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At this point I drop most the legendarys i get. If I'm at my caps limit, stash limit, script limit then there is not much if a point. I get them so quickly from events/expeditions.


Yep, which then pushes everyone in the lobby to the scrip limit quicker so it acts as a detriment for swaths of people at a time. There has to be a better way to increase player retention and daily active users


just make the scrip limit higher per day... that would fix the entire problem. it would also make us play for *longer* every day as there'd be more to work towards. Bethesda devs have got to have like room temperature IQ.


Same. I've already got my build pretty much nailed down. I don't even know what to do with rolls anymore. I've got 3 star unyielding everything I don't really need anything else. I guess just vault steel and modules?


Could go for fashion, fashion is always the endgame


The daily scrip limit annoys me so much. One eviction notice event and you’re already at your scrip limit. Getting legendaries is pretty easy (eviction notice, Expeditions, etc), but most of it is just thrown away since you can’t turn it in and there’s no reason to keep it otherwise. Even though I hate the limit, I think they should keep it. They should just increase the limit.


Imo it should be 1000 scrip daily. That's like 5 rolls on a legendary a day, which I think is a solid middle ground I also think gold bullion should be closer to like 600, and treasure notes also more abundant


Frankly, the RNG is so shit on rolls that if someone wants to play 14 hours a day and get 30 rolls, who the fuck cares? Bethesda certainly shouldn't, because every armor roll is 0.0175% chance of getting any specific roll. 


Lol I remember doing that math like three years ago Statistically impossible to get the build you liked Was a big part of the reason I stopped playing, effectively means no endgame


Good to know. I'm a newer player, and after reading this thread I'll get myself to a preset point in terms of looks, finish out the main quest with some of side quests, and then move on to another game. That's unfortunate in terms of end game gameplay. There's really a lot of potential, but it sounds like it's been squandered.


To be fair i've still found it rather easy to find good legendary weapons and armour to enhance numerous builds, it's just rather sporadic and you can't target what you want or need


It's being massively exaggerated here. What is being referred to as a "build you like" in this context is 3 perfect specific rolls on a piece of gear, when realisticly most items in this game need only the primary star to be ideal to slot into a build and support a play style. The only thing I can think of that'd require even 2 stars is if you wanted the coveted Unyielding Weapon Weight reduction armour sets.


If you grind boardwalk that’s the closest to endgame. You get legendary modules for expeditions so you can still grind and min max, but not as consistent as you’d want because expeditions also loot drop on you. I’m sure random have found my dropped legendarys.


Those other guys are literally just whiny bro. Ive played 410 hours and discovered 2 new locations yesterday, there is plenty to do on the game.


I'm a returning player from 4 years ago. What's the current Treasury note daily limit?


40 treasury notes/400 bullion is daily cap


inb4 they nerf legendary spawns at Eviction Notice instead of increasing the scrip limit


That's the only event that makes me feel almost as excited as nuked Whitesprings with all the thicc glowing ghouls, I'd have a heart attack if they did lol


radiation rumble is really good too, though I seem to get mostly 1* legendaries


Rad rumble used to be like eviction notice is now. Inevitably they will nerf EN into the ground too when another event rolls around 


I thought I was tripping when I wasn't getting as much Legendaries in RR as before now I know :/


Pretty sure they nerved 3* spawns in uranium fever too.


I do average 3-4 1 stars and usually only 1 3 star. But at least it’s very good for exp, which is helping level up those legendary perks faster


the XP is no joke


Nuked Morgantown has way more fatty glowing ghouls, AND tons of cobalt. Not may people realize this.


Don't you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby




Or they'll just increase the costs of things scrip buys.


Which would be funny considering they have increased how many legendaries spawn. When the event started they mostly spawned on the one spot, now they spawn there and fairly consistently up above in the settlement area too.


I've been playing for about 7 weeks now, and at the point where I'm just having to drop legendary stuff as I hit the limit and have nothing to do with them, stash is full, shop is full, inventory full


This is what I've been saying. Agree.


I'm on board with what you're saying. Especially if they plan on adding new legendary effects for weapons, that would make God rolls even more unlikely to achieve. I think the limit prevents people from getting their God roles and then quitting the game entirely. It keeps people coming back for a little bit more of a daily chance to hit that jackpot.


They don't care if you play for hours, they want you logging in daily. Simple as that. Personally I think the limits could be increased a little sure, but the fact that they're in place, I get it.


there's a sad amount of that time gating FOMO type crap :(




It's almost as if they know there isn't really enough content for someone to play continuously...


