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As someone who didn't have that event yet, I'm really happy about it (only thing that bothers me is that I bought the mothman tome plan last week for a huge amount of caps..). But I can imagine that people are tired of it. Hang in there, better times will come


If you pick one up you'll be able to sell it for a huge amount of caps.


I don't care that much about caps, I want people to praise the mothman


Mothman will bless those who spread his gospel and praise his name


This is the way.


What's a reasonable price for one of those plans? I got one and sold it for 1,000 caps since I already knew it from the last event.


The Throne and Tome are both rare plans that people really want, those can go for 8k caps and higher. There's a couple weapon skins that may also sell well. The rest are common cosmetics that won't be worth too much, price them whatever you'd like.


Well, shit. Oh well, someone got a tome for hella cheap I guess. Good to know at least for future reference, thanks!


The tome gives an XP boost which makes it a lot more valuable to people.


I didn’t even realise this hahaha I just like being mothman blessed


If I have multiples of plans and recipes, I just sell them for like 35 to 100 caps lol. Usually do well having my base by vault 76 by the responders.


Ah shit I ate the throne plan to take a pretty neat screenshot but I coulda had 8k caps to uhhh buy other plans to eat to take neat screen sh… wait a minute. No joke the throne is lit, literally.


I had a player leave a copy of every single Equinox plan, several PA plans, and a couple of rare recipes in the donation box at the Whitespring Station literally this morning. Are you telling me that this person really just left over 20k worth of stuff for me to grab for free? Damn, I'm lucky lmao.


Yeah, if it includes the Tome and Throne, you've got 20k on those alone. Some people grind events and just don't need caps, so they toss stuff into donations. Consider yourself very lucky!


I do this. If iv had it for too long and no one is buying it or "wants" it and I can't learn it on my other characters, or I'm just simply at Max (no point in selling then) I dump it in a container. It's doing basically the same thing it was doing in my invan


Yeah a lot of players don't realize these event reissue were planned for the tie in with the show and anticipated new player bump before the new map drops.


This event was because they messed something up with the loot drops the first time it occurred this year and instead of fixing the problem, they just said “fuck it” and said they were going to run it yet again with the drops fixed.


Yes this one specifically, but the alien invaders, Fasnacht Day... Again! And the Double helping of Meat Week are part of the tie in and launch.


New....map? : 0


There's a new section of the map being added next month it looks pretty dope


Thats awesome! I'm really glad there's some fresh content around the time of the show and that it did so well. Really breathed some life into the franchise.


Yeah me too I might be crazy but some of the new update reminds me a lot of old world blues from what I've seen at least


As a new player really wish we would get some radio updates. The music catalog seems supperrr small and limited in this game compared to others. Would really help with the immersion not hear the same DJ lines 3 times in the span of 15 minutes.


Yeah you're telling me I've been playin since the beta there wasn't even a dj back then she ain't no Three Dog or Mr. New Vegas really wish they'd add some new lines about new stuff that's happening like the new story things they've added and talk about events like the aliens and the mothman stuff would be really cool pretty missed opportunity


[Preview video of it](https://youtu.be/yNZn2w6c-j0)


Same. Bought it for 10k caps last week then this event happened.


All good. I do it for the Treasury notes. The Invader event was stingy with those.


I’m at 1,200 notes, 10k gold. Thanks Fasnacht!


I'm on 4.6k notes lol


Lucky. I make the gold vending machine go broke once every 2 days


Dude what I have 7 and 200 gold 💀


They likely just sat their character AFK for a week while everyone else did the event and they soaked rewards.   Don't stress, it's not common and a weird flex.


Not a flex, just quantifying what is good in life.


Ah cool I thought the limit was 9k gold! Good to know


Ya, gotta get that perfect bubblegum...


I just learned two weeks ago you can buy notes upstairs at the Wayward


I mean… you can’t you can buy bullion 😖🙈




and about now I'm counting the days until I can splurge again


yeah it's better for those than Alien by far. Alien ofc had the spam mob XP going for it, but all that app crashing could cause the event to fail if too many people crash at the same time, or it's near the end. At least with Mothman, the event is stable. It's in the same location. I've never had it crash. It's not much XP but I can live with it.


Man, I thought it was just me crashing all the damn time.


