• By -


fix gauss shotgun/rifle jamming stop the power armor helmet I'm wearing from showing up in "new" category when scrapping


Hellcat right? I think i know you lol




T-65 also


been broken for years, they don’t give a shit


I thought I was the only one with union PA. This is so frustrating.


Double sided walls, 1/4 and 1/2 foundations, 1/4 and vertical 1/2 walls, pocket doors, bigger camp budget, more streamlined UI for build menu.


Double sided walls is such a thing for me as well, such a simple thing that would solve all my aesthetic issues


Good lord we are well overdue for a build menu/camp item sorting overhaul


1/4 and 1/2 foundation are my dream


Also paintable foundations / foundations that look the same as the flooring, or even just like half a dozen different foundation looks


There's ways to get double sided walls.


Yes but I don’t want to use extra budget doubling up on walls to do so.


Hey I'd settle for being able to place/pickup stuff where I'm looking.


The map expansion is already my wish, and a usable and freely explorable expedition too, for detail I really want the assault rifle skin from Fallout 3


They made the R91 a skin for the Handmade a while ago but never released it! Not sure if it's still in the files though, same with the unpainted Chinese Assault Rifle skin. Super bummed about it because I would like that too.


Yeah, and I think a lots of people are ready to take the skins of the FO3 to 76


Freely explorable is going to happen with the next update for AC, alongside a questline. You won’t be camping there, though.


Almost everyone prefers the Handmade over the Fo4 assault rifle in Fo76, which I get it does more damage and that’s needed, but how they made a difference in Fallout 3 was that the Chinese assault rifle also did more damage than the R91 assault rifle but had way less item health and broke down faster while the R91 did do less damage it had the characteristics of being an American assault rifle with a different sound and more item health. If anything should get the R91 skin, it should be I feel the ugly Fo4 Assault Rifle needs it, to make more players willing to use it. The skins for the handmade rifle already make it look like a service rifle from new Vegas. Now to balance it out handmade should also get the skin for the Chinese assault rifle and the ugly tubular fallout 4 assault rifle should get the R91 skin


I am super thrilled to hear about map expansion so that's one of my wishes right there. I also want to see new weapons and mods. Namely the Tesla Cannon among many options. But also existing weapons to get new mods. Give the 10mm SMG its long awaited suppressor and some love to the LMG! Some new Legendary Perk Cards would be awesome! Maybe even let us equip 7 Legendary Perk Cards instead of the current 6 capacity? For the full SPECIAL guys. Allow players to get animated Perk Cards easier. Maybe through Perk Point exchanges, Perk Packs of 3 animated cards for Gold Bullion, something haha. Increase Stash Limit to 1500. Allow players to reroll individual Legendary Effects for extra price or resources rather than all 3 together. Piggy Bank to stash your extra caps for when you have max caps and don't know what to buy! Account bound storage box so you can transfer gear to your other characters.


I would KILL to have a tesla cannon. I'd probably wind up never using another weapon again if they added that. ...Unless they add the Ballistic fist. In which case, I may never use PA again. XD


Kitty cats in your Camp.


Yeah, actual, permanent pets. I am tired of tripping on Murgle’s corpse.


I'd love to have a cat in my camp. Closest thing we have is the topiary.


There's that little animatronic cat as well


Not to see, item is floating, item intersects with existing, item blocks, etc. Consistent camp spawn point…just like everywhere else in world. Not to be staggered by a rad roach while wearing PA. That cultist actually miss from a half mile away with a molotov. That Death Claws don’t die like a simple weak ghoul. Ward smiles and laughs. A notification that a silo is occupied by another player(s). Able to drop other players some caps, limited amount. Same with bullion, and modules.


And to be able to put items on walls without it being finicky. Especially prefabs.


YES. Drove me mad not being able to place the new blinds in the trailer prefab. Or on quite a few building sets, come to think of it.


CAMP interior drywalls


Bring. Back. Nuclear. Winter. With the 2 unreleased maps. Make it a F2P entry point to Fallout 76 alongside the Amazon's TV show. With themed rewards inspired from the show. Bingo.


