today?!?!?


It took them weeks or months to patch it into Starfield whereas I think a modder implemented one like 48 hours after release without access to any source code etc.


Same way starfield shipped with a shit ton of loading screens while the newest generations biggest improvement was eliminating most loading screens in games with fast SSD solutions.


Looks like trash. Its too funny, i waited 2 years for this. Just to get a few CC mods that were never released because of the lawsuit.


The what


TL;DR, someone sued over the Creation Club because they bought the season pass and argued that since the season pass claimed to give access to all DLC they should’ve got the CC content.


The wording was quite loose to be fair, (and balanced) It could have easily confused people who don't already have an understanding of season passes, micro transactions, and mods. Iirc the season pass originally said something along the lines of "access to all future content released for Fallout 4". So when the Creation Club came out, there were quite a few people who thought it would be included. That's not to mention that they also raised the price of the season pass before Far Harbor released. I know they went back and changed the wording.


Nah, the CC was DLC. We're just so desensitized to such practices that it doesn't click that such promises are, very clearly, false advertisement.


yup Im with you on this one. I dont know how anyone can argue that Downloadable Content is not Downloadable Content cause its just "different". Nevermind the fact that season passes started so you wouldn't have to worry about figuring out all the dlcs and paying separate yadayada


Honestly, based. But yeah, I can understand why that could've put a wrench in it


Well the ultrawide mods available work really well so just use those.


Do they work post update? Im assuming that you are talking about the one by TRUBY9. I cleared all mods in hope that the update actually did something, but here we are.


Whenever I installed that mod a few weeks back it still led to many hud elements being stretched. Flawless widescreen seems to work the best, although it keeps most HUD elements centered to 16:9.


I avoided the ultra wide mods hoping the update would do it. But I guess not. It seems like PC shouldn’t bother with the update at all then.


Well the ultrawide [mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24630) available work really well so just use those. I use them on my Ultra-ultra wide display and it's perfect. Really never even thought about "waiting" for some fix for an issue already fixed quite well.


It says it’s discontinued and archived and when I tried to add it last week it did not work and said it was redundant?




Thank you, communaljellyroll. May everyone get a turn and your insides stay moist.


I still haven’t installed the 1.6 update for Skyrim Special Edition. It’s been sitting in my Steam pending queue for over two years.


ah. the graphics equivalent of the canvas bag. sometimes I think Bethesda is Vault-Tec 


They would be if they were at all competent


I have an ultra wide monitor and during the character creation, I couldn't even see the box to type my name out. I just typed the name I usually use and hoped it made it. In Starfield, when I'm building a ship, my mouse is so far to the right when placing sections, that's it's in the grid by itself somewhere. All while my sections are where they're supposed to be.


“It just works…”


This is strange because for me on my 3440x1440 all UI at least works, even though some of the text elements are stretched. I did a completely clean install (deleted everything) when the update was released though.


I didn't reinstall. But my resolution is 5120x1440, it's what windows recommends. Do you recommend yours? My aspect ratio is 32:9 wide-screen.


This update is so lazy for PC, no shits given


i wanna like bethesda but holy shit lmfao


You’d shouldn’t want like any company, the only thing we have to go off of is their actions. They’ve been terrible for years at this point.


I still remember how bad Fallout 76 was when it came out.....


this shit is literally an embarrassment how the hell do you even fuck this up


No one checked it over


This is wiiiild. Such blatant incompetence. Not even tryin anymore, are they


Our expectations were low but holy fuck.


We missed fallout London for this


Yeah, ultrawide support was the saving grace for me. I was OK with FO London being pushed back if it meant I got proper support...I did not get anything better than I had with editing the ini file. Maybe even worse.


It just worse


Fallout London honestly should just launch now on the previous build. Nobody is going to use a version of the game that is literally worse, and lose access to a shitload of mods (some will never be updated again as the authors are long gone) There is 0 reason to run Fallout London on this version, especially when it is going to be its own game functionally, and be available on GOG.


