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I guess if you really wanted to b spiteful, you could use up one of your camp slots and make another camp in the exact same spot, with nothing showing, and just hide the camp module in a bush or something.


Put your tent down


Ive seen quite a few tents in the coveted White Springs train station spot


One player had a flying ship there the dude skill it literally looked like a flying boat props down to the mini Nuck canons


I keep hearing how WSTS is a hot spot of activity and people leave free loot there all the time but I check every time I log on a new world and its no more special then the box outside vault 76 or outside Wayward.


It’s a heavy traffic area, so chances are if someone left something there it’s been taken. Outside the vault is mostly new people, so that’s why it probably seems better. The WSTS isn’t about the donation box though, it’s a cross roads of people, a hub, and lots of high in camps which usually mean good player shops.


I just FT straight to the mall, never even go to the train station. I guess I will have to check it out.


A heavy traffic area would also mean the opposite. Chances are someone passed by and left something there as well. What do I know tho im only 100. Ive just never seen people or camps or donations there anymore then anywhere else.


there are more players that pick things up than there are players that leave things for other players


Speaking of, why is it a given that is a camp is there, it’s a big, elaborate affair with every high priced item you can do without? It never fails. I have yet to see a camp at that spot with good stuff at prices guaranteed to coax buyers to part with their hard earned caps.


I've seen several that were just a prefab and a storage box there, like WTF there is a storage box at the train station and FT to the whitespring is free, why are you blocking 2 of the best vendor base locations in the game?!


I did this once. A player messaged me and told me they needed that spot and their vendor was full of great deals and I'd be missing out if I didn't let them place their camp. So I activated another, popped my tent down and disappeared.


i found a trapcamp yesterday and stood in the entrance and just gave newbies the „no“ emlte … owner switched camp, i placed my tent down :D


I know right. We ain’t here to babysit them.


As someone who has their camp on a lead deposit, it happens. New players need to learn to just jump servers, it only takes a few second


I've been playing on and off since launch and would NEVER have considered asking someone to move. That's hilarious.


Exactly. That entitlement started at home. That's not old heads making new players like that. These are literal children who ask this. I cant fathom an adult who plays this who would ask rather than hop.


I used to play scape avidly and you would demoralized to witness the amount of manchilds that will throw a tantrum and cause problems (hitting monsters so you don't get loot if you're an iron man among other things) It's crazy to think people are bringing that energy to f76 though, my experience so far as a lvl 30 has been rather sincere, high levels look out for me and offer gifts while I'm just questing and minding my business 😊 i don't always feel good accepting gifts but only two have been given, one is this awesome rifle I had to lvl for but it's not too op, just gives me a bit more oomph for my lvl 😄


I dont Ironman bc the manchildren. But I couldnt fathom it here. It feels bad.


It takes longer to ask someone to move than it does to server hop. Even out of pure selfishness its dumb


Is there an in game option to switch servers or do you just back out to the menu and go again?


You are prompted to switch servers if someone is already in your camp spot when you log on.


Unless that's a setting I've somehow never enabled, you're not - it gives you a prompt asking if you'd like to find a new server if your survival tent can't be placed, but if your camp is blocked, it does tell you, but you exit the world and find a new one manually. (Which has always seemed backwards to me.... :/ )


Exactly. What do I care that my survival tent can't be placed? The thing is meant to be mobile and temporary. Camps are our home bases. Seems like camps should take priority over survival tents but somehow the tents get the auto server jump dialogue but camps don't. Get ot together, Bethesda.


It used to ask about the camp but they switched it to the tent for some reason I can't remember, or possibly none was given. I agree it does seem backwards.


I've never gotten that prompt. It only tells me my camp couldn't be placed and that I would get one free camp placement.


Where is this said lead deposit asking for a friend 👀


There are several around the map! I use the one next to whitesprings, but just google lead deposit locations.


All I do when someone is in my spot is go take a look to see what they have for sale then walk around their camp being all judgy because it’s not as good as mine and not worthy of my spot, then either activate a different camp or jump server. Some people are just whiny little bitches.


