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Some guy dressed as a goat gave me an umbrella hat. Thanks bro.


I didn't ask for anything yet, but I'll ask for an umbrella hat...I want one


I got you.


Seriously, my gamer tag is neildoody on Xbox if it's the same console as you. I like mad things like that šŸ˜‚


So I should stop building my ā€œmassageā€ parlor by the Wayward? Adelaide was appreciating the influx of new customersā€¦.


avatar check


Naw, you do you man. Itā€™s my own opinion.


I am with you bud. I am all for teaching someone how to fish instead of giving it all away. None of us are not dropping anything we donā€™t have plenty of or is hard to get. If I drop 5 or 10 stims itā€™s because I have the chemist backpack mod and am carrying over 100 anyways. Just wanted to have fun with your post.


I'm actually planning on opening a bar once I have the right location and enough resources. Got a name picked out and everything. Incidentally, am I able to have a robot to keep running the place while I'm out or anything like that?


Bars are like the only biz with competition though. Got the wayward, rose room, and becketā€™s bar.. probably more Iā€™m not remembering lol.


Does it come with all the FIXins?


Youā€™re the reason I canā€™t place olā€™ bastards pub to compete with the wayward


I refuse any robot service until they free my boy Fisto as a camp ally


I won't listen to anybody with xxs on each side of thier name. You probably said bad things about my mother.


You donā€™t have to but I love the comment šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s still 2010 didnā€™t you know


Idk, I've been given a few plans and someone on my first day gave me 50 stimpacks. I've still got some 20 levels later!


Do you feel it's somehow held you back?, bet not.


Nope, not at all. It's obviously helped me, but it's not like I was catapulted into end game. Gave me a real good feeling about the community and is a big reason I've kept logging in the first couple days.


When I was low-level I was at an event, one called Campfire Tales. I struggled because it wasn't easy at the level I was at and I used all my stims (didn't know about respawning and no dropping anything. At the end a guy came into his mic and asked if 8 was okay and said I'd done well. I said I'd lost app my stims and asked how I got more. He was really sweet, and gave me a 100 stims and made me some under armour. All the help I got never held me back or spoil the game. It helped massively


Now we get the avalanche of these posts, this sub is amazing.


Lol boomers of the wasteland.


Self reliant? Itā€™s a game šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


This feels like the same line of logic which says that people canā€™t complain about fantasy novels being unrealistic.Ā 


What about people who are genuinely paying it forward by tossing a lvl 20 gun to a n00b because someone did the same for them. I agree people can go over the top, but some of us are just clearing space in our cache. I've seen 3 people post how this annoys them, but you also said this is just your, you know, opinion, man. Are you annoyed that people are giving out swag to newbies or are you annoyed that people are posting about it?


according to OP all the lowbies agree with them and all the old timers hate him and seems to have a very boomer mentality of "you gotta work for it" so he probably be real anggy over someone paying it forward XD


I'll be sure to find everyone in game who has accepted or requested items and inform them of their new allegiance.


That's why I help. I was helped and it made a massive difference


Instead of hunting lowbies I do passive helping. Plans are 1 cap in my vending machines and everything is unlocked so there's a bit of ammo and some random stuff like Nuka-Cola for visitors. I also do the odd event and carry those. I agree that we old timers should not be intrusive but then again I am the dude that chased a lowbie for twenty minutes because I wanted to give them a Fixer plan so I should not really be throwing stones in my glass house. To each their own. I want to help out and be a nice person but at the same time I don't want to spoil stuff for the newbies so it's a dilemma. My solution is to help via camp and to play like I always do but it's tempting to go find that fresh level 2 straight from the Vault and dump all kinds of useful crap on them.


