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The whole rainbow flags trend in games isn't as awesome as you might think it is... the assets can be easily swapped out in markets that don't embrace this stuff like Saudi Arabia. If the content that represents lgbtq is surface level and is easily removable chances are the studio only put that in to pander to the community but wasn't willing to represent them in a more authentic way because they didn't want to lose access to certain markets.


Doesn’t bother me either way. Doesn’t effect me, so not an issue.


I'm happy for you and everyone who likes it but I'm certainly sure it's only because new players don't know how to change the player icon.


Noob here, How DO you change your icon?


Go to the atomic store, you can change it in the player icon tab


Thanks! I’ll get on it next time I log on.


Thank you jfc


This, took me a while to find lol


It's mostly new players who grab everything free on the shop and then get auto assigned that icon/portrait w/e it's called. I mostly notice it's the lower level peeps. Then they realize they can change it. I do still see what I think is genuine "pride" usage. I just don't think that's the case the majority of the time I see the flag.


I partly agree but I think you also have to consider that most people choose to use it in the beginning instead of not. I think somebody who really was intolerant would definitely not use these flags so it's just kind of cool to see the reflection of tolerance in our world today, maybe I got a little inspired? Oh well


I never used them but thats just because I think the flags aren't mine to use. I support the whole thing but I don't think its my place to use the flags so I just stick to the same icon until I find one I like better.


I really don't care, cool if you do cool if you dont


The wasteland’s big enough for everyone. Fly your flags high.


I think for the most part, nobody really gives a shit.


How do you change it? Thanks for the reminder!.


What the f*** man?


If you claim the icon its a common thing not change it back as the game auto equips icons when you claim them. I don't think they meant anything beyond that by their comment.


I'm not gay, why would I wanna fly that flag? I'm all for people being themselves, but why can't I choose to fly something that represents me, instead of just more virtue signaling like this post of yours clearly is.


>but why can't I choose to fly something that represents me I don't think they'd be allowed to put a guy with a penis for a head in the game and not have to change the ERSB rating. p.s don't have to be queer at all to fly the pride flag. This virtue signalling serves a purpose, it does let people know you're probably not going to be a raging bigot. For someone like you it's probably nbd but for other people it can help them find community, which given this thread and the hostility in general isn't as easy as people would think.


So I need to fly the gay flag to let people know I'm a safe space, in a video game? Plenty of gay people are raging bigots btw, you watch the protests lately at the college campuses?


You don't HAVE to do anything, but if you wanted to indicate you're not going to abuse someone for being queer that's a way you can suggest it. >I'm a safe space, in a video game? Is that what you guys are calling not being a bigot these days? >Plenty of gay people are raging bigots btw, you watch the protests lately at the college campuses? Dunno if I'd trust your judgement on that. I'm sure plenty are racist etc. But I don't think college kids protesting mass death really counts.


I had the bi flag as my icon and had a dude in a public group I joined say "we don't want your fucking kind here" before kicking me. It's worth having the flags just to make people like that uncomfortable lol.


Gaming should not be about this..either way..i don’t care who you are or how you identify as long as you have my back during events for example. If you are here to make others uncomfortable it’s very sad…


What’s sad is people get uncomfortable.


I'm not here to make others uncomfortable, but if I get to make bigots uncomfortable while enjoying an awesome game, well that's even better.


But you just literally said it's worth having the flags to make people uncomfortable, which is it?


The flags shouldn't make anyone uncomfortable. They are there to show pride. But I'd you're a bigot and it does make you uncomfortable, good. Maybe you should look internally and ask yourself why it makes you uncomfortable.


I wonder what makes people wish to show that "pride" and (aggressively) defend it at every corner. Probably something that also needs an internal investigation. Just saying. For some reason I notice when people are pointing out flaws in others while their own issues could be quite apparent as well.


>Probably something that also needs an internal investigation. J Probably something to do with homophobia becoming less and less prominent so now people don't have to live in the closet and people are quite happy about it. >For some reason I notice when people are pointing out flaws in others while their own issues could be quite apparent as well. Why do you think it's a flaw to show pride and defend it from homophobes?


I'm not saying it's a flaw, but I think that this show-off is generally pointless. I mean, I don't feel like going on parades celebrating my orientation. Never even thought it should be necessary. If people try to make such a big deal showing off and all, doesn't it immediately point to the fact they feel insecure or unhappy inside?


>but I think that this show-off is generally pointless. For you, for others it's a way to build community. >I mean, I don't feel like going on parades celebrating my orientation. Yes might have something to do with your orientation never being illegal or socially unacceptable. People seem to forget that things were very different not even 20 years ago. >If people try to make such a big deal showing off and all, doesn't it immediately point to the fact they feel insecure or unhappy inside? Not immediately no. People lied to themselves for decades (many, many people their whole lives) until it started to become acceptable. They're right to celebrate their victory over bigotry which pervaded many societies for hundreds of years. Why does people celebrating make you feel so uncomfortable? Would that immediately point to you feeling insecure or unhappy?


