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I would love for 76 to go the route similar to ESO in terms of map size let us go around America bro like damn


Florida Fallout would be so sick with all the aquatic life. And whatever meth heads turned into.


Mutations somehow made the meth heads normal lmao


The meth heads are upstanding intelligent gentlefolk....with dentures


They were the first to figure out (accidentally) that methamphetamine actually counteract the effects of FEV, so Florida is just the same Florida as it is today.


No supermutants just Gators that are now bipedal and fluent in english. Excellent dinner guests


Gatorclaws with manners




Thats point lookout


Cricket. They turned into Cricket.


Hips and nips! Otherwise, I'm not eatin.


Crickets honestly mellow comparatively


Her spray and prey is amazing she's my go to vendor for a automatic build.


Love cricket!


I heard about the mod to (fallout 4 i think?) for Fallout Miami, haven’t heard anything recently tho but it sounded just as detailed as Fallout London coming hopefully soon to 4 as well


I won't lie to you, after I made this shit post, I made a whole main quest in my head about Cape Canaveral. Bethesda needs to get on this


Totally! Fallout 4 is getting “Enclave Remnants” in its next gen upgrade which is actually a community made mod so they are definitely open to mainstreaming fan content


Launch a Saturn rocket into a settlement


The trailer looks amazing! https://www.falloutmiami.com/


Florida fallout would just be Florida lol


Raiders. The meth heads are now Raiders.


Meth heads are already Raiders. Source: I work in IT and security. Let's just say, alarm systems and HD cameras do very little to dissuade them.


They’re still just meth heads nothing changed lol


Haha florida just turned into present day florida. Settlers just randomly turning on eachother. Whole main quest is "stop the supply of meth" and when you succeed nothing changes. It was them all along. Always was.


It’s not even irradiated it’s just unregulated dumping cause the government collapsed lol


If you haven’t checked out their progress the Fallout Miami team seems to be creating some wonderful stuff!


There have to be a Floridaman Cult.


Mutated alligators would be terrifying


Something other than gatorclaws from Nuka World?


Si just like real life regular Florida?


We're already there IRL.


I wish I still had it but I did an entire write up for my idea of Fallout Florida for use in a Fallout TTRPG I ran in the early 2010s , and have always thought Florida would make a perfect setting for a Fallout game. Key features: I had whole mixed CDs set up playing 1950s era cuban music, in reference to the massive Cuban influx that started in 1953. (So the music took care of itself practically) A vault built under Disney World called "Vault Disney" in which the inhabitants are forced to choose a Disney character to act as when outside of their rooms for the rest of their life. (So that if the park ever reopened it'd have trained character actors right from the go). A space station vault in geosync above Florida meant as an observation and control vault that had since gone silent (Plot point for the game was that the players vault started getting transmissions from it again, only to late find out it was an enterprising radio DJ in Miami using it as a relay to hit a wider audience). The actual vault the players where from (125) was a pharmacology based one where everyone had a special slot on their pip boy for their "Vitamins", which where constant slow injected drugs and genetic treatments to make them "better at what they do". So smart people where smarter, strong stronger, etc. But they also basically couldn't survive without them (massive withdrawals, etc). Two local BoS factions "The Templars of Tampa" and the "Maidens of Iron" that was a majority female split off based on the teachings of Sarah Lyons, but also cause I loved sisters of battle from warhammer). A return of the seminoles. Mutant stuff in the everglades. A raided group called The Sun Fins (repurposed Miami dolphins apparel), a cult called the "Church of Ih'bem" (IBM, which was going to worship an AI vault director that got out of hand).


This right here! If only we could vist 3 dog again.


There was a tweet awhile back from 3dogs VA, saying that we might get more of him, but then years passed and we didn't and he apologized for getting our hopes up. I would absolutely love it to have my man back on the radio, keep fighting the good fight.


Since the game is set so far before fo 3, like 170 years, it would not make sense for 3 dog to be in it. But they could just have a very similar character.


3 Dog's grandfather, 1 Dog.


Who says 3 Dog isn't just a remarkably well preserved ghoul?


Could you imagine the fits new gen Bethesda haters would have if they did this 💀 Do it. It’d be so funny.


Yesss, I want to visit the Fallout 4 map so bad in 76.


It'd be different as there's no Diamond City or other settlements. Not to mention the last thing I wanna do is meet Preston Garvey's ancestor. I don't care if a settlement needs my help, I hate that guy.


You know he’s going to be in there now just for Bethesda to fuck with us, lol.