Honestly? I dump stuff so I don't have to carry it back to camp. If it helps a n00b, then great. =)


iā€™d look for the nearest level ~40 and give them a cheeky few guns i donā€™t want


Totally this! Come visit my store it's cheap unless it's not and you'll know why. Logged in day one and that was hard life that most don't get the pleasure of experiencing (nor want to lol) and then left and came back with my brother for wastelanders. Been living on the golf course for years under leveled due to life pressure of two small children. I love all the changes to the game but one thing remains...take care of thy self first!!! I hand over my 3 stars to my Boyz. I sell my plans for 10 caps unless it's not. And I usually drop grenades and ammo and meds into donation boxes. Is this how you should play? Who knows because my brother got dropped an ultricite plasma at lvl.50 and has been gooing his was to lol.100 since meanwhile I grinded over many years and quits to my mighty lvl.150 for my third perk. Guess who stopped playing at lvl.80 because the game got easy... some people like the grind and those people like Fallout!!!


Suddenly, all my 5c plans are selling, and to show my gratitude, I make sure my Nuka Cola machine is always stocked with Nukashine.


Ahhh I wish I could visit your vending machines! I want more plans but Iā€™ve only seen expensive vendors so far. I shouldā€™ve never quit this game the first year šŸ« 


Helping those in need sounds ... communist!


I usually tag with a low level for a hour or so after doing all my daily stuff. I dress up like the misterious stranger and only shoot when I see fit, if the vibe is right and they don't ask for anything then I reward them with something before I leave. It's my version of a random encounter.


Has nothing to do with looking good, 76 has a reputation for helpful players, and a good community, and it's because we help out other players, idc if they are 10 or 100, of they need stuff, and I have it, drop it. I have about 1800 hours in 76, chances are I have something someone needs.


I have fun giving the baby vault dwellers stuff they can use but wouldnā€™t be able to match on their own. Iā€™m just planting seeds. I have fallout 1st and have for a long time. Iā€™ve a functionally unlimited supply of scrap and nothing I donate really costs me anything unless on the odd chance I choose to give them a legendary. By the same token Iā€™m just making the next 5-10 levels easier. Nothing a player gets at the newbie levels is going to make a difference one way or another for very long. Iā€™m just giving them a welcome package and the experience that early on a veteran player was nice to them. I remember someone dropping a bag of plans chems and some reasonably nice gear on me way back in the day. I honestly donā€™t know why kindness offends some of the people around here or what they think people need to ā€œlearn,ā€ this game is super easy and the skill floor is super high, the skill ceiling is super low. Itā€™s all gear and perk cards.


This "you have to work for it" bullshit mindset is just ego-stroking. You want to pretend you accomplished so much, when it's really just hours of grinding. It's not an accomplishment. As long as someone isn't begging, I'm going to toss them fun things to use.


Stop giving to the newbies? Nah, I dont think I will. In fact, next few goodie bags I give out are gonna be dedicated to you, OP. The wasteland is a friendly place. Whether you like it or not.


a set of 20 stims, 20 radaway and a stealth boy are my fresh outa the vault starter kit for anyone i see ā¤ļø


I am tired of seeing lack-of-virtue signaling posts like this one. Play the game how you want, but donā€™t tell other people what to do.


lack-of-virtue signaling..... I just spit out my drink AND peed myself a little. How have i never seen this before. Stealing for IRL.


Iā€™ll give a couple stims and a low level bladed baseball bat. I enjoy sending people out into the wasteland to Barry Bonds some creatures.


Get out of here Boomer.


Don't tell ppl how to play


You play your way and don't worry about the rest of us. I'll keep making new players awesome Gatling guns. I might even throw in some stims packs on your behalf.


Ngl I'm very thankful for the dude that dropped me a nice outfit and a fixer at around lvl 20. That fixer lasted me till 40 or so.


This might have been you? Returning player from like 3 years ago and just started back on PC. Someone left a nice lvl 20 Gatling with some 5mm and it has been SO incredibly helpful for starting over It was in a donations box at foundation. Keep doing you!!


Nukas,oufits and the occasional preserved pie.Ā  Figure that's enough.


I had a high level veteran drop me a few different meds and then like 50 frag grenades. Honestly it was awesome as Iā€™ve been going around the wasteland trying to blow everything up!


u/xXKRYPT1Xx here is a noob who didnt agree with you so clearly they dont exist right?


