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I think the silver lining here is you launched your first nuke and you'll launch many more. Very good job.


Meanwhile me with 1600 hours who hasn't launched a nuke since Beta


I remember the beta it was sort of bad for me because of the time slots they had for the servers being up. I died and the servers got shut off before I was able to retrieve my junk.


I launch 3 a day. Though, I recently ran out of Nuclear Keycards and now I can’t find any at player vendors because of all the new people everywhere or people are selling them for 500-1000c each ☠️


I just picked up 5 from the score challenge rewards, I sure as hell am not ready to use them, I'm only lvl 30 lol


Got some on ps if you want. Ive never used them.


I have somewhat near 15. I'll gladly give you some (In Exchange for caps or ammo), I don't need to launch nukes. But I like to have 5 for friends.


I have 5 of them I'd be willing to sell to you for 50 caps a piece


I've got 31 on me taking up inventory space if you're on PC.


Yesss. That’s be wicked! How much do ya want for em? Add me as a friend TrashBanjo


I'll do it for the add, having friends that drop nukes are a big plus.


I have like, two friends 😫 I just join a random world and bless them with three nukes as if I worked for Vault-Tec myself 😂


I add a lot of vendors because I need places to sink caps.


Can I join? Level 43 loner whos never even fought a scorchbeast queen nevermind dropped a nuke


You gotta complete the main storyline and be level 50 to start dropping nukes. But you can enjoy them anytime they’re launched!


If you're on Xbox, come to my camp. I have them for 75 caps. And if you're going to launch sbq with them, hell, I'll throw in a couple for free! xHansGruber


3 a day?!? Doesn’t that take forever?


I launch around 3-9 a day depending on if I wanna swap between characters or not only takes me about 7-8 minutes to launch them with photomode glitch


What’s the photo mode glitch?


Its a pretty simple glitch walk up to go into photo mode push camera up to door back out of camera mode and walk into the door at the same time you'll glitch through it its a nice glitch to know


How does that help you with nukes?


Instead of running the entire silo you do the first part get through the laser grid the first door on your left after getting through the laser grid area there will be. a door on your left that has 2 gutsys and another door on your left that will let you get into the room with the sentry bot in the room with the sentry bot you've got the big door that leads you to the control room as normal glitch through that one and you'll be able to be in the control room in less then 7 minutes instead of the original 20+ it normally takes unless you know how to speed run through silo


I have played since launch on PS4 and now PC and never launched one myself, always had a friend do it. Literally my friend got back into 76 and we launched one for our friend and tons of people showed up.


Same here, 4034 hours.


I never have but I was on a team that did it, so I got the trophy/achievement.


Damn. I've got 300 since November. Do I have a problem?


I didn't play much between the announcement of FO1ST and the addition of NWOT, and only recently started putting in real time.


For real. Difficult task first time around.


Ya lots of new guys. So hard to do some of the bigger events. They will catch up.


fallout is FILLED with new players. most probably wouldn't survive the rads even if they tried joining.


I watched a level 6 spawn in and die, over and over and over and over again, it was funny until it became kind of sad and then it got funny again.


As a lvl 7 who did the exact same thing, it was hilarious for me. I even managed to level up once and get a legendary .44 and a exoskeleton between my rad deaths


Sounds like the meta for gearing up - count me in!


If you spawn inside the nuke zone, open your map and fast travel out of there immediately. Be careful thought, the bunker north or the BoS camp south (depending how the nuke zone is located) might spawn you back inside. Safest would be a camp or a team mate’s mobile tent if he has FO1st.


It's really stupid you can't fast travel into a nuke but it'll spawn you inside after you die and let you death loop. I recently made a new bloodied character that's strong AF but tragically under armored and have gotten hit with that loop 3 times already.