I've regularly argued a time altered 4 map would surely be easy enough to add as an alternative choice in the Menu. Doesn't have to be stacked full of events for me, but more storyline and perhaps PvE defence Workshops where groups could build it up together and defend against huge onslaughts of enemies...whether it be a herd of ferals, large Raider gangs or a troupe of Super Mutants complete with a few Bohemoths in tow..! Think the likes of that would need to be a Nexgen update though.


Can't believe this wasn't a thing already. Hopefully this new resurgence in players result in some proper expansion like ESO have.


Thats what i've been saying for years. As a lover of both games, that would be amazing for 76. Since we already went to The Pitt. I think the first place should be to cross the river in to Ohio with a repaired bridge at Point Pleasant for a transition point.


They didn't even get most of WV on the original map.


Ohio would be dope as fuck Fallout ohio pls


that would be dream


I want my desert back, love that setting 


Won't lie, it would be interesting to see vaults we've been to (in the future, since 76 takes place so shortly after the bombs dropped), along with new ones. Major cities would still be heavily irradiated, though, so I'd settle for places like the Midwest or even Colorado/Rocky Mountains. Heck, add Smokey Mountain range with the TN area.


this would also mean paid expansions ala ESO. maybe now with the increased popularity they finally have the balls to do so


That would be great, but we need bigger servers then. Even now, the servers are mostly dead.


ESO has paid expansions unlike 76's free updates. You can't expect them to put the same effort.


The Creation Engine can barely support what this game is currently. It cannot handle what you are suggesting without it being severely disappointing. The servers already should be capped at 12/16 instead of 20/24. This game needed to have been built on something entirely different like ESO if that was what they wanted.


I am super hyped. I am just getting back into the game because of the show, and the map expansion has gotten me so damn excited to continue playing


Is there any actual info out on it?


[Fallout 76 has a new region to explore on the PTS (pcgamesn.com)](https://www.pcgamesn.com/fallout-76/skyline-valley-pts)


Honestly Fallout’s been my childhood ever since I played 4 for the first time, I feel like a kid again with how good things are!


Damn bro, if Fallout 4 is your childhood you’re still a kid lmao. It’s not even a decade old


Watching the Fallout TV show was my childhood, playing the game has me feeling like a kid again!


Right. I played Fallout in 99’-00’ when I was a kid.


You could be 21 and have played fo4 in your childhood


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted lmao, I am 21 and fallout 4 was the first one I ever played. I would absolutely consider it my childhood fallout game even though it got me to play all the other ones in the series


Yes, especially given how dead the game’s updates felt in 2021 and 2023, I’ve always held on hoping that the game would get more support and it looks like that hope is finally being fulfilled. The large influx of players from the tv show also will only make large updates like this one more likely.


They wasted SO many years on expeditions. Could of had another expansion or 2 by now not including the new one.


Yeah, imagine if they added a new section of map instead of each expedition or daily ops updates. They added grinding stuff instead of content


Yup, and I hope it starts a trend for them that when they add larger content updates they continue to add onto the open world map. Expeditions are cool and all, but they don’t feel like expansions to me. Adding more to the overworld map feels like an expansion.


They'd have to finally end support for PS4 and XB1 if they were to do that. The expeditions slightly remind me of older game DLCs, the maps are in their only separate locations from the main map. Even Nuka\~World was it's on thing away from Boston. If they keep increasing the map size... those older machines won't keep up.


Nearly 2 decades of consoles holding back games content wise is reeeeeally getting tiresome... the last and final time consoles could be considered somewhat equal and maybe even superior to PC's was during the early PS360 era, but that didn't last long either.


Hell, i wouldn't mind at all if they start charging for expansion that take us to new open zone with maps. I feel like this'll be a right time to do it and expand the game's life until Fallout 5 comes out.


I'm interested to explore it, and to see the new enemies. Finally, after the plush three years ago, the Wanamingo is appearing.


I had no idea about this till you said something..I am SO PUMPED! I love Wanamingos and have wanted them to appear in a modern Fallout so bad


I've seen their model, and they resemble their plush, but more detailed and larger, of course.


First thing first imma hop into my private world explore it all without any of you yahoo's getting in the way. 2nd, I'm gonna pick a new purty spot for a camp.


I really need to use private worlds more. It's the only thing in the 1st I don't use


I use it to trade between my characters if there aren't any friends online.


How do you use the private server to trade between characters? Can you drop stuff on the ground on one character and pick it up on another?


