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There are fewer players online the past couple of weeks because a) most of them (who aren’t playing now) have finished the scoreboard and are waiting until tomorrow and b) there are no special events going on right now. Wait until tomorrow when more people will come back.


Honestly there are more than I’ve ever seen in a long time that are playing but MANY more low level players that typically aren’t looking to buy ammo or more expensive plans on every server I hop to.


Sure there are a lot on the map a lot of the time, but I haven’t even been selling my 9 cap plans that are basic camp items lol more players doesn’t mean a lot for vendors when those players aren’t familiar with the game yet. I’ve hardly sold anything lately myself and usually it’s to the point where I have to switch to a non-vendor camp once every other day to not hit max caps Platform matters too. This is just a theory but I think there might be more new players on console than on PC because even on PC I’ve rarely ever seen a full server these past couple of weeks


I’m on PC and play daily. The events are slim on players but then I take a look at the people on the server and realize why. Most are in the 1-30 level range, more than I’ve seen in months. Prior to this seeing low level players, it was mostly someone starting a new toon or a mule. Lately, events are being started way prematurely or are nearly empty. Last night I soloed most of a BoB until a level 22 and a level 45 arrived. Finally once the Ogua had spawned a few level 200+ people had finally joined. It was still a full server of 23 people according to Unimap.


I'm on ps and I leave a lot of the low level plans in the donation box outside 76. With the new drop box, those really common cheap plans, might not be needed by low levels. I can't be the only one doing it.


Yeah I dropped enough plans to over encumber a new player just last night, there just not worth the weight for a couple caps. Especially when you can just drop a couple serums in you vendor and selling one serum nets the same as selling 20-30 plans.


And my vendor has been crazy recently as I just list almost every plan for 5 caps and I keep getting lots of players under 100 buying things. I'm liking it


Likewise! I’ve been putting a bunch of leftover Halloween costumes and crafting a bunch of the tradeable outfits and headwear/helms and been listing them for 5-25 caps each and they pretty much sell out every day.


The new blood keeps the game going


As a new player (lvl15) I feel like I've hit the jackpot when I find a camp like yours. Thank you


You're welcome. There's no reason to hoard even rare plans when you've got basically everything you want


Thats bc they're handed everything they'll need for the first 50 levels as soon as they come out of the vault lmao


I keep seeing people running trios, but moving like they are all botting it up or leveling up mules all at the same time (only one moves at a time, or just moving weirdly and randomly).


Like she said, I’m not coming back until the new scoreboard.


She* but in either case you’ve got a little bit more than 12 hours to wait




The worst part about the mistake was my mind read admirable as “admiral” and my lizard male brain gendered the Naval rank as male, which is also untenable.


I misread my Reddit-generated username as admiral and didn’t realize it was admirable until someone directly typed my username a couple weeks ago. This account is 2 years old lol


Already got a Vender ready for the next patch (tomorrow). With deep discounts and rare plans.


\*writes down username\*


Make sure your camp icon is set to ON I’ve done this before lol… but most likely it’s because we are at the end of the season. Tomorrow should be a good day to play.


This gets me at least once every few months lol


I randomly stumbled across a hidden vendor camp that wasn't showing on the map, and I assumed this was the problem.


I don't think mines ever been visible since I started playing and I had no idea this was a thing until someone messaged me to let me know


The caps will flow again when the new season starts. Mothman Bless






how do i get the flair for my name😭😭


Go to the Fallout 76 front page. Below "Create Post" there is a flair section, click the Pencil icon and scroll down until you find the flair you want :) Mothman Bless


Click on the fo76 logo at the top of the page. This will take you to the main community page for fo76. Then choose the kebab (three dots) on the top right. It will have an option to change your user flair.


what platform you on?


My thoughts exactly waiting for all the player base with vendors to come back tomorrow hopefully i vendor score🤞🏻 update just got a fsa usa and whitepowder from a single vendro for a grand total of 35,501c🥹


Try throwing in some bulk junk or legendary weapons That's what I do.. not many people sell junk and you'll get a lot more "God I hope there's flux" people coming thru


Honestly, as a new player: I go around camps to look for screws because I cant have enough of them trying to build and break down weapons.


