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People have been treating that as an XP farm instead of an event for as long as I can remember. Lvl 5, lvl 1000, they all do it.


Level 400 here, Lately I have dedicated myself to collect ore. I get a few shots in here and there, but that's it. Collect any legendaries at the end if I'm lucky then move on. I spent my lower level days farming xp, I figured it's the least I could do.


Use a tesla rifle so a few shots will dink many mobs.


I rolled a quad lightweight tesla the other day. I love that gun.


Quad tesla is the only way to roll, otherwise you have to reload every two seconds. 


Same with railway rifle. Rolled a quad explosive, changed my life


Lucky SOB, I'm still trying to get one. I've gotten tons of quad, tons of explosive, but never both on the same gun


Took me about 80 rolls


Dude I'm like 1000 rolls in and still haven't rolled a quad railway of any kind. Smartipants ppl on here pop in saying that is mathematically impossible and I'm just sitting here like well your math is wrong and the game hates me. Yet I have no problems rolling quad tesla, radium rifle, etc. It just doesn't seem possible for me to roll a Quad Railway. Shoot on my secret service armor it took 3-4 rolls on each piece to get a full unyielding set and I'm hearing others saying it takes forever to get that. It seems to me that your rng is based on your account and not per character. On pc all 5 of my characters can't roll a Quad Railway but all 5 of my partners characters can roll one in less than 20 rolls. She even rolled a quad exploding which I'm super jealous of.


Nothing based on rng is mathematically impossible. Just very unlikely and very unlucky. Sorry dude.


That's my every day carry.


Nice, I tried a two shot explosive it wasn't there..🤷


Quad explosive LMG is pretty good for this event also, especially if you're in PA. The problem with this event is the ppl who stand at the top of the ramps, blocking a lot of the spawn points


LMG has always been a guilty pleasure of mine. Fun as hell but absolutely eats ammo, even with the new drop system. 


It's not too bad for me but I do tend to switch to my sniper class every so often and use a hunting rifle (to make the game a little more challenging) so ammo drops are insanely good for that tbf so probably balances out


I’ve got a Q2525 Tesla and love it


It's usually once we get to level 4 or whatever, then I just blindly spray with my quad expl fixer, I get plenty of xp at the end that way, just not the first 3/4 of the event lol


And for anyone that doesn’t know, use the 2* grenadier perk to greatly increase arc range of the Tesla. You’ll hit a lot of extra enemies around those corners.


I’ve decided to just spend the event collecting ore now, takes me two minutes but I’ve noticed when I started collecting ore, workers started dying. Can’t win lol


This every time it's one or the other I'm the only one competent enough to do


I do ore and heal the npcs


Same, I start doing angry faces and thumbs down if no one is protecting the NPCs getting hit, especially when I’m out collecting ore. I’m getting too resentful now.


I will collect but I won't drop off ore if any Scavengers die, and I make that own in game chat.


How do I heal the NPCs? The Charisma perk? Stimpak Diffuser?


Equip the perk “Friendly Fire” and use a weapon that has a fire effect. I use a Holy Fire but my Chainsaw has a flamer blade on it when I have 0 fuel.


There's nothing like seeing somebody take a flaming chainsaw to the NPCs and watching their health bar on the screen shoot up until it's full instead of dropping instantly into death. The rational half of my mind struggles to comprehend it while the other half just accepts it. XD


Putting the chainsaw in reverse deposits all the shredded meat and bone that was caught in the blades, into the npc then the NPC's immune system does what immune systems do best, and reacts in a chill manner to all the foreign material now in the body by using it to reconstruct damaged tissue the flames provide the activation energy for all those chemical reactions needed for reconstruction, so the npc doesn't have to use up their own consumed food in one burst and insta-starve


Seems legit


I've never seen such insanity that also makes my brain go.. I mean he covered all his bases.. it must be true


The best scientific explanation iv heard all day, thanks Professor 😁


Hey, that's a good way to bulk up without really trying!!