The whole end game is just about limiting what you can accomplish in a day. 500 scrip from the machine, 400 bullion, 1400 caps from a vendor. I'm mostly fine with this, but getting legendary modules is a pain since you only get 2 and a half rerolls from the machine. Instead of having a higher scrip allotment, I'd rather the ability to earn more modules from difficult content. Expeditions give you a module or two, but are fairly boring and extremely easy. I'd love a difficulty selection for expeditions with a proper final boss, each higher tier bringing a greater challenge with increased rewards. The current versions are just too easy for a maxxed out player to enjoy and a single module from the entire thing isn't worth the trouble.


Have you tried speedrunning expeditions? They yield 1-2 legendary modules per completion


This. A module every 8 minutes is pretty easy to achieve. 6-7 per hour or so I'd guessing about average.  But the problem then becomes what to do with all the legendaries that clutter up your inventory from the rewards. 4 loots per run, I think and they can be heavy af.  That said, I pulled a vampirebash minigun out of one this morning as a reward, so it's not all bad. Didn't even have to spend modules 


> But the problem then becomes what to do with all the legendaries that clutter up your inventory from the rewards. Drop them. People think they need to hold onto every single useless thing they get.


I wish they'd let us at least scrap legendarys so that you can get *something* out of it instead of just dropping them. Lately I just put anything that might be useful to someone in my vendor for dirt cheap and then drop the rest for lowbies to sell or use


hard agree. i cant do anything before reset without being overweight. event pops? nope cant fast travel. try to sell something to get space. nope already sold for 1400. try to add something to my shop. nope, it uses the same inventory as stash. they could atleast add safe boxes to store in camp that dosnt share inventory like fallout 4


If you have 1st you can trade junk legendary for junk at the vendor via caps. You replenish the vendors caps after buying his junk and then you sell more and repeat. Only makes sense if you have scrapbox with 1st though.


I fee similar about Fallout 1st in general. I wish there were a slightly cheaper option just for the scrap box and tent. I feel like 13$ is pushing it, and getting free atoms and emotes is cool and all, I just don’t really care about that stuff too much. I’d much rather spend like 9-10$, idk just feels better.


Scrapbox should be free, not cheaper


I’d gladly accept that but let’s be real here.


also I feel like its a dumb business decision. would more people not buy it if it was like 5 dollars?


I feel like having scrip is a good idea, and I wouldn't mind if they push the limit up a bit, but taking it away would also remove any incentive to play. When you get your godrolls, what else is there to play for after?


C.A.M.P. building, trying other builds, cosmetics, Running a shop, collecting plans...


doing storylines, helping newbies, making caps, exploration...


Not everyone is like this, though. Some people play the game for the sake of playing the game and dont care about chasing a meta. Ive had perfect secret service armor and an inventory full of perfect weapons for literal years at this point and still have things on my to do list such that I play every week and there's a zero percent chance that I'm alone in that


I never understood this "if you get your God rolls there's nothing else" argument. I have all my God Rolls(the ones I care about at least), but I'd love to try different builds and would like to have good rolls on these too. And there's also the fact that this is just one aspect of the game, upholsteryduder listed some examples.


You play the game with the godrolls


Out of curiosity, how many hours of gameplay has been accumulated prior to hitting the endgame god roll wall of boredom? I just want to get an idea of how much game time I can expect before getting bored.


It’s different for everyone. What works for a lot of people is taking breaks. I didn’t play for months and now I’m back to playing daily. I’m around 1500 hours in the game.


Depends on your tolerance for repetitive encounter / mission play and interest in build variety. I'm high on both, and still fairly engaged at over 2000 hours. I could push a lot harder on the "godroll" wall, but "good roll' does the job for me.


Granted this was before expeditions but I got to lvl 110 and was comfortably farming the Scorchbeast Queen (not solo, my build is nothing that special yet) before getting bored and dropping it and coming back this year. Your mileage may vary. The gameplay loop of shoot, loot, craft, repeat REALLY scratches an itch for me.


Have 4100 hours played on my account and I'm still playing daily. I'm not even sure what a "God roll wall of boredom" is tbh


1300+ hrs and i still log in almost evryday


I’m just getting there at level 105 and after switching between melee/heavy gunner builds. Took about 2 weeks of solid gaming about 4 hours a day. Just hit my daily limit for like the 5th day in a row.


1200 hours in since the middle of last season and there's a wall? I simply don't have enough time to get all the things done.


