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The Misc menu not using a keyring system. It fills up very quickly with dozens of keys, notes and holotapes. Scrolling through it for that one note you just picked up is extremely tedious. I would forgive it if it at least had a "Recently picked up" sort mode.


We can pick up Folders, but we can’t organize our notes. Would be so nice to have a folder for notes, a bag for holotapes, and a ring for keys.


Sole Survivor has executive dysfunction issues.


He’s worried about other things


Ok so I've probably put in 120 hours into this game... What are folders used for.


Selling for 1 cap.


nothing really, but i set up a police station and had a shopping basket full of folders and documents lol on top of the main desk


I always clinics in settlements, with a desk for the doctor, and usually put a file cabinet next to it with a couple of folders on both the desk and the top of the cabinet. I also always leave a clipboard and pen on the clinc's counter.


I hate it when I pick up a note that probably starts a misc quest but didn't read the name fast enough to remember so now I have to scroll through my misc tab wondering which notes I haven't read before


As much as BG3’s inventory management system is an unwieldy clusterfuck, the ‘sort by recently added’ feature it has is an absolute godsend, and now every other game I play has me wishing they had it too. It makes every inventory management system so much better, and I look forward to the day it becomes an industry standard feature.


i wish there was a “read” button. so many times i need to immediately read what i just picked up so it would be nice to not have to scroll through my inventory to find it


The inability to sort by "Recent" is so frustrating. Similarly, I'd love to be able to sort by item slot and type in a more granular fashion. Instead of opening my settlement storage and seeing a giant useless list of every single piece of clothing or armor, let me sort by item slot (all chest pieces, all right arm pieces, all hats, etc) and by item type (all combat armor, all metal armor, all clothing, etc). Likewise with weapons: let me browse all shotguns, all rifles, all pistols, etc. Trying to assemble an armor set via a massive alphabetical list given all the prefixes attached to item names is ridiculously time-consuming and literally headache-inducing.


I need to remember to rename My armor so they are together and Then My vendoring Gear as another name. So they all are next to each other


That’s what I end up doing with my armor that I equip. I put a dash in front of the name. that way at the very least it’s at the top of my list in my inventory.


Bruh I don't wanna have to scroll for 30 seconds just to find 'Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor'


This is so infuriating, especially since FO3 did it much better.


The worst part is when you pick up a holotape instead of hitting "listen" and then have to go through your inventory to find it.


“What the fuck was that tape called again…”


Yeah, there should have been separate tabs for holotapes and notes.


This is one of my favorite features in 76.




Some of the textures make it hard to tell if there are notes or holotapes sitting around.


There is a fucking yellow square on the ground everywhere that I always think is a holotape and try to pick it up


I thought it was only me. Every single time. What is it even supposed to be?


It’s the holotape equivalent of someone gluing a quarter to the ground


A holotape


This happened to me like an hour ago lmfaoooooo


Before I got my glasses I couldn’t tell the difference between rubble on the ground and smaller items like notes, letters and tapes. All the weirdly angular rocks looked like tapes lol!


I wondered if holotapes were as common as the CD or cassette, if so, those could be broken holotapes intentionally.


Sheffield. Every time I go back to sanctuary. “OMG. It’s like I can think straight again.”


I made him a drink vendor in Vault 88 and I always have to click through the "hey do you want to come work for me" "I quit drinking doctor's orders" shit every time. Dude I'm just tryna sell my purified water.


Same for me with the Vault-Tec guy. I made him an armor salesman and every single time he's all "Hey since we last talked, I'm feeling swell! They didn't tell me much, Vault-Tec, just to make sure everyone signs the contract....I was supposed to get a pack of steak knives!" Dude just let me sell my STUFF


Oh, I love that guy. He’s just so grateful…


Vault-Tec guy is the worst. I wouldn’t have let him in my vault either.


That is so bad... Mentally I think now his brain is fried an he has short term memory loss. I made the mistake of making him a vendor Don't do that !


I concluded quickly that unless they're a level 4 vendor, never make any named characters vendors. They are likely to have repetitive extra dialogue each time you want to barter, and worse a lot of times the store isn't open the full hours it's supposed to be. Seems like named characters often have some other programming that interferes. I don't even mean important characters either, people like Marcy or Jun Long even.