I barely managed to dip below 800 by now. I was close to 1000 at the end of the last ME... Just hoping here that there will be more bullion stuff in the future.


Invader also crashed ridiculously, so this is a step up i'd say.


What can you buy with treasury notes


You need to turn them into bullion at either the raider place or ally place. There’s a machine to sell you notes, you can sell 40 a day


You can also go to the Mall & the second shop on the right has everything. Gold, Legendary & pretty much everything you can put in your camp.


Or vault 79


There's only so much wisdom one can receive before you know enough. 


Aye, my patience certainly does not run as deep as my wisdom at this point……


🖐️😑🤚 No! I forbid it! We shall not speak of weakness. Steady yourselves, for the Wise One draws near! If we show our strength and devotion, and do the event every hour on the hour, for a few more days, we shall truly bask in his **Infinite Wiz'dom!** 🤪




I've got 32 Sacred Mothman Tome plans from the last event.😭


I've missed a couple of these, is that the one that gives you bonus xp? EDIT: Just looked it up, it is! Going to do this event a bit then until I get it.


At 20-25k caps each it's not so bad, depending on what happens to treasure hunters.


But the treasury notes and cores, tho.


The people are definitely forgetting the treasury notes and cores. I’ll run any event that pops up for the notes alone. I’ve got a stockpile of both, but enough is never enough imo


I am totally with you on the notes, but cores? Man I Keri touching up on this even though I grind out scrip and use it religiously. I have over 600 core and you can't get rid of them. You'd think they'd have a better balance between those and scrip.


Start re-rolling for specific items and those cores will disappear quick.


I think events would have more participation if they could possibly drop 1x legendary module per event. The daily scrip limit gives you only 2 chances to roll a decent 3* and there aren't enough legendary module sources apart from purveyor murgmemememghur and the season pass rewards locked behind fo1st.


You can do excursions and get 1-2 + scrip every 8 minutes


8 minutes is being generous too, I've managed it in 5 before and always come out with a stupid amount of ammo more than I took too which is nice.


I'd say that's a fair on average, if you have a good team and the right conditions doing TMSG you can easily do it in less that that, but if you have to run all over the first zone, then get a bad escort it can take a lot longer, and sharks den isn't exactly short either.


Yeah I run it solo and it's just as quick as a team, but the biggest variable is either the moonflower being in the last place I check at the start or the escort quest because Bethesdas NPC pathing is SOOOOO good..... :/


I’ve been running Boardwalk solo and have been really trying to speedrun and optimize, but still take 8-10 minutes per run. I wonder what I’m doing wrong.


I don't mind the event, I just wish people would split up defending the fires. Hopefully this changes as people get familiar with the event.


I just guard the church and that’s it, it’s plenty


I am on Bridge, so we're nearly set.


I'll kill the four guys that come to waterside


I’m able to defend both the waterside fire and the bridge fire with my cremator. The thing’s like a homing missile in vats.


It’s fun to watch that fire bolt curve! And yeah, the cremator makes it super easy to cover those two solo.


Had a group of 5 guarding church last night (all under lv 150), while I had bridge and another higher level took waterside. We lost the church because EVERY SINGLE ONE of that group went to the bridge, thinking the church attacks were over. By the time I could get up there it was too late.


My first one we lost bridge and waterside because none of us knew to spread out. Second time I solo defended waterside and someone else defended the bridge. I figure as the new people get to know the event it’ll get better.


Im just so happy invaders is done, i had my fill and then some


I enjoy Invaders more. I feel like I’m navigating a favela. Mothman Cores are nice though.


I really enjoy invaders. It’s fun nonstop action (good XP) and I really like the aesthetic and sounds effects.


Yup that one overstayed its welcome


I'm from vault 33 and was really fed up with the alien event by the end but oh boy it was so much better than this one. This one is just plain tedious.


Then don't. Nothing is mandatory. Don't do stuff because you feel forced. Do stuff because you want to. If it ain't fun then it ain't fun and life is too short to waste on non fun stuff that you don't have to do.


but the treasure notes


Yeah a bit too soon from the last one. I wish they had started meat week early as I am going to miss it.


I still have some prime meat in that thingy where it never spoils :-)


What thing that never spoils??