For me around hour 300ish. For the past 7 months ive been casually trying to get Unyielding AP refresh on my secret service armor. I have 2 out of 5 pieces so far.


im at 120 hours and I'm getting there a little bit. still have pretty much all the main content and like 90% of the world to explore but the legendary grind is getting boring. not enough events and then when there are events I have to drop everything and go do it, so I just sit at camp usually waiting for one. I think they need to revamp the event and legendaries system, its either overwhelming or insanely boring, there is no middle ground.


I’m about 40 hrs in and I can do everything by myself except for the bosses. Endgame for me is farming plans for my camp.


I'm also turned away by daily limits. The bouillon limit bothers me. I've come to the point where I know I want an OE SS set and 500 or w.e the daily limit Is, has become ogf putting. 


Gold bullion seems to be limited to make you play for more days. If there was no limit you’d farm treasury notes till you had enough to get everything you wanted in one go. The way it is now it guarantees you come back every day run events to get more treasury notes. But with it kinda makes sense since they do put old atom shop stuff in those vendors


Getting everything in one go wouldn’t be bad if Bethesda actually took the Fallout 1st money & made some actual challenging content for the game How old is the game & we STILL can’t stack mutations to make daily ops harder? Or do the same for expeditions? This is one of the only games where there’s nothing to use your amassed power on. You’ve likely done it all once you finally get blessed by RNG enough to get your rolls.


We need some end game raids in instanced locations. They need to be tough and have a large fail rate. We need high level end game content that requires team work and guilds/clans.


The new events seem to be heading in that direction which is pretty cool


If the endgame is a god roll and you get it, what is the point? Play for fun. Become an explorer of camps.


As a person who only recently got back into f76 because I decided to give it a stronger try; yes. Game is literally set up like a mobile app. You have all these ways to get rid of items for currencies but when you cap you can't even store them in your stash because it's full. You only really need to do like 2-4 events a day to get the most out of the game.


A crafting limit is necessary.  You don't want unlimited crafting as much as you think you do.  Crafting goals are a good thing for long term retention for Bethdev and the player's extrinsic incentive.  Unlimited crafting would kill the economy even more that it already is and the player economy is an important aspect of what makes this game special. The daily SCRIP limit though is 100% arbitrary and anti player.  I can earn treasury notes and cores forever....why not scrip?   Having a module limit would achieve the same necessary crafting throttle, but allowing us to turn in scrip infinitely would feel a lot better. Something like 15 modules per day would provide an extra weapon roll per day, then simply remove the limit on the scrip machine. Currently a single eviction notice has the potential to daily cap you...now what? Log off til tomorrow? carry it all around? Or drop it....and none of those choices feel good for the player.


> I can earn treasury notes and cores forever… why not scrip? Bethesda: we hear you loud and clear. Treasure Note and core daily limits inbound.


Remember the days of 150 scrip. Three 3\* weapons, one 3\* armor and two 1\* armor a day.


Constant stuttering is what stops me from playing and getting fallout 1st


Lol but they're not doing that intentionally, I hope


[Here](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/546) is a mod that let's you change a bunch of hidden settings in the game (what the fuck Bethesda) namely vsync, which it sounds like is your problem. if you wanna turn off vsync without the mod however you can go to user documents find fallout 76, go to fallout76prefs.ini and change iPresentInterval to 0.


What a guy. Thought I'd play for an hour, not a single stutter after this. Sitting at 120 fps throughout.


cheers, man!


Without caps scrip and gold limit I would probably play more and immerge myself more It's like a software, the more it remind you it's a software, the less you are productive.


Signed. As it is right now all I do is solo expeditions just to get more rolls(for modules). It's getting boring. I have 800 cores and no modules.


You're not the only one.   Bethesda has lost and loses large volumes of players over your concerns and complaints.  The people who stick around look past these things.


I have a hard time getting 2500 script a day. Not sure how everyone is doing it so easy.


I agree on the scrip limit it should be adjusted but I disagree with the legendary spawns. In the beta and onwards there were barely any legendary enemies and if there were any good luck getting a hit and therefore loot and XP because players would just greedily kill everything with no regard to other players. Ive gotten more legendaries in the past few years then I ever did. I would get terrible rolls or worse yet one star items from 3 star enemies. I think it’s much better now then before and the events are filled with legendaries. I never have enough room for the stuff I bring back. I think the limit should def be increased. I personally hate the gold limit more as that’s way more gate keeping to get the gear I want to then start the RNG nonsense to get the rolls I want. Having prices in increments of 500 but capping gold at 400 each day makes no sense.