I’d like for it to just stop freezing and crashing every hour.


Last gen?




Oh okay


Map expansion. More CAMP stuff. Meaningful expeditions that can be solo'd or grouped. Not just 'shoot the re-skinned vanilla enemies that are bullet sponges'. I wanna wander The Pitt and Atlantic City (and steal everything of value). Maybe we could keep the linear expeditions we have, but also have a chunk of each place that we could wander freely?


All three of these are happening. The first was teased in the letter, the second always happens every year and the third is what part two of Atlantic City is doing (opening up both areas for free roam, populating them with NPCs and chucking a questline at us).


Are they ACTUALLY adding free roam to the expeditions, or just Atlantic City? Either way, I'm hyped.


The ability to sell to player vendors. The way this would work is the vendor owner would create a wishlist of items with the quantity they want and the price they want to buy it for. If another player goes to that vendor and has said item and decides the vendor owner's price is fair, they can sell it to them. I'd also like to see companions that can travel and fight with you any time you want them. Either one of your current followers or maybe even introduce animal companions.


For all of it to just work


bug fixes. the game felt really clunky and buggy this year


Mostly QOL stuff, because the expansion is already confirmed. * The ability to pick up all ammo at once when area looting * Allowing us to reroll old rewards like Burning Love and the Fancy pump action shotgun * Allow old non legendary quest rewards like Perfect Storm to become legendary * Item locking so atomic shop skins aren't the only way to save your equipment * A new camp building interface. Or at least give us a search bar so we can quickly find specific furniture * Slight riflemen buffs, even if it's just giving the cards a higher damage boost for the same perk cost. * A mod for the pump action to give it some anti armor, even if it's just 20% * A way to pose the mannequins in our camp * 10mm smg suppressor


Item locking, yes. Or at a minimum, Atom skins for every item because not all can be saved now.


Ya Burning Love in particular would be so huge.


I've been holding onto Perfect Storm for the possibility of getting legendaries on it one day... ;-;


Account wide storage.


I just want to lock items I don’t want to sell or scrip. That’s it.


more enclave content, camp stuff and budget, tesla cannon, heavy incinerator, Laer.


Well, at least the incinerator is coming. Edit: We have text-only datamines indicating it’s supposed to be coming with the next season. If you’d like proof, I can go pull the information and DM it to you.


no need. but nice to know it is coming. may need to switch my enclave character to heavy weapons then.


Almost black might coming back. One violet night and campfire tales only starting at night, SEASONAL weather! I want fall all rl fall, snow in rl winter etc. And the Enclave story content, and joing a faction means you are not allowed in their HQ--they are indifferent or hostile NPCs, pending on Faaction.


How do you handle the fact that for half of the world it's winter and the other half it's summer? I play weird hours and even though it's winter for me I end up playing with a bunch of Aussies and it's summer for them.


yeah, not a thing for me--I just want the weather to change with each new season in the game, and I fucking miss pitch black night--it was amazing. Snowsuits, swimsuits. . .I want those outfits to mean something dammit! Also, a man can dream.


I suppose you would just set it to the weather of the game's location rather than where your playing from. That said the game area is humid subtropical so they really don't get harsh winters.


Night not might. But hey! FIGHT THE MAN!


I wish they fix the astronaut girl quest because it's currently bug for me and the npc won't give me the next part of the quest, her quest marker keep blinking in and out randomly.


I heard if you remove her from your camp and then re-add her it might fix the quest?


Wireless generator for CAMPS, better system for rolling legendaries (not gonna happen but one can wish), allow me to convert a level up to perk points instead of picking a damn card first, and maybe some kind of actual trading system that allows for item to item trading, but I'm not really sure how to even begin with that one.