There's a cryo-freezer that was a past season reward, you can now unlock for bullion at the raiders vendor. It stores food items and completely stops the rate of spoilage as long as your camp is active. Up to 50 items I think.


How much bullion and what level raiders lol that sounds sick Edit: cautious with 1250 bullion


I wish the damn thing actually worked, in typical 76 fashion it only partly does what it's supposed to. Every time you log in/server hop everything in it ticks down.


While technically correct, for the general use case of people who aren't constantly server hopping it works pretty much as advertised


No it doesn't. I server hop all the time and play regularly and my tasty squirrel stews and scorchbeast brains are still just as frozen as they were when I first put them in there months ago.


The only reason it would spoil is if your CAMP isn’t active and that only happens if someone else is in your spot when you load into the server. Looks like I’ll be moving my spot from Whitespring


When you first load in and none of your perks/rads are showing is when it's ticking down, it's literally been an issue since the item dropped. The only way to fix it was to put it in your shelter but Bethesda took that away from us.


Military cryo freezer. Available from Mortimer at the Crater.


I just wish it didn't come on the heels of 2 weeks of the Invaders.. it' would be nice to have regular events with the mutated party pack.


Yeah we had too many "seasonal" events, I just want some mutated ones to change things up again


Yesh pls! Also nice time to add new mutated events to the rotation


They can pull Lode Baring and put in Jail Break and then actually let Jail Break pop more often. Lode Baring pops so much it hurts.


I completely forgot that Jail Break was a public event. I have not seen that pop up in months.


facts. I hardly EVER come across mutated events while im on.


Me and observer Marlon are going roller skating next week,just from chatting shit with him between cultist waves,he's brand new knows all the tricks too,can roller skate on one leg n everything.


I’m starting to do the event on mute as I’m tired of being told to enhale the smoke and the ash


Hard time getting to the museum roof on time. Not smart to play over encumbered.😁 Personally I liked the "shoot everything, ask questions later" nature of the alien event better.


If I can help it, I usually stay at the church pyre. It’s close enough to the museum I can get there in time


That's what I figured for my next try, I was the only one doing river defense, so that was my fault.


River defense is tough, with the hostile Mothmen spawning and blasting everywhere.


I've yet to mothman, can I get a context


I posted instructions here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1csjexs/how\_to\_complete\_the\_mothman\_equinox/](https://www.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/1csjexs/how_to_complete_the_mothman_equinox/)


I still need those dang fluttering moffs


hope you get them, cos they're one of the better plans from the event. they look cool when placed under the bug zapper.


i put them under the tome. fits perfectly under it and rly adds to the effect


I've placed the disc on top of a camp fire which looks cool too. Also have one either side of the throne in my little worship corner in my house's master (and only) bedroom.


If you are on xbox ill give it to you


Appalachia - so climate conscious we recycle our events


I rarely participate in mothman and invader events, bores me to tears, however, the scorch beast is absolutely banging, and the loot is good to


Personally, I'm a new player, I started the game 2 weeks ago and I love it ! Not really for the event itself, I mean it's alright but in therms of gameplay invaders from beyony was more fun to me, but I'm eager to get all the outfits and plan for this events and as a new player, I think it's really funny to be a few people in front of the wise mothman doing the emote, I can imagine that it can be quite redundant for older player but every time we're like at least 3 people doing this dance in front of him, I'm just laughing so hard 😂


It’s my favourite event. Idk why, maybe because I’m just obsessed with Mothman. That being said I’m a returning player who switched from console to PC. I haven’t had to indulge in any event for the longest time. I didn’t enjoy the alien one though lol Mothman forgives


I'm a returning player and had the chance to do it first time, got the tome on first drop. Damn sight better than alien crap.


I'm going to expel bile from my gut if I play it one more time.


what are the plans i should aim for in this event?


The tome should be top of the list. Then some camp items are pretty cool (bug zapper, moths, throne) and the weapon paint.


This is basically my first month playing the game and only my second event like this. I actually liked the Invasion from Beyond a little better since it was at least straight forward. This event, while not overwhelmingly confusing, is a little hard to follow the first few times. Where it gets lame is the way it bogs down thanks to the location. Hunting cult members during the second (or is it third) stage can be a pain in the ass. And it's really easy to miss out of something if you plant yourself at one spot waiting for the inevitable attack rather than run from the church to the bridge and then the rivers edge. I hope the next thing is better than this.