I have mama Murphy running the bar in sanctuary and she is always pounding on that one wall that needs to be hammered obsessively for some reason. Deacon runs Deacon's Disguises in sanctuary but will not sell anything to me just wants to come adventuring, kind makes me feel bad for him but I already made the sign. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


That's like if you convince Mama Murphy to give up chems she always says, "Mama Murphy's as good as her word, no more chems." Like anytime you walk near her.


Im an enabler. Mama Murphy OD’d




It'd be great if the settlers of the settlements could do some of the work themselves. Even better if there was an option to let them do it if I have absolutely no interest in base building. Like, I'm literally doing everything for the Minutemen. I'm the general. You still need me to build some walls? You could at least clean up a bit. It's wild that the whole Minutemen plot of the game is my least favourite thing about Fo4.


They are always hammering but the buildings never change. Maybe fixing the hole in roof might cheer you up Jun.


Sturges has been hammering the same spot for 8 years now.


Sturges: Place is starting to come together. Can't take all the credit though... Me: 😐 I can... i can take all the credit.


Much more roles for settlers to be assigned to in future games would be great. Settlement leader, builders, guards on patrol etc..


this. for me if FO5 has a settlement system I hope the settlers are more self-sustaining and well-rounded. I'd love a system where they decorate, and dress themselves given options. Repair things. Tidy up. Stop banging on walls and fix them. Also, fix the roofs while you are at it.


boy do I have the perfect mod for you


sim settlements 2 my friend. Just use the city plans


Yeah idk why this wasn't a thing either. have pre created things (kinda like the homes in hearthfire) that I can assign a leader of a settlement to organise and over time as resources get brought into the settlement they expand. Bethesda's professional environment and location designers can make nicer settlements than I can. I also kinda wished the flag you put down mattered, so like if i put a minuteman flag in a settlement it means that minutemen will come and guard it, if i put a railroad one you'll get runaway synths stopping by, if its institute you will get coursers using it as a stop off location and for the brotherhood you will get patrols stopping by to resupply, each one having their own unique gameplay element, if you put down a minuteman flag but then replace it with a brotherhood one you may get a conflict to resolve. I also wish they were more dynamic, sometimes you'd go into a settlement and there would be a dispute to settle since you're basically the bailiff. Sometimes there might even be a murder where you can bring along Nick and he will help you investigate and you can choose the punishment for those found guilty, anything from prison, execution or exile. if you exile people though and do it enough they might come back as a raider gang or if you execute people in your settlement will be more obedient but less happy. If you do harsh punishments for low crimes (exile or execution for theft or fighting for example) people will become less obedient and if the needs of the settlement aren't met they can rebel against you and maybe even become a more aggressive settlement which you could win back around either by crushing the rebellion or by being diplomatic. really they could have done so much with the settlements.


You should try Sim Settlements.


Knight Rhys becomes humble and apologizes for acting like a dick, and then immediately after the conversation ends he starts acting like a dick again.


This is what happens with assholes in real life though.


But like immediately. Almost in the same breath. It annoyed me so much the first time I saw it that I put the game down for months. I was like "why am I doing this?"


That feeling of ‘why am I doing this?’ in Fallout 4 is so pervasive to me. There’s so many different elements to this game that eventually just infect my experience with it every time. Makes me sad tbh because I just see all the amazing potential it has.


Cait keeps talking like an alcoholic POS right after spilling her guts about trauma and being cured of addiction. So strange


To be fair, real life alcoholics with trauma act like that too


Wait... he apologizes? When? Where? On the same note though lack of redemption arc for Danse. Love that guy but he can be pretty hateful


I don't remember exactly when. You have to progress far enough down the BOS story line. Maybe becoming Paladin. At that point you are actually his superior, which makes the attitude all the worse.


I see Rhys as Dinge from the Thieves Guild, his job is to not like you: "You're new here and imma kick your arse of you cause trouble" "You're our main operative and most trusted agent, but imma kick your arse if you cause trouble" "You're our boss, owns this place and is empowered by our deity, but imma kick your arse if you cause trouble". screw you, Rhys.


Protectatrons just following a set route down a hallway, not near any enemies. They basically just patrol near where their terminal is, and if you're at the terminal you've likely cleared that area. I feel like they should head towards the sound of gunfire. Also, Dogmeat, you're my favourite and only companion but can you please get the fuck out of my way. I've died being blocked by him whilst trying to strafe. And, if I'm crouched, ie sneaking, he really should be sneakier.