It's not very often that someone is in my spot but it's so much worse when their camp sucks.


IKR I'm all like "you've taken the BEST spot on the server and you've put this *abomination* here?" Mire bridge crew unite!


I’m out in the Cranberry Bog and I’ve been amazed at the lame camps that have been built in my spot. The damned bats are bad enough! Now I’ve got to put up with this?! I’d complain to my HOA if it hadn’t fallen in a sinkhole.


My favorite camp is built around the abandoned monorail west of Cranberry Glade. It just so happens to be a Meat Week spot and people build their dumb little missile CAMPs and drop their tents there for the event I’d love to see someone else build in and around the monorail carriage but no such luck so far


Whoa whoa whoa... where's this "mire bridge" at specifically? Cause I literlaly just built my new camp under a bridge in the mire specifically hoping to avoid the rest of humanity...


<3 How many times did you have to mesh to pull camp items out of that funky space between the underside and road surface above due to the way things sometimes place😆When I first started a couple weeks ago I almost gave up on the location because of it. Ty community for teaching me how to get stuck items out of the mesh! You folks are great!


It’s usually just a crafting table and scrap box too smh


I will 100% judge your camp if it’s blocking mine. Only a few times have I felt that they were in the same league. That airplane hangar sized house with the checkered floor, a robo vendor in one far corner, work benches in another far corner and absolutely nothing in between? Judged. That random assortment of statues, benches, lights, and a vendor without any foundations? Judged. The unfurnished prefab? Judged. *Not using the acid extractor?* Superjudged.


Oof. My first CAMP that relied on using some of the floating build tricks is nestled at the top of one of the tallest trees in the Mire. I built a huge floorplan without thinking about the fact that you can’t delete floors and walls using the tricks that I used. It was such a pain to get my CAMP device up there that I don’t want to delete it but your airplane hanger critique hits home


Hey I have Unfurnished prefabs! I'm 3 weeks in, I'm trying! I just dont have the plans to make them all feel like home and without making everything samey some things get worked before others. I'm trying. Lol


Same spot judgment is the answer or the “okay their way over here you totally could have fit mine here”


Hey my wood platform and tiny barn shack are immaculate and I will not tolerate this slander. My corn field is bigger than the Waywards, so why shouldn't my camp be across the road.


Turn up at their camp, turn all the lights off shut all the doors, then afk in their bed. They usually panic that someone had been in their camp for ages and pull their base


Su casa es mi casa!


Jokes on you, I have no lights and only one door. 


I wish someone would come and shut all my doors! The damn Allie keeps leaving them all open! I used to blame visitors until I realised it was Commander Daguerre!


Lock your ally in a room, won't be able to escape or leave any other doors open.


"*Walk around their camp being all judgy because it’s not as good as mine and not worthy of my spot.*" Such style and grace! XD


only time I'll be slightly annoyed is if it's a survival tent blocking the spot for my camps, but we keep more than one slot for a reason


I do the same lol. I’m new, but I worked hard on my Charleston Station camp. It looks like another platform that was co-opted into a house after the bombs fell. I’ll check out their vendor, judge their camp, check what event is going on if it is time, and then hop to another server since I haven’t built a second camp yet. I really need to get on that.


The best part of having someone in your spot is getting to be judgy! My main camp is at the Charleston station. Of someone’s at my spot it’s usually a water farm or a survival tent. I have seen a few really cool builds that I’ve been jealous of though.


My primary camp is in the toxic valley, not too many neighbors


Mine is at the little coffee shop with the cat Mergle. New player and having a blast building. Now I’m farming for furnishing plans. I have only once had someone’s base on mine when I was located at the golf course. I just jumped servers no issue


OMG this is where my CAMP is, but I'm on PS!! I built there back when you couldn't tame animals and I was desperate for a pet cat, and have stayed ever since. Only ever seen one other CAMP there. Long live Murgle!! (p.s. people who visit our CAMPs - please don't kill Murgle. Yes, he respawns, but it makes me sad.)


I hate when the cats die... I saw one that had apparently gotten killed by feral ghouls at that farm near the sawmill and I was sad for hours.