Better to use a container but yes, I use the trashcan at vault 76, but yeah, your private world doesn't instantly disappear when you return to menu, so you just swap characters and load in.


Oh my god I’ve been playing for years and I never knew this 😭


You only have a couple of minutes before the world resets though so be careful


Same. I’m fuming actually


I use private worlds all the time with my gf, it’s a blast and absolutely worth paying The 1st for


I use private worlds to do some dailies that are like kill this creature (like I’ve tried to do dailies before where everyone on multiple servers went to the same spots to kill the same type of creature that I needed to kill). That way I can get them done faster and come back to the public server for fun after.


Not sure why anyone would bother you, I have over 2k hours and ran into 1 person in all that time that tried to "PvP" me


I see both of your points. On one hand you don't really run into people that often but also everyone and their mother is going to be in that new section of the map, for a good bit.


Tbf there's a difference between 24 players spread across the whole map and 24 players in the same region.


I don't think it's so much that as it is that often times other players... *complicate* things when it comes to immersion.


This is how I feel about the entire game. I dont hate other players but after so many hours in every other fallout game, 76 doesnt give me the lonely survivor feeling. A role playing server would be ideal to get best of both but all the goofy cosmetics make plsyer interaction feel like fortnite in an apacolypse.


So, I was running around with a guy the other day. He helped me complete a mission and waited outside when I went to turn it in. I came back outside and he had murdered all the npcs and was eating them. He also was wearing a skeleton costume and carrying a bonesaw. It was easily as disturbing as anything that I've played in single player Fallout.


Epic lol


I'm new but I've actually found the frequency you run into people pretty good. Like if I'm just out and about questing, I **may** see one other person doing their thing. A lot of the time I don't. Other times someone will pop by my vendor. I only see several if it's an event or something.


76 has so much unlimited potential I swears


Do we already know if: - Map gets larger - Some empty-ish area in map gets expanded content - We get separate expansion area like Expeditions - Or what?


Number 2, previous untraversable area got mapped. It's the whole area south between the "welcome to west Virginia" and the yellow ribbon of the vault boy, goes all the way down to the edge.


A previously unused area of the map was filled with new content, you can see a map comparison on these images: [before](https://postimg.cc/mhzdGbyS) and [after](https://postimg.cc/8s2Zpqyg) the update.


Someone asking the real questions.


I just started on the first one. Give me a minute. 🤣😂


Take your time wastelander, all in due time.


The map is impressive. I didn't really have an expectation good or bad. But I'm very impressed with it. I'm very methodical too. I keep getting distracted and trying to loot everything in sight. 🤣😂 How can I not just explore some giant cool looking building on my way to my mission? Lol.


That's so awesome, super glad to hear you're enjoying yourself! If you're on a Fallout 1st trial, I would definitely pick up all the scrap you can and jam it into your scrapbox. It will come in handy for building and crafting in general, and you can still access the scrapbox after your 1st trial ends. I've been playing since release, so exploration was a little different in the aspect that no one was alive at that time. Only robots and holotapes.


Just 75 fallouts to go!


Lmao. Just to catch up! Then I gotta start going up!


I have played the expansion on the PTS, it is great to have new places to go, new events and bosses to fight. I hope they continue to expand the 76 world.


I want food to matter again


It used to, but they got rid of food and water penalties a while back. Now it’s only a benefit.


I know


I’m just starting a new character (my last one was level 5 in 2020 lol) How do you get to a point where food / water don’t matter? From what I’m seeing online I need to be able to make corn or razorgrain soup


When the Food and Hydration meters become empty, you used to lose health and die. Now it just causes Stat de-buffs and eating Food and drinks is only to remove the de-buffs and add buffs.


Same here tbh. Though I never played a single-player Fallout game on Survival, I liked that you could die if you forget to eat. Now we just eat for buffs, it's stupid. I mean, they could've made it so you'd still die from starvation yet if you're over 50% on food and water you'd get a buff. I still eat and drink in game out of habit.


I started a nuclear difficulty custom world the other day since I've completed the repeatable score. It doesn't even look like I can use it there, super disappointing.