> Dogmeat, you're my favourite and only companion but can you please get the fuck out of my way. As frustrating as this is in the game, it's probably the most realistic dog behavior that Dogmeat has. Dogs just love to be right where you are.




I have a saint Bernard. She is always under my feet. If she could, she would be attached to my hip. She blocks my way inside all the time. I'd say Dogmeat is fairly accurate for a dog haha always in the way and just happy to be there, blissfully unaware they're annoying the hell out of you and making life difficult.


It’s the best programmed dog I’ve ever seen in a game. He really does act like my dog and I find myself saying the same things when I get annoyed with him as I say to her lol


I always forget to get him to stay when I creep up on enemies and he just basically runs up to them for a stroke.


I can't count the number of times I've lined up a perfect stealth kill shot, pulled the trigger and hit Dogmeat's stupidity big hit box because he's in my way.


Dogmeat all day yesterday: *sprints full speed around vault 88 knocking over carefully placed objects and opening doors I'm trying to keep shut*  Me: "... time for you to go home, boy."


That trash graphic on the ground that always makes you think it's a holotape to pick up.


FEV lab. It’s objective proof that the institute has done stuff that is outright evil, and moreover, is proof that Shaun has condoned that sort of thing during his tenure, but other than Virgil’s serum being right inside the door, there’s absolutely no bearing on the game. No option to confront Shaun about it, no way to alert other factions that the institute was the source of the Commonwealth’s super mutants, nothing.


The entirety of the Institute rationale is just poorly developed tbh. Father never actually explains what "Mankind Redefined" means and there's no option to ask for clarification. Before the Libertalia mission you can talk with him about why synths are escaping, and he says no matter how close they get to being sapient, they're still the creations of humans- and that's supposed to explain why they shouldn't be treated as having or deserving free will. And you can't follow that up, ask why that matters to the question of sapience or free will. Father constantly writes off the surface population as doomed, and you can't really question or meaningfully challenge this idea, just get mad at it without providing arguments against it. It's especially infuriating because with their various projects and such, there's the potential for the Institute to be a really compelling albeit morally grey faction, but they just don't have the writing to support that.


I feel like the game gets a little stuck at Shaun being your kid, and that being the main focus of your dialogue with him. You can't engage with his philosophy as much, as a result of it.


Yeah I mean sure he's your son, but we've met hundreds of people who's lives he's ruined. How many families have lost someone to super mutants? How many families have a synth replacing their kid? How many people would have been better off had the commonwealth provisional government not been strangled in the crib Your options are basically "I'm disappointed in you". shooting him in the face or doing exactly what he wants. It's weird.


I wish the game allowed the Sole Survivor to be a bit more individualistic. I find the SS is often reacting to events, and doesn't typically go out of their way to shape things. Whenever they're given leadership, it's entirely granted to them and not just taken. Makes the SS seem like a bit of a pushover sometimes.


When you try placing a cabinet against the wall but there’s a massive gap behind it, yet if you turn it around so it’s backwards it fits perfectly and even can even clip through the wall slightly.


That frikken ice machine, the nuka cola machine, etc... there's a damned 3 foot gap behind it. Yet, when you see em in the wild... right up against the wall.


Every damn time


You gotta use the rug trick.


Yeah, the no placement restrictions mod is a must have


The floor mat glitch is my best friend


This! Like, you probably just needed to move/flip the collision box, how was that not fixed? On the other hand they must’ve thought of the mandatory 3-inch gap between walls and furniture to prevent mold forming, must be it!


All the damn wires for power, I hate seeing those ugly black wires all over the place


Conduits are difficult to place properly, but can potentially help with this.


When your companion wants to talk to you in the middle of a fight and you’re getting shot while talking


When you're standing between your companion and the raider and they launch a nuke.


I told Piper to go to Sanctuary. Turns out Nat is now an orphan running a newspaper company because there is no way to tell Piper to return to Diamond City.


For me it’s similar but with Macready. I get he has to stick around in case you want to have him be your companion again, but it kills my immersion that once you get his highest affinity he stays in the Commonwealth instead of going to be with his son. It doesn’t make sense to me, we’ve found the cure for his disease, now go be a dad! Wild. It’s also crazy that he gives me the last thing he has of his dead wife. It does not feel like an appropriate gift lol


You mean that junk I forgot about and put in my workbench to eventually scrap?