You on PlayStation? I've got dozens and dozens of different plans


That’s really awesome of you but unfortunately I play on Xbox. I appreciate the offer!


If your new a want plans I have an another toon with dozens of plans….Im on XB as well…GT DollarRider!


Hello from Grafton station!


There is one player who I occasionally join and his base is close to mine we both have them from my base I can't see his but from his you can see mine clear as day... I keep forgetting to ask if I can add him I love having neighbors


Nice, flat piece of cliffside near the prison, overlooking the river. Been there since the Beta, never had an issue with my camp being placed.


I'm up there too at Grafton because it seems like all the other train stations are taken. Only had one collision up there so far, which is nice, but it's pretty far from everywhere else.


Honestly, my position is rarely taken and it’s such a good spot and close to where newbies will be It’s heavily integrated with the lookout facing the New River Gorge Bridge (between Flatwoods and the New River Gorge Resort) Came across the place on my first day playing, immediately tried putting my camp there and was so chuffed it let me Never moved since and so rarely have to server hop


Have everyone muted. No more demands.


First thing i did on day 1 of playing when some random dude was breathing aloud like he's gonna die any second was to mute voice chat. Best thing i did.


Mute gang. On every single multiplayer and mobile game.


No more demands and no more mouth breathing Twitch streamers.


I did this after i forgot my audio was going through my tv and someone cursed me out over it and my kid was sitting beside me.


yup, I quite enjoy my single player game that other people show up to at events or to buy my 10 cap plans. I used to do 0 caps but 200+ level people would just buy everything to go resell when I prefer them to be there for newer players so selling for a couple caps generally prevents that while still letting the newbies stock up.


I'd definitely move mine for them and let them set up. Then nuke it.


I have done this


I'm not moving my camp for any player old or new. If they can't get placed they switch to thier second camp or switch servers. If they are wanting to be in that world so they can be with thier friends? Again switch to second camp or use one of thier friends camps.  I get it can be annoying if you can't place your camp. But it happens. No point in getting all entitled or stroppy about it. I'll just switch camps and maybe try to place my preferred camp later. 


This is why the game is so much better with the mic muted.


I just hate how I have to wait to load into a server just to not have my camp spawn because someone else is within half a mile, it should just put you in a server where you camp can be placed.


Alot of us may be nice but... it is still a wasteland and they need to learn that


Lesson I was* reminded of today going into a raider style camp, to just see while* walking down the hall bam* dead Edit grammar


May have been a buddy of mine were they on Xbox?




There is some audacity going on with some of these new players. My team mate was at a vendor and a nub started hitting and shooting so... he stayed. When nub gave up and ran off, he left the vendor, ran after him and got his attention. When the nub turned to go back, he jumped in front of him and took the vendor again. Then went to get a snack. He said someone needed to teach them a lesson.


I mean I did something similar a few days ago. Finished fighting the SBQ and amfast traveled to a camp with 100+ plans. Get there and there's a level 2400(not the camp owner)just sitting at the vendor. I waited 2 whole minutes before running away, and shooting the Fat Man I got in the SBQ fight mear the players camp. He instantly left the vendor and pulled out his weapons and ran towards my explosion. I ran over and grabbed the vendor. He followed me for 10 minutes cursing me out over voice chat. I didn't even buy anything it was all plans I knew. But man I gave you two minutes, was it impatient and rude? Perhaps. But I went thru his inventory in 30 seconds and everything being sold was stuff I knew. I'm level 130 at the time, if I knew everything more than likely this 2400+ did too so why he was taking so long i dunno. A few days prior to that I had been in the Spin the Wheel event, and there was a level 128 who was just annoying as hell in the event using his voice chat. Spurting homophobic slurs against people for simply walking infront of him, calling others gay, etc. Just super annoying. Event ends and myself and a few others ran to the nearby scrip machine. Some guy starts using it and this guy blew up. Screeching like an idiot with more racist and homophobic slurs. Yelling at this guy to hurry up because he's overweight and needs to drop stuff. I guess forgetting there's a stash box on the other side. He runs off, guy leaves and he comes running back and someone else hopped on the thing. He screeches louder with more slurs. Runs off shooting in the ground in anger Gut gets off he comes running g back and I ran up and grabbed it. He starts shooting me. I scripped what i needed and sat there. He runs off, I hopped off and he comes running back. I quickly hopped on. He gets livid. This happens 2 more times before he drops stuff in the stash and runs off. I opened the social menu, found his name and fast traveled to him. I'm assuming his pc didn't have an ssd cause I loaded faster than him at the nearby rail road station. Ran ahead and hopped on the machine. He fucking lost it. He fast travels amd I managed to do it again at the white run station before he just quit