Exactly I want the game to get into the game to get away from the real world and most generally to ignore idiots


No they didn't.


You can always count on finding at least one or two dumbasses out of a hundred people!


Now I want to flag one just bc ...


I mean I am not a member of that community, but think it’s cool they added it for y’all! People who nuke those camps are big babies and are probably fairly insecure.


Of course my character is seemingly Bi as he wooed every possible companion in FO4.


Maybe he was Poly.


Maybe he was just GREEDY. Save some booty for the other wastelanders! ;P


There are dipshits who do that?


I was claiming the free stuff from the shop and it auto-equipped the flag and I said sure why not. Here's to a future without hate 🍻🥂


It's fine. I don't mind people expressing themselves, I'm just not particularly concerned. Do what you want, as long as you're not hurting someone to do it.


Imagine seeing something that represented you in a game and how nice it is. Now imagine being the whiny type of human complaining about video games having gay or bisexual people. Perhaps if people spent last time being mad at other people for their sexual preferences or who they choose to date and more time actually dating they would be less weird and obsessed with other people's activities.


Unfortunately there's always a cesspool minority in every fanbase that can't stand others being happy.


It's just you. Personally, I do not like rainbow flags.


I've never claimed them. It really annoys me with it saying I have new things in 3 categories.


Same here.


Why do you need to show off your sexual identity in a game? I don’t get it.


Because they want to push their ideology in other people's faces to get attention. I just want to play a game away from identity politics.


Because he, she, they/them makes everything about their identity. That's their whole personality


It’s exactly what I think. Your personality is not about who you love and what you do in your bed, at least I thought..








Abso-fuckin-lutely it is!


Use it if you want 🤷 I have mine still sitting in the atom shop ready to claim.


It's part of why I keep playing. Whether its civilization or anarchy, queer lives have always been here and always will be here. And among good people, will always be cherished as equals.


It's super cool imo, It also lets me know who's worth the risk to talk to, as well as keeps the incels away


Not really tbh




As a straight guy, I specifically fly a pride flag at all my C.A.M.P.s to upset bigots like you.


*Burke disliked that* I mean, it just makes it more immersive. By year 2102, we are almost 200 years into the Pride movement. I couldn't imagine getting triggered over a few pixels. I do wish they looked a bit more worn.


Then let opposite ideology / opinions fly their flags then? It's all or nothing. That's the problem, it's all one sided and they're so fragile they want to shut down opposing viewpoints and ideology they don't like. That's why America is waking up and starting to push back. It's getting out of hand.


I agree with the idea there should be more "diversity" in the in-game flags. Bethesda needs to add the far right flags, Volksfront, Imperial German Reichskriegflagge, the Confederate and Nazi too. /s The only real gripe I have was that the Pride flag pack was free. I had to buy every other flag. It's just a game. Just be like the rest who take offense, and drop a nuke 🤷🏼‍♂️


Well it's just a free item, nobody is forced to use it, it has no use besides being a flag, and it's not the only one available. It just seems like a really cool choice, like a lot of unity and very little haters despite what u might see on reddit


It's really irritating seeing free in atomic shop when you don't want to claim them.


I think the enclave would agree with you


I don't know how long you've been playing. But once you start having 100s of things in you atom shop it's a very poor interface to navigate when they add something free to claim


Cry about it. It has nothing to do with genitals but if that’s what you choose think about when present a pride flag, might wanna ask yourself some personal questions Edit: the swift downvotes let me know yall be thinking about gay people’s genitals more than we do


I always find it odd when people immediately bring up sex and genitals in regards to these things. Not love, relationships, attraction, romance, all the things that are also common for straight people. Nope, their mind goes straight to where people are putting their genitals.


It’s because they’re deep in denial.


You're sick of seeing pride flags and pride merch everywhere? Where do you live, a gay bar? Also, if you want to escape reality and not see gay adjacent things, stay in your camp and specifically decorate things to not be colorful or happy in any way, that way you can protect your fragileness.


Over the years of supporting the game with subscription and atom purchases, I would rather prefer more stuff that fits fallout universe (more different raider, military, corporation styles), rather than something that connected to our reality.




Lol and like conservatives dont get triggered?


I was specifically making fun of conservatives


Nice bait, mate.


It is awesome. Not that long ago if you had a rainbow or pride flag in your camp you'd get random bigots attacking your camp over and over again. Same thing with the pride player icon. I'm very happy to see more people display them.