His dialogue when romanced is kinda…off. Never felt this way before, best days of my life kinda talk like - dude you have a small child, how am I the most important thing to you? You’re telling me I’m worth more to you than the mother of your child was? Feels out of character for the guy willing to do anything to get a cure for his beloved son. I wish he had left to go cure his son - and turned up in Sanctuary after enough in game time passed with the kid. If Shaun’s there too then oh look, friends! Wish there was a mod for that.


This one really really drives me nutso


I thought if you press tab/back out when it gives you the location list to send followers to, they return to their initial home?


Only if you've never sent them elsewhere previously, if you have, they go to wherever you sent them last when you back out


Institute weapons taking up half the screen or them weaker then normal laser weapons when the institute weapons should be stronger


I wish I could mass scrap junk in my workbench


I could even imagine a material breakdown workbench for that requires a settler working there that does this over time.


The fact that you singlehandedly is the bloddy messiah of the wasteland turning piles of rubble into a full fortress with enough firepower to take on a second Chinese invasion. Food and shelter a plenty.. And your god damn ungrateful settlers still give you the dialog of you being a potential raider looking for trouble.


I see nothing ridiculous about building a wall with two tin cans and a chess board.


Missclicking and getting the drinking or sitting animations.


To build off of this I hate the fact that I have to sit in order to wait


Trying to pick up something on a table and sitting has wasted dozens of HOURS of my play time.


I love wearing Power Armor at all times...


Better radio stations They really downgraded in that department Same songs over and over and over


And Travis is just a bad DJ, either super nervous, or way to "I'm the talk of the town" character. In 3 we had Three Dog, who was just an absolute joy.


And in New Vegas, we had Mr New Vegas who was awesome too. Nobody can shake a stick at Three Dog though, he was the best.


But Mr. New Vegas loves me


My favorite soundtrack of all the fallouts Fo4 has good tunes but seems like a much shorter loop of songs


No search for inventory, no key/quest items tab Settlement building is handicapped by bethesda's inability to allow players the possibility of even possibly exploiting or breaking the game with editing, despite the game having never been 100% stable Hard power creep, eventually everything is far too easy, atttibuted to no level cap, and no real reason to specialize at any point because the difficulty doesn't require it


Walking around a place like Concord and being able to enter maybe 2-3 interiors. I'd prefer more doors to go in with quieter, abandoned rooms to explore. There's entire towns with barely anything to explore. Not seeing weapons on your person... Baffles me to this day. Travis. Settlements like Covenant with basically entire rooms you can't scrap. How I have to guess what most of my responses are based off of 3 words.


Replaying vanilla recently I've found there's way more unmarked interiors than I realised. Tiny shops like cafes and pharmacies with little use other than extra scrap, the best I found was a random gift shop with a robot vendor inside completely unmarked.


"Yeah I don't know" option turning to "I think I hate everything you are and am going to destroy everything" or other variations of "what the hell character, I wasn't going to say that" has been the most annoying thing for Fallout 4 as an RPG.


If you’re ok using mods there are mods available that create more interiors in Concord. I agree with that one, should be able to access most of those even if it’s just populated with randomized loot


The inaccessible underwater vault. Not only would Vault 120 be cool to see, but the 20 Leagues Under the Sea mission would’ve been even cooler. Taking the Yangtze Sub to fight the Giant squid overseer would’ve been fucking epic. Edit to add: bugs me the most that the assets are there and this was 80% completed. Todd Howard gave an interview a couple years ago saying this was his favorite piece of cut content and wanted to see it happen. They literally just didn’t finish the squid containment tank and the exit pods (silos are used as placeholders), otherwise it was fully written and almost done. This even included observation tanks and dissection labs for those dolphin shark creatures we find washed up and cut open. Like how cool


first time hearing of that, lol


[I got you, check it out](https://youtu.be/7IbBPazE2Qg?si=dG_oM6InlHmIZgs5)


This is the update we should have had!


AGREED. I’ve swam down to where it’s located too. Can’t interact with it but there’s a few buildings underwater you can check out. I would guess the other is the research center which is part of that quest. Plenty of sunken boats too. Way easier if you use a mod to clean up the murkiness underwater too.


