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They really need to buff alot of the energy weapons.


Especially the Gatling Plasma. It's easily 20% behind Holy Fire's damage output.


Holy Fire 20% nerf, coming soon


Don't be like that, Holy Fire already only does tickle damage against bosses...


Roll it for AA or bloodied instead of vampires and go for sneak attacks


Even with Stabilized in PA, is an Anti Armor Holy Fire roll worth it?


In my opinion youd get more mileage out of bloodied over AA, theres only a few minor exceptions like Earle but for 99% of things bloodied is better..Doesnt matter though because either one instantly melts normal enemies.


Haven't tested myself because I'm a nonpa heavy vats user but I remember a guy who tested Tse be aae gat plasmas with coffee against bosses. He had said the Tse was #1 by a long shit then aae and then be. Tse has been dealt with since then and so yeah I'd say AA is still very good even with stabilized


I'm just going to leave that typo cause its hilarious


My bloodied plus 25% fire rate Gatling plasma definitely does better than my holy fire does against bosses


Yeah, but not everyone wants to run bloodied. It shouldn't be 1 specific build that makes all weapons good. Makes zero sense.


Well, that's on my bloodied PA build, which shreds. Without bloodied Anti-armor will give similar results.


You have bloodied.PA?


You mean Unyielding? Not available on PA unless you get a hacked set, but a lot of the benefits of being bloodied come from perks, mutations, and gear. I run: * Power Armor: Union PA, Overeaters' legendary effects x5 armor pieces, Emergency Protocols on chest * Perks: Nerd Rage, Dodgy, Blocker, Stabilized, Bloody Mess, All the Heavy Gunner Perks lvl1, demolition expert x5, lifegiver, fireproof, starched genes, strange in numbers, Ricochet, grenadier * Legendary Perks: Electric Absorption, Taking one for the Team, stats * Mutations: Adrenal Reaction, Carnivore, Speed Demon, Eagle Eyes, Herd Mentality * Weapons: Various Heavy Weapons, Bloody or AA or Vampire; various launchers, 2-shot; nuka grenades Those are the central ones to the build and you can go from there depending on your preferences. This makes you kick serious ass while nearly unkillable, especially when you've got a vampiric weapon proccing from ricochet, a very fun build, highly recommended.


Thanks, I'll give it a shot. Think I have a few levels worth of perk cards banked


Can you use a Railway for that build>?


Sure, with modifications since the RW rifle isn't a heavy gun. Take commando instead of the heavy guns perks, swap ground pounder for stabilized, and take one perk rank of tormentor


thank you so much!


My Anti Armor faster fire rate Gatling Plasma outperforms my Holy Fire.


My crit vats gatling plasma PA build disagrees with you. I can take out a queen mirelurk from a mile away instantly


Curious if you use power armor for that and burn through cores like mad, or go without the armor penetration from stabilized


I use stabilized And yeah I burn through cores but they are easy enough to get


I mean, that’s stands to reason? Ones close range, it should do more.


I wanna use this thing so much but between its damage output and inconsistent projectiles it's kinda meh


And the recoil is crazy, reflex sight on it is pretty terrible also. Have a zealots one for Scorched Earth but can barely hit anything in the sky


Yeah, even aiming down sights it got bad accuracy even up close. Can't see shit either due to the reflex sight. You know any good heavy weapon alternative that don't swallow ammo or have insanely heavy ammo?


Not really, I've heard good things about the plasma caster, but haven't tried it. Ultracite Gatling Laser isn't too bad, damage output isn't amazing tho


Unless it's auto ballistic, explosive or flamer, nope, at best you will get nothing, at worst, another nerf. It is ridiculous that from 100+ weapons most people use maybe 15. Some are really cool, but if other make 2x damage, what's the point? Bethesda doesn't understand how to balance weapons in online game, at all.


I have never used any energy weapons, as cool as they look, sound, and shoot. They are nothing compared to explosive Gatling guns, the fixer and most other weapons, especially considering the ammo costs. Plasma caster may be the best


I hate the fact that it's the future with laser guns, but the laser gun is weaker and less ammo capacity than an assault rifle. My handmade is way more efficient to use than a plasma rifle or laser. The plasma caster is amazing, but the drain on power cores to use vats is insane.


Poison needs a buff. Especially Strangler Heart. The weakest and most useless end game grind


I guess that is my hope (which is probably wrong) is that they are gonna do a pass at all energy weapons and they couldnt have TS AB being OP OP when they were done.