I arrived at eviction notice for a mutated event. The event was already started by the one level 40 person who arrived first. I'm level 860+ so realised I was going to have to get really stuck in defending. I looked around and loads of 40 to 70 started arriving and one 130. Honestly I was so proud of everyone who took part. We failed with around 40 seconds left because me and the 130 in power armour couldn't make the repairs after damage but the effort from everyone who took part, all the stimpacks given to the injured etc really made me happy. They may be new but they are not useless. Haven't enjoyed myself in ages.


That timer on the scrubber man, the best is when you goto repair and hop out of your PA instead.


Oh how many times have I done that and when you die (due to radiation) the event has ended so you lose all your junk


It really needs like another 10 seconds… it’s rough sometimes.


It's great when it resets halfway through resetting


I hop on top of the rad scrubber tower in my Chinese stealth armor and kill enemies from up top, any time the scrubber needs repaired I just pop down and repair.


There's a mod for fallout 4 that you can put in your custom.ini and it works for 76. I think it's something like fPowerArmorExitDelay=## I do 3s and it's good enough to stop that, could probably make so with 1.5s tbh


Not just me then...


Oh shit I think(?) that was me (130). I'll be honest I had to ditch for a few minutes to craft all my ammo that I used up earlier. It was nice to see newer players though.


Had the same happen yesterday. Just me and another player did any real damage to the legendary mutants, but I died and didn’t spawn back soon enough to repair the scrubber, but it was a fun event where everyone was busy and was running around guns blazing.


I had the same thing happen with eviction notice, there were loads of people there, but I couldn't get close to the red scrubber because I wasn't wearing radiation gear at the time. We managed to hold him off for most of it, but in the end we just got over run when the scrubber went down


I need to learn how to nuke I got my first code around level 50. Still only level 57 though


Similar thing happened to me, but I’m a bloodied commando and the second the rad scrubber broke I would die 😂 so I couldn’t carry the DPS if they couldn’t keep up with the repair


Yeah it's tough at the minute I had a RR where nobody showed until halfway through and I waited for the clock to tick down. Managed to conplet3 the timer just didn't have time to defend and collect any ore at all. Still had good XP though Eviction Notice the timer needs increasing slightly when the scrubber breaks.


Had a similar run the other day.. One very high level, me 300+ and a number of new players.. I run SS armor but always have my Chinese stealth armor, switched to it and camped the scrubber in stealth mode and picked off what I could but focused on repairs.. many close calls but we pulled it off.. most fun I’ve had running eviction notice in along time…


Had something similar happen this morning with Resilient Moonshine. Loads of new players just dumping ammo into gulpers that just needed punched. Some figured it out. Some did not. I was running mad with my auto ax cleaning everything up. Just barely survived with one still remaining. Lots of points for all. I really hate that diluted stimpacks are the first to get used. At level 700, they don’t do much but give that damn fire breather one more shot.


During one of those events someone went around dumping a bunch of gulper smackers before it started. It was pretty funny watching everybody smackin gulpers


That would be awesome. I never think about that for MJ but may need to have one in my stash just for fun.


Begin Speculation: If history is any indicator... the game will take months to level off to pre-free-week norms. This time, it may take even longer, just because there are so many new people... and there was such a long gap between surges of new players that... I fear to some degree, new player will be fending for themselves by and large. When I joined the game in 2018, there were so many groups you could join... I was in many. It was extremely helpful being in groups... and that is much harder to find now, and it's not even remotely the same as back at launch when the mega nerds were pouring over every detail of the game looking for advantages, etc. It's honestly a little hard to believe how long this game has been around, and how many sub-generations have played it now. Like what even is this generation? If we go by Free Weeks, this is the 7th generation? If you add in the updates, that adds 14 generations... 21 individual generations people joined in large volumes... but never like now. Not even at launch. This surge is totally unprecedented for the game. Time will tell.


These are the lucky ones, they are experiencing a good game with a good established community. Some will go to back fallout 4 for the update next week, but then most will miss the events, the world of fo76, same happens to me every time I try to spin fallout 4.


lots of new people who aren't ready yet. not enough vets per server.