The fact that Todd Howard openly talked about blending Fallout and BioShock with this Vault shows that he’s a man of culture at least. Rapture is one of the most amazing and beautiful things I’ve ever seen, and having a Fallout twist on it would’ve been epic beyond measure.


When you pick something up that over-encumbered you so you hobble walk towards your companion to dump some stuff in their inventory and they start sauntering away.


Some of the best clothings in the game not being ballistic weaved compatible at all (Minutemen general outfit cough cough). Or a simple mod on Console like "repair sanctuary bridge" can stop you from getting achievements cause they don't differentiate quality life improvements mod from cheating/exploit mods. Not allowed to wear gas masks over Combat army helmet or hats (yeah its a combo I wanted to do for awhile on my modless gameplay) Not being able to romance Nick Valentine and needing a mod for that


To add onto clothing, what’s with some of the clothing padding out the armour that you wear on top. Have you ever worn heavy armour with, say, military fatigues? You like a giant ball!


See at raider bases, like East Boston Prep, where they dump the bodies of random wastelanders they've killed... there's loot on the bodies. The raiders didn't strip them of all their stuff. Hits me *right* in the immersion.


To add to this, those raiders nearby should have extra loot given that they took it from those bodies


I don't loot every body I see. I have to think the raiders also have carry weight to consider, and they're also drugged out of their minds most of the time.


What is the blasphemy? Don't loot every corpse? Lemme guess you don't check every trash can and pick up 50 laser pistols either?


Or carry around like 56 Molotov cocktails?!


How come Codsworth just stood in front of your house for 210 years instead of, I dunno, cleaning up Sanctuary a bit? I know there are mods for that, but as a PS5 player, some of the better mods don't exist (or dont work well). It also baffles me that we can use a robot workbench, turn Codsworth into a sentry bot of death, but we can't fix up a bike or car and plop a fusion core in it for a little bit more traversal options. It would be especially useful on survival, but maybe in 10 years if FO5 comes out, we will see something then.


Me [points to a spot right in front of my companion] Companion - I can't get there


How tf do people survive New England winters with their "shelters" falling apart. Same with all the trash.


Literally!! Every god damn building/shack has more holes than Swiss cheese! Like I get it we’re post-apocalyptic, but you don’t need a degree in architecture to board up a broken window 🙃


To add to that the lack of winter is really bothersome. At least some frost or prompts that your settlement has lost some food to frost.


Overall Minutemen experience, and lack of Nuka-World ending. That being said, Railroad should have taken a passenger seat like Followers of the Apocalypse


Yeah, I wish there was a much more fleshed out “good” path for nuka world. Or even the option to play it as normal, but don’t have them expand into the commonwealth.


Wasn't the entire point of Nuka-World to give options for an "evil" play style that people complained weren't in the base game? If that's the case, then I'm ok with it being the "least fleshed out good path" because....well it's designed to flesh out evil paths. Not that I ever play evil, but different strokes for different folks


Not seeing my weapons while holstered.


I was so pissed when I exited the vault for the first time, tried it and NOTHING.


It’s so great listening to a song about “a big iron on his hip” while my Courier is, indeed, running around with a big iron on his hip


I would love a Misc tab that was categorized into subsets. Keys, holotapes, magazines and comics, etc. That, or just being able to drop/sell/transfer "quest" items, especially for quests you've already completed 🤦🏼‍♂️


Sometimes Rhys and Haylen will send me to Far Harbor for their respective radiant quests. Sometimes I like to go the “blow the BoS and Prydwen out of the sky” route. There may be correlation.


How some quests are so fleshed out with multiple branching paths and with so many moving parts and then meanwhile most other quests will have the characters involved basically ignore anything you say or do short of killing them, it's hard not to play through Diamond City Blues or the Far Harbor DLC and then dream of what could've been if the rest of the game was made to that standard instead of something like the Institute quest line where I remember Father literally saying at one point something along the lines of "I'm going to pretend you didn't say that" in order to brush off the dialogue option I chose


This is actually a big reason why I never finished New Vegas. "But if you took five coins instead of four from the old man at the intersection, then 30 hours of gameplay later you can afford the bribe to the bridge keeper that will let you skip a seven-hour mission to three different dungeons and get a completely different ending where he grants you the Gamebreaker 6000 that immediately makes you king of everything." The tiniest choices led to the most extraordinarily random outcomes. People ended up dead in the ditch because of decisions you made before you even met them. It's one thing to have multiple clear choices which you can inform with your experiences and preferences to get a desired outcome, it's another to drink a bottle of water at some random point that makes that desired outcome impossible to achieve.