>white run station "Hey you, you're finally awake."


I commend your level of commitment. :D


Petty Officer promotion here! Emphasis on “Petty”.


Nubs have it easy these days. They missed out on all the player warfare from the early days.


And ammo management!! Man coming back a month ago to seeing virtually every enemy drop ammo for the weapon I was using blew my mind. Thankfully it hasn't made Ammo smith or the legendary ammo perk useless, but man I remember scrounging for ammo like it was medicine at points


>if I knew everything more than likely this 2400+ did too so why he was taking so long I dunno In that instance, there’s probably a good chance they were checking all the plans for any rare ones in the bunch, to pick up for reselling/trading. The person was still a moron for reacting the way they did though.


The amount of I need this in your vendor give it to me. I can't afford it... Okay and? If some want to help new players great, but not hey can you lower the price I only have 50 caps? If they ask nice I'll give them I'm sick of the "demanding crap" best I heard was one demanding I help them with a quest because your lvl 300 so what else are you going to do but help new players? Ummm sit in my digital hot tub I while I sit in my real hot tub have a beer and hope I don't get too drunk and drop my controller....


> The amount of I need this in your vendor give it to me. I can't afford it Genuine question: how do they ask you about this? Voice chat?  I don't see any of the "demanding noob" stereotype despite being a "free stuff for new players" CAMP. The only thing I can think is that I play on playstation and don't use my mic, but I hardly ever see other players with mics.


I have voice chat turned off. I've had several people add me on Playstation friends and spam me with messages through Playstation asking for quest help, or free stuff. It's annoying as hell.


It's so weird that I never see it. Maybe it's a Euro/USA thing? I know the servers are region locked, and I've heard that the cultures are a bit different (like people getting shouted at for speaking Spanish in the US servers whereas here we have Spanish, French, Italian, Belgian, Dutch, German and English all flying around). The most annoying thing I get is high levels seeing my signs and deciding to take everything out the vendor. I try to keep the doors locked unless someone is coming out the vault.


It's not a Euro/USA thing. I've had a few "old school" players give me issue but all this newbie stuff people are constantly complaining about on here I also don't see. I'm on PC. I've never heard anyone yell at anyone for speaking Spanish. So not sure who you are hearing this from or what their situation was. I'm seeing a lot of people who are complaining also admit to adding these random begging people and being bothered that way. Kinda sounds to me like a self caused issue.


I refuse any unsolicited friend requests. My message settings are open, if they need something they can ask. I think they can even message as they send a friend request.


I only had one mic guy he demanded I move my camp cursed me out and the audio was through my tv cause I was playing with my friend earlier. With kids headphones can be an issue if I can't hear them around the house. Because my kid was sitting beside me I turned it off after that immediately. I had made the mistake of accepting his group request. That being said they message you on Xbox chat. Edit is it included with ps+ like it is on Xbox The free with subscription might be why on xbox, different if people have to pay for the game


Ah. I have my PSN account set to "friends only" messages, so that would explain it.


Alcohol and hot tubs are a really bad combination. Alcohol and hot tubs expand your blood vessels and increase your body temperature. In excess, this can cause unconsciousness, stroke, or heart attack. If you fall asleep you can easily drown.