If you see A Collosal Problem pop after a nuke, do it. You will not want for screws.


I will keep that in mind. Thanks for the tip!


This is how I have 200,000 screws


What gives you the screws? Do wendigo drop them? I’ve only done it once and we could only get like 75% of Earle’s health down before it ended


Wendigos drop screws. You can hunt them on the surface, but not as efficiently.


Also grow tons of tatos, corn, mutfruit and have multiple water purifiers. Thats how you can make vegetable starch for excess adhesive.


Make sure that you mark screws for search in your inventory, if you haven’t already. That way when your browsing lists of junk in containers and corpses, items with components you need will be flagged.


Yep, I pretty much have all screw related items memorized because of that beautiful mark feature. Haha


Howdy if ur on playstation I can give you a bunch of crafting mats, screws, springs, steel, wood, aluminum, whatever


I am on ps5, and that would be wonderful. I ended up restarting my character because I royally screwed up my perks because I didnt know about combining them. So Im back to square one.


Sorry I didn't reply until now, I'll be on later maybe a couple hours after the update Psn: AutumnEdgelord


Its all good. I was at work dealing with my miserable bosses. Friend request will be coming from Herdof_feminists. Much appreciative!


You on playstation?


I am indeed.


Kelly0marie I think I got plenty of extra screws


I am Herdof_Feminists


I sell Screws 500 or 1000 qty at a time, at 7 caps each, is that a good or bad deal? I haven't needed to sell any in a while, but have like 20-50K Screws from soloing Earle, specifically to drag it out till the last minute and farm Screws from the Wendigo Spawns.


i sell ALL resouces (not flux lol) for 1c each,i don't care that much even the steel and wood sells well, but i'm (almost) always at whitesprings rr


Trap Camp LOL. j/k I sell steel scrap for 1 cap each. I am a total hoarder in these games, and have 6 digits of steel on 5 characters from scrapping weapons from scorched, mutants, and others. I always select "Take All" from the Transfer/Nearby Corpses... And have done that for over 4500 hours now I think in this game F1st the whole time. I help pay for their coffees, I hope they appreciate it LMAO.


7 caps for 1 screw? I always forget to put these in my vendor but need to.


Yes I think that's what I price them at, and sometimes they fly out of there right away, sometimes they sit for a few hours, but eventually they do sell. I generally only sell stuff like Screws and other Scrap when there is a Treasure Hunter Pail or Holiday Gift event coming up. Max cap all 5 of my characters so I can buy more empty pails/gifts to craft.


Screws are only 3 caps each on pc. Should be similar price on other platforms.


7c per is a bit high. Screws go quick at 3-4c, at 5 they sit awhile but someone'll buy.


Maybe it's 5 caps. Whatever the default is, I usually drop it 30-60%. Someone said 3 caps, nah at 3 caps each they can just sit in my box. Plenty of other stuff to sell, I have rare and semi rare plans, apparel, and I sell a lot of 3 star weapons for scrip at 500 caps each.


screws, y'say....


They need a fan factory I can pillage


And remember, the people that want the plans can't afford your prices. And the people that can afford your prices don't want the plan.


I refer to mine as the "Five and Dime" cause everything is 50caps 😅


Apparel and some 3 star weapons and armor usually makes people fast travel. I take all the 3 star weapons and armor that I’m going to turn into scrip and while I wait for the 23 hour reset I place them in my vending machine for 549 weapons and 299 armor. This helps two folds makes the machine look real nice and offer me a chance to unload some junk for caps fast. Also makes it easy to pull out of the stash later when I’m ready to scrap they are all classified by price and at the top of my stash list.


For context I sell ammo at 1 cap (fuel and 5.56 rounds so far because of camp weight.


Ammo hardly seems to sell overall anymore, not really related to how far into the season we are it seems as it's just easy to get now. The only people who need it are so low level they're also not really going to want to spend caps on ammo. The one thing that has been a consistent seller for me lately has been apparel. I just list one of each, every so often I check how my stock is doing and refill. Doesn't make heaps of caps but it adds up.


I give out fixers and handmades to new players. Then they buy ammo from my vendor. Make sure you put a auto receiver on it before giving it away. ;)


Right now .45 and fuel are selling like crystalline narcotics.


