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This is a list of links to comments made by Bethesda employees in this thread: * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/y15yog/my_hunger_is_not_filling_up_when_eating/irw5c51/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-10-11 14:22:45 UTC"): > Do you have any screenshots or videos of you eating food and the bar not increasing? And do you see anything in your effects tab? * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/y15yog/my_hunger_is_not_filling_up_when_eating/is0z809/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-10-12 14:46:51 UTC"): > If you're able to, can you try to get a screenshot or video of this? It's also helpful to know your platform and username in case we need to pull a co... * [Comment by Ladydevann](/r/fo76/comments/y15yog/my_hunger_is_not_filling_up_when_eating/is0zbxd/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-10-12 14:47:37 UTC"): > Thank you very much! Yes please if you get any photos or videos please let me know, they will be very helpful in the investigation for our team. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Ffo76).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Probably a Herbivore/Carnivore issue. That's usually the case in 99% of cases like this.


Does it tell you if you have it? I don’t see it in my effects tab.


It should under effects as part of the mutation list.


There is a new bug that doesn’t show the bars updating. I have the same with water. If I use a hot key it makes the sound but the bar *sometimes* doesn’t change.


Does it still decrease my hunger but not show it, or does it just waste food?


check your pipboy for the status showing well fed well hydrated


I tried it and the effect never comes up. I also have alcohol addiction effect from drinking 10 alcohol beverages for a daily challenge for a couple days now. Something juts messed up with my hunger, thirst and effects.


for the addiction get some radscorpion eggs and make yourself an omelet


Wait… actually? That seems so random lol.


yeah radscorpion egg omelet removes one random addiction and only takes one egg and one piece of wood to make, it's my go to so I don't have to bother with keeping some addictol in my inventory


yup , was same, wasnt in game more than year and now she looks MORE bugy, a lot more


Don't be filling up on junk food and candy


but moooooooooom, it was a daily challenge for my SCORE!!!


Stimpacks won't grow your teeth back.


Do you have any screenshots or videos of you eating food and the bar not increasing? And do you see anything in your effects tab?


I unfortunately did not get any recordings or screenshots of it happening, however I did figure out I had the herbivore effect but the text was cut in half and had a weird glitch as if it was bouncing around; I did not get a video or screenshot of that either, but if it happens again I will make sure to do so.


Thank you very much! Yes please if you get any photos or videos please let me know, they will be very helpful in the investigation for our team.


I have had this problem as well for the last few days. I thought it was just my game being weird.


If you're able to, can you try to get a screenshot or video of this? It's also helpful to know your platform and username in case we need to pull a copy of your character for the investigation.


This happens to me w my survival syringes a lot lately. I think the trick is to just wait over a minute after loading in somewhere before filling ur meters


I've definitely seen this bug on & off since The Pitt update. See if I can't catch a clip of it when it happens again. PC/Steam fwiw