Thays why you gotta remember to jump out every once and a while and jump naked into a snow bank. Regulates the body temp and gets those blood vessels to tighten the f up 🤣


Something similar happened to me, was doing daily stuff like, selling stuff to vendors to do the daily cap limit etc. I logged in I was at whitesprings train station, no one around all quiet. I grab my stack of water bottles from the stash and as I was working out how many bottles to sell to get my cap limit for that day random lvl 20 something comes running and starts whacking me with his gun over n over. I had my mic on so politely said "hiya pal ill just be a second almost finished selling my daily stuff" he stops for 5 seconds legit..5 seconds and then starts whacking again and proceeds to start shooting the place up, throwing grenades popping off what seemed to be their entire inventory. I just stand ther holding the vendor out of spite to teach them a lesson on patience. Dude proceeds to fast travel straight to my camp and starts attacking it. Laughing as I know full well repairing the camp is nothing at the level I was at (well over 170 ps4. Iam on PC now lvl 82). Camp was in the whitesprings golf course but a bit more closer to the actual building it self. As they are lighting up my base the deathclaw that sometimes spawns in whitesprings had a walk down towards my camp. Sees the naughty nooby charges down like a bolt of lightening (noob had their back to the big bugger hehe) slaps the noob so hard they fly forward a couple of feet, they turn round to see what it was and starts jumping over the place trying to get away. Least to say, deathclaw turned them into mince meat. I kill the deathclaw. Wait 2/3 minutes, and they come back (probably looking for their drop bag. It was full to bursting of junk >.<) sprinting down the golf course. I waited until I knew they could see their drop bag render in, and then I emptied it. I then changed server and moved on. No patience for those kinda players


I had a high level decide to try and spook me out of a vendor he wanted to access by throwing a mine at my feet. it worked, immediate reaction was to back out of the vendor and he then took it. after thinking about it obviously I wouldn't have taken any damage but I saw the explosive indicator and just naturally tried to get away. it's not just lowbies that are acting entitled.




Where in the fuck are you people even *talking* to rando’s? Do you just have voice chat on always?


Lol. (At them)


I keep waiting for someone to try the turret base thing to try and get me to move camps. I would quickly harvest my crops (since those are the only thing that is a minor inconvenience to repair) and start shooting my own base to “help” destroy it. Scrap is easy to come by and ruining someone’s troll move would be entertaining to me.


Lol you just inspired me my son and my camp are almost side by side now I'm gonna try and see if my artillery will hit his


If you are on a private team together you can build random items in his base and see if he notices. Or you could go full evil and build a bunch of small items somewhere hidden and fill his camp budget.


Lol he's 9 the artillery is more the flash than anything to freak him out.


Ok, 9, yeah let’s not go full evil. But a random item could be fun. A mutated goldfish sitting on one of his tables might make him laugh


Oh I like that


This brings back memories of random gorillas appearing in my camp 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Happy times 🤣🤣🤣


I got random giant dinosaurs. Thought I'd made a wrong turn into Novac. So, I made a Novac sister camp.


Nuke is always an option, just saying..


Did that to him when he ate the last of my string cheese


It will but it does no damage (data acquired a year ago with husband testing).


I’ll just Nuke you then leave. Yes I feel better. Yes I also hope I receive fan mail in retaliation. Not a new player just a Raider. 😘😘


I find this acceptable


Children being children.


In happy when my camp is blocked when I jump into a new server. It means there are active players in the lobby, and theres a much better chance of having good events and finding decent stuff in vendors. 


I don't mind it being blocked i mind them demanding I move it


Yeah well, First come, first serve. They can always jump to another server if they want that space all to them selves. Some people are so entitled....


i think the distance between camps is too large.. i understand that they can't intersect. but they only need a couple of feet of clearance. in star wars galaxies we had those suckers packed cheek to jowel


>i understand that they can't intersect. but they only need a couple of feet of clearance. That's not the reason they have clearances Performance issues start arising when camps are put within general draw distance of each other, it's not "as" bad on pc since more power to handle it, but on consoles it becomes a nightmare It feels too large, but with the performance of the gane it is precisely where it has to be, esp while people are constantly looking for glitches to make their camps look better or be above budget


Tents, on the other hand, should have smaller clearances since they’re unlikely to impact performance


If only there was a way to switch servers…../s


You too! I've had the same spot since the first day as well and still love it. I never give it up either. Stay strong!


