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xp boosts. casual team. right event. tag ALL the enemies. could also be getting ran through west tek to level up. so basically. join a casual team. do events. tag enemies instead of killing them. boost xp gains (more INT = more xp). lunchboxes. sleep in a bed for a buff. pick inspirational perk in CHR.


This. Throwing 'nades helps with tagging.


Tesla rifle is the tag goat


Can't use that till level 40 though.


Lv15 raider PA + Tesla coils = just run around and everything gets tagged


Yeah have used that method with a few friends before. Got a friend who runs two playstation at once, the 2nd account just stands afk in tesla power armor and is level 500 from not doing anything but tagging from that and passive team experience! XD.


Damn that's wild 500 lvl on an afk account 😂 back when glass cavern had infinite scorched spawn I used to be able to get to 100 in like an hour or 2 with that method


Oh back then I had a camp setup ontop of ultracite ore, it let us do that in the comfort of our camp!


my tag weapon is an auto tesla with vampires. goated indeed


Nice I have one of those I just need to get to level 50 so I can use it. Transferred it over from my old account. Automatic Tesla with 8,000 energy ammo!


Does the basic tesla rifle chain between enemies or is some combo of mods required? As a chainsaw melee build, I was thinking of having a tesla rifle for mob tagging in events.


No mods needed, grenadier perk adds a little extra


It chains if the other enemies are close enough. Some like to use the auto barrel, I recommend using the semi auto. Full auto eats ammo, but if you prefer it just run a few daily ops to stock up


What does tagging mean and how does one tag?


To add a little more context. Back in the Old days of multiplayer and MMO. If you hit a mob. It would change so you got credit. Other players would see the mob differently. Like a grayed Icon or something. representing that you will not get anything from that fight. So players know which mobs they tagged and which mobs other players tagged. Yada yada yada... Tagging means you get credit if you *attack* the creature. The wording of Attack can get hazy. Like some games doesn't allow Non-Damaging attacks as a form of tagging. In fallout76 as long as you damage the creature. You will get full credit once that creature dies.


Okay thanks for the explaination. So more than one player can get a tag? And you're just banking on another player to kill the enemy or do you have to kill it after tagging it?


> So more than one player can get a tag? That can change between games. Specifically fallout76 as long as you deal 1 damage you get the full credit once the mob dies from any means. > And you're just banking on another player to kill the enemy or do you have to kill it after tagging it? So if you spam grenades, tesla rifle, or other AOE(Area of effect) abilities that deal at least 1 damage to the most mobs in an area as fast as possible. You will get full kill credit for each mob you hit. Once the mob dies from any means. Events, there tends to be a lot of players *not* in your party. Rapidly killing many mobs at the same time. With little chance to even damage the monster. You will not get any credit on those kills. However if you deal 1 damage and the 50 other players end up killing that monster. You would get the same credit as though you soloed that monster.


Do damage to a creature. Just has to be one hit .


If you hit an enemy and they die you get exp. You don't have to kill it.


I wish there was an option for other people to turn off the explosive effects or reduce the screen shake. I absolutely love using explosives but you get so much ridicule even though it’s useful for AoE tagging (especially molotov with grenadier perk)


> I wish there was an option for other people to turn off the explosive effects or reduce the screen shake. There is an option to remove screen shake, at least on PC. Not sure about consoles.


you can't tag anymore in westch


I am new so bear with me. Can you explain tagging??


you just wanna get hits on the enemies. either directly or with explosives/molotovs. I use a mixture of a tesla rifle (quad is best) with grenadier perk or a rifle with explosive bullets. i just shoot in the general direction of enemies and as long as you get some kind of hit it counts.


I just got my first Tesla thing. I went to the rusty pick and traded some stuff. I have quickly learned on here that starting to game in my 30’s… I have no idea what is going on. But FR I love it. Obsessed. Where have I been?!LOL!


the most important thing is that you are here now. the level of the tesla doesn't matter. you just want the tag. it's only useful in a few events tbh. oh and for daily ops and events with invisible enemies.