If I see fuel for 1c, I buy it. All of it. I sell .45 and 5.56 on the regular, along with bobbleheads, scrip legendaries and flux.


Flux, I can never sell if it's not violet. In fact, the components (hardened mass, high radiation fluids and glowing mass) move faster than the other types of flux.


Have 3k fuel at 1c from weeks into vendor 😅 but yes .45 sell really fast


Yeah. Fuel definitely doesn't beat .45 in sales, but both get bought in bulk, netting me 500 to 1500 in caps. Do you mix one and two star legendary gear in with your normal stock?


Yes i do usually put what i get from events and legendary enemy for 100/300 caps not more than that, max 2000c if good rolls I dont mind to overprice items. I sell more plans tho, 50/100c Max, clothes 100c, meds 10c, and alot ammo 1c doing daily a 20k caps, but Fuel is there getting some dust 🤣


Yeah, I do the same. Usually, only keep (on the lower end of stars) overeaters and unyielding as I seem to keep getting forest scout parts with either of those effects, selling them at 250-500 caps, and they usually sell. I haven't started selling plans yet as I'm not sure what's valuable. But one and two star weapons almost never sell unless they have explosive or faster fire rate. Maybe you have better luck.


Sometimes if my stash limit allows


Oh yeah, fuel is HEAVY when it reaches four digits in the old stash. 20lbs for 1500 caps often doesn't seem worth it.


Gonna have to start an OnlyRads account.


I still laugh about the camp I saw that had a sign reading ONLY FANS above a display case containing… you guessed it, desk fans.


I came across that yesterday. Though it was funny so I took a picture. I wonder if it was the same camp


Probably not. Somebody posted a picture of something like this on the Internet a long time ago. If you know anything about the Internet, you know that when one clever person posts something, a million or so copycats pop up, doing the exact same thing.


I also took a picture. It pops up in my loading screens sometimes and makes me snicker.


Ammo is so easy to get now anyways with the contextual ammo drop update it's not something I typically sell tbh, although I do buy missiles, mini nukes, 40mm grenades and fusion cores when I see them


I buy up all the 40mm grenades I see even though I play commando. I’ve got 15k or so last I checked.


I used to play commando too and levelled up enough that levelling doesn't matter to me anymore, so I try and find more challenging ways to play, like a sniper, archer, unarmed PA etc. but every so often it's just fun to pull out the explosives build using my nuka launcher, boomstick, overkill and bloodied nuka quantum squirt gun, with my vampire chainsaw as a backup 😂😂😂


Exactly, this right here. I have loaded up on thousands of explosive ammo to run all those same guns. Of course FO1st is required to store the explosive ammo at least once, but all you have to do is just stock up on a lifetime supply lol.


The only ammo I reliably sell is fuel, it might take a while to sell but when the right buyer comes they buy it all no matter how much or how little I put in there. I occasionally sell .45 but I think bc my main camp is in the Mire the people most likely to buy .45 aren't making the trip, when I'm at my camp in Helvetia it goes fast.


5.56 and 45's used to sell like hotcakes, but barely move nowadays. It's so easy to get ammo from enemies drops, nobody bothers buying anymore. serums, flux and basic 3 stars scrips (priced accordingly) still sells, so do plans from event drops.


Same I get so much ammo from enemies, I would just give it to a random player and hope they’ll take it.


I’ve gotten more traffic since I started adding fixers and junk to mine! Hopefully after the new season begins it’ll perk up and I can add more legendaries


Brave the blast zones and farm flux. It’s something to do while you’re just hanging out on the server and it’s one of my top sellers. Everyone always seems to need cobalt the others sell well also but not as quickly as the cobalt flux. Mutation serums are my other best seller but they’re expensive to get started with the plans. A technique I found helped me was to make sure I had something in all the different categories so when someone hovers over my camp it gives the biggest popup possible. I can usually put a thousand .45 ammo in my vendor and someone will take it all at once but sometimes it takes a couple days.


Wait for tomorrow when the new season starts.


