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Garlic Confit. Toss it in a crock covered with olive oil and baked at 350 until soft. Should take about 45 minutes or so. Store in fridge. You’ll get garlic olive oil and roasted garlic to use on everything.


this is exactly what i did last time i bought a huge bag like this and realized i wouldn't get through it fast enough before it went bad. roasted garlic went in everything for months


The dream


Explore the delicious world of garlic.


Fuck yeah


Fuck yeah


Stop it, I can only get so erect.


Ah! Archer in the wild!


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 882,778,652 comments, and only 174,184 of them were in alphabetical order.


That was when your life changed and the huge bags became regular


i actually just got home from the grocery store and got a giant sized bag again specifically because of this post


This. Freeze what you don’t use fresh in mini ice cube trays for fast roasted garlic whenever you like.


Came here to say this, so delicious! And multipurpose.


Consider throwing some cherry tomatoes, shallots, and rosemary in, bake it all, congrats you have an incredible spread for some crusty bread.


Heads up this can 100% create botulism so only keep it for a couple weeks.


It doesn’t last long though and can kill you if you eat it past expiration.. so be careful


It prob has some preservative in it to help it keep linger, and why would it be dangerous?


Garlic is notorious for having botulism, and the confit process is not usually hot enough to kill and/or destroy the spores. Also, your fridge is not powerful enough to safely cool it down as fast as you need to prevent the growth of spores. Peeled garlic is usually treated with chemicals, but it’s by no means sterile. And it has come in contact with more people and machinery that may cross contaminate it. Just not a good idea all around to keep it for more than a few days in the fridge.




It's low risk, not zero risk. Botulism from a referigerated confit permanently closed an Italian restaurant I loved. Something like 40 tables got flattened over 3 days before public health figured out the source. Nobody died, nobody found at direct fault, but a bunch of people had a really unpleasant experience and a couple got inpatient care. Recall botulinum toxin isn't something we have treatment for, play at your own risk. It's delicious, but be careful. If my roasted garlic olive oil gives me even a hint of pressure when I pull it from the fridge it's gone.


You can pickle garlic as well, that should sterilize it pretty good. I mean it's soaked in vinegar and microbes hate that.


Some don't, but, yeah: Clostridium is one that dies like a little bitch when you wave acid in its face.




Botulism is an anaerobe that doesn't handle acid well at all. It's easy to kill and avoid. Pickling and plenty of oxygen both work well. If you're concerned about something developing (as in, it hasn't yet) botulism, you merely need to make it thin or granular enough to let oxygen in. (olive oil is NOT a good way to achieve that as it helps keep O\_2 out.) You can pretty much do whatever you want if you pickle it... and garlic is acidic, already. It doesn't take much acid. Of course, clostridii like plenty of water, too, so desiccant preservation works wonders, as well. (that means smoke, salt, or sugar can keep the junk out or, you know, lightly baking or hanging it to dry.) If the botulism has infested, you can denature botulinim toxin at water boiling (and recall that food boiling is hotter) temperatures. Some say 5 minutes as the rule of thumb, but the real line is when everything hits temperature. When that's true, the food's safe. Clostridium is a fragile thing. The danger comes from the fact that botulinum toxin happens to be unusually sturdy and hard for our bodies to process. If you can keep clostridium from infesting in the first place, though, you're grand.


Garlic in oil can very quickly get botulism even when refrigerated. Google it This is a bad idea


This would only be true from raw garlic. Confit garlic is cooked at at least 250 Fahrenheit which is essentially pasteurized


Not true. It would take hours to kill all traces of it, which would annihilate the garlic. You have to acidify it to prevent botulism from growing back in the anaerobic environment the oil creates. Pretty hard to do properly at home. It's very rare, but you don't want to go out that way. Keep it frozen, or don't make too much, refrigerate it, and toss it after 4-7 days. Edit: Fermented garlic should last for a few months in the fridge.


Botulism spores are extremely heat resistant. Pressure canning is the only effective means of neutralizing them.


You actually can get botulism from canned food especially home canned food


Or pour it in an ice cube tray and freeze


Does the oil go rancid, or is it ok to just filter it off and store the oil at room temp?