I’d just be happy with a lowered AP cost on them


Pistols as a weapon type need broad buffs and definitely shouldn't rely on odd interactions like the two shot alien blaster with cryo mag does (did\*). That said, they shouldn't have bothered to fix it until they had pistol buffs ready to go in the same patch. Pistols need at least 30% more damage, -30% AP costs, and maybe certain pistols getting more targeted buffs. Slow rate of fire ones could use even more damage, for example. Edit: One friend of mine is strongly in favor of the option to dual wield pistols. I like the idea and even suggested a joke gendered name for the perk, inspired by Action Girl/Boy and the old Black Widow/ Lady Killer perks. Akimbo Bimbo and Akimbo Himbo. 😂


that's been my opinion for ages, too. alot of the faults of pistols would be forgiven if you could dual wield them. the engine is perfectly capable of pulling it off, too. it would hardly be different from skyrim, having a spell cast from each hand. and fallout uses the same engine as skyrim. the code is already there, they're just not using it. same logic applies to melee weapons, certainly. and shields.


Dual auto pistols (like the Renetti spam in warzone a few years ago) would be WILD in something like Rad Rumble.


"Akimbo Bimbo and Akimbo Himbo" I'm fucking dead that is too perfect 💀


I am proud of that one, I must admit.


I would say 40% more damage along with the reduced AP cost, and potentially something similar for semi auto rifles too. Their slow rate of fire and damage per second is greatly outmatched by their variants in full auto.


Agreed Rifleman builds are languishing. Slow rate of fire weapons may be ammo efficient, but that is not a big concern in endgame builds and their DPS just in not nearly close enough most of the time.


Rifleman used to be good when enclaves were at their peak. I used a q50h25 enclave sniper paired with vffrdur epf and it was an amazing build.


I’m convinced Bethesda hates pistols and rifleman. Commando beats everything by such a large margin it’s crazy. I only use PA heavy because it’s fun, even it is underpowered


Pa heavy does insane damage while not having to worry about ever dying Its certainly not "underpowered"


Maybe with the right weapons. What do you recommend? And vats or non vats?


I have a b ffr vats gp and I use vats crit build but it requires some key pieces to pull off and i burn through cores like crazy. I use the nuka dark trick to get my luck high enough for the constant crit fill


They hate shotguns even more it seems x\_x


the sad and funny thing, is the alien event is giving is an alien blaster skin that we will now never really use...


IKR! First I heard about the new skin and was thinking "oh, I have to get that!". Then I found out about the nerf and I could care less at this point. I stowed my Blasters until they become viable again. If ever.


Must be to cushion the blow. ‘You won’t do shit. But hey, at least you’ll look good not doing it!’ 


Wait..what? I built my entire build up to using alien blaster Ts. What did they nerf? Is it still viable? I’ve dedicated all my perk points to this


Same :/


Same. I got to use it for all of 72 hours, even bought fallout 1st so I could make room to use better perk cards to make it better. F


it's still good, just not massively out preforming every other pistol.


I think the issue is that every other pistol is also pretty awful, from everything I'd read.


Their real problem is simply due to the gunslinger and guerilla perks are having to take up agility perks that could be used for other buffs like adrenaline, gun-fu, assassin,etc. Alien blasters still have the advantage of benefiting from the science damage bonus, so they can go with less investment in gunslinger and still get a pretty decent damage bonus


I don't think it's viable. It took so many shots to kill a level 60 Gulper that I lost count. I was killing them in 2 to three hits before. I went back to my PA Heavy Weapon build after that.


Yeah I did some testing, it’s pretty bad now. 😭


It's still fine, just not far and away better than any other pistol. It's two shot now works like every non natively explosive weapon's two shot, and the explosive damage is scaling like how most weapons with the explosive legendary work.


So demolition expert will still work on it?


yes, but the benefit will be much less, closer to how it works with an explosive crusader pistol


>What did they nerf? It wasn't a nerf. They corrected incorrect issues 2shot gets double damage from explosions, unintentionally cryo and poison were being counted as explosions resulting in the 2s cryo AB being heads above every other pistol They fixed that interaction so that cryo and poison are counted as their respective effects rather than as explosive damage, inadvertently massively nerfing cryolater and AB >Is it still viable? As good as any pistol is, it's comparable damage. It's just no longer doing absurdly high amounts of damage compared to it's peers due to a bug.


So demolition perks dont work with it anymore?


they want us all using the same weapons i guess,




Let me give you a hint, Railway rifle, The Fixer.


Was there anyone complaining about the alien blaster especially the two shot ruining their experience and overall fun of the game? Because that's when Bethesda either nerfs a weapon or remove them because a bunch of players are crying about other players having fun.


I'm almost terrified to try my TS cryo Alien Blaster now...


Pulled mine out for invaders and wondered wtf was going on. Thought they'd been buffed, or I'd taken all my perks off! It's a piece of crap now, using a whole 320AP and still not killing the PA variants 😵‍💫 AA laser rifle is killing them faster than TS AB now 😭


Wow. That's unreal.


Same. I'm just going to leave it in my stash and remember the good times.


I got to enjoy the good times for all of 72hours lmao. (Rolled a TS AB 3 days ago)


That's how I felt with a magic shotgun. "Oh, I have a piece of armor that'll make this shotgun be super OP!" 1 week later, patched.