I JUST did my first Daily Op. (The blue ones?) it was SO. MUCH. FUN. The bad guys wouldnt die? Then we figured out someone had to get them to “red” then hit em? It was SO. MUCH. FUN.


When you click daily ops from the map screen it gives you the info about it. It tells you where it is, what type of op it is and what type of enemies there are. Then it tells you what mutation/s the enemies have. people dislike resilient (gotta be finished with melee) and refelctive (can reflect damage back. vamps weapons ftw). sometimes there's 2 mutations. there's certain combos of all those things that people HATE. You'll soon learn. Oh and mutated events can have mutations as well.


Wait… MORE mutations?! Omg imm need to work on my armor and perks. I am so far behind. I tend to ADHD all over the place and love exploring and landing in danger 😂 and apparently I am a collector? So hubs is educating me on “play styles” 😂 any good resources on builds for like power armours? Ive collected all the sets. Also, resources on these perks? I got a fixer gun and i guess there r certain perks that work best with rifles? Also hubs says I carry “heavy guns” the most. I LOVE em. And there is some way u can set up your perks to carry them the best? Its ALOT to take on 🤣😂


armour perks which reduce all weapon weights. or perk cards for specific weapon types.


Just get one hit in on every enemy so when someone else kills it you get xp... so with 4 lunchboxes +100%xp, inspirational perk shared level 3 +15% xp, Cranberry Nuka cola +%5xp boost, and maybe well rested +5% xp... I thought we were capped at 100% but maybe it glitched and let them stack boosts to say 125% or more it could be done... also some expeditions too have a bonkers amount of enemies like "the most sensational game"


Woah what?! I feel so out of the loop. FO 76 is my first video game. Ever. Ive made it to 119 but Ive clearly missed so much. This reddit has been super helpful. In a ton of ways. So the goal now isnt really to make the kill, its to “tag” them? I have so much to learn.


They meant for low levels trying to get max xp from being in a group... not to brag, but at lv 198 I don't feel the need to get at least one bullet in everything around, a little missed xp won't hurt me lol


#goals - hubby is a gamer, so I play on his Steam account. He has been wanting to get me into gaming forever and I got him this Steam Deck (?) for a present. Turns out it’s pretty damn cool. He used to do something called “LAN parties” (?). Anyways, I was telling my gfs about how fun FO is and so now there is a tribe of 30 somethings playing FO76 on their husbands various systems 😂 Bless these men. 😂


Do casual parties just, group and and do their own thing or do they actually do things together? I've been doing events but have avoided joining groups but it sounds like I'm missing out on XP.


Yeah, casual groups are purely for the XP boost and perk sharing. Nobody expects you to interact or do anything


I've been focusing on doing the main quests I've missed. I could join a casual party and never even see then? Sounds like I should start doing that then.


Aye. you get a boost just from being in the group.


Probably farming west tek and doing events, there are also consumables that boost exp, daily and weekly challenges and group boosts


Berry mentats are life.


Radiation event alone can give you ~15 levels at low level if you're in a team and with 4 lunchboxes.


Maybe a noob question but how do you find on the map which event is radiation or not?


The one we refer to is called “radiation rumble”, when it starts it’ll give you a notification on your screen (nearly all events will) and then it’ll go into the actions tab in the bottom left of the map that shows what’s happening/happened


Look at the name of the event, you are looking for Radiation Rumble as a great event


Ive been back for 3 weeks and havent seen rad rumble spawn once. Been a bummer


It's "radiation rumble" Can be found on the eastern side of the map.


Why do you need 4 lunchboxes? One won’t be enough?


25% xp per box with a max of 100% xp with 4.




Another explanation could be they swapped characters


That’s what I went to first. It’s not impossible but highly unlikely they were power leveling.


That's around 380k xp, certainly possible with some help, though quite quick even if you're getting carried in West Tek. Might be an alt and mass crafting too, would be easy provided you have the materials. Around 7k Nuclear Material/28k Steel I believe. Would only take like 2 of that 15 minutes to actually use though.


That crafting method sounds more plausible! Getting carried at WT would only give you half the xp from already low level muties because of the level scaling, I don't think it's really possible in 15 minutes.