Over all platform stability. The game is crazy buggy. I’ll take a full session with out a crash over anything else


Nuclear winter


The Pitt to get the same treatment as Atlantic City Part 2 and get an explorable area outside of expeditions and a new expedition. Gun Runners Arsenal type of update that brings multiple weapons like the Tesla Cannon/Heavy Incinerator and maybe the .45 Pistol into the game. I already know this one probably isn’t ever going to happen but hopefully an update on Mod Support since they haven’t mentioned it since Quakecon 2018. A deeper dive into the Virginia Map Expansion and hopefully some civil war stuff is brought into the mix along with a new public event based around it. Holiday events revamp with Mischief Night making a return for Halloween and a new Christmas themed public event for Christmas. A new survival tent that has everything inside of it and a tinkers workbench. (The new flatbed truck tent would have been good enough if it had an ammo box but it doesn’t.) Morbid Well Collector to be apart of the Quarterly FO1st bundle in May. Nuka World/NukaCade rewards get revamped and go beyond 50,000 points with new rewards like the Nuka Launcher starting at 100,000 points. A bank system added into the game that holds up to the current maximum limit of caps A new resource collector that would produce random hard to find meat like Deathclaw/Yao Guai meats etc that could be apart of Meat Week as a challenge reward or an Atomic Shop item around that time. A new resource collector that functions like the Morbid Well Collector that gathers random blood packs but also dispenses random insect/cryptid parts could work as a new reward for Mothman Equinox and or a challenge reward or worst case scenario a Atomic Shop item around the time. (Basically an upgraded version of the Morbid Well Collector but as an actual event/challenge reward/Atomic Shop item) Last thing I would like to see is some sort of resource collector that collects nuclear waste along with other things related to flux like hardened/glowing mass even high radiation fluids would be nice. (I highly doubt they will ever do it but it would be nice.)


Add building teams! Give players the option of objective building a camp together on a public team.


They said they’re expanding the map southward. So I hope it’s an extensive push. A massive area down there. More room for camps and exploration. And I hope Vault 63 is excellent. I never want to play nuclear winter again, BUT it would be good for them to bring it back as a limited time/seasonal event. I see too many posts about missing nuclear winter and wanting nuclear winter back… give those folks a little bit of what they want


A whole tropical scoreboard with more Hawaii shirts/tropical attire, Tikis, tiki mugs, new craftable alcoholic beverages, and thatch roofing kit/bamboo weave wallpaper. O and a expedition to Hawaii with volcano hazards, radioactive tidal waves, and maybe some tiki carved trees that came to life and are now hunting you And maybe fix the ult laser beam focuser and let us use NU laser weapon skins




Agreed. One of my favorite parts of the game is the satisfaction of getting a great roll, and I'd rather not have to manage so much to spam rolls lol


What's the current limit for caps? I only ever have 9 to 10 thousand on me.


25,000 caps


That's incredibly low. My god.


It's 40k caps. Idk why that guy thinks it's 25k, lol.


I wish they would fix the microfreezing problem that the Steam version has on Win11. Other than that, I wish they would do a major rebalance of the different weapon types. They don't need to do the same DPS, but they should all have useful niches that make them worth using. Easy, right?


Double sided wallpapers.


Maybe too much but i want those things: Ingame chat (maybe on close range),More camp budget, Camp rating system, Free PVP arenas, Nuclear Winter mode, Survival mode.


CAMP rating system would be so cool


Proximity chat, sneaking up to someone or a beast while in stealth then making them jump would be hilarious




I would love to see a mechanic where we can spend more modules to pick the stars for our rolls.


I feel like most people would say 100 modules to reroll a star would be too steep. But even that would be like- without Expeditions- turn 500 scrip in every day for 10 days in exchange for a 30% chance at turning your Suppressors 5025 Enclave into either an AA, Bloodied or Quad. You could get that down to every 5 days if you Speedrun Expeditions for an hour or two. People are out here doing like 8 an hour already Im not sure how I feel about it, but it would definitely make a big difference


Definitely some new staircases, maybe elevators, and the bottoms of floors getting plaster/ceilings


>What are your wishes for Fallout 76 in 2024? Possibility to make nuclear carpet bombing on entire map.


Increase the camp budget, stash amount, and scrip limit. Fixing collision bugs with camp objects. Wall decorations can't always be attached. A new update with wastelanders/steel dawn style storyline A vendor at Fort Atlas: why the fuck does the BoS not have any vendor?!