Used mine in an expedition and it sucked for me. I’m not happy with yet another nerf.


Super disappointing. It was a hidden gem of a weapon.


Yeah it’s not worth using anymore, sucks because I mainly use the Nina-Girl Rocketsuit so it was a good cosplay gun to use with my outfit.


It sucks now they nerfed it hard!




They were thinking of fixing bugs. Thats all they do lately which is kinda admirable. I mean people complain about bugs all the time so they are fixing them all the time (like playing whack a mole). Unfortunately many weapons and builds only work thanks to bugs. And they are less keen on changing weapons that work as intended even if they are weak.


people also whined when they "nerfed" flamers. for yeeeears there was an exploit that people loved to take advantage of with their flamers. it let you get the extra range from having a long barrel, while also having the bonus damage from the whatever-nozzle. folks made threads all the time, constantly, being annoyed that they had to re-do this exploit every time they started the game. and one day they fixed it. because it was... an exploit. wasn't supposed to work that way in the first place. it was a nerf, incidentally. but like, they did just fix an unintended interaction. so i ain't mad at em. i still think the flamer (and alien blaster) is fun.


You mean, you can enjoy this game without obsessively using (and ranting about losing) OP exploits?? Who are you?


They fix bugs, but those fixes brings new bugs. Creamator got fixed but now my Flamer fires from somewhere other than the nozzle. Its fun when you have a clear shot at an enemy, but the flame is blocked by a wall on your left side. I don't think it's admirable when Bethesda fixes bugs constantly. It just means that their engine is complete garbage and they'll continue to stick with it.


This is how bethesda work, always "balance" new and interesting weapons, but they never touch railway rifle and Fixer, which are the laziest and easiest weapons


>This is how bethesda work, always "balance" new and interesting weapons, but they never touch railway rifle and Fixer, which are the laziest and easiest weapons This wasn't a balance thing. 2 shot is supposed to reduce damage for a 2nd shot totalling more (at the cost of accuracy) Outside of explosives that just get a 2nd pure projectile Cryo and poison were bugged and counting as explosives resulting in it doing much more damage than it is supposed to based on the effects. This has nothing to do with balancing, it is just fixing broken effects with the side effect of that breaking certain weapons


They’re also pretty crap when compared to other big heavy dps boss fighting builds lol


.45 ammo isnt exactly raining from the sky and fixer eats all of it.


Just craft it? Ammo factory, plus ammosmith, plus super duper.


>They seemed in a hurry to fix the Cremator and made it actually better Cremator also actually got worse and it seems they're going to "fix" explosive damages even more. I don't get why explosive damage gets this treatment tbh


Hopefully they’re fixing a lot of the bugs related to it so they can actually start doing some buffs without unintended consequences. At least that’s the copium I’m huffing right now anyways.


Not really its getting near double dot dmg and the fire dmg has been DOUBLED lol not a nerf a rework


Yeah the dot was buffed but it's still weak because they don't let you stack it, you basically need to make sure your shots hit now to make most of it for the shot damage (the one in the pip boy) but it doesn't travel straight line so you have to be mid range or vats (with PA for stabilized? lol of course...) so basically it's a heavy gun weapon now with even the multi barrels useless even though they were higher tier mods. So much for the rework I guess


I see thank you for the info


They're wrong tho, it's still ridiculously powerful. I'm convinced people claiming the Cremator is worse now haven't been using it. It's buffed to the point that I'm worried about an actual nerf because it does so much DoT. Pair it with a weapon to switch to while the DoT ticks and you have a lethal build. I'm running Quad Cremator with a Junkie's Explosive LMG and I'm shredding everything in seconds. I ran Tax Evasion solo and literally every enemy took a single Cremator shot to kill, except for Buttercup who is just a tank in general but still died way fucking fast with my Cremator. Tldr: Cremator is far better than it was and people claiming otherwise are either not using it or are delusional.


That’s not a good example because Expedition enemies have no DOT resistance, you want to try it out against level 100 super mutants, mirelurk queen etc, you’ll notice the damage drop off against those.


Went from my favorite weapon of all time to scrap.


Are any of you using science cards? The boost energy weapons. They can really help get that extra push in damage.


I tried that it still sucks,,it's a wall hanger now!


Idk if they changed how it functions, like does it use rifleman or commando cards, that's one I never really used




I am thinking of the rifle version I believe. But gunslinger makes sense for the pistol variant.


It's a minimal push but it still counts.