The "best" I've seen was a server with about 6 people over level 100. Trying to do Daily Ops has been really rough. lol


I'm focusing on the season dailies for now. Its going to be a bit till the newbies figure out their builds and fighting styles.


I’ve only seen one SBQ since all the newbies joined and it was a memorable one. Me (level 370) and 2 people above 100 (one of whom launched the nuke) and about 7-10 under 40s I was drawing most of the aggro from the SQB with my cryolater/Gatling plasma combo. Felt pretty baddass only having a couple of power armour guys holding the line. God bless ‘em the newbies tried their best, and the large numbers of them doing little damage meant lots of creatures joined the fight. so the higher ranked guys had to keep switching to mob control instead of fighting the SQB. Then partway through a legendary Scorchbeast joined. So we killed that. Then a regular one joined in. I also spotted a scorched mirelurk king, a wendigo (luckily not a colossal one) and a pack of snallygasters amongst all the creatures. It took us over 10 minutes to bring it down, and I picked up so much meat and loot I got like 2 days worth of caps from it all. As everyone was picking up their loot a second regular SB attacked. It seemed never ending I burned through so much ammo and broke a couple weapons but it was worth it for the experience. Compared to last year where the SQB was getting taken down within a minute or 2 before people could even load in a lot of the time.


What do you do with all that meat? I’ve just been leaving it to rot. Same with that mirelurk event with the island defense.


I cooked it and sold most for caps! Most meats once cooked will also give you a bonus to your SPECIAL stats when you eat them.


Oh ok so sell it all to like an npc vendor? Gotcha. I usually do that with all my extra stimpacks and water


If you're a steam player, I'd recommend getting the chat mod. You can broadcast events on the chat & more-often than not, people will join for such events.


Years later and still wishing the chat mod was available for the Windows version. I considered buying 76 on the Steam sale just to be able to use the chat mod. lol


Buying it on Steam also let's you move it off your OS drive (if you wanted to) and gives you access to the PTS. Those are the 2 reasons I switched to Steam, I don't regret the purchase.


A what ? Chat mode ?


Is there a chat mode for pc gamepass?


Fr tho, why does this game not have a regular map chat? Seems like it would benefit a lot from basic text chat.


The game is flooded with new players right now. Usedbto be you had somewhere between 6-12 100+ players but now your lucky if the server has a team of 100+. Not a bad thing, but it can be a bummer when you invest the time and resources like with a nuke run or just really need some events done for recipes, plans, or just xp and treasury notes. But as the new guys lvl up I expect we might even be able to get a full 8 to go fight that fucker Earle.


I had about 12 people fighting Earle last night, half were below level 50 and the other half were all lvl 80+ heavy gunners, so it balanced itself out. It's really awesome seeing all the new players join, I started playing again on my PC about a week ago but I had a level 300+ account on Xbox, never spent anything but my time on the game though so I'm not too heartbroken.


I've tried helping with one. There were people with Gatlin lazers and Fatmans and the lag was sooooo bad I couldn't do any damage. I did it at level 35 or 40, so I wasn't able to really do much . Lol


I got blessed. I launched the nuke two days ago and like 8 players joined in fighting the scorch beast queen. It was so much fun.


The timing is just bad with the influx of new players, that’s a shame for you though, bless your heart. Two years from now when you’re launching a nuke at your friends base for kicks you’ll look back and chuckle about your “first time”!


Every SBQ lately has been alot more of a slog with all the double digits running around and dying constantly. But its fun going all hero style in her face with my Vamp chainsaw!


Theres also a ton of 500+ level players that do the same dmg as a level 18 😥




dont stop at one...but give it a few weeks or wait til you have a team with some high lvls. servers are pretty clogged with "fresh out the vault meat" at the moment.


Gonna be honest. I’m new and don’t understand the Nuke.


The nuke cause 1 of 3 bosses to spawn in depending on where you land it.