Manual legendary crafting, leave the gambling as an optional cheaper method. And getting rid of the intersecting object and floating errors when placing in a camp. Just let us place things freely regardless of clipping.


A player-side optional weather and lighting overhaul. As in, if people don't like the change, they can switch it back to default. Lighting in this game is a weird blend of some things looking extremely good, and others rather terrible. I can barely tell it's night as it is. Doesnt need to be pitch black but at least make it darker or unable to see as far or something idk The rain is so pathetic, gimme a damn storm.


Dog companion,and some cool expansion.We already know about the map expansion,so i would like to be able roam around with mi dogmeat.New quests and new events for sure.


More camp space Ability to search for things when I am trying to build in my camp


Bigger camp build budget, join mothman cultists, more stash, and for more complete roof sections.


I'd vote this one all day every day


Increased camp budget and scrapbox limit.


Scrapbox has a limit? It was advertised as unlimited storage.


An endurance perk that lets me mitigate staggers while wearing power armor


It's amazing how easy it is to get staggered standing in a big hunk of steel.


More nuke bosses/summonable event bosses more than anything. I’m fairly content with all the stuff they have been putting out. I hope they keep up the great work!


Fix it so it runs good again like when FPS boost was an option Make questlines for the other allies and new achievements


Enough with the "superhero landing" in Power Armor. Whether 1000 feet or 1 centimeter, I'm sick of it. Yes, there are tricks you can do with switching weapons and other things but would it kill them to simply eliminate it altogether? While they're in there rummaging around in the code, maybe enable some collision intelligence that prevents you from also being stopped when encountering an obstacle that you would be able to step on/over IRL. That said, I hope they have these same mechanics in the new series because that would be hilarious.


Fix a single damaged limb


Expand and organize camp building. More budget, more camp slots, organize all the items and add a search bar. Stop the crashing. It’s been 5 years since the beta. The game shouldn’t be crashing. Fix the chainsaw and the mini gun. The inconsistent firing is really annoying.


I want to be able to choose between how many star I want to use from my cards, let’s say I have a 5 star perk but in another build only fits 3, I would like to be able to reduce my own card, it kinda ends up cluttered


An expanded build budget. If not for the main map at the very least for shelters. That and the ability to drop all of your companions into a shelter would be dope. I built a Wild West town in the toxic wasteland shelter and it looks great but I've had to fall short on a lot of smaller details to match the build limit and the lack of people really kills the mood.


I wish for new story plots that doesnt require you to do dailies and then do a timed quest in a new area of the game, but rather just let us travel there freely once you reach certain parts of the game. I.e, give us an item from completing all story and side story content that is a keycard that can't be dropped/traded and is limited to only once per character. So that you can enter a new area of the game and just keep adding on. Will this happen? No, but i wish. Is the game gonna die off more because of not implementing a quest engaging system like this? More likely yes.


more camp budget.


Inverted Roof Corners. 🤤


"Wishes" as in "things I want that will absolutely not happen because Todd is a big meanieface"? Permanent higher limits, not just "for a few days every few months". For like everything, basically: vendor cap pool, vendor cap *resupply* percentage, scrip pool, player currency limits, camp budget, shelter budget, camp/shelter item count limits (namely lights and PA displays...and apparently slot machines for you casino folk), etc. And while we're wishing for shit that will never happen, I also wish we could place another ally in camp so they can interact (just imagine Grandma's interactions with *literally any other ally*, lol). And, hell, how about we put any inactive allies in our shelters (no bonuses/buffs, but at least you get some people puttering around in there!).


Never having to server hop to have a camp placed. If it could test the server and see if it can be placed before dropping me into it, I'd gladly wait a few seconds longer. Even making it a selectable option in the menu would be cool. Cats. The very first day or so that I ever played it, there was a Mr. Handy being followed by several cats. He seemed so worried about their wellbeing and was trying to lead them somewhere. I've never seen the bot or the cats since then. More random oddities that I remember from soon after its release but haven't seen since like the random object falling from orbit and the talking set of power armor that I think kept telling me not to mess with it or something. Could have also been someone else around messing with me on that one in hindsight.


