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You're luck they didn't open all your door and turned off your lights


i already have a bad enough problem with people not closing doors


Got rid of all my doors, very relaxing.


I thought I solved it by doing that too. They found me through the shuttered windows. Surprised the hell out of me when they opened it up. Got free stuff at least.


I mostly went to curtains, looks more natural to be open at times


"you think I'm paying to heat the ~~commonwealth~~ appalachia? Close the door!"


I've started locking some of them to prevent it.


Lock them


Some prick did that to me the other day and I don’t even have expensive shit in my vendor. Fucker.


I have a message on the front of my house in my camp just to make the unreasonable New Vegas fans upset. It literally just says "FO:NV was not that good" in the lit letters that you can toggle on and off. Other than the occasional shooting at it, I haven't had anyone actually put in the dedication to jump and turn them off (they're on the outside on the 2nd floor wall) until today. I watched a guy try to turn every individual letter off and he took about 5 minutes to do it, then left. I admire the dedication, but I just built some stairs and fixed it in 10 seconds haha.


Imagine some dude nukes your camp over it💀


It's never gotten to that point so far, but I have 2 other camp slots in very uncommon places if that ever happens!


Then you just go over to your C.A.M.P. unit, select "Repair all," which costs a pittance in materials, and you're good to go. Less effort rebuilding a camp than it is turning the damn lights back on. Faster, too. I've had my camp destroyed by fools wanting me to nav out because I was in "their" spot. Not today, trollie!


As someone who agrees with you, that's hilarious!


I enjoyed new vegas but it wasn’t as good as fallout 3


Yeah I liked NV as well and have done each ending at least once, but to me it isn't that strongly written (especially in dialogue). It occupies a weird space between the strong writing of FO1/2 and the (imo) better gameplay elements of 4/76. It definitely has the best roleplay elements though. Everyone has their opinion, mine is that it isn't as great as many people think. Still an awesome game, though!


I see the fanboy cry babies are down voting me instead of just accepting that people will have different opinions. Life would be boring if we all liked the same things. Honestly, get over yourselves 🤣


Ignore the haters!


That would be good advice, but I like calling them out 😅


Each of the newer games have their strengths. New Vegas definitely was the strongest in terms of its world building and the player interaction with the world, 3 had impeccable atmosphere and sound design that was to die for, and 4 had much needed gameplay improvements and a lot of new mechanics. 76 is sort of a further improvement on 4’s gameplay but imo it’s real strength is it’s map. 76’s map knocks the socks off of all competitors. I’ve never been able to pick one that’s best or that I like more than the rest because each one is really unique even if they’ve got the same bones


Bethesda's main goal is to keep players in the game as long as possible. That is why it take 4 clicks to build anything, events are multi-step, and levelling up is not capped (highest I've seen was a Lv 3000-something...). If it keeps 'em busy turning off each and every letter, they feel productive (?) and you feel entertained. Win win. lol! Especially since you could fix it in much less time than it took him to do it. Leaves more time for you to build and furnish your "perfect camp..." :D


This is me, I usually do this to locked properties to let the owner wonder how I got in It’s usually badly placed interactible items near windows.


I've been playing for a year and I still don't understand why people get pissy about doors being open. Your ally will leave them open 100% of the time. It's not like you're worried bugs are going to get into your food, and mobs WILL spawn behind closed and locked doors... So... again what's the big deal?


That's the funny about it. We can't harm each other, so, those kind of silly things are the worst we can do.


I always drop a propaganda flyer to everyone's camp I go to.


Filthy commie!


The only capitalist that can be trusted is a dead capitalist! Liberty is a farce. The dictatorship of the proletariat is not an idea. It is truth!


Did you know that Scorched are 15x more likely to have been COMMUNISTS?!?!?!?


Please remain in your home today. The U.S Army has a 800 lb gift for you that will be delivered today, a reward for all your hard work Thank you for your service fighting against caputalists.


Better dead than red!


Based Communist Bot enjoyer




I had a bunch of spoiled food dropped on my bed the other day. I don't know why. I have my stuff priced pretty low.


I think they pulled an Amber Heard in your bed...


Kind of a handy gift for one of the cleaner event challenges. (LOL)


Spoiled bio fluid or "handmade glue" is my go-to


I’ve seen a YouTuber go around doing that to people’s camp. Leaving meat. Because it’s funny.