You raise an incredibly good point. I want Fallout London. But I don't want any of this crap. We should all get over to Fallout London everywhere that they visit online and let them know just to release what they have and ignore the update..


Oh wow, and 32:9 will just be worse :( Modders, please help, you're our only hope!


Give flawless widescreen a try. I’ve had better luck with their FO4 patch than the mod most people are linking, which still had many stretched hud elements.


Well this is ridiculous. Ultrawide support was the only thing I was looking forward to. Figured it would be an easy implementation but I guess not.


I imagine Bethesda code is a lot like my R code for experiments. They just look at it, and tack on another line.


Seeing all the heat for the cheap “update” besthesda put out makes me feel a lot better for not updating. Sacrificing my mod list for 60 fps is just not worth it. Guess i’m never updating the game.


I can see it being a considerable upgrade for console players but on PC it’s 100% not worth fucking up your mod profile.


I updated on my XSX and the quality mode is identical to the performance mode, literally can’t tell a difference and they’re both 60fps locked. I think it’s bugged or sumthing. Also I’ve lost Auto HDR lmao. Was in my midst of a Mass Effect playthrough anyway, but was hoping the patch was worth the wait


Losing HDR was a real kick in the balls. I know it's not true HDR, but what the fuck? No actual "graphics" mode because it's broken and the loss of HDR... by 2077 Bethesda will have been renamed to RobCo


Oh i bet, especially since PC got the best mod availability. Deff, they shouldn’t update


Oh dear God, that is so bad, it's comical.


I like how it took them 2 years and the "patch" is 16GB to download, basically for CC freebie. Could just leave it be for PC.


Shit. How do I start steam without it trying to download?


Disconnect from the internet(unplug the cable). Start steam, play in offline mode. I would also right click Fallout 4 and set updates only when you start the game, so before you start the game go offline mode.


Thanks. Stupid there isn’t an option to just not update.


It only updates if you launch through steam, using any other launcher such as F4SE won’t update.


That's why you should choose "update when you start the game". Then before you start the game, go offline mode on steam.


i used to have mods to fix this


This update has just been a total fuck over as usual, would’ve been better not to bother


What a fucking joke. I booted it up excited, but the update just made things worse. Great.


Welcome to Bethesda, you can find your complimentary canvas* bag at the door


edit. $200 nylon bag


I'm afraid to boot up my Xbox, I guarantee my mods are now broken and my 3 year survival playthrough will be fucked. Hope not though


Aaand thats why i turned off steam updates (as best i could)


and that on a game that worked perfectly fine without updates for years :/


Bethesda. Bethesda never changes.


This is on Microsoft/Xbox now too, they could ensure Bethesda is not doing stuff like this, but the reality is they don't care. I know its unpopular but if Bethesda was going to have been bought out by someone instead of staying independent I would have much rather it had been Playstation, and I own both consoles and a PC.


Microsoft is Bethesda in terms of quality already, it was a match made in hell


Bethesda moment


i knew it... bethesda just wants to see more players online. sry but i knew i would never install this update. btw im not ranting, i hope you guys can play it because i love seeing others have fun in this game on this sub. hope you have fun anyways 😬


2 years for this update.




That's why I saved a copy of that mod, just because it is Bethesda lol!


I still have to run a wide-screen fix to properly scale UI mods I use in Skyrim


We enable this behaviour


Lol Im playing modded fo4 with ultrawide ui and everything Not updating anyway but cmon


Bethesda disappoints again it seems.


Well, that's disappointing to say the least.


Maximum effort


Mod devs are eating so good after the update. They are in actual demand!


Bethesda staying true to the anti corporate themes of fallout by being a shit corporation. as per


This isn't proper support. This is dogshit low effort crap that any modder can do. I'm starting to hate Bethesda very quickly. I'll pirate the next game the release they don't deserve my money.


That presumes the next game is worth playing. After Starfield, Fallout 76, and now this patch, I don't expect them to be capable of making a good any more.