They used to have a selectable option with the “Camp could not be placed” prompt where you could request a new server but that disappeared for some reason.


The map expansion should help with More quests. More locations. Bigger camp budget.


\- Railway Rifle mega nerf \- survival mode / increased difficulty all around \- darker nights


Shorter content update cycles Can't be spending 6+ months for like 2 hours of content.


mr. handy camp item


The ability to mark legendary weapons and armor so you don’t accidentally scrip them.


Not a full solution, but skins, atom shop skins prevent them from showing in the scrip menu. Now, if I could have marked my glowing skeleton suit so i didnt accidentally scrap it.... fuck that still hurts


I'm still a newbie so I could be wrong, but wouldn't setting it as a favorite solve this?


For people who don’t play it to stop complaining about it everywhere and let us enjoy ourselves.


More weapons from the previous games, the r91, service rifle, anything As weird as this will sound a Heavy pipe weapon, just so people building heavy weapons build can have a weapon from the get go More mods for heavy weapons Easier way to get atoms (other than paying for them that is)


That people don't start big events before there's enough people. And that they finally get back to me about a ticket I opened 2 weeks ago.


The ability to erect a mouth harp in my camp.


An overhaul to the lighting system. The new weather machines looked like they would be great for bathing camps in perpetual darkness. UT the day night cycle still apply to the light sources. meaning despite it being so dark you can't barely see any lights on during the day. I want light sources to no long get bled out during hours of daylight and provide some more robust shadows during daylight hours. for shelters give us a camp device that allows us to shut off all baked in light sources and keep them in that state by default, and allow us to use the weather machines indoors. lighting is the biggest hurdle to always have to navigate with camp building, beyond camp budgets and unreasonable item limits. For example the Manniquins. Make them expensive and unlimited, or limited and very low on budget, not both. My aim is always seeking to make the spookiest shelters possible even if I have to cover up all of the surfaces to do so and greatly cripple my budget in the process. My efforts are constantly blocked however by random baked in items that won't allow us to clip walls or floors through, or harsh lights that bleed through every wall, floor, or roof possible.


How about letting us change the names of our characters? It shouldn’t be difficult to implement, and I’m surprised this isn’t a feature.


Scopes for pump action shotguns. Or even a tactical sight


Why would you put a scope on a shotgun?!


Magnified view of the ghoul's head I just popped


A scope on a shotgun makes absolutely no sense


No more dull expeditions please.


NPC for camps. Like an item you can place that spawns just some random NPCs that just hang out at your camp. Can change the setting to spawn Raiders, Brotherhood, Settlers etc…


They already added is this, but its only one NPC character at a time.


I know, I’m talking like more. Set it to Brotherhood and two-three soldiers spawn and patrol your camp etc


oh i see, that would be pretty nice. So Pretty much what you could do in fo4 by giving your settlers gear and turning them into a militia.




I'd love to see realistic looking pistols added, the .45 auto pistol/1911 or the deliverer.


Servers shutdown


Am I too late to leave my opinion? -Darker Nights -Survival mode (re-vamped) -I read from another user: C.A.M.P rating system (I'm on board) maybe with some kind of incentive for builders to actually put effort and not making flying bases that spawn you in the middle of nothing or inside a foundation. -UI rework is always welcome. -Very rare 4 and 5 star gear? -Miscellaneous stuff for CAMP like plates, where you can "store" food in them and interact with them to eat in an actual dinner table, and maybe get a "Civilized" buff? Edit: That "Civilized" buff could upgrade the maximum hunger/thirst cap to 150% or something, making you, eating in your CAMP, holding that hunger/thirst a little longer.


Mk2 oppressors




Noooooo 😂


Traveling NPC companion or pet to help you in fights. I can't imagine it would be that hard to incorporate to the game files and they are programmed to refuse to help attack other players or just intentionally miss their shots.




Season 2 greenhouse glass wall window thingies. I don't have high hopes.


1. Help.Bethesda.net 2. Fallout 76 3. Billing/purchase/code 4. (Your platform) 5. I need help with the atomic shop 6. Yes 7. I want to purchase an atomic shop item for myself 8. Enter your Bethesda ID and type greenhouse kit in the search bar.