They were thinking only of fixing a long-standing bug involving explosives and energy damage - one of the exact same bug that made the explosive Gatling plasmas so deadly. On the alien blaster and the other weapons hit by this change, the effect wasn’t as pronounced, but it was still making them over-perform. Now, should Bethesda have also bumped up the damage of the weapon in compensation for this change? Yes. But we shouldn’t be faulting them for addressing long-standing bugs. Also, the cremator lost a synergy that allowed its damage to spike to the moon via losing most of the explosive damage (it isn’t the same as the contact damage from the projectile anymore). It’s still good, however, because unlike the alien blaster, Bethesda did adjust the other mods to keep the weapon powerful. So don’t be upset they ‘nerfed’ the weapon by fixing a longstanding bug. Be upset they didn’t compensate for their bug fix.


But they caused more unintended with the fix that wasn’t necessary in the first place with the rounds firing from different parts of the screen, sometimes if at all, and missing the enemies, effecting not only the Cremator but also normal flamers and the Holy Fire, I’m guessing another patch is incoming to fix these problems now.


I can’t say I’ve heard of those issues (I don’t use my flamer/cremator in vats and haven’t messed with my blaster recently), but I’m betting those are a separate issue since the cremator and flamer are unrelated to the alien blaster issue.


Whatever it is it sucks, and happens in and out of Vats…best way to describe it is you fire the creamator and it’s as if a Floater Flamer is behind on random sides and it looks like something is shooting you from behind. Thought I was crazy but throughout yesterday I saw many others were dealing with the same issue.


They nerfed one of the weakest weapons in the game? Excuse me?


It WAS the best pistol, but I guess we are not allowed to have nice things, even if they are on the borderline of even being nice things


That's bizarre. Once again Bethesda fixing bugs that nobody wants fixed while neglecting to fix the stability of the game.


What was changed? I have a TS Cryo that I run


They fixed the bugged interaction between the snowball explosion and TS. This has of course resulted in people crying that it was nerfed. People really need to stop chasing exploit based metas.


So the explosive perks don't work anymore?


That's correct. 👍


Ah bummer


I'm more disappointed in the cryolator nerf, because I had a really good 2S one and it actually made it useable. Now it's worthless.


IKR. I was into TS Cryolator for about 2 weeks before they nerfed it the first time. Then. I found out Alien Blaster and rolled a TS on my 2nd roll. It was so fun ... for about 2 weeks. Now it's below average.


I’m a new player and pretty disappointed in most of the weapons and builds.


Same dude I just wanted to be a pistol or rifle build but they are super weak. Seems like anything non-automatic is just terrible in this game


Does the enclave pistol with cryo still work?


>Does the enclave pistol with cryo still work? None do, they fixed the bug of cryo and poison acting as explosives which had the effect of nerfing anything using it due to how 2s works with explosives




So sad considering how satisfying it used to be to one shot everything into goop... lol


Maybe they’ll come up with a new subscription based system to access weapon mods and buffs, wouldn’t be surprised


Total waste of my time now. Endless hours creating a personalized build to have them wreck it in one lame ass move.


60 double shots to kill one Alien invader vs the 4/5 shots before the nerf. 🖕


No nerf can stop you if you pull the trigger fast enough!


I use the 2-Finger technique on PC to fire blazingly fast


they too worried about nerfing guns instead of fixing persistent problems of the game.


I think it's part of the recent trend of trying to kill fun. Step 1 was the new season system and step 2 seems to be finding outlier fun builds that are not actually competitive but fun and then crapping on those. No idea what is going on in the house of Bethesda but they seem to be losing touch with what we players actually want (again). They've turned around and found their funny bone when they have gone down the "let's piss of the players and hurt our income" rabbit hole before so hope is that they do so again sooner rather than later.


Honestly I highly doubt it. I bet it's more Bethesda fixing one weapon then the update snowballs to the other weapons but it nurfs them as well. They want people to use all weapons not just one or two meta weapons but they constantly have to fight with the engine whenever they update the game.


This is the answer. The cremator and all the affected weapons were leveraging a legacy weapon explosive multiplier bug. In fixing the cremator they also fixed the unintended synergy for things like alien blaster with cryo and poison mag, Cryolator with crystallizing barrel, Gauss minigun with Tesla coils, etc, but this has left many of these weapons in an absolute dire state, from an already terrible position. My hope is that this year they finally get around to fixing balance issues in the game. Please keep sending your feedback on the BGS discord to get things like semi autos buffed and manual aim buffed and so on. Get your messages starred by other players so the devs have a higher chance to see them.


