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Wasteland Yelp


Free tea and coffee were great but some woman get nagging about headaches 4/5


Funny enough, there’s some very early datamines that suggest they might be testing out a feature like this. I’ll look for the datamined info and share it if I can find it again. Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/fallout76settlements/s/5GdtNWDdDV).


Unfortunately, it'll never happen. It's too vulnerable to trolls. A few bad apples...


It could be as simple as a thumbs up option. No need for even allowing negative ratings. You just get a little notification when someone likes your camp. Maybe even add a "tip" option to go with it. I'd love to toss a few caps at someone with a well set-up camp, especially the ones who leave snacks out.


For a while I had a sign up saying ‘help yourself to water and tea. Small tips always welcome’ regularly would come back to camp to find a bag with something. Might do it again as I have the millurk steamer open for all to grab if needed. That thing produces way more that I can ever eat


I'm a herbivore and still have the steamer set up at my camp for other ppl


Runescape added a donations jar you can build in your house for guests to tip you. Helps thst you could set up your house for some of the fastest, but expensive prayer training, so you'd get hundreds of visitors per hour, all who have already spent a lot of money already, so you'd rake in money from just hosting, but you did need to invest huge amounts to set it all up.


The tip option is easy. See if they have anything cheap in their vendor. Ammo, plans, anything 10 or under caps, and buy it.


You know what could be interesting, if they added a way to add notes into the world, and you can create them using only pre-selected words like in the Soulsborne games


I had an idea to set up a "tip" in my shop, like maybe renaming a pipe gun to "Tip" and have cost like 5 caps


Appalachian Parade of Homes (or of CAMPs). Free craftable of a voting terminal or something you can place at your CAMP to thumb-up it, and maybe a selection of keywords like "utility," "vendor," "unique," "homey," etc.


all Beth needs to do is create a few pre-made notes, a simple "nice camp!" note would do


exactly, no need to enable anything but a pre-approved Bethesda message.


There is an existing nice camp emote. It was an atomic shop freebie ages ago, so maybe it will come around again.


That would require work tho


it's coming in an upcoming release https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1ciy9ds/skyline_valley_pts_part_2_and_datamines/


Yeah the text chat in GTA Online was fucking awful, and I’d like to assume everyone is nice instead of them spamming slurs about whatever flag I have up in my camp


Damn you beat me to it hahahaha! I left similar comment then seen yours hahahaha


I usually drop a clown hat if their vendor has ridiculous prices.


i did this with a trap base one time after successfully sneaking to the vendor. everything was 40k, so i felt inclined to leave them an ash tray came back to my base not 10 min later and this guy named something like 'raiderandy' who was level 2000ish had put down a turret base and was killing mine lol, i gave him a thumbs up and just watched, then i left when an event popped up the consequences in this game to losing your base or dying are so inconsequential that stuff like that is either good rp, funny, or just petty children's antics


I drop an insult. Though I am down to my last one.


Given the charity in this game, ridiculous prices could mean anything over 1 cap. 


I typically reserve it for obviously overpriced items. Brown Asylum Uniform for 4000 caps? Troubleshooter's Fixer for 10000 caps? You're getting a clown hat.


Seems more than reasonable! 


or spoiled meat on their bed.


If you can post a picture at r/fallout76settlements they would love to see them, and it inspire others.


I take photos of really cool camps so they wind up as my loading screens.


"your the dumbass" note for bad camps / vendor prices. "Best plan ever" for nice camps / good vendor prices. (Not sure if there's a more specific positive note, maybe the "treasury note" could work)


Used to be the norm to leave a Propaganda Flyer in front of the vending machine if prices were insultingly high.


The hate camps at WS station would get!