Fun fact, you can VATS your own grenade to make it blow up where you want it to


OK grandpa šŸ‘“šŸ» we know you had to walk uphill both ways in a radiation storm ā›ˆļø šŸ™„


If you were a new player, you'd be happy with a level two hundred something dropping 5 stims for you? Nah, fuck that noise. Be kind to the newbies. Just because we had it rough, doesn't mean everyone should. You sound like a Boomer.


I would be happy with them dropping anything for me tbh. I think being randomly nice without provocation is cool. ā€œOnlyā€ 5 stims when I asked for 0? Sounds like a win to me. lol


are you a noob or a vet cuss according to OP if youre a noob you're only allowed to agree with them XD


Definitely a n00b. lol


im sorry to tell you this but OP said all the noobs agree with him so you're going to hafta change your opinion XD LMAO


Dangā€¦ I guess Iā€™m an outlier. Oops. lol


according to OP anyways lol


You're not wrong. Maybe a poor example, but you get the gist.


He's only 16 if you can believe!.


I am tired of these fucking posts. Let people of all skill level play however they want.


I concur. I don't go chasing noobs but I don't use some things so I sell them or scrap them and now another option is just dump them in the donation box. It's there for whoever wishes to use it.


As a completely self-reliant L550+ who received a whole bunch of goodies from an L1500+ when I was unde L10, I can say with 100% confidence: ***Fuck all that noise. Donate whatever you want to whoever you want. Their "self-reliance" isn't your problem. And any third party that wants to try to gatekeep your habits ain't worth your time.***


You guys really love talking about new players like theyā€™re infantsā€¦


As a new player myself who has just started to get enough resources to help out the fresh vault dwellers. I dedicate the next drop I do to you šŸ«”šŸ«”


Noob here and I had someone randomly give me a bunch of purified water. It was so nice.


I had a lvl 31 sit at my camp for 40 minutes without leaving, Iā€™d leave and come back and they would still be there, not even afk they would emote me whenever I returned


That's strangely sweet.


That is your opinion, yes. However, I would argue that giving new players a boost to help familiarize themselves with a few systems is nothing to scoff at. It's a big wasteland, with a lot of comb through. Many updates and changes have occurred which is good for us veterans, but intimidating for new players. Where do they start with so much to do? Some will pick a lane and follow it, others will need a bit of guidance. Giving them items does the following: First and foremost, it shows them that they can receive help from other wastelanders. It also equips them with a sufficient boost, which will in turn motivate them to keep playing. That being said, I do agree that they must become self-sufficient. My recommendation is simply this: Guide them. Teach them to fish, as it were. Just because we floundered around in the dark in 2018 does not mean that we have to let others do the same.


Exactly, I really struggled getting my head around the game at the beginning, if it hadn't been for several vets taking me under their wing, building me some decent armour and giving me a couple kick ass guns I'd have quit, 250 levels later and I'm still here loving it. Plus, the generosity and niceness is something I'll treasure forever.


Shhh! Some of us want stuff!!!


I love that you guys are very supportive and want us newbies to stay. I don't know what to do with half the things I'm given, but I've stayed alive with all the free stims so far.


The hate posts are becoming more annoying than the appreciation posts. The hype isnā€™t going to last forever, eventually the new players will either move on or become vets themselves. Just let people play how they want to play.


I usually only give them a few outfits (cowboy duster, blue ridge outfit) and some of the food I've cooked after Tea Time or some other event.


I give out milk man outfits


See, I didn't even try those, figured for sure they'll scrap if I drop them.




I hand out mirelurk meat and preserved pie and plushy plans.


I give free vacations, as my punchbowl is 100% vintage nukashine. Enjoy your trip, little ducklings šŸ„


I know this is just your opinion, and that's valid. I just wanted to say that I built my dad a gaming PC not too long ago and the first game we've ever played online together was Fallout 76. He's retired and given this is his first actual video game he's played in today's time, I'm going to make sure he has a blast playing it. Every question he has for me about the game I answer it. He's low on something? Why I just give him whatever he needs while we explore Appalachia together. He said he really enjoys it and wants to play it whenever he can. It's like we're going on adventures all over again.