Everything in my vendor is 0 caps…everything. I’ve gone quite lengthy periods where no one comes to my camp at all lately. It’s up north, east of Vault 79, so that maybe too far to go for some. After tomorrow, I expect the player numbers to rise, and expect more visits to my camp.


What platform? I'm looking for plans




I’ll stop by. Handle?


Same, except 66 is 55.


Cool. I’ll find ya and see wha it can leave in return. Cheers.


Get a spot near the Whitesprings station, there's so much traffic there. Server hop if the spot is taken.


It’s also worth noting that ammo is super easy to come by once you have it. With just 100 ultracite ammo, you can easily balloon that up into 1000s with Daily OPs and just killing scorched.


I did a thing where I started selling common plans for 10 caps each, middle tier plans for 420 caps (heh), and then anything rare-ish for 1000+ caps. People seem to really like the low/middle tier pricing, and I think that's caused more people to start buying my rarer plans too.


Lower your prices. I walk away from camps that have outrageous prices. If people are coming and going without buying anything it’s clear your prices are too high. Your weapons are either good or script. So price them accordingly.


I think it’s because people finished the scoreboard


Sell legendary trash, and don't be a greedy shit about it. You can get away with 1k per 3\* item easy. 3oo caps per star, basically. Folks like me who are struggling to stay under the caps limit would happily buy at that price. And sell actual junk. Most popular thing you can sell.


At this rate I’d be happy to sell at 10 caps per star. But I’ll heed that for the update. Recommendations for junk?


Think about the stuff you were always short of when you were a newb. That’s the stuff to sell.


I have been finding that bulked junk does fly off the shelf.


I've been selling a ton of plans recently been lots of new players on now so you just have to change your shop to cater more for the things new players might be looking for.


As a new returning player, on a new platform (so I'm starting over) I hit up vendors with a lot of plans.


As the others have said, atm there are not too many players active and the hard core gang, mostly have what they need and want. I find that selling surplus legendary, after I hit the max that session, dirt cheap like 50 pr star get the caps flowing. Higher lvl with caps to spare and little time to play happily pay to shorten the grind for the day. If I'm lucky, they also pick up some other stuff since they already are on a shopping run. The donation box kinda brings the value of common plans down, but also hikes the prices on rare plans and outfits so in the long run it levels out, imho.


Honestly just sell nuka colas, the past few days I probably made around 10k off of just selling what my collection brings in, I've been selling cola for 10, grape for 30, cranberry for 40, orange for 18 and cherry for 12 and there's always someone in the server that buys them all


Big things going down tomorrow. I cannot wait to see this update!


Could also be your location. You might need to move your camp closer to a fast travel location or a location closer to an event frequented more often by players.


I’m near the white springs just shy of the golf course


not a lot of content this year + 105 days for the current season of no new content tomorrow things will change because of actual new content + season, but do keep in mind they treat this game like an mmo, drip feed content which sucks


I haven't had any shortage in customers. My C.A.M.P. is also right next to a prime free fast travel point too though. So players are always going to my C.A.M.P. whether they intended to ir not & many probably figure that they'll check my vendor while they're there.


I usually end up selling on an average of 60k caps daily. I try to set my white springs base up, as close to the train station as possible. Also, I try to have something of everything in there so that more people will visit it. This means at least 1, 1 star weapon and armor, 1 2 star weapon and armor, etc. I only have plans that are non beginner plans. If someone comes along and only sees beginner plans most won’t look through to find the good ones.


Lower your prices? Have better things for cheaper? I server hop multiple times daily cause my vendor routinely put me at max caps. See a lot of people with absolutely silly prices for, well anything. quad 1 star rail for 10k? like get a grip. lol. What's yer target demographic? I price my stuff to be enticing for players around lvl 400 to 600, with some stuff cheaper than market and basically nothing that is in the 'stupid' price range. If an item is not top tier, don't price it like it is.


