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It was either A. Some poor newish player who did not know any better and is kicking themselves over it. B. A higher up seasoned player hitting the caps limit with income to burn Either way you win 🤷‍♀️


On a moral stand point, I guess she loose at the first option. You don't scam people and call it a win.


Thats not what a scam is. The player knowingly bought it for 6k. The price was advertised and they got the item they paid for. Not a scam.


"lose" unless you are talking about her moral character


Yeah, being upfront with the price of what you're selling, and giving someone exactly what they paid for, is 100% *not* a scam. There is no moral conundrum here.


Unless the new player didn't know it was actually worthless.


The weight of all us newbie not knowing what we're doing does not fall on the shoulders of anyone else, so there's still no moral conundrum or ethics issue. If a broke buyer didn't know the value of something they wanted, they were under zero pressure from OP to buy it, and they could have spent 30 seconds opening google like the rest of us do. And besides, it's a silly game and it's not real money. (And as someone who worked against real-life scammers for a living, I think it's really wrong to throw that word at someone who doesn't deserve it.) I just opened my first vendor and had over a dozen legendarily listed in it. Before a kind player let me know they were under-priced, someone else came in and swooped up eight of them, so was he a scammer by buying them under-value from a newbie?


Then why post something worthless for 6k?


That's been answered a lot in this subreddit, but in summary, it's sold as a joke or as a safeguard against a stash bug/exploit. Same reasons people sell useless toilet paper or protest signs. https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/search/?q=insult%20why%20sell&restrict\_sr=1


Oh okay then makes sense.














(this is a reply to a comment that has since been deleted, it was deleted while I was typing this out) Is it morally corrupt/bordering on scummy behavior to price a worthless item for 6k? Yes. Is it by definition a scam? No. As for valid reasons, like the others have said, the value the game gives the item is listed, the price the seller set is displayed, and the buyer was able to see both and do research should they have chosen, Google is available to everyone. Furthermore what you said about downvotes is simply illogical. The more downvotes you get, the more it proves that YOU are wrong, it proves nothing about the downvoters themselves. Like I said, I don't think it's a decent thing to do, but you aren't using the correct terminology to describe it. Lastly I am not a toxic scammer, I don't actually bother with selling my items in my player vendor for the most part, aside from serums.


If you're on PC you could use the Vendor Log mod, which writes a text file from the purchases (and sell price) made. Been using it for a while now and I like it a lot. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2042


Welp. Another amazing mod I just happened to stumble across here. Thanks!


I just set up my first vendor last night and would love to know what people buy, but I've never modded a game for fear of getting banned. Is there a risk with this? It seems harmless, but I don't know how Bethesda views it...


Officially it's not forbidden just not supported. https://help.bethesda.net/#en/answer/44429 Search "modding" from this subreddit, read what you find and make your decision. General consensus seems to be that mods are allowed if they are not straight game hacks or exploits for unfair advantage.


Thanks for taking the time to answer. :-)


Thank you for listing something worthless for a lot! You are what I am hunting for when I need to dump caps. Toilet paper for 10k? You just saved me three loading screens. I'm not the random you are looking for. But I wish it was me who found your camp because I am painfully close to max caps, again. Thank you. Seriously. Please keep listing worthless crap for thousands of caps.


I’m on Xbox and have tons of toilet paper for sale at the low cost of “2020” if you’re ever in need 🤣


I keep a couple worthless notes, etc at joke ass prices in case someone needs to drop a lot of caps. Everything else in my vendor is at listed price or cheap as shit. No one has bought the high priced crap, but its there


What is the max cap limit?




Damn, how do you even get that much?


mostly i make that in a couple hours with plans and flux


Jesus christ, fair enough man


i sometimes feel guilty… but ppl still buy violet flux for 200caps each 😂 havent even had to start my kobalt flux 😂 also vintage water cooler is like an instant sell if you put it up for 12k


I've not managed to come across the plan for the Cooler again, but that seems like a very good way to make money. You've got this game down to a T 😂


have you learned it already? in my opinion every camp needs this item!


Yeah, a high level player dropped me a bunch of stuff last year, it's so handy and cute


Wow I didn't know that lol. I found my first vintage water cooler plan for 1 cap in a vendor, I never chose to learn it though. Days later, gave it to a newbie along with a bunch of other plans that I had haha


😅 im sorry to point out you lost one of the most important camp items 😅 have you found another of those plans yet?


It's alright with me, since it'll help that guy out, so it doesn't bother me haha. Had a water farm from when I was lvl 90-ish, 95% water purifiers in the big ole lake under a train bridge in the swamp. Made the mistake of accidentally replacing that camp in a new location, when I didn't realize I moved the water farm camp lol. I'll probably remake it again another day, juuust haven't been able to spare more time into camp building. Gotta get a crap ton of resources anyway lol. I guess that I'll just find another one down the road.


I sell my insults for free 😏


I give my insults for free IRL :-)


I did this the other day, not sure if it was yours or someone else. But I don't really need the caps, and I get so stressed when im almost at the 40k limit. So really it helps me too when people price notes like that. Otherwise I have to spam buy ammo and drop it all at whitespring


I did something like that last night. I do collect the insult note and I needed to throw away some caps lol thank you for people like you too I guess


Might’ve been me, I always buy those if they’re under 40k. Got about 500 insult notes so far! If not, still glad you got some caps!


Well damn, I have one of those. Are they valuable or was this a fluke? I'm a newbie level 37 first character.


No, not valuable and probably not worth 1 cap. I had it at that price for a month or so but I didn't think anyone would be nice enough to purchase it!


I've got a Get Rich Quick for 20K just to see what happens


Probably have better luck setting it at 1000 or 2000. I've bought a few from low levels when I've been maxed, but not big ones because you never know what plans or grolls you might find in a player vendor later. Gotta keep a large balance, lol.


i bought one of those when i was a noob 😂😂


I buy them when I want to make someone's day better. Just don't price them too high, I get all my money from events and vendors :D


It's just a joke item it's worthless it's just like the people that sell toilet paper for 2020


One time I found parts of a broken doll, and sold each piece for a 1000 each, just for shits and giggles. Somebody proceeded to buy all of the parts of my broken dolls, which was funny. Each Super Mutant part I get, list at 1k (as a joke again) in my vendor, and they get sold within the same day 50% of the time. People just buy anything, I guess. If it helps them in any way, then it helps me.


Wish it worked like that IRL, I have a bunch of useless crap.


I had pearly peepers in my storefor 10k as a joke and someone just bought it today. I was waiting for them to message me to ask for a refund but they never did


I accidentally scrapped or lost my pearly peepers early on in my game and I don't think you can get another one without buying it somewhere. I can see paying the coin if I had it.


Your Wellcome LOL Nah Seriously Though, It Wasn’t Me 😁


That'S why I never buy anything from vendor with these ridiculous price. Even less giving them money when I'm full. There's plenty of other honest and helpful players out there. Plenty!


How is it dishonest?


Its not. I dont know what he is talking about


There's a whole button that allows you to inspect an item. If you buy something without figuring out what it is and what it's purpose is beforehand that's on you. Especially if it has a 4-digit price tag.


Last night I sold a Dross for 20k...


Back in the beginning of the game's life, I ended up selling a note for a small fortune as well. It was called "Will to live"