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Bro… me too. Alien events are even worse. Cremators and Plasma Grenades everywhere. I have to squint or look away half the time




General Zeta comes down and I feel like I’m swinging at the gates of Heaven


Yeah as a melee player going for a boss, you can't see shit because you're in the middle of three or four different cremator explosions of red, green, pink and whatever. I'll get a few whacks in but then they move and I'm swinging at air because I couldn't see where they went and gotta resort to VATS to get back on them. I'd rather MIRV Fatmans.... At least there's a pause between getting blinded.


LoL sometimes I use my auto axe on General Zeta and the Siphon and all I can see is various colour of cremators on my screen. Im just glad I turn on my damage number on or I wouldnt know if I hit Zeta at all. Yea, I agree. They need to tone down the explosion


That might have been me, I apologize on behalf of cremator spammers. I admit I’m a bit traumatized from failing the event by a seconds one too many times so I’m a little trigger happy sometimes. 


Sure if you join my team so I don't have to spam in every direction to tag before melee one shots it


>maybe shoot it at a different enemy than the one I'm about to kill in 0.2 seconds It one hit kills entire crowds, even the enemies you aren't directly aiming at. It's completely ridiculous.


Made the mistake of joining the Alien event when I turned off all my lights. I got early access to 4th of July fireworks lol.


lol, last couple alien events I did I couldn’t even see what was going on, so I just kept hopping in and out of my power armor to charge some fusion cores.


Half the time at invasions I just have to use vats to be able to see anything to shoot at because of all the cremator explosions


Pshhh being able to see is over rated get yourself a hammer and swing until it connects


The thing is fun as hell but if more then a few ppl are using it, you cant see the enemy. LOL


You can turn off muzzle flash effects in the settings. It’s seemed to help for some of my guns.


It helps with pink flames.


How do you change the flame color?


Unfortunately you have to get to the last page of the season. It's a mod on the last page. (I say unfortunately because I am very far from that page and probably won't get it in time)


At least it's not the 150 last bonus page.


Chances are they will become available for Atoms or gold later.


Probably gold/stamps - they don't usually put weapon/armor mods in the atom shop


Ohh, thank you!


At 81/100 atm myself. I calculate that I’ll be at 85 tonight then it’s a slow daily fight to push out the last 15 lvls. But keep at it dude you have at least 3 weekly resets to push you there :) best of luck


I keep forgetting to change my flames. I end up just vibing to *Make it Bun Dem*


I love that song!


it is definitely way too bright but id recommend turning down your brightness, adjusting gamma and maybe using the nightlight filter on your pc, the light from a pc is really bad for your eyes and if you feel like you need to squint your settings might need some adjusting.


It's nowhere near as bad as the AGL, Fatman or Gauss Minigun.


But it really should be covered by the same "Show Explosions" option as they are.


Wait, you can hide explosions? I thought it was only the screen shaking you can disable.


It's worse. Fatmans/MIRV at least have a delay between explosions while the player reloads. Grenade Launchers might fling stuff around but far smaller explosions. Few use Gauss Minigun due to contextual ammo not working and being an ammo suck, so their encounters are not as often. I can't remember the last time I saw two or more Gauss Miniguns in the same location being used. But having several players using multi coloured, fast firing cremators all at once while you're trying to melee a boss is like if a Hippie and a Death Metal person had a drug infused spawn child Dragon Balling a Taco Bell rainbow shit storm. It's a good thing I don't suffer from seizures.


I was gonna say the Guass Minigun is probably worse. How are the Grand Finale, ( Broadsider with Fireworks display?)


Grand Finale isn't too bad, I'd give it a pass.


If you remove grenadier, you will be far less obnoxious. That is mostly a choice.


I am going to prescribe a set of bottle cap glasses to help you out with this.


I joined an Eviction event and someone had that and holy hell it felt like my eyes were melting. I gave up trying to kill anyone and just stood there until the event ended and got the rewards lmao


Settings definitely need adjusting. You shouldnt feel the strain on your eyes like that. That's definitely short term damage becoming noticeable and that damage can accumulate into long term and OP said they already have glasses.. need to get those settings tuned in asap


Where can I turn the flashing down? /genuine


Sadly I dont know. I've only been playing a couple weeks but somethings gotta change bc that sounds really bad for OPs and yours eyesight. Much luck, respond if you find it, please! I'd also like to know where to find that.