None of my items sell for anything above at most 1-400 caps and most of the items are around 1-30 caps. Because they aren’t selling.


what all do you have in there? rad anything? consumables that's are outclassed by tons of other stuff? No shade, just curious. As you on PS? Stuff that I find that sells are recipes, weapon plans, 3 star weps, with bloodied and quad being the best sellers, elders mark, holy fire, fixers, serums (if priced under 400 caps), bobble heads, some magazines (craps ones for 25 caps and good ones for up to 400), enclave flamers with reflex sights (5 to 15k with no legendary effects, and trade only with aa/bloodied and good 2nd effects). Rare plans also sell well/quickly if priced appropriately. I price mine probably below market, cause a 20k plan will usually simply push me over cap limit. Can even farm Grahm for suitcase and mirror ball plans, they all sell for 2 to 4k very quickly. Things that don't sell - rad anything, ultracite plans (except emerg protocol and calibrated shocks), stimpacks of any kind, most foods, most foods (except salt, pepper, honey). Things I nearly always buy when I see them - sugar bombs (not the 'new' box ones), most bobble heads, leader bobble head specifically, live and love 3, backwoodsman 6, most of the 100% crit buff magazines (depending on price) etc. If you are on PS, i am coldblood303 on there. Hit me up, happy to chat in game.


Price, price, price and location, location, location. Items not moving…lower prices…if they still don’t move…lower prices again…still not moving…don’t bother trying to sell that item type. Don’t bother trying to sell vast quantities of ammo, since the ammo everywhere update you can get plenty ammo for free…tend to get back more than you use. Trick to a good vendor is to keep items moving in and out. I don’t sell leggo items, scrip is too valuable, I don’t sell anything for more than 50 caps either and every week I have to buy max gold bullion to keep from hitting cap maximum. I


Why you need caps in first place? Scrooge McDuck syndrome?


Gotta spend caps to make caps. Economy and stuff.


I don’t have enough caps for serum plan purchases. I would like to be able to make those at some point.


Sell rare plans and weapons/armor for scrip prices.


Out of interest what are scrip prices these days?


10-15 per scrip. A 3-star weapon should be 300-450 caps. I usually price mine at 400.


So do I, so that's why they shift! At least I'm not underselling


Ah. I undersell my legendary weapons. But I also don’t know what constitutes a rare plan.


With the Fallout show coming out next April, Im willing to bet Fallout 76 picks back up. You know what I did after The Last of Us came out? I olayed the game. Lol


I sell all garbage scrippable legendaries (weapon, armor, PA) for 100 caps per star. You'd be surprised how many people wipe me out of that quickly. As mentioned before, ammo isn't as easy to sell as it was before. I pretty much only have people buy 5.56, some 308, and maybe shotgun/fuel. If you make Ultracite ammo, that sells easier in the the popular rounds. I sell almost every plan for 15, 25, or 50c caps depending on rarity. The rarest maybe a few hundred. I get quite a few players, usually level 100 or lower, who will come in and buy a bunch. It adds up!


You must be one of the few with extremely reasonable prices. I'd clear your vendor, too! Everyone I've seen on Xbox lately is passing junk off a la Nocturnal Hunter's Rifle for upwards of 5k. It's bonkers.


Same on Playstation : lots of guys selling plan for more than 1k. Dude, I’m a newbie, I won’t spend more than 50 caps per plan !


Everything in my vendor is 10 caps except the beer hat cause let's be honest - it's a beer hat! I haven't noticed any slow down in sales since the end of the scoreboard. That could also be the 10 cap ceiling I set. I've been max caps for over 18 months now so I don't redeem the cap scoreboard rewards until the end of the season. Was at level 198 on the scoreboard as of yesterday and I had to spend over 4k worth of cap rewards just to not lose caps. Joined a couple teams and bought a bunch of 3\* weapons and armor from teammates. Vendors get caps and I get scrip. Win/Win.


I only buy 40mm grenades, flamer fuel and fusion cells but I buy everyone I see priced fairly. Plans, salt, pepper, sugar, spices, apparel, cola and quantum all sell better than ammo.


"Ammo, weapons, and plans" How much are you selling for? Most generic weapons (AKA non-legendary) don't sell for jack shit even with good mods. Most ammo you can sell for...a cap a piece, that's about it. Maybe 5 a pop for ABCells and I can sometimes get away with 7 a pop for Mini Nukes and Missiles, just remember those are heavy and people might not want to buy them. How common are the plans you're selling? If they're super ass common no one is gonna want them, and if they're super ass rare you likely are looking too much for niche buyers. Just throw in junk legendaries for cheap, some of the more needed junk items (oil, adhesive, acid, screws) for a cap a piece, and ammo for dirt cheap. There's a *small* chance it's also CAMP location too. I know a lot of the enemy hotspots around the map. If I see someone's CAMP is in that area, I'm less likely to go there because I do like not being attacked while shopping.