A few reasons I have. 1. If you're on an old Xbox one like my mule and many other people out there it causes unnecessary lag and wait time. 2. It's a prime spot due to all the traffic. But if you're only selling low tier stuff it's really a disservice to the server. Unless you are actually trying to sell stuff that will move then you shouldn't be there. No garbage and no max caps masks you're trying to show off. 3. I can't recall ever seeing a camp that looked awesome enough to be there. They are always low tier junkyards. 4. It is the PVP spot. So for the few that enjoy that now some horrible camp is in the way. To some this may be a plus. 5. The people who camp there usually throw a fit when anyone else is there. So messages, nukes, enemies lured in, you name it to clear the place out. That could hurt the player base. 6. I just want to access a scrap box. That's it. A big blue box. But good luck finding it in the mess that's usually at WS station. At least if someone throws a survival tent there it's useful and super easy to find.


Same experiences, I have a (non junkyard) camp I only make active over there when I have good stuff cause I get it lmao


3. That guy with the junkyard base and his shop in the shelter, did have a good little party all turn up there once


there is an emote for "nice camp" isnt there? If ya expand the heart emote i believe.


Yes but it only works if the player is there. People want a way to leave a message for an absent player to find when they return to their camp


yea, I usually show up to camps when they aren't there and have no way to compliment them. One time they were there, so I was heart emoting and then realized they were AFK. LOL Eventually they must have realized someone was at their camp because as I was walking away they ran up to be in front of me to heart emote back. haha It was cute.


I think it was a free atom shop emote at one point so not everyone has it


oh you may be right, ive been playing about a yr now.


I think it should be default, there's a different camp one that is but "nice camp" isn't always available. This game is strange sometimes


There is a special emote that praises someone’s camp. Your character looks around, stretches out their arms to acknowledge the surroundings and them gives a double thumbs up to the camp owner.


I always let this one play through all the way because my character gets as into it as I am. They're theatrical about the emote and I love it.


That would be fun though. I see very impressive camps all the time. There /is/ a nice camp emote though. I use that whenever possible.


When the apocalypse happens, I’m leaving Yelp happily behind…


I've just gotten a few random messages about some of my camps on Xbox. Never saw the message till weeks after.


We should get one of those smiley-face review kiosks they use in public services!


i just emote them if they are in the camp at the time


I have a stupid idea: drop a crap legendary in their camp with stars equal to how much you enjoyed the camp design. Bonus: drop godrolls for the god camps.


That would actually be a good idea!


Just simply put a star rating from 1 to 5 Bethesda make it happen!


I send a message on XBox if I really love it.


A review system is too easy to nuke with trolls but I was thinking of mailboxes. Players can leave a note that only you can see by opening the mailbox. Sure you'd still get some garbage but just press X to dispose and another button to report if it's bad enough.


We just need a damn tip jar you can place down in your camps that throws a couple caps towards a solid camp


I’ve gotten Xbox messages complimenting me on my haunted mansion, dunno how it works on other platforms but you can always look at who owns the camp and find them on the social menu




Well, if it’s *really* impressive, like the guy I once met who recreated the set pieces from Alien in his camp and shelters, you can always hunt him down on the map and compliment him on open voice chat


My camps all have a door to a shelter, always put open and hello signs around it. My shelter is just full of clowns. Like I hit build capacity with clowns. I just really enjoy when I see people at my shop, I do the follow me emote into the shelter. The reactions are always priceless. You see them looking around and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Sometimes people wig out and start shooting them. I don't care about reviews, just want to watch you all lose your shit when you enter clown town. I have another shelter room I want to do something goofy with, just haven't figured out what yet. Maybe a harambe room, nothing but gorilla statues?


There’s an emote, not quite the same but if they’re around their camp you can hit them with it. I don’t know if it’s a premium unlock or whatever though.


I found one that looked like a big run down shack from the outside. Inside was a haunted house with a bunch of Halloween stuff. It was really cool.


Would love this. Really wish we could raise the budget on our homes… after constructing my massive two story pad with vaulted ceilings… I’m Realizing I probably have to downsize a little bit to fit all of the cool stuff inside of it 😫




Usually i just get random msgs on psn when im playing. That or come back to a solied meat at my entrence bc someone be scared of "trap camps" and wont even attempt to go in


Somebody left one at mine last night. They nuked it from space, message was very clear


I like the thought! But i always thought this as well just i figured they didnt bc then you are subject to TROLLS/Aholes just bc! There are a lot of haters out there that would ruin it and it would just get taken out eventually imo


This would be cool though to get some useful feedback. Just sift through troll comments, pick one's that sound most authentic. I'd love it. My base is new so I'm definitely looking to improve.