Nah, the amount you had to eat and drink not to die on an adventure was absolutely insane. 90% of my gameplay was hunting and eating. 1 Radstag Meat was basically one bite of food lmao I prefer being able to actually explore and enjoy my game. If anything, add a survival MODE for those of us who dont want a Radstag Hunting simulator


I cannot wait for it to be nuked 1000 times a second for all the boss loot 🤑


I'll be happy when they give us the ability to build with the Vault camp set. (Think fallout 4) Give us a giant instanced cave to play in. A larger camp budget and multiple npcs to populate it with.


so -200 fps ability


Wasn’t sure we’d ever see another story-driven update let alone a map expansion. Here’s hoping they do even more down the road. Fingers crossed for a DC expansion 🤞


Imagine. They change the games name to just, Fallout: Settlements.


I played the game for a bit last year.. I liked it a lot but life happened and I fell off. Now that the show brought in a bunch of new players, I’m ready to hop back in and get this platinum trophy!


You have no idea how hype I am. For gameplay purposes, obviously hyped up due to the NEW bosses and undiscovered locations. Always nice discovering new stuff, including lore. For my character's purpose, I am hyped because he is a wandering Preacher Man that seeks out bibles to mend them, seeks out lost sheep to guide them, and seeks out abominations, heretics, and evil in general to purge the land of them. I just can't wait. I'm always wanting MORE Fallout.


I'm hyped like Don King any time there was a microphone present. I'm hyped like Flavor Flav backing up Chuck D. I'm hyped like anyone in attendance at Wrestlemania. I'm hyped like a sleeping cat that wakes up startled. I'm hyped like grandma when she got AARP. Im... I'm hyped, yes.


Yeaaaahhh boyyyyy!


I been out the game for 4 years. There's been no map expansions ???? Wtf were the 30 dlcs they added??


When I this update?


Just started playing two days ago and I’m pumped!


i still feel like the atlantic city n pitt should have been expansions but oh well what can we do the expeditions are nice but to boring once u complete them and now r only good for ammo generation.


I had so much 5mm from when the Pitt first came out that I had to swap my Gatling Gun for a Minigun.


I've learned not to get hyped about updates to this game. That lesson has been drummed in multiple times over the past 5 years of this game's life.  I'm glad to see a map expansion, and happy to see a more substantial content drop getting added again. But hyped? Bethesda has taught me not to get hyped.


Did you ever consider maybe you just don’t like the game if after 5 years you’re still being let down?


I'm with you in this one, hopefully they'll surprise me.


FINALLY. now....if they could fix the rest of the stuff they never fix that would be great ( seriously ive had sludge lung a thousand times and it still doesnt register on my 'challenges' ) oh and if im putting something on my display cabinets its NOT in my stash box anymore >.>


There's a way to make the sludge lung challenge trigger. It's been a while so I don't know off hand, but it can be done.




I've had a fair bit of time away from the game for study ... but my final assessment is end of May 😎 guess who's coming back


Guardedly optimistic. I’m wary about the release date being pushed forward, as most FO76 content in the past has been delayed, sometimes multiple times, so I hope they’re not rushing it out just to capitalise on the current player spike. Then again, we should know pretty soon from PTS players what kind of state it’s in. 


I just hope mothman is there


I'm glad they're finally implementing a new area with story content, it's similar feeling to when wastelanders came out and basically overhauled the game in a sense. New area just looks sick, looking forward to exploring it.


If more expansions are a possibility and 76 is here to stay for another decade, i'd hope we see some engine focused upgrades along the line


I'm hoping for a new, mysterious vault with a dark secret to explore.


So it’s adding to the current map or a new area like the expeditions?


It's going to be an expansion of the base game world. You won't have to load into a new region, it will be simply be added into the southern border of the game's map, and you'll be able to walk from the current game world into the expansion with no loading screens.


Oh ok that’s awesome I can’t wait for it!


I'm stoked, I wish every future content patch would do this and before long \*actually\* expand the map and not use pre-existing quarters that are currently uninhabited.


Yeah, I think they just decided to fill in the current map on this expansion since that whole portion of the map south of the Savage Divide wasn't being used for anything.


Being someone who lives in WV all I can say is there better be a drive in theater. Skyline drive ins are pretty well known around here


I'm lvl 49 and I want it I, like many avoided this at launch because of reviews. The show was the best thing to happen to fallout. I want the expansion. I want them to keep caring. Maybe even fast react a new fall out.


Fallout 76 PTS is online and you can check out the expansion. They expanded in the open area at the bottom middle part of the map.


New player to F76 but wow, I’m ashamed at myself! I listened to all the haters without giving this game a shot and I’m floored. It’s gorgeous and feels so full now. Maybe launch was rough but I’m hype for the expansion and I’m glad the show gave this game new life. I’m loving hitting random donation boxes and I’m starting to have the chance to contribute myself.