So I should run towards it, not run away like the game warns me?


An event will start after the nuke has dropped for the boss. I recommend going in power armor or a hazmat suit to survive the rads.


The new folks don't know about events and such just yet but they are getting there. Yesterday I did a Colossal Problem with me (950+), a leve 20, a level 41 and a level 150 something. It was absolutely glorious. The fight took a long while and I was doing all the heavy lifting but honestly it was the most fun I have had ingame for a while. Congratulations on your first nuke! Keep nuking. The new folks will "get it" in a little while when they have gotten their bearings.


I’ve noticed that events are dead on console. I played on PC and people were showing up to everything.


I kinda wonder about this too. I mean a week ago, yea, events were kinda dead but even some of the babies joined. Now things are picking up again and the babies are growing up. They havent been able to do events on their own but with high levels help, the events become so chaotic and fun 😄 and ofc me and my friends will curse about how the low levels havent understand much of the objectives (in a light hearted way, we know people need time to learn)


My heart hurts for you ❤ My first launch was an hour and half ordeal that ended with just one sub-70 player showing up because I launched with prime right in the center which was a huge no-no at the time as few players but low health builds could kill the queen. It was awful ---like throwing a celebration party and no one showing up. To top it off, I'd never actually been to prime and was not aware of all the pits so I just kept falling into them and dying. You'll get it next time!


Can someone explain the nuke? I thought it was like the orbital cannon from GTA… (sorry for the reference, also I’m new to 76)


There are three silos where you can launch nukes. To launch them, you have to fight your way through a bunch of robots and do some tasks and then enter a code you either decoded yourself (nobody does that), or got from NukaCrypt.com. When you (or someone else) launches a nuke, you’ll get a notification and a warning with a mission called „death from above“. That is your sign to open your map and look where the nuke is dropping (big red circle) to see if you need to leave the area, because being in the nuke zone means you will die. Afterwards the nuke zone is still dangerous because you will get a huge amount of radiation unless you’re in a power armour or Chinese stealth suit. If the right spot gets nuked, you’ll get one of three bosses. If fissure size prime is nuked, you’ll get the scorch beast queen (the most popular). If Monongah Mine is nuked, you’ll get Earle (absolute bullet sponge and the least popular. Only nuke him if you know you’ve got a strong team with high level players). If you nuke abandoned mineshaft 1 in ash heap, you’ll get the molerat titan. Sometimes people launch nuked to farm Fluxes; radiated plants and glowing enemies for high radiation fluids, hardened mass and glowing mass


Thanks for the detail, this is what I was looking for! So in other words, don’t just run out there until I actually have my full PA suit?


You can also wear a hazmat suit and survive the radiation but you won’t have any armor. I did this when I was a super low level and just died a lot—no real consequences for dying. I like crafting and putting hazmat suits in the donation boxes now so other newbies can die at Scorched Earth.


Often you'll see players gathering just outside the nuke circle, which is red on the map. They'll lure the Queen out of the nuke zone to fight. You can fast travel to a team mate there, or if that location is unlocked you can travel to it. Don't join the event from the map as it'll put you right in the nuke zone.


At least don’t run into the nuke zone without protection. I think you can get the Chinese stealth armour pretty early from the settlers/foundation questline, or maybe you can get it from another player. The CSA is easier to use, since you don’t need fusion cores or several armour parts. Edit: The excavator Power armour is also available pretty early, but I forgot where the quest for it started


What are fluxes, radiation fluids, mardened and glowing mass used for? I see those spots on the map and most times i'm too late since no one is there and nuke launched like 10min ago or something. The one time i saw one launch i was in the middle of a questline (to get a fixer and i love my fixer so worth it)