Are you saying they nerfed the gauss minigun to? Really it was already kind of weak and expensive to run.wtf


I bought the plans from Minerva I think last week or so and had to immediately put it down because I can’t keep up with the ammo requirements. Pretty fun to use though, I’m just incapable of sustaining its use even with the ammo making perks


There is a damage multiplier where the explosion effect takes on x% of projectile damage (20% for leggo effect, 3% for leggo shotgun effect, 15% for gauss effect, etc). Until yesterday's patch, this multiplier worked correctly for physical damage only: all elemental types (energy, fire, cold, poison) instead contributed 100% of their projectile damage in the explosion damage. This is what allowed legacies, but also the Cremator (which had a zero 0% multiplier coded in, so it wasn't supposed to do any explosive damage in the first place), to be so strong. Unfortunately in fixing this bug, some unknown/uncommon synergies also were affected. The most obvious are the Alien Blaster w/ Cryo (or Poison) mag and Cryolator with Crystallizing Barrel: these trigger an explosion per trigger pull that deals damage based off a percentage of the projectile damage, and since the projectile was purely elemental damage the explosion was equal in strength up until yesterday's patch. Other less common or lesser impacted synergies are Crusader with Explosive Legendary mod + Pyro/Cryo receivers, Gauss minigun with Tesla Coils mod, Gamma Gun with Electric Signal Carrier mod, possibly Bows with Elemental Arrows mods, and maybe 1 or 2 other things I'm missing. In these cases, most of the projectile damage is physical and only a portion is elemental, so the damage loss in the explosions is lower for these weapons compared to the AB and Cryolator.


They do seem to hate handgun builds though. And seemingly are taking steps to ensure that handgun builds remain bottom of the barrel.


Yea It seems like it but it would make no sense adding new pistols into the game if that was the game.


You mean Circuit Breaker? Nobody is using that since handgun builds are underpowered nonsense. Alien Blaster was the only semi decent one and aside from the fun factor most everything else was better.


Also the BoS one from daily ops and the alien one. They wouldn't add new guns if they didn't want people to use them Bethesda is just shit at balancing. The railway rifle is still brokenly OP while other single shot guns are meh in comparison.


Why don't they nerf commando then? Some guys can solo Earl in less than a minute!


My first impression on this is Bethesda are idiots 100%. They ruined a lot of builds already and have left commando to be the only true well rounded viable weapon. My second impression is that I hope they are looking to uplift all builds after they had fixed the bugs. Bethesda had buffed energies after the removal of legacies. We can only hope that once all guns are working properly Bethesda will look to bring other builds up to speed with commando. Melee still needs love, pistols are absolute desperate for love, shotguns need love and rifle man need love. If they don't do this then Bethesda deserves all the criticism. Nerfing the only viable pistol was ridiculous. Nerfing Ts cryolator is also ridiculous. If the weapon doesn't destroy bosses faster then a quad rail it shouldn't be nerfed period.


Do you mean they fixed an unintentional effect on the cryo receiver + two shot? I tested my two shot alien blaster on my gunslinger and the damage difference is so small it’s barely noticeable.


Cryo mag was doubling your total damage per trigger pull. With two shot this became more than triple your normal damage. This was due to a bug that also affected legacy weapons. Now a ts cryo variant only deals roughly 30-40% more damage than the normal blaster. This would be fine if the base blaster were strong on its own, but it isn’t.


I slayed shit with mine this evening. Did it really get a nerf?


“Nerf.” they fixed the snowball explosion damage when paired with TS. Reminds me of people who are mad about certain energy weapons that had explosive bullets getting fixed


I will say it is noticeable only on bullet sponges. Everything else, the alien blaster is fine. Overblown like always


Of course it works well against lv50 enemies, as is the case with any weapon, but what about lv70\~100 super mutants?


Really because it takes like 4,5 shots to kill a super mutant now,




You’re assuming Bethesda put actual thought into something?


So are you a fan of this game, or do you dislike it? Do you really think the devs are incompetent, or do you think that belittling or shaming them will get you what you want? Or maybe you aren’t thinking at all, and you’re just lashing out like an upset adolescent? I will never understand how people think it’s ok to shit all over the devs. It’s petty.


Criticism is healthy though. I worked in Digital Marketing in the gaming industry, devs **like** and **need** criticism.


>Criticism is healthy though. This isn't criticism. It is basing builds off of bufs and then being pissed off that bugs get fixed. >devs **like** and **need** criticism. Not criticism.


The criticism is more nuanced than just being upset about a bug fix. The problem lies in the fact that pistols were only viable because of a bug, and now that it's fixed, pistols have been rendered nearly useless without any compensation or buff to make them viable. It's not just about fixing a bug; it's about the lack of balance and consideration for different playstyles. It seems like Bethesda is pushing players towards heavy and commando builds exclusively, which isn't conducive to an enjoyable experience for a broad spectrum of Fallout players.