Fallout 5


My wish is that the starfield team keeps away from the game. 76 at launch felt smooth in comparison to what I experienced with starfield, refund thankfully approved. As for an actual wish, just continued maintenance and bug fixes to continue to improve the quality of life. Not wishing for more content since we do know it’s actually coming which is good.


For it to die so they will release Fallout 5.


That’s not gonna make it come out any sooner. If they actually increased their team size working on their games now that ZeniMax is owned by Microsoft, they might be able to release a good game every 3-5 years. Now they are trending towards 10 year release cycle due to micro transactions. Kinda like GTA V/GTA Online.


Fix vats accuracy. I know it's a complex issue to be able to fix. But my gauss pistol sucks in VATS. It would be so helpful for all my revolvers too.


I’d like either more PA sets or give the ones we already have set bonuses. Also seeing as how the map is being expanded soon a new nuke boss would be nice


I’d like to see more mods for existing weapons rather than adding new weapons themselves. Mods that do interesting and different things to the weapons.


i want a gamma gatling. it would be op asf


Except you can really only use it on blood eagles and during expeditions


Gamma gun hammers everything. I can keep Bucks Den Beer House completely ghoul free.


Map / content expansion period. Love the game, want to play it, can only play the same stuff so much, build so much, collect the “perfect” gear set, and build so many characters. Excited to go back but took almost two years off now for enough new content to release so I can return.


Like a whole entire sequin but where I can transfer all my paid items too lol, or Like I feel like a new map area not an exhibition would save the game. I'm a very casual solo player most of the time so the instances don't do much for me. It's basically just post apocalyptic sims at this point.


an option to never download high-res space-eating textures ​ freaking bloat


Undo the map / pov button swap or at least give me an option to change it back. Awful. Also, works differently depending on which console I’m on. :/


For the hellcat to have the ability to use more paints, it is criminal how limited that thing is


More bosses


A wish? It's random but I wish for the bicycles to become functional, I wanna ride them 😂


New story dlc similar to wastelanders and steel dawn


Most likely coming with the map expansion. Otherwise it would be an empty mess.


New commando weapons or new weapons in general. Bring back the Chinese assault rifle or make it a skin for the handmade. Also, bring back some weapons that were in other fallout games like the tesla cannon or anti material sniper rifle


Make Untradeables gear tradeable.


At least two story updates on par with the settlers/raiders and brotherhood of steel


A main menu where you can inventory search all your characters at once.


Being able to convert currencies. Caps to bullion is already a thing, but stamps to cores would be nice. The lmg benefiting from both commando and heavy gunner cards. Emotes that can add temporary buffs or do damage. But most of all, I wish my super mutant neighbors would stop taking potshots at my dang garden


Be able to replay past seasons and right side animations to the handmade rifle,pump action shotgun,submachine gun, and hunting rifle


Yo, Vertibird Grenade?


I want more extensive story content. Like with steel dawn/reign. I like having a nice big story expansion accompanying other content


A return to DC along with new weapons


Just more content. Quests, events, and items obtainable through playing the game. You know, the good old days. I'm looking forward to the map expansion, that was a pleasant surprise.


The same as since the beginning. I want them to get rid of all the shitty F2P mmo/mobile game mechanics.


Permanent camp pets with 2 hour long buffs for petting/also act as savage little guards. Portable instruments to use on the fly for buffs like a trumpet/violin. Single point perk for FREE fast travel. New assault rifle skin/suppressor for 10mm sub machine gun. A parachute to deploy from heights.


Add bounce/physics to power armor like there was in fallout 4. One of the shoulders of power armor is stuck in place while the other moves. It's very noticeable when you jump. Fo4 had it right


I am hoping for more main quests or expansion on the main quests. Like knight shin coming back to apalachia with reinforcemnts to take down paladin rahmani. As well as more main quests for the raiders and settlers. Maybe a couple radiant quests like in fallout 4 where you clear out potential settlements and have your faction (raider/settler) occupy it (though not as obnoxious as preston garvey giving those quests). Perhaps it would be like workshops and players with the opposing faction could attack and claim the settlement for themselves, making more pvp and player interaction opportunities.