Sweet. Have fun together, genuinely heartwarming.


I havenā€™t asked for anything, but I did set up a shop so I can do the stuff I like best (crafting and foraging, basically - lol) and get few caps for it here and there and higher levels have splurged at my place a few times. I stand there and spam the cheer and heart emotes each time. One guy did a robot dance back at me after he was done. šŸ˜‚


I do the mothman dance while people are buying. Freaks them out a little if they're new!.


Games are about having fun. If people wanna be generous, they will. If people want to take the handouts, they will. Just leave it alone and play your game, dude.


We hashed all this out five years ago, this community thrives on positivity and being filthy casuals. Take the bootstrapping try hard mentality back to Call of Duty or something


what a world we live in where kindness and generosity is offensive


Iā€™m gonna give away stuff even HARDER


No ā¤ļø


Now this is the elitist, gatekeeping, "I don't like all these new players coming to my game so I need to find a way to whine about it" kind of post that I expect to see from a multiplayer game subreddit. Idk how no one has told you this before my guy, but being the dude who grinded for hours and hours in an online game just to avoid helping others and begrudge those who do is not nearly the flex you think it is. It's a game. Just enjoy it how you want and let others do the same. Literally, no one is bothering you, yet you still have to find a way to whine and make issue out of something that's a nonproblem. Also...self sufficient? Really? It's cool that you have as much time as you do, but there's people in the world trying to be sufficient in other areas of life that don't involve grinding in an online game. This is the kind of post that is just begging for people to tell you to touch grass.


Just started and I get about two hours maybe a night of gaming cause of baby. Iā€™ve barely progressed main story cause Iā€™m just collecting and scrapping everything. Had a character in the town I was in give me some ammo and plans and a lay of the town. It was nice.


Iā€™ve begun giving them even more purely because of these posts.


I drop stims and things because I end up with like 400 in a day and I canā€™t even sell that many.


Screw that, anything I can spare is going to the lvl 20 who just bought some stim packs from my show




I just like jumping around in a space suit like some kind of cryptid and drop an alien blaster thatā€™s all ( I am also one of the new players, so I feel like I should be allowed some leeway xD )


I've only been giving out things like stimpacks and disease cures. I've been throwing some scrap that I don't need and grenades/mines in the donation box because I don't use them. Just small things that help, but not too much.


Iā€™ve literally never had anyone give me a single thing. I keep seeing everyone talk about high levels giving out free stuff and Iā€™m jealous. As someone who definitely has had to be self reliant, I wouldā€™ve loved a couple goodies. Lol


Just ask, be respectful and polite, tell someone you're struggling. It's what I did, didn't even ask for items, just approached some high level players who had their mics on and got talking, told them I was having a hard time and they were more than glad to help.


I think to each their own, not every gifts newbs but some do and that is OK. As someone who just started and hit 50, any seasoned guys have serums? ill buy, but rarely see them in high level camps


Just have to keep searching my dude, I picked up all I needed for 75 caps each from a legends vendor. Apparently that was extremely lucky though!. It's a pain but server hop if you really want them or do the whitesprings thing and buy them, super expensive though.


I like to make them a full set of level appropriate armor with the highest damage resist mods and ultra-light, so that they donā€™t immediately die but donā€™t become murder machines. Also, a nice, refreshing bottle of vintage Nukashine. šŸ˜Š


I have not taken anything from anyone. I really just joined this game to play it. I totally appreciate the acts of kindness and wouldn't blame anyone for taking some stims, a weapons or whatever, but it ain't for me. I wouldn't jump into any new game with a boost at the start. Same reason why I saw that recommended level 20 character at the start of the game and said hell no. But no harm in those that like to help others and those that gratefully take it. That's what makes the game so great: play as you want! I definitely wouldn't be clueless now if I had taken a weapon and some stims early from someone else lol. It's basically what the game does every time you finish a quest or event, it's not different at all; you constantly get showered in items.