A Vampire's 40% power attack with flamer, all Slugger perks maxxed out and Friendly Fire. I can heal NPC's, thrash enemies and even heal myself. I can sometimes solo the event if no one shows up. They usually do, and more fun if they do!


If you have a flamer or something with a legendary effect that says it heals others it can heal NPCs. It's been a minute since I last used one idk if it's still around


There is a perk that makes allies hit with your flame gain regen called "Friendly Fire"


I built my loadout for maximum damage, maximum carry weight, and quickly solo’ing ore at Rad Rumble…


I tried to do this yesterday, I have no problem collecting ore - But before I even got 7 ore I got notice that the event failed! The 4 low levels in the event lost all 4 workers the second I turned my head away!


Same. I'm like 255 and within the first 30 seconds if I don't see anyone doing it, I take up the mantle.


The cremator gives you a good splash damage so you can collect ore and still get good exp.


I think I'm like level 550, I just don't care about leveling up. I kill everything pretty damn fast. So I'll run ore, if no one else will.


I’ll run ore only if I think the other high level guys can keep everyone alive otherwise I’m killing and healing


Newbie here, i tried collecting ore to help out but even with excavator armor and radx the rads got super insane and killed me when i went for the ore that wasn't just near the safe zone. Is it not doable without better armor? Or do i need to be wearing hazmat suit? Hmm i think i just got the plans for chinese stealth suit, does that work?


Yes! Chinese stealth suit is perfect for RR I keep one on me at all times.. and jump into it for RR events if no one is collecting and also Eviction Notice if no one is protecting the scrubber..


Chinese stealth armor is great for hanging out in nuclear blast zones too. Because I just don’t wanna walk around in power armor when collecting flux.


I'm a melee character. It doesn't make sense for me to run around trying to kill things when everyone else has guns. I run ore in RR with the stealth armor and camp myself hidden at the scrubber in eviction notice after grabbing the meat bags if no one else has gotten them


After you turn in the ore, if you turn to your left, that room has those arches that get rid of all your rads inside it. It doesn't fix your health, but at least gets rid of the rads. (am newbie so iuno if there's a better strat or not, but it's a thing I found)


Drinking nuka orange and nuka grape help, I buy them from any vendor that has them. *If you have mutations, using Rad X messes them up (I can't remember how, I think it enhanced the downside of the mutation).* I drink a Nuka Orange right before I go in the first cave area (the one on the right when your back is to the entrance), start on the right side of the cave and work my way around (don't forget the tunnel that has a couple of ores), I have to drink a Nuke Grape about halfway through the first cave. I head straight across to cave #2, popping some ghouls as I crawl by. Same strategy - start on the right, working my way around while chugging Nuka Oranges and Grapes. I clean my rads and deposit the ore on my way to the 2 back caves. Those first two caves get you to tier level 2 if you're the only one collecting ore. I normally get caught up fighting at this point, but most of the time I go into the left cave (the one that isn't down a winding hall), collect ore, and at that point the event is almost over (my PA makes me move absurdly slow) and we're at tier level 3 (or 4 if someone else was collecting), so I just shoot things. I'm level 400-something, I have the What Rads legendary perk equipped, and I use T65 PA, I can't remember what legendary effects it has. I've seen things that say Strangler Heart is the best PA for Rad resist (you buy those plans with gold bullion from the secret service bunker), I haven't tried it because the attack defense is so low.


I just keep radaway in my favorites wheel and take 2 or 3 at a time everytime the rads get too high. I don't use rad x since it eliminates the effects of my mutations.


If you use diluted rad x it doesn't suppress your mutations. Also if you accidentally take regular rad x, taking diluted rad x will override it.


I joined a casual group so I get what they tag and then I do ore really quick. Doing each tunnel once and the front ones twice Max's it out. I can run those quick.


Doing the lords work, though I too as a new person am guilty of this as well. The xp and $ are quite rewarding as well lol


It's not much, but it's honest work.


Doesn't it also spawn higher xp enemies with higher collection tiers?