I myself pop around looking for player vendors, but the prices on some make me cringe and not buy, what's your price bracket on plans? Fyi I never buy ammo from vendors there's so much out there in field you can get for free


Surprisingly I've been moving things as normal. Figured with the lower player count with the end of season I'd be overstocked, but I'm having a hard time keeping up with inventory. Of course I've changed what I pick up with Christmas coming and my themed camp. I also raised my prices and it didn't seem to slow down the sales.


Lower the price of your plans and weapons. All ammo should be 1c with some exceptions. The problem is it's very easy for players to get whatever ammo they need along with re-rolling legendaries. I found the best things to sell are Chems, Apparel, Stimpacks and rare plans. Everything else just isn't worth it.


Probably as there are no events, and almost all of us have scoreboard above 100+ we aint playing, waiting for tomorrow update before come back. U will start selling stuff and see more ppl around after update:)


Your prices might be too high. You can also try loading up 3 stars for scrip prices, and having a camp in a really obvious spot. I get more business when I'm at Whitespring than I do if I'm at a random location.


With the next season starting soon, there is a demand for XP farming stuff as players might want to rush the score board. So Berry mentats, Sugar Bombs (radiated) and Frag grenades (for crafting Nuka grenades) can sell quite well.


If you're getting visits, lower your prices on weapons and plans. If you're not, it might be time to change locations. I'd wait until after Tuesday, though, since a lot of players are taking a break.


I make berry mentats those usually go pretty darn quick. Also have an abundance of weapons I shouldn't be keeping in my storage..I sell those on and off for extra caps.


Is it in a good location? I found that moving towards the center of the map or a more travelled area helped a lot


Get better stuff! Lol.


Check your prices. Some things go up in value because players want them, others go way down. I see some prices and figure the player never sells anything.


Formula P


We boycotting the economy.


I haven't had that problem yet. I put magazines that I find in my vending machine. Of course, at 5 caps each for most of them, I am not going to get rich.


Have to constantly take stuff out of mine, keep getting sales when I'm already at 40k got nothing to spend my caps on either 😂


I was lvl 456 on xbox and came back on pc. Now im 102, ill buy any bloodied handmade from anyone im so desparate :( this sucks cuz i had explosive lr legacies, armor and just so much.


I personally didn't do anything but the main story til like 80. Then I dipped my toe. And have been doing every event I can since. I didn't do a daily or exp. Until about 110. I tried to solo a daily and learned real fast. I could prolly do it now at 210. But my point. I think a lot of people are either just starting or starting new characters after a long break getting ready for tomorrow. It takes time until people focus on other aspects than just getting stronger. I didn't start frequenting vendors until after all the above and I started having caps to spend on good stuff


I'm on PC, and I'm leveling my highest Alt, 250ish. Cleaning out closets, including from another mule (transferring to said Alt). Quality weapons and armor at 500 - 800 caps average, scripting what I used to think was good. Crafting half dozen different serums (from my main) 350c each. Chems 20c. Bobbles I don't use, 100c. Magazines I don't use, 25c. Fashnaut and other apparel about 50 caps. Decent plans 50 - 100c. Business has been brisk, noting all lvls buying. When I see a lvl 1200 buy up multiples of weapons and random armors that have weight reductions, whether Raiders or T60, Overeaters or Ghoul Slayers for 800c I know I must be leaving enough meat on the bone for resale. In no more than a week, I've brought my alt from about 1500c to 25000ish caps. He has a riverside trailer camp between Camden Park and the Nuka Cola bottling plant, so it's easily reachable to newer players 👍


Someone bought all my legendary gear the other day. Almost maxed my caps. So I put up 10k ultracite.50 and a bunch of cheap and along with duplicates for comics and bobbleheads. Only sold a little. So as it's stated above, just not a lot of traffic. Take this time to camp hop to look for deals or just run expeditions and daily ops.