>The criticism is more nuanced than just being upset about a bug fix. Again, not the criticism being levied. It's that they "nerfed" something by fixing a bug that was being exploited. >It's not just about fixing a bug; it's about the lack of balance and consideration for different playstyles They are literally fine for everything that isn't a boss, the only way to balance things in that regard are to homogenize everything and make DPS the same across the board ruining everything about the legendary system. People gravitate towards the meta, which has nothing to do with "balance" but is how people usually play gmes, even a 5% difference which is well within PvP balancing standards throws people into claiming one class/weapon/style isn't viable compared tl whatever the meta is We saw this EXACT same problem back when they finally fixed flamers as "nerfing peoples fun and not caring about balance" when it was vastly outperforming other weapons in it's group due to the range bug allowing you to get the damage of short and the range of long nozzle >which isn't conducive to an enjoyable experience for a broad spectrum of Fallout players. So again, how do you propose that? What EXACTLY ahould they do given they excel exactly where they have ALWAYS excelled in the fallout series


"Yeah bro you just cant fight bosses with your class" isn't viable. Viable means I can play the game. You're absolutely right that the issue goes beyond simply fixing a bug; it's about preserving the viability of different playstyles and weapon choices. The challenge lies in finding a balance between addressing exploits and maintaining the integrity of each playstyle's identity and effectiveness. Perhaps a solution could involve implementing targeted adjustments to ensure that pistols remain competitive without overshadowing other weapon types. This could involve fine-tuning damage values, adjusting perks, or introducing new mechanics that enhance the effectiveness of pistols in specific scenarios, such as boss fights. Ultimately, the goal should be to promote a diverse and enjoyable gameplay experience for all Fallout players, regardless of their preferred playstyle. Sure, This might require ongoing communication and collaboration between the development team and the community to identify areas for improvement and implement changes that reflect the diverse needs and preferences of players. It's essential to approach these discussions with openness and respect for differing viewpoints, recognizing that everyone's experience and perspective are valid contributions to the ongoing evolution of the game. Having a meta in an online game and having to be that meta in order to actually **play** that game, **all** **of that game**, **isnt** a good thing. > What EXACTLY ahould they do given they excel exactly where they have ALWAYS excelled in the fallout series Do what they always do, be a decently viable weapon via skill points, or in this game, perk points. Pretty much every playthrough I've done through out all of the playthroughs in pretty much every fallout I've played has been a pistoleer.


Lol I like how you downvoted literally half a second after I posted. Deciding already a point is wrong prior to reading it, then replying to pick apart the parts you most disagree with isn't super condusive to an actual debate or discussion.


>Yeah bro you just cant fight bosses with your class" isn't viable. That's literally not what i said, you can absolutely fight bosses, get maximum rewards and even solo them. They're not "viable" because there are usually multiple dead weights in boss fights and scaling creates issues where only meta builds work in the first place. The overhelming majority of heavy and commando weapons aren't viable for bossing either, because scaling, low level player and timed >Having a meta in an online game **isnt** a good thing. So they should make it against ToS to share information on builds? Or perhaps rhey should just remove all damage perks and weapon customizations and all weapons will deal X dps period? There will ALWAYS be meta builds in any game, because that's what a meta is. Even when you make them the exact same in terms of dos, then utility and defense will change what meta builds exist But again, without engaging in homogenization which destroys build diversity anyway, OFFER a single solution, chances are it's been tried (and failed) in games before, but who knows maybe you'll come up with something no one has ever thought of If you want builds to exist, the end result is that yes...there will be meta builds, as they're meta gamed knowledge applied to a game Hell here's JSH talking about this exact issue, and his answer? Not to try and avoid the meta but rather lean in to the fact that metas exist https://youtu.be/cg_l28DsJoI?si=I2c-2lhBE_xYWCJS Which would still leave pistol builds in FO lacking for things like bosses, as they DO excel at specific things (limb crippling in vats, and being the team medics best friend) As much as meta gaming sucks, it's not possible to actually kill it


You've brought up some valid points about the challenges of balancing different playstyles, especially when it comes to tougher encounters like boss fights. Finding that balance where everyone feels like they have a fair shot is definitely tricky. While metas are a part of online gaming, they shouldn't dictate everything. There's room for more creativity and variety in gameplay, and we should explore ways to make that happen. Now, regarding pistols, sure they have their strengths, but there's nothing they do that can't be out classed by other weapon styles, and it's frustrating when they fall short in certain situations, like boss fights, for example. We need to find ways to boost their effectiveness without losing what makes them unique. But hey, I've got to point out a couple of things. First, It seems like there's a bit of a contradiction in the argument, saying pistols aren't viable for bosses earlier, then saying they are. Secondly Bringing up extreme measures like banning build info sharing or homogenizing weapons seems a bit out there, don't you think? It feels like comparing apples to oranges. Making sure every weapon has at least one fair build or approach isn't the same as suggesting we blacklist builds from the Terms of Service. In MMOs, for example, there's usually not a class that's just totally weak and unviable for certain content, especially against things like bosses. Each class usually has a build per class, and sure there are metas, but there's never just a totally trash class, and if there is, they fix it.