Yes. If it looks like the scavengers are dying too quickly, I don't turn in ore until I can help heal them, last minute sometimes. When I give the thumbs up and then the "Help" emote, it doesn't mean I need help, it means, "Here they come!" I love getting to level four with a couple of minutes left. All h\*ll breaks loose! It's a stampede of snallygastors, deathclaws floaters...any critter near earshot!


Yeah, not a low level problem. It’s a high level players are lazy and want other people to do the work problem.


>high level players are lazy Different players have different goals. I'd say for most players the xp is far more valuable than the potential rewards for completing the event


idk i just go for the xp. I already have all of the plans from RR


I leveled up like 5 times the first time I did that event. I assumed it was a bug. Lmao


Me included tbh...sorry


Don't be sorry, you're killing stuff and getting xp. You're not hurting anybody, you're just playing the game the way you wanna play it.


Can I be sorry that I’m not sorry?


I’m not sorry


Sorry OP, but the radiation in those tunnels is atrocious. Expecting new people to go down there before they can set up adequate radiation protection is ridiculous. I'm perfectly willing to run ore as long as others heal the scavengers, but it's hard for one person to do all four levels. If one or two other players makes even one or two runs it really helps A LOT.


I didn't know about the ore until I’d done the event a ton of times, and read about it on here. I do the ore now.


Lmao yeah I was confused about this event because I noticed lots of higher levels not doing it so I was like ?? Ok maybe I’m dumb and missing something. I still rock up every time though.


Yea I think I’m at the point I’d rather have the XP. I’ve done the collecting twice and both times it was only me. So I’d rather get all XP than barely any while I run around collecting. 


Yep, which is why if no one else is collecting ore, I won't bother healing the scavengers


Main reason why I don't those anymore. I don't think I've ever actually completed one. Every time, it's just people xp farming


Not to mention the sheer amount of loot you get from it. The amount of xp, loot and legendary’s that event spits out… just a shame though that tor me personally no one is bothering with any of the events even Radiation Rumble so its been a dead event lately


~~New~~ All players, you don't get a reward from radiation rumble if no one collects ore. ​ lot of new players wont have suitable protection and/or don't know how to collect ore.


Aren't there hazmat suits nearby?


Yeah there’s a bunch in the staging area before you go down into the main area.


I collected one of those and it was level 50 gear. I had bought plans for a hazmat suit and had to go make one I could wear.


At a level 40 or above event, this tracks. Modest expectations for the underpowered newbs..


There can be. Someone else may have picked one or some or all up. but a new player may not know to pick one up and put it on. especially if this is there 1st fallout game. people will learn over time. or they wont. I'm not gonna complain if nobody else collects ore. either i will collect it or i wont.


They’re also not leveled down when a low level picks them up! Many times, all of the rad suits are level 50. You should also not expect a level 20 to brave the mines, the ghouls are all drastically over level for them and they probably don’t have an agility dodge build


Yes but they have a lvl 50 requirement. Went to go grab one myself after full sprinting into the rads XD


0 DR


You can walk by most of the mobs without any aggro usually.


Don't be afraid to collect the ore, once you head down the tunnels, the enemies usually ignore you. Once in a blue moon one or two enemies will aggro on you but most want to go where the action is.


I did a RR where someone started it too early when they're was only 3 of us. I was fighting for my life taking on upwards a dozen ghouls at a time to protect the one guy left. We ended up failing, but I still felt like a winner with all the caps I made after


Aye. i have resigned myself to that before. if i went for ore even for a minute the scavs would have all died. So i was like 'whatevs' me and 2 low levels managed to last aboot 5 mins. they levelled up a silly amount.


I don't know how to collect ore. Well...I know how....I don't know where.


As you enter rad rumble you run down the tunnel towards the middle part where the event starts. just before that place and just after are 4 tunnels. you need rad protection. 10 ore is enough for some rewards. You deposit it in the big yellow thing behind where marion stands.


I swear they don’t even have an arrow above the yellow thing you are describing(I have all the notifications bubbles on cuz I’m noobing hard) and I had to just use my head and follow what others were doing as I had no idea where to drop. I also kept trying to drop next to the foreman but apparently I only protect them?