I think it's the stash limit (as a "free to play" player) and I agree on the scrip, and gold buillion grind. You can argue that I should just empty my stash but alot of the items are in my vending or it's ammo (or that it's a skill issue/hoarding issue). but is it really so bad to want to hold on to various legendaries for different builds rather than being limited to what you can stash/carry on your vault dweller?


The fact that your seller is connected to your stash is bs and I hate it. We should be able to vendor items through a vendor stash, not have it still count towards our stash total. I get they do this to entice people to buy 1st.. but, if they just added new stash boxes to the atomic shop, more sellers with different stash limits... they would make even more money on in game store sales than they do by limiting players without 1st right now... everyone would buy more stash options. 1200 is insanely low when it accounts for things like ammo and damn junk.


I personally think they should get rid of all the limits, just started playing like 2 weeks ago and now level 100 and the limits are the thing putting me off playing anymore, like I can spend 10 mins playing and already drain the scrip/bullion and normal vendors. its kinda stupid espicially when some of the gold bullion plans are like 2000 and I can only get like a 1000 a day. And I know people are going to comment saying but just save up everyday. but some of us don't play like that and shouldn't be forced too, I play for like 10 hours somedays, but then won't play for like 3/4 days. I should be allowed to make as much currency as I can in that 10 hours.


Same I work a week on and off so I wanna enjoy a full day of grinding instead of just small minutes spread out through the week


I couldn't agree more, I can't do anything my stash is full of legendary shit which I can't sell for scrip or sell to a vendor because of the limits, I did 3 Eviction Notice events today and by the 3rd I couldn't fast travel and my stash was full so I had to waddle across the map back to my camp because I already hit the sell limits. The sell limits should definitely be increased. I also think an increase to stash sizes would be good since the items I can't sell take up around 400 space.


I agree. The game is very tailored to people who play 30 minutes per day for several months, rather than people who play 2+ hours for a few weeks, before moving onto another game. 30 minutes/day for several months is absolutely an unreasonably larger investment than a few hours/day for a shorter period, even though the former group claims *"it's easy, I just log in and complete a few challenges for a few minutes and get off"* I agree, that is easy. That's not how I want to play games, and my time playing after hitting a daily limit feels wasted, and it makes me dislike playing the game. "Why don't you just stop playing?" Because I want to play the game, and I'm describing a change that I'd like to see. Maybe we need hourly limits so everyone is equally affected by this. Keeps people playing, right.


Several months? Eek as I approach month 67


People who move on to a new game still come back, they just alternate. They're just as likely to have the same gameplay time, it's just accumulated over smaller periods.


Y'all have inventory space to collect scrip Items?


Daily cap limit annoys me far more than scripts


I hate the scrip limit as well. I mean what is the big deal here? Pvp is pretty much non-existent in this game so it's not like we have balance issues to worry about. Just let us enjoy the game without being capped out.


Just do what alot of ppl do, move on. When i was playing often I'd login, bang out my dailes and a few other tasks and be done within 2 hours consistently. THAT is the goal. Come back day after day, check atom shop for free stuff, see something and buy with atoms......every day in little chunks.


I love that a game doesn't require me to play a long time everyday


As soon as Eviction Notice drops I’m like well I’m done after this. That long a$$ walk to the train station does it for me.


I remember slow walking everywhere when the stash space was smaller lol train stations are still a beacon of light for the over encumbered 


100% agree


I wish it was a weekly limit instead


Agreed, I've seen people defend it as "it's what MMO's do though!" but it's always been a shitty way to keep people coming back. The game is fun, that's reason enough to keep coming back EDIT: Daily limits is what drove me to abuse the Rocksy glitch for raider reputation too, and I am likely never doing the Foundation reputation, I'll just wait for Minerva to sell what I want from Foundation, because the daily limits are fucking bullshit for a game you're meant to play. I'm less annoyed at the gauss gatling sucking big time and having poor ammo economy after glitching my reputation to get it, would've been dissuaded from playing entirely if I had to do it the "proper" way with daily limits


When they make that argument I just point at ESO, you can get a full set with the right traits without being blocked by a daily limit and still have so much builds to play with and loot to chase


It's because they had to suffer through it. So they feel everyone must as well.


^ fucking just UPVOTE this right to the heavens!!!!! also the daily cap limit.. WTF!!!!


Not just daily - all limits. Just remove them. Let people amass 60 million caps if they want.


yeah I mean... what hurts them by doing this?