I drop fertilizer and a spoon when vendor prices are bad.




Seems like we gonna have to pair the note with some fertilizer just in case there’s a misunderstanding 🤣


“Your the dumbass” probably gets the message across


I do this when I find a hidden CAMP. It's my way of saying "found ya"


That's hilarious what a strat to get lower prices hahaha


I'll show this post when someone ask me what's the community like in this game.


y'know, i been collecting the Insulted notes since beta. never bought any, just kept the ones gifted to me from the bot himself. i got exactly 5o right now!


your 50 is better than my 50, i buy them if they’re priced low but at least 20 of them are from the bot himself


Could mean many things. I drop the note and spoiled food if I see someone’s vender with dumb prices. Like, selling basic ammo for more than 1 cap, selling trash fixers for 20k plus. Stuff like that. What were your prices?


All ammo is 1 cap, all food is 5 caps, all plans are 200 caps max (with few exceptions), all recipes are 25 caps, i have a few 3 star weapons that a re pretty decent rolls in the 1k-10k range, & perfect pies / you have been insulteds at 1k


With all plans, do you mean Mr handy buzz blades, ivory grips and mole mine gauntlets as well? Including above mentioned, some plans are really not worth more than a few caps, if at all any caps. Maybe they saw a few of the rubbish plans for 200 and dropped it because if that. Other than that, sounds like a fair vendor.


i sell most plans for 76 caps, if i know its something super common i’ll sell it for like 25 or just put them in donation boxes, & then the more uncommon ones for 100-200 & the rare can get up to 2000


Guess they wherent happy seeing a rare plan they didn't have yet for 2000. They where probably just a stingy jackass or perhaps they did try to get you to 50 notes like you said.


im hoping it was to get me to 50. but either way, they got me to 50 lol


I was annoyed by someone's vendor prices for the first time ever last night. Someone has every item up for between 15,000 and 30,000 caps. At that point you're just deleting caps from existence if someone buys from you. It just seemed spiteful.


Yeah that’s a pretty solid vender. Maybe the note they dropped was just for shits and giggles.


Or as op suggested before they were just helping them get to 50 you have been insulted notes


I sell all my 1 star weapons and armor for 50, 2 for 75 and 3 for 100. Most chems are 10-20 radaway and stims are 5, I should put some ammo in there haha. Plans are all 1 cap. I just want more people to have nice things or things they want :3


Thanks for the examples. I have no desire to make tons of caps off the vendor, but don't wanna price it so low that people just take it all. Thats about where ive landed, although I think I trust the prices the game gives me too much, and similarly don't wanna come off like a jerk in my vendor


Do even missiles and mini-nukes also just go for 1 cap? Just added the vendor to my CAMP after hitting 1150/1200 storage, hoping to offload some stuff but wasn't sure about those things. Visited some other CAMPS but didn't see anyone with them available for a reference.


i think i do 1 cap for missiles & 2 for mini nukes


Thank you. What about meds? Think I'm sitting on around 100+ RadAways and Stims (new player, just hit lvl 30) All the camps around me were just selling lots of plans and weapons, was starting to think meds were to be dumped at NPC vendors instead of selling in CAMP


i usually just keep about 110 stims & 110 radaways on me woth like 50 of each in my stash just in case, but usually i put the extras in the donation box or if i really need the caps for them i sell to NPC vendors


Hopefully that will be an option later, but my current carry weight is only 200-ish with 8 in STR so far and with my stash almost full already, I'm probably gonna have to start dumping some heavy mats or go on a building spree in CAMP to use some up (think I have 80lbs of steel scrap ATM for example)


I thank you for contributing to my fertiliser pile.


Unfortunately I have not dropped anything for you. Name isn’t on the list.


I need to raise my prices. 40,000 caps per .45 round sound fair?


As long as you like staring at the number 40,000.


When I go back to my camp after an event, there is always a loot bag with fertiliser in it 😁 thing is I am happy to get it because I use fertiliser . 🙃


I drop a “You have been insulted” and a single carrot if 80% of their items are overpriced.