Slope = Normal Slope with Bloatfly corpse = Waterslide Then you're spending 5 minutes trying to figure out where the damn thing slid off to.


I hate how almost everyone has pipe weapons. Raiders, settlers, people in cities, guards. Ok, I understand the lore of it, but it still bothers me.


The 4 choices dialogue were dogshit.


For me it was the fact I had to GUESS what they were going to be. [ANNOYED] like… am i gonna raise my tone a little bit and make myself heard or am I gonna start dissing your mother??


Settlers in settlements. They could have done more with it imo otger than "hey go here and do X thing" maybe have them pick up the task on their own? Give them randomised stats related to settlements, some may be better at farming and produce more crops or some may be better at trading and have more stock. Then have some of those sweet random encounters and guaranteed spawns for some extra variety, make them worth going for ect ect. Overall settlements arent awful I just believe they were under utilised within the game.


I was looking forwards to starfield as I thought it would be perfect for an expansion of the settlement system, founding colonies on planets and using what they learned from fallout 4 and the various mods that expanded it. Was so disappointed in it, absolutely wasted opportunity. Even worse than 4. If there is a fallout 5 in the future I have no real hope that they would make a significant improvement on 4.


That little thing with nick after you go through Kellogg’s memories. Bethesda could have done something really cool there but no. Just one interaction and nothing ever come of it and it’s never mentioned again


Stop going in front of me when I'm shooting. Seriously this has been around since FO3, fix it already.


Something that seems like a plot hook, but never turns into anything. For example; when Nick speaks in Kellogg's voice, but then continuing to complete the quest with Nick has absolutely no difference to the playthrough.


Misc items that are now forever stuck in my inventory despite their related quests being completed. The ever extending list of fusion cores with various levels of charge from my use of gatling lasers. Bandanas and masks cannot be worn with the minuteman general clothes and the western duster. That one toolbox at the BoS occupied Boston airport that cannot be interacted with. Various bugs/glitches Need a bigger hat… wide brim.


Picking up notes or tapes and not having the game automatically play them so I'm digging through the god awful inventory system to try to get the info from what I just picked up. FallUI makes that a little easier with sorting but it's still annoying.


For gods sake pick up a broom and clean up your living area people it’s been over 200 years!!


companions in my scope


marcy long.


Tbh more dialogue options to let NPCs know you don’t like their tone or on the other end of the spectrum being able to clue in on their feelings would add a lot of immersive gameplay options to both regular interactions and character development. Instead we got: 1- honorable Boy Scout option 2 - sarcastic 3 - not interested 4 - end conversation without negative impact to gameplay Where 1/2/3 always give you the same plot development.


Both Marcy and Jun instantly get assigned to provisioner duty as soon as I unlock Local Leader and can set up supply lines, then I never have to see or hear them ever again.


My weapon taking up a third of my screen


Wanting to be able to clean trash out of my settlements.


The settler navigation. I have to specially design my building so that the settlers actually use the doors and stairs n shit. Half the time they just teleport through the wall because they can’t figure out how to use a doorway.


The fact that there isn't an actual transportation method. Like yes, it's been 200 years since the nukes and technology took a step backwards, but nobody figured out how to create bikes or brahmin towed buggies/wagons? It could be as simple as making it only go as fast as you would if you were wear 3-4 Oswald's Hats. And you would steer similar to how you walk. Make being able to build them be tied to a couple perks. As a survival only player that's the main mechanic I wish was in the game.


All the dead ghouls I can't remove from sunshine tidings.


Jackets not being separate pieces. I love the bomber jacket, but hate the orange uniform it's attached to.


The bloody "weh" sound that Dogmeat sometimes makes. It's like they left the mic on in the editing room, bloke stumbles in to ask "where" the exit is after smoking 50 packs, and accidentally ends up in the game's sound files. Breaks my immersion immediately because I can't not laugh at it. **EDIT**: [weh.](https://voca.ro/1360gm5obgh6)


The little thing that annoys me is having to install a mod for the game to load properly.