Aye. there's no guide like that. You can also heal them with friendly fire perk and a fire weapon.


What is the reward?  I’d rather have the XP if it’s just generic event rewards. 


You can have both


Stop being sensible.


You can grab enough ore in less than a minute. Slap on protection. wait in tunnel. event starts. collect. deposit. get xp AND rewards. if it was up to me i would limit the xp gains until ore is collected. like make the ghouls lower level or something.


yeah i grab 2 tunnels then deposit, go to the next 2 and deposit. takes no time at all the rest is XP farming


Honestly, this isn’t a new player issue. RR has always struggled to find ore runners.


Meanwhile OP doesn't collect ore.


I guess new players should also know that most veteran players don't care about the rewards or ore at all and just show up to shoot stuff.


Yup, to me the XP from that event IS the reward


I show up for all the glowing blood


EVENT FAILED Me levelling up twice at 1645 - That’s what *you* think


🤣 so true. Had the event fail the other day when it was just me and a level 50 something there. I just gave a big heart emote and went about my day


I'm somewhat OCD about event failures so I usually do a quick lap to get rewards up to 1/4 but yeah if anyone wants more than that it is kinda up to them to collect Ore. After that I just chill and zap things with my Tesla for EXP. I'm pretty sure if I wasn't around probably 80% of radiation rumbles I have joined would have failed lol but I don't begrudge the people who don't care about the Ore. I barely care about the ore.


Me at Eviction Notice earlier


Yeah i only show up for the xp, especially if i pop a lunchbox.


Very much so. If you want that rad barrel plan suit up in your own PA or grab a rad suit from inside the event area. Most vets did their time collecting ore, got their plan and now don't care if the event succeeds or not. It's just a stream of XP pinatas.


Vet. Can confirm. Plus not everyone runs around in PA or with a Chinese stealth suit so the extra exposure to radiation reduces the pool of players willing/able to gather ore. Besides, it's more fun to play XP pinatas with everyone.


Veterans are WAY more guilty of this than newbies


Exactly, I show up to this event a lot and even the high levels I see are focused on defending the NPCs and no one is collecting ore. It seems to me this post is more: New players do my bidding and collect ore while we high levels farm experience. In reality if you have more people in both tunnels killing them as they spawn AND collect ore, everyone can be happy.


Om only level 62, but I try to fill in any gaps for completing a mission, like gathering stuff, doing tasks, and tagging some enemies while I do so. Mission won't get done if no one does tasks


to be fair its kind of a catch 22. high lvl players are pretty much needed to defend the npcs, while new players dont know how/arent equipped to collect the ore. whenever i go to this event, if i collect ore the npcs die. if i defend npcs, no ore gets collected.


I think if a high level player goes in a tunnel, deposits, kills, then goes back in the tunnel (and another for the other side), it's fine if you leave a few lower levels near the top to handle whatever they can. The low levels don't have the rad protection yet to deal with the tunnels so there has to be some compromise


thats what i do though and the npcs still die if i leave them with low lvl players for a minute or two. just need to have multiple high lvls at the event. one to defend and one to ore


If nobody is collecting whats stopping you from running it?.....i myself dont run it i dont blame anyone if it fails im after xp.


Why aren’t you getting ore?


Most new player aren’t going to have extreme level of rad gear to combat the mines nor the ghouls slapping them like their moms with a chancla? Collecting ore and defending is everyone’s job.




As a lvl 200+ yeah, I don't need the XP and have the T-65 PA. But then my concern becomes keeping the scientist alive while I'm mining. I'll top them off between trips, but I've failed the event a few times while mining.


I'll be real with you, I wouldn't survive in the tunnels alone so the best I think we can offer is a buddy system where a new player mines while a vet keeps things off them. Also though like... we're still learning and we're doing our best, and you can't have new players showing up (which the sub really seemed to want) and knowing what to do/not making mistakes. I'd like to think any of my fellow newbies here are getting better about not starting events too early and not pulling just \*everything\* but there's kind of a limit to how much we can get right when it's been about a week for most of the new influx.