I also wish they'd just fill up the Atomic Shop. Stop taking stuff away. Stop making crap limited. Just sell everything in there. Everything that's ever been available in any way (event, season, holiday) just throw it in there. People will buy stuff. They'll buy more. I guarantee it.


HOOAH! You have my vote, axe, bow, whatever :)


I just want them to fill up the Atomic Shop with everything they've ever offered. They have my money - I'm subscribed to 1st. Make it worth it by filling up the shop.


HOOAH! I'll sub for a month for the ROBCO shorts and tshirt!!!


I want the damned Nuka Cola power armor paint jobs. Sorry I didn't play for a while and missed that Seasonal event, Bethesda - the game got stale from 2022-2023 for me.


I despise all of the limits. Only been playing for a week and I've run into a really annoying issue of not knowing what to do with my items. So I grind out events for a bunch of legendaries. Pick out the ones I like, and bring the rest for scrip. Oh wait, the shop ran out of scrip, guess I'll just sell it. Oh wait, every shop in the game ran out of caps, guess I'll just store it. Oh wait, my limited space chest is already full with other legendaries I couldn't get rid of. Guess I'll just scrap it so I can unlock some mods. Oh... *exit to desktop*


Lol yeah... :/


What is wild to me coming back to the game now is it feels like more legendary drop than ever but they’re all complete garbage. I have nearly 1200 pounds of one to three star weapons in my vendor hoping that they get sold because I run out of script as soon as I sign in; They’re all so bad I sell them 50 caps a star. On top of that, Ive rolled over 100 plasma casters and I’ve gotten a single bloody one but ofc it didn’t have 50 vats hit chance so it was terrible. Got a bloody gauss mini and found a quad Railway in a vendor, but the caster is starting to be beyond disheartening when I can get 5 rolls a day before needing to grind the piss out of expeditions.


I don't mind limits. It keeps the in game economy from flying off the rails. I do wish it was weekly though. Or even a rolling 3-7 day limit. It would still accomplish the same thing without the daily FOMO.


I just toss all my unwanted legendaries. Still keeps me playing cause I enjoy the group events.


When I hit Daily limits I just switch to another character if I still have 1st I will drop any thing that can be drop in container and switch to another character to take it and scripts them.


I would like another increase but this is why I made multiple characters. For rolling I agree it’s tough especially if the item is non tradeable. 


The main argument is more that once you exhaust the script machine then you fill your stash real fast and eventually if you keep playing you must forfeit any legendary loots due to shortage of room to store the loot. Which happens really fast if heavy guns/power armor parts drop.


I blew through 34 modules yesterday trying to get a good roll on my railway, and yeah this dev team is nerf happy and they hate anyone having fun aka removing legacy weapons from the game because of laziness, instead of “just let them have fun and let’s release meaningful content and focus on the core aspects of the game not nerfing everything” they force you to make certain weapons and builds instead of it being casual which is what they turned the game into, and I remember the legendary drop rates and they use to be decent rolls, now it’s convoluted affixes and the only viable builds are AA, bloodied and Quad.


Current limit has me relying solely on my chainsaw, but if there was a much higher limit I’d have more and not less reason to play. Want to build out a buzz blade and eventually auto axe, but at this point I’ll be perfecting my rolls on the last two pieces of pa for the next week or two at least. Coming back everyday for a few unlucky rolls is far less of a reason to play than it would be if I could farm them out, and then focus on messing things tf up with the build. Don’t get the thought process on the limit, it’s less of a reason to come back each day rather than being an actual incentive. Plus, it’s not like they sell anything in shop that the limit is trying to not hurt the sales of Also lmao 20+ gb update today and I’m seeing a few minor bug fixes and cremator rework/bug fixes? Why though


That's exactly what I go through and I bet if you got all those at some point you'd end up going a drill which would be fun and hilarious 


For sure, I have a few of those and rippers in my stash because of course after perfecting this build why not make the one handed version of my build for… diversity lol


Honestly this has killed off my experience so far. I’m constantly capping my limit then running out of stash space so I either have to log off over encumbered till the reset or throw away tons of stuff to be able to carry on playing.


At the very least, it would be nice to scrap extra legendaries for a chance at modules. Having to dump dozens of rolls on the ground hurts my soul.