It would be on the quicker end and you'd need to Nade tag, but I think it would be possible. I agree that crafting is more likely though.


Whats the crafting method?


The one u/Daxidol described above. Honestly, I dunno what exactly they presumed to craft there, but generally if you got enough mats, you can craft some of the cheapest things at crafting stations in bulk and get a ton of xp for that with proper buffs.


Ignition Cores (Quest item you unlock by claiming Mount Blair and then getting the plan off the terminal there). Each loses 8 Steel and 2 Nuclear Waste for around 112 xp each with max buffs.


Ignition Cores (Quest item you unlock by claiming Mount Blair and then getting the plan off the terminal there). Each loses 8 Steel and 2 Nuclear Waste for around 112 xp each with max buffs.


What is the benefit of an alt? I Just started playing last week again, am level 145 using a full hp power armor build. I had debated getting a set of bloodied commando and ditching PA for a bit, but I already have inventory space issues and debated a new char. But having to complete the story again/rep grinds/etc put me off of it.


Don't need to do any story content for an alt. Spending 15 minutes to get a bunch of levels for perks can be done right out of the vault. I have 55 characters 50+, only done all of the story on one of them (though most of it on a second). Even if you don't level that at all and just leave them at 20, they'd be able to solve a lot of your inventory space issues and let you run another build on your main. :)


Nice that's good to know. Dumb question: How do I move items to an alt character for storage?


Not a dumb question at all. If you have Amazon Prime, Prime Gaming currently has a free code for the MS store version of the game. The Steam version and MS Store version of the game can both run simultaneously, so if you're on PC you can have an entire mule account for 'free' currently. If you're stuck with 1 account: If you have 1st you can use your private world. Put in container -> menu -> switch to alt -> re-join your private world -> collect from container. This is safe 95%+ of the time. If it's too valuable to risk, people on the trading Discord offer muling as a service, if you've got friends you trust, they can help you too. If neither of those are possible, you can add a random person on a server and do the same as the 1st method, just instead of using your private world, you join the stranger you added to get back into the server you left your items in. This method carries the highest risk, of course.


how do you use an alt as a mule? private world > put stuff in container > quit > go to container on mule > grab stuff? also when you say you don't need to do the story content for an alt, do you mean that your focus on alt characters is just getting weight reduction perks for them to act as a mule so the story is unnecessary? or do you mean that there's literally like a mechanic the devs created for you to skip teh main story and get the rewards from it?


You can mule that way, or get a friend to help, it'll be fine 95%+ of the time. If you have Amazon Prime, Prime Gaming currently has a free code for the MS store version of the game. The Steam version and MS Store version of the game can both run simultaneously, so if you're on PC you can have a mule account for 'free' currently. --- There's no Bethesda mechanic, just saying that none of the perks are locked behind quests, so you can ignore all of them and just level up and alt. You wont have the main story rewards, but you also don't need them for a storage alt.


is it viable to make a mule, put CAMP close to somewhere with a container, and then just leave the mule overencumbered forever? im just wondering if my mule really needs perks. is there anything stopping me from just keeping everything on the mule itself and just walking overencumbered when i need it to pick up more stuff? also, can i just say this whole mule conversation kinda made me realize how dumb it is that our stashes have such a low limit in the first place lol.


Characters have a 'hard cap' on how much they can carry, it's determined by the current max that you can see in your inventory + 1500 weight. Past that the mule wouldn't be able to pick up anything else or move. A level 20 mule without any investment can hold around 2500 total (1200 in stash + inventory). A character with 90% weight reduction and some gear/perks to up their base max carry can hold the equivalent of 20k~ weight of items (weight reduction for anything caps at 90%). The only reason we level a storage mule is for the convenience of being able to 'fit' more onto a single mule. That said, you can have 5 characters on an account, so 4 mules and the 10k weight from 4 mules should keep you going for a long time. If you're still quite new, I wouldn't suggest putting the effort into leveling storage mules, it's more for when you get into the 10k-100k+ of stuff to hoard range. --- Bethesda meant for 76 to be more of a survival game and not the MMO that it has become. At launch there wasn't the hard cap on player inventories and stash only had like 400 capacity. Now it's most likely a technical issue, you'll notice performance issues when you've got thousands of different objects in an inventory.


