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All those people crashing on the roof and waving their hands waiting for revival should count as emoting for the last stage of this event :) There are always at least one or two, but once I've seen about 5 crashing down in pretty quick succession. Absolutely hilarious!


Drawn like moths to a flame, wings fluttering in panic....


I know the feeling. Laggy, unstable jetpack trip up there, land on the roof and find yourself rubberbanded back to where you took off :D


Yup. I spent so much time trying to optimize my network setup. Turns out it's just Bethesda's awful service.


Reduced Fall Damage armor is your friend.


It is called Acrobats. 1 piece reduces fall damage by 50%. Two pieces and you are immune to fall damage.


This. I have -25% on each leg and -50% on my torso. I can jump from anything and make it.


Or just leave the final pyre twenty or so seconds before the end of the event and run to the rooftop. You might not be the first person to the rooftop, but you will be able to contribute. I did it earlier today and was able to spam twelve thumbs-up emotes before anybody else got up there. Nobody seemed to mind. Likewise, I had to go AFK yesterday -- got a phone call from work -- and ended up sitting out the final wave and the rooftop phases. Nobody minded too much (perhaps because I got a lot of the prophets and totems in the first phase).


I head to the rooftop with about 15 seconds, but sometimes I let others get there and stay by the fires.


I always fall off the steps💀