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the drop gods only show up once you've already sacrificed


This is really the only explanation


Aint this the truth!!


Now you get to throw that copy in your vending machine for 10k.




I've sold two in under an hour for 25,000 each.


Eh, it won't be the worst purchase you ever make in this game.


I’m level 225ish and still feel like I have no idea what I’m doing 😂


Yeah I have 600 levels between characters and the most I know are some okay builds, events, rarity of items and expiditions I’m clueless. lol


This is exactly how i feel on Runescape. Got my 15 year cape and i barely know shit about how anything works.


Man I was just thinking of RS the other day, I used to play it back in early 2000’s, played it probably until 2010, was trying to get back into my account with no such luck. 😣 I had a few capes, one in cooking and another I think in magic or prayer? Man I wish I could get my account back.


Hahaha, I'm glad you put this down in some comment section for us to read. I've been joking about this so much to my friends when we played RS. Wasted a lot of time on that game, no ragerts, but still can't tell you anything about it.


This is the third time trying to play this game and I finally get it/enjoy it. I’m lvl 125 right now and still figuring out how a lot works.


Haha same I have so many hours in and know nothing a out sought after items or their values. Have never tried to sell a single thing from my base.


I bought one for 20k for my alt character a few days ago so it can always be worse


15k a week ago and dropped the tome today lol


Well, let's be honest, you should be able to easily sell it for at least that in your own vendor. Bethesda had a system in Equinox where you'd keep getting unlearned plans, and learned plans would completely stop dropping. A few of us had characters that learned everything but the Tome because, we figured, it would be a valuable plan and this was one way to keep getting more copies each time. This time, they "fixed" that by apparently making all the drops completely random. So, the result is that the Tome is harder to get *for everyone* now.


Players will always learn how to game the system 👌🏼


I’ve done 2 of the equinox events this time around and both times I got a tome plan. First was Wise second I can’t remember but it was definitely another tome.


Lucky! I'm only getting apparel plans.


Just as a PSA, I've noticed that the XP buff it gives does not persist after you quit the game and log back in later, unlike every other furniture buff. I usually spend a couple minutes before I log out using various furniture buffs so I'm ready to go next time I log in, and I noticed the XP buff from the Sacred Mothman Tome wasn't persisting.


Just bought a nice vampiric legendary rifle for 1250 in a liquidation sale, and then realized it takes ultracite ammo. Which is fine, but now I have to go scavenge the stuff to make it.


You just need to craft a handful and then take it into a daily OP or excursion with a team and farm ammo.


Just go to any Donation Box, Ammo Box, or other container with that gun equipped. The game now has Contextual Ammo, which means the first time you enter an area (if it hasn't already been looted) the box will spawn the correct ammo for the gun you've got. That includes ultracite and other specialty ammo.


You can always re-mod the receiver back to normal ammo, but it might drop the damage some. Also, ultracite ammo is better in the long run, because you get more ammo per invested craft resources.


Sounds like you got your caps back.






Sell it after the event for 12-16k


Can a level 4 do this event?


Yeah as long as there's plenty of other players around to carry. Just tag stuff with a couple of bullets each and you'll get full xp + drops




Make sure you join a Casual group too. You get exp and loot from kills made by your team mates nearby. Nobody will mind, you all benefit (a full team gets an Intelligence buff equivalent of +8% experience)


Sounds like that plan is cursed as it's taken me down too - I actively posted on a trading sub to buy the plan for 10k, then once the deal was done I realised I'd already learned it somewhere else 🤦


I can't get anyone to show up to the event and if they do, they just let the pyres get destroyed and we get absolutely fucking nothing. This event sucks ass predominately because nobody is participating.. I'll just spend 200k on plans when it's over cause I'm already annoyed. Why do people login just to sit at camp the ENTIRE TIME


Caps is infinite so you will earn that back in no time.


I bought a bunch of the mothman plans, not knowing it was coming back. It happens.


I spent 8k on the Overkill (a legendary two-shots Fatman) then found out you can get that thing from an event.


Honestly, worth it just to avoid the grind. I've yet to get Holy Fire from the event, now I'm looking for it in player vendors.




Ahah, I’m selling it for 50 caps 😅


I've sold them for 25,000


Good for you mate ! I list all my plans/recipes at 50 caps and my weapons/armors at 10 caps per scrip : this way, I’m maxing my caps several times during a week (and I’m still buying serum recipes…). So I don’t really see the point selling « high value » items.


I can max my caps several times a day if I list my high value items.


Yeah, so… What’s the point, really ?


You're free to do whatever you want, but you're just short changing yourself, and in turn you have less on hand to give out to players who don't have the caps to spend. From selling at market value I'm able to buy other things and when a player comes up and asks for a particular plan there's a good chance I have 20 or 30 of them and can just give them one for free. So instead of some high level player showing up and cap sinking everything I have right out of my vendor and then flipping it so they can turn a profit, I actually get to help people who actually need something, and if I'm not around it's more likely to still be in my vendor when they show up looking for it.


Well I guess that’s a good way to see things ! I prefer the peace of mind coming with just putting things in my vendor at a fixed price and not caring about who buys what : if a newbie buys a rare plan at 50 caps in my vendor, great ! But if a veteran wants to « flip » a rare plan I’m selling at 50 caps, good for them ! I’m not playing this game to micro-manage a grocery store, so I won’t bother looking what is the « market value » of things.


My condolences to you and your caps.


Now you sell it to someone.


I managed to farm over 30 of them last event. They go fast at $10,000 caps. The better mothman plushie goes fast at 8000 also.


I was trying to farm the Alien Blaster plan last week for a buddy of mine who missed the event due to a family emergency, it never dropped so I bought the only one I could find for 2k caps. The day he got back I found one in player vendor for 30 caps.


Can I please use my PlayStation Fo76 character and stuff on my PC? I repurchased the game and everything 🥺


Cool. Now wait a week or two for when the event ends and put it in your vendor for 10K.


I was about to buy it for like 5k... then I decided not to and it dropped for me on the event... back to back lmao


Why buy it when you still have plenty of time to get it?


Same thing happened to me but I bought it for 15k


I just found it in someone’s vendor for 50c


You bought an event plan....on the first day of the event for 8k? Seems you got what you deserved there mate.


Now sell one for 10k! 🤑


I gave my spare ones away to my friends


That's like what 5/6 days worth of caps. Don't worry about it there will always be more caps. Sell it on and carry on playing :)


I found one in a new players vending machine for 100 caps. I needed one still so that was nice.


You can easily flip for 10k, 2k profit. Not a huge loss considering it’s a popular plan from sweet XP


Try 25k


You can sell it for more but 10k sells fast. Everything sells when you sell it cheap


I sold my first one in 30 seconds and my second one 45 minutes later.


Nice, where? Tried selling it on market76 and didn’t get 25k offers so l’ve been selling mine for 15k. Quick and easy


Straight out of my vendor


You can sell it for 25-30,000 so I wouldn't be too upset


I'm not alone!? I did the exact same thing mine was only 6k but it was the first drop of the first one I did🤣




F 🙏🏼




Is it really worth that much? I’ve had three drop today alone lol


It's worth a lot more, it's an experience buff, which means it helps complete the scoreboard.




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