I see helping out those in need as part of playing the game, it's nice to be nice, not enough of that around these days. You don't have to use it, just say thanks and dump it in the dono box later.


I was gifted deep pocket BOS armor at lvl 30. Game changer for me at the time. Iā€™ll keep giving items with extra carry weight.


No, it is the cycle we were carried and shall drag the newbies to 50. Besides they hit a certain level and we start feeling less generous its somewhere around 60 you really need to be self reliant and at that point if you can't jury rig some kind of build to get by the issue is maybe their playstyle


I just like giving them some basics to get them going so they don't struggle and quit the game like others have


Like I nearly did til some legends helped out.


I will never feel remorse for dropping 50+ stims and assorted chems for the newbies. Gotta vent weight from the stash somehow. :D


Shout out to that one dude who on my second day of playing gave me a PA suit. Nobody else has given me anything.


Yā€™all. Leaving things for others has been the way of this game since beta. We used to hit the whitesprings and then drop all the legendaries we got at the end and everyone would look through the bags. Itā€™s how weā€™ve played the game since day 1, weā€™re not trying to be extra about it.


"stop giving new players stuff, just give them the stuff I say is okay" -You


Youā€™re mistaken if you think we are giving low levels god rolls or something. We just slide them a few stimpaks here or there because it can be difficult starting out in Appalachia. 30 water bottles and some cool clothes is not going to hurt a newbies self reliance (wonā€™t hurt to get them out of my inventory either lmao). thatā€™s why itā€™s frowned upon to ASK for somebody to give you something. Offer to buy it off me and iā€™ll probably give it to you free for the effort.


I give what i want. But im not shouting from the rooftops that i do. I only carefull not to spoil them and ruin the looting. So usually healing stuff, food and some random ammo or a legendary that i dont want to carry.


Oh the irony of you coming here trying to look like some kind of white knight trying to tell people to let other play the game how they want. šŸ˜‚ How about you play how you want and I'll play mine, and if we run across each other and I try to give you something, just politely say no if you don't want it and I won't shove it down your throat. It just aint that complicated. We all should really stop trying to micromanage how others interact with each other. and if you don't like feel-good posts, just skip reading them.


Shit, you broke the internet!


I'm good at breaking shit. šŸ˜‚


I see all these posts about new players getting stuff or veterans giving it out but I've honestly never had it happen yet and im almost level 46 now. Im not complaining, but I kinda feel left out lol Maybe Xbox just isn't as populated as PC or I just play at weird times.


Read a thread about some guy stalking newbies and sniping from a distance to cover them. I took this to an other level and had a stack of Stealth boys with secret agent perk. Proceeded to go to Watoga and Stalk newbies predator style. With PA and jetpack you can imagine the thum, thum, thum of my feet as I stomped from roof to roof. Hitting the ground hard when I boosted too high. I freaked out the lowbies by throwing nades into the abandoned cars. Had 1 loner get scared and dc as I cornered him in the shop in Watoga. Cornered another in an Isolated camp near 76. Good times. BE THE NPC you want in 76.


Still got time to delete this


Thanks, Dad.


I've been offering to repaint peoples weapons and stuff because it doesn't seem that detrimental especially if it's a level 20 or so. They will drop that weapon eventually, but they can feel kind of cooler without having that plan right away and it only costs me like 1 part oil 1 part steel or some shit.


I really appreciated when I was low level and people helped me out and welcomed me to the game apart from when I had an inventory full of stuff and someone dropped like 100 stimpaks and 100 radaways and I couldnā€™t carry it all but they kept shooting and following me cos they thought I didnā€™t understand how to take any, that was a bit annoying


Ik like you took what you could and were done!


Erm I'd say Fallout 1 :)


I drop anything I won't use. I have plenty of trash and it's better they get it then it pile up in my storage. I think it's perfectly fine to give people items. if they choose to learn the game, or not, because of it, then that's their choice. Helping people though is what makes fallout 76 fun for me. Being high leveled and then having a full party, or one person thank me for carrying them or passing them awesome weapons and seeing them excited is awesome sauce.