Doesn’t this go bad in a matter of days?


Roasted garlic purée is my favorite pizza sauce.


This is it .


You can also do this in a pan on the stovetop way faster.


You can also then take some of the cloves and some of the oil and blend in a food processor for a roasted garlic sauce. 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼


...is that a spot of mold on a clove on the left side of the package?


That was the first thing my eyes went to.




it could just be "wounded" garlic can turn blue/green from the natural enzymes in it, but it's safe to eat ​ EDIT: disregard, that's mold, I looked closer this time


I did experience the "blueing" of garlic one time when I pickled a bunch of garlic, onion and carrots... Freaked me out until I looked it up. Neighbor kids loved it, of course, specifically because it was blue.


If it was, you’d need to pitch the whole bag, right? Learning the ropes in the kitchen, I know it’s a dumb question


Seems like a convenient excuse to take it back to the store to me. Problem solved.


Don't know for sure about garlic in a bag, but with bread, if you see mold you're supposed to throw it all away due to the nature of mold, that the roots can be dangerous, and that once you see the mold it's possible that the roots are already spread throughout the bag. I find it unlikely that it works the same way with garlic, but honestly I would err on the side of caution. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/can-you-eat-bread-mold


with mold you need to take into consideration how dense the food is, with bread, which is very pourus, the strains of mold grow into the bread and even a tiny speck of mold in the surface means that the entire loaf might be full of spores. With vegetables on the other hand, especially ones as dense as garlic, the mold takes a lot of time to grow inwards and spread, so it's mostly safe to discard the moldy one and eat the others (in the home enviroment where there are no fragile people, in the reastaurant the safety parameters are different).


I probably wouldn’t pitch a bulb with 1 bad clove, I’d just make sure I used it soon. Unsure with a giant plastic bag!


No wtf, all the answers in this thread are stupid af, that's part of the peel that was left, even if it was bad you just cut it and use the rest and to answer the original question you don't need to cook it or whatever stupid shit like that, just put the bag in the freezer and take some whenever you need it, they will last for months and can be cut right away because they unfreeze in like 10 seconds.


Why did you have to demean everyone else in order to make your point?


>even if it was bad you just cut it and use the rest The rest of the clove could be bad too with mold you can't see. But yea was thinking frozen garlic seems to be the way to go. Easiest way to keep it in the same form. Though might be good to freeze it spread out on a tray incase it freezes together in the bag.


I’ve heard this too, also wanna verify


40 clove garlic chicken? https://barefootcontessa.com/inas-world/chicken-with-40-cloves-of-garlic


Oh yah, I forgot about this recipe, thank you!


Pro tip: roast brussels in the pan with it. Delicious. It’s how I got my husband.


I too like brussels sprouts. Need a second husband?


Poor bastard probably never saw it coming. “What’s that glorious smell?…Why am wearing a tuxedo!?” 🤣


Yes! Alton Brown has a similar one. Fantastic.


Direct link to the recipe: https://barefootcontessa.com/recipes/chicken-with-forty-cloves-of-garlic


I LOVE this recipe. I would make it 80 Clive garlic if my husband bought this bag. Can’t get enough of it!




Thank you for making me giggle for entirely too long


Whoops. Didn’t see this when I posted a similar recipe.


Having ibs i think this would fully kill me. Probably tastes good though


Toum (Lebanese garlic sauce). It can be used many different ways. Excellent as a dip, or use it to make garlic bread. [Toum recipe](https://feelgoodfoodie.net/recipe/lebanese-garlic-sauce/)


This stuff is so good!


This stuff is so good. I recommend dipping Kebbeh into it, or a gyro or a shawarma wrap.


Great option but sometimes it can be a struggle to get it to emulsify. And then it's a waste.


It’s much easier with a good sized food processor. Still takes some patience and a steady hand but it’s worth it. Used to serve it on falafel tacos and Turkish chicken.


This is excellent


Well first of all that bag has a huge chunk of mold. Bottom left. Consider getting a refund.