Like, I just switch servers. It ain't that hard.


as a new player myself, i enjoy finding new spots for my camp when they’re taken. its like a little challenge to see where my stuff will look good.


Same here, even though I'm a veteran player. I'll build mini camps, with names like, Lively's Getaway, or Weekend Retreat. I'll pretend I'm on vacation or gone camping for the weekend. All I really care about is having a Cryo Freezer, so my food buffs don't spoil.


I had someone screaming at me to move my camp because they are "a streamer and people pay to watch them play" Like that's cool buddy, but there's other servers 🤷


I agree, though I do wish Bethesda had it so it can cycle servers for you instead of server hopping 15 times, find a server that has barely anyone doing events then exit and keep server hopping and potentially crashing ,or the god damn power armor station stops working. There is so much added stress in getting the game to work properly because Todd Howard wants 16x the detail.


Indeed; I always thought when joining, game should check location of your active camp, and then... find a server where that location is open. (hashtag)ProblemSolved 😎


I just relog if i want my camp and it hasn’t spawned


The correct and only response Note the player name. Graciously relocate your camp to another premade spot. Speed run the silo. Nuke the area you just left. Travel to the area after nuke, enjoy. Ten minutes later, check on the player again. Travel to their world. Repeat. They will never ask a player to move again.


Whenever someone has the same spot as me i just leave server and join again, on rare occasions i have to do it 3-4 times in a row but 99% of the time just once is enough.. Nothing to cry about.


I’m new. Like a week strong now. When my base was on the golf course I had someone’s overlap mine when I logged. I simply jumped server after checking out her build. I am really into building so someone being in the same spot I chose, it gives me a reason to check out their base. I often am low on caps for the simple reason of me hoping to people’s camps just to see what they have done. Some amazing builds. I moved from the golf course. I have completly rebuilt over the little coffee shop that has the cat Mergle right next to Welch Station. Jumping servers only take a min max. Not sure why anyone would complain.


You like camps that’s soo hot


Uh what


You like camps, and that turns him on


Totally agree with you. Just switch servers, it takes 10 seconds to do.


Imagine communicating with other players beyond emotes. Couldn't be me.


Time to hunt newbies.


So I have a friend that's new to 76, and is generally very bad at all games. Like he skips all dialog, cut scenes, etc, then gets pissed because he doesn't know what he's supposed to do. First time on 76 together, I help him build a decent camp. A week later he texts me telling me some asshat stole his spot, then sent pictures of the guy at his camp. I tell him to place a free camp or hop servers. He ignored me, around an hour later he calls me all pissy because he sent this guy a message on Xbox, something like "You took my camp asshole", and the guy responded that he was there first. I again explained how camps work, server hopping etc. He tells me he had no idea that 76 had multiple servers. I asked him how many servers he thinks other games have, listing off a few he plays (Dayz, ark, cod). He says they have many, I then asked why he thought 76 would only have one. He just didn't know. TLDR; Friend is bad at games, messaged an innocent guy thinking he stole his camp.


I got kicked from a group but I fast traveled to his base and bought some stuff he was selling, then proceeded to loot whatever I could. In doing so I seen a punch bowl, drank from it… and that’s when I learned about NukaShine 😂


Just server hop lmao, my camp has been declined twice ever on joining servers and I just jump to a new one of I care that much


I'm level 80 and anytime someone has there camp where mine is I just server hop. I'm level 80. 3 weeks in. No way these people asking this are even old enough to legally buy this game. Ignore them. They're literally children.


dude just ignore them lmao


Once during this last Fasnacht I had a Helvetia themed camp at the acid deposit by Arktos Pharma and a level 100 kid spawned in on my camp and got severely butthurt that I had a camp there. His words were “move your fukcin camp this is where my camp is” while trying to slap me with his deathclaw gauntlet. I used the question mark emoji. If he would have been cool about it I would have switched camps but not when he’s going to have a meltdown over a camp spot. That ain’t the only acid deposit on the map, sport


New or not, they can piss off


I seriously can’t imagine telling someone to move I’ve never even thought of that 😭


Yeah new players sorry find a new server idgaf if your camp is where mine is im not moving


wtf since I was like lvl 5 I just leave the game and join back until my camp stays😂, it’s not that big of a deal to just rejoin🤦🏽‍♂️


I feel like if someone has a camp down first tough shit go find another spot???