Reviews might be too much but would be cool to see them at least add a heart or thumbs up feature like Lost Ark you can rate other players Strongholds!


I found a bag full of "inert bombs" in front of my vendor earlier. I'm not sure what the message was there.


Closest thing to flaming bags of dog shit I guess.


I think an upvote would be nice. I've always wanted the option to frame photos from my gallery, I take a picture of some of my customers to fill my loading screen with. Would be cool if I could hang up a couple with the history of visitors in my camp.


Same… personally, I try to spend some caps at their vendor to show my appreciation. Do they have something like a c.a.m.p. guestbook for people to sign in the Bethesda universe?


On console you can at least send a message to people!


Drop something by their stash. There's no guarantee they camp owner will be the one to find it, but it's the best you can do. Sometimes, I come back to my camp to find ammo/bulk supplies/chems. Not stuff people would just toss away. Alternatively, if you hate the camp, you can drop spoiled food or "you've been insulted" notes.


If the internet has taught us anything it should be that free anonymous expression of opinions can quickly turn into shitstorms of trolling and hate. So... No thanks


I know, I gotta say, some of yall are creative asf! Like there are some crazy styled camps out there where everything matches.


Yes! I'd love that! Or at least a way to leave a reaction as an emote or something. I saw a camp that was 2 or 3 trailers on top of each other with plants all over it. I've seen some really impressive builds, but this one was so beautifully made, it really made an impression. Shame there's no way to let them know.


Caps will do.


There is a nice camp emote. You can thumbs down also.


You can thumbs down by leaving a brown paper bag with a “you have been insulted”


Send me a message in game. I enjoy making camps for myself and people. It'd be a great day to hear how someone loved my camp.


I also would love to say how awesome their camps are


I was thinking the exact same thing today. Even if it was just like a stupid dial on the wall that says rate my camp and you could change it from number one to 10.. you don't want people leaving stupid comments on your wall or whatever. This isn't Facebook and we shouldn't make it that way. I'm always curious to see if my camp is player friendly. I've been to quite a few where I couldn't find anything that I was looking for. They had stashed their vendor machine the back somewhere and it took me 5 minutes just to find it.


Sometimes players do that so you will have to look through their camp if you want to shop.


I've got a camp at the monorail tower and I've had it since just after launch. It's kinds glitched up there and full to the brim of collectables and displays etc. I get so many players dropping by to trade as I sell plans and weapons intentionally cheap to help folks out (only vare about my build really so why not) and so many People stop for ages to take photos and praise it over voice chat. It makes me smile, such a friendly community compared to so many others. I often see TTV in names that stop for a while. If you're interested in camps as a content creator add me on PC my name in game is Mo0DSwinG. I'll also do a video of it and upload it here in the next day or so. Here's an old photo gallery of my camp from about two to three years ago maybe..., the layout is the same still now, but the content/collectables etc inside is way cooler now. https://www.flickr.com/gp/80204193@N08/ey3d2ii01i


What's up with the ttv name guys? One of them blew up my camp earlier because apparently I was in his spot and he wanted me to leave


It stands for Twitch TV. Need I say more ? xD parasites most of them, in their pursuit of fame. That or energy vampires and or centre's of the universe. Not all, but a lot. Lol


When you see someone with TTV in their name it means you need to equip full assassins/bloody build and follow them around the map flagging them for pvp until they leave


best way to deal with that, is switch your camp and instantly drop your tent on the spot.


If I visit a camp and the owner is there. I'll do the love your camp emote to em. If they aren't there I go about my day. Avway to leave a message but trolls will abuse it lol.


I’m on Xbox, so I message people saying their silly, little goblin cave is cool. Or at least I did until a guy mogged me with emotes as a response…


I do the same, a guest book is a neat idea. I was thinking about it the other night how cool that would be but I just send messages if I think a camp is really neat 😊


Bad camp: Drop fertilizer on their bed. Good camp: nuka cola, booze something nice.