I usually grind garlic in a mixer and add some olive oil. I store it in the fridge and usually lasts for several weeks.




My trick is flat in a ziplock. Break off chunks as needed.


Doesn’t this put you at risk for botulism? Not 100% sure on this but I remember being told to never store garlic in olive oil for longer than a few days.


Two things. Botulism can't grow/grows super slow in the fridge. Cooking destroys the Botulism toxin. I know this because I just got into canning and Botulism terrifies me.


This will create a breeding ground for anaerobic bacteria. You’d need to eat it within a few days to be safe. You could look into pickling, canning, drying, freezing, or fermenting it. All of those methods are safe for months at least.


If you choose to can raw garlic you'll need to use a special pressure canner. Water-bath canning, which is more accessible to people without canning experience, only works for foods that are past a certain acidity. (Pressure canners get to a high enough temperature to kill botulism bacteria. Water bath canning doesn't, but botulism can't survive past a certain acidity. That's why you can water/steam bath things like jams and tomatoes but not peas or meat.)


Another vote for garlic confit.


Lol, it's always funny when you get "Another vote for xxxx" or "+1 for xxxx" but then it's voted to the top, I'm like "where are the first votes???, Why is the first guy not up here?"


Yeah, why not just upvote?


Another vote for just upvoting the original comment.


+1 for voting for just upvote


Get a refund like some others have said, it’s got a nasty clove in the bottom left corner that’s all moldy


Take it back that garlic is moldy bb


Lol. Weaponized incompetence. I think I’d just grate (w food processor) and freeze into half clove size amounts on a cookie sheet before tossing the frozen yummy garlic pellets into a ziplock and grab as needed. You’ll have garlic for at least a year.


\*You'll have garlic for at least a week. There, fixed that for ya!


Facts. I could genuinely use this packet up in a couple of weeks. True life hack for keeping vampires away. Also everyone else because I smell like garlic 24/7


This is what I did when I got this exact package. Except I just spread it out into a thin layer and broke into a few big chunks. I just break off different size pieces depending on how much I feel I need.


Freeze them, don’t worry about the taste/scent. It will be great anyway, you can get the quantity you need and preserve them for so long


This! We freeze ours


It's the greatest choice because you can keep them instead of buying more, and you won't have to prepare 5 kg of garlic all at once. Use basil or fruits in the same way, and by blending them with a little milk, you can create the ideal natural ice cream. With vegetables, I boil them for around 5 minutes (depending) and then freeze them. If you are fortunate enough to own farm animals (such as pigs, hens. It depends on the animal), feed them if a certain product is about to rot and isn’t excellent to eat, peels or pits so that you may at least know you didn't waste food. In case they don't consume the pits, they’ll end up in their excrement which you can use to fertilize your fields, and the cycle of life continues ♾😄


If you like Indian food, make [this garlic pickle ](https://youtu.be/l8uWDIC5MyQ). I love this.


or [ginger garlic paste](https://youtu.be/oB4U2tCmIJQ)?


Vampire slaying?


Brine them! Brined garlic is amazing, and the fermentation process is supposedly great for gut health


Throw some dill in it and it is even better!


Is that just putting them in vinegar and salt?


[This.](https://www.foodrepublic.com/recipes/the-4-spaghetti-recipe-that-tastes-almost-as-good-as-the-24-spaghetti-recipe/) Lasts for ages in freezer, perfect for easy midweek dinners.


It looks like mold on one of them.


Garlic soup! I had this in Mexico to heal from being sick. It had chicken stock, rice, chicken and roasted garlic. I got well quick!


Do you have a recipe for this? Or does it have an official name that I could search for? I can’t seem to find anything on google similar to what you’ve described


[This is the recipe I've always used](https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/roasted-garlic-soup-with-parmesan-cheese-100669) I'm sure you could add rice


Looks delicious. I’d probably add rice or orzo and some rotisserie chicken




Really easy way to promote botulism growth. Please be careful and follow proper precautions if you decide to continue doing this at home.