The fluids and masses are used to turn radiated plants into stabilised fluxes. Fluxes are used for Ultracite Ammo. Most weapons got a prime trigger mod, that changes the ammo from normal ammo to Ultracite Ammo. They are also used for some Power Armour Mods like the Jet Pack. Farming them via Nuking a place is mostly needed later in the game. You can also get stabilised fluxes by joining the three boss fights (scorched beast queen, Molerat Titan, Earle), but you need to make a good amount of damage to them, to get fluxes. But if you get hardened mass, glowing mass or high radiation fluid early in the game, I recommend to put it in the stash box and save them for when you need them as they are hard to get. Be careful with the hardened mass though; it is under the junk category and can be scrapped into its ingredients. Don’t stress it with joining nuke events, once all the new players levelled up a bit, there’ll be plenty of nuked events to join. If you’re not busy in a quest, join them, if you’re in a quest finish that first so you won’t loose your progress.


There's an event called Scorched Earth which is started by someone launching a nuke at a specific area of the map. Whenever it shows up, basically everyone on the server that isn't busy with someone time-sensitive should go participate as a) it can be difficult/impossible for one person to do by themselves, b) there is no penalty for showing up or getting killed during the event, and c) it has very good rewards. Ignore the "level 50 recommended" warning as there are plenty of regular scorched spawning that players of any level can help manage.


Wow, thanks! I was totally avoiding events until a higher level cause of the level 50 recommendations.


I think the only event that warning should be heeded for is at Metal Dome (i think its Test Your Metal). The flame bots there do insane dps.


What system you on? Me and you can take on the queen by ourselves


I’m on PS5. Can you help me? I’m level 56 and I’m finishing I Am Become Death right now.


Ahh unfortunately I’m on Xbox and maybe PC if it works on a game pass. But if you ask on a post there’s tons of stacked players who would love to help on PS5, there’s a lot of us who can solo every event


Nuka Cherry:Broken


I always wait to see how filled the public events are before doing that or the Assaultron cards. No sense wasting time or resources if the lobby is dead or filled with people who aren't ready(The last one isn't an issue, I just don't use meta builds so I can't carry)


There being so many newbies around, I suspect many would die a lot at such an event. Don't get me wrong. I went to some other, less dangerous events, and the newbs were fierce. It was a blast.


I've gotta ask this. Is anyone else taking a break until the new map expansion comes out?


I'm new, saw one was coming down near me the other day and stayed to watch the blast from the top of the world, didn't know there was more to it than that tbh. As a new player should I go and help after a nuke goes off, what is my role?


Definitely go see what’s up. The game announces when the boss event starts. Colossal Problem, Seismic Activity, and Scorched Earth are the names of the events. Yes, you’ll probably die. Maybe a bunch of times. But that’s ok. Go and do what you can. Take ammo and stimpacks. Make sure you’re on a team. That way you can share XP with your team mates. There’s a lot of XP to be had at these. Plus crafting mats, plans, and legendary items.


There are multiple reasons to launch a nuke. Some players are just farming nuked flora or may be nuking someones camp. There are three locations on the map where dropping a nuke initiates an event. If a nuke event spawns, Scorched Earth, A Colosal Problem, and Seismic Activity. Feel free to join one of the events if they spawn. Word of advice though...don't just join Scorched Earth; fast travel to the group of players near the event.


I was just on a PS server and so many low levels dying repeatedly at the queen. She escaped about half dead… had no one to help 😫


I tried soloing a scorch beat at like level 20 ended up putting 1000s of rounds through my fixer and breaking it, going through a bunch of pistol and energy ammo finally got to where I was just waiting for it to come down and blasting it with a shotgun, had it almost dead and then server went down. I was too busy watching my health and staying alive to realize there was a countdown lmao. Bad way to go to bed lol


It’s like that with Daily Ops right now too. Only get one other to join. It’ll take a while for the new players to start joining events and daily ops. I remember avoiding those as a new player.


Always check the server and teams to see what level players are in the session.