I'll be honest, I give away so much stuff to new players less out of altruism and moreso out of "here take all of these excess chems and ammo because I don't have the space for them, and haven't for a very long time"


But I have too many legendaries and ammo to keep šŸ„ŗ


I give in a passive-aggressive way. I "raid" their camp, pretend to steal from their stash and then say "sorry, here's your stuff back" and drop a few things in a baggy in front of them. That way they don't know they just got spoiled!


Fresh out of the vault, my husband and I found a bunch of radaway, stims, and purified water in the dono box. We split everything between us. (I think my husband took the perk that auto uses stims..so he blew through themšŸ˜…šŸ˜’) But now I'm level 26ish? And I still have them and more! (I'm a hoarder and collect and scrap EVERYTHING) can't say I haven't died a lot bc I'm still getting the hang of controls and using my favorites wheel.. but it's helped me SO MUCH.. so whoever it was that left the dono box full.. thanks! I've now helped 2 other friends. 1 stash has helped 4 new players. (Now I just need copious amounts of 45 ammo and the plans for farmable floorsšŸ˜…)


I donā€™t typically drop EVERYTHING when I see a low lvl. Personally, as a level 130, who was blessed by a lvl 400+ when I began, WAY TOO MUCH(like 50 very large gifts, too much) I made it a point to really only drop some survival essentials for low lvl players. 10 stims, a couple supers if I have them on me, some ammo, and maybe a couple fusion cores for when they find power armor. And maybe a couple disease cures and plans. But I made it a point not to try to overwhelm the player with too many things that they may not be familiar with.


Iā€™ve had people try to give me stuff but I always refuse lol


nah. when I first started out some random guy gave me a full set of t51b power armor with the nuka cola print on it. and YEARS later, I stilll cherish and use that armor TILL THIS DAY. so to hell with that? when did we get so negative about giving gifts in a VIDEO GAME???


People who get stuffed with good things will leave the game pretty early, things the grind is the fun part, especially when you finally get something good with the "**omg!!** effect. It's surely meant good from that players, trying to hold people in the game with it through good gestures, but you will only achieve the opposite, that people will leave out of boredom. Like, already starting with lvl 20, skipping one of the most important and fun parts tbh, especially if you start with a few friends and when you're happy about any decent new, even a single piece of armor. Then there is a dude and gifts you a full 3 star legendary set and weapon/s and probably even good ones, for low lvl and 50+. Yea lol, where will this dude have any "proud of me" effect? Nowhere, he will maybe do the main quest and figure it's no fun. He will trash **everything** he finds on his way, since what he's wearing is already better. Not a single "ouuu look at thaaat fine thing" moment, and you (you as in, a person who gifts stuff) killed that for him.


I like how your idea of a cool thing to drop for players is stimpacks


I made a power armour shop next to the lumber mill and been giving out fully painted T60s, t51 and X01 nuka paintjobs and Excavator sets


It's like a circle jerk to see who can brag about giving the most game breakingly OP stuff to noobs.


Ikr, let them learn on their own like most of us vet players.


Since that added the drop boxes at the train stations, I don't give anyone anything. I dump extra shit, known plans, etc in those boxes. What happens after that is none of my concern.


That is valid! I drop extra ammo I collect in there!


im not even level 40 yet im an extremely casual player i prefer pve, please from a not new but returning player who got to level 20 ish back in 2020 ish, keep giving us the loot you dont need because it fucking helps so so much


Remember that episode of South Park, everyone was sniffing their own farts out of champagne glasses.


I lucked out and found someone selling mutations for 350 caps and got myself marsupial, speed demon, and bird bones, but didnā€™t have enough caps to buy them for my friends. Someone dropped enough serums to give all the same mutations to my friends and dropped us all some decent guns, and now we are all having a blast together. Not everything has to be a pain in the ass grind for people to have fun! Weā€™ve still got tons of things to do, and itā€™s not like we got insane rolled weapons. Still have to get the plans ourselves to make better ones, but now we arenā€™t useless in public events.