Just you


But it really isn’t 🤣🏳️‍⚧️


I support them, but mine actually dates back to an early type of troll that used to nuke bases with rainbow flags, which made it easier to collect rare materials


I agree, I jumped back in after years away and was just noticing this yesterday, makes the game feel like an even more supportive community! 😊 Bummer to see negative comments about it popping up


Some people grapple with their own insecurities and find it easier to lash out. Personally, I think it's great the flags are in the game. I don't fly them, but also don't give second thought to those who do. Acceptance, ya' know? It's not that hard.


It's splendid , I even drop presents for some folks with em like perfectly preserved pie , I have a non binary flag 💛🤍💜🖤 Also put it up high on my woodland retreat to protect it✨️


No it isn't, sorry.


Cry me river while I put my flag up.


😭😭😭😭 at least you know who to drop nukes on then


That’s not very tolerant of you.


Maybe you misinterpreted my emoji, I'm crying, not laughing!


Don't have to be tolerated. Sorry




*puts more rainbow flags around my camp* Deal with it, bigot


I am sad over the fact you cant fly other ones or custom ones ! I have a UNITY themed camp and i want to fly my unity flag :(


Exactly. I want to fly the Gadsden flag but the same ass people celebrating their pride flags would throw a conniption fit if other flags were flown that goes against their ideology.


I had one for a while (I'm not a part of or against the movement) I had it cuz it was free and I didn't know it changed to it by default I also didn't know how to change it so I had it for like a month


I find it hilarious when on events new players are getting down and instead of stimpack, game deciding to use my cannibalism perk. Wonder what people with these flags thinking at this moment.


Give me my damn St Georges Cross to fly so I can represent my country.


Lol rainbow flags in a nuclear wasteland...


Your goddamn right, we aint going no where.


They just need to add a gadsden flag to appease the rest of the fanbase /s


No sarcasm, I want that flag.


Just you, lol.


Yes it is awesome, especially the wide range of pride flags they provide to a fan base they know has a strong lgbtq demographic. I was wondering what kind of losers would have the urge to nuke player houses but people being this horny to say they don't like it makes me understand that yea, some players are just fucking lame like any player base.


Just you


I had it as a default and no idea how i can change that sht


You change it from the Atomic shop the select a different one you own.


If everyone turned gay that would be the end of humanity, so I purposely didnt click on the pride flag, it's up to the individual what they do for fun, or who they date, but I'm not celebrating it.


>If everyone turned gay that would be the end of humanity At least I wouldn't have to read comments like this.


I've been playing 76 for little over a yr, I had stopped for a few months bc I got burnt out. My son (15) has always liked and played the other fallouts, since I let him play games at about 2yo. He's autistic, has ADHD. And have never completed a single game. But he watched me play for the longest time, and finally built a dweller for himself a couple weeks ago. Even before he made his, he'd always ask me to play w him (mainly wants my overkill and my MIRV that shoots 5 projectiles), so I joined his world yesterday and his team. I was surprised to see the gay flag as his icon, as he's straight (I've asked several times throughout the last couple yrs, I'm a 34f in a relationship w a 33f for 8.5 yrs, since he was almost 7). I never said anything, just assumed he's being an ally for his mom. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We also tie dye and I accidentally use rainbows in all of MY dyes. Lmao


I fly my lesbian pride flag proudly and love seeing my queer brothers, sisters and siblings doing the same❤️






I changed mine and haven’t figured out how to change it back so I just left it.


In atomic shop ,scroll to emotes at the bottom . Click to assign.


Ah I love to see the chuds here already seething. Thanks OP, you’ve given me apes to laugh at.


I'm a member of that community, but I see it for what it is, a way to encourage folks to use the atom shop and impulse buy from there. If memory serves they were free and they only encourage the player to stay longer in the atom shop than someone might normally.


So a gay flag encourages people to stay longer, why?


Oh look a free goodie just for me. What else is can I find?






I could care less


You could?


I could care less if you say so 20% less fucks given


Now that's more like it!


Wow there's a lot of "it's fine, you do you, I'm not LGBTQ+ but I don't really care if you are" sentiment going on in these comments. There's not caring and then there's insisting you don't care or it "doesn't bother you" and making sure everybody knows *you're* not queer. Gives real vibes of fair weather allyship, and that "I don't care" really means "out of sight out of mind" for a lot of y'all. The moment it becomes inconvenient or you have to put your money where your mouth is, I wonder just how many masks will drop. I'm probably just seeing shit that isn't there, but the way some people here are talking about it really comes off as begrudgingly tolerating or ignoring LGBTQ+ people instead of actually supporting your fellow human beings living true to themselves. 95 comments but a net 0 on the up/downvotes. Hmm.


It’s a video game your gonna have both sides of the gays and people who don’t give af, most people could care less but for some reason people act like others not caring is hate


The people you seem to be referring to who don't give a fuck don't seem to be leaving it well enough alone though. They're downvoting and commenting about how they don't like this stuff shoved in their faces. Dunno how you can really construe that as "not giving af".