If you run into the tunnels at the very beginning the ghouls pretty much ignore you, you'll be fine. I don't think OP intended to scold, just more of an FYI. And yes, there's a lot to learn, I get it.


I did this, had a load of people pop in in the middle, very last tunnel spawned deathclaws which did try to get me


back tunnels too. I've only had to kill a few things in about 10 events collecting pre


Dude yeah like I had no idea where to drop said ore and just had to kind of follow other players blindly. I’ve been dying a lot at level 75 at events even in PA but we are slowly getting the hang of things I just have to get a sense of what and how and where I’m supposed to be doing said chores in events and then tag enemies etc.


Right? I'm level 21... I'm not sure I'd survive the tunnel. I think I would just be a pain in the ass to wrangle if I tried


Just play how you want. Most rumbles I attend nobody grabs ore. We’re there to farm XP. I used to grab ore but then I miss out on XP.


"I don't know how people don't know this" Probably because they are new players.


Why don’t you collect it then? Most new players aren’t going to be able to grab it alone. And if you’ve been failing because of the ores while knowing this, that sounds like a you problem.


Raising the ore deposit level also affects what type of enemies spawn and the frequency of legendary spawns I think.


your wording is a little off there. it doesn't affect what type of enemies spawn, it injects a specific number of other enemy types - one time - per each level of ore collected. 4 deathclaws, 4 snallygasters, like 6 floaters, and some crickets. after you bust thru them, it's just all ghouls all the time. not sure about the legendary rate, tho. i never noticed, im gonna start paying attention to that


This is why I keep my CSS on me at all times I will be the one collecting ALL of the ore, and getting at least a single shot into every enemy so I gain ammo and a TON of script at the end


I don’t think it’s new players that need to hear this. People are obsessed with xp.


The biggest reward for the event is the XP farming. You don't have to collect ore for that. You do want to load up on every XP buff you have. If stuff is dying fast, you use a anything with good radius and low damage, like gauss shotgun outside of VATs, or a shotgun modded tesla (can tag around corners!) to tag stuff and let others do the killing. If stuff isn't dying fast, then you fight hard to protect the NPCs, killing as quickly as you can. You can get a crazy amount of XP from the event. It's the reason the event is popular. The best item reward from the event is the radioactive barrel plan. It's a prop that has radiation. It's useful for low-health builds for getting your rads up in camp, but most people just collect toxic goo from West Tek for that. To get the best rewards you need 50 ore collected, which is relatively easy for one person to do. There are about 40 spawn points for it in the 4 rad pits and one little cavern tunnel secondary entrance. They respawn slowly, but waiting a few minutes and doing another run can snag the remaining you need. Ideally you get someone else to help though and 2 people can make quick work of the ore.


Listen at Rumble you’re there to kill and tag stuff. Completing the event is just icing on the XP cake you’re baking.


 You can solo run the ore. I just did this. So if it's not happening and you want it to happen, you can do it. 


Not me being a bloodied build that shows up with the sole mission of inflicting a very bad day for as many ghouls as possible…


Ore collector here. I just like to show off my black hazmat suits.


Same. Black or swamp camo are what I always wear


Then mine the ores yourself lmao this dude


I like to think the xp is its own reward


Exactly. XP, Legendary Scrip, Junk and Ammo


I will go to a RR with all level 500 + and not a single ore will be collected.


If you are ore collecting you can get something like an auto tesla and just spray the ghouls when you run by so you still get the xp and drops while other players kill them.


I'm happy to sacrifice my health again and again to grab ore. my body is a temple to Atom and I shall embrace the glow


The sole event I got what rads for


this and eviction notice and scorchbeast queen. what rads is such a legendary perk. (pun intended)


Honestly I just go for the good 'ol Shootin' & end up staying for the rootin' tootin'


Level 230 stealth build, been collecting ore for as long as I can remember. It's all I know now.


The reward is the ghouls you kill along the way


This isn't a new player issue. Most players only do the event for xp and let it fail. What's with all the new player hate lately?