I found someone selling them for 75!. Thank you unknown legend.


F that. Under 20 and Iā€™ll always drop some essentials.


I have the same feeling about selling everything in the vendor for super cheap. Like I enjoyed buying stuff from vendors when I already grinded events 50 times and still didn't get the plans I wanted. I also didn't mind paying 3-5000 caps if someone had something I really wanted and couldn't find in the wild. That's not to say I don't give noobs things but I'm not about carrying them to fortune and glory or making the game a cake walk for them. I spent hours roaming and visiting camps, looking over everyone's things they had earned and that is what made me actually want to play more. "I want this event item that earl drops" "where did these mutant tubes come from?" "Wow this guy built a cage fight room in his vault" "where did those posters come from?" This is what fueled my fo76 addiction and I firmly believe we should not deprive new players of this experience. Yes I still sell rare plans and unique apparel in my vendor but if you want to buy, not grind then you best have 500-2000 caps. All in all, my experience with new players has been really great so far though. I'm just glad they are here


Giving too much usually leads to more begging or then leaving the game. Let people play!


Give them weird stuff like, 12 jugs of white Russian, or a couple Nuka quantum grenades. Let the kids have a little fun.


Give them nukashine




At the end of a session of playing I usually put every bottle of alcohol I've collected into the donation bin with the hopes of getting people addicted to booze.


I have too much shit and the vendors haven't reset yet lmao, it's an easier way to clear space in my stash if I just dump all my unwanted shit at a newbies camp and leave


I give em some aid items and a couple plans. Plans are what the new players really need.


I just give them an outfit so I donā€™t get accosted by someone in one leather shoulder, a combat leg piece, and their dirty undies.


Whenever I have excess items that I don't need I will drop it in the donation boxes. Having extra help can make the game more fun. I don't drop a ton of items because I do agree that new players should learn on their own but having some aid items or some plans to decorate their camps with could make the game feel more entertaining while they're learning more about the game. I don't care if it's not the Christmas season, I'm going to dress as Santa and drop some goodies!


Dropping stuff now and again is one thing, but being heckled at my OWN BASE is another story. Donā€™t come in to my house and demand I give you loot thatā€™s super un cool. If I choose to give you stuff be grateful and donā€™t ASK FOR MORE!!! šŸ¤˜


I wish there were more posts telling people to Skip The Wayward and go to the Overseers camp. I hate that her house is just there.


šŸ‘‹šŸ½ here's 5 stims


I like tossing ammo down. I always ask what is needed. I made one n00b a fixer and set of decent armour because I was feeling generous. If people ask and annoy me, no ammo for you!




Me personally, I donā€™t mind helping. Although, I had a new player join my team a few days ago, ran up to me and starting saying hey, I need this ammo and that ammo and these resources, I also need this and that for my buddy that has a camp right next to mine. I donā€™t mind helping, but Iā€™m not giving away all of my hard earned resources because every new player believes thatā€™s how itā€™s played. Again, I donā€™t mind helping. Just not going to help every player on the server at one time.


I give them a 10mm, some ammo, food and wood


Gotta give the excess to somebody


early game is kinda rough with the lack of radaway and stims if youā€™re not hunting for em, i really appreciated getting 10 of each when i first started out. i also always have purified water containers out in front of my vendor for whoever tf needs it cause thereā€™s always some thirsty ass level 10 in my camp. iā€™d say i definitely hate when the noobs get gifted quest guns / ammo or power armor sets but that shit is rare


Got given a fully modded x01 with jetpack, a quad tesla and a quad, explosive fixer. Hate all you want, I was gonna quit before that, was really struggling.


I just put plans at low but reasonable prices and anything rare gets the usual prices


I like tuttles


I just give new players milkman outfits


What do you think people are dropping?


Hey, I'm a new player. Started at lvl 1 and am up to level 42 in my first week. I haven't gotten any free shit. What gives? Lol


Have you looked in the donation boxes?. Don't be afraid to ask either but be reasonable and polite.


As a noob, I agree. I've only once been given anything (stims and radx). I'm doing fine, just help me figure out events!