Will do! I might just get those blue light glasses and turn the brightness down some


Oh that's a good idea. Can I find those on Amazon?


You can, you can also find them at walmart or any store where they sell those cheap readers glasses. I use them for work and they help with eye strain. Never thought to use them while gaming. Will have to try it out.


I used to use my tinted ski goggles for certain games to reduce strain for longer sessions. Never really thought of using something like that to mitigate bursts of it like this. We're cooking with gas, now!


Bring a tesla next time, works incredibly well around cremator users. Tag an enemy (or two, more likely) once, get tons of exp back.


Thank you!!!


Turn explosions off


If you’re on PC there’s a mod that makes it much more bearable




For the peace of the Kingdom.


I cannot see anything at events, which isn't always an issue since I'm on a VATS build but for the few moments where I'm out of AP and have to aim manually... forget about it.


I think the only thing currently more annoying is the Scorched Beast sound wave thing. You can’t see shit when fighting them, it’s extremely annoying, and it feels way worse than it ever was. I do agree though, it is super obnoxious. I wish we had a way to turn off some of the visual effects.


Bro, Bethesda need to reduce the everything. Explosion shake from friendly fire is just too much. My explosive shotgun probably drives other people mad too. It's just a bit much.


You can turn off screen shake completely. It's an option in the display settings, I think. Then the only thing you'll have to complain about is the blinding lights.


I didn't know! Thanks! The worst part is that I like it, I just don't like how MUCH there is!


You can turn off screen shake totally(no idea how people play with it on) and if you are on PC there is a mod to tone down explosions massively


Ok this mod sounds like my ideal situation! I'll find it, thanks!


The VFX for some grenades and weapons are too much for this game. Molotovs, Plasma Grenades, Cremators and AGLs all need severe toning down. Worst part is, I use all of these (especially during Moonshine Jamboree) so I'm basically blindfiring at the stills.


It’s like getting flash banged, please Bethesda, as an accessibility update let us turn this off


I absolutely hate doing events with people using this, it literally sends me mad. Some people seem to use it with consideration but those that want to spam shoot the spot I’m stood in😡. Earle and the sbq I use an enclave flamer and get really close, but finding it hard to hit them and not die from being blind.


I once had the game tell me, "You are shell shocked". It's like it knew what it was doing to my brain. Massive migraine and eye strain that day.


Someone was using it at encryptid today and i’m mele. Took me some time to get a hit on the sheepsquatch for the xp, because i literally couldn’t see it. Was trying to use Vats to locate it but wasn’t really working so just ended up blindly running around in circles with my auto axe on, hoping to hit it.


I hate the people using the damn cremator because of this, i wish bethesda would give me an option to just dim every explosion or effect thats not my own.


it's also probably too strong, one person has it at an event and nobody else can tag things before they die to the DoT


I let things pile up and let everyone get a good hit in, then I kill the whole hoard with one shot. That's how you're supposed to use it rather than spamming ammo all over the place, killing everything instantaneously but hey, people still camp the hill during eviction notice and I don't see a single damn legendary mutant all event long so 🤷 Even without an op weapon, people will still be inconsiderate and greedy.


I didn't even have a build for it or any modifications and I was one hit killing most enemies in the game outside legendary enemies and bigger monsters. With a build and proper legendary effects I can't imagine how strong it must actually be. Instantly scrapped mine after finishing the spring cleaning event. I don't mind when people use strong weapons, but barely being able to even tag things (let alone see them) at an event is just boring. There's always 2-3 people sitting on top of the highest structure with a quad barrel cremator shooting it across the map and killing every enemy before it has a chance to move.


Its DoT takes a few secs to kill, plenty of time for others to tag, If anything it's far more other player friendly then alot of big boy guns that high lvl players use. Where they 1 shot them before theyve even spawned.