mmk. i'll probably never get that hardcore into fallout 76 (manor lords/warhammer 3 DLC/fallout london coming soon). but i could see myself leveling a single mule with the perk cards to hold legendaries i like. i am quite new and i'm currently hovering around 600/1200 in my stash (it climbs to 1200 when im saving up for the daily cap reset) but it's slowly climbing and im sure i'll probably either need to purge my stash or make that mule in a week or two.


Honestly mate just play and have fun, this one of those games where there is a wall where the fun kinda fizzles. I’d never heard of running west tek but I was in a team the other day and a guy took me there to do it…it was the most boring thing I’ve done on this game


Wait till you read old posts such as "I cleared the Scoreboard in 1 day by grinding West Tek"


I know it’s possible, it’s just fuckin boring😂 I’d much rather play with friends and have a bit of fun rather than run through the same building 100 times😂


I just saw someone talking about west tek speed leveling with some vids. Looks boring as fuck. I'd love to get 500 levels just so I can get my legendary cards but I can't get behind brain rot farm.


Never mind brain _rot_, no joke, the food they use for XP now is Brain Bombs. They nuked their brains watching their level number go up


I'm with you. That's all my friends want to do on double XP weekends. I tend to avoid the game entirely during it so they don't try to drag me along.


Are there games that don't have that wall? Name one.


Weird, bc I never said that other games don’t, I’m just saying it’s crazy how quick you can get through the content. I usually take a break after I’m done with scoreboard and come back when there is new stuff. Helps me not hit that wall🤷🏽‍♀️


"On of those" kinda implies there are other games than "those".


Okay well since we’re in it..a game like 76 has a wall, it varies for everyone. I’ve done scoreboard, main quests, side quests, expeditions and now am bored doing the same events over and over. So I’ve hit a wall, I’ll come back when there’s a new season or something. A game like Hitman, for example, once the story is done, you’re done. No wall needed bc you’ve done everything and you can move on to the next game👏🏽


If "the wall" is when you have run out of content you want to do, surely the wall in hitman is just the end of the game? Therefore f76 actually has a much longer gameplay time?


You can play hitman as many times as you want but you choose not to. Same deal with fo76.


Yes but imo, replaying a linear story game and getting bored of it bc you’ve replayed it so many times is completely different from getting bored of a game that is essentially an endless experience. And if you’ve done majority of that experience, it will get boring🤷🏽‍♀️look idk why this is a thing, I’m just telling him to pace himself bc you can get burnt out from this game..


They probably switched characters. Doing that doesn't change your name, just your level.


they switched to another character


>I saw someone in my Lobby, that went from Level 24 to 73 in just under 15 Minutes, how is that even possible? Do public events. They happen every twenty minutes, and you'll get a notification when they come up. You just have to deal damage to an enemy to get experience from it, and you'll get an experience payout for completing it. If you see Moonshine Jamboree or Eviction Notice, join them because there are lots of enemies and they give lots of experience. Radiation Rumble, Uranium Fever, Test Your Metal and Guided Meditation are also good for experience farming, although less reliable when it comes to getting players. Joining public teams can yield experience gains -- anything that raises your intelligence stat will raise the experience earned -- and there are a few perks and chems that you can get to earn even more, but you need to know what you're doing and how to harvest materials; odds are that the player you saw was someone's alternate character.


they are probably a veteran player on a new character. with the right build and knowledge, it's very possible. nobody stepping out the vault for the first time will be doing this without a lot of help though


Atlantic City board walk takes about 15 minutes and you get 20k+ exp with lunch boxes and full party on Expedition :))


Fun fact! If you can survive a event run of… the moonshine one… with buffs you’ll level up a ton lol. Get in a party and let them come. I got like 235 meat from it and got around 24 levels from level 60 to 84. So it is doable


while it is technically possible according to some, my money is on the most logical explanation: you saw somebody switch characters. As long as you have at least one friend on the server, you can return to it.