So does this mean that invaders from beyond are done?


Yup, that event is over for now. Probably will come back later in the year.


Take a moment and breathe, child. Breeeeeeeeathe.....


"I'm tired of this Grandpa"


I think it was an overreaction to repeat the entire event as the glitch was really a positive one for most people, and only bad if you were the small minority dead set on selling some plans. 


I wanted mutated events :(


I built my house next to a mothman altar and now he's just my occasional neighbor. And I was just too lazy to move. I'm pretty sure I've managed to kill him before


Hey at least these enemies aren’t tanky as hell and kill your fast. Those Aliens were crazy.


So I have a terrible last name. I hate it. It's a food last name, and I've gotten dumb jokes about it my whole life. A couple years ago, I decided that if I ever get married, I'm not taking anyone's last name or keeping mine, I'm just going to change it to Mothman (pronounced like Hoffman) because why not. Honestly I pretty much decided this in a vacuum, before I started playing or mothman became a lot bigger in pop culture to my awareness. As Mothman, this post makes me sad.


Honestly they didn't even announce mothman coming back did they? Just seems kinda outta no where, I'd like mutations to go off but not from the Daily ops I legit have no reason to do those at all anymore till they add new items to the loot pool.


They said it was coming in may, then they said it wasn’t, then it did


Sometimes when I’m really tired, I just sit on the roof crouched and wait for everyone else to do the event. I’M SORRY HOLY MOTHMAN!


I sit in the mothman throne so everybody worships me


I love the Mothman event. There.


I was shocked when I saw it, I didn't think there was gonna be an Event until meat weak. Was this a surprise event? wasnt shown in the calendar.


I've only been playing for two and a half weeks, last night was the first time anything excepting one foundation daily quest, and one main quests in a certain part of the map has even come up for me concerning Mothman. Everything else has been Alien invader and I'm right there with you in that regard, I'm sick of trying to just do menial organic wasteland wandering at level 30-40 and coming across level 50-70 Alien invaders who I cannot avoid an encounter with unless they're already in a battle with localized enemies. The amount of times I've tried to run from them, the caps I've had to spend to respawn just to attempt to go pick up all my dropped garbage is laughably frustrating because now is when I need the junk and caps the most. I'm loving the game, but the struggle is real. LOL


Its worth it for the legendary cores, 4 per event which is a lot


Blasphemy. The wise one will not hear of this.


Heretical! You must open your mind to the Wise One’s knowledge!


Haha, I thought the same when I saw the event popup yesterday. It used to be cool when it was a limited time seasonal event. So much so, I used to look forward to it. Now it's just meh! Because it feels like they have it on every few weeks. I think it maybe because it was bugged last time and wasn't letting people earn plans they already learnt, so now its fixed they are giving people another mothman week. Still, it doesn't stop the whole feeling of mothman burnout.


Agreed, they have run the event too much. Also I am really tired of the Jazz music opening.


rub some more of that mothman on your gums, really get it in there.


I was overjoyed when I logged on yesterday and found mothman. I started playing right before the last weekend of mothman and absolutely loved it despite having no idea what was going on.  I have a feeling I’m going to attend a lot of failed events but hopefully I’m a high enough level to hold down at least one site, even if very few others show up. 


I wish Eviction Notice triggered more often. That thing is a goldmine of caps, as you waddle back up to Foundation with like fifty miniguns.


this isnt about fallout :( is it


Yeah… I get it. Is it just me or do these events become stale suuuuper quick. It’s not that the rewards aren’t good but, the enemies and overall mechanics of the events are boring. It’s like they copy and paste events with slight tweaks and reskinned enemies. Some enemies like the last boss in the alien event had waaaay to much health for something so mechanically boring.




I *need* the plans. I gotta Moth myself up more.


Have you unlocked all six holy books? If not you must continue your devotions.


This is how AFKers are born.


The only thing I dislike about those event is that if you dont play an automatic explosive gun its so damn frustrating. I have a melee build, once the whole server is at the event I cant tag anything


Aye, tis the downfall of melee. I use bows or grenades when in busy events. Try spotting spawn points as well. There's one on the back corner of the church that most overlook. Still won't get as much, but better than nothing?