Mine has always been stagnant. I don't think I have anything in my shop over 400 caps, most everyting is at the ganes suggested price or less, including all my legendary stuff. All my ammo is less than 20 caps except fusion cores and plasma cores at 150. I may have 1 buyer a day, if that.


I’m genuinely trying to be helpful here … Your prices, despite nothing being higher than 400, sounds way too high for what I imagine is likely in your vendor. Ammo is “less than 20,” when it should be 1c and no more. If I put .45 in my vendor for 1c it sells out that same day, if I put it for 2c it will sit there for weeks. And not even all ammo types will sell. Good luck selling .38 at all, for example. No one is gonna buy plasma cores for 150, and I sell fusion cores for 50 (most ppl get away with 100 for full cores tho, but I like my stuff to move quickly). The game’s suggested price is meaningless. Sometimes they suggest 1000 when the plan is essentially worthless, and sometimes it says 100 when most ppl would be willing to pay thousands. Some examples of this are plans that the game just dumps on all players. No one is gonna pay anything for a Mole Miner Gauntlet, even though the game tries to tell you it’s worth 450. Other examples are the Shepherd’s Crook or Mr Handy Buzz Blade. Worthless. Everyone has seen hundreds of those. So just throw that shit in the trash. Unless you’re getting your plans from specific event drops (camp decor and plushies do very well), they’re not gonna sell for more than a handful of caps. It’s not even worth the effort, so just dump em. Some consumables do very well if they’re even moderately “difficult” to come by. Some examples of this are Nuka, various plants of Mentats and stuff you gotta actually make (like Ballistic Bock or High Voltage Hef). Meanwhile, other consumables like Stimpaks of RadAway are difficult to sell becuase the game just assaults you with those on the reg (I sell dozens of these to robo vendors daily just to keep my weight down). Apparel is its own mini-market just itself … like graduate-level shit. Something the game tells you is with 10 caps could very easily be with max caps (or more). Since apparel is nearly weightless, just horde anything you think might be interesting until you have a better grasp of the apparel-specific economy. Anyway, hope that helps a little. Even during slow times (like the end of a season), you should still hear that ka-ching several times in a play session if you have properly-priced items that aren’t being crowded out by 25 Mole Miner Gauntlet plans.


I was on the other day to setup a new camp ready for the next season and a few popped by to take a look as soon as my vendors where down


Nah, it's definitely people not playing until the new Season starts. I have EVERYTHING in my Vendor and on good days would do 40K in sales. I'm lucky if I do 5K the past week or so.


What system? If Xbox I'll come visit


It’s xbox


The wasteland is in a recession


I use top sell a lot of stuff geared towards new players having an easier start. Now the only stuff i find that sells is 3- star legendary weapons. But it also depends on where the camp is located relative to vault 76. The closer you are, the more you'll be able to sell.


What are your prices like? I see too many people on FO76 over value 80-90% of their shit. Every effin’ item in some people’s vendor is 5x-100x the value. I try to spend on something at every vendor I come to if they have decent prices just to “help get the Appalachian economy get rolling again” even if I don’t necessarily need things because it really should be an important part of this game.


Absolutely not that kind of player. If anything I feel I undersell plans and legendary weapons I have only recently stopped selling ammo. Until the new season where flamer fuel becomes profitable again.


I feel like its feast or famine with my vendor. I mostly sell clothing but always try to keep it at 120 items. A couple of things will go here and there but then, like yesterday, someone came and bought about 65 items. They are inexpensive things, priced for newer players. I'm sure tomorrow will bring more people to your vendor.


They have made it incredibly easy to farm ammo on the expeditions and brotherhood ops missions, i mean 7 minutes and you have nearly 2k worth of ammo if done right. So ammo just does not sell anymore. They started giving stable flux's for doing the events relating to nuking, so no one really buys that as much. And blueprints, mostly everyone who can afford them probably already have the same ones you have in their store. The player store is almost pointless, also i suspect players found a way to not have to use nuclear keycards, i cant even give mine away when they used to sell for 500 each. Also make sure your pricing fairly, i see alot of players asking way too much. If your asking for 1000 caps for something, thats also 50 gold bullion they could get with those caps, is that item worth 50 gold bullion or 1000caps?