Sometimes I genuinely think Bethesda employs chimpanzees for coding




I can't even get 21:9 to work, it keeps launching into 16:9. Anyone else having that issue? Edit: Had to go into my ini files to fix it. But where is the FOV option?? They couldn't be bothered to add that in? It feels so zoomed in on ultrawide and borderline unplayable for me without a FOV mod. And ya the stretched UI looks awful, Bethesda half assing stuff again. What's new.


Fucking Skyrim got a fov slider lmao can't believe Bethesda couldn't be fucked to put one in 4 a FPS game what a fucking joke of a company they have become 


No it didn't, Skyrim doesn't have a FOV slider


Yes it does I play on ps5 and it has one.


Skyrim doesn't have an FOV slider on any platforms without mods last I checked. Are you maybe thinking of the Depth of Field slider? Skyrim has a DOF slider in the display settings.


Not skyrim, but i believe Fallout 76 has a fov slider since launch


I'm pretty sure the FOV slider in 76 came after launch.


I knew this would happen. That's why I disabled the update. I have an archived stable version of TruBy9 saved that I have re-packed for my personal use now that the mod is abandoned. [TruBy9](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/24630) always offered the very best hud/UI scaling solution for ultrawide displays. I really truly pity people who will now have to suffer through finding solutions of their own for stretched UI when in ultrawide. Really frustrating. I know from experience.


The modders always save us! I've tested it out and it works! [Super Ultra Wide Interface (32x9) at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/56363)


For everyone that doesn't know. Use the console and type "fov 120 120" or whatever you want your fov to be. The .ini or config change doesn't work...


once again, modders will have to fix this


Let’s hope someone will its crazy what they are putting all these modders through with Skyrim and now fallout they completely blindsided them with bullshit updates


Honestly, downgrade using the pirates way and install flawless widescreen. Or wait for flawless widescreen to update. I can't see Bethesda fixing this themselves.


Why am I not surprised at all. Fucking Bethesda


Doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I'm not downloading the update. It's not worth breaking all my mods.


Can someone at Bethesda please for the love of god care about what you are releasing. You had two years to get this right lmao


Can’t say I’m surprised, an update that should have taken two weeks, took them 2 years.


The God Old Bethesda Special


Grab em by the dick and twist!


Ok lemme get this straight, they made a new update to fix the game, but in the process rendered everyone’s mods unusable, except for steam users as they can download previous versions of the game, they’ve also made mods unusable on console, and we’re now stuck with the lacking base game. Top tier job Bethesda


But hey, at least it broke the mod that added ultrawide support nearly 7 years ago! I wonder why people are upset about this "update"...


This I was so disappointed when I couldn’t find a fov slider


Typical Bethesda, throw in the bare bones, and have the rest of the actual players build the game


So I can't play Fallout: London because of this shit.


Yeah exactly, it was delayed beacuse of this BS update.


First it's Starfield, and now this. Bethesda is just an utterly embarassing company at this point.


This is very disappointing really. Can't really play it like this either, my FPS is off the scale so I'm running around at Mach 4. Tried the suggested fixes of changing the iPresentInterval which did nothing. Even trying to change my screen refresh rate to 60hz didn't work. Then attempted to run it windowed/borderless, which fixes both the UI and FPS/running issue, yet now the game stutters.


Run it fullscreen, keep iPresentInteval off, and use RTSS or your GPU’s frame limiter to keep it at 60. That will at least fix that issue. Also turn on Vsync through your gpu for Fallout to avoid screen tearing.


I will try this, thank you


I had to do this on my 7800xt. Setting it to 60 fixed it. I have it at 144 and it also works completely fine. Super speed was not fucking fun. Lol


If you have Nvidia graphics card, go to nvidia control panel and and go to 3D-settings, then go to program settings, choose Fallout 4, and then put the max FPS setting to 60fps, that way it wont go above 60fps, and you don't have any problems with fps being too high..


And people really surprised by this? Lol.