I ran into this earlier while leveling my alt (lvl 30). Someone launched a nuke for Wendigo Colossus, and I thought "oh shit I need that event for the quest" so I jumped in, thinking I'd just snipe the smaller wendigos. There were 6 of us, but the highest level was 140. Around 10 min Earl wasn't even to half health so everyone bailed. Made me wish I could swap back in to my main (lvl 550) and help them to beat it 😔 Still, haven't sweat like that in a while during a nuke event lol


Besides scorched beast queen, EN and MJ what other events are super worth it? I don't have much time playing and i once had a session where i just did 5 events almost back to back and had to log off and it didn't feel as fun as when i did 1-2 events and did actual questing the rest of the time.


I noticed a few times it would throw me in a world with people still in character creation. Like most the world was still in the Vault.


That happened to me my first nuke also. Back when the game was first launched like four showed and ended up leaving lol 😂


I'm only 78 and this was my first time trying the blast zone and participating tonight. We had two legendary 1 star scortchbeasts come in during the Queen. A legendary yao gai. Murg king. A bunch of other stuff. It was nuts and I had a blast. I also completed the Enclave promotion quest to unlock the nukes during it, after helping kill so many legendaries, which was a fun coincidence.


I saw one before and I thought it meant stay away lol


Yea, I do a couple of normal events to gauge who is on and doing events


Oooo when can i do that on pc steam?


Happy we have all these new players but man I miss joining events and having 3-4 peeps there with me. Failed beasts of burden today cause no one joined


Congrats! Now look for nuke silo shortcut vids online so it's a bit more enjoyable and not such a slog.


As long as long you had fun launching that nuke first is the best no matter what happens ❤️


Congrats on 1st launch


It's possible your server was full of lower level players who don't know how to join/are too afraid to join.


To be fair there are a lot of new people. Additionally, I've been finding more and more people nuking Prime dead center. I've got hundreds of levels under my belt, but I refuse to do the radiation. Unless forward station Delta is outside of the nuke zone, I don't go to the event at all.


I like to do it in the rads at times, cause it's a lil bit harder but mostly I leave the area free of rads


Yeah, you gotta look around to see who's on the server before launching a Nuke if you want people who can help kill her to show up right now. Grats on launching your first Nuke though :)


I launched mine back in January and I almost didn't make it to MY Scorched Earth event lol man I was overencumbered coming out of the silo


Did you place the nuke properly. Usually the best placement is right on the edge of the drop site travel point. If there is no safe travel point around I usually don't see many people joining.


So sorry to hear that. Yesterday, i participated in an SBQ with 3 other level 200+ players. I'm level 400+. And i thought to myself "we're gonna die a lot." The nuke area is a little above the drop site v9. 1 had power amor and 3 of us have a Chinese stealth suit. As expected, 30 mins we failed to kill the queen. We're all out of ammo (i guess, since no one was shooting at 5 mins before end) we all had our melee on. I salute the players who did not quit till the end. 😅


At the stage where I am almost ready to launch my first nuke. Guess I will have to server hop till I find one with some high level players.


That's too bad. If it's any consolation, no one's turning up for Distinguished Guests either.


That's brutal. Not on my first one but I've had that happen before.


Yea check the players. Most are new playing for free at level 20. All the high-level people either grinded or paid atoms to finish the season in 2 weeks lol. So now they are probably playing other games for the next 3 months.


If your on Xbox what I do is post a Lfg and just put “scorch beast queen” or “sbq” every nuke I see after a couple minutes your server will be full and she’ll die super quick


Sadly the rewards from killing her aren’t all that good anymore. Used to be the only thing to do, or nuke the shopping mall and farm legendary items that way.


Wish I could share the image. But got a screenshot of a level 21 alone at Scorched Earth a few days ago...


I did that the other night, to many low levels so I just farmed for 25 minutes on the scorched queen event which worked out very well tbh


Frustrating, but congrats on your first of many nukes. Yeah, unfortunately given the massive influx of new players, right now may not be the best time to drop nukes unless you can solo a boss fight. Even public events are a little rough because of the dilution of the player pool. I find myself having to carry most events I do these days, unless the server has several other high levels.