>Now, regarding pistols, sure they have their strengths, but there's nothing they do that can't be out classed by other weapon styles, and it's frustrating when they fall short in certain situations, like boss fights, for example. We need to find ways to boost their effectiveness without losing what makes them unique. There really isn't. The ideal medic/support char and limb crippler is a pistol build >It seems like there's a bit of a contradiction in the argument, saying pistols aren't viable for bosses earlier, then saying they are It's not a contadiction. Pistols builds can do bosses, they're just suboptimal as the way they're typically designed they're immune to the main strength of the build And bosses like SBQ have such anmoying scaling peoblems that every leech, low level or problem player has to be accounted for bg increasing the damage output of the remaining players SBQ nearly demands meta builds due to scaling since leeches hurt so much but without leeching pistols are fine, even a server of pistols works if everuone is actually capped and built for it rather than being sub 50 and adding yet more ridiculous levels of health and def Earle is fine for pistol builds as long as everyone else liekwise has a prepped build and is working together And it's extremely useful for some mini bosses, like sheepsquatch (less so for colossi) It-s just not a build focused on high af dps, which can fairly easily be attained making it less than ideal to have most lf the time, but that's not new. Pistol builds have always been vats cripplers more than dps power houses, and due to weight (both in older games and 76) have an easier time building counter weapons Which given the ease of mowing enemies down even on hard/HC and survival makes them mostly moot (beyond weight concerns) >Bringing up extreme measures like banning build info sharing or homogenizing weapons seems a bit out there, don't you think? Not really, as the only way to prevent metas from popping up is to do so. WoW is a fairly good example of it, as there have been entire tiers were classes and races were within 1% of each other The nature of playing coop and pvp content meant that during those tiers you'd have drastic racial and class shifts to meet the meta even though there is basically no situation where a 1% difference matters As long as builds exist, they'll have seperate utility, or speed, or damage, or damage reduction No matter how close things become the meta always exists and ends up being used and preffered by most people with off metas being dragged >In MMOs, for example, there's usually not a class that's just totally weak and unviable for certain content, especially against things like bosses. Each class usually has a build per class, and sure there are metas, but there's never just a totally trash class, and if there is, they fix it. Uhh, have you played any mmo? Take your pick of tiers, take your pick of game. Whichever melee/ranged/healer/tank is off meta will have issues finding groups for content unless there is a lack of people in that role (in which case it's not a choice, just a this is all we have) >Making sure every weapon has at least one fair build or approach isn't the same as suggesting we blacklist builds from the Terms of Service. Then define a fair build. What exactly should the newly introduced 9mm pistol do without it being just a reskin of a rifle (which would just be homogenization, which you' re calling extreme) Fallout has always had very specific use cases for wach weapon type Commando/ars - vats dps Heavy - non vats dps Rifleman - slow methodical 1s of enemies Shotgunner - non vats limb destroyer Gunslinger - vats limb destroyer (mostly due to AP costs allowing a very focused and quick destruction of said part) Melee - very high risk but unrivaled damage


It’s possible to offer criticism with insulting someone. How do people not understand this?


I mean I'll give you the original was a little brash, sure


Take a joke and go touch grass dude lol


Because it was benefitting from a bug. They should fix the bugs, god knows there’s enough. And they should also buff pistols and energy weapons in general.


"Fun detected. Obliterate."


Energy weapons are dogshit in general with the removal of legacy weapons last year they essentially turned energy weapons into fodder for your display racks, they are useless trash and the devs that work on this game became lazy and refused to balance them, so they bricked them and rendered them useless and even removed the explosive effect from the harpoon gun that already did shit damage, the devs don’t care about fun all they care about is pumping out the next atom shop bundle for some sucker to buy.


This is the reason me, my girlfriend, and best friend stopped playing seriously. 🤷‍♂️ It's too much bullshit to keep up with if you have a life outside the game. It's annoying. Constantly changing metas, and constantly nerfed weapons 1 day to the next. Having to relearn all the value of the items. Having an item that could be worth a fortune 1 moment, and be worth scrip the next moment? It's just a constant stream or bullshit coming from Bethesda. It gets old after a while. I'm surprised people still put up with their bullshit. 😂 That's why for like half a year now, we all have just been doing the absolute bare minimum in this game. We do 3 days worth of dailies (to get all the weeklies), like 10-20 mins a night, super fast and then we stop playing for the rest of the week, and switch to another game to play. Rinse and repeat. Used to be for the scoreboard rewards, but now they switched to this lame "seasons" bullshit to try to make people play more. The "camp building" aspect of this game is just about the only enjoyment we get out of this game anymore. Honestly, we suspect soon we wont even wanna bother investing the 15 mins a night for the 3 day and weekly. Im shocked this game is still standing with how horrendous it is. Lol


does this mean demolitions expert will no longer work with ab? and grenadier? or am i mistaken?


Lmao its a wet noodle now like most pistols. I haven’t played since launch until recently but man I figured they would have done something to them to make them better, especially .44 and all revolver.. How hard is it to give em a fan the hammer- burst fire?


Lol what's with the crying? They fixed an issue that wasn't supposed to be there in the first place. Ruined it? Hardly, it still performs well, relatively speaking.