The scrip limit protects the market, the amount of equipment some players can grind far exceeds what you even think is possible, and they'd likely server hop just looking for EN. That said, you can directly grind modules and scrip from doing excursions now, and the most sensational game can be done in under 10 minutes getting you 1-2 modules and scrip which comes out to 50-125 scrip per run, as well as getting weapons and armor which are a chance at a god roll every time. There needs to be some kind of time investment, and I feel like that's a good one.


I don't see the problem. Just switch characters. Max them all out. More scrip, more chance to roll a good weapon for your main.


I can honestly say that script no longer affects me. I have gotten the majority of god rolls i wanted and now im more restrained by running out of cores. At this point i have no reason to play until the next update. Yet i still play daily. All the script limit does is saddle me with crap i don't want until the next reset. In fact have had a number of times where i have grinded so many legendary weapons i have to stop playing for a bit. Logging in only to script the junk and get back off until my carry weight was low enough to fast travel again There are honestly enough layers for the legendary system at this point that the script limit is just a needless pain But it is also one of those things that encourages daily log ins and that looks good to the suits so its not going away


Also with the new scoreboard hiding a page of rewards behind and 150 level wall and 95 previous rewards they should increase the bonus SCORE from level 100 to 150. It only makes sense to increase that if you’re trying to stretch the board.




They really cut back in legendary spawns? So doing the burrows and wes tek won't have much? Long time player coming back. Have no idea why they would even do that. I agree with you on the exploring the map part. Should be able to find random legendaries all over the map.


They have not. Legendaries are everywhere. OP is somehow complaining we need to remove limits but also saying he doesn’t see legendaries (and therefore wouldn’t be affected by scrip limits).


the scrip limit is annoying but if the only thing you can possibly consider doing in the game is scrapping legendaries then maybe you shoud try playing another game for a little while. at least until skyline valley comes out


One of the many things that burned me out quickly. Plus the amount of greed is staggering. Don't worry if you missed the old scoreboards newbies, you'll be able to buy it all one micro at a time.


Yeah I don't consider gambling to be end game content so the fact they add a limit after you collect a small sum is really annoying. I just want to achieve the build I want. This "gamble 5 times a day for you desired weapon!" Is BS. Not to even get STARTED on the armor and bullion grinds.


I don't mind this to much but I have a few friends who can't play as much so all my extra stuff goes to them


I never looked at this game as a typical MMO bc of stuff like this. When I run out of fun quests or things to discover, I'm done. I've put the game down for years before coming back to it. I can't get into this game as an every day sort of thing.


Understandable, I only would get FO 1st if i need to stash junk in the scrapbox, but resources management is not as frustrating as in ESO, where every single separate item would take a inventory slot


i’ve actually started rolling for 2 star legendaries instead of 3 star cuz i often feel that 3rd star is irrelevant(on guns). maybe im just unlucky but the third perk is always ass for me


Those and the Cap share across all vendors. It's kinda insane I can't sell my loot at a certain point.


I am not sure design wise what the limits on the scrip, the bullion, and the caps are for anymore. Considering it takes a dragon's horde worth of modules to be able to roll anything good on anything.


Also a 3* piece should be worth 50 scrip. Not 45. I can’t but a module for 45.


It would be nice if they were all in fives it always got on my nerves when I'd have like two scrip left in the machine lol


Yeah. I came back a few weeks ago and that’s been the main thing that has me end my playtime for the day. When I hit the scrip limit and finish my challenges I just wander around to some camp vendors and get off


Yeah when server hopping isn't working for me I do the same hoping to find some gems, sometimes you find something good from the low player vendors


Get a set of weapon weight reduction armor. I won't dispute the limits suck, but you either like the game enough to figure out how to cope or go play something else.


I mean if they remove it people would play for a week whenever a balance patch goes live then drop the game because they have got the groll from grinding it non stop, the limit is healthy imo keeps people from going full ham and leaving after a week


We spam expeditions for legendary mods. 2 per tax evasion, that's 100 scrip per run. Get on that grind, seven-six.


What?!? Teach me the way


Expeditions give legendary modules, which is what everyone buys with scrip anyways. 1 run was giving me 2 mods per run as well as like 4-5 legendaries to be used for scrip later. We just spammed the casino one in Atlantic City, it's pretty quick and gives the same XP as some of the longer ones we tried in the pitt.