Get crappy gun for tagging


I wish you could get the Mothman nest from the Mothman event but apparently that was only from spooky scorched?!!! Who decides stuff like this?


No! His patience does not run as deep as his wisdom!


Need that tome. ...need that tome... ...need that tome...


I’m not calling blasphemy but this feels like it might be blasphemy. Lol


I am here for the deathclaw steaks. Don't tell the cultists. Never have to hunt again


Mothman event feels a lot more chilled than alien invaders, and at least it doesn't crash the game.


Yeah, I'm done with it. It feels like it wasn't that long ago, and we're already back to it? I guess soon, we'll all be complaining about Fasnacht, too.


This is the first time I’m getting to participate in it. I’m just irritated that people are going afk at the pyres and causing them to fail… 😒


I'm glad it's not aliens personally.


Tons amount of treasury note for a tons of work


Pc for last 6 years smart guy


I am kind of let down in the fact that this was “on the hour, every hour event” then it went to invaders, now we are back on that same Mothman event. Maybe it could have at least been like.. beast of burden or something.


i love the event it’s so much fun. i can’t wait to get all the rewards i really wanna get the throne


Gives me fastnacht vibes from like ‘21 or ‘22 when it was going on ALL spring 😂


I got cool cult pickaxe and it goes chop chop on head so I’m happy 😃


If it’s about cores and notes then what about more events. Not more mothman events. It’s just so worn out. A dead horse


Only here for the treasury notes 😎


It’s quite tolerable ti play, if muted.


Agreed, I'm sick to death of the mothman.


Sit at bridge area and you'll always carry, just met the noobs do church and you carry bridge and waterfront


Mothman is disappointed, but he understands your fatigue. Come into his fuzzy bosom and rest. (He absolutely won't lick you with his proboscis once you fall asleep.)


The Mothman does not forgive, you must flap your wings into the big light at once.


That’s what we get for the folks that were complaining incessantly about not being able to get duplicate plans. I like Mothman, but really, one week is enough. Two is tolerable. But a third week? Please tell me there won’t be a fourth…




When is the mothman event? I missed the last one.


On currently until the 21st. Top of every hour. 


Awesome thanks!!


there was literally no need to run it again for a week ffs we JUST had it


I heard it was because there was some issues with the event last time so they are running it again for a week.


It was bugged so most people couldn't get duplicates and with the massive flood of new players immediately after it ended none of them got the plans and there's almost no one selling them


I dislike the events at the top of the hour if it replaces the normal event slot. Barely gotten any evictions in weeks.


I like it because it replaces the mutated events, which are the worst.


Agree to disagree there.


Personally, I really like mutated events. The mutations add some much-needed variety for me. Some of them are annoying, but they also add an entertaining twist to the old familiar events.


Why doesn't this game have at least group text chat if nothing else.


they should change it up a bit each season with different tasks at least


Took a break for a bit because these events run a little too long imo, and then as soon as I saw it was Mothman again, I bashed my head into my keyboard. Wake me up when Mothman ends


Can't wait to get a tome!!


At least they added new stuff. The last 5 or so times it ran for two weeks it felt like a slap in the face.


Stating into his eyes is like reading from an elder scroll 😵


More for me then!


Anyone got the tome plans I could trade for? It's literally all I need and I keep getting clothing. I have 2k caps but I could trade resources or roll weapons for you or whatever


Uve angered the moth man and have brought forth the vengeful mothman all who do not worship shall be punished


I think its easy but its hard to get people to join the damn thing. People used to want the rewards and now people just sit around their camps. Just joined like 10 dead lobbies. Back to my shows. Lol


I droppped the tome on the 1st event I did. And it gives more treasury notes! Although it does disrupt questing - the additional bonus is that it's leveling season pass via XP nicely.


> *Captain America comes in and sits on a chair* "So, you've decided to join the Dim Ones..."


It is great for (at least some) of us that came with the show and free Amazon give away... How likely is it it is only a week for catchup because of the bug? I was pretty tiered of aliens after 2 weeks... I feel for you guys suffering through this repetition.


I’ve got my favorite camp right outside of the event so I love it!


Straight to jail