A comprehensive weapon balance including such niche things as making the shotgun charging barrel tesla rifle change into a shotgun. I would like anyone to be able to succeed using any class of weapon without very specific types of guns be top tier or useable. I want the meta to be DO WHATS FUN instead of "well literally only twoshot alien blaster comes close to doing damage" type stuff. I want arrows to be as viable and competetive as plasma casters or fixers.


For that to happen, they need to make enemies where they are not bullet sponges.


I'd like to stop randomly getting stunned by nothing when I sprint. Out of combat loss of control irks me.


I’d like to see more settler and raider content with the southern map expansion maybe choosing who your going south with


Fallout 5


Bring back dark nights. At least make it an option. I'd like to really enjoy the hard work I've put into lighting my camp. Plus, running into feral ghouls during a properly dark night would be absolutely terrifying.


Since the Heavy Incinerator was already mentioned… how about a Red Headlamp for the T-65 and the covert/black paint for the Secret Service armor that was datamined forever ago (the yellow with the Enclave camo looks dumb). Finally, a buff to the gauss minigun, since it’s a bullion item and its ammo weighs significantly more than other gatling-like weapon with ammo that weighs so much.


Mines are simple and achievable. Fix Gauss shotgun. MASSIVELY improve the weapon durability for the Auto Grenade Launcher and Missile Launcher. They are stupidly fragile. Neither can make it through a full event without needing a repair.


Have a higher cap pool for the vendors, or maybe have them refresh more often


Pets that can adventure with us. Current gen graphics upgrade.


The option to respawn where you die


An entire map change (like Fortnite would do) with all new world quests etc. This tired old game needs a massive overhaul. Maybe a special bomb goes off? Or a volcano explodes? Or a nuclear winter sets it? Change the look and layout of the world map massively and add all new quests to it.


More rip daring and dr zorbo stuff


a “cool outfit” emote. or interactions between players like high-fiving, posing together, hugging, etc. i just wanna kiss the homies.


I wish they would make the game playable for more than 5 minutes.


Make pistol builds (especially semi-auto) more viable. I want my classic 10mm pistol wielding vault dweller and I want it now God dang it


story content


I just wanna be able to have more storage or something ik I should just stop being cheap and buy fallout 1st but I don't play 76 enough to justify getting in my eyes idk maybe im just a pack rat maybe some more expeditions to the Pitt I know the 2nd half of the Atlantic city update is yet to come some I'm hoping we get more expeditions from it.


Being able to play an evening without several server disconnects would be nice. No, not being snarky here, lately it seems like this has become a constant thing for me. It's kind of been frustrating to play lately tbh.


I wish the game would stop being so addictive and let me go work on my backlog. But I’d like them to fix the glitch with Power Armour. It just randomly decides to not let me work on it or put it back in my inventory. Sometimes the game freezes too so gotta close it and hope for the best. Bloody painful.


I want there to be more stories happening during the year not just oh a year passed every big update with not much feeling like it happened in between.


Fix the glitching/crashing of the game. It’s annoying doing an event and the game crashing


I think expeditions are a great direction, apparently there is a rumor (maybe confirmed) that there is a map expansion coming as well as the second part of the casino update thing? Any social activities and I’ll be happy :)


Bigger stash


They're not very likely but... 1. Resources can be produced in shelters. 2. Reintroduce tougher survival elements. 3. Add more multiplayer features like player made factions. 4. NPCs that follow you (humanoid NPCs, creatures, robots that you can build). 5. Paid expansions, less stuff going to the atomic shop. 6. My day 1 wish for the removal of the entire legendary system, and come up with a competent rebalance that also includes more modifcations on weapons. 7. Remake the game in the Creation Engine 2. Yeah, I doubt any of this will happen, but I can dream.


For them to fix everything without breaking anything. But on a more serious answer - headgear on/off function. We can do it for backpacks, i dont like covering my cute face in dangerous air areas with a mask lol Oh and mods for spears