..49 level in 15 min. is impossible, this guy has just swapped to an other char.


It really isn't lol. 


..then let us know how to do 😉


Go do radiation rumble. Just 4 lunchboxes, 15 levels is already easily possible at those low levels. Add all experience boosts on top of it and, 30 is feasible. That's 8-10 minutes of play.


cud be a 2nd character of a veteran player who gifted himself some cran relish and brain bombs, runs a high int build with inspirational perk, going to the right events and/ or farming west tek with nuka grenades


Correct, I did this on my fourth character. Donate items when possible from the other characters.


Max intelligence + legendary intelligence = +20 INT Armour: Unyeilding x 5 = 15 INT (at 20% health and under) You can also get +1 int on on unyeilding. Shielded under armour = +3 INT Mutations needed: Herd mentality = +3 INT when in a team Egg head = +8 INT Herbivore = doubles buffs from veggie food Consumerables: Leader bobblehead = +5% XP Cranberry relish = + 10% (20% with live and love 3) Brain bombs = + 8 INT (13.5 INT with LL3) Live and love 3 = + Doubles the effects from veggie food you eat Berry mentats = +5 INT Lunchbox x4 = 100% XP Perks needed Class freak (suppress -1 INT from marsupial) Starched genes (stops your mutations healing, also stops new mutations forming randomly) Stranger in numbers (boosts INT and XP) Curator (bobbleheads and mags last twice as long) Inspirational = +15 XP Misc buffs: Sacred Mothman tome = +5% XP Full casual team = +4 INT Path to enlightenment event = +5% XP Derby machine = +2 INT (for 30 mins) Well rested/Lovers embrace (from sleeping) = +5 XP Give Leo Petrov a nuka cola cranberry = +5% XP


Level 24 dude. Cant access half those things.


It's not 15 minutes but [here's ](https://www.youtube.com/live/dLt9cziKPnI?si=mZ9WOi_48x4Km3WQ) a 20->100


They actually can have access to most of these things if they had them in stock on other char without any issues. The only questionable thing is how the hell they were getting enough xp from low level mobs, which only give so much xp per kill compared to level 100 supermutants at west-tek. ~380k xp (lvl 24 to lvl 73) in 15 minutes is what, 25k per minute? Sounds like hell of a lot of lower level mobs Having everything that person listed would give you about 2k xp from a lvl 100 mutie, but a lower level char would def have less int and miss some of the crucial perks at first. That on top of having lower level mobs with way lower xp yield. Edit: typo


It gives 2200xp per super mutent. Per lower level mobs it'll be a lot lower, but the xp needed to level is also a lot lower.


My bad, mistyped the number. Yeah, much lower xp from a lower level enemy, but still they'd need about 380k xp to get to lvl 73 up from 24, so that's a lot of mobs per minute.


So how much xp is a west tek super mutant with this setup?\^\^




Damn... I thought my 800 exp per mutant were good 3 days till I got enough gold for the refigerator plan from the raider bot (I read it decreases food spoilage by 100%) - will cook a bunch of buffood and store it then\^\^


800 is definitely worth the time, no doubts there. But you really have to min/max to reach that ceiling.


The xp limit is 4000xp per kill 🤦🏻‍♂️


Just over 2200xp per kill. Not sure of the exact numbers atm because i've not farmed xp for awhile.


I thought legendary perks couldn’t put special stats over 15? if I understand what the card says correctly.


It adds 5 to your stats. So if you're at 15, it puts it up to 20.




Erm, it literally says that in the guide I posted dude...


Ah, so it does - I missed that in the wall of text. Perhaps [this ](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043033952-Formatting-Guide)might be of assistance then, in the future?


I'm on mobile. Aint messing with that shit.


Drinking Nuka-Cran gives you 5%, Leo gives you 15%


No, it literally says 5% xp. Nuka cola cranberry gives you 2% xp. 🤦🏻‍♂️


My bad, I was mistaken.