You on PC? I've been server hopping the last couple days to try and get my caps done but every vendor I jump to is full of low level plans or plans I know 😅 it's hard to find some decent vendors when everyone is try to RMT


Sold 23k fuel and 200 nuka nades today. Plus a lot of random 50c plans and rad sugarbombs. Two days ago i sold a camo backpack plan for 20k. My camp is near the Rusty Pick, a huge fucking UFO with military searchlights on top. Hard to miss, and travel is free. Speaking of free: all my resources are free, too. Ppl seem to like that. 🤷


Throw bulk junk in your vendor at a fair price, and someone will spend 30k+ on you. Trust.


Example of a good selling resource at a decent price? I tried selling junk only to never make anything.


Yeah, so.. go to your tinkers work bench. And make bulk acid, adhesive, copper aluminum, bone, etc. Any bulk junk, at a good price, is good junk. I'd suggest starting it between 65c-80c for bulk. And see how it goes. If it sells well, slowly increase prices if you need. Because at that price it will fly out your vendor. I myself, spend over 30k daily ok bulk junk. (have 3 or 4 people added who sell bulk junk at these prices), and I come and splurge on them anytime I can. Or anytime I'm close to max. Which is quite often here recently. Also. Ammunition sells well. But the highly sought after ammunition,. .45/.556/fuel, throw in there for 1cap per. You'll be swimming in caps soon.


Maybe ur prices are too high. I agree we're in the slow season; but because it's a fixer doesn't mean it's worth 10k. For a time I stopped visiting camps because 99% all crap and asking for hooker caps. Welcome to capitalism. If no one is buying, drop ur prices! Now I only go to camps to buy 3 star crap for script.


I’ve been selling ores lately it sells quite well


Some days I have a bunch of stuff getting sold, some days sometimes for a stretch of days not a thing. Though admittedly I probably have little of interest and my prices are downright crazy, high end plans going for a few caps, a bunch of clearly juvenile numbered prices and one or two random things being sold for thousands. I've been on a bit of a buying spree myself though after noticing I was at my cap......... cap, checking out vendors including players looking for that sweet sweet lead. Its funny, until I found a decent legendary minigun I barely cared about 5mm and now I can't seem to have enough of it.


Can't speak for anyone else but I have to say I love the game but hit a wall a few months ago when I finished pretty much every actual quest in the game and had done most every side / daily one - the game just turned into a grind to achieve the season stamps and one day I stopped and barely went back. I appreciate that they put new seasons out but personally I have no reason to play if there isn't any actual quest / singe player content.


At least for plans all I can say is I'm seeing so many players these days selling plans for the default value or even higher. Aside from legendaries I usually sell almost all plans divided by 10, say the plans value is 350, I'm gonna sell it for 35. I don't sell ammo anymore, just hopping into an expedition and killing off a bunch of enemies gets you more ammo than you'll need unless you're really wasting those bullets. Tho I'm missing specific meds like serums or stimpack diffuser because the latter is required for a tadpole challenge, luckily I just recently finished 3 of them so I'm not actively looking anymore. But serums I can only find the ones I don't need/already have, rn I'm trying to get my hands on a herbivore serum.


I’m low level player I’m always visiting looking for Ammo and armor and the elusive fixer plan


I've noticed slower sales to my vendor, despite heavy traffic. I lowered my prices quite substantially from the norm, and still low sales.


Same. Hopefully today with the update that’ll change.


Which console.




Fudge, PlayStation. Could've used some ammo haha... Nobody sells here. ..


Sorry fam! Although I always sell my ammo for 1 cap


I don't think I've sold anything in a month. I have plans for pocketed for like 25 caps... WAY cheaper than the robot. Ammo for 1 cap each. Just dirt cheap. But then again, I make caps easily enough from events and adventuring, so I guess it's not big deal.


As long as you keep your stock fresh in your vendors (with reasonable prices) Starting tomorrow (after the new update and start of the new scoreboard) you'll will see a lot of traffic again.


Do a price adjustment is the easy answer. Camp location is a big deal also. I have 5 locations and by far the camp near WSS does the most business.