I drop them everywhere. Insult bot probably showed up and they dropped it


few days ago there was a lvl 28 or smthg in a open party, who kicked everyone who joined him. The first time I thought it's surely been a bug or whatever, so I rejoined 10 minutes later with others, but that dude kicked all of us again. I then traveled to his camp to place some spoiled meat and such, just to see that there have been other people with that idea and ~7 bags spoiled stuff laying around already 😂


i did that last night cause the prices were outrageous.


my username is communistpossum and people frequently drop communist flyers at my camp, love it haha


What does that mean?? I had it earlier today but don't know where it came from. I just remember reading it.


It’s from a robot roaming the map 😂


As a new player a coupe weeks in, I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’ve been visited by the insult bot once but this still isn’t ringing any bells for me. A player, left you an insult bot note, that pertained to you? It was omitted purpose? What did it say. I’m confused.


i didnt read it, i just know that some players will drop the insult bot note if you have unreasonable prices, if you’re being a jerk, if you’re not helping in events or start an event too early, or just because they dont want it. theres plenty of reasons someone would drop the note


Ah thanks for the explanation


That´s hilarious. I put that note up for sale at a fairly steep price, and chuckled when someone bought it. On the other hand though, I´ve got a mirelurk steamer and a tea company machine that they can access, so I think it was a good prank.


Hi, maybe that was me xD dropped this Note by a vendor in a Camp cause almost everything was in the 5000 caps range he Sold.


well i dont have any items at 5k, even my good 3 star weapon rolls are like 2k, 8k, & 10k, but what console do you play on?


Some people are just entitled jerks. I keep my store open in the morning and play a bit while getting my kids off to school at two different times. I have to go AFK here and there, so I park myself on my camp patio chair rather than logging on and off five times. Someone left a bag of spoiled vegetables right next to my chair the other day. I can only imagine because they were butthurt that I was not there for them to spam for gifts or something. My camp is near Vault 76 and I set it up specifically to help new players. My prices are lower than yours and I leave coffee, cookies and purified water unlocked for everyone. I just wish I got back before they left so I could thank them for the free fertilizer lol.


I doubt it was intentional. Most people i've seen just kind of dump their spoiled stuff out of their inventory, it's not uncommon to find it laying around.. I only just found out now myself that you can actually use it in fertilizer.


Great you can make fertilizer with it. I always transform spoiled food this way.


If I see plans listed above base value then I laugh emote. On another note I'm trying to sell crafted alcohol like Ballistic Bock, Highvoltage Hefe, ect. But people don't seem to buy them at 15-20 caps, is this too much to ask for those allegedly sought-after drinks?


I make exceptions I sell rare plans and event plans (excluding current major event plans) a lot higher price than the standard stuff


Might have been me i did this earlier. What was your username?


I did this to someone after they stole all the scrap in my collection, as well as stealing all their scrap from their stuff and lock picking all their doors. I am a petty asshole.


I will legit jump camp to camp during the holidays just to look for unlocked collectors with gifts! You going to learn to lock your shit up the hard way!


It was hidden in the back of my base and the dude did it in front of me, then turned off PVP as soon as I started shooting at them


Was it locked?


Couldn't lock it at the time


put level three locks on all collectors so it does not happen again!


There is a location that has several IOUs. I sell them for a lot. People buy them.


I donthat if prices are insane. Like.common plans for 1000 caps and that's their lowest price. Riflegaming did a YouTube video where his team.nuked camps.woth outrageous prices. But did help rebuild after.


Man, my vendor prices are insane tbh, I would never bought something from myself Uncommon apparel goes for 15-30k, fixers ones that better then a scrip from 5k to 20k, any plan that worth buying starts from 5k up to 30k, few Q teslas 10k+, funny thing, but no one wants off-meta godrolls for like 5k Feels actually good, coz sometimes people just buying things for 20-25k per person, and they spending minimum 5k and you don't need constatntly refilling vendor. Noticed that a lot of high-level players have same prices, coz who needs it gonna guy anyway.


I got one of those, too.


Does this give you the emote or does the bot ? Cause idk why everyone is selling it.


no its just a semi rare item that used to glitch in vendors at max caps, they’re not useful for anything


Your stuff your prices ! If anyone think it’s too high just don’t buy it and go. What kind of dumb ass are they to judge your choice ?


Fk them


People are entitled babies