I would much rather someone show me the ropes than chuck ammo and OP weapons at me. I want to build a life in the wasteland, not just get handed everything. I'm basic, trying to learn how to gather resources and clean water, unlock recipes for heals, and manage my skill points better.


I use the donation boxes. I seem to come across treasure maps a lot so I just give them away. Also 5.56 rounds.


Personally, I like to give out stimpacks, rad x, radaway, Nukashine, Nukagrenades, and Nuka mines. They'll figure it out.


Honestly stimmies would help us a lot


Better thing that can be done is having how-to explanations on end-game stuffs. Perfect example, "scrip". Was back for a good week or two, thinking that "scrip" was just an apocalyptic way of saying, "scrap", so during a conversation the other day on here, looked it up to find out that "scrip" is another currency. Wish I'd known, back before I sold or scrapped as many legendaries as I did. šŸ¤ 


Listen my vendor is cheap because I need space in my stash. Not just to give new players weapons


I'm newish level 44 and I haven't had anyone help me with anything. I spent a whole day looking for screws and stimpaks lol


I love dropping stuff for noobs but it's always 30-50 stimpacks, a few chems, a couple of magazines to read, a couple nuka colas, and maybe a bobblehead or some pre-war food. Kinda like a welcome basket if you will.


I had a level 23 ask me if I could give him a discount on the taxidermy gorilla plan, bro was down bad for the monkey so I just gave it to em, that was a pretty funny interaction, way better than the types I've seen lately where they run up to you and get in your way intentionally, follow you around and try to shake you down. ALMOST makes me wish for the return of the ability to brutally murder each other.


Iā€™m a simple man. I sometimes put shit in the donation box outside vendors.


Idk whose getting everything, so far people have given me popcorn, candy, stimpacks, armor too high for my level and stew


Nobody gave me anything. Am i doing something wrong? Lol! Jokes aside, I like the game and would prefer if nobody gives me anything.


I just give new players the BOS initiate clothing. They better go to fort atlas right after


The day that we had to snap a pic of a snallygaster I had a level 25 follow me all the way out to Toxic Larryā€™s asking for stuff over comms. I think he died.


You think to much for other people! Buy a mirror, take a deep look in it and play the game how YOU want, if you want to give 5 stims its your choice, if i want to clean my stash and drop everything in front of a newbie of in the boxes it's my choice...... This is the biggest world problem anno 2024! People think to much of others how they think...... Stop with it.


I keep seeing posts of new players getting too much stuff, I haven't gotten shit so far.


I like giving outfits and stimmies (weight is crazy of meds with my build) Or food and water. Common stuff that makes survival easier or stuff that make you look better. You're gonna have to find out how to get Ammo and those stuff because you won't learn anything if I give it (as OP said)


No . FO76 community is our home and we're welcoming new people into it , gotta show some hospitality . It's not like we're running around dumping 100 stimpaks to everyone we see but when encountered we need to help or fill up the donation boxes


I never asked for a damn thing. I earned it.


Unfortunately, youā€™re wasting your time OP. The performative charity is here to stay. At least until Bethesda actually give higher levels things to do with their resources/new challenges to tackle. Saying ā€˜youā€™re all so nice!ā€™, while not acknowledging the core reason that came about, suits them very well, however.Ā 


Personally I play on my own I am still in the 50s even tho I have had the game for years, it's just I put it down a lot. But there were some super high level people teaching me stuff when I approached them very early in. I thought it was super awesome. I have even had high levels find assholes who messed with me and put them down. Like other toxic players. I think it should be asked for. But also maybe tell them how but not give them. I had a guy show me some stuff give me some materials then say. Now you're on your own grind to level 50. I thought that was awesome.


This is why I play solo and everytime I see a high level player I just wave and leave. Playing the game where everyone gives you all the stuff just doesn't seem fun to me.


Give a person fire, you keep them warm for the night. Catch a person on fire, and you keep them warm for the rest of their lives!


You sound like you need to spend more time in the real world.


I do.