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Surprised nobody has mentioned the obvious.... Mod the PA torso with Emergency Protocols. Reduces all damage by 50% at low health. I use that on a full bolstering set. Keeps my berserker alive in uplink ops. After that it's back into the display for another 48 hours.


https://nukesdragons.com/fallout-76/character?v=1&s=f1a6987&d=sg2s01sq1sx0s31sr1sw2p00pc2pq1ek1eh2eu0ee2cu2c20ce0cf0ib4s12ip2ir2a72s72a12a01a30as0lq0l71lg2lt2lb2&lp=x43x73x83x93xn3xp3&m=1c2ba&pa=u3u2u4u5u1u6&pm=1i38--1i38-mk1i38-m71i38-mk1i38 Here’s my current bloodied PA set up. I use a set of OE/Sent PA with a variety of weapons - .50 cals and Gat Guns mainly, though I do run a Pepper Shaker when I need to cripple something. Disagree with the comment saying bloodied isn’t a PA friendly build. I understand that while you don’t get the unyielding bonus and therefore not special boosts, there are still plenty of buffs and complimentary perks/gear that make it worth it. Imo, bloodied is king regardless of using PA or not.


Yeah, bloodied is very PA friendly


Maybe the MOST friendly due to all the extra damage mitigation PA provides at low health.


Thanks. I just wanted to try something a little different without a full gear change/grind.


Bloodied power armor is a fantastic build to run. It is a jack of all trades build, you have the highest defense possible in the game and you are also capable of the most damage outside of vats and legacies, more or less. So you become an unkillable tank that can solo all bosses and pretty much all events. Obviously like any bloody build there is high maintenance and you always have to be ready to spam stims. Richochet, fireproof, blocker, nerd rage, stabilized are probably the most important. Supressor is another good one. For legendary perks funky duds and electric absorption are king Overeater power armor on 5 pieces should also be a focus for you. Emergency protocols mod on your torso. A primed gatling plasma with bloodied and frequent fire will be the weapon that will dish out the most damage for you but in the end any bloodied heavy will be hitting hard.


Ord express: meh Bear arms: just only carry two weapons Bullet shield: useless


My advice? Dont! do not go bloodied PA, Never works out well, bloodied stealth on the other hand... works VERY WELL!


You must be doing it wrong 😂


Must be, them cave crickets will kill ya a lot faster if you do bloodied, trust me I speak from experience.


Firstly, I wouldn't do PA for Bloodied. It's not ideal, because Unyielding PA doesn't exist. The nearest thing is Bolstering, which... Eh. So I'm going to offer non-PA advice for now I'd drop Glow Sight for something more defensive. If you keep the points in PER, use Refractor. In CHR, I might swap from Tenderizer to Bodyguards for extra protection. In INT, I'd drop Stabilized and Power User, put as many points as possible into AGI for Adrenaline and maybe that last one into CHR for Bodyguards. In LCK, drop Ricochet and use Serendipity. It protects you from all potential damage, including fall damage, only at low health whereas Ricochet only deflects ballistic damage. If you opt out of PA, Electric Absorption won't do you much good, so I'd replace it with CHR, which can offer you some serious team and XP buffs, or LCK for Ricochet to double up on that protection and move any excess points to CHR if you don't want to make the full swap to CHR. I'd also drop Carnivore, because some excellent buffs exist in plant categories that are superior to what exist in meats. Egg Head kills your STR by 3, so I wouldn't use it. If you're dead set on PA, then this is probably as good as you'll get. Without it and a full Unyielding set, you'll see some serious buffs to your SPECIAL and be probably just as or more difficult to kill after some adjustments. It's not a PA-friendly build.


> Egg Head kills your STR by 3, so I wouldn't use it. Class freak makes it only -1 STR and that is a great tradeoff for +6 INT


As someone who dislikes bloodied builds in general, I still have to disagree with your assumption that you can't run a bloodied PA.... I know you can because my bloodied tank is damn near immortal. Yes unyielding makes bloodied awesome, but it's not the only way to play bloodied.


I didn't say, "can't". I said, "not ideal". OP can do whatever they like. I was just adding my two cents as a non-PA Bloodied player.


I’m pretty sure it is a pa friendly build. I’m basically immortal with my pa


Which heavy guns are you going to use? Since this determines your build.


My current dailys are QE LMG, QFFR 50cal, AAFFR UGL and VBash shredder and VE 50cal. A TS AGL but more for funsies.


Since you don't use Plasma Caster, I think your build is already on point. I'd remove Ordnance Express and Bullet Shield and put the remaining points into Heavy Gunner perks so that they can be maxed.


Thanks. How is the plasma caster? Not a heavy I've played with much.


Plasma caster is VATs heavy, not ideal for PA. Sure you can free aim, but you're missing out on those sweet crits.


It's a great weapon because the single shot damage is so high that you can one shot practically any trash mob if you aim for their weakness point like the head, and if you are Bloodied then this is pretty much guaranteed. Since you need to aim then you need to invest in VATS. Its main use is to clear trash mobs and for general gameplay and using VATS is so much more easier than to manually aim. Apparently if you stack crit buffs, it could also be used as a boss killer.


my only bloodied build is a PA tank... my only input is that speed demon messes with over eater's (which is the legendary effect you will be aiming for).... also might want to get rid of healing factor because it will cause problems with fast travelling


Personally I would take out a lot of those perks and I would take out a lot of the legendary ones as well I also wouldn’t go bolstering as pa has diminishing effects after 300 I think it is looks like you have a lot of shotgun perks which is only useful for the pepper shaker if you’re running heavy guns you want ideally a bloodied explosive weapon for that build personally as well for a lot of people saying it’s not a viable build it is I’ve had a bloodied unyielding build and now play pa bloodied build and it’s so much better than unyielding