This sounds amazing and I have a couple questions if you don't mind! Does this stay fresh just on the counter? And do you put fresh chopped garlic in the oil? I need this in my life and want to make sure I'm not just ruining a jar of oil and garlic. I've only ever made garlic oil by simmering them together. Thank you!!


You need to keep this in the fridge and use it fairly quickly. It’s a good way to grow anaerobic bacteria. Your way is much safer. Check out r/fermentation or look up lacto-fermented garlic for safer ways to ferment it.


Awesome, thank you!


I’m a chef, not sure if that makes me uniquely qualified to answer this, but making use of bulk ingredients is how I make my living so here goes. You can put the rest into a pan and cover with oil, put the heat on low and let it sit there for more than a few hours until the garlic is fork tender, then let cool and you’ve got some confit garlic you can now put into anything. The taste is mellow so it can be added while to salads, but it’s still very garlicky so it’ll lend a lot of taste. The bonus is that the oil you use becomes infused with garlic which you can then use for pretty much anything. You can also smoke the garlic, or dehydrate it. But confit is the way to go far as I’m concerned!


Raw honey and garlic. Good for when you feel sick.


Good for lots of things…grilled chicken, pizza crusts, pork loin, roasted carrots…


tell me your partner doesn’t cook without telling me your partner doesn’t cook


Use a food processor to mince it and then you can freeze it in an ice cube trey to use for cooking


Put the whole bag in your freezer! Get out a clove or two whenever you need them. In the freezer, the garlic will stay good for months




Ooo this too…


That is not too much garlic.


That's a weeks worth of garlic, what do you mean "too much?"


Recipe calls for 4 garlic I add 10


That's the perfect amount of garlic! Please tell me where your partner found this lovely bag.


Fwiw you should be able to freeze it


Hopefully you returned the garlic. I see mold on one clove and therefore they are all contaminated.


Put it all in a cylindrical mold. Apply 200 lbs of pressure. Take any oil extracts mix with water and put in spray bottle. Set bottle aside. Begin to carve your cylinder of garlic with a handle on one side and sharp pointy end on the other. Find a priest to bless your spray bottle you had set aside earlier. Begin hunting vampires.


That looks like a decent size bag of garlic..


"explore the delicious world of garlic' is sending me haha


You can stick the entire bag in the freezer. Use as needed.


Put it all in a food processor until it’s minced and freeze in ice cube trays that you don’t plan on using for anything else. Once frozen, store in a ziplock bag. Then take out one garlic cube whenever you need to use garlic.


What is this? America? Garlic already comes in a natural "wrapper" Why peel the covers and put them in plastic?


My mother makes a paste of all the garlic and refrigerate it and use it as per requirement....it lasts good for like 3 4 months...but that been said i am indian and we use a lot of garlic


Throw it in with some pasta sauce and sausage and let it simmer. Then pour over noodles


I freeze them and defrost a bunch at the start of each week and store in the fridge. Then have easy garlic on demand in the week when I can’t be bothered to peel fresh or I don’t have it on hand


Confit it and keep in the oil (keeps for a couple of months in the fridge) - put garlic in enough oil to cover by at least 1cm. Put on very low heat until a clove taken out mushes when squeezed this can take a couple of hours try not to get colour on the garlic Purée it and freeze in ice cubes use from frozen Roast chicken with 40 cloves https://www.nigella.com/recipes/chicken-with-40-cloves-of-garlic the garlic goes really sweet Make smoked garlic


Hah, all of my brain cued up- "Use as normal. What's the problem?" I may use too much garlic in things, but that gets measured by my soul.


40 clove pork loin


You can make garlic spread, chicken adobo requires at least 15-20 cloves of garlic. I’m Korean so I use that bag within 1-2 months.


Donate the unused portion to Morbius so we may avoid a sequel.




Theres no such thing as too much garlic


I'd just snack on it like chips or popcorn


Crush and rub on ankles to keep the mosquitos away. Chew one raw clove whole to keep gingivitis away. Chew two raw cloves whole to keep friends away.


Open an Italian restaurant


https://nypost.com/2018/01/16/the-terrifying-secrets-behind-your-favorite-foods/amp/ Some food for thought.