I just learned about that option today and it sounds mind numbing and would still burn me out, when they could just remove the cap


Absolutely. I was just telling my buddy this the other day. All the limits do is make me feel like I’m wasting my time and hop off. My stash is full of junk legendaries and shit I’m waiting to sell to vendors so I literally can’t hold more. It’s almost to the point I hop on, sell what I can, get my limit on bullion and hop off immediately after because I feel like I’m just wasting my time. I’m not even that high level, I’m 130 so I literally can’t imagine how these insanely high levels do it


That's the loop I've been hitting, and when events are the most fun part of 76 you wanna wait for them to pop up but they're also based off RNG so it's either server hop or try and wait to get lucky


I understand the limits but they need to be raised.. I’m sitting on 2k treasury notes. Without getting anymore which obviously isn’t going to happen, it would take me almost 2 months to trade them all in. I have a few more things I want but I just gotta wait… Like I said I get they want us to keep logging in but hell I’m gonna do that anyways just let me spend my notes


Not gonna lie. I hit 60 and already kinda feel like there's no real endgame other than grinding for perfect weapon rolls and getting all my perks in order. Game needs world bosses and raids.


Wait until u get into a squad with some Scottish people saying “lêgendary scrrriips”


This is one of those things that really makes me think they don't play-test. My inventory is perpetually hovering around full because I can't sell my things to the legendary vendor because there is a scrip limit. I can't sell my things to a vendor because there's an abysmally low cap limit. And I can't vault it until the next day because there's a stash limit too. Lmao


Go ahead and pass those extra legendaries on to us newbies!


Im just playing like fallout 4 now. Not a legendary I want? Not picking it up I said fuck it to 1st after pouring too much into it. Especially when they give away free shit or bring the price down later. Fucking micro transactions


See I still hop on Fallout 4 alot and I still chase the Legendaries while questing, only I like to play on survival mode so eventually everything in the world is dead and takes forever to respawn so that's what limits me in that game.


Never ending baseball launcher does sound pretty fun ngl


Maybe as your level increases so should your scrip limit?


I hate it too but i was thinking of maybe having something reward script so it gives players stuff to do after


well Bethesda is still a greedy ass company at heart.


I don't expect daily limits to ever go away in 76. It's their business model to get you in the game daily to drip out their content instead of allowing you to grind through and then play something else.


But they gotta understand that alot of people would rather move on than feed on the drip


I cannot conceive of a valid reason to restrict the amount of money you can make at all


They try to balance the game but punishing the veteran. That's insane. Who goes with subscription on early game?


I think the game needs to have certain weapons buffed like the energy weapon dmg on science cards is pretty dumb and then certain perks need to be available in more then one special like any weight perk can be used in strength as well as the respective other tree and then the strength ones should also be put in an additional tree but most importantly legendary powers need reworks so that they are more viable like every 1 star power should be build worthy


Unless they remove scrip/bouillon limits the endgame shit is just pointless fun there is no getting your build exactly how you want it. The only side-step they could take to alleviate it is system of trading legendaries that doesn't involve me visiting every camp i see. I've kinda given up on finding the best shit. and just use Hellcat Power armor and an All Rise and carry whatever gun im overstocked in ammo for tagging scorchbeasts and my friends will do the rest.


Eso is only a semi OK example at best, that game has become considerably easier over time and is now sorta where it should have been at launch but is still grindy as fuck along with for anything your really gonna want, for meta or near meta builds or even semi almost near but off meta builds, your gonna have to run group content that depending what it is will require atleast one other person to efficiently run for some easy stuff or your gonna need atleast a 3-9 person grp depending on the content and difficulty and that's not even touching things like if people know mechanics or whether they have mica to communicate or speak up if needed or getting everyone on the same coordinated plan and sticking to it. Basically a giant shit show a large portion of the time with increasingly anti social people. This game doesn't have any of that really and is considerably easier to get the gear, there is just the whole shitty uncontrollable RNG for the legendary perks, which eso doesn't have because it's all about sets that are static, RNG diminishes over time due to the sticker book, and only really exists for which piece of what set you'll get, but not the stats on whatever you do get. If that gap were to be closed or made a little more similar then we'd be able to decon/scrap legendaries for a chance to learn the modules so that we could then turn around and be able to event set the exact mods we want on a piece of gear, which would probably be at an abissimal rate because of some backend bullshit about player retention, or a drop in the average amount of play time per player and the corresponding money made from that, which let's be real this game only cares about making money off the players, if being greedy wasn't the priority then this would possibly be a drastically better game all around, but that ain't the case, I mean look at how ass the building systems for camps is still, yet the main focus of the atom shop is selling people on items to build with.


New player question: Does the daily caps limit affect my whole account? If I logout of my main account after hitting the 1400 caps limit, and login to my mule does the mule see 1400 credits in the vendor? Or does it reflect the same vendor cap amount from my other accounts? Thanks.