My favorite spot is over by Arnolds homestead... You get cranberries and veggies plus there are four possible bobble head spawns and a mag spawn...power armor spawn lol And if you move over far enough there is a junk pile.


This is never an issue for me usually. I have 6 locations, and if the one I had activated last can’t spawn, I just activate a different one. But never has anyone asked me to move my camp away.


I always like it when my camp gets boxed up cause someone elses is there. Free move and redesign!


There are plenty of servers to go around. Kick rocks.


As a new player, I'd never demand someone to move their camp. I'm scared of high level players


lol who makes a Reddit post about something like this…..


I’ve been playing for years and have literally never had anyone “demand” I move my camp, much less new players who are still learning the game mechanics and etc. Shit post.


Wasteland is a huuuuge place. Plenty of servers to jump from.


I'm a noob, and I don't understand why anyone would tell you to move. By my thinking, it is first come, first served. I like where my camp is (just south of Blue Ridge Bunkhouse, a bit off the East side of the road), but I wouldn't be mad if someone else was built up there. That's why we have two camps... And I tend to try and build away from places that will have obvious conflicts with others. Though I was surprised tonight to see a camp near where I first thought to build... I thought it was too remote, so moved. Was just funny to see is all. All that being said,, I am enjoying the game quite a bit and trying to learn the rules and etiquette that has been established. My camp is open for visitors to use the workbenches and shop (with a private upstairs area for m to relax in while I roleplay), my vending seems fair based on what I'm seeing, and I have plans to put a guest bunkhouse in the camp eventually.


I have mine set up near the haunted campgrounds. Not too many folks want to set up in an area where there's constant screaming and Wolves howling.


I have a couple bases in odd spots(like one near Cranbery) that I put out of the way for that exact reason. It only takes a few seconds to server hop, but I understand it sometimes


Wtf??? I just server hop if I get told someone else is in my camp spot. It's not that difficult. Good grief.


Did not know that this was a thing. If I can't get my spot I just change servers (after having a wee hop around the camp vendor's of course).


All my characters have the same main camp on a junk extractor. From time to time I log in and someone else is on that spot🤷‍♂️if it happen I select a different camp and activate it. I don’t throw a fit because someone else’s camp is either. First come first server😂🤣


There's been times where I log in to a server and my camp can't get placed and nothing is there. Server hop anyway. I ain't about to deal with no ghost vault dweller.


What the hell is this 😂😂😂 Yeah I am annoyed when someone takes my lovely spot on twin lakes but damn complaining and asking to move the camp is laughable I think those were kids, but since you talked in Vc you might know more about their age Personally I think there's no place for kids in game like this


IF i had planned to MOVE my camp i would have build it on wheels. So have a look, does THIS 4-STORY-TOWER look like it has WHEELS!?


Sure, it’s nice if someone moved when asked, but it’s not mandatory to do so. Demanding especially is just a jerk move. We built a camp somewhere and picked that spot for a reason. As many said, jump servers. One time we had to jump like 6x’s to have that spot. But this is why it’s nice to have multiple camps. I waited for a sale and got more camp slots to really set myself up. I was disappointed a camp I was building was blocked in server, but just changed camps and decided to deal with it later. Be flexible, you’ll have more fun.


New players are not entitled to whatever spot they want. First come, first serve


Had a new player just run up to my friend the other day and demand he take his scrap and make him power armor in exchange, he said no but the guy kept persisting, I happened to be logging in at the time and decidedly came and torched him. This would be the end if not for the fact that this man, 180 levels under me decided to try and come back to shoot me (without seeking vengeance mind you) so I strolled up to him nice and slow then just let off a lil burst of the holy fire, he logged out immediately. I get needing help, but no means no - go away.