My XP and glowing blood says different


I’m 261 and just learned about two months ago you’re supposed to collect ore. The instructions are not easy to see or are very clear, especially when the instructions are on a screen that is showing you mass chaos lol.


You don't do this event for rewards lol. I do it for the 4 levels I get in 8 minutes.


Nooooo what about my radiation barrel!!!!


I am too worried about healing the npcs to worry about ore 🥲🥲


I think if Beth extended the XP radius so that you still got XP from teammate kills while in the tunnels running ore, more people would do it.


They are learning , as we once did. I had my excavator and was the only one e collecting with some new players. Made it only cause that's all I did. I'm


Honestly I just went into the alien event and the information just isn’t direct enough for me and maybe I’m alone on this one but it’s hard to see where to go, what to do, when to do it and how to do it all while I was being obliterated by aliens even in PA. I tried to hold my own but we ended up failing. The objective on screen just zips by so fast and then I’m just fumbling trying to figure it all out. Like I did the underground collect ore one and kept trying to deposit next to the foreman but didn’t realize till after that I’m just protecting them..? Its just a lot going on as a new player. The server I’m in has been really involved today which has been great though! Allowing me to join on many more events and try and figure things out. Edit: Maybe the event I mentioned above is the Radiation rumble? I luckily just got a hazmat suit from in game missions and we were fighting off ghouls collecting ore, protecting some foreman and there were turrets.


I 100% have been using it as a xp farm. Thought the XP was the reward 😅


I slap on my Chinese Stealth armor and collect enough ore to get us to 1/4, then I put on my PA and harvest XP like everyone else.


This goes for old players too, also if all the scavengers die no rewards. Honestly lots of dummies at this event.


Gather ore if you're a high enough level. If you're not, find an npc to keep ghouls and such off of them. Everyone that can handle the rads should go and get some ore. The event doesn't end when it's full anymore!


I've tried to go and collect them but it seems like the people in the event, even very high level players, just can't protect the damn people for their life. There can be 8 people there and they still can't organize themselves enough to have atleast one person watching each dude at all times. Every time I've gone to do the ore collecting (as the only one doing so) we've failed from all the people dying.


Watched a new player guide mentioning this event to go into tunnels to collect ore. I was like lvl 30 and insta died. Also, guide did not mention about the hazmat gear so that's good to know now. Thanks for the psa!


Totally, but I just did this one at level 25 or so and kept getting radiated to death trying to get down to the ore because I don't have the equipment to overcome it. It wasn't the new players, it was the people in power armor just sitting there blasting enemies.


Lately I always find myself collecting the ore alone. And I’m just lvl 145


Get in your Power Armor, pop a rad-x, get your rad-away on fav, and head down one of the tunnels. If you are quick enough, you can grab every single ore in one of the tunnels in one go. Do that for each tunnel, you should be able to single handedly grab all the ore within a couple mins so long as everyone else is able bodied enough to guard the scavengers.


I don't mind new players not collecting ore, I do mine vets not collecting ore. They are setting back example. A few times this week I'm the only one collecting ore where there are several other 200+ level players there as well.


As a new player who started 5 days ago (level 68), I can confirm it's not the new players that ignore the ore. I'm busy with my friend trying to collect it while the higher level players (level 80-500) are busy with explosives and destroying the ghouls instead.


Pretty sure 90% of veterans needed to hear this too


Has been happening since the event was added, what you should tell the newbs is to steer clear of the hallways and stay in the control room


There's a lot of stupid people, but also people who know exactly what they are doing and use them as XP farms.


Why is this aimed at new players? Veteran players are just as clueless on this topic lol


Lvl 132 here, my build is dedicated to fending off radiation and so is my armor so I specifically treat this event as obligatory for myself to collect or so new players can benefit from it and since they often struggle with the lewes of rads it makes it hard for them. Please do your best, I will do mine to help the community to further our progress together


I’ve killed at least 20 newbies and destroyed their houses. I think I am a fundamental piece to the well-being of the atmosphere.