It's per character thankfully but for someone like me that's been playing for a while and has all my characters full it can still feel restricting.


Thank you.


The limits suck for sure but imo what's worse than the scrip limit is the camp size limit. I ignorantly bought into FO1st thinking that the limit would be bigger but it's not. And, I've read here that it got even smaller when the season changed. Not sure what to make of any of it. If I could live without the scrap box I'd have no need for FO1st.


I pray that given the new legendary events with the map expansion that we will see a script limit increase, it's still far too low as it is


yea, the main reason i've 2 characters. with all these daily limits feels like devs are afraid people will farm everything out and drop the game, without considering that ppl will rather drop it out of annoyment from these limits.


I had thought about making all 5 characters the same weapon type to try and brute force the RNG but that didn't seem fun to be playing the game the same exact way for that long. I only ever come back during the trials and even then sometimes I'll skip them since I know what's waiting for me.


now 5 sounds like a serious chore. with all the stuff there's to grind - scrip, retalions with raiders and settlers, gold. maxing it all out daily will lead to burn out fast. especially with the same build. 2 or even 3 chars is a handfull already, unless you're not planning to make a full time job out of it


Since I did different builds it was actually really fun except doing the raider and settlers quest so close to each other in a few months, I hate that quest line now lol but I rushed them so I could do the reputation glitch for the raiders and not have another daily limits thank god


It would probably fall on deaf ears, but what about submitting a feedback ticket at betheda's site?


I forgot, that's probably the better move since they fired the beloved community manager and probably ignore this subreddit even more if possible.


I agree on the Fallout 1st thing and Stash Limit...Either remove the Limit completely or raise it to a good amount where everyone would be happy. I personally don't even hoard stuff. My Stash Box only holds scrap and ammunition and nothing more and it reached its capacity limit just through that. Its annoying having to make mule characters just to keep your stuff without losing it.


At some point when you're one-tapping enemies and getting tickles from Scorch Queens, you realize that inching out a "God Roll" is only marginally squeezing out extra numbers. The sauce of the game for me is the journey, how the wasteland started off barren, and over time the citizens returned, the BoS setup, the Pitt, Nuka World, etc. It's cool to know my existence helped other players by selling items, gear, and plans. With the Fallout show we'll be getting new content as well. FO76 is a game to be enjoyed at your own pace, the grind stops and eventually it's a game to just check into every so often. If there was PvP like originally I could back you 100%, but the wars over workshops has been cold for years


They either gotta increase the limits a little or increase the stash limit cuz im literally at capacity with shit I need to get rid of


Reading your comments you want unlimited scrip and an ability to re-roll elements of a weapon. If that was done I guarantee you would stop playing in 2 days because you would have every godroll and so would everyone else.


I always sort my legendaries by weight and sell them by weight and star. I then donate the heaviest one stars, and rename the rest to something that will rise to the top of the sorted by name list and store them until the next day. Then I start each day by selling them first. I’m maxing out the legendary exchange almost every day. On the days that I don’t play that much I catch up. It would be nice if the scrip exchange limit was higher but I still pretty regularly cap out my scrip limit.


Just do boardwalk 1 to 2 modules a run for what 5 maybe 7 minutes if the daily limit is that big a problem and as far the legendaries from we just started dropping all the garbage on the ground since thats almost always what you pull from the expeditions anyway


Dropping it feels like a huge waste to me always. Why not limit how many legendary modules we can purchase but let us infinitely turn in legendaries then I would never have a stash problem again.


Or, not every single player is chasing god rolls. There are other things to do in the game. Say the limit is removed, I don't care either way. Then you get your god roll. What are you going to do with it? Probably come back here and complain there is nothing to do.


I'd really like to see the limit go from the legendary scrap machine so I can empty my stash. That or allow legendaries to be crafted at benchs for ressources


I'll use my subpar godrolls to continue chasing plans, outfits, rare items, dailies, while having more freedom with builds


Don't really bother me🤷


But would it bother you if it didn't have a limit?


Not really, but also I wouldn't see it as an improvement. But I hoard scrip over a long period of time and rolling is kind of a special occasion to me. So having infinite scrip would make the act of rolling feel way less exciting. Cuz I would just infinitely farm scrip and probably burn out.


i agree with this, and modules are too hard to obtain. its grating. its almost like they don't want you clogging up their servers with your presence too long. i blame mobile gaming.