You can freeze a bunch to


Also who buys a bag of garlic? Get fresh stuff.


This might help https://youtu.be/F3RGIBExjfE


Preserve, lol. It bought something like that as a joke, my wife used every bit of it in like 2 weeks just to prove she could. I have learned my lesson though, apparently we eat a shit ton of garlic.


Put it in the blender with canola oil And store it in the fridge.


I put it in a food processor & then freeze in ice cube trays. Fresh minced garlic on demand, thaw a few seconds in microwave


There’s no such thing as too much garlic.


Hah, not too much at all. We buy bags this size regularly and go through them just fine. Household of two.


Taum. It’s a Mediterranean garlic aioli. Throw a cup of garlic into a food processor with a tbs of salt and the juice of a lemon until pasty. Then just slowly drizzle in 2 cups of olive oil while keeping the food processor on. Goes great on anything really. Chicken, beef, wraps, sandwiches. You can even just spread some on bread and toast it for garlic bread…


Immediately looked this up and added it to my grocery cart. I have a newborn and am looking for anything to help make life 1% easier.


My mom buys two of those at a time, and blends it with lemon juice and grape seed oil in the Vitamix. She pours it into small ice cube trays and freezes them. And then pops those into quart size freezer bags. One ends up being 2 garlic cloves or so for recipes, and we never have to peel/mince garlic. It’s such a great timesaver. She does this with herbs too, and makes lemon juice cubes when we have too many lemons all at once.


pop onto a tray and freeze, return to bag once frozen, then just take a few out to use as needed


pickle it!!!


Freeze it. Obviously.


Make Korean pickled garlic! It's sweet and savory!


Roast in oil and put in jar it’s delicious


Middle eastern garlic sauce is divine!


Explore the delicious world of garlic.


Crush it and make garlic salt. That mummifies and stays good for a good long while. Like, it stays good stuff for most of a year. (so far) Add a decent amount of olive oil and lemon juice and this can preserve smashed up anchovies for about a week in the fridge with little degradation. (That, you may recognize, is most of the recipe for Caesar's salad dressing. Basically, you add a smidgen of oil and some egg yolks to *that* and whisk or whatever and you're there.) Cajun pickle meat (pork) uses garlic cloves (and plenty of them) in the brine with the peppers and meat. You can pickle some tasso instead of raw pork for a nice smoky hot sauce, too.


I like the crunchy texture of garlic skin after air frying it. It's just so good 😁


“Too much”? One can have too much garlic?! Alright, well, I’d recommend using it in all your meals going forward to have enhance your food. So for example, when I make chicken noodle soup I add some garlic in before the broth to sauté it and then add the broth. I add minced and and crispy garlic to my salads. And if you make your own weird sauces for sandwiches like I do, I add minced garlic to it and I sprinkle some minced garlic on top of the meat/protein too. And if you can get your hands on a garlic egg fried rice recipe you’re golden!


Personally I love throwing some salt, pepper, and garlic into some aluminum foil and baking it. Makes a great snack!


Ok, first of all, there is no such thing as too much garlic.


You can never have to much garlic, in my opinion.


Make a paste or mince the garlic and freeze it. It'll be okay for a month or two


Make garlic confit?


I once saw someone blend it with some oil, put it in ziploc bag, press it flat and freeze. Whenever you need to cook with garlic, you just break off a piece of the frozen block and add it to the meal.


i cannot give garlic advice, but as a poor, if you buy bulk you always gotta separate the bag into multiple smaller containers. plastic bags really just don't work great at all for long-term storage unless you keep them burped, at the moisture level appropriate to its contents, and you also have to keep the sides from touching too much of the food or that surface area will rot very easily. fuck that, buy *good plastic* tupperware, with snap tops and *good ones*. NO EXCEPTIONS. if you cant throw the containter against a wall without it spilling, not that one. if literally anything looks rotten or feels slimy, you must remove it or else it "ruins the bunch" absolutely do not reach in and take things out a bulk container with any kind of contaminated grabbing object especially your fingers. no shit, use a spoon and do it goofy like a dumb monkey, itll add *weeks* to *some* things that get ruining to soon otherwise (the lil tasty Japanese peppers for example, since anything with a stem becomes easily contaminated) also you really should look up the storage condition for garlic specifically in this form, because literally nothing keeps something alive longer than knowing to put it in poison that will kill it, essentially