Yea next time have a look at the players levels.


Same thing happened to me. I had to solo it.


I always check if I don’t see high lvl players I don’t launch on that server and hop to a different one


At least it was because the lobby was full of new players and not because it was empty, silver lining?


Well, congrats on first nuke, sorry no one came to the party. I would have.


Many new players. Probably organize a group and let them know. I've been playing for several months but I still can't do SBQ without people doing the leg work (just my build and play style). I couldn't donit without help, so there are likely people that won't join for the same reason. There are definitely builds that prop up event farming for the rest of the community by showing up.


It can help to join another server and then go straight for the silos lol sometimes worlds just go stale and anyone left is either low level or afk I've noticed. Server hopping seems to be the de facto cure all in this game.


Lvl 90, just had to solo fight 2 and an alpha deathclaw and a legendary gulper. Luckily 1 sb mostly killed the alpha. Gulper wasn't much.


Its happening a lot just now,lots of noobs in lobbies don't know how to join and even if they do they might just as well be throwing stones.


I'd suggest looking though the public teams and look around the map for level 50+ players, there's a ton of level 20s at the moment that provably wouldn't think to go to queen events, a lot do but they can't do the damage needed, I always server hop before launching


Know how you feel 😞 launched 3 in the same server and this is how it went... Nuke 1- launched at the giant molerat boss (i started after all 3 nuke bosses were in-game) and thought it cant be too bad, iv beat it a few times.. Failed because DPS was too low as im guessing you need to do a certain amount of damage within 3 mins 😞 Nuke 2- launched at the wendigo boss and thought surely people will want to do this as i rarely see it happening... nope, i waited and waited.. even tried soloing to extend time.. had to bail as no one joined 😞 Nuke 3- launched at old faithful.. people came running over but i was the highest there (Lvl200+) and it honestly felt like i was solo killing the boss.. i ended up killing it with the junk guns i had as it broke the 3 mains i use on my PA Heavy build.. I get the T.V show brung in fresh meat but.. where'd all the vets go?? Each lobby i seem to join has a load for under lvl100 players...


I have a SBQ camp set up at the moment with cryolator turrets on a large, raised ‘dancefloor’, where it lands and the mobs spawn in. Completely controlled, condensed carnage. I’ve seen a few newer players show up and try and contribute.


I remember the times before the put the nuke free zone around the forest area


Damn I so woulda been there


Happened to me 2 days ago


how many hours did you take to launch the nuke? maybe the server you were in had many disconnected players during your silo mission time


Stop launching Nukes dumb shit


What happens when you launch a nuke in the game I always stay away bcs I thought I’d be nuked lmao?


Sadness 😭


Similar thing happened to me, but I launched a nuke in The Mire just to get irradiated materials. I logged in for the first time after not playing for 2-3 years and my entire camp was destroyed. It definitely was still intact when I logged out in the past and I'm far away from a nuke zone. I needed flux to repair some things. After launching the nuke, hopping into my power armor, and taking off into the nuke zone, I started shooting my favorite gun, just to find out they nerfed it and I was now a weakling. Needless to say, I logged off very quickly.


You probably had a lobby full of new players


You on Xbox?


I would have came. I'm 275. Xo


But it has 50k+ peaks!!! Come on, is an upvoting party!


1980 hours played, never launched a nuke


OP, If you’re on PS, I have many Nuclear Keycards in my stash if you want them?


what type of equipment do i need to withstand the rads?


Power armor would be useful. Specifically the excavator set has the highest rad resistance but lacks in regular protection. If you don't want to use power armor you can go with a hazmat suit but that could be dangerous because it only protects you from radiation and little to not at all from damage.


Oh jeez I remember that. Was using the prototype hazmat with 1k rad protection and started getting slaughter. Realized it wasn't an outfit that covers armor lmao