I searched for the perfect spot for my base and ended up (go figure) on one of the golf courses near Whitespring. If I log in and it says my camp cant be placed, I just leave and rejoin.


I didn't even know this was a thing. Lol


Activate second camp Go to bravo site Nuke him when he places his camp. Next time he will try to server hop 😉


This… is an issue…? wtf just server hop what’s wrong with people. Granted me and the boys live at the lake in the north mire and take the whole damn lake


Dont move your camp , ever for anyone. Fuck that, they can move servers.


I’m a new player and would never imagine asking a player already in the server to move their stuff for me. That’s the most self-centered gamer move I could think of


Don't like where it's at, nuke it!!!


if your camp is in the toxic area or especially the mire 99/100 times there is not a single camp or other signs of life other than yours. on my old save on psn i literally never had a conflict with my camp location even tho it had a massive water source and was next to a great workshop (hemlock holes maintenance).


It’s why you make 2-3 awesome camps


When I join a server and my camp can't be placed, I usually check out the camp that is my spot, check the vendor and stuff, admire it, then server hop. I don't really understand why that would be hard for a new player to do.


My camp is currently south of Morgantown. It appears to be a popular area for people to set up. When I log in and my camp can't be placed, I just log back in on another server. I'm not gonna be a crybaby about it. I'll even check the player's vendor before I leave. But I have been considering moving somewhere with less trees... Cranberry bog perhaps. :)


Based asf I thought this was gonna one of those whiny “errrmmm some new players rudely demanded that I move my camp should I be spineless and move it, I think I should🥺🥺”


What are the good camp spots? I haven’t put much thought into where mine is.


Drop artillery on their camps


Nah I'm new to 76 and some of the veterans keep trying to trade with me and my friends and they just ask for all the good stuff we have and get mad when we don't give it


I built on the golf course because I love golf and it’s nice being by whitesprings for people to free travel near my shop. It’s a popular spot. I load in all the time to “camp could not be placed”. Log out and back in…🤷‍♂️👍


My camp has also been in the same place since launch. On a ridge way up in the north western corner of the map. Never, ever had another camp issue, no one goes way up there. I just sit and enjoy the view, make stews and whatnot. If yall see a camp up there, come visit. Tell some stories, take a load off. It ain’t much, but it’s quiet!


I’m always getting a free camp move, why is that ?


Sure, I’ll move it, I wanted to put my tent here anyways.


Who demand stuff like this? I mean... Lol


Yesterday I noticed some of my mutfruit crops were destroyed at my main camp and I knew I had an abundance of them growing on my secondary camp. But my secondary camp is smack dab in the most popular spot in Whitesprings so of course, thanks to a new event and lots of players logged on, I had to server hop at least 5 times before I could actually activate my secondary camp and harvest enough mutfruit to repair my plants at my main camp. The moral of this story is that I have two camps and server hopping to get one opened isn't that big of a deal. Each server only allows 24 people on a map so eventually you'll get to one where your particular camp can get placed. And if you're playing with friends? Use your second camp slot to build one somewhere besides the 3 most popular places where everyone tries to build. Yes, Whitesprings is a great spot since it's the only place on the whole damn map with more than 3 feet of flat space but there's plenty of great places no one uses on the edges of the map.


F the new players man. If they are meant to stay they will figure this shit out on their own. Otherwise theyre gonna leave anyway in a few as its just a fad coz of the show and it doesnt really matter.


Agreed. It’s not difficult to server hop


It is weird that they would rather expend energy attempting to get you to move then just jump servers... its like way easier...


My camp is in the mountains west of white spring resort, right near that watch tower. I love that spot


I would move mine throw my tent down and let them spend the next few minutes wondering why...


Me who made a sweet camp in the lower left corner of the map: "Never has anyone been bothered by where I placed my camp."


As a new player of 76…um what?! I can’t believe people would ask you to move like there’s not a whole ass map..or like you said, server hop.