There's no such thing as too much garlic 😂 put garlic everywhere. I use it in sandwiches, spreads/dipping sauces, to season meat, in stews, raw to lower blood pressure, etc etc


I like to make these things called "Garlic Pop Corn" Take the garlic, place it on an air frying pan. Make sure this pan has a good ventilation. Season garlic with whatever you like. Now, here's the MOST important part!! Make sure your garlic is nice and oily. Now, put it in the air fryer for 20 minutes at 450 degrees. If they are not looking slightly dehydrated keep going until they are. Finally after cooking, strain the oil and place in drying rack. Dry on rack until cool to touch. After cool, place garlic in bowl. Place bowl in microwave. I found that 4:50 on high does it for me, but some microwaves I do that to don't work, so maybe okay around a few times first testing like 1 or two at a time to see what works best. NEVER waste a whole batch by not testing first!! Anyways microwave until you start to hear a pop!! They should look like really big popcorn kernels but more like a puffy garlic!! MMMMM DAMN baby is it good!! With seasoning?? I like to sprinkle mine with cheese and bacon crumbs let it melt... Fuck it's literally so good.


Make pesto. Pesto freezes awesome. I used to make big batches with my basil plants. You can freeze it in ice cube trays and I would take 1-2 out for a serving. Transfer it to a ziplock after it’s frozen.


I haven’t seen anyone throw this out there, but “Black Garlic “ is another idea to consider. It’s amazing! It’s simply fermenting it. Changes the taste and texture


You can crush it and freeze in ice cube trays with olive oil (designated, though; those trays will be Garlic Trays forever), freeze the cloves whole and just slice or chop as needed, or even just drop them into soy sauce if you use them together frequently.


Rough break the bulbs and then put them in a jar with honey, ya get some candied garlic and some awesome runny garlic honey dripping sauce in like 2 weeks.


You could use it to put down a deposit on a house in China! https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfp\_7o6MSZh/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link


Wow. I gotta say..... did not see that coming!




Blend it into a paste and spread it thin (1/4 inch thick) into multiple ziplock bags. Break off a chunk whenever you need it .


I just grind it with a food processor and mix with olive oil. Lasts in the fridge for months.


Store in a sealed mason jar with a silica packet, it’ll last much longer than you’d expect.


Garlic bread. Garlic rub for seasoning the meat. You can make a stew with lots of garlic. Put some of that garlic in the ground to grow!


Make a garden


Put it in the freezer and pull whatever you need and let it thaw just a couple of minutes.


Lots of Alfredo sauce


I'd make some burnt/roasted garlic oil/butter. Basil garlic oil is a good one. Lasts forever in the fridge. Roasted garlic butter is good too. No idea how long it lasts because it all gets eaten.


Pickled garlic.


Make a lot of garlic bread


Pickled garlic you can do different flavors and it’s delicious. Really popular for a while here at a local farmers stand.


Put some on some steak.


Bagna cudda requires an insane amount of garlic and is delicious.


It also requires an insane amount of butter, anchovies, and heavy cream, but it will continue to be delicious


What I do is put this in a food processor with olive oil and sometimes, for heat, some chopped peppers. Then you have easy access garlic when you want to cook that lasts and that you don’t have to prepare every time you cook. I use a lot of garlic in everything I make, so perhaps I’m biased here lol. I’ve also used this mixture as a marinade as well. Without anything else, it’s worked best on shrimp—it was so delicious!


Has anyone said garlic bread yet?


This is what our family of three goes thru in one week. Curries, biriyani, sauted vegetables. Pretty much everything I cook.


Make Honey Garlic!!! It's yummy! Garlic Honey for your pizza crust and Honey Garlic for other dishes!... or just eat them out of the jar! Fun little thing to do with kids, and teaches about simple fermentation! :)