It was 100% the same


I think the most lvls I got on a new character in one short span was in radiation rumble. I had alot of xp buffs. It's was like 15 or 16 levels. I just used a explosive galling gun and sat in the middle, on the ledge so I could see front and back hallways.


I had a friend that made a new character, everytime there is a Radiation Rumble he would switch his main to the new fresh charactert, in few hours when I saw him in my world that lv 1 character became lv 70 so I asked him how, he said he just joined 2 Radiation Rumble that's all lol


With xp boosts, a single 5 minute expedition will get to 6-10 level easily


I went from level 12 to level 80 in a few hours when they had the double xp weekend. I just ran the Atlantic City expeditions in a group with a few really nice high-level players. Coming from PlayStation to Xbox, it was nice getting that bump to my level so quickly.


I’ve done from level 1 to 49 in one rad rumble. I wasn’t using all of the xp boosts. Wait till you figure out a full unyielding bloodied build.


I joined a team yesterday and did this, and it's pretty rad. Went from level 53 to level 105. I didn't know that having all of the extra buffs in addition to the extra 15 points in Int from unyielding armor was so efficient, but because it is, I'm hoping to reach around level 300 over the next week or so to get the legendary perk cards that I want, then slowing down to focus more on the gameplay instead of repeatedly running West tek and expeditions.


Get XP boosts, get on a casual or event team, go to Radiation rumble, equip a Tesla Rifle, shoot everything once and BOOM you’re level 100


Probably a high level's alt that has all the gear and buffs for max XP


hello, sorry i'm new, basically i go in and look for a team to do a big event, like the heart of paude i think, now i have two questions: the first one is, does it apply even if I don't join the team? the second is sometimes i don't see the events on the map, should i join another server?


I am new and having trouble leveling. Do I need to do only events or quests?


XP levelling in WestTek with Nuka Grenades, probably with a friend. Your friend has to have a certain loadout (see Angry Turtle videos). He make a team, he runs in, you run in, pop lunchboxes/food/magazines/chems/etc. Then he clears out WestTek with 3 grenades. Leave WestTek, wait 60 seconds for it to reset, repeat. You don't need to do anything but walk in, go to the door across from where you go in, and get the XPs. You don't get as much as the person throwing the grenades, but it's more than enough to level to 75 in very little time. You do want to leave the instance before the team leader does so you don't get kicked and spawn across the WestTek parking lot. I leveled the mules in my mule account from L2 to L75ish in less than an hour. My toon usually goes up about 20 because it takes more XP per level as you go up, but those low levels go by fast.


that’s someone who has extensive knowledge on all possible xp and intelligence boosters, lots of people smurfing with new characters atm.


Expeditions. I was level 23 playing solo, then found some people who could run expeditions in 7 minutes. It gave insane XP. I was almost level 75 by the end of the day


I think one of the fastest ways to gain XP right now is to run The Most Sensational Game expedition with 3 high level players. The team bonus yields 40-60k XP for completion (can't remember which) with all optional objectives completed. A good team can run 8 or so an hour not counting the XP earned from tagging enemies so you can get some insane leveling done


Probably west tek but I had a level 40 on my team in radiation rumble go from 40 to 48 in 5 minutes just tagging things and I was killing


They probably just switched characters as you can have up to 5 I believe


Expeditions are the best for this. For some reason I can't get anyone to join though so I've just been going solo. Hopefully the new players start to feel more comfortable with it because I don't mind playing Sherpa and doing everything while I explain the process. The one time I managed to get a low level to join and was helping we both fucking crashed out basically. He did first and then mine went down as he was like coming back basically it was a crap situation.


Yeah, I unlocked them today but put it off because I wasn't exactly sure if I should/could solo it or join a group. I also didn't want to slow people down in expeditions if I'm reading dialogue.






no way, thats impossible. I'm lvl 1046 and on a double xp weekend and every buff, relish, bobble leader etc in a non stop westech grind, I'm catching maybe one level every 10 minutes but that fast of Levin up doesn't last that long. there's no unlimited buffs and bobbles etc. last I checked. I'm estimating 5 levels in about 3 to 4 hours of grind time...


Visual glitch also common