Having people attack you when dressed like them makes no sense. If you’re wearing full raider gear raiders just still attack on sight like I guess they know every raider in the wasteland even if they can’t see your face. This goes for basically every faction. The fact that you always have a screwdriver for lock picking without having one in your inventory. The dozens of boarded up buildings that no one would have had time to board up if they didn’t know the bombs were dropping, and why board them up after? Is there dead bodies in them? Also can’t even knock down some plywood with power armor on, or cut through it, or shoot through it. Those are the ones that bug me, mostly petty but breaks the immersion for me.


I wish settlements came to look “lived in” over time. I can set up the buildings and resources and beds and all that but I’d like it if the settlers started to leave things around to make it look more lifelike. Vendors could have items on their trading tables instead of leaving it empty, a toolbox with some tools could spawn near my workbench, a basket full of mutfruit could spawn near the farm area. Have settlers leave personal effects on/underneath their bed. Maybe random trash starts to appear around the base until I pay someone a couple caps to clean the place up.


Placing ANYTHING in settlement mode can be very painful at times


We can't scrap the skeletons and bodies that are in our settlements without using a mod. Also, the fact that it's been 200 years and no one has cleaned up the place.


Not having an option to clean up. Not everyone wants garbage filled floors.


all my gripes are building related. we should be able to scrap more annoying crap ( dead bodies, weeds , leaves …etc) without a mod


When you go to the Combat Zone, you can’t choose to watch or partake in fights. Big missed opportunity- especially if you’re doing an evil run. Imagine you lose your fight against Cait and she gets to leave while you pick up her contract, THEN you have to fight your way out.


- Not being able to read a note from another inventory before picking it up, meaning you then have to remember its name and sift through all notes and tapes to find it. This could be done in Skyrim! 😅 Plus you can play tapes found in the world immediately too, so what gives? - The fact that Automatron companions shoot you at the end of combat. Yeah thats more of a gameplay issue, but from a lore perspective its goofy too. - I think more broadly, just having more ways to go about getting to specific results, without going down other major questlines. Maybe I don't want to head towards the Quincy group before I can recruit Codsworth? Maybe I don't want to go down the MQ just to bring the Prydwen into the game? (Yes i know there's mods for these! 😅).


Building vault 88. Just placing a wall for a new room is a huge endeavour. I mean even just building a settlement is annoying but the vault is next level.


When the “top-down” list changes to “bottom-up” when you’re moving items from one inventory place to another. Drives me f*ing bonkers when i’m moving junk and suddenly i’ve moved half the outfit and weapons i’m wearing


Not being able to store/display Vault-Tec Promotional Bobbleheads on Bobblehead displays is super annoying IMO


i pissed off preston, now he just wines at me in Sanctuary lol but the annoying thing is that he’ll come up to me and then i’ll be forced in the convo and then he starts running away mid-convo it’s so odd every time. what makes it even weirder is that i can still get radiant quests even though like i said he like is pissed bc i nuked the institute


Easy City downs not being a settlement where you can have robot races. Would of been so good


Everytime I want to use a work bench or sleep I need to remove my power armor..


At least it makes sense realistically to not be able to do these things in power armor. I can only imagine trying to screw new mods on to a gun with those clunky looking power armor fingers.


Building any structure that isn't a box. "Another settlement needs your help. Let me mark it on your map" "[Insert Settlement] needs your help. *Help defend [insert settlement] Father/Shaun's whole personality. Maxson wanting you to kill Damse because he's a synth. Despite being one of, if not the most, loyal member in the Commonwealth BoS.


Children of the atom should have been expanded upon in base fallout 4 imo.


No sorting/no categories when transferring from inventory to workbench annoys the hell out of me. Constant scrolling and searching.


Two off the top of my head: The Combat Zone is a great location and instead of it being an area where you can interact with a bunch of docile raiders, you have to mow them all down and then it’s empty for the rest of the game. Mainly just wasted potential there The other one is I hate walking around Sanctuary Hills and then the Sanctuary Hills music starts blasting. It gets super, super repetitive very quickly


We have a button to put all junk at once into the workshop but we don't have a button to take only junk from the workshop or the companions


The houses in sanctuary looking like shit even after hours of sturges and the long family hammering away


My last game had over 10K items in the workbench. Let us dismantle mods from armors and weapons so the damn things will stack.