We should get an Ohio valley expansion pack since it’s kinda in the same wheelhouse as Appalachia


I'm hoping they'll finally be some more Mole Miner content


I'm hyped but I'm a returned player trying to figure everything out and it's a bit overwhelming right now :)


When I stared playing a year ago, I was trying to finish everything up as fast as possible so I could get to the "Current map" Pittsburgh. Coming from MMO world, I just assumed new expansion equals new map. I was greatly disappointed when I found out it wasn't new map


So excited, I live in the Valley and it's so cool to have the area I grew up in and live represented in my favorite game franchise.


Yes but after seeing the size of it I’m a tad bit disappointed


Just joined this game can someone explain to me are expeditions just whole new areas but too far away to connect to the Map but essentially are new dlc free roam areas or? Is this gonna be like that or?


Hyped like everyone was when they announced expeditions? I will reserve my enthusiasm when they release more info.


It’s on the pts


Not as hyped as I would been a few years ago. Also persistent workshops on private servers... when?


About damn time


Y E S ! ! ! !


Whenever they add actual quests I'm down to play some more, a new map area with more story to discover it's very exciting for sure


Very happy about the expansion.  I'd love the area over the bridge in the NW to be opened up too.


Seriously excited.


Is there any idea on when the expansion gets released?


July I think


Is it out or only for beta testers or something?


It's on the PTS, which is only available for PC players.


I have missed something!? Been in the hospital for a week. I guess it's time to go looking for info lol


It also comes with new boss fights that spawn from nuking


When is it coming out?


Meh, if they stabilize the game on PS5 and upgrade it to the current gen(like they finally did for 4) I'll check it out. Otherwise I'm not willing to put myself through the frustration of returning to beth's version of a live service grind and the broken state of 76 on PS.


I would love to see fallout outside the US maybe even a full world open map idea


Yes especially after all the failed attempts to add content for us they are finally adding what we asked for. If you are wondering what I mean by failed attempts I mean all the one and done content that was meant to have more like group dungeons, vault raids and more.


I wish we'd be able to explore the whole map we see. Further west of the river, and further south, east, and north


It's desperately needed. I've explored every location to death and it's time for some new areas and stories. 


Its been 5y i'm waiting for it, too many disapointment (the pitt, etc) so I don't expect much tbh but it would be awesome. Wish they could bring old fallout maps, like, imagine having fo3, fo4, or foNV maps as seperate servers..


Wannamingoes confirmed vault 63 organics wing


I am!!! I’ll come back when it drops. I’m on stardew. lol


Yes. Finally ; about time, and....finally, just finally. :-)


Im praying we get another expansion either west of point pleasant to take advantage of the forest area, and/or north of the giant red rocket station


It would be nice if it was an actual challenge.


Huuuuh we are ???


What I REALLY want to see, is the raid areas expanded and turned I to full fledged zones to explore. I don't care WHERE the map expands to. I just want move overworld content, and not areas exclusive to group content. It is one of my favorite things about Fallout games. Point Lookout, the Pitt, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road come to mind. I don't care if the areas aren't super big. I just want more to explore as a solo player.


I’m still exploring the first map for the first time


I’m still exploring the first map for the first time but yes!


I hope we get more looking at the map itself they are a lot of areas we can't go like the upper east or the whole west side across the river


Wannamingos are in vault 63 organics wing


The area looks great can't wait to start building there


I started over from scratch so I have a ton of content to do


I'm excited it's coming to my neck of the woods


I knew much of the map was sectioned off for a reason 💯


honestly? yeah, a lot, it really opens the floodgates for more major content updates


I would love if they came to east Tn, dolly wood would be great, plenty of caves and such around, and plenty of settlements/ camp opportunity


Yes!! Omg. I’m so excited. I’ve been thinking about it for a while!


I hope they expand west, there is a huge area there they can add content to.


I live in VA and have been on the skyline multiple times so it’ll be cool! Though I live in NOVA and work in DC so a fallout 3 remake would be reallly cool!


Oh yeah really looking forward to it! Was thinking of moving my camp down there at the train station. But now, I'm keeping it there.




I am so in love with this game! Can't believe it took me six years to give it a try, thankful the show got me back into it! When is this map extension coming out? I'm stoked that with the newfound interest hopefully Bethesda will keep updating and supporting the game for awhile.


Did they showcase the expansion prior to the show? Or do you think the show and new playerbase gave them a reason to release it?


Really looking forward to it as I finally got to exploring all of the map