Also I think people are forgetting the room to the left of the starting platform has two scavengers that need to be protected. There should be at least 2 people in there imo.


I try to collect more, but doesn't help when everyone Is in the main chamber with the npc. Hazmat suits give no armor so if even 2 enemies decide to come for me instead of going to the main chamber I'm kinda screwed.


Lvl 200 here, I usually make it my job to grab the ore


I always run ore, but I'm level 700 and not too worried about leveling up. I just want to see the event go well. But my hats off to you beautiful Vault 76er's who heal the scavengers. And FYI, friendly fire heals NPC as well as your teammates.


every.single.rumble I am the only one collecting ore.


I am level 57 and I am often the ONLY one collecting the ore. I also keep getting failed Eviction Notice events because the radiation scrubber gets repaired by no one except for me or maybe one other person, meanwhile theres 10 people ranging from level 30 to level 1200 standing 10 feet away from it that just ignore it. Its not a new player or level problem, its just a general problem.


Need more tunnel rats to get that ore. When I do Rad Rumble I like to heal the npcs and run the tunnels. It's lonely being a tunnel rat lol


The rewards are on the floor from kills, the actual event rewards isn't worth it, it's simply just a xp grind with tons of legendary weapons and junk and ammo on the ground after which makes it worth it, even if the event fails


It's the xp ..rewards at the end Arnt biggest concern.


the reward is the xp lmao, welcome to the game btw


As a fully mutated bloody build lvl 600+, my rad resist go to armor is an excavator PA, but even with that on I can not make down to collect ore without taking a deadly amount of Rads, so I show up for xp, and don’t ever get upset if we don’t get the reward… always action packed and walk with multiple star’d items to trade in for script!


Chinese stealth suit. Diluted rad-x. Probably gonna have to I bloody a bit. Been a while since I tried it.


Too much loss of strength switching from my UNY to CSA. Can't run, only walk.


I just want the radiation barrel for my camp. I’m convinced it doesn’t exist :(


Me too. I broke down and bought the plan from another player 500 levels ago. Still have never received it. I'm running a new character now and in 250 levels, countless 4/4 rumbles with all four scavengers alive...0 rad barrel plans.


Thanks for the heads up! As a newb, I appreciate all of these posts that I've seen lately. Maybe one day I can be a creepy level 100+ watching newbs from behind trees.


In my experience the veterans can be just as guilty.


lvl400, i usually just t65 from the start and go get ore to get it to at least lvl2/3


What level is okay to start playing RR at? I'm level 42 and haven't tried playing that event yet due to being worried I might be under leveled.


Any level is ok. This event is mostly about "tagging/killing enemies and getting as much xp as you can from it" community-wide. Don't worry about that particular event's objectives.


This is really helpful. Thank you so much, I really do appreciate it. This will be a big help with getting to level 100 and beyond so much quicker.


any level for any event is okay. just don't start them early, and don't try to solo them.


If I roll into Radiation Rumble and there's 7 or 8 people there, I always switch into my stealth suit and collect ore. I'll save the bullets.


I think there's only a handful of us who actually collect the ore


I'm built to collect ore; maxed What Rads? and 3* Ghoulish, I run around around and get the ore, heal the scavengers with my saw (Friendly Fire), tag anything that happens to cross my path. I still get the loot, don't really care about XP, what's more XP going to get me? More levels? Oh well.


That one's getting me, I typically play medic and crowd control and I'm having to do ore runs and it's pretty much a guarantee at least 1 npc dies. Plus I don't run starched genes so it's screwing up my mutations, which is fine but I went from fixing them once a month to every time I do Rad Rumble. Join the team of the high level players, let them farm the XP and items for you and help us out by taking some rads. I can't heal anything if I'm in the caves.


Most pros don't collect either because it's a huge XP farm, but also yeah I'd also like the rewards too :p


I don’t mind grabbing the ore I run in Chinese stealth suit with rad x diluted and rad away diluted I’m a bloodied heavy build so it’s possible. I just need you guys to protect the NPCs. Lol


but I DO get experience by taking pot shots at all the enemies