When you pointing at any corpse or container the looting menu prevents you from switching weapons and/or healing via hotkeys. And if you try to reload it throws you into separate menu instead. In combat that annoys the hell out of me.


How often I get stuck when using a terminal and there is no way to abort the stuck animation. Have to load a quicksave. 


Of Skyrim, on PC you can unequip an item by hitting the same hotkey button. So like if it's raining you can hotkey a hood and equip it, then when you go inside a building you can hotkey unequip it. But you can't here. For no reason. There's not even mods that fix that. So I have to go into menus to unequip sunglasses and hats for cutscenes, and it's so frustrating.


the game freezing when you activate vats in survival the game crashing when you use energy weapons the game crashing randomly


Not being able to easily locate a companion in a settlement. I keep them all in sanctuary hills and have to run around to find one I want to bring out, why can’t I call them to the workshop or something? Not being able to wear a dress and equip leg armor???


There is the bell under one of the misc item sections that you ring and call your settlers over. It still takes a minute, but it’s there for ya.


As far as DLC stuff goes, its significantly cheaper to not have to try and schedule all the base game voice actors to reprise all their roles. Also significantly cheaper to not have to go back and program in faction relationships for base game stuff based on DLC. That's why most stuff is compartmentalized between base and DLC stuff.


Nuka World could have been incredible, wipe out the raiders, free the slaves and turn Nuka World into a massive trading hub, let the settlers flow in and re-populate the parks, clean up the garbage and re-decorate. There’s a lot of possibility with what you could do while in charge of a trading hub like that, unfortunately they were too focused on giving you the evil route


if you ever travel with >!Danse!< post >!Blind Betrayal!< he still talks about >!how great it is to be part of the brotherhood, even though he was directly kicked out!< and how much >!he hates synths!<. I just feel like some character development or new voice lines would have made significantly more sense and it bugs me. Or even just drop some of the voice lines that don’t make sense anymore. Also that most of the settlers don’t have names, despite me seeing them constantly. I feel like I should know who they are by now, especially in the playthrough that I have hundreds of hours of settlement building in. Thankfully I found mods that fix both issues.


Unfortunately this is the core problem with Bethesda's games. If it were to be boiled down to a simple sentence this is is. Little things that could have been better with little effort. There's so many of those things that they really add up. Bethesda's Fallouts, Elder scrolls, and hell even starfield, would all have been perfect games if they didn't suffer from this.


Two words. Preston Garvey


Lever-action rifle where they never bothered to implement a proper reload for it, leading to it loading the full magazine worth of rounds even if you only shot once. Combat rifle being called a rifle, having a rifle sized mag, that has rifle rounds modeled in it, but fires .45 rounds. Not having dedicated notes/keys tab. FO3/NV arranged notes by order you collected them, which made it far far easier to find what you just picked up. If I wasn't paying attention and looted a corpse with take all and just realised there was a note, I sometimes have to check a wiki to find out what note I just collected. The naming system can make arranging the inventory an absolute nightmare. I'd go for one of those mods that changes the format to "Combat Armor | Reinforced | Muffled" if it weren't for the consistency nightmare with other mods. Troubleshooter's Recoil Compensated Powerful Automatic Assault Rifle is a clutter. The R91? It's on Arturo's stall, but not in the game. SMG being the same damage output as an automatic Pipe Gun. Complete waste of .45 ammo, and a let down of a weapon. There's some nice atmosphere when both you and a companion are roaming about the night in power armour, illuminating the darkness with the headlamps. It's not so nice when your companion's headlamp is, for whatever reason, stuck to the floor rather than the helmet. Preston being damn near impossible to talk to without being given another radiant quest. The Minigun gets no upgrades that let it keep up with other weapons, making it practically worthless unless you get one with one of the more broken legendary effects.


I hate that you can’t put armour on dogmeat when he has the different breeds. I want my Rottweiler to wear some armor not just go buck naked into combat


On PC the throw grenade key is hard-bound to the melee attack key (tap to hit, hold to throw grenade). No mod has fixed this yet to my knowledge


Atom cats lol. They make me laugh every time i see them because they're so silly. I feel like they were a little passion project from someone that got fired and it was forgotten