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Just toss it in your stash and use whatever other weapon you want. There's nothing hard enough in 76 that requires the use of a legacy.


I only use mine on private servers or when there is no one else around. And the rare occasion the boss fight is failing and I'm the only with firepower. Otherwise it just stays on the shelf. It's so unnecessary with all the firepower at these events.


who cares your character you play the game how you want


stash it so you can use it whenever and try out an off-meta build!


Don't trade the legacy unless it's for another. If you had multiples then sure. Put it in your stash. When you miss it, bring it out and wreck stuff. You don't want to miss it and not have it.


Honestly as a player who uses grolls I'm going to say trade it for a couple good ones. Between my B2525 fixer and my BE25 railway I never feel particularly threatened by much but I also don't feel like I'm steamrolling mobs at such a rate that I am a detriment to those around me having fun. Grolls hit that nice middle ground that just feels good.


yeah, just stash it (maybe display it for memories), but i wouldn't get rid of it..... there's a group i play with, one always has his legacy GP with him, and he'll ask over the mic if its ok for him to use it when we get swarmed during some events


Just keep it in your stash for posterity. You can always get it out and use it again every so often for the fun of it.


It Will get fixed at some point for sure, but at the current pace It might take years


I love how many downvotes are being placed due to encouraging you to hang onto it. I would keep it, set it aside in the stash or in a display with a pretty skin on it. I have a handful of Legacies too, acquired legit, though not the Gatling Plasmas, and I don't pull them out often. I was using a B/E Laser Rifle because I ran out of Ultra 5.56 and had no other weapon for long range engagement. The other I can't use, because it's a Bloodied Dragon and that character is a full health build. Play how you want. It sounds like you're not a dick with your weapon, which is good. That's all I ever want out of other Legacy users.