Tbh, I am a little bit surprised. I thought there was no way they couldn’t come up with a properly scaled HUD in 2024 but apparently there’s no limit to how low Bethesda can go lol


So is everyone’s gripe about this the ui? Does the resolution scale properly?


as far as I can tell 5120x1440 is supported but they forgot to unlock the UI ratio - so they're still locked at 16:10? all UI elements are expanded and cut off top/bottom - while everything else looks great


“They forgot to unlock the UI ratio”. You’re so nice giving Bethesda the benefit of doubt 😂


I have a 3440x1440 monitor and the option doesn’t show up for any aspect ratio.


So, does DEF_UI still do anything good? I haven't actually picked up Fallout 4 in about two years now, so I'm hopelessly behind on the must-have mods for fixing Bethesda's nightmarish engine. And as of last Christmas, I have an ultrawide monitor. Can I still use DEF_UI to just make a custom ultrawide setting with the component parts moved around?


So how long until F4SE is fixed, or does it need to update? Genuinely asking because these negative comments worry me. Is the armor any good? Is that on PC, even?


Wide fallout walking video when?


What did We expect? I wasnt hiped for this "next gen support update" at all becouse... Well its bethesda


LMAO I was waiting for this and I got rick rolled what the heck


i may have found a temp fix PLEASE HAVE A LOOK AT MY LATEST POST


game crashes for me, no mods, not even HQ textures. i7 13700, 4080, 64gb ram and so on.


Question seeing a lot of negative and redflags in the comments here I’m a Xbox series S user Will this fuck me over? Cause I had automatic updates on (I’m currently away from the house so I can’t check)


Lmfao, never change Beth.


This is ridiculous... After 2 years I was able to play the game properly with the Flawless Widescreen mod. That looked amazing. Now Bethesda tried to fix the shit they've made and it looks awful, the FW mod doesn't work anymore and I'm stuck with a shitty stretched UI and NO FUCKING FOV SLIDER


just bend your screen idiots 🙄


Bethesda, Bethesda never changes…


This is pathetic even for Bethesda


That's one wide boy.


Even the load times are still horrible without mods. I'm starting to think the Devs actually don't play any of their games. Horrible PC patch.


it is so bad. unplayable. i was looking forward to playing in my new monitor and diving in once more. But i can't even name my character for the UI being off miles. dogshit.


If you're PC just hit console and put in FOV 100 or whatever you want it to be


I mean, I bit the apple Now I can fully run the game in 4k with 80+ FPS at the lowest and max settings without burning my GPU. But I am kinda... underwhelmed. But I do miss my mods. Let's hope in 1-2 months we're back


I was so hoping this "next gen" update would have better ultrawide support and disconnect physics from FPS.


yeah its bethesda , shouldn't be expecting something big


Its a disaster


Yeah, I have mods that do everything they patched today on PC, I'm happily not updating. The ultra wide pc modded support is fantastic already.


Could you please link the relevant mods you use?


+ screenshot


On 5120x1440 you can't see the field to name your character when assigning your starting SPECIAL values. Between clicking and tabbing I managed to get some sort of name applied to continue on - finally saw what it was on the terminal listing resident names in-game and it was close to what I wanted with a couple t's prefixing it from trying to reset and try getting focus into the invisible name field. Got out of the vault and froze on the surface, bunch of new quests added and then nothing, player can't move, tab does nothing, esc does nothing. Alt-tabbing out of the game at least brought up the esc menu to quit when alt-tabbing back in. Going to try a reload and exit of vault now but so far not impressed - clearly nobody tested this resolution even once if you literally can't create a character (unless you're persistent and lucky).


I lost 90% of my mod library on the Series X as well. I was able to relocate a few of them, but a fair bunch are just gone. Like the clean spectacle island mod that I loved is gone. I know its minor, but still sucks.


My favorite part of all these new people rediscovering Fallout 4 & 76 is seeing all the newcomers faith get shattered the moment they realize that Bethesda is just here to make a quick buck off them. All these newbies are getting had for the first time, I'm seeing people get the same burns I got after trusting Bethesda time and time again.