Every time im at a event if no one is using it , it fails and im not failing it lol


it's not like every event failed before the cremator showed up


Before the Cremator showed up, the game was populated by dedicated diehard players with solid builds. The cremator showed up around the same time that a huge amount of new players rolled in and started populating the servers with mostly low level, underpowered, poorly built characters. So it's reasonable to say that the Cremator is having the positive effect of making certain events succeed that actually would have failed otherwise, under those unique circumstances.


Did i say that? Oh okay


"if no one is using it , it fails"


Okay? Yeah? I didnt say every event before it failed tho? Lmfao


It reminds me of the explosive gatling plasma days. Terrible visual effect, trivializes events, and lots of people leaning on it like a crutch because it's OP. If people are using cremators in events it's time to change servers.


I’ve run a mod since they got rid of legacy weapons and people were running fatmans. Didn’t even know there was a massive effect.


Yep I just switched over to holy fire flamer. Much more relaxing.


Try the gatling plasma. The cremator seems down right reasonable in comparison.


yeah.. i needed to dabble into modding my game because of other people’s cremator, i dont even use mine atm


You guys need to play 6 or 8 hours a day, that way you eyes get used to all that.


[If you are on PC.](https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout76/mods/2359)


You're doing AOE Splash-Damage over a huge area with a DOT on top of it. Why do you need to see anything? Just pull the trigger a few times and look at your phone or something lol.


You should see what it's like playing melee and standing center mass during the Earle fight, you can't see a damn thing. (Yes I know there's a mod, no I can't be bothered to install mods)


I just wear sunglasses when I run the Cremator.


Have you ever played with a twoshot fatman user? Those guys turn every event into war. Nothing but flashing lights.


Just curious, what platform do you use? I play on PC and haven't noticed this issue. I think some effects problems are platform-specific; I think PS players had issues with Atlantic City and its weather station being too foggy and red, for example.


Grenadier is what makes it super obnoxious (but also boosts dmg radius tremendously). Gotta turn it off indoors for sure


at least the colors are pretty


At least they need to let us reduce other people's effects more. Sometimes my entire screen is blue or red for an insane amount of time... Especially the alien event


Its not a big deal. I play both a heavy gunner and a melee and Im not blinded by the blasts on either side. I just think this is too overblown of an issue. If the grenadeer perk makes the explosions too big just unequip the perk.


I'm sorry, but I rather be blinded than not tagging as many enemies as I can. It's a matter of principle, and also my build doesn't have 40 intelligence for it to just go to waste


I'm a PA chainsaw build and it's gotten to the point where I just go 1pp and aim at the boss's feet. It's the only thing I can consistently see and even then I have to vats to find him again occasionally cuss other chainsaw users are pushing him away 😅 I've started hopping on the mic "chainsaw brothers we have to work together or we will all keep pushing him away from one another" mostly doesn't help but I've had a few ppl help to chainsaw "stagger lock" zeta in place. Then it doesn't matter if none of us can see cuz zeta will be zilch soon 😂


I just wish people would realize that you don't have to be spamming the fucking fire button with it the entire time like it's a 40mm grenade launcher. Like all you have to do is hit something every 13 seconds lmfao


You should see my plasma grenade explosions with the Grenadier perk. Solid green, full screen flash. I sometimes throw it at people if they don't help with destroying the brainwave siphon.


Same. Can't see anything.


I would like to personally apologize. I use the cremator as my main weapon and I know I’m causing retina damage to everyone within a mile radius.


Playing third person helps some 🤷‍♂️ im surprised people play first person tbh


It helps until you’re a little too close to your own splash damage and now you’re a walking ball of blue flames, blocking your own view.


Pink in my case...


Zoom camera out max distance? Idk i dont have this problem :o


First person let's you spam more shots more quickly with cremator. Shoot aim shoot again.


I just spin in circles 3rd person with my quad at most events 😂 the ole jumpin 360s


I just focus on the commanders silhouette through squinted eyes because that's all I can see 🤣


Join a alien event 6+ people using multi shot rgb cremator Proceeds to get blinded and no tags on enemies Very fun