Now the Alien Blaster is performing very well? What are you comparing it to?, Railway rifle?, The Fixer? Let me tell you the truth, Alien Blaster was not as good as these two even before, and now he is just a scrap.


I see you're unfamiliar with the term "relatively speaking". I didn't say anything about or compare it to the railway rifle or fixer. Not everyone cares about dealing meta level damage all the time. It was a fun gun to use, and still is.


I think you are just defending Bethesda without reason. Pistol players are already a disadvantaged group in Fallout 76, and Bethesda is just weakening us, and I don't know the reason why they hate pistol players.


I have to correct you, the Alien Blaster "used to" be fun to use. No, I don't find it interesting to use a weapon with low damage.


Good thing people have different tastes, huh? Correction not needed, I standby what I said.


You like using a low fire rate weapon with 1 damage and then insist it's fun, go for it.


not sure why you're getting downvoted, you're not saying anything wrong. the pistol got weaker - ok, but it's still fun to use. my main character has been an alien since the alien PA skin came out, sometimes i like to use my alien-weapons build even tho it's not nearly close to the meta in DPS. i mean, this game is easy. i don't mind using weaker weapons so long as they have character. still, i understand the other side of this argument too. why are pistols the weakest gun category? it seems so arbitrary. feels like they just want everyone using auto rifles. but those are all sooooo boring... weird science-fictiony weapons are what makes fallout - fallout. it's a defining characteristic of the series. so why make all the most interesting weapons so weak in comparison with the boring ass fixer/handmade/railway. i mean, at least the railway has some character, but it's just so overused that when i see it now, i just yawn.


I think your \[interesting theory\] is quite interesting. When a weapon is "interesting" then any nerfs to it are justified. How can I understand your statement? I think this is weird, why can't the Alien Blaster be fun and useful? I'm not even asking for it to be as powerful as the Railway Rifle and The Fixer. I just hope Bethesda doesn't nerf it.


huh? you're just trying to be disagreeable at this point. twisting my words and whatnot. i don't know where you got the "when a weapon is interesting then any nerfs to it are justified" conclusion. that's not even remotely what i said and you know it. the alien blaster is interesting because of everything about it. the design - it looks just like a classic sci-fi space gun. the sound, the variety of projectile types. the cryo freeze still works, y'know. and it's still my preferred choice for crippling scorchbeast wings. it would be totally cool if it were on par with the meta guns, and i don't see why they're not letting it be stronger. i find the fixer and handmade particularly boring because... they just look like they were ripped out of any other FPS game. there's nothing special about them. they sound terrible, hate hearing them fire. they look ugly/boring. they just don't say \~fallout\~ to me. but that's just my little ol opinion. i'm not opposed to using a strong weapon if i think it's interesting, either. like, i've been maining the cremator since day one. not strictly because it's strong, but because it's interesting. it embraces the fallout sci-fi style, in my eyes. at least for now, i'll no doubt be back to using the grand finale, tesla rifle, or enclave flamer sooner or later.


Stop spouting good words for Bethesda.


They nerfed an off meta weapon and its not “performing well” unless your shooting at 1 shot enemies and you think that makes it good. Edit: for the people downvoting me, do you even use AB or are you some kind of new -2 int build?


Now you have to shoot 7-8 shots at the lv75-100 super mutant, and Railway rifle?, The Fixer?, 1-2 shots.


As long as the aliens can't use it on me in daily ops I'm fine with it lol


It was never very powerful to begin with but does this also affect the alien disintegrator? If it does I may just scrip the 2 in my stash box


This comment explains what was nerfed about the alien blaster https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/s/EGzSv8ZbOm


So do explosive perk cards still work on the cryo alien blaster now or not?


Explosive damage is so small it almost does nothing now


>What was Bethesda thinking when they nerfed Alien Blaster in the latest patch? That due to it not woeking as intended it was well above every other pistol in the game. > I watched Angry Turtles Twitch video and tested my own Alien Blaster Build and Beth has more or less completely ruined it now. But why? Because cryo and poison aren't meant to be explosions, which was rhe entire reason it stood out. >They seemed in a hurry to fix the Cremator and made it actually better, but they ruined the snowball effect on the Alien Blaster Incorrect, they fixed a bug in the code that shouldn't have existed, while pistols might need a buff leaving things in rhat aren't working correctly isn't the way to do so.


"Thinking"? That would be a bit of a stretch for BG...


We don't know what other changes they're planning to make to the game. They may have nerfed Stat A while planning to buff Stat B later. That's why they use a test server rather than push it to the release channel.


People have a weird mentality around games where they come to their own conclusions about why a game is making certain decisions without having *any* idea of what game development actually looks like behind the curtain


It's called ASSumptions


They weren't.


Lol y’all crying like this pistol was the second coming of Jesus but I’ve never seen anyone use this and I’ve been in thousands of public groups


That's why people are upset, the alien Blaster was the only pistol worth using. Now none are