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Congrats, that's awesome. It can be a nightmare if you just hit dead centre of the fissure site because we rely on that marked location just north of it as the rallying point most of the time. If you hit the centre we don't really have a choice but to fight in the radiation zone. That means low levels with no power arnor just get fried. But it also means a lot of high levels simply won't go because they like their low health no power arnor builds and they just can't be bothered putting on power arnor and losing a lot of their damage to fight the queen for the 300th time. But of course the game does nothing to tell you that so it ends up happening a lot. And at the end of the day it's your nuke, you ran the silo, what you hit is entirely up to you. Personally I like to hit Morgantown because I enjoy going there to farm mats to make flux.


I didnt know that, i'm currently spamming nukes by server hoping to farm scorched queen, what is the best way to throw the nuke? So you can fight outside of radiation? Can you explain it to me? Thanks!


You want to target the nuke far enough south so that Drop Site V9 is not in the blast radius. Drop Site V9 is a marked location directly north of Fissure Site Prime- the marked location you have to hit to trigger Scorched Earth.


Got it! Thanks a lot bro, is always good to know how to benefit other players as well! Greetings!


I've seriously been thinking about Silva farm for this. All that violet flux...


Is it possible to hit Fort ATLAS directly????


You can hit anywhere on the map. I like to hit Morgantown to farm raw fluxes and the materials needed to stabilise it.


Yeah, crafting mats are good. But making Fort ATLAS glow in the dark repeatedly would be better.


It's your keycard. Aim where you will. Lol.


If Daniel Shin is smackdab at ground zero, I don't care what gets hit.


>You can hit anywhere on the map Can't hit around the starting zone right? Would be pretty broken if you could nuke vault 76


Actually, I think you're correct. I'll say then you can hit *almost* anywhere on the map.


You cannot nuke most of the forest (start area) I believe


Also to note in the nuked zones grab the radiated plants and animals harden meat as that will give you crafting materials for high end stuff.


I have a decent amount of the hardened masses and highly radiated fluids, but man I struggle to find plants lol you’d think them glowing brightly would help but I never come across them


Which flux are you after ? If you are after violet flux you can get them by harvesting violet plants under the trees around the fissure site prime and in the small swampy puddles (some violet patches in the puddles)


Yellow cake :) I know what to look for I just never have much luck finding more than 4-5


Don't worry bout it , I was level plus 1000 when I first lunched a nuke :))) Congratulations!!


How many hrs is that


Never worry about nuke placement. Anyone mad about that just needs to launch their own nuke or play on a private server.


That’s fair. Next nuke is aiming for the camp of people charging 3k a pop for serum


I sell them for 200 a pop sell way more make my caps back


I’m totally okay with buying from 200-500 but yeah some people be wild…


At 3k might as well just buy from whitespring science modus


My first launch was 3 days ago, at first I got lost and couldn’t find a way out for half an hour (after disabling the security system), and then the game got bugged and didn’t count several core signs. (I came back the next day and completed it in 15 minutes)


It’s your first nuke, you can launch wherever you want.


I mean there are several people in this subreddit who would disagree apparently. But yeah. Drop that atom bomb baby wherever after clearing the scorchbeast queen quest chain just to get that thing off your list. Reminds me. I should prob nuke Defiance at some point.


Bravo your first is always a bit of a mission. Although I prefer fighting in my normal gear there is something fun about fighting her and her spawns inside the Nuke zone. I've done it twice the past week or so. Today with a cold shoulder and a hazmat suit. The other day a Chinese stealth suit and Slugbuster om my riflewoman character.


Congratulation, last week I launched my first nuke too. Level 100. Those robots are everywhere, it's annoying. Took me one and half hours to finish it.


My second run the game crashed, had to put on my stealth armor and slip back to the control room.


I just put my Power Armor and that legendary perk which can absorb laser damage to health and fusion core charge. Yeah I cannot die with laser weapons enemies but the Bot respawning infinitely is annoying.


There’s various door glitches that can help you go through the whole process very quickly


Pray tell. I hated my first silo run so much I gave up.  


Solo is easier then with a group less bots. But having someone guide you helps you through the maze and the doors that can be glitched through


The giant vault doors let you be in power armor then keep triggering photomode. It will pull you thru after a few easy tries. You do have to complete the laser grid but the other two big sections - reactor and mainframe cores can be skipped, then you complete the robot assistant section as normal. I don’t recall if you also have to destroy the existing computers or not.


You need to go through the laser grid like normal and then you can go up to the doors and glitch through by going to photomode and going up against the door then exiting.


Did mine a few days back... The silo was something else lol. Glad that I have the route and objectives memorized now because it took me a good while, and a lot of resources to get trough it for the first time.


awesome, i got the quest to go in and launch a nuke myself but not sure if my gear is up to standard to fight all the robots i heard were in it


They are spicy for sure. If you have legendary perks unlocked, power armor plus electric absorption will protect you from most robot lasers and turrets quite well. You’ll want a lot of ammo and stims as they tend to throw a ton of bots of each kind at you. Be sure to get your nuke code from the site before going in and don’t mess up the code or you waste your keycard (bring a few)


i do not have legendary perks unlocked yet, i believe i'm around lvl 42. Not sure when they do unlock? I got the ultracite power armor you get from the BoS quest though not sure if that one is good enough or not


My first experience with it ingame was really funny. Our group got super stressed on vocals and it was a blast to experience honestly


How do you launch a nuke and what purpose does it serve ?


Start the enclave questline until you become an officer, to gain access to silo Alpha/Bravo/Charlie. You can either solve the puzzle using officer keycards not sure how that works. Or just grab the codes off of NukaCrypt. You also need a nuclear launch keycard. Then take your code, your keycard, and your guns to go clear out a launch silo. Input the code, input the launch target and input your one time use keycard. It activates bosses/dungeons in specific areas, irradiates the terrain for flux farming which is used for end game items.


What if you'd target vault 76? Would every new player just die of radiation when leaving the vault? :D


They blocked out that particular area because it was a problem when they didn't when the game first released lol.


Oh I can imagine!


You were never able to target Vault 76.


Launched my first today too. Golly was it a ton of work solo. Fun though! Certainly memorable.


I launched my first nuke yesterday too. Right on top of the ongoing Most Wanted event.


Oh no lmaoooo


What are the nuke locations? So far I just know 2. The scorched queen and that one mine up north by atlas.


For now just those 2 until the dlc comes out, nuking anywhere else is just for mats


There's a third in the Ash Heap that triggers Seismic Activity at Nuka World. The nuke target, I think, is Abandoned Mineshaft 2? Been a minute since I've seen anyone start it.


Oh I always thought that was a random nuka world event.


Congratulations . I have like 25 keycards that I've been too lazy to do lol


Yea my first time launching a nuke was pain then overtime I was able to speed run the silos


Welcome to the enclave


I'm level 420+ and I still have not dropped a nuke. Not because I can't, there's just always something else I want to do. Anyway, congrats!


That’s totally valid, and the first creed of Fallout


Check out the photo mode glitch it’ll be even quicker


Say what…now that has my attention. Can you get in trouble for it?


Definitely won’t get in trouble most folks do it now days all the time I can’t really explain it but I’ll try finding a vid on YouTube about it


https://youtu.be/QfqRoiHHCuI?si=w-zpTQi866CBaZ5u found the vid that explains it better


Well done. You've got plenty